E-Commerce Uncomplicated

Have you been missing E-commerce Uncomplicated? ... LISTEN TO THIS EP 🎙

• Lisa Jones • Season 1 • Episode 34

Hello Gorgeous!

Have you been missing your weekly episodes of E-Commerce Uncomplicated?

Well, today is your lucky day because we have just launched my new podcast SHE-talks E-commerce.

It's a little different to this podcast (and any other podcast you've listened to) because not only am I interviewing REALLY successful E-commerce brand owners BUT I'm asking them the questions you ACTUALLY want to know the answers too, not just the fluffy superficial stories.

Things like what is their ACTUAL wholesale %, their average order value, website conversion rate and HOW MUCH monthly revenue do they actually get from email marketing.

So if you are ready to level up your e-commerce brand and learn from some of the best e-commerce brand founders out there, jump on over and listen to some of our episodes and blow up your brand today.

So much love from me,  See you over on. SHE-talks E-commerce.

Listen now on:
Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/she-talks-e-commerce/id1692714527
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2TxOwNjLh8DB2J5m8s1ZeE?si=2PZKYvS5TRC6EXsxUMJpTA
Google Podcasts - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vVEJDMTk2MTExMzk5MA

And say hello over at @SHE-com.co