E-Commerce Uncomplicated

The "Mummy Juggle Struggle" and how to manage it!

Lisa Jones Season 1 Episode 29

It’s the time of year where we all start to feel super duper exhausted.

Lisa has a theory called the Mummy Juggle Struggle where we are so busy trying to be mums, wives, partners, employees, business owners, bosses, girlfriends and friends. It’s real and it’s a problem because it can be exhausting, relentless and will definitely wear you down over time.

Today’s podcast is a reminder that you are not alone in the Mummy Juggle Struggle and some of us even need it at times, in order to get everything done.

But beyond that, this episode is designed to give you all some strategies on how to identify it and how to get off the Mummy Juggle Struggle.

Connect with Lisa:

Website: https://lisajones.co/
Instagram: @lisajones_co
Free Facebook Group: Uncomplicated E-commerce for Women!!
Youtube: Lisa Jones + Co - YouTube