E-Commerce Uncomplicated

Why knowing your genius zone will transform your brand!

Lisa Jones Season 1 Episode 13

 This episode is all about what your genius zone is, and how to find it.

As an e-commerce business coach, I meet a lot of super capable, amazing women.  Often, these women are doing everything - from the household chores, taking care of the kids, working 9 to 5 jobs, and more.  And then in their business, they're wearing ALL the hats - marketing, bookkeeping, fulfilling orders, creating new products...the list goes on.

This isn’t healthy for yourself or your business. The key here is to know your genius zone and prioritise those tasks in which you do best. This may be difficult at first, but it certainly is doable, and in this episode I’m going to teach you how.

Let’s get your genius on! 


Connect with Lisa:

Website: https://lisajones.co/ 

Instagram: @lisajones_co

Free Facebook Group: Uncomplicated E-commerce for Women!!