The Lost Holocron

Dark Force Rising | Chapter 13 | The Lost Holocron

The Lost Holocron Season 2 Episode 13

Chapter 13 of Star Wars: Dark Force Rising (1992) (EU: 9 ABY) by Timothy Zahn. 

The Story So Far

Leia Organa Solo has travelled to the Noghri homeworld of Honoghr with Chewbacca and C-3PO under Khabarakh’s oath of protection. Honoghr is a world devastated by the war; catastrophic collapse of their ecosystem has left them indebted to the subsistence of the Empire, sending their male population to become honour-bound death commandos. 

The Maitrak of Clan Kim’bar shares with Leia the history of the Noghri people and their relationship with the Empire. Leia hoped to convince the clans to consider aligning with the New Republic, but the terms of their indenture are binding. She agrees that good intentions alone are insufficient to provide the Noghri with the aid they so desperately need. It is at this point that an approaching Imperial ship causes the village to go on high-alert.

Chapter 13

TIE Scimitar bombers patrol the skies as an Imperial Shuttle closes in on the Dhuka. Cornered, Leia and Chewbacca cram into the meditation room and Leia uses her Jedi skills to eavesdrop as the Grand Admiral reappears to confront the Maitrak, accusing Khabarakh of perjury. The Grand Admiral claims he is beholden to a law higher than Noghri law — his Imperial law — and will arrest Khabarakh immediately. When the Maitrak objects, the Grand Admiral orders a show-of-force that (with her Jedi-enhanced senses) dazzles Leia.

As Leia regains her senses, the Grand Admiral leaves granting an “allowance” of public humiliation to Khabarakh for three days in the capital of Nystao.

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