The Deep Wealth Podcast - Your Blueprint To Maximize Your Business And Personal Deep Wealth

Researcher And Former Hospital Executive Morley Robbins Reveals The Hidden Dangers Of Iron And What You Can Do About It (#364)

Jeffrey Feldberg Season 3 Episode 364

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“For optimal health ensure you take more copper and donate blood regularly.” - Morley Robbins

In this episode of the Deep Wealth Podcast, Jeffrey welcomes Morley Robbins, known as the Magnesium Man, for his fourth appearance. Robbins, the creator of the Root Cause Protocol, provides a deep dive into the importance of copper, magnesium, and iron in our health. 

08:14 The Root Cause Protocol and Mineral Imbalances

12:02 The Iron-Copper Balance and Health Implications

27:06 Practical Steps to Manage Iron Levels

31:38 The Benefits of Regular Blood Donation

32:12 The Role of Copper and Iron in the Body

37:14 The Overlooked Importance of Copper

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363 Morley Robbins Excess Iron

Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:00:00] Morley Robbins, known as the Magnesium Man, is the creator of the Root Cause Protocol and a leading expert on magnesium's crucial role in our health, highlighting its interaction with minerals like iron and copper. With a BA in biology and an MBA in healthcare administration, Morley transitioned from a 32 year career in hospital administration to natural healing after a personal health crisis led him to discover the transformative power of magnesium and chiropractic care.

The experience propelled him to delve into natural healing, leading to the foundation of the Magnesium Advocacy Group, which boasts 250, 000 members. Morley, having conducted over 7, 500 consultations worldwide, is dedicated to educating people on overcoming fatigue and chronic diseases by addressing mineral imbalances, particularly through the Root Cause Protocol. His work emphasizes the importance of copper, magnesium, and iron in preventing inflammation and cellular metabolic [00:01:00] dysfunction, aiming to shift the paradigm of nutritional health and wellness. 

And before we start this episode, a quick word from our sponsor, Deep Wealth and the 90 Day Deep Wealth Mastery Program. Here's Jane, a graduate who says, and I quote, the Deep Wealth Mastery Program prevented me from making what would have been one of the biggest mistakes of my career. I almost signed on the dotted line with an unsolicited offer that I now realized would have shortchanged my hard work and my future had I accepted that offer. Deep Wealth Mastery has tilted the playing field to my advantage.

Or how about Lyn? Wow, he gets right to the point, and I quote, Deep Wealth Mastery is one of the best investments ever made because you'll get an ROI of a hundred times that. Anyone who doesn't go through this will lose millions. 

And as you're listening to these testimonials, are you wondering if you have the time? Are you even thinking that you've got this covered, you have the advisors or people in your network? Well, I got to tell you, these myths, they're often behind the 90 percent failure rate for liquidity events. Think about it. You have [00:02:00] one chance to get it right for your financial freedom. You really want to make it count.

And when it comes to time, let's hear what William has to say. We just got in this testimonial, William says, and I quote, I didn't have the time for Deep Wealth Mastery. But I made the time and I'm glad I did. What I learned goes far beyond any other executive program or coach I've experienced. 

So what do you think?

As I hear that, that's exactly what gets me out of bed every day. That's my mission. That's the team's mission here at Deep Wealth to literally change the social fabric of society. One business owner at a time, one liquidity event at a time, and my Deep Wealth Nation, what I want you to know, the Deep Wealth Mastery Program, it isn't theory.

It's from the trenches. It's the only one based on a nine figure deal. And that deal, that was my deal. You know my story. I said no to a seven figure offer. I created the system that later on, myself and my business partners, we said yes to a different buyer, a different offer, a nine figure deal. That's what we now call the Deep Wealth Mastery Program or the Scale For [00:03:00] Ultimate Sales system.

It's built by business owners, for business owners, so if you're interested in growing your profits for preparing for a future liquidity event, and that may be two years away, it could be 22 years away, whatever the time may be, you want to do this now, and you want to optimize your post exit life, Deep Wealth Mastery is for you.

To get started, email success at deepwealth. com. Again, that's success. S U C C E S S at DeepWealth. com. You'll receive all the information about the Deep Wealth Mastery Program or better yet, why not hop on a complimentary strategy call.

We'll go through exactly where your business is today and what's standing between you and your financial independence and your dreams. So that's where you want to be. You want to be with other successful business owners, entrepreneurs, and founders, just like you they're looking to grow their businesses, create market disruptions and unlock their financial freedom to get what they deserve. And whether you've been in business for three years, 40 years, you're a startup, you're [00:04:00] manufacturing you're in high tech, low tech, whatever the case may be, coming in and network with other business owners, it's a safe space.

It's a confidential space with business owners, with businesses just like you, because they all wanna lock in their financial freedom and enjoy both success and fulfillment. So again, the 90 Day Deep Wealth Mastery Program, it has your name on it. All you need to do is take the next step. Please send an email to success at deepwealth. com.

Welcome to Deep Wealth Podcast. Well, Morley is no stranger to the Deep Wealth community. Morley, welcome back. And for those that don't know Morley, he is an incredible individual. He is paying it forward. He is making a difference out there. He's a researcher and he's helping us do collectively here in the Deep Wealth community, what we're doing.

One of our promises to you of helping you to extract not only your business deep wealth, but also your personal deep wealth. So Morley, welcome to the Deep Wealth Podcast. It's such a pleasure to have you with us. And just before we get going, I'm going to ask some questions for some of our new listeners in the community, because again, we're so fortunate.

We're growing by leaps and bounds. [00:05:00] I want to give you a congratulations and you may be saying, Jeffrey, what's the congratulations for? We've just begun. But offline, I'm sharing with you, I'll share it online, you are the most interviewed guest on this podcast. This is your fourth time back, we value so much what you're doing, you're taking the complex and making it very easy for us to understand and some powerful takeaways.

So welcome, my friend, welcome back to the Deep Wealth Podcast. Honored

Morley Robbins: Honored to be here, delighted. I have a colleague over in England who's a nutritionist, and he has a very successful podcast, and I've been on his show several times now. And I don't really, I don't conspire to do this, but he usually, gets a few hundred downloads.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Gets

Morley Robbins: Our conversations, his board just blows up.

Jeffrey Feldberg: blows up.

Morley Robbins: like, Okay, I love it. And I appreciate the chance to have this conversation because

Jeffrey Feldberg: conversation. What

Morley Robbins: what I love about this is being able to come in with a very different message. very important message for people who are kind of thinking about this and suddenly we're going to shift them over here and get them [00:06:00] excited about what to do to build their health.

really excited about 

Jeffrey Feldberg: And Deep Wealth Nation you may be saying what more could Morley possibly say? I was on a phone call with Morley for something completely unrelated. And Morley shared with me, Jeffrey, I don't think I've shared this with you. I found this study, I think it was from 1984, and he went into all this science talk, he kind of lost me, but then he brought it back in of, here's why it's important. I said, oh my goodness, this is something that we really need to get out there, because offline Morley, and again, I'm bringing this online, Health has now become in vogue, everyone is talking about this, you have all these fancy titles and you have all these services, most of them are expensive.

No one is really doing what you're doing because with your root cause protocol, you've made it really very simple, not going to confuse simple with simplicity, you made it very simple. Stop doing these things, start doing these things. And these things that we're starting and [00:07:00] stopping. We are not going to hear in the mainstream and not pointing any fingers at the medical profession or the doctors.

They're doing their best with what they've been given, the material that they have, or what they've learned. But this is from science backed, peer reviewed data, studies, that just isn't getting the light of day because most of this is free. And if you're a pharmaceutical company, you can't make money off of free.

It has to be patented. You have to be able to really spend a gazillion dollars and make a billion gazillion dollars on that. So we're not hearing this anywhere else. But let me put a pause on that, Morley, for the benefit of our new listeners in Deep Wealth Nation. Who are you? What's the story behind the story?

How did you get from where you were to where you are right here now and today?

Morley Robbins: I'm a pre med retread. I had designs of being a doctor when I was younger because I grew up in a very sickly family. My sister was a nurse. I was supposed to become a doctor. Well, I got to school and then I realized how hard it was.

Jeffrey Feldberg: and then

Morley Robbins: [00:08:00] But I went into hospital management, being an executive, can't be a doctor, you boss them around, I was pretty good at it, did that for 12 years, and then

Jeffrey Feldberg: for twelve

Morley Robbins: became a consultant,

Jeffrey Feldberg: became

Morley Robbins: solving problems, growing hospitals, I was pretty good at it, traveled all over the U.

S., I've been in every state except for Alaska

Jeffrey Feldberg: for

Morley Robbins: and and I had a very memorable trip to

Jeffrey Feldberg: where I forgot my passport.

Morley Robbins: where I forgot my passport,

Jeffrey Feldberg: You probably knew

Morley Robbins: don't ever do that you probably know not to do that, I didn't know, but I was like, NAFTA we're all one, right? No,

Jeffrey Feldberg: right? Not

Morley Robbins: quite, so, I pulled a suitcase behind my back for 40 years, developed frozen shoulder, couldn't pick my hand up above my waist.

And by a quirk of fate, got introduced to a chiropractor, who's now my wife and she introduced me to natural healing, and I'd never heard of a [00:09:00] phrase that she used in our very first meeting. She was talking about the innate

Jeffrey Feldberg: innate healer, the

Morley Robbins: the healer within. I'd never heard that phrase in 32 years of working in hospitals.

I was absolutely captivated, but it was almost like it was a code, like it was a secret message, and when I heard that phrase I said, I know what that is. Who is that innate hero?

Jeffrey Feldberg: is that innate hero? And

Morley Robbins: I started researching 15 years ago two to three hours a day. Now it's definitely three hours a day, but in the beginning it was a couple hours.

I've read at least 10, 000 articles, maybe more,

Jeffrey Feldberg: maybe

Morley Robbins: and have put together a lot of puzzle pieces. But as you say, what I'm trying to do is really simplify the model.

Jeffrey Feldberg: and people don't realize

Morley Robbins: don't realize

Jeffrey Feldberg: Chris

Morley Robbins: that when push comes to shove.

Jeffrey Feldberg: of

Morley Robbins: of the problems we have in our body come from a

Jeffrey Feldberg: from a

Morley Robbins: [00:10:00] dysregulation of copper

Jeffrey Feldberg: And

Morley Robbins: and iron and oxygen.

Jeffrey Feldberg: planet with

Morley Robbins: And it's absolutely amazing. We live on a planet with oxygen, 20%, 21%.

Jeffrey Feldberg: 21%.

Morley Robbins: not our friend is actually a poison,

Jeffrey Feldberg: point? And

Morley Robbins: and it needs to be turned into water

Jeffrey Feldberg: so we

Morley Robbins: so we can release energy.

Jeffrey Feldberg: an 

Morley Robbins: It's an obligate step in making energy is to turn oxygen into water, and there's only one element on the planet that can do that, and that's copper. And copper also has a propensity to keep iron in check, keep it from wanting to interact with the oxygen. What happens when iron interacts with oxygen? Well, it creates rust.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Remember what

Morley Robbins: We know what a rusted nail looks like, rusty tape, rusty bar. We know, we recognize, we didn't know that the rusting process was happening within.

And when there isn't enough copper in our diet, Because of changes in farming and food [00:11:00] processing, then we lose the natural, innate healer to regulate iron and oxygen, and it's been fascinating to learn the layers and layers and layers of interaction that take place, and it's been a, an absolute delight to bring this knowledge to the forefront.

Jeffrey Feldberg: so it's interesting because really you have this very elaborate system on the one hand.

But yet, on the other hand, when you boil it down to the essence, as you've just done, what I'm hearing you say, and you can say, Jeffrey, no, it's not quite that way, or yes it is, copper is an enabler. Most people are short in copper, especially today. We've talked about this on the previous episodes, which, by the way, Deep Wealth Nation, all in the show notes, the links are there for all three of those episodes.

Without the copper, we could be right in every other area. But without that copper, we're not doing certain things. We can't do certain things. The body isn't really unlocked to work its magic of what it does on the healing side, on the vibrancy side. Then at the same time, there's a [00:12:00] tension where if there's too much iron, and that's what we're going to be talking about today, Iron can really stop everything, literally, as we've spoken before, we're rusting from the inside out.

And so, my understanding, Morley, and again, correct me if I'm on base or off base, even if we have enough copper, even if we're doing all the right things, if inside of us we have an iron buildup going through our blood. It doesn't really matter what we're doing. We're literally rusting from the inside out.

And over time, maybe we don't see it today or tomorrow, but over time, that's when things stop working. That's where the problems begin to come on board. We age quicker. We die quicker. It's not where we want to be. I'm going to put a pause on it right there. I hope I didn't oversimplify it too much. How am I doing with that?

Morley Robbins: no, you've captured the essence of it, and I think it's important for people to realize that. Think of trying to do wealth management, which I know you're good at, but think of trying to do that without [00:13:00] compound interest. You've got to take that off the table.

You can't have compound interest, or you can't have present value.

Jeffrey Feldberg: you can't have 

Morley Robbins: Think of the simple concept of interest.

Jeffrey Feldberg: it changes

Morley Robbins: and how it changes financial management.

Jeffrey Feldberg: game changer.

Eighth wonder of the world according to Warren Buffett, compound interest. Yeah,

Morley Robbins: so if you want to build a strong economy, ideally you want to build it around gold. there's got to be something, some asset to protect the wealth of that nation. If you want a strong computer, you better have a lot of silver in your motherboard because the electrons aren't going to flow.

And if you want to have a really successful metabolism in your body, you better have copper. Those three precious metals are what run the world. They're amazing when you start to stop to think about it. And think about taking gold out of the economy. Bad things happen. Think about taking out silver out of the economy.

Motherboard, bad things happen, and what I'm really focusing on is [00:14:00] taking copper out of the body, and bad things happen. And so, your point about, it doesn't matter how much iron you've got, if you have too much, excuse me, it doesn't matter how much copper you've got, if you have too much iron. It's a very important nuance, and people need to hear that.

That the accumulation of iron over the course of our lifetime is what causes our aging. Not my idea, that's what all the leading longevity experts are focusing on. Iron accumulation from the associated oxidative

Jeffrey Feldberg: associated oxidative stress.

Morley Robbins: What is that? It's a more complicated way of saying rust,

Jeffrey Feldberg: of

Morley Robbins: and it's just the oxygen

Jeffrey Feldberg: the

Morley Robbins: being turned into water.

Very simple, compound interest. You're not turning oxygen in. So if O2 doesn't become 2H2O,

Jeffrey Feldberg: 2H2O,

Morley Robbins: can't release energy.

Jeffrey Feldberg: When

Morley Robbins: When we can't release energy, we have a [00:15:00] world of hurt. And if there's too much iron,

Jeffrey Feldberg: Wealth is the

Morley Robbins: it blocks the ability to turn oxygen in. That's when we really start to see an acceleration of aging inside our body.

Jeffrey Feldberg: may not just

Morley Robbins: It may not just be the obvious signs of aging, skin and hair and what have you, but it's going to be inside, that the tissue loses its integrity.

Jeffrey Feldberg: It doesn't

Morley Robbins: It doesn't vibrate the way it's supposed to, it doesn't have the right color, it doesn't have the right energy production, it doesn't have the right signaling, and we've never thought about.

bodily tissue having those characteristics, that's what really enables the body to be wealthy. Integrity,

Jeffrey Feldberg: absolutely essential

Morley Robbins: essential component of the, and what is the secret agent of integrity?

Jeffrey Feldberg: Copper.

They're one of

Morley Robbins: Every one of the characteristics that I've identified, there's five, of having tissue integrity [00:16:00] is dependent upon copper.

Jeffrey Feldberg: tissue integrity is dependent on comfort, safety, but welfare, copper, too much iron is getting in the way. And so for the listeners, can you imagine you've spent the time, the effort, the proverbial blood, sweat, and tears, you've built up your business nudge, wink, wink, you've gone through the 90 day Deep Wealth Mastery System, our program, you're growing your profits, enterprise value is off the charts.

You're liquidity event, you get there and heaven forbid you lose your health. What's it all about? It doesn't mean anything. All those zeros in the bank, you'll trade in for your health. And so one of the things here on the podcast, this is why we bring in the medical experts like Morley to give us insights of how do we extract our [00:17:00] deep wealth.

And so Morley, let's make it really simple now for Deep Wealth Nation. So they've heard you say too much iron is not good, that just living, I can be doing all the right things, but just pure living, I have a natural buildup of iron inside my body, in the blood. And over time, when there's too much iron, I'm wrestling from the inside out.

And so Deep Wealth Nation, they might be thinking, well, what does this mean? Do I have to have some kind of complicated or expensive procedure? How do I get this iron out? What does that mean? What should I be doing? And it's actually a very simple action that you can take. It's actually a good deed when you're doing it as well.

So let's let the cat out of the bag, Morley. So if you're a man, if you're a post menopausal woman, what are we talking about here? How do we keep our iron levels in check? The

Morley Robbins: to do it is blood donation. I do it, do it quarterly. You can do it more aggressively, you can do it every other month if you want. But most people are very successfully supported by quarterly [00:18:00] donations. even women who are menstruating would benefit from probably two blood donations in addition to their mostly young menstrual.

Jeffrey Feldberg: in our

Morley Robbins: People don't realize all prevalent iron is in our diet,

And there's a wonderful iron toxicologist. His name was Jim.

Jeffrey Feldberg: name was Jim Moon

Morley Robbins: His pen name was J Y M, real name was J I M, but he was from Canada. I think he lived, I think he was from the Toronto area, and he wrote a wonderful book

Jeffrey Feldberg: area,

Morley Robbins: called Iron,

the Most Toxic.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Metal. I 

Morley Robbins: I have read that book four times, one of the most important books I've ever read, because he reveals, he pulls the curtain all the way back on what's happening in our food system,

Jeffrey Feldberg: our

Morley Robbins: what prevalent iron fortification programs are. A prevalent iron is in supplement.

Jeffrey Feldberg: prevalent iron is in 

Morley Robbins: the the level of confusion about the need for iron is legendary.

Jeffrey Feldberg: iron [00:19:00] is

Morley Robbins: And where the confusion really arises

Jeffrey Feldberg: arises

Morley Robbins: is that iron doesn't always show up on a blood test.

Jeffrey Feldberg: test.

The only

Morley Robbins: and it's very important for people to realize that the only way to get rid of excess iron in the human body is through blood loss, and there's no enzymatic pathway in the body.

There's no hormonal pathway, oh, I got too much, I'll just, I'll figure this hormone doesn't work that way. Gravity

Jeffrey Feldberg: Gravity

Morley Robbins: is the only thing that gets rid of excess.

Jeffrey Feldberg: of that system.

Morley Robbins: And that's a really important distinction, it's the only element like [00:20:00] that.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And so what's interesting, Morley, after we had our phone call, you gave me a very polite nudge. Hey, Jeffrey, by the way, have you had your blood donation yet? And I said, oh, you know, Morley, you keep on talking about it. No, I haven't. I was hemming and hawing and all these excuses.

But you know what? Shortly after we spoke, I went on and signed up and I gave my blood. Gotta tell you, they were just so thrilled when I showed up at the blood donation center because it's really helping people in need. Where you're showing up, we're donating our blood. They took 16 ounces, 500 mils, give or take, of that.

It took four or five minutes for me. It can take 15 minutes, five minutes, somewhere in between, depending on the person. And what I learned was, in very short order, the body quickly replenishes the blood that's lost, but it's without the iron. And I gotta tell you, maybe it's the placebo effect, maybe not. I don't know.

You can tell me. Just knowing that I did that and I was getting excess iron out of my system had me feel so much better. Here's a little [00:21:00] tidbit for you. In researching this, back in the day, you know, we look back in history, we say, oh, they're so primitive. We're talking back in the 1800s. They

Morley Robbins: Right?

Jeffrey Feldberg: that primitive.

I didn't know this. When you pass by a traditional barbershop, you know how you have that pole and you have that, it goes around and it's white. Blue and red. Well, the red, it's there. Back in the day, it was there because it was a barber who would also let out some of your blood while you're there, so you

Morley Robbins: much time

Jeffrey Feldberg: got your hair cut, maybe you got a shave, they're letting out your blood, you're getting your iron out of it, so we've been doing this, we've stopped doing that, but we've been doing this for quite some time, so more for our listeners.

For more information, visit www. fema. gov And again, what I'm hearing you say, it really is for everyone, whether you're pre menopausal, as a woman, post menopausal, or as a man, donate your blood. if you're male, if you're post menopause, do it every quarter. If you're still having your regular cycle as a woman, do it twice a year.

Walk [00:22:00] us through, so when I donated my blood, what's going on afterwards? 

Morley Robbins: Well, let's start with important facts. This is a mind blowing number. Eighty four 

of human tissue is red blood cells.

Jeffrey Feldberg: cells. Okay.

Morley Robbins: It's a big number. They number.

They say that there's a hundred

They say that there's 100 trillion cells in our body, but I think they're including serial cells running our gut and other, other parts of our anatomy. But 84 percent of human tissue This is red blood cells, big it's a big number, and the body needs to get oxygen, and here's the waiter, those red blood cells.

But And there are bazillions of red blood cells.

But every second of every day, we need to replace two and a half million red blood cells every second of of every day, 24 [00:23:00] 7. the there's a billion atoms of iron inside each red blood cell. outside of it's a big number. blood are receptors. Transferrin receptors on the outside of the red blood cell are receptors, these cerebral plasma receptors that are transporting iron, and there are these ways. receptors, which I was sharing with you days ago. X Factor, 

People Don't understand how important that red blood cell is in terms of our vitality. There's a lot of oxygen being carried in each red blood cell, but what has to happen is a red blood cell comes to an organ. The organ is going to pull it in and grab the oxygen that's going to get iron with it. That iron needs to be recycled.

what is so critical. We've been trained. to believe we need replacement

dietary [00:24:00] replacement of iron. my every day, oh, I got to get my dietary replacement because I lost it all, blah, blah, blah. That's not true. not true.

95 percent of our daily iron requirement comes from a dynamic recycling system that's run by a company.

That's the part that most people don't know about, especially most practitioners. And so when you donate blood, blood, what's what's happening is you're going to lose those

lose, 500 milligrams of, or 500 cc's of blood, that's about 250 milligrams of iron milligrams that the body's got to make up for that to make and it releases a very important hormone called erythropoietin, hormone called ePO, any athlete knows what EPO is.

EPO is going to make more red blood cells. To carry more oxygen, have more energy, have more bling at the Winterson better and so, that's what doping is all about in sports, [00:25:00] EPO,

EPO and trying to build red blood cells faster. And what does EPO do? Two signals.

 One, telling the bone marrow, you better start making red blood cells.

Morley Robbins: We're going to need we just lost a whole bunch of red blood cells red blood

But the second signal is telling the organs and the tissue around the body that have been holding onto this iron, you got to let it go the moment so we

We need it down in the bone marrow so we can make new red blood cells. And it's a very powerful dynamic dynamic that has been studied for over a century, but I don't think the average practitioner understands the subtlety of how important it is it is.

The whole idea of rejuvenating that 84 percent of our tissue, keeping it fresh, keeping it it

really vibrant and vital, I think is critical to our health and well being. And [00:26:00] overwhelming

meme that most people have is, I'm anemic, I need more iron. better recycling system, and that requires copper. That's where the breakdown is. And it's EP signal, that hormonal signal is coming out of the adrenal glands. So the adrenal sit on top of the kidneys means on top of the renal glands, the kidneys. And guess what you gotta have? In order to activate EPO, have you have to have a copper enzyme to make it happen. And so copper is all over. Iron metabolism, iron recycling, iron production. But people don't have that awareness, and that's really what the Root Cause Protocol is designed to do, is simplify the understanding of how the body works, simplify the process of of removing nutritional agents nutritional agents that are going to disrupt. body. efficiency of it, And

then promote [00:27:00] others that are really going to stimulate the efficiency. And that's really what we've done over the last probably 10, 12 years.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Interesting. So Morley, as you're walking us through this, 10, 12 years.

Any human being walking this planet likely has too much iron in them. You can be doing all the right things. You can have all the right levels of magnesium and copper, but that iron, it's I suppose, a lock that is locking the body from healing itself, becoming vibrant, doing what it should do because there's too much iron in the body.

And so, one of the things that we can do, it's free, it's a good deed, we're helping other people. You're saying, hey, every quarter, every three months or so, give or take, three, four months, donate some blood. And you're talking not plasma, but you're talking the full blood. So you're going in and within five, ten minutes, you've [00:28:00] donated your blood.

Now, there's some myths around me donating blood. Let me throw them at you and you can put some other ones out there. So if I'm donating blood, am I hurting myself in any way? Because I just heard you say, well, the body is sending out a signal of, hey, we just lost a whole bunch of iron. We've got to start producing more of these chemicals.

Let's get into action. Is that harmful in any way? And by the way, let me preface this by saying, everyone is unique and an individual. This is not medical advice. Please see your doctor before you do anything. We're simply sharing our own experiences, our own insights. But what's going on when I'm donating blood?

Can I harm myself in any way? Am I gonna be feeling too tired or lethargic? Or I can't do certain things for a period of time or not? What's going on?

Morley Robbins: Let's put it in a context.

Jeffrey Feldberg: it in 

Morley Robbins: I've read over a thousand, maybe 2, 000 articles on one iron.

Jeffrey Feldberg: iron.

Morley Robbins: And what they really agree on is that we have about, allegedly, 4, 000 to 5, 000 milligrams of iron

Jeffrey Feldberg: And

Morley Robbins: [00:29:00] it's hard to visualize what's 5, 000 milligrams. It's hard to visualize what's 5, 000 milligrams.

But so we've got, let's say, 5, 000 milligrams of iron. We're supposed to have 100 milligrams of copper.

Jeffrey Feldberg: milligrams of copper.

Morley Robbins: 100 milligrams of copper fits on the head of a one inch stick.

Jeffrey Feldberg: one inch

Morley Robbins: Very small amount of copper.

Jeffrey Feldberg: of

Morley Robbins: Very powerful. It's like a little dynamo battery. But the point that I want to make here is that the easiest way to understand how much iron you have,

Jeffrey Feldberg: you

Morley Robbins: your age,

Jeffrey Feldberg: age,

Morley Robbins: and multiply it times three,

Jeffrey Feldberg: times 3, 000 people.

Morley Robbins: and so like in my case, I'm 71, times 364, I get up to 26, 000.

And this, formula helps people understand how much iron they have in their tissue. Not my formula, folks. This is what the iron biologists agree on. Gutteridge and Howlow, Robert Crichton, Douglas Kell Jamie Collins, [00:30:00] world renowned iron biologists, all agree on we accumulate one milligram of iron. Every day, we're on the planet. the it's just the nature of the beast, because the food we eat and has iron in it, and the body has a propensity to want to hold on to that iron, because it's going to need it in the recycling program. The part that's been kept hidden is copper is really important for recycling iron, and it's really important.

Tremendous benefit by allowing the recycling to be enhanced by blood donations blood if Jeffrey, if donating blood was at all threatening, wouldn't exist.

Red Cross wouldn't exist. Blood centers wouldn't exist. The whole concept of donating blood to someone else wouldn't exist. But this has been around for over 150 years. And [00:31:00] they're very meticulous.

About what they do with the blood, and as you've noted or you've alluded to, when you do donate a pint of blood, 500 ccs of blood, there's four people,

Jeffrey Feldberg: Four people benefit

Morley Robbins: from that, three people who get the blood products, and the fourth person is the person donating because you're releasing the excess iron.

It's in your system.

Jeffrey Feldberg: system.

Morley Robbins: It's just a very central part of staying vital and staying fresh. In your metabolism.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And so Marlee, what I'm hearing you say is, and I'm going to give the analogy, when I go to the gym, when I work out, maybe I'm lifting weights, or maybe I'm going for a longer than usual bike ride, or I'm doing some hiking, I am putting some stress on the muscles, and you could say, well, that stress on the muscles, that's not good, you're putting your body under pressure, but actually it's the opposite.

The stress on those muscles from the workout, whatever it may be, [00:32:00] has the muscles break down and they rebuild themselves and that's how we put on muscle that's how we stay fit and healthy and so would that be the same kind of analogy as when we're donating blood we're putting the body under some kind of a stress but it's a healthy stress it's built for that kind of stress we're releasing the iron and we're coming back a whole lot better

Morley Robbins: That's a great analogy. it's unfortunate that more conventional practitioners don't embrace blood donations. They've never been trained. They've never been exposed to the idea. As you know, it was very popular back in the 1700s, 1800s. It was very commonplace. And I think it was really fell out of favor because of the.

The fact that it was a very easy way to stay healthy. Jamie Collins is a particularly noteworthy figure. He's down here down south of the border at the University of Florida in Gainesville. And his area of expertise is, [00:33:00] he's unique in that he speaks three languages.

Jeffrey Feldberg: languages.

Morley Robbins: He speaks Copper,

Jeffrey Feldberg: Magnesium, there

Morley Robbins: and Iron,

Jeffrey Feldberg: many

Morley Robbins: and Magnesium.

There are not many researchers who can speak those three languages. But what Jamie's been able to prove in the last probably five years, is that excess iron, and he studies rodents, mice and rats, and he builds these models that are indicative of being a two legged rat, but these rodent models, it exposes them to too much iron, and what happens?

He says it's like putting a wet blanket over a fire. It kills the copper metabolism, which you've alluded to a couple times in our conversation. And so people don't realize. It's a two sided dynamic that not only do I have to worry about the copper, be mindful of the copper, we've got to be mindful of the iron as well.

And so the phrase that I use is, we need to lower the iron footprint [00:34:00] in our body, and we've got to build the copper in our body, and when they get back to the appropriate area. ratio, the body knows exactly what,

Jeffrey Feldberg: Incredible. So we're donating our blood. The body knows exactly what to do. It's a healthy kind of pressure that we're putting on the body. We're really shedding the excess iron. And so morally, we stopped or we've begun to stop it. We just started. We've begun to stop the resting from the inside out. And when we do it enough, you're saying, hey, do it every quarter.

So every three months, make your appointment. It doesn't take that long. You're helping three other people, plus yourself, four people. Long term wise, what would be some of the benefits? Let's suppose I've been now doing this for a year, two years, maybe more. Where would I start to feel or see these benefits that perhaps I took for granted before?

I just didn't really feel them because I was bogged down with iron. Anything I should be looking out for? 

Morley Robbins: here's a grand out, our blood is supposed to be like red wine, and as we get older, it becomes more like ketchup.

Jeffrey Feldberg: like chemical.

Morley Robbins: It gets very thick.

Why is it getting thick? Because there's too much [00:35:00] iron.

Jeffrey Feldberg: it.

Morley Robbins: It's not complicated. And there's a concept called Rouleau

Jeffrey Feldberg: rule low. 

Morley Robbins: I think it's actually a casino term.

Rulo of chips, right? Got a lot of money. Well, Rulo in your blood is not a good thing. It means you're not getting the full benefit of the red blood cell. But here's an example.

the time I was 20

Jeffrey Feldberg: was

Morley Robbins: to the time I was,

actually, no, almost,

to 45.

Jeffrey Feldberg: was 45.

Morley Robbins: I was 20 to the time I was 45, I worked with one intern

At an annual physical every year.

And every year, Tom

Jeffrey Feldberg: ask, you're not taking

Morley Robbins: You're not taking iron supplements, are you?

Jeffrey Feldberg: I said no.

Morley Robbins: I said, no. He was always worried about my belly root.

It's a very important blood marker. It reveals how efficiently you're turning over your red blood cells.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Mine was

Morley Robbins: was always high.

Jeffrey Feldberg: It's supposed

Morley Robbins: supposed to be, point something. Mine was like 1.

8 or 2. 0. It was always elevated. I never really worried about it.

Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:36:00] worried about it. And,

Morley Robbins: it was in 2015,

Jeffrey Feldberg: the doctor was, it was in

Morley Robbins: Dr. Liz Thumped me in the nose, and she said, you talk to people about their blood work. She says, have you tested yours? I said, no. So I did, went to do the blood work and found out that my ferritin, which would be around 20, was at 237.

Yeah, than a 10x. Good thing I was wearing brown pants that day. And so, I suddenly said, hey, I got to donate blood. And so I, in 2016, 

Jeffrey Feldberg: every 

Morley Robbins: every other month.

other side of it was where male should have 

Jeffrey Feldberg: have hemoglobin around 

Morley Robbins: maybe 14, 14. 5, would be considered good, normal.

my red blood cells, It was 18.

3. So I had high hemoglobin, high ferritin, and so then I engaged in this process of donating blood every other month. Boom boom, like clockwork.

the end of

Jeffrey, at the end of the year,

[00:37:00] for

bilirubin was normal for the first time in my life,


and my red blood cells,


the hemoglobin, was 14. So I went from 18. 3 down to 14.

I didn't do anything.

was really before the Root Cause Protocol existed. To me, all I did was donate blood, I felt like a million dollars, I couldn't believe it.

And so more than you're going through your own personal journey, it built that into the root cause protocol. So we've established how naturally we build up iron more than we need. Something as simple and it's free, donating blood every three months doesn't get any easier than that. Now let's look at, well, why are we having excess iron?

And one of the things that you've alluded to a number of times, not only today. But also, in our previous podcast, the foods that we're eating, we have hidden iron that's been fortified in them, and really, from the outside looking in, particularly as a parent with a young child, oh, [00:38:00] fortified with iron. That sounds pretty good, or hey, this is fortified with iron, iron's good for me, I'm gonna make sure that I get this over that.

So where are some of the hidden sources that we're getting this iron that's actually hurting us, not helping us? Well,

it's programming at its finest.


We could call it propaganda.

But been trained to believe

We've been trained to believe

three we need more iron. More iron is our friend.



What's the three letter word hiding in the word believe?

iron Los Angeles, huh. Your

Whole thing is a scam. Take the time to read Jim's book about iron, the most toxic metal.

There's nine

Your toes are going to curl when you realize how much iron they're adding to the food system. nine different forms of iron, nine different forms of iron that are being added to the



the Wesker diet, and that's

North America, Europe, name the countries. Guess what?

All nine have

have been identified as [00:39:00] being the cause of community


growth. there's only one element on planet Earth


that can initiate,

can initiate, promote, and

and progress.

Those Those are considered

of what

hallmarks of what an element can do to, in its relationship with people. Iron is the only element on the planet that can do all three.

I agree that iron Iron has been added to the food since 1941,


south of the border in 19 69, 19 41, but in 69 and here in the States, we increased it. FDA wanted to

it but

hundred percent,

it 50

but they only increased 50%.

When scientists from all over the world came to Washington,

kill people.

are you trying to kill people?


So, and that's a fact. It's, again, this is all documented in the book. It's a wonderful book. And then there's a whole chapter [00:40:00] devoted to the role that iron plays in cancer formation. People aren't aware of all that.

We've been trained to believe we need more iron. We've never been taught about the backside. And so they modified C. When I was growing up in the 50s,


very spinach, yup, very popular figure, was eating spinach

and back then,

and wanted to be like Popeye.

meant, they

And back then, guess what spinach had? It had copper.

Guess what spinach has today?

Iron. There's no copper.


They've changed the foods. Changed the mechanism of mineral uptake in the food. And we're not aware of it. I didn't, I had no idea this existed.

no idea

So, grain has been modified.


They've, they use Pho is

the it as Use it as a desiccating agent, drying agent.


So they'll spray a field [00:41:00] of wheat or time


with glyphosate to accelerate the dry process so they can get in another.

 But what they're not telling us that desiccate

more than our ancestors. So I've

and that we has more irony than our ancestors.

the fruit

So I've gotta, we have to be more mindful of. But what is the food limit? You don't want to eat enriched flour. You don't want to eat fortified flour. You know, Here I don't know whether you have sprouts, we have that down here in the States. They sell. A form of flour that is not, and you can find it King Arthur is a source of


fine enriched flour.

There are, obviously there are European sources,

I have clients who have full blown celiac who

celiac problems.

go to,


or France, or Germany, and they [00:42:00] can eat bread.

They can eat

eat the bread of North America,

North America.

because it has, because of is

iron that's been added and the glyphosate, right,


and people don't realize that the reason why they have these

dietary conditions, and it's not a disease, change

It's a product of the change in our environment.

So the foods have been modified, and we just need to be more educated about discerning, looking for the right words. You don't want fortified, you don't want enriched.

want enriched.

If they're not your friends, you've got to look at the B vitamins,

they're all synthetic. You want to get your B vitamins as natural as possible,

But people

pollen or B fiber would be two great sources,


but people don't realize how altered our food system is, and that's just an ongoing dynamic that we have to be mindful of and willing to in our day to day diet.

Jeffrey Feldberg: So really what I'm hearing [00:43:00] you say is naturally we accumulate iron in and of itself and if we're not careful, and again, food is medicine, so if we have foods that are fortified, really probably fortified with anything is probably not healthy for us, but especially iron, take some time out, look at the label, if we see fortified with iron or other names around that.

Don't take it. Find an alternative. Even if it's a quote unquote healthy food, or we think it's a healthy food, and it's fortified with iron, don't walk, run. Run the opposite direction as fast as you can. We don't want to be taking that because it's already adding up to something that's overly toxic, if I can use that word, in our body.

We don't need that iron, and there's more of it than what we need, and we're already trying to stop the resting from the inside out. Having food with fortified iron in it just takes a bad situation and makes it worse. How am I doing with that?

Morley Robbins: Very good. Very good.

Jeffrey Feldberg: So, terrific. So, as we begin to wrap things up here, Morley, what you've established with us is [00:44:00] copper, magnesium, and iron, it's kind of like a triad, and anything too much in excess or too little It's not great.

We have to have the right proportions. It's not that iron is a villain or it's all bad, like anything else, I can drink too much water and I can have some serious health consequences because I'm really diluting myself and my electrolytes. So anything in excess is not healthy. And so what I'm hearing you say is make sure that the iron is in check so that with the right levels of magnesium, the right levels of copper, The body can do what it's meant to do, and that's to have us feeling great, to have us moving on to day after day gracefully, with vibrance, with energy, with youth, feeling vigor in our day to really make the most of it.

And one of the easiest ways for iron is every three months, donate blood. And we reduce the iron levels, we trigger a very healthy, natural process in our body To replace the blood cells, to replace that lost iron in [00:45:00] a healthy way, and we keep it in check every three months when we're donating blood, and if we do that, we're going to stop the resting from the inside out, we're not going to age as quickly, we're not going to bring on the onset of disease as quickly as we would, or maybe even at all, and we're in a much better place.

How am I doing?

Morley Robbins: Excellent. In fact, there was a famous iron biologist here in the States, Ed Weinberg, he was at Indiana University, and at the initial onset of any illness,

Jeffrey Feldberg: of blood status,

Morley Robbins: we'd go to the blood center, donate a pint of blood, he said invariably he would always feel better.

Jeffrey Feldberg: better. Because that's

Morley Robbins: guess what the pathogens live on, folks?

They live for that iron.

Jeffrey Feldberg: for that

Morley Robbins: It's an obligate metabolite for them to grow. It's an obligate metabolite for them to grow. Every, bacteria, fungus, virus, parasites, they all need iron. Well, I mean, ideally, our immune system should keep track of that, but sometimes it doesn't.

Jeffrey Feldberg: The

Morley Robbins: It's when we lower the threshold, it [00:46:00] changes the vitality of the immune system to then combat pathogens.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Some terrific advice out there. And Morley, before we go into wrap up mode, again, we took one of many things in the Root Cause Protocol. It's in the show notes, but for the listeners who want to learn more, hey, Morley, that makes a whole lot of sense. I never heard from anyone else, That this iron is resting from the inside out that all these other things that I'm doing, I'm spending the time, the effort, the energy, I'm really hurting myself because it's not making that big of an impact.

There's too much iron. This is wonderful, and they want to learn some more. Where is the best place online? That we can learn more about what's going on and for someone who wants to reach you, I know you have a very special offer for people who want to reach you of what no one else does, only Morley does, in terms of putting that out there.

So if someone has a question, they want to speak with you, they want to learn more, where would be some great places to find

Morley Robbins: Great sources would be the website, RTP. Root Cause Program, rcp123. org. We [00:47:00] have a resource section that lays out the RCP handbook, and there's 81 posts,

Jeffrey Feldberg: Publicity, all

Morley Robbins: and toxicity, all sorts of Q& As in there. If you want the book, go to your favorite online bookseller and pick up a copy of Cure. War, fatigue,

Jeffrey Feldberg: And

Morley Robbins: and the CU has little brackets around it, so you see this one

You can join our RCP community, you can join our institute, we have a very robust 16 week reports that we do twice a year,

Jeffrey Feldberg: year.

Morley Robbins: people love the information that they get, and I think the most important thing is

Jeffrey Feldberg: is to

Morley Robbins: an open mind and

Jeffrey Feldberg: curious

Morley Robbins: work curious.

Jeffrey Feldberg: those who really want to reach

Morley Robbins: Who really wanna reach out and connect with me, I'm happy to have that conversation.

address is just my first

Jeffrey Feldberg: one. Thanks. I'm Marley Robbins at gfm.

Morley Robbins: and for those

Jeffrey Feldberg: those courageous people [00:48:00] who love to read, it's a wonderful poem. It's

Morley Robbins: 9 2, 2 6, 1, the highlight of my day are the people who call expecting never to answer, and when I do, they become hypo toxic. And then they finally get over it and they ask their questions and it's I love having the conversations because people, sometimes they just need to have that exchange to find out that they're not broken.

Maybe they're just out of balance, something's going wrong. And I'm happy to share that information. I appreciate the opportunity to both have these types of conversations,

Jeffrey Feldberg: this for about

Morley Robbins: it out there. And we've been doing this for a long time. About 12 years now, so there's a lot of people who know like, oh no, that's okay, 

Jeffrey Feldberg: It's out there. And Deep Wealth Nation, he really means what he says. Morley, I heard you on another podcast, you put your phone number out there, you put your email out there, I reached out, and sure enough, you and I were talking, and it was been an absolute pleasure, never looked back after that. Well, Morley, we're going to go into wrap [00:49:00] up mode again.

Before we do, and you've been around the block a few times on this one, but before we go into wrap up mode, and my favorite question, is there a question that I haven't asked during our time together, or a topic we haven't covered? Or even a theme or a message you want to get out there for the Deep Wealth Nation, anything that comes to mind?

I've that emotions

Morley Robbins: important aspect of it,

Jeffrey Feldberg: you're 

Morley Robbins: know that emotions

are going to influence our

Jeffrey Feldberg: your stress balance? What

Morley Robbins: well being.

Jeffrey Feldberg: have stress.

Morley Robbins: When you're under stress, especially if you're a business owner, who isn't stressed out with their business,

Jeffrey Feldberg: spelled

Morley Robbins: but when you have stress, What you want is chronic stress.

Jeffrey Feldberg: by.

Morley Robbins: What is the emotion? Fear. So we spell fear a little differently in the R C P A F I N,

Jeffrey Feldberg: That

Morley Robbins: A R.

Jeffrey Feldberg: can see

Morley Robbins: That way we can see the sense of fear.

Jeffrey Feldberg: when we're in a

Morley Robbins: when we're in a state of fear,

Jeffrey Feldberg: become a

Morley Robbins: we become a magnet

Jeffrey Feldberg: the

Morley Robbins: for iron. It's just the way our physiology works.

Jeffrey Feldberg: of puzzles

Morley Robbins: sorts of hormones [00:50:00] in play and we don't need to get into that right now, but just be mindful of the fact that if you are stressed out,

Jeffrey Feldberg: if

Morley Robbins: it's important to seek out practitioners who do emotional release work,

Jeffrey Feldberg: You

Morley Robbins: CFT, or emotion code, EMDR,

Jeffrey Feldberg: release the

Morley Robbins: will help you

Jeffrey Feldberg: important

Morley Robbins: release the fear.

Jeffrey Feldberg: understand is

Morley Robbins: Important for people to understand is that people who are drawn to this group, Group Cause Protocol,

Jeffrey Feldberg: let's look

Morley Robbins: high IQ.

Jeffrey Feldberg: right

Morley Robbins: So if you're listening to this right now, you've already passed the IQ test. The

Jeffrey Feldberg: with high IT have

Morley Robbins: high IQ have true genetic deepness. We're control freaks.

Jeffrey Feldberg: You don't

Morley Robbins: We don't know how to like that.

Jeffrey Feldberg: look at that. 

Morley Robbins: And we love,


Jeffrey Feldberg: when

Morley Robbins: when you're listening to a guy,

Jeffrey Feldberg: guy, talking

Morley Robbins: talking to another guy, trying to tell you how simple this is, it's almost offensive. That's

Jeffrey Feldberg: offensive.

Morley Robbins: that

Jeffrey Feldberg: That's okay. But

Morley Robbins: doesn't mean it's not [00:51:00] true. It doesn't mean it's not real.

Jeffrey Feldberg: doesn't mean it's not

Morley Robbins: What your high IQ mind needs is a guide to help you to release the fear that you have that you're broken. Because the longer you have that fear, the more you're going to dysregulate the energy production. The more iron accumulation it's going to take.

Jeffrey Feldberg: take place.

Morley Robbins: And it's, again, well chronicled in the research,

Jeffrey Feldberg: section

Morley Robbins: except you don't know where to look for it. And so that's what Jeffrey is doing, is giving you the cliff notes,

Jeffrey Feldberg: the cliff

Morley Robbins: getting you the essence of the problem and the essence of

Jeffrey Feldberg: of the

Morley Robbins: the solution.

And it's not complicated. Part of you is going to be offended by that. That's okay.

Jeffrey Feldberg: The key

Morley Robbins: key is, if it's too simple for you,

Jeffrey Feldberg: standing

Morley Robbins: do the RCP standing on your head. That's more complicated, but it'll still work. the key is, these principles are timeless. And all we did in the RCP was [00:52:00] bus and just say, here's the wisdom


Jeffrey Feldberg: were able to

Morley Robbins: We were able to find it in the research

Jeffrey Feldberg: do it.


Morley Robbins: has.

Jeffrey Feldberg: a genius. He's

Morley Robbins: Absolutely captivated by the genius of it, the beauty of it, and he's just trying to make sure more people know about it, and I'm very grateful for it.

Jeffrey Feldberg: just try to make sure more people know about it.

can get you such a high ROI, maybe there's something to that, try it for yourself, be a data point of one, and maybe it works, great, maybe it doesn't work, okay, why not, but just become curious and find your own rhythm.

Morley Robbins: So you focused on ROI, which is Eternal Investment, focused on another ROI, research on

Jeffrey Feldberg: that. Oh Morley, I love how you take these different initials and these anagrams and these different meanings and you put that in [00:53:00] there. It's wonderful. Well Morley, all that said, we're going to go into wrap up mode. It's your fourth Kick It, They Can. It's my favorite question. It's a tradition here on the Deep Wealth Podcast.

No pressure on you, Morley. Each time you've been absolutely brilliant, you came up with something different. And on the last episode three, you said, well, Jeffrey, let me see how you can I'm feeling in the mood today of what my answer is going to be, and perhaps it'll be the same kind of thing today.

You'll take us down a different path. But here's the question, and particularly for the new members of Deep Wealth Nation, the question is this, it's a fun one. When you think of the movie Back to the Future, you have that magical DeLorean car that will take you to any point in time. So imagine now, it's tomorrow morning, and you look outside your window, and Morley, here's the fun part.

Not only do you see the lorry and car curbside, the door is open, it's waiting for you to hop on in, which you do. You're now going to go to any point in your life, morally, as a young child, a teenager, whatever point in time that would be. What would you tell your younger self, in terms of life wisdom, or life lessons, or hey, morally, do this, but don't do that?

What would that sound like? [00:54:00]

Morley Robbins: People are probably wondering, what is that, it's a beautiful poster of an Egyptian, and it's hard to see it because of the lights.

Jeffrey Feldberg: it because of the lights and everything.

Morley Robbins: lining the perimeter of it

Jeffrey Feldberg: it

Morley Robbins: a series of ankhs.

Jeffrey Feldberg: of 

Morley Robbins: That was their religious symbol.

Jeffrey Feldberg: War II, wasn't it? And

Morley Robbins: the ankh was made of copper, not coal, not bronze, brass.

Jeffrey Feldberg: the Egyptian dynasties

Morley Robbins: think I'd really like to go back,

Jeffrey Feldberg: did they know?

Morley Robbins: to the Egyptian,

Jeffrey Feldberg: was

Morley Robbins: find out what did they know about how to stay healthy, what was magical about helping the body to stay and what I understand given full circle to our discussion, I think it was the Egyptians who were the first to figure out the importance of blood

Jeffrey Feldberg: hmm. 

Morley Robbins: That they saw there was some value that when you release this red fluid, the body seems to [00:55:00] respond in a very constructive way.

And it wasn't viewed as a threat, and there was a power of understanding back in that culture. Thousands of years ago. I think it's been lost. It would just be fascinating to, 

Jeffrey Feldberg: fascinating, 

Morley Robbins: wing our way back and find out, talk to some of these laymen and see what they knew about healing and about what health was

Jeffrey Feldberg: helps them

Morley Robbins: thousands of years ago.

Jeffrey Feldberg: ago.

Morley Robbins: Because I think we've lost sight of the

Jeffrey Feldberg: Purpose. We've lost

Morley Robbins: purpose. We've lost our true north and we've gotten very sophisticated and analyzed technology, but we really gained we really captured the essence of what it was.

Jeffrey Feldberg: with that

Morley Robbins: I think we're still struggling with that now,

Jeffrey Feldberg: not part

Morley Robbins: and so, some more time, I think,

Jeffrey Feldberg: was

Morley Robbins: but it was a magical time for understanding

Jeffrey Feldberg: think it has to

Morley Robbins: the human body, and I think it'd be fascinating to like,

Jeffrey Feldberg: Interesting, you're talking about the Egyptian times, what they knew about bloodletting, how they had copper. So perhaps you'd be telling your younger self, donate blood on a [00:56:00] regular basis. I mean, imagine doing that. And again, to circle back, so Morley, for your younger self, would it be, I mean, you shared with the Egyptians what they knew about copper and bloodletting, so for your younger self, would it be this go around, donate more blood, or donate blood more frequently?

that sentence or two be to the young we've been 

Morley Robbins: more copper in your diet. We've been focusing on releasing iron, which is very important, but when we have more copper in our diet, we're going to have more copper in our tissue. And what I'm coming to realize, Jeff, when

protein, cellulose, plasmid,

Jeffrey Feldberg: I

Morley Robbins: I could just, I could wear people out with what I've learned about it, and that's just me.

I'm fascinated by it.

Jeffrey Feldberg: That's just

Morley Robbins: I've talked about how important it is, no longer think it's just important,

it is the operating system of mammalian physiology,

Jeffrey Feldberg: the male

Morley Robbins: and we'll take yet another conversation into all the details of it, I'm not sure your followers would want to go there, but [00:57:00] I think it's important for people to realize is that there is a wisdom,

Jeffrey Feldberg: resident wisdom in

Morley Robbins: wisdom in our body that has been

Jeffrey Feldberg: An ignored mention of system. And

Morley Robbins: And in fact, by the conventional system, and we don't need to get into vitriol and yelling and

Jeffrey Feldberg: that.


Morley Robbins: just, we just need to acknowledge that

Jeffrey Feldberg: Interesting,

Morley Robbins: our body was designed was magically designed to take care of itself. And if you have the right diet, if you have your wits about you, if you can manage your stress it's an amazing response that the body has to your situation. Yeah.

Jeffrey Feldberg: So interesting, so maybe, again, I don't want to put words in your mouth, but maybe it's double teaming it. and that is take more copper and donate blood regularly and that's well on your way to optimal health.

Morley Robbins: And again, everybody wants, where's the easy button, right? Where is the easy button? That's a great place to start. You [00:58:00] know, It takes a little bit more, but not a whole lot but this is the ultimate lever of imbalanced, too little copper, too much iron. What we're trying to do with the RFCP is mainly back and forth

Jeffrey Feldberg: that the

Morley Robbins: so that the body knows what to do.


Jeffrey Feldberg: Amazing. Well, Morley, congratulations once again. It's official. This is a wrap. We thank you so much for your insights, for your wisdom today of putting us on the path, pun intended, to get our Deep Wealth, both on the health side, which we can then translate onto the business side.

And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, Morley, may you continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe. Thank you so much. I'm really glad to have you

Morley Robbins: It's really been an honor. Appreciate it.

Jeffrey Feldberg: So there you have it, Deep Wealth Nation. What did you think? So with all that said and as we wrap it up, I have another question for you.

Actually, it's more of a personal favor. Did you find this episode helpful? Have you found other episodes of the Deep Wealth Podcast empowering and a game changer [00:59:00] for your journey? And if you said yes, and I really hope you did, I have a small but really meaningful way that you can actually help us out and keep these episodes coming to you.

Are you ready for it? The dramatic pause. I'll just wait a moment. Drumroll, please. Subscribe. Please subscribe to the Deep Wealth Podcast on your favorite podcast channel. When you subscribe to the Deep Wealth Podcast, you're saving yourself time. Every episode automatically comes to you, and I want you to know that we meticulously craft Every one of our episodes to have impactful strategies, stories, expert insights that are designed to help you grow your profits, increase the value of your business, and yes, even optimize your post exit life and your life right now, whatever you want that to look like.

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So all that said. Thank you so much for listening. And remember your wealth isn't just about the money in the bank. It's about the depth of your journey and the impact that you're creating. So let's continue this journey together. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for listening to this episode.

And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, may you continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe. Thank you so much. God bless.

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