E-Commerce Uncomplicated

5 strategies to get off the mousewheel

Lisa Jones Season 1 Episode 17

Join us in this episode of E-commerce Uncomplicated where Lisa discusses a few strategies you can use to get yourself off the mousewheel - that is, help clear away the exhaustion and fatigue so many women in business face when there’s too much on the to-do list. 

Feelings of overwhelm are nothing new for entrepreneurs in the e-commerce space, especially for women and mothers who are juggling the demands of their business along with home and family life. In this episode, Lisa dives into some strategies to help you get off the cycle of feeling stuck and fatigued, like a mouse on a wheel. 

Have a listen and use these tips to stop running around without a plan, and start building a company that can be successful without feeling overwhelming. 

Let’s jump in.

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