E-Commerce Uncomplicated

Building a hand made product empire - SHE-conversation with Mel Haque from Wild Dough

Lisa Jones Season 1 Episode 27

In today’s episode, Lisa has a special guest - Mel Haque, founder of Wild Dough. In this episode. Mel shares her journey starting her own eCommerce business and the struggles (and triumphs) that came with it. 

Wild Dough is made for little hands. It’s easier to manipulate and lasts longer than other play-doughs in the market today.  Mel initially created it for her children but after seeing how it became a product mums could use to give them the space they need while their kids play, Wild Dough the business was born. 

Listen and tune in as they talk about Mel Haque's journey as a she-commer.


Mel Haque’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissahaque/

Wild Dough: https://www.wilddoughco.com/ 

Connect with Lisa:

Website: https://lisajones.co/ 

Instagram: @lisajones_co

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