The Deep Wealth Podcast - Your Blueprint To Maximize Your Business And Personal Deep Wealth

Legacy Coach Joe Lander Shares How To Live Your Legacy Today Beyond Wealth (#349)

Jeffrey Feldberg Season 3 Episode 349

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“Enjoy the journey as your authentic self so you’ll have no regrets.” -Joe Lander

In this episode of the Deep Wealth Podcast, Jeffrey Feldberg interviews Joe Lander, a versatile leader and legacy coach. Joe's remarkable journey spans from being a law firm partner to an HR manager at a Fortune 500 company, and a financial planner managing assets over $50 million. Today, Joe is the CEO of The Life You Love Coaching, helping mission-driven professionals craft personal legacies that create lasting impacts. 

00:00 Introduction to Joe Lander's Multifaceted Journey

00:49 Sponsor Message: Deep Wealth Mastery Program

02:57 Welcome to the Deep Wealth Podcast

03:28 Joe Lander's Personal Story and Turning Point

06:42 From Financial Services to Legacy Coaching

09:42 Understanding the Concept of a Legacy Coach

22:30 The Resolve Framework for Living Your Legacy

29:48 The Importance of Living Your Legacy Now

35:25 Wrap-Up and Final Thoughts

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349 Joe Lander

Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:00:00] Joe Lander is a multifaceted leader whose journey spans from being an accomplished attorney and law firm partner to a pivotal HR manager at a Fortune 500 company. 

With over 18 years in financial services as a certified financial planner and financial coach, Joe has skillfully managed assets exceeding 50 million, guiding business leaders towards their future successes. With over 18 years in financial services as a certified financial planner and financial coach, Joe has skillfully managed assets exceeding 50 million, guiding business leaders towards their future successes.

Today, as the visionary owner and CEO of the Life You Love Coaching, Joe is dedicated to empowering mission driven professionals to craft a personal legacy that leaves a lasting impact on the world. 

Driven by the belief that true success comes from contributing to a greater cause, Joe challenges conventional thinking to help individuals break free from limitations, offering practical solutions that drive meaningful progress in their lives.

And before we start the episode, a quick word from our sponsor, Deep Wealth and the Deep Wealth Mastery Program. Here's Sanjay, a graduate of Deep Wealth Mastery, and he says, the investment I made in the Deep Wealth Mastery [00:01:00] Program, it's a rounding error compared to the value created today and the future value I'll receive.

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Again, that's the 90 day Deep Wealth Mastery program. It has your name on it. All you need to do is take the next step. Please send an email to success at deepwealth. com. 

Welcome to the Deep Wealth Podcast. Well, you [00:03:00] heard it in the official introduction. We have a thought leader, a coach, and not just any coach. We have a rockstar with us today. And for all you listeners out there in Deep Wealth Nation, I have a question for you, when you think about your legacy, are you excited?

Are you even thinking about your legacy? What if I told you it doesn't have to be years or decades away? It doesn't even have to be after you're no longer here, it can be right here, now and today. But I'm going to put a plug in it right there. Joe, welcome to the Deep Wealth Podcast. An absolute pleasure to have you with us.

And Joe, I'm really curious because there's always a story behind the story. What's your story? What got you from where you were to where you are today?

Joe Lander: Well, for that, Jeffrey, and thank you for having me, and I really appreciate the chance to talk with you and those listening. I was actually sitting in my office at the end of the day, I was in an office building, large windows, looking out at the dusk on a cold fall evening, and I'm sitting there, my admin had left already for the day, I'm the only one left, and I'm making [00:04:00] calls at that time as a wealth Advisor who is expanding a firm out of New York into the Connecticut marketplace.

And I'm calling and dialing these CPAs and I'm saying, what's going on here? Suddenly I like hear a voice that says, is this it? Like I was living a nice lifestyle. I felt good about where I was at. And I was looking to, yes, grow my wealth more, more vacations, more toys, more assets, all of it. And I'm thinking, is this it?

flash forward later that evening, and I'm now around the fire pit on this cold night with a men's team, my men's team. A men's team is about holding each other accountable to being the best men we could be, fathers, contributors to society, etc. And we're doing an exercise called Your Dream Life.

And when it's my turn to share, I go [00:05:00] on about, well, you know, if it was really up to me, I'd be doing these tribal gatherings around the world, where bringing in different people from different cultures and backgrounds and celebrating what's, you know, unique about us and what we really appreciate about our cultures, our religions, our perspectives.

But then noticing, when we talk about our hopes and dreams, that we're really all the same. And then just dancing around a bonfire and having a blast and music going. this dream is something I share with the men and one of them turns around and this was my moment. My life changed after this.

He looks at me and he says, Hey, Lander. He goes, Yeah, you shared something about this vision before. All I want to know is, is it's going to be like this nice, pretty vase on a shelf that every now and then you dust it off and say, Hey, isn't this pretty? And then put it back up on the shelf. Or, are you actually gonna do something about it?

BAM! Just hit me like a ton of bricks. [00:06:00] And, I did commit to the Mennonite, and I did follow through, and I had a discussion with the executive director of a local mindfulness institute near where I live. And, from there I realized there was more that I was meant to do. There was more ways in which I was meant to impact others.

And that put me on a journey of continuing a bit longer in financial services, but then moving on to become a life and legacy. Coach to help others really figure it out what it is that they are really meant for that's calling them and not have whatever seems to be holding them back stop them.

Jeffrey Feldberg: So Joe, it's interesting. And before we go on to a legacy coach, we've all heard of coaches and life coaches, legacy coaches, a new term for some of our listeners. But before that you were in corporate law, you were a financial planner, wealth planner, you're in the financial services [00:07:00] industry. So you saw what I would call the human condition.

And when you look back at that, because I'm sure you dealt with all walks of life, from people just starting out to people incredibly successful, they can check all the boxes. When you look back at that, how did that impact you? Were there some insights looking back now that were very meaningful that changed your trajectory?

Joe Lander: Well, yes, Jeffrey, there was actually towards the end of my financial services career We were involved in doing more what I would call financial coaching. And what's the difference between financial planning and coaching? Well, the coaching started with a question that was, that asked, what is your true purpose for money?

Before we get into graphs and retirement plans and all the rest, What is your true purpose for money? And helping people figure that out. Now, what [00:08:00] happened was from there, what I noticed was that it, a lot of times, most of the time, it would come down to, they did have something, it was about family, it was about causes they believed in, but there was something that was stopping them and it often, in that case, it was a fear of not having enough.

focus on the investments or on the money management, really primal, in many ways, the feelings that they were dealing with. So, what I realized from all that experience, and spent a lot of time, not just It's really enjoying the coaching around helping people discover the purpose for their money and, dare I say, for their lives. It then shifted to educating them about what does investing look like to not get pardon me, screwed by the Wall Street machinery that can sometimes really wrap people up. I reached a point where I realized that no longer excited me. [00:09:00] What really excited me with having conversations all day long with individuals about what it is they really dream about, what it is that they have given up on, that they know that they've had certain dreams and said, ah, they've written it off as that was my optimistic you know, twenties and thirties and, but yet it's still gnawing at them.

There's something there. So, what I learned was, it was time to help people in a much broader way than just how to manage their money and kind of calm their feelings around that lack of full financial security no matter what level they were at.

Jeffrey Feldberg: It was a great segue into something I said earlier, which we'll circle back to. So you really had that opportunity. You observed, you saw, and so a legacy coach, as I said earlier, for many of our listeners, Okay, Joe, coach, life coach, business coach, got all that, legacy coach, what is a legacy coach? What's that all about?

Joe Lander: That's it. What I found, Jeffrey, is that a lot of people, when they think of the [00:10:00] word legacy, they're thinking of something that eventually they will leave, their bequests. and some of those bequests are, go beyond simply, hey, I want to create financial security. And options and choices for my family, they do include things like foundations and trusts for causes they believe in. But what's missing still is that there, that I have found that many of these successful business owners and professionals and executives, they sense that something is missing now. There's something more that they're meant for, not later on of what they're gonna leave, but something that they're meant to live now, a way of impacting their community, society, perhaps even the world in some really meaningful way. And they think the problem is that they lack the imagination or the vision of what that could really be. And [00:11:00] many of them will turn to. Different readings and workshops and retreats and gurus to try to help them figure this out. Maybe even some estate planners. What do you think I could do? And what they don't know, that the real problem is they haven't realized that they are really their own guru.

You're your own guru, and all there is to do is put together the pieces of your life in a way, almost like an anthropologist will, and then look at what it is, once we know where you are now and fully acknowledging that, looking at it. Just free from the expectations that we've all had in our lives and influences we've all had in our lives, whether it was from parents, or teachers, or religious leaders, or whoever it might be, society, commercials, whatever it is that has colored our expectations of what our lives are going to be like.

Or to be, in order to really be magnificent. It's now a chance to say, [00:12:00] free from all that, let's go through a guided exercise and take me to a place where I can just look within myself and look ahead with a vision of my own. And then notice. Wow, that's beautiful, that's all about you, but notice how some of that really contains beautiful values and beautiful impacts for others.

And now we're on our way to activating a living legacy that goes beyond wealth, and that leads for you to be able to live joyously and with fulfillment. And really feeling you're making a difference at a whole other level, regardless of how successful you've been financially and professionally.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Terrific. And so I'm wondering with that, as you work with your clients, as you look back to the career and what you've done and where you've been, where is entrepreneurs, if I can put us out there as a group, [00:13:00] I know everyone's different and you're going to say, Jeffrey, You're a legend. Okay, sure, I'll answer that, but there's always a but, someone's legacy or meaning or journey is individual.

It's like a fingerprint. It's different for everyone. But all that said, generally speaking, where are we? Let's take a look at the glass, not half full, but half empty for just a moment because we're always half full type of people. So where are we not getting it right when it comes to legacies? Where are some of the classic mistakes that you're seeing time and time again, that you would love our listeners to really know about so they can Put it on their horizon, their radar to ensure they're not making these mistakes.

Joe Lander: Well, some of the mistakes, as I mentioned, is thinking that there really is some sort of quote, meaning for life that you're supposed to figure out and discover. And for this, I actually go back to There have been two authors that have really influenced the work that I've been doing in the area of living your legacy. One of them is Bronnie [00:14:00] Ware, who you may have heard of her book, many have of, it's called the Top Five Regrets of the Dying. And when you think of what might be the number one regret, because she was a hospice nurse interviewing all these people during the end of their lives, What do you think would be number one?

And hint, hint, it's definitely not, I wish I spent more time in the office or building my business and people think of, well, maybe that I spent more time with family, and yeah, those are beautiful, and friends, I wish I didn't let those go away, but number one, On the list is, I wished I had lived a life truer to myself rather than the one that others expected of me.

Now, if this is the number one regret of hitting the end of our days, don't we think, don't you think it's time to do something about that now and never be in that position? And the second author that really influenced me in all of this was Viktor Frankl, who, as you may know, in his, he's got that landmark book Man's [00:15:00] Search for Meaning, and Viktor, of course, was in the concentration camps, was a Holocaust survivor, and what he observed were that the prisoners that lived The longest and didn't succumb as quickly to those horrendous conditions were those who were clear on what it was that they were living for. And he observed this as a psychiatrist who was in the camps himself. And he reached a point where he said he later on, when he created a whole other arm of, psychology and wrote this book, and I'm going to quote Victor, because I don't want to mess it up. What he said was, one should not search for an abstract meaning of life.

He said everyone has their own specific vocation or mission in life to carry out a concrete assignment which demands fulfillment. That's such strong word that demands fulfillment and [00:16:00] therein she or he can't be replaced, no one can do it for you, nor can his or her life be repeated. We've got to assume there's no do overs on this. So, everyone's task is as unique as his or her specific opportunity to implement it. So, really, Jeffrey, you hit the nail on the head when you said it is unique. A unique blueprint for us all. There is nothing where, oh, so and so's doing this. Maybe I, you know, that looks cool. Let me do that. It has to do with take even time for yourself to put the pieces of your life together for what it has prepared you for, to excavate those deeply held values, to dream, to imagine, and then, Stopping the yeah buts from your and their ugly heads, starting to move in that direction boldly, and realize that inevitably what's gonna come up is what I call the [00:17:00] ills.

And the ills, I L S, stands for the inevitable imagined limitations. They're going to be there, so it's having a way to get out of your own way. And take control of your own mind in all of this. Now that you have this dream, you have what you want to fulfill upon. You sense, you can see how your life has led you to this point and it's time to do something about it.

Now, it's just having some help and making sure you stay on track and don't let your humanity get in the way.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And so thank you for sharing that. And so Joe, you shared big picture wise a lot for us to think about and we're speaking about what perhaps not to do. Let's now talk about what to do. And perhaps you can conjure up, perhaps it's a client or it's your own experience or something along the way where either yourself or one of your clients, legacy, thinking of the legacy wasn't even happening.

It was an afterthought, if at all, to someone who, okay, legacy is now front and center. I know what it [00:18:00] means. I've worked with Joe. I'm now making rituals. I'm putting this into my life. What does that look like for that person? And why would all of us want to have that?

Joe Lander: Well, what it looks like is having gone through really a seven step framework that I discovered and created from my own personal experience and from the work I've been doing with various clients, whether that comes from the corporate world or entrepreneurs or it's typically what is in common to everyone.

As I think back to your previous question is, it tends to be heart driven or mission driven people. People that sense that there is something more, as much pride as they take and rightfully so in the excellent job they're doing in their business or their career. That's awesome. they've really accomplished a lot.

They sense that there's something else. So for example one of the clients I worked with had this dream. He said, I'd like to build a business, and this is a corporate executive, [00:19:00] mind you, where I help people with their spiritual, their mental, and their physical health, trifecta, and really lead the way with them to live that kind of a life where it's all taken care of.

And this dream of his, he was not ready to necessarily start that or just leave corporate America, family responsibilities, et cetera, doing well, but just by getting really clear and having what I call a legacy activator, I think that's what Which comes from this whole process, and it's, really a level of clarity that you articulate in a way that comes from within you, that suddenly you hear yourself saying it, and it's wow, this is really what I believe, based on this, this is really what I am committed to having and doing, and being in my life from here on out, and from that kind of perspective.

Proclamation or declaration, much like [00:20:00] the Declaration of Independence brought this whole new country into being, it brings a whole new life into being, where you start noticing things you would have been oblivious to them before, because you didn't have that clarity, you And now they become obvious.

So he started taking steps towards actually creating this business and has had the chance to participate in his church and do some things, aspects of the physical health of the body and the mental health as well as the spirituality, of course, already gathering the evidence and the skills necessary to impact the lives that he's inevitably going to.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And Joe, it's interesting as you're talking about this, as you're talking about this, my wheels are turning because I know in our mastery program, the 90 Day Deep Wealth Mastery Program. We start at the very end, or we go to the very end, which is the post exit life. that's actually the very beginning of our process.

We have a nine step roadmap. I'm going to call the post exit life step 10, but we make step 10 really [00:21:00] step zero, if you will. What's your post exit life? Why you want to have that today and not 10 years from now. And if I can use myself as an example, I'm going to put myself very uncomfortably under the microscope for the Deep Wealth Nation.

They know my story. I'm I had all the success in the world, Joe. I had my post exit life that was starting, but I was so focused on crossing that finish line. I never thought of day one of my post exit life. Forget about legacy. It was, okay, I just got to get this liquidity event done. That's all I'm going to work on.

And once that was done, I took my moon shot. I was like those astronauts who landed on the moon, came back to earth. I Okay, now what? And the biggest mistakes in my life happened post exit. The stupidest things I've ever done that topped the charts were post exit because I had no idea what my legacy was or what I wanted it to be or who Jeffrey was going to be once he grew up after the business was no longer in the picture.

And so I know firsthand what it's all about, what it's not, where you want to be when you're not [00:22:00] planning, when you're not thinking about your legacy, or in this case, the post-exit life. And so on your side, you have your resolve framework and very similar to us. You have a 12 week process where you're. Going through three different phases as I understand it to walk people through this.

So what does that look like? So for a listener now, they're saying, okay, Joe, yeah, I never thought about legacy. What you're saying resonates with me. What can I expect? I call you up. You're going to be my legacy coach. Now, what does that look like? Your process?

Joe Lander: In a word, it's resolve. And I love that word because it has a couple of meanings. Resolve can mean to resolve the inner conflict within yourself. And these conflicts can sound different in so many ways of, well, you know, gotten really good at what I'm doing. Why would I even think of doing anything more, anything else, even though it's annoying at me?

There's fears that come up, there's all sorts of things, so it's resolving [00:23:00] the inner conflict first within yourself and gaining clarity. It's also about having the resolve that I'm not going to wait for some day, I'm not going to wait to be one of Bronnie Ware's hospice patients saying, shh. Why didn't I go back and live the life that I really wanted and do some of the things that really I felt passionate about or felt calling to me.

That's the resolve but each component, what it looks like in a nutshell is, letter stands for, it's an acronym, so each letter stands for another thing. Part of the process, and in a nutshell, we begin with our, a reality check. You can't get to point B until we fully acknowledge, what's the water you're swimming in?

What's reality? Now. Then we go, and by the way, now could include, there are influences that you've had from your childhood that are part of what's going on right now for you. And we get at all of that in that reality check point. The next is giving yourself that point of E, Envision, really [00:24:00] imagining, free of everyone else's thoughts about it.

When you've done that, we look together at the next step. S, Significance. Why is this significance? And significance be defined as worthy of attention. Why would it matter if you do, you know, all the things, or if you know, as we look at all the fun things, crazy things, tribal gatherings, playing golf, being on the beach.

Yeah, there's all that stuff's going to be in there in addition to some things you want to be doing and being. How will that be significant for you? What joy will that give to you? And what difference could that make for others? So that's significance. And then we want to look at your O, which is your operating system.

We each have our own unique superpowers about why we do what we do, how we are successful at it, and ultimately what we can be counted on for. And I take people through getting in touch with their. Oh, their operating system, so that they know the resources that they're [00:25:00] going to bring to bear on creating this life that they imagine.

That makes a difference for everyone involved. And then L in Resolve stands for Limitations. The inevitable, imagined limitations that I talked about. You've got to have a strategy for dealing with the stuff that's going to come up and mess with you. So let's have a plan. And I, there are a number of plans.

Breakthrough technology strategies that depending on what's needed with the specific client who I'm working with to get at those, service them, and free them from it, creating a whole new level of freedom and excitement and passion for what they're doing. I'm going to do now, and then it's B stands for Velocity.

You got to have some sort of a plan, but I think the last thing that you, Jeffrey, or any one of us really wants is another to do list. So if we're going to create Velocity around you living your legacy now, we really better make sure that it's simple. [00:26:00] And that it really calls to you. So we use a technology of what I call a GPS, that's a system used by some of the most successful companies, Google, Amazon, to say, okay, we're going to start with a vision of what our objectives are over this next year, and let's pinpoint what are the, key milestones that will make it inevitable that you hit that vision.

And then we'll worry about what are the actions that have to be taken on and we get really clear over the next 90 days and over the next year. What is really important. And then ultimately, the E in Resolve is about EverEnergize. How can we make sure that you have the resources, you tap into the resources, and the ongoing support empowerment, To keep this going, so that you never have to worry about, hey, that was a great idea, I ran out of gas, as part of the resolve, we will make sure you stay ever energized.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And Joe, let [00:27:00] me throw a question your way as you're talking through this, because I know from my own experience. It's one thing to think thoughts, even say thoughts or write thoughts down. But there can be a disconnect of a thought to a feeling. And so as a legacy coach, let's just imagine I've waved my magic wand, I've gone through your program, I've gone through the resolve and each of the steps, and you're smiling because, okay, Jeffrey, yes, you did it.

You've now integrated this into your life as part of your daily operating system, if you will. And you're now living that life, living that legacy today. What can I expect feeling wise? What am I going to feel now versus what I didn't feel or did feel yesterday?

Joe Lander: In a word, alignment,

Jeffrey Feldberg: Okay.

Joe Lander: where it's all aligned, your thoughts and your feelings. And what is it aligned with? Your beliefs. So a part of a distinction that I incorporate into my coaching actually emanates from some tremendous work that [00:28:00] I've done with David Baer Consulting has to do with really what are the primary drivers of human behavior and about beliefs.

And really what drives this whole thing, you talk about thoughts and feelings, and I've entered beliefs, is at the core of it are the beliefs that drive your thoughts. And your thoughts, you know, this is, now we're talking about from a neuroscientific point of view, it's your thoughts that are causing these feelings. And your feelings end up dictating what? What actions you'll take, or inaction. If you're feeling scared and freaked out, you'll just run or freeze. or if you're feeling elated, excited, passionate. You're going to take movement towards your legacy and that, those actions create what?

The results of your life. There's your life. So ultimately, really, it's your beliefs that dictate your entire life, your entire destiny. So by us working on what your beliefs have been that may have been working against you and [00:29:00] producing thoughts and feelings that are not in alignment with who you really want to be and what you really want to do.

And by realizing that our beliefs. are simply decisions that we made, whether as a five year old kid, or a decision we made somewhere along the way, and that that doesn't mean it's carved in stone, and you can make new decision in alignment with the legacy you've now caught a glimpse of, and are committed to living.

By having that clear, and always coming back to the beliefs, and making sure that those are solid, you. The rest of the machinery of our humanity will work for you in making sure that the thoughts, feelings, and actions you take are all in alignment with what you've declared is the legacy you're living.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And for our listeners who are listening to this and they're saying, okay, never really thought about this before, but yeah, okay. Legacy, Joe, starting to buy into what you're saying. We've talked about feelings of what we want to feel, perhaps what we [00:30:00] don't want to feel. Let's now talk about results. And offline, Joe, you and I were talking and I was sharing the very sad thing when it comes to legacy.

For so many people, they have lived and done an incredible life, all their acts of service, all the wonderful things that they've done, though, they've never really seen firsthand or seen what it means to the people around them. And oftentimes, Joe, I'm getting on my personal diatribe here, but I'll throw this out there.

Sadly, when I go to a funeral and I hear a eulogy and I hear all these beautiful sentiments and words, I feel really sad because, yes, on the one hand, the person has passed away, I'm also asking myself, did this person ever hear these lovely, heartfelt, loving words from the person who's saying them? Does this person know this?

Or did this person go to the grave without ever knowing this? And for me, when I put legacy in there, I put that in there as well of, hey, it's not just beyond the grave, it's right now, today, and I know that's [00:31:00] a major part of your focus. And so again, for the Deep Wealth Nation who's listening in, And it's all about legacy because here on the podcast, as we say, our tagline, it's all about extracting your deep wealth, both on the personal and on the business side.

Well, I think legacy, not, I think I know legacy straddles both personal and business. And so big picture wise, when it comes to living the legacy today, not having this Let's call it outdated concepts. Yeah, your legacy is when you're no longer here. What would you say to that? What would you say to that listeners?

Like, yeah, you know what? Too busy for this. I'll just leave it be. And what's going to be is what's going to be.

Joe Lander: Yeah go back to that there is a life force within you that Viktor Frankl spoke to, that the people who never tapped into their personal legacy ended up regretting. There's something that we can bring out right now doing it. With a little bit of guidance. one can tell us, [00:32:00] no one can do this or replace you for this.

If we tap into that passion, it's the difference between feeling good about stuff that you have, and yes, some causes. But you know what, I think of the story of the billionaire. I think he was out of India, who just ridiculous amounts of wealth more than he could ever use for him and his family for generations and generations to come and what he, did was, he was invited to help out with this group of kids Who were wheelchair bound, disabled.

And he said, absolutely put me down for, you know, a million dollars worth of durable medical equipment to assist these disadvantaged children who can't afford this. And the friend who had offered this opportunity to him said, no, that won't suffice. What I'd like you to do is I'd like you to come with me.

And hand these out, what you funded, hand them out [00:33:00] yourself, and he did, and yes, it was marvelous as he was handing them out and seeing the kids now his money was directly linked to specific lives, but what really clinched it for him was when one kid as he was leaving, grabbed onto his leg.

And he looked up at him and he said, what can I do for your son? and the boy said, mister, I just wanted to look at your face one more time. So that when I'm in heaven, I'll remember who to say thank you to.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Oh my goodness. Wow. So touching.

Joe Lander: So here, the difference is, yes, we've all had ways in which we've contributed to causes we believe in, but there's nothing to replace you doing something you really believe in, being part of it, and really being clear. That this is what you're meant to do. And if you don't mind, Jeffrey, I'll share with you and, the Deep Wealth Nation what I got in touch with that has allowed me to [00:34:00] continue go on the path that I'm on as an example of what does it mean to live your legacy. in something that I generate on the spot. nothing that I read anymore. And basically it's what I believe. What I believe is that living a life you love, fulfilled by a purpose or A passion or a mission or what I call your personal living legacy that makes a meaningful difference in the lives of others now and potentially for generations to come is accessible to us all. And that belief is what drives this commitment to participate in events like today and create my own experiences in which we can collectively evolve. Held by our passions while also having compassion for our humanity. We'll slip, we'll not get there as quickly as we want, [00:35:00] we'll think, we'll have doubts.

That's okay. Have compassion for it, but live your legacy that goes beyond wealth and you get to live the joyous, fulfilling life that I believe is all about birthright.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Wow, so much for us to think about, so much there, and really, coming out of this episode, for our listeners, it's an opportunity for a reset. And as I'm thinking about this, and Joe, for better or for worse, we need to go into wrap up mode because we're starting to bump up again some time. But before we do that, I'm wondering, are there some topics that we haven't yet covered or a question I haven't asked, or even a message that you'd like to get out to the Deep Wealth Nation?

Joe Lander: I just love that phrase, which is actually something recent. It's a talk that I'm going to be giving to a group of other high net worth business owners and their wealth planners the idea of legacy beyond [00:36:00] wealth, shaping your impact beyond success. When you think of that is that possible?

Wouldn't it be great to have the giddiness a kid or that idealistic 20 year old again? Bring that about. You've accomplished a lot. It's awesome. You have the means to have plenty of fun. Out there in the world and see things, and culture, and all sorts of great things. Fantastic.

Is there something personal, and, that you can get really giddy about and that really makes a difference for you and others, now is the time. Now is the chance to actually make that happen. And if it's okay with you, Jeffrey, I'd like to offer for any of your listeners, any of you who are listening and say, you know what?

This is interesting, so what do I do with this? if you'll permit me, I'll just articulate the location, the place where people can come and say, I'd like to at least have a further conversation. Not a [00:37:00] sales conversation, You're going to try to convince me of something, Joe, but a conversation that's really all about me.

what I've done is I've created spaces in my calendar for what I call a live your legacy strategy call. Really getting into just in one conversation, what it is that you think it is that you really want what are some of the considerations you have that may be getting in the way that are very real and and some of this stuff you may have not even articulated to anyone else because you don't want anyone to think you're crazy.

Although I can't imagine them thinking you're any crazier than me trying to do a tribal gathering dancing around half naked around a bonfire with people from all around the world. But who knows? Maybe you'll top mine. Cause ultimately then we'll finish up with thinking about some possible steps and if that brings some great value and there's nothing else that you would like some support on, fantastic.

We've had a great conversation and I really look forward to hearing your story.

Jeffrey Feldberg: That's a terrific invitation. We're going to circle back to that before we wrap things up. What [00:38:00] you said though, it's a terrific segue actually to our wrap up question and the wrap up question, Joe, it's a tradition here in the Deep Wealth Podcast, and you know what? It's more than a tradition. It's my privilege.

It's my honor where every guest, I ask the same question and you with the legacy and your journey, I'm really excited to hear your thoughts on this, but let me set the question up. It's a fun one. So, Joe, when you think of the movie Back to the Future, you have that fabulous DeLorean car that can take you to any point in time.

Now, Joe, the fun part is, imagine this tomorrow morning, you look outside your window, not only is the DeLorean car curbside, the door is open, it's waiting for you to hop on in what you do, and now you're going to go to any point in time. Joe, as a young child, a teenager, whatever point in time that would be.

What are you telling your younger self in terms of life lessons or lessons learned, or do this, don't do that? What would that sound like?

Joe Lander: What I tell my younger self is. It's not about looking cool, [00:39:00] or being seen as cool, or living up to what you perceive as the expectations of your well meaning parents or teachers. That there's something within you, Joe, and there's nothing to be ashamed of about what you feel is how you wanna live, what you want to go after, what you wanna do.

That girl who you're really attracted to and are scared to just go up and say hi. This is the one precious life you have to live. This is one of those rides where you can either ride it and have a blast or and then come screeching in at the end of your lifetime going, whoa, what a ride that was.

Or, you're going to be thinking back on, why didn't I ever do this? Why didn't I ever talk about it? Why didn't I go and train and swim that triathlon? Why didn't I do the things that [00:40:00] I felt a part of me really wanted to do, but I was afraid of failing and I was afraid of jeopardizing? How others would think of me.

Realize that no one's thinking about you. They're thinking about themselves and their own joy and happiness and it's only up to you to be clear on what it is you want and go for it.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Wow, Joe, I'm just having that sink in. It's quite a message. And really my takeaway for that is, hey, Jeffrey, enjoy the journey, but not just enjoy the journey. Enjoy the journey as your authentic self.

Joe Lander: That's

Jeffrey Feldberg: So you'll have no regrets.

Joe Lander: Beautiful.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Because how many times, Joe, whether it's social media, the social programming, societal pressures, family pressures, People are telling us to live the lives that they want us to live.

And sadly, so many people do and talk about not having a legacy or trying to live up to someone else's idea of a legacy. For me, it's a life unfulfilled and I've been there and I've been on both sides [00:41:00] of that. So what you're saying really is impactful. And I thank you for sharing that. And Joe, we referenced this and you've been very generous for having a Deep Wealth Nation come to your website and book a call with you.

They can learn more. You have all kinds of resources on your site as well. More information about you. So if someone does have a question, they want to speak with you, they want to learn more and we'll have the website in our show notes. So it's a point and click. Is your website the best place for someone to find you?

Joe Lander: It really is. Because I've really taken a lot of time and people have commented, wow, how much they love it because it really gives you a deeper sense of the journey that you've been so gracious in asking me about that got me to here today, but it gives, further insight into that to see what resonates with you.

It also gives more information about what, how you might be able to see yourself and a lot of this and then the practicality of so what are the steps and the calendar is right there on the website [00:42:00] it'll be easiest it's everywhere it'll say you know to go ahead and book the call and i won't you Talk to about anything on that first call about the particulars of the framework and what does it cost to work together and all that.

You, won't hear me offering any of that because that call is really for you. A Live Your Legacy strategy call is all about a chance to have that conversation. So book it through the website. Look forward to hearing your story And all I can encourage you to do is live it now, don't wait for later, and I know that you'll be happy that you did something about it, starting with that day you heard that crazy guy, Joe, on Jeffrey's, beautiful podcast, and in the beautiful work that you're doing in the world, Jeffrey, of helping people deservedly, after working hard there, bye bye.

Whole lives in creating a business that has been their lifeblood and that has been their passion to, and when they realize it is time to now move on, to really make sure they get [00:43:00] what they deserve and the full value of all of that, and what are the things they can do to make sure that they do get that value so that they are complete with it and ready to live the next phase, the legacy that is calling to them.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Terrific. And again, for Deep Wealth Nation in the show notes, there'll be the link. I'll put it out there now, but it's in the show notes, thelifeyoulovecoaching. com. Again, all one word, thelifeyoulovecoaching. com. That's where you'll find Joe and you can book that call with him and all about his system and his journey and the whole resolve framework.

Well, Joe, it's official. This is a wrap. And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, firstly, thank you so much. And may you continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe. Thank you so much.

Joe Lander: Thank you, Jeffrey. It's been a pleasure.

Jeffrey Feldberg: So there you have it, Deep Wealth Nation. What did you think? So with all that said and as we wrap it up, I have another question for you.

Actually, it's more of a personal favor. Did you find this episode helpful? Have you found other episodes of the Deep Wealth Podcast empowering and a game changer for your journey? [00:44:00] And if you said yes, and I really hope you did, I have a small but really meaningful way that you can actually help us out and keep these episodes coming to you.

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So all that said. Thank you so much for listening. And remember your wealth isn't just about the money in the bank. It's about the depth of your journey and the impact that you're creating. So let's continue this journey together. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for listening to this episode.

And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, may you continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe. Thank you so much. God bless.

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