Two Sushi Rolls

Episode 2: David Glover / Demi Deezy

August 06, 2018 Jorge E, Leslie E Episode 2
Episode 2: David Glover / Demi Deezy
Two Sushi Rolls
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Two Sushi Rolls
Episode 2: David Glover / Demi Deezy
Aug 06, 2018 Episode 2
Jorge E, Leslie E
This episode is rife with learning and laughter as the hosts, Jorge and Leslie, bring on their musical guest, David Glover (aka Demi Deezy), to discuss what it's like to be a local artist with a passion and drive to perform and be successful. During the discussion, the gang touches on a variety of subjects, from the importance of friendships and making the right lifestyle choices to find success, to the craziness that goes down at shows and during sets. David also talks about getting involved in broadcasting, surviving party schools, and his experiences collaborating with other local artists. Find David at Demi-Deezy on Soundcloud and Ummdeezy on Instagram!
Show Notes Transcript
This episode is rife with learning and laughter as the hosts, Jorge and Leslie, bring on their musical guest, David Glover (aka Demi Deezy), to discuss what it's like to be a local artist with a passion and drive to perform and be successful. During the discussion, the gang touches on a variety of subjects, from the importance of friendships and making the right lifestyle choices to find success, to the craziness that goes down at shows and during sets. David also talks about getting involved in broadcasting, surviving party schools, and his experiences collaborating with other local artists. Find David at Demi-Deezy on Soundcloud and Ummdeezy on Instagram!
Speaker 1:

Hey, what's going on guys? Welcome back to the second episode of two Sushi Rolls Podcast. I am your host, George. He King of the castle and I am joined today by my lovely house than wife. Lastly, just to keep it like that. All right. Today we're joined by our special guest. Um, I've known this guy for a long time. Um, we haven't really kept in touch for a very long, but yeah, sometimes it's like that. Um, we got David Glover and the studio folks, um, so with, with Sun, also known a k, a Demi Dez search. Check that out on soundcloud please. Do guys please Dell. Um, and today we actually had a little bit of a delay, uh, which starting the recording of the show, we actually have to switch studios and come over to a different city. Luckily things are going a little bit smoothly. We got our guests. Here we go, we had our Sushi. Hopefully you enjoyed that a little bit. I actually, uh, I showed, I showed Dave, uh, what, uh, Raymond was for the first time. He's never had anybody out there, hasn't had a performance. It's a Japanese soda, really neat way on how you open and if you guys haven't had one before, definitely, definitely, definitely go up and down. What can I take that bottle with me? Can I take my garbage? You can. You can definitely take that garbage with you as a souvenir. But the bottles cook, it will taste good though. It's good. Choking hazard. Do not insert the marble. Yeah. Don't drink the marble guys. Um, well, uh, we want to start off the show by first of all telling you guys, if you guys can please go on soundcloud and actually go look at David's work. He's actually really good musician. Definitely. You guys want to go check that out. You guys could find D, m I, D e, z y. and uh, you guys could also follow them on instagram at Umm, Dez, d, e, z. Why I'm. Well, thank you for coming, man. Thank you for having me. Oh No, no, no, no. Thank you. Thank you so much. Now, um, you were telling me that um, you actually used to be in broadcasting school. Oh, so you're a little bit familiar with this whole set

Speaker 2:

podcast format. I mean, we're on a music podcast right now, I guess since I'm a musician or something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well we're a little bit of everything. We're a little, we're a little bit of a, of a blending pot, you know, so, you know,

Speaker 2:

the uh, sports and the had a sports podcast back out at western. It was really awesome. Going to football games, having a press pass, being with other people. Can't be taken pictures at Thompson's.

Speaker 1:

Now was there anybody specific like anybody famous she actually got to meet while doing all that,

Speaker 2:

uh, Matt Bar in that buyer. He's not famous at all, but he's very successful in life, I hope. Uh, he was a starting quarterback and he was in, he had an nfl type talent if he got the ball out in my opinion.

Speaker 1:

And what team was he? Foreign people.

Speaker 2:

Western Illinois Law leathernecks.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Okay. Actually, I'm, I got a friend named chloe. Um, she, she's kind of like part of the family. Um, I believe her stepbrother. He was in the Cleveland. He's in the Cleveland browns. Yeah, I don't know exactly what his name is because it's, it's, it's, um, I guess you would consider it, um, her brother or her adoptive brother, she was adopted and now the family that she went into actually took care of her, kind of raised her from, I believe middle school all the way until now. But the brother who she grew up in that family, uh, he's in the Cleveland browns. I don't know if I should, that's probably all the information. Send it to the Cleveland Brown. Yeah. Um, so you're used to this whole format and how did you like that in school? I

Speaker 2:

loved, I loved it my first year, but, uh, eventually I ended up just falling out of love with it. Um, my first year it was awesome. You know, I'm at the prime of my life on my own for my first time, getting to meet all these people, a new experiences that you get the privilege to experience and a learning learning. It's always something that I'm very passionate about and towards love to learn. Uh, but, uh, towards like, uh, I did face some adversity my first year, my grandmother, she ended up passing away during my, there in the middle of my first semester towards my life shortly after my birthday, my 19th birthday, and it, it took me everything I had to like muster it up and have a successful semester. But, uh, the following year, uh, my dad started going through kidney failure. It's hidden closer towards home. And then when, when the honeymoon's over, you kind of realize like, like everything has its own flaws and a western Illinois University. I went there for broadcasting, but it's the number one school in the Midwest for cops, for teaching cops. If you're at a graduate school with a legion major law enforcement, justice administration, you go to the top of the, uh, the top of the resumes because you, you're, you're like in Boston today? Nah, I've seen some crazy things out there. What you're saying a bro. The Wheeler Street Block party, we were the last one to have it. They banished it after my freshman year. We shit up that badly, bro. All my guys, we should, uh, we should uh, youtube this beforehand. If you youtube it, you'll see you'll see them like setting, setting a, a, setting a bike on fire, bending it in half, throwing it on top of a stop sign and then ripping the stop sign out of the ground off the Bro. Yeah. And I was just like, faded, faded. Traversing my way down the street. Like, hey look, hey, look at bike getting thrown up on the staff side and they're ripping it out of the ground. Why you people crazy is walking down the street. I had the end of the street. I see a whole swat team getting out in the backyard. Like a legit Swat team. Swat team, bro. They were a school for teaching cops and a great part of school. So you see, you see the combination, how I could fall out of love with it. Like Dang everybody I see is like falling off. And by the grace of God, like I never got into trouble out there and I got out of it before, before I maybe would have. And that's a, that's a blessing in disguise. Maybe, but uh,

Speaker 1:

and how did you, like you say you were going to a party school, how did you end up managing it and not get in trouble? I mean, you're surrounded by party animals. You're surrounded by all kinds of debauchery and you don't get yourself in trouble. Know. Come on.

Speaker 2:

I mean I definitely, I definitely was taking my chances. I definitely was taking my chances. But like it's, it's, it's just you, you're having the right instinct. If you see the cops, if you see the cops club, don't be the first one out. Don't be the last one out. Just just moving the peg. I mean that could be used for all kinds of things. Don't, don't, don't be filthy. Don't be filthy in the streets. Like because you get, you get patted down, you're fucked. Like you're gonna if you're gonna smoke a blunt smoke and blood that and then hit to see.

Speaker 1:

What I find amazing is that this is a school where a lot of people go to become cops. I mean these guys didn't ruin that chance, but like giving them something that really fucked up situation. Oh,

Speaker 2:

oh, I've, I've met who have a dude who went from a, would it be a cup to a guy? I got arrested on it. Some dumb ass shit. I want to be a male nurse now.

Speaker 1:

Fuck cops after that.

Speaker 2:

No, you couldn't be one after that because Ryan can be in trouble and couldn't have been in trouble. It had been a cop. Shouts out to, to the nurses.

Speaker 1:

Other words, we need more healers. We need more healers in this world, in this world. Full of pain. So, um, you were telling me before we started the show that you had actually done a few shows. Now I know you've done a few shelves with some people that I know, like, um, Mike seen videos with you doing stuff with Phileo fails. Shout out to damn brother shouts out to fill your society. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that collective with him and other people?

Speaker 2:

Uh, it's, it's more of a, it's, it's a movement. It's definitely a movement as a collective. I'm part of slumps society. I also have my own thing that, um, that, uh, I'm trying to get together and like format universal mind media. Um, that's where the M in my instagram, I'm Dez to ems. Umm. Easy. Why?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. On instagram. Yeah. But I like, I saw one before I was watching these videos and you guys, I think we're performing at a house party. I mean you guys get to. People rattled up now I've seen, I've seen, I've seen Phil Alive. I don't believe I've seen you live now, but from what I saw in that video is you guys could actually get people rattled up. Now. That's not the only artist that I, that I'm personally know that I've been friends with. But also, um, Willie, which I believe he goes by his stage name clues. Reclused. Shout out dollar sign. Yeah. Shouts out to him. He's the plug for the shirts for the hoodies and aren't man. This guy's got you. Um, yeah. Really good guy. Really good guy. Um,

Speaker 2:

oh yeah, I didn't, I didn't mention me and will wear a like after, after we both drop our, our, uh, our first projects. I think he's going to drop his first, but uh, after we both dropped our first projects, we're gonna come together as a collective, a sensory overload.

Speaker 1:

Sensory overload. Sensory overload. Yeah. I think he mentioned something to me like that now. I did see that he was doing some project. He actually just, um, um, I think he just uploaded it yesterday. Did he? He had let me see me, I think. I believe it was yesterday. We're doing this together.

Speaker 2:

I see. I seen him put anything that he's got uploaded right now it says until next time. Oh yeah, yeah. That's his, that's his first project.

Speaker 1:

Gotcha. Well, well good luck to you on that, man. I really hope that. Yeah. Coming soon. Hopefully. I believe it says the date on it. Uh, let me double check. Eight, eight of 18. So I'm just coming pretty soon coming. Pretty soon he was making moves, man. Good luck to him out there. I'm going to try to have him on the podcast as well and yeah, he had told me that you guys were actually working on a few things together. Everybody just really, really starting to connect their, um, their, their ties with one another and you guys are starting to really build a community almost a year. And I really liked seeing that, especially because bolingbrook was the town that I actually grew up in my hometown, my hometown, and I'm definitely seeing a whole bunch of people starting to really go out there and start chasing their dreams. And then there was those people who are actually just like abandoning ship and like moving out of state, um, which, you know, hate to them, you know, definitely fly the coop and you gotta do what you gotTa do. But um, I uh, for both, for definitely the people who are out there still doing stuff, following their dreams, whether it's music, whether it's art or whatever it is. Guys keep doing it. I love seeing it. I really, I really do love saying everybody in the US and I'm coming here

Speaker 2:

as a hobbyist actually, like rap is. I think all the rappers actually say that Yo dog, even though I do shows and that's my only way of making income other than selling bricks. Rabbit is just a hobby, dog sledding, honestly, rapid, rapid, just my hobby and like and like if I get, if I can build like a follower, a follower base and, and all that, then I want to branch out into, into my own. Having my own podcast didn't.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully we can work together and I would love that.

Speaker 2:

No, continue, continue growing because it's all about starting from, from the home front, starting in house for my own podcast. Movies like being, being the media, that's what I want to universal mind to be like, not just, not just music, not just movies, not just like everything. Everything. If you can think it. I want to. I want to touch the subject.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And I and I definitely encourage people to also go out there and you know, support the people that you guys see are doing stuff and don't sit there and hate or call their dream stupid. You don't want. Everybody's got a stupid dream that nobody sees the value in other than you know yourself. And sometimes we don't even see the value of laundry. Sometimes it takes somebody else to go out there and be like, hey man, what are you doing? You got something really good going on here. Why aren't you doing anything with them? And you're fucking retarded. Yeah, I mean am I right? I mean, but for those who actually got the balls to go out there and do what they gotta do and whether people are laughing, whether people are cheering and they're not listening, either one, they're just shooting for the goldmine. Man. Good job guys. Keep doing it man. Keep fucking going and do what you love. Yeah. Yeah. Like who

Speaker 2:

cares of if somebody hits you. Oh he's years old and he's trying to be a rapper. I'm just doing what I've done my whole damn life. I'm just showing you guys know because why not?

Speaker 1:

Right. And maybe the people just use that as something to Clyde. I mean that's not even a valid reason to say that this person, you know, data that years old and so white, you know, there's a lot of, there's a lot of older people out there who aren't doing as good as I am now. I'm not sitting here and trying to say that I'm better than anybody. I in no way shape or form am I saying that I'm better than anybody, but I've seen people who are my parents' age doing worse than me. Alright. I, you know, I got, I got a cozy little house. I got comfortable. You don't live in. My wife doesn't have to go to work, you know, my kids are taken care of and you know, I see people out there who are my parents' age. I mean struggling, struggling, making stupid decision after stupid decision. I see people out there are age man who probably don't even have a bank account. You know? They don't have anything to them. They're constantly asking for rides. They're constant little bullshit like that, which is understandable. Everybody's going to go through a struggle. I'm not saying you. Yeah, same here, man. We've been through our struggles. We've been in the dirt and if you're in the dirt, use that as strength to kind of move past that and be like, how the fuck am I going to get myself out of here? Don't just sit there and wallow in and and be like, oh, well I'm going to make a depressing post on facebook or twitter and be. My life is terrible. Fuck everybody. A moving motor. This dude come on man. Like that's pathetic. Get up off from dust. Go out there and do what you gotta do.

Speaker 2:

Three years ago I was in. I was, I was all of the above of what you said. I had no car. I was a come pick me up as Nigga. I didn't have shit. I didn't have shit. I was living like getting kicked out of the crib and shit and just just unstable likes, stability, stability and become lost in the. I forgot what it was. I didn't know what it was. I didn't know who I was at a point. Then I just had to take a look at who was around me and like understand like, you know, there are people who were pluses and minuses. Like, like if you hang around this person, your money, like just go up just because you're, you're, you're, you have Richard thoughts, you have Richard Thoughts and richer ideals. And then there are those people who were minuses though her bra. I borrow some money that was at all, even though I have a job because I want to do this with,

Speaker 1:

with your money, but I don't want to do it with my money. Right? Right.

Speaker 2:

Then like if you, if you hang around those minuses, you won't have shit. And once you've cut off those minuses, once I cut off those minuses, I got my car, I got my shit together, I started being a better me, started providing for myself, pick it up, more responsibilities within the family, just being an all around better, better version of myself. And there's nothing that really changed other than other than the ideals that I had that I conceived, that just brought me into being a better me.

Speaker 1:

And what can you say is one of the ideals that you honestly say that man, if I had had knocked, grabbed this ideal, this train of thought, I wouldn't even be to where I am right now

Speaker 2:

of being steadfast. Being steadfast. Like life will kick you when you're done and when you, and when you collapse it, it'll start kicking you in the face and when you think it won't kick you in the face again and it'll kick you in the face 10 more times she laid dead though you aint dead. Do so like, just keep on living. Like you might think that you might be in the worst situation, but you can face the way worse you can. You can face way words. They're like, there have been times ride, like literally just thought that like, I, like I, uh, I told you, uh, my, my dad was sick my second year in college. Uh, I was like going through like an emotional mental breakdown and I couldn't, I couldn't even comprehend what I was going through and couldn't comprehend how, how I did what I did last year when my grandma had passed. Like, like I'd just gotten lost in touch with all that stuff and like, and like just started negatively coping and like just running away from, from my, uh, from my problem to step instead of facing them face to face. Like once, like once I learned to face my problems for your listly I became a better version of myself.

Speaker 1:

Right, right. And I agree with that because you know what I'm, like I said, everybody goes through those ops. Everybody goes through those downs. I had a realization at one point in my life for I'm like, man, I'm surrounded by people who all they want to do is drink. All they want to do is party. All they want to do is coke. All they want to do with smoke weed all day. A negative, negative, negative. It's like you said, there's pluses and negatives. I cut a lot of people out of my fucking life doing. I was like, you know what? I'm not saying that I'm trying to piggyback off somebody or I'm not looking at people who I surround myself and be like, what can you do for me? Not necessarily like that, but what I am going to do is I'm going to look at you and if I've tried helping you, I've tried to get you in the right path. I want the people around me to be succeeding just like I am. You know, that's the whole point. You have to have that healthy competition. You know, you're not battling each other. There's just a healthy competition where you look at your friend and you're like, man, he's doing, you know, Da da Da. I'm going to go out and do something that I want to do. And then your friends are going to look at you and be like, oh he, he's able to do that. I'm going to be able to do something out. You're bringing each other up. You know, it's that healthy competition, but there's those people who no matter how many times I have to have a talk with them and be like, Yo man, you're fucking up life. Big Time. You don't ask. You're doing that. I had a friend, I'm not going to mention his name, an old friend that I ended up cutting out of my life and this guy was just bad decision, bad decision, bad decision, and it got to the point where I would drop them as a friend. Then he'd come back, no, I've changed. I'm going to make better life decisions, and then you give them another chance. We started hanging out and no, it's the same guy probably making worse decisions than before. This guy ended up getting stabbed in the neck. Almost went paralyzed. All right. This guy was who I thought it was just crazy the way his life was going, and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with gay people, but we got to. We got tons of friends that are gay. My cousin's gay now, I saw one of those people I got to get in front. No, but seriously, I really have no issue with gay people, but I mean this guy was just doing so many bad decisions and then like I always saw him as like, you know, he's always got a girlfriend. He just started. Then he came out. I got a boyfriend, I'm like, alright, cool, I'm going to support you. The first time I met his boyfriend was at a superbowl party. He came by, he brought chicken wings, were all having fun and all that. Okay. First superbowl going good and I see them arguing. They keep arguing and then this guy, you know, his boyfriend's walking out and he looks at me and he's like, Hey Georgia, you know what, I'll be right back man. I'm, I just got to go talk to him real quick. He's tripping. And every girlfriend before that was the same story is let me go talk to her. She's tripping. So he, he walks out the apartment and he goes to chase him. Now I go to my bedroom and at the time and the apartment that I was at, I smoke my cigarettes through the window. I just cracked my window open and I go out and I'm not spying on anybody. I literally, I swear to God, I go to my room, I lived the window of I spark up my cigarette and what do I see? This guy has his boyfriend and the double chokehold hold his boyfriend's got him. It was like a Bart Simpson and homer simpson situation and they both got each other from the neck and they're both choking and I looked down at um, and I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, what the fuck is going on? And he looks up at me with the comments, look on his fucking fast. It goes back to choking this a. and I'm like, Damn. I'm like, not even in a gay relationship. Was this dude able to find stability? Comes back up and he's like, you know what man, you tripping. I'm just going to go home, man. My bad. You can keep the food though. It really was. I would find that extremely insulting if you just grabbed all the chicken wings and stuff. I'm not choking nobody. Go eat this shit. You're right. Yeah. So he leaves with this guy and I tell them the day, I'm like, hey man, you know what? I'm not trying to be nosy, but I saw both. You motherfuckers choking each other out. Let's be real, man. You're back into one of these negative situations, Marianne, and gets your cut times. Get yourself in a better mindset. You really don't need to be in this relationship. He wouldn't listen to me. He kept going on. Oh, it's good. It's bad. It's good, it's bad. It's good, it's bad. It got to the point where it just became another headache and I'm just like. And he was employed by us at the time, so it was just becoming a huge headache. I stopped talking to. Then one day he sends me. I like cut ties. I mean removing my facebook, instagram, everything. Right. One day he sends me a snapchat and he's like, it's a photo of him laying down. He's like, just finally got out of the hospital, got stabbed in the neck. You're talking about a guy who. I stopped talking to him for about a month and he hits me with a snapchat. I'm like in tears, like stitches, like he's fucked up at blood clots in his eyes and the first thing I do is, okay, this guy's making bad decisions, but I'm his friend. Right? So I contacted him and I'm like, Hey man, I'm going to go to your house tomorrow morning. I mean it was late and I'm like, I'm going straight to your house tomorrow morning. Um, I'm, I'll be by your side Bro. Like it's cool. So I take my wife, she was my girlfriend at the time. Hey yeah, I take her down to see him and I mean he's barely walking and I'm like, what the hell happened to him? And he's like, well I got into a fight with him and this and that. And I told him I wanted my phone back. He told me where to meet a mop and I showed up and I didn't see it. And when I turned around, he stabs me in the neck with a steak knife, was a state and went all the way in the doctor. The doctor tells him an inch more to the left and he would have severed your spinal cord. You wouldn't even be here. He's got what is called neuropathy. Oh yeah. There's like a. he's having issues. He's having issues with his face. It's Numb, uncertain part. I mean, dude, this kid is now physically fucked up. Yeah, I think, I think, I know you're talking about. Right, right. And I was like, I can't fucking believe this. I mean, I was like, dude, what the fuck? I've known him since he was a kid. He's not the same age as me, but I mean it was enough. He was young enough for me for us to go to school together. And um, I was like, man, dude. I'm like, I've known him since he was like the short as little kid on the soccer team and where has your life come dude? And it's just crazy man. And then the day that I'm talking to them about this, about him getting out of the hospital and this and that, his parents were in the living room, his parents Kinda. I've explained to experience what kind of lost cause he is in my book, but I'm there for support because this guy almost lost his life, but he's still my friend. He's a bad friend, but he's making this so difficult to cut them out of my life. And he's over here in the most nonchalant way. Then he's like, you know, and I'm like, well why did he stab me on my. Why did this all start happening? He's like, well, because I told them I'm, I think I'm having a realization that I don't want to. I don't want to be with men no more, you know, I still like pussy. And I was like, oh. And I was like, okay, fuck. I'm like, it shouldn't make fun of the domestic one semester it's not funny, but in this situation it's kind of fucked up. So you got. And he doesn't have a huge wound and his parents are just sitting there watching teen titans go, I'm not shitting either. They're watching teen titans go, the volume is really low and he's. And I'm like, so why didn't you stab me? And was like, well, because I told them that I still like pussy. And then I'm like, and that pissed him off because he's gay, right? And he's like, yeah. And he told me, Nah, you ain't breaking up with me, you're just confused and I'm going to wait for you to be unconfused. And he's like, no, I'm not confused, I just don't want to know more. And he looks at me in the eye, he's like, geology, you really think I want to be taken dick up my bucket. And just like so nonchalant man and I and his dad sitting there, everybody's legs crossed with like no reaction, no reaction, just nodding his head like, yes, he doesn't want to take up potential. I'm like, what the fuck is going on here? This is twilight zone shit in the moment. I. Oh, and that's where. And that's relieving. He says by the left lane and he's like, oh by the way, it was nice to meet you. It was the first time. It's like, sorry that it had to be under these circumstances. And then I'm like, it's all right man. And you know, we leave and we get into the fucking car and she's like, these are fucking friends. And I'm like, Eh, you know, he's just got kind of issues and, and I'm like, you know, I just can't get over the fact he's over. You're talking about getting fucked into this and just sitting there with his lacrosse. I mean his parents have a face like they're just worn out, they're tired, they're tired, they've been dealing with their shit their whole fucking life with this kid. Right. And they're just tired and I feel bad for them, but at the same time he gets a lot of those bad habits from his dad, man, as his dad's had alcohol issues to this day. A lot of fucking things, man. I really don't want to put them too much about like breaking cycles of. Exactly, exactly. I've had a lot of cycles that I broke myself, man, but if you don't break those cycles, you're stuck in repetition. You're real, you're stuck in repetition. Right?

Speaker 2:

Like those generational cycles. Like, like they can skip and you think that it's broken, but now you gotta you gotta like just keep pushing it. Take, take care of my time and effort and just repeat that. Making sure that none of it, none of it happens and if it continues, if you're really about it, but you can't. You also gotta like just let things be organic like this conversation, like, like you can like, like say somebody doesn't want their kid to be gay, you can't just like pop a porno in

Speaker 1:

and then watching the secret watch these jugs.

Speaker 2:

Like what are you going to do? Like, like

Speaker 1:

yeah, be supportive, but if it, and it would have been the same thing if it had been a straight friend it. Well when he was, when he was strange, he had the same issues with girls and I was telling him the same stuff. So this has nothing to do with any of that has to do with the fact that this guy just makes poor decisions with all the time, man. And he's got a kid. That's the worst part. He's got a fucking kid. I mean I've done some stupid shit, but it's like, man dude, I got kids. I can't go to jail. I can go out and play beer pong every fucking weekend. That's what this kid does, man. Actually. Well that's what he fucking does, man. He has a good job and somehow still doesn't move forward in the world. Those are the people that really baffled me and I've always had this. I've always had this saying that I have always told my younger brother and Mario, I've told my older brothers, I've told all my friends and I tell them, I understand that their struggle sometimes in life and you're going to struggle, but struggled for a fucking reason. Have a reason to struggle. If you're broke, be broke because you had a car payment because you had brian because you had bills, you whatever. Right? Don't go broke because you went out drinking. Don't go broke because you're spending all your money on fucking weed or drugs or whatever the fucking case is. Gonna be. I mean, if you're going to party, dude, do your thing. I'm not judging you. I mean our last episode we are talking with my friend Mo and I mean he's talking about Dmt, this and that. I don't judge man, but don't go broke over stupid fucking reasons. Have a reason to struggle. If you're telling me, man, I'm struggling right now, this and that, and I'm like, hey man, why are you struggling? And you're like, man, this car payment and the rent man really kicked my ass. I'm short money. I'm going to be like, dude, you're fed. You're alive. You got a car, you've got this going on, dude, you'll get past this shit. But if you come up to me with some stupid shit line, man, I'm broke. And I'm like, hey man, wait, well why he broke bro. What's going on man? I spent so much money at the casino and I spent so much money on this weed and Roman blinds and, and I got all this Hennessy. I don't feel, I don't feel bad for you around. I don't feel bad for you. What's so fucking ever man. And for that reason that you had no reason to struggle in the first place. You put yourself in that position. Exactly. And you don't break that cycle. That's your fucking fault, man. And, and I, and I separate myself from people like that completely. When I met her I was like, man, you got some pretty fucking toxic friends to little by little she picked up and she's like, you know what? I'm going to cut this girl in my life, you know, for this reason, for that reason, this person doesn't need to be my life and it's not like something you have to go announce them like, hey, we're not friends anymore. Just do it. Just do it. Just cut ties. Just like, don't, you know, just slowly break yourself away from talking about, um, you know, just, it's, it's as simple as that man. And it sounds harsh and I know a lot of people are there going to be like, well, true friends don't do that. Well I'm sorry, but your friends, you know, if you died tomorrow, they go about their life the more than you maybe for a day or two facebook posts here and there. They're a true fan will feel it. But not all friends do, man, they, they all fucking move on man.

Speaker 2:

And uh, you, you gotta like, you gotta be equal to people. They like, why would I like, I'm an honest, earnest person. Like I'll give you, I'll give you just as much as what you give out to me. So if you get me love and respect, I'm going to give you nothing but love and respect like a of people confide their secrets into me. I'm, I could sell them, I can sell them if I became an asshole, which I kind of am, but I'm not, I'm not that asshole. I'm not going to do that to anybody who's ever like, who's ever felt like close enough, trusting enough in me to tell me like some of their deepest, darkest secrets. Not like, but uh, there are also some people, some people who wouldn't even like, like if I'm at, if I'm at the end of my pack, I'm at my last two, three cigarettes. It would be rather, let me get a cigarette. Like, Bro, I'm not going to last. Oh, come on man. You sure? Here you go. When I, when I asked them, I'm like, Bro, can I, can I get a square? They're like, Bro, uh, only got 10 cigarettes left. I can't. Those kinds of things I'll do. I will do exactly, exactly what that, whatever, whoever will do for me. And it's all on a contingency basis on, on how long we've known each other, who, how I know you, how I know you. And like if I know like the, the, uh, which we call the fiber of your being fucking phrases. But, uh, you know, you gotTa, you gotta take life like that. You can't just be a true friend to like prove to yourself who you are because you know yourself better than, than anybody else in the world. Hopefully. Hopefully. I hope you know yourself better than anybody else in the world does to the listeners.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Well, I mean, even, even then though, I mean people who think that they know themselves yet, they don't. I don't know myself. I know people who are extremely successful doing really well with their lives and they're in their forties. They still don't know who they are falling. Have you ever heard that?

Speaker 2:

The Johari window and I don't, it's a, it's like, uh, something I learned in my communications class in college, it's like a, it's like a for a little four box thing is like a, it's like a note, like what? You notice what you know about yourself and like the left in the top left corner. Then in the, in the bottom left corner is what you know about your, a yourself that nobody else knows. Then there are things that, that people know about you that you don't know. And then there are things that nobody knows that like, like things about yourself been like people don't know and you don't know. And God is just a. that's interesting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I believe the name of the book, I was just bringing it up to my brother Mario. I think it's called like one, one south, 1000 or something like that. Yeah, one, 1000 and no one. And um, I believe it's a, I don't know if it's a player or it was, I don't know if it was supposed to originally be a player in that, but the gist of it is that the story is basically about this guy and he actually gets to meet the versus there's tons of versions out there. Like there's the version of you that I'm seeing and that I think of like, Oh, I think David's like. And I see him being like this. Then there's that version that your parents think you are. Then there's the version, there's the version that you know, your best friend thinks you are a stranger. You walk down the street and just from one glance they're like, oh, that, that's what they think of you. So this guy ends up basically meeting every version of themself, right? Every version that everybody who has ever crossed paths what's has of him. And it gets to the point where they're so fucking vastly different and crazy. And by the end of it he doesn't even know who he really is. Yeah. It's really crazy. It's a huge mind. Fuck. It's a huge mind. Fuck, this is how I'd like interject and be like, it's like that episode of South Park recruitment sees yourself in the future and he thinks it is like one of those

Speaker 3:

after he's like, Nah, Nah, Nah, you told me I'm going to be successful. I'm going to do other drugs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Came like a fat mechanical. Yeah. Some crazy shit. Yeah. Yeah. But I mean it's, it's a crazy theory, but I don't know. Definitely. Have you guys ever get a chance check that book out? Um, I believe Amazon had it sold out last time with Jack. It was like$700 right now. But it wasn't, it wasn't, it was one of the rare original copies that were forgotten condition. Yes. But as an actual, just paperback copy. They last time we checked there were completely out of stock and we checked like on three different days and I was really trying to get it and they were out of stock on three different days and then they give you the same shit that Amazon was tells you you not like, we don't know when the seller will be restocked. And here we are again talking about Amazon. Amazon, what gets my fucking Dick hard hitting that fucking by now, but everything. Tba ship and baby bringing it like the first time he ever did that button, he messed up and got a kindle version of a book and we don't have it. I go a little bit tricky when it comes down to Amazon. I don't know what I'm getting. Am I going to like it? Fuck it. It's Amazon prime two days. I'll see you in two days. Maybe we'll find out. Yeah, man, it's crazy man. You guys should definitely check that out. And speaking of checking stuff out, please guys, go onto our instagram. We have an instagram when you go ahead and tell them what it is to Sushi rolls podcast. So please go check it out. Please start following as will be uploading photos from all our guests and you know, a few more things here and there. We'll try to be a little bit more active. Things are a little bit hectic right now with the show of getting started and work and kids and all that, but we're getting there. And also please go out if you guys haven't already, please, please, please give our page on facebook alike. You could also find us on twitter, which we're trying to be a little bit more active on that and you'll probably be seeing us be a little bit more active on twitter so to speak, um, and the near future, but definitely go like our pages. We also have a patriotic and police. Some, a little bit about that.

Speaker 4:

Uh, our Patrion is basically we're asking, you know, just I'm just a little bit of support so we can get more guests in, we need a little bit more equipment to get like skype guests in or you know, to have people come out to us since we kind of do live, like we mentioned a little bit in the middle of nowhere. So if you go to our, to Sushi rolls, podcast, Patriot and you can just a little bit would really help us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's no donation that's too big or too small. We'd really appreciate all of it. It doesn't mean we're hungry for those guys, but we are hungry for this position. We are definitely hungry. Hungry for success. We stay hungry. Yeah. Um, but no guys, please go give all our social media is like, and please don't forget that right now. And you can listen to us on itunes. You can find us on Google play, you can ask Alexa, please play to Sushi rolls, podcasts and that bitch will hook you up. Resuming spotify. Alexa off. That wasn't what we asked you. She lives. See she's always listening. So just ask her, ask her, ask her, ask her, and actually right now we're actually in the process of trying to get published onto spotify. We've already turned it in, nothing against spotify, but they make things so difficult. I mean when we submitted for approval to like itunes and Google and stitcher and all that, you know, of course you have to go through your approval process. You have to, you know, make sure your show is basically. And um, spotify basically tells you, well, we're not going to email you and you guys, you just got to go onto the spotify every once in a while and check if it's up there to check if it's up there. I'm not kidding you. I swear to God, no email, no nothing. I mean it's, it's, it's the weirdest fucking experience and I'm trying so hard without being on spotify, I feel so incomplete because I was able to, to. I told her, I'm like, you know what, we're not going to launch anything. We're not going to do tell anybody anything until John Everything. It's on everything. I want everybody to know like, Hey, you can find us anywhere. There's really no fucking excuse not to listen to. His guys will try to get things a little bit more interesting. Yeah. But then spotify is doing these games and I was like, well, you know what, I'm not going to sit here and wait, but please, please, please get it, get it shown. So we're waiting on that, but you guys can definitely catch us on everything right now. Um, yeah. I mean, you guys could even get us on our website. Um, which is the bus route that to Sushi rolls? No, it's two Sushi rolls that bust. If you put buzzsprout into Sushi rolls, it will come up and will actually be. We're actually going to be in the process of building the new website for the actual show. Um, because the one we get through buzzsprout kind of supposed to just be a little bit temporary, which is, um, one that comes with her and it's one of those things where if you guys go to our patron and actually suppliers, I know we're not going to see too much activity for, for awhile. Um, but, uh, when we do, those are the kinds of things that will be getting covered. Stuff like that. Um, also, I don't know if I had, I believe I mentioned in the last one, we're trying to do a little bit of a giveaway to the people who have actually been showing love and support to the show by giving us, you know, every little bit counts. And uh, we really do appreciate it and I see the people who have liked us immediately and I'm definitely, definitely, definitely promising guys right now that we're going to actually be buying. And I bet you guys are going to be surprised, but I'm gaining some Amazon gift cards. I'm going to get some Amazon gift cards and um, I think around the Halloween special and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to, you know, I'm going to see everybody who was an original, like a new likes and uh, I'm going to actually hit you guys up in the inbox. Thank you guys personally for liking our pages, for listening and a hook. You guys up with a Free Amazon gift card for being a supporter of the show because we love you guys that much. But yes. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Um,

Speaker 2:

and while we're plugging things, uh, gotTa, I gotTa plug my soundcloud plug, plug, Demi, Dez, d, e, m I, Dash D, double e, z y it, it'll still go up if you don't that shit. I'm thinking about removing the dash. Don't tell nobody a checkout based cancer and a byob up on soundcloud right now. Byob is not what you think. It's, I mean, bring your own bottle wherever you want to go. If they allow it, they don't hide that, hide that. I'm not telling you to hide that bitch, but I then. But what I am telling you to do is to be your own boss, and that song is like, it's such a, it's like a minute and 47 seconds, but it's such a baby to me is such a baby to me. Like I was like really, really upset with my, with my job that day. Like my boss talked to all sorts of reckless to me. I'm like, don't choke, don't choke on, don't choking. Even though his arms aren't long enough to choke you back. It's not socially acceptable. Socially acceptable. Especially, especially when you're a black man. Only latrell sprewell got away with it. He didn't get away with that man. Tell us how to Latrell sprewell my favorite golden state warrior all the time. But uh, uh, yeah, byob. I was like, I was so upset with my job and I talked to my one friend Teresa shouts out to her. She's an artist too. And uh, and like she's just one of those people who's a plus, you know, like every time we talk to each other we're like best friends, but we don't see each other everyday. Don't talk to each other every week. I usually try to like, make contact with or like at least once a week, just see, just like checking on her and stuff and, and all that stuff. But, you know, sometimes you fall behind. But uh, like we talked that day and like just vented about like, like being an overlooked and ostracized and we're, we're still in our twenties and adults don't take us seriously, but we want to be taken seriously as that millennial, the millennial struggle, you know, and uh, and like I was just feeling like super, super motivated and inspired after then. And it's the quickest song I wrote. I like literally sat down for like eight minutes in and just like bang the whole song out. It's, it's awesome. It's really, really awesome. Check that out on soundcloud again. Demi Dez, byob. Be Your own boss, a base cancer. That's the first song on my sound cloud. Uh, it's a, it's a Banger to definitely a banger I made. That's, I'm all by myself, my homie jake roses. You can find him on soundcloud at a popular. Nobody's bad or, or on instagram. And popular, nobody's band a j Jordan music man. Uh, he, he helped me record it. It was like literally one of the easiest songs to ever make a byob. Soundcloud.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. We, we're going to end up putting the link once we published a. You guys should be hearing this on Monday. Monday is going to be our usual date for all our uploads. And if there's any changes we'll let you know. But when we do do the upload, we will definitely be a adding a link to a soundcloud. So you guys have no fucking excuse not to listen to just go to some town. Yeah. So listen to it, man. Support the artists, man. Support the artists. Now I'm. One of the things that I was going to bring up was you said you was at this new song you were telling me about earlier.

Speaker 2:

Oh, uh, or uh, yeah. It's, it's going to be featured on my, uh, on my debut project, uh, tools of war. I'm pretty sure it's going to be an eap leg about six to eight tracks, uh, is going to be, is going to be epic. It's Kinda Gospel is kind of Gospel and the word is the word is behind the power of the words in and les and Les, he just knowing, knowing not to be deceived, not to be like faked out by like what the world, Michael Project is, not always, it's not always what it is. You got to read between the lines of life and like, and like she was real like and like just trust your gut. Trust your instincts. Fuck what people think. Fuckwit naysayers thing. I met you two seconds ago and you're telling me how to think. First thing you're going to learn about me ever in life is don't tell me how to think

Speaker 1:

now. You said it's got a little bit of a Gospel vibe now. Are you a fan of costumer by any chance?

Speaker 2:

Uh, I'm, I'm a very, I'm a very, I'm not gonna say I'm a religious person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. But like, I mean, did you grow up in your house with you? And my

Speaker 2:

grandma and my grandma a was a missionary at, uh, at the church, at a, at Miracle Revival Church up in May. Would she's a founding member of it. Oh, nice. Uh, so, so the word of the word of God has always been deeply instilled within it. It's A. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Side of your heart. I can, I can definitely agree with that. Are you familiar with the gospel singers saw smoking

Speaker 2:

normal? Oh yeah. It a miracle or miracle revival or not miracle revival. That's, uh, that's my old, my family's church. Uh, what's it called? What's it called? It's a church that's a right by hobby lobby.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. He's the founder of that. He's a, he's a god of Israel Victory Cathedral. Um, he's actually a gospel artist. Um, he's friends with my dad. Oh, that's Grammy Award winning friends with the Obamas. Um, all that kind of stuff. Really, really nice guy. I've had the pleasure of being in his home multiple times. Really, really, really good guy. Um, he's had my dad's back for a while. My Dad's had a, his back. I'm really good guy and really support the projects he's doing his kids, man. Wow. Humble, respectful. Um, when we go to their house, it's never a doll. Hey, how you doing? Matter of fact, they always greet my dad in Spanish a, they always all on one really good guys. His wife, such a sweetheart, very lovely home. I'm always welcoming. And um, he's, he's a really nice guy, man. I really liked the stuff he's doing. He actually had open a church somewhere in Chicago. I can't remember the specific city, but we helped them out kind of get that ready for, uh, did some painting and some, a little bit of remodeling to the churches and um, he was actually making sure that it was going to have classrooms for neighborhood kids were, you know, basically struggling out there. And I found that to be something so awesome. You don't see a lot of churches giving back. They say they do, but having a little barbecue here and there, this guy goes above and beyond and gives people a place man where it's safe. They could, the kids can do some learning. I mean, even at the Victory Cathedral, the um, you can go have mass and they have a separate room where they give a children's version of mass. If I, if I'm correct, I think that's how he said he was doing the whole thing. The music is amazing. I'm really, really, really loving environment. Um, if you guys ever get a chance to go, definitely go. It's on Weber in Bolingbrook, Illinois. Um, it's right next to the hobby hobby lobby and I believe he, I don't want to stretch too much, but he's there. Um, really nice guy. Shouts out to him. So if you guys also like Gospel man, check him out. Really good stuff. Really good stuff. Um, well, one of the other things that I wanted to ask you, and I'm really, really, really, really, really, really excited to ask this, but you gotta tell me what kind of crazy shit has gone down at the shows you've done with like Phil and those guys. Man. Oh Man.

Speaker 2:

A straight off top. Uh, this is, this is like the most, the most crazy one. Like, like every, like every other, every show, you know, it has its own craziness, you know, I, but some, you know, some things you'll, you know, industry can best kept in the industry. But, uh, one of the, one of my favorite stories is a, my dude jake, he was having like a punk rock show. Me and Phil, we were like, the only two hip hop had liners. And, uh, and it was, it was awesome. It was, it was so awesome. Uh, I started my side, I was, I was doing it. These girls, they started making out like, like, right in front of, like right in front, right in front of me. Like while I'm doing my center, it's all cool. You gotta get your shit out no matter what distractions or whatever. And uh, I finished that song, I go onto the next one, byob, go figure. And, uh, and I'm getting my verse out, I'm on my, I'm doing it, I'm doing it, I'm doing it. And uh, the girls are like lawn and garden. I don't even think about it because I'm thinking about getting my, getting my bars out, you know. And uh, I guess, uh, I guess, uh, it was, it was at, it was at their house and all that stuff. So, uh, Jake's grandma needed to use the bathroom like badly. And I guess these girls were like, up, they're lashing out now, like out in the bathroom and my and like, and like it was like really, really bad, like really important for to like to go to the bathroom. So I like over here, like wrapping my verse and like, uh, I guess this girl like comes out and she's like, well, you just don't like lesbians to uh, to my homies, Jake, jake sister, she's like, bitch a. she's like, she's like, you don't like lesbians if you don't like lesbians or gay people. Get Out. Becca. Becca is not, not a girl to be played with. She's a, she is a bruiser. She's like, first off bitch, one of my best friends is gay in Saginaw. Bitch, I fucking live here and I'm just, I'm just doing my little versus live in and live in. I chances not given the writer the lag for is Asia now this shit. And now it's like that meat like that. Uh, Jeff, where the dude's like peeking out the corner. I like a, like a whole little ruckus and shit. And I see you. I see, I see this little blonde hair check like perpendicular to the ground, like getting carried down to getting carried down the fucking stairs. I'm like doing my blah blah, blah, blah, blah blah. And she kicks over the garbage can. She's like sideways as fuck, like swinging punches and shit. And my friend realm a shout out to Baltimore, Maryland. He's a, he's a recording me. He's recording me to do my verse. And I'm like, yeah, just pick and pick and pick. And I'm like Bro, like I finished my first. I'm like Bro, get that shit, get that shit. Like, like garbage cat knocked over. Like, like girl besides just throw her in the sorts of all sorts. Commotion Is, it's so fucking ridiculous or hilarious. And, and uh, like, like, I don't know, that's the most memorable, most memorable show that I've done to this date. Like a girl, like literally sideways, like fighting with not with, not a single foot on the ground. That's crazy. Definitely.

Speaker 1:

I don't think she got, I don't think she got her climax though. That must be the case. That's crazy. You want to know something that I'm kind of realizing we do the most inappropriate segues last time, what the last guys were talking about being a dad and then straight into dmt talking about Gospel Music and the church and we go and, and like in my stupid as the first thing I do is. So what's some crazy stories? All these girls blessing out in the bathroom, man. I am so sorry guys. I don't know. Appropriate fucking segues. I'm doing, um, I'm trying to improve on that guy should be a staple of the show. We're going to do the most inappropriate segues. I definitely, definitely love that. Um, um, any other announcements you got by the way?

Speaker 2:

Uh, tools of war that is going to be the, uh, my first eep. My first project, uh, I started rapping on my 25th birthday or sixth birthday. Uh, so I think I'm going to try to drop it on my, on my birthday, uh, about six songs mixed and mastered by, uh, by Jay, by Jake, Rosa and, and whoever else I can get to work on it with A. Shouts out to cj dubs, zig a little c, c squared, the whole solution. Family Phileo, fill a will, AKA recluse. Oh, and there's one, there's one dude indigo young ice. He's, he's one of the coldest people I've ever met when it comes to the rap, like he's one of those, like he was a, a bag of on when I met him he was just like traveling and living off the land, you know, doing shows and shit. And like he's one of those people that like lives, eats, breathes and shits, rap. Like he will walk down the street and like, just be free styling. Like the coldest Barry won't repeat a buyer hill. It'll be like, all you need creative, you use it. Why not be wildly I buy then why? To me who was slotted me proudly standing like a prophecy probably like he, like, he's, he's amazing. He's one of the most amazing minds. And in this rap game I met hopefully, uh, he, I feel we'll, we'll all be doing like google. I'll be doing shows a same at the same time. One of these days. Uh, tools of war, Dz, soundcloud, instagram. I'm Dez U, m, m, D, double e z. Why? What's up?

Speaker 1:

I like that. Alright guys. Well don't forget to also follow us on instagram and on facebook like we said before. Um, for the next episode we're actually going to have my brother Mario on the show. We're going to hear as adventure is about Texas big booty hoes. Whatever other shenanigans he has been up to. They're out there making broad guys. They're making real money. Moves is Cardi. Carnegie would say I'm just out to her too, but uh, we'll have him on the show. I'm on that show. I know. I believe it's in the following one. Where else are going to have actual mutual friend? Luna will be having her on skype. We'll be having Luna on skype. She has lots of stuff to you. Actually. She's got a lot of stuff to talk about. We'll have her, uh, through skype. I want to, I believe it's not this next episode, but the following one, and I will keep you guys updated on all the guests that we're going to be having. Once again, guys, thank you so much for listening. I'm just kind of shooting the breeze with us. Just fucking around listening to our staff. Don't take it too seriously. Yeah, don't, don't be sensitive. Guys were just fucking around. I'm trying to do our best here. Um, but definitely, definitely, definitely a standard. Look out on our pages. We'll let you guys know whenever we're going to have other guests and a thank you for listening. Guys. This has been George III, king of the fucking castle. Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, thing. One last

Speaker 2:

a leak, another, another live Leeka. My next. My next single is titled Creepy White Kids at the end of the hall. Be on the lookout for that is. It's powerful. Very powerful track. Very, very powerful. Trey,

Speaker 1:

should I end the show with a little bit of hate toward somebody? Creepy white kids. Um, here's a guy out there and you guys know I'm not going to do it. I gotta tell them when, when the show's over my to talk to you about a guy. He's a little bit loony. Anyways, thanks for listening guys. Like I said before, I am Georgie, can you have a fucking castle and I'm Demi d and I'm just here. Thanks for joining us. See you next time.