The Deep Wealth Podcast - Your Blueprint To Maximize Your Business And Personal Deep Wealth

High Momentum Coach Amrit Singh Shares Strategies For Achieving Success While Living Fully (#370)

Jeffrey Feldberg Season 3 Episode 370

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“Be kind to yourself and know that everything is OK and will work out.” - Amrit Singh

Amrit Singh, a seasoned high momentum coach with over 25 years of international experience, shares his journey from a troubled youth to becoming a spiritual guide. He discusses his unique approach to empowering men through meditation, habit development, and spirituality. The episode also features a segment from the sponsor, Deep Wealth, showcasing their transformative 90 Day Deep Wealth Mastery Program. Testimonials highlight the program's impact on avoiding financial pitfalls and achieving substantial ROI. Amrit emphasizes the importance of mental and physical health for personal and business success and offers insights into addressing common challenges men face in balancing work and personal life.

04:19 Amrit Singh's Personal Journey

07:46 The Importance of Personal Well-being

09:30 High Momentum Life Coaching Explained

20:03 The Power of Meditation

32:44 Final Thoughts and Wrap Up

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370 Amrit Singh

Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:00:00] Amrit Singh is a high momentum life coach with over 25 years of experience guiding men towards transformation across four continents. Drawing on his deep knowledge of meditation, habit development, and spirituality, Amrit empowers men to reconnect with their purpose, elevate their relationships, and build a life they love.

His unique approach ignites a journey to uncover what truly brings joy, unlocking new levels of fulfillment and success.

And before we start this episode, a quick word from our sponsor, Deep Wealth and the 90 Day Deep Wealth Mastery Program. Here's Jane, a graduate who says, and I quote, the Deep Wealth Mastery Program prevented me from making what would have been one of the biggest mistakes of my career. I almost signed on the dotted line with an unsolicited offer that I now realized would have shortchanged my hard work and my future had I accepted that offer. Deep Wealth Mastery has tilted the playing field to my advantage.

Or how about Lyn? Wow, he gets right to the point, and I quote, Deep Wealth Mastery is one [00:01:00] of the best investments ever made because you'll get an ROI of a hundred times that. Anyone who doesn't go through this will lose millions. 

And as you're listening to these testimonials, are you wondering if you have the time? Are you even thinking that you've got this covered, you have the advisors or people in your network? Well, I got to tell you, these myths, they're often behind the 90 percent failure rate for liquidity events. Think about it. You have one chance to get it right for your financial freedom. You really want to make it count.

And when it comes to time, let's hear what William has to say. We just got in this testimonial, William says, and I quote, I didn't have the time for Deep Wealth Mastery. But I made the time and I'm glad I did. What I learned goes far beyond any other executive program or coach I've experienced. 

So what do you think?

As I hear that, that's exactly what gets me out of bed every day. That's my mission. That's the team's mission here at Deep Wealth to literally change the social fabric of society. One business owner at a time, one liquidity event at a time, and my Deep Wealth Nation, what I want you to know, the Deep Wealth [00:02:00] Mastery Program, it isn't theory.

It's from the trenches. It's the only one based on a nine figure deal. And that deal, that was my deal. You know my story. I said no to a seven figure offer. I created the system that later on, myself and my business partners, we said yes to a different buyer, a different offer, a nine figure deal. That's what we now call the Deep Wealth Mastery Program or the Scale For Ultimate Sales system.

It's built by business owners, for business owners, so if you're interested in growing your profits for preparing for a future liquidity event, and that may be two years away, it could be 22 years away, whatever the time may be, you want to do this now, and you want to optimize your post exit life, Deep Wealth Mastery is for you.

To get started, email success at deepwealth. com. Again, that's success. S U C C E S S at DeepWealth. com. You'll receive all the information about the Deep Wealth Mastery Program or better yet, why not hop on a complimentary strategy call.

We'll go through [00:03:00] exactly where your business is today and what's standing between you and your financial independence and your dreams. So that's where you want to be. You want to be with other successful business owners, entrepreneurs, and founders, just like you they're looking to grow their businesses, create markets.

Market disruptions and unlock their financial freedom to get what they deserve. And whether you've been in business for three years, 40 years, you're a startup, you're manufacturing you're in high tech, low tech, whatever the case may be, coming in and network with other business owners, it's a safe space.

It's a confidential space with business owners, with businesses just like you, because they all wanna lock in their financial freedom and enjoy both success and fulfillment. So again, the 90 Day Deep Wealth Mastery Program, it has your name on it. All you need to do is take the next step. Please send an email to success at deepwealth. com.

Welcome to the Deep Wealth Podcast. Well, you heard it in the official introduction. If you're looking for success, if you're looking for success, not on the business side only, but also on the personal side in your whole entire life, [00:04:00] you want to take your game to the next level. You have more questions than answers.

You've come to the right place. And a quick heads up for all you men out there. This is where you're going to want to be. And for all the women out there who are having men in their life in the podcast. Personal side, on the business side, some terrific strategies of how you can support them as well. But I'm going to put a plug in it right there.

Amrit, it's a pleasure to have you with us here on the Deep Wealth Podcast. And I'm curious because there's always a story behind the story. So Amrit, what's your story? What brought you from where you were to where you are today?

Amrit Singh: Well, first of all, thanks for having me, Jeffrey. It's amazing to be here. I'm so happy about that. The story really begins all the way in my childhood, and we could probably talk for hours about what the whole story is, but I give you the short version here, where I never felt like I was fitting in.

And so as a teenager, I put on the mask the cool guy who was wearing the black leather jacket and smoking and ditching school and doing all those things, which were, now looking back, not really [00:05:00] me, but it was kind of a way to establish myself in the world. And then I very quickly, started smoking weed, and that was actually for me the first time I connected with myself on the spiritual level, and so I was like, oh my god, I found the holy grail.

I just have to smoke more weed. And, Unfortunately, that led to several years of sitting around and nothing happening because, as everybody knows who's ever done this in an extended version, it really limits you and it really shuts you down and all you want to do is sit on the couch, watch TV and eat chips.

And so, I broke out of that when I started practicing yoga and meditation, and now I suddenly was getting these spiritual experiences without smoking weed. And I was like, oh my god, this is the next cool thing. So by the time I was 25, I decided to [00:06:00] move to India and I was just, oh, I'll just go for a couple of months and live there and be part of this community project.

And then a couple of months turned into 20 years. And so I lived in India for a long time. That's where the beard and the turban are kind of the leftovers from, because I also, dove deep in the Sikh religion and explored that. And then over the years really came to the point where I realized, my God, it's just another limitation.

It's just another way of disconnecting from others who are not the same. So where I'm at today is that, I wouldn't consider myself a religious person or a Sikh, but I do like the beard and the turban. And so I stuck with that and I'm really. In my life, making spirituality and authentic living and connection with others, kind of the core principle of everything I do.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Well, [00:07:00] Amrit, I really appreciate your vulnerability and your openness and sharing your journey. You've really come a long way in your own development. Now I want to speak specifically to the Deep Wealth Nation. The listener there who is saying, it sounds like an interesting story. But I'll tell you what, let me just focus on the business.

The business is my priority right now. I'll get to the personal life and my personal side later. I'll just put in the next few years, it'll be crazy, chaotic years. I'm burning the candle at both ends, so to speak. And once I'm successful, once the business gets to a certain level, I will focus more on the personal side from that perspective.

I'm redundant. I'm sure you've heard this in different forms and variations when you're doing your high momentum life coaching. We'll talk about that for that specific listener. What would you say to them?

Amrit Singh: I would say to them, if someone could give you a magic pill that would give you more energy, have you feel more fulfilled, have you feel happier, enjoy your family life, [00:08:00] sleep better, be in a better mental state, not needing Alcohol or drugs to just cope and make it through the day. Would you want that pill?

And then probably every business owner, especially the really stressed ones would be like, yes, I pay you anything for that magic pill, right? So that magic pill. is to now and today, focus on yourself and focus on yourself first and make yourself a priority, make your health a priority. Because when you take care of those things, you're getting all these benefits I listed out from the magic pill while growing your business.

And now suddenly, If you have more focus, if you have more energy, if you have more capacity to hold all that, if you live in a healthy marriage where things are going well because you have invested in it, guess what happens to your business success? It will go [00:09:00] through the roof because now you're not resenting your success anymore because it's making you unhappy and unfulfilled on so many other levels.

And you come to a point where you're saying, Oh my God, I can do this for another 20 years because this is fun. I love doing this. I love getting up. I love sitting on my computer because I know I'm prioritizing my success. Self care, because it's just as important as my business being successful.

Jeffrey Feldberg: really well said. And for the benefit of the listener, when you call yourself a high momentum life coach, what are you referring to with that? I mean, we've heard of coaches. We've heard of life coaches, at least for myself. Anyways, a high momentum life coach. One, I love that name, that title too. It was something new for me.

So what's going on with that?

Amrit Singh: I found out that really the key element in my coaching work is to create momentum. And that's like with everything in life, right? With your diet, with how you work out, with how [00:10:00] you focus on your business. When you create momentum, it's much easier to keep going. And so that's what we're focusing on in the work with my clients, where I really take them to a place where we can say, okay.

What's the baby steps we can start with here regarding your health, regarding your sleep, regarding the way you eat, anything, right? And start with those baby steps and then continuing those over an extended period of time, because that's what creates momentum. And I always love this, visual of if you have this huge boulder and you want to push it, it's really hard to get it moving.

But once you got it moving to keep it rolling, it's much easier. So I really focus on that with the people I work with to get them to that point where things are in motion and they understand the importance of keeping things in motion and keeping things growing and moving forward, rather than just saying, Oh, now I did my.[00:11:00]

One month diet, now I lost five pounds, now I don't have to worry about what I eat for the rest of my life. That's not how it works.

Jeffrey Feldberg: You're absolutely right. And Amrit, what's interesting, what you're talking about in our 90 day Deep Wealth Mastery program, we don't separate the personal from the business because we're a being, a person, and we come really as a whole. And so if we don't get it right on the inside, mentally, if our mental health, our energy, our clarity, focus, all those other things, whereas our health is our first wealth, that's going to manifest in not a great way in every other area of our life or said in another way, when we get it right on the inside, we'll manifest that in all the other areas, including the business to get us to where we want to get to.

And so I'm wondering, again, for the Deep Wealth Nation, for their benefit, you're focusing. Specifically with men and for those that are out there and they're saying, okay, great. You have my attention. If I'm a man or if I'm a woman, again, don't stop here, please listen to this conversation [00:12:00] because you can then share and pay it forward with the men in your life.

What's the difference from your perspective of how and why a man may experience or perceive things much differently than a woman? What's going on with that?

Amrit Singh: Or it really has to do with our ability as men to single pointedly focus on one thing much easier. Women, of course, can do the same, but women always have an open ear, always know what's going on around them, always have another 15 thoughts in their mind. For us guys, we can just shut down and look at our computer for 10 hours a day and not see or hear the world outside.

And even though that's an amazing skill, because we do get stuff done that way, it also disconnects us. Not just from our family, from our loved ones, but also from ourselves, because we are trained through generations to really just be like, [00:13:00] Oh yeah, I feel tired. Oh, that's weakness. Let's keep moving on. I feel hungry.

Oh, I can eat later. Oh, I'm thirsty. Oh, forget about it. That would mean I have to get up and get something to drink. I'll just keep working. Right. It's this this association from reality and that works for a couple of years. But it will catch up with you, and you will have to pay the price. And you'll either pay the price when you're in your 50s or your 60s, and if you're lucky, maybe only in your 70s.

But you have to pay the price for, like you said earlier, burning the candle on both sides, and coming to that place where your nervous system is just so burned out that you will end up getting sick. And then guess what happens to your business when you can't get out of bed for four weeks? It's not good.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Exactly. And to continue with that, and we talk all about this in the community. If you're not feeling well, if you're tired, if you have that brain fog, if you're lacking that energy, that [00:14:00] clarity for the decisions that you need to make or the deals that you're considering, or maybe you're even having an exit or liquidity event, these are life changing moments.

And it'd be like driving a car with your eyes blindfolded, not a great combination, not what you want to be doing. So let me ask you this, Amrit, I may be more general with this question than you'd like, and you'd be perfectly in the right to say, well, Jeffrey, every person is different. Every person's journey is going to be unique.

And I get all that, generally speaking. Is there the good old Pareto's law, the 80 20 rule, are 20 percent of the same issues cropping up again that are creating 80 percent of the, some people call them challenges, I'll call them opportunities, in your clients lives? What are you seeing with that?

Amrit Singh: Yes. I mean, it really applies everywhere. It always comes down to the same basics. And if you don't take care of those, they will catch up with you and you pay the price. And the price is usually much [00:15:00] higher than what it would take you to address those while you're still doing well, while you're still feeling healthy, while you're young, you got a lot of energy.

You drink your six cups of coffee a day, say, oh, can't be anything wrong with that. Look how much energy I have, but it will catch up with you. And this is the kind of stuff, when you address those issues now, you can save your life and you can turn it around. I get this a lot when working with men who are struggling in their marriages, who are like, Oh my God, my wife just told me yesterday, she wants a divorce.

What can we do? And first thing comes to my mind is like, Oh my God, dude, like you should have come to me five years ago. This was the time to address this. Now, we can try what we can sell salvage here, but address the issues in your marriage, in your health while you're still doing well.

Don't wait. For being admitted to the hospital and being in the emergency room, trying to take care of yourself.[00:16:00]

Jeffrey Feldberg: Great advice. It's absolutely, while it's perhaps in the early days or even not at all, be proactive and make sure that you don't even get there. I'm with you on that. So walk us through what's the, as we like to say here at Deep Wealth, what's the method to your madness? So I'm coming to you. Okay. I'm ready.

Let's go through your system. How long roughly does it take in? What are you going to be having me do? And what can I expect when all of a sudden I'm done?

Amrit Singh: Well, what I do with my clients is really, we dive in the beginning and just explore everything, like what's going on in every aspect of your life. And sometimes it looks a little bit like it's all over the place and people are like, Oh, I came to you. To save my marriage and why we're talking about how much I sleep and how I take care of my stress levels, but ultimately, it's all coming together at the end, because when they understand that when they take responsibility for their own well being, for their own emotions, for how they communicate that, with their [00:17:00] wives.

That's when they have the chance to really make a difference in their life. And that's when they see the benefits. And it's a funny thing because this happens quite regularly where they say to me after like four or six weeks I don't know, I've been doing all this stuff. I'm talking to my wife differently.

I'm making an effort. I'm investing in, you know, spending time with her doing all these things. And she's just questioning me and she's looking at me and she's like, what's wrong with you? It's like, I'm trying, right? But it's her testing if that is for real. so what happens, and I, similarly to you, I work 90 days with my clients, is towards that last month, and that's when we see the wives come around.

And I have people come to me and say, my God, my wife is changing. And I haven't even talked to her about this. And that's exactly it, right? When we change the way we show up, The outside world changes. And that's not just in our marriages. That's in our businesses. [00:18:00] That's in our relationship with our kids, with our parents.

Every aspect of our being as human beings is impacted by how we show up.

Jeffrey Feldberg: So true. It goes back to the old saying, be the change that you want to see. And by us leading the example on the personal side, on the business side, we're living the example, we're walking the talk and others, more times than not, are going to step up their own game. Oh my goodness. If Jeffrey's like this, I gotta be like that.

Look how positive he is or how caring or attentive, whatever the case may be. Let me reflect back and do the same. It's just human nature to be able to do that. And I'm wondering, speaking of human nature, have there been any trends for better or worse? It seems that. We say this all the time, but it really seems this way that life is getting faster with more pressures and we're getting bombarded every which way we look.

Is that myth? Is that reality? What's been going on from your side of things? What are you seeing?

Amrit Singh: It's reality. I mean, life has increased at [00:19:00] speed. We all need to generate more money because, there's more opportunity out in the world things to do and It's challenging. It's challenging to show up every day again, every week again, and start again, and have a whole nother month of bills to pay, and show up again.

Those are the challenges we all deal with. And again, it comes back down to even more important to have your machine, which is your body and your mind and your emotions and your spirit, to really be in alignment so you have the best chance. And success, right? And my favorite example is always the what kind of gasoline do you put in your car?

Would you go somewhere where they say, Oh, it's only half price over here. And you get that super cheap stuff. Or do you want to put the best quality gasoline in your car? Take care of yourself as well as you take care of your car. And you're 50 percent there.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And [00:20:00] Amrit, I love that analogy that you're giving and it's so true. And why don't we go now, it's a perfect segue into something that you mentioned at the start of our conversation, and that's meditation. And I know for the Deep Wealth Nation, particularly for the listeners that are very analytical, they're logical, they're saying, hey, if it doesn't show up in a complicated formula in a spreadsheet, it just doesn't exist.

And as we talk about meditation, I'm reminded of the quote, and I hope I get it right. It was by Gandhi and it was an incredibly busy day. And he said something along the lines of, I have so much to accomplish today that I'm going to meditate for two hours instead of one. And it really does get to the point.

So when it comes to meditation, I know science is now finally catching up with what the ancients have known really for eons since first came onto the scene. Can you walk the Deep Wealth Nation through what exactly physiologically, mentally, spiritually is happening with meditation? What's going on with that?


Amrit Singh: It's a human ability, which we all have. [00:21:00] And it's a state. That you can get to where your mind gets calm, you feel really centered and grounded in yourself, and you're crystal clear and focused. that's where it starts. Every baby knows how to meditate. Like during the pregnancy, it's even like in the headstand, like the yogi's practice for nine months, just in meditation.

All of us did this. And then you come into the world, and every time you nurse from your mother, You can see a baby actually roll up their eyes to their third eye point and going into this blissful state that's affecting the mother and it's affecting every single person walking into that room. If someone notices and goes oh, they go quiet and they whisper and it's this powerful state.

So meditation is not something you need to learn. Meditation is a state that you have the ability to connect with as a [00:22:00] human being. And that's why, people like these plant which are so, popular over the last couple of years, because it's a shortcut. to that meditative state.

You know, You're introducing a substance and then suddenly you have this experience and you think, oh my god, so great. Kind of takes me back to my story when I was 16 and I was like, oh, I finally figured it out. Unfortunately, dependence on the substance is not the solution. A sustainable way to bring yourself to that state every single day.

Jeffrey Feldberg: couldn't agree more, yes, and the doctors, the scientists, the healers that we've had on the podcast, yes, we're as much about business health as we are about personal health, and they all say the same thing of what you're saying. When you give the body what it needs, when it has the right environment within, it knows automatically what to do, how to heal itself.

And so when it comes to the meditative state, what I'm hearing you saying, you can say, Jeffrey, you're on base, you're off base, It's all innate within us. It's free. We don't have [00:23:00] to go and have expensive substances or go through all these different gyrations to try and get to somewhere we can go within.

At the same time to what we're saying earlier in speaking with a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners and founders, Jeffrey, I'm so busy. I don't have a minute in the day to take a breath for myself. And when I try, two minutes feels like two days. It's just so painful for me to sit still. I can't seem to quiet the mind.

It's just not for me, this meditation, and they give up.

Amrit Singh: Here's an interesting piece. When you are at that point where you really mastered meditation, and you're really reconnecting to the ability that you had as a baby, You don't need to sit and meditate anymore. Sitting and meditating is for the people who are not there yet. And the more stressed out you are, the more, busy you are, the more you need that calm and that balance in your life.

And so really for those people, those are the ones who need meditation the [00:24:00] most. And so it comes down to the reason it feels like when you sit for two minutes and it feels like two days is Because it is so different from how you live the rest of your day, that moment feels so uncomfortable. And we all know that.

the same in business in order to grow, you need to be uncomfortable. So if you want to grow, you want to develop that calm, that focus, that stability in yourself. You need to allow yourself to be uncomfortable, and you can start with two minutes, and then you increase it to three, and then you do four, but you need to start somewhere, and it really doesn't matter what kind of meditation you do, all of the different paths work, but you need to start somewhere, and my advice for people who are really struggling with meditation is do some exercise before you meditate.

That's why the X Factor. Indians 5, 000 years ago developed yoga because they figured [00:25:00] out when they do certain physical practices before they sit down to meditate, they were able to access that calm place in themselves quicker and more efficiently.

Jeffrey Feldberg: It's interesting. You've been a world traveler in your journey from Germany to India, to the U. S., offline, you're sharing, you're now in Mexico. And in Mexico in particular, this may be a stereotype. Maybe it's not so true today. Once upon a time, it was, we all know about the siesta and that's their form, I suppose, of meditation, of taking a break really in the middle of the day to relax and recharge.

And I'll share with you, and I've shared this with the Deep Wealth Nation before, I meditate two times a day and right in the afternoon. When I feel like I've left everything on the table, I've got nothing left to give, I'll go do perhaps a 20 minute meditation, sometimes a little bit more, sometimes a little bit less.

When I come out of that, firstly, I don't know what happened to the time warp with me. It feels like it's been eight hours and I feel refreshed and energized and I have that clarity and [00:26:00] there's just a calmness and a peace within me. And I'm wondering, based on what you've learned in your journey, big picture wise, what's going on with that, of why that's happening?

Because I know I'm not alone in that. Other people have shared the same kinds of experiences, some even more so. What's happening behind the scenes with us?

Amrit Singh: I think there's been a lot of research done over the last 30 years and a lot of scientific papers written on how your brainwaves change. And it's really. It's just that simple. When you're in this high frantic state where your brainwaves just go like crazy up and down, and you're getting stuff done, and you're feeling all stressed, you're getting stuff done.

Great. But unless you recalibrate yourself, unless you're able to go to that quiet space, The next time you go back into productive mode and doing stuff, you're just not going to be able to get to that same point. You're not going to be able to drink enough cups of coffee [00:27:00] to get to that same point of focus and clarity.

And you'll have a little bit less. So, Meditation is really like a conscious reset. It's a little bit like if some business owners would say, Oh, I found the solution to being successful in my business. I just don't sleep anymore, right? Because what sleeping does is recalibrates your brain. And that's why we all sleep.

And that's why they use it as a torturing technique to not let people sleep because it drives them crazy after a couple of days. And so meditation does the same thing sleep does in a more efficient and conscious way. I listened to your last podcast and I love this focus on sleep.

Because I would say, before you learn to meditate, learn how to sleep right, because that's step one. And then, yes, sit yourself down and meditate. And then you can adjust even more [00:28:00] meditation, less sleep, because you get more efficiency out of your sleep. But if you don't meditate, and you are Working hard, and on top of that, you're not sleeping right.

You're heading for disaster.

Jeffrey Feldberg: So interesting that you're talking about that because you're spot on. Sleep is the hidden superpower that we just take for granted. I was reading some studies the other day, I may be a little bit off, but not far off. It was something along the lines, if you have three or four nights of, let's say, five hours sleep instead of your regular sleep, whatever that may be for you, seven hours, eight hours, nine hours.

By the third or fourth day that you've had this, it's as though you're legally drunk in terms of the brain being impaired and how you're operating, how you're feeling. We feel tired. We feel lethargic. We're eating more. Now we get even more bogged down. And so I'm really, it sounds like, and you can tell me if I'm off base or on base, you're really providing the operating manual that we were never given [00:29:00] at birth, that we've had to figure out on our own.

And our thesis here at DeepWall, there's not a thesis, it's a fact. Every business owner will know his or her business better than anyone else in the world. They have the answers. They're not necessarily asking the right questions. They're not doing the right strategies. And it sounds like you're coming along from a physical health, from a mental health, from a life outlook to ensure that we're, if I can use the word, balanced or we're in the right place and that we're giving our body everything that it needs to have that clarity and that vibrancy so that we can then take that and apply that into all areas of our lives.

How am I doing with that?

Amrit Singh: Yeah, exactly. Because it's all connected. This illusion of separation is what gets us into trouble where we think, Oh, I can just take care of my health in 20 years when I'm done growing my business and I'm super successful, but then there is nothing left. to take care of. You might sit on a big pile of money, but if you have some [00:30:00] health situations, if your wife leaves you, if your kids don't want to talk to you anymore, all the money in the world is not going to bring you that happiness and fulfillment.

Jeffrey Feldberg: So true. And I'm very fortunate. I rub elbows with many successful business people out there, all the way from millionaires to billionaires, everything else in between. And the one common theme that I hear so often, Jeffrey, yes, successfully, there's all these zeros in the bank, and it's nice. Here comes the but it's come at a cost.

I lost family along the way, and some of them have passed away that I can't even go back and amend that, or relationships with the family have been broken, or I've lost opportunities on the personal side, and there's just not a, I'll call it a happiness, or fulfillment, or as we like to say, Deep Wealth.

All the success, all the accolades, all the zeros in the bank, without the fulfillment, that's not success, it's a failure. And so to your point, when we have that clarity, when we have that vibrancy on the health side, when we have that mental health, we're able to [00:31:00] nurture all the areas in our life and have more of a balance, if you will, life and perspective.

Thoughts on

Amrit Singh: 100 percent, yeah. And I want to address too, as you were speaking about it, I could sense how some listeners in their mind would go right away to, but I'm willing to pay the price.

To give up on these things in my life because that. Financial success is so important to me, and that is. fair enough to think like that, but ultimately, what we want to look at here is it doesn't mean that when you focus on your marriage, you focus on your relationship with your kids, you focus on your time for self care, you have less zeros in your bank account.

What it means is, That by you investing that time in these other important things, you can have more zeros in your bank account because you are not burning out by the time you're 48 and you can't function anymore. [00:32:00] And you're dependent on your coffee and your cigarettes and your sugar and whatever it is, which keeps you going, keeps you moving forward.

But we really want to get to a point where all these things can happen at the same time, which will ultimately Translate into more business success and not less.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Well said. It's not an either or. In fact, when you're following your system and you're really having that momentum in your life and you're healthy and you have all the good things that go along with that, then it's actually accelerating and having even more of the material success, but also the mental health and all those other things that go along with that.

It's a terrific walk away and takeaway message for the listener. And I'm wondering, before we go into wrap up mode, Is there a question I haven't asked or a topic that we haven't covered, or even a message that you'd like to get out there to the Deep Wealth Nation?

Amrit Singh: One thing I love to share is I'm always available. If anyone says like what this [00:33:00] guy with the beard and the turban says and sounds like it resonates with me, reach out to me. It's so easy to find me on social media or in the show notes and just have a conversation. I love to Offering this to anyone who's listening, I'll happily spend an hour with you and talk you through your process and see what you can do to improve your life.

So that's my gift to all the listeners and to anyone who's open to that.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And for Deep Wealth Nation, in the show notes, it is, it couldn't be any easier. It's a point and click, boom, you're there. Nothing to remember. Just go to the show notes. It's all there. And Amrit, let me ask you this. We're going to go into wrap up mode now. It's a tradition here on the Deep Wealth Podcast where I have really the gift, the privilege, the honor of asking the same question to all of the guests.

So it's a fun one. Let me set this up for you. All right. When you think of the movie Back to the Future, you have that magical DeLorean car that can take you to any point in time. So the fun part, [00:34:00] Amrit, is tomorrow morning, you look outside your window, not only is the DeLorean car curbside, the door is open, it's waiting for you to hop on in, which you do, and you're now going to go back to any point in your life.

Amrit, as a young child, a teenager, whatever point in time that would be, what would you tell your younger self in terms of life lessons, life wisdom, Amrit, do this, don't do that, what would it sound like?

Amrit Singh: I would say to myself, be kinder to yourself. Have more fun in a healthy way. No, not just go out to parties and you drink a lot of alcohol and have fun in that way, but really find those pieces in your life that you enjoy and relax more. It's all going to be okay.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Really like that. Be kinder to yourself. Relax. It's all going to be okay. It's a wonderful takeaway. And let me ask you this before we officially wrap up. I know we mentioned the show notes as a resource for the Deep Wealth Nation. If someone does [00:35:00] want to reach out to you, they do have a question or they want to become a member of your community or have you as their coach or one of Where would be the best place for someone to reach you online?

Amrit Singh: You can find me on Instagram, on Facebook. I'm also on TikTok. I've, been very active there in the past. Really anything works.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Terrific. So again, go to the show notes. It's a point and click, pick your favorite social channel and we'll have that there for you. It doesn't get any better. Well, Amrit, it's official. This is a wrap. Congratulations. And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, may you continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe.

Thank you so much.

Amrit Singh: Thanks for having me, Jeffrey. 

Jeffrey Feldberg: So there you have it, Deep Wealth Nation. What did you think? So with all that said and as we wrap it up, I have another question for you.

Actually, it's more of a personal favor. Did you find this episode helpful? Have you found other episodes of the Deep Wealth Podcast empowering and a game changer for your journey? And if you said yes, and I really hope you did, I have a small but really meaningful way that you can actually help us out and [00:36:00] keep these episodes coming to you.

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So all that said. Thank you so much for listening. And remember your wealth isn't just about the money in the bank. It's about the depth of your journey and the impact that you're creating. So let's continue this journey together. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for listening to this episode.

And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, may you continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe. Thank you so much. God bless.

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