Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

399. A little heart to heart...


This episode is a little heart to heart with Nellie as she paints her home office. She quickly takes you through the journey of working and offices, and why she's coming home!


I thought it'd be fun to paint with you. You can't judge me though, if you're gonna, if you're going to be on this live video, this is going to be a very interactive live video, you're getting the raw, lowest craziest hair. And also, I'm not a painter, but I wanted to explain why I'm painting. Why I'm painting this room. Because there's a lot of reasons. And I think it's important. And I think there could be something that maybe inspires you. That's always my goal. So the beautiful part about painting this room is, this is where it all began. I didn't even realize that until like, literally, right here. Like, as I was saying that I'm like, Yeah, this is where this is where everything began. I remember sitting in this room, pregnant with Emma, the night before, I was going to get induced with her stuffing boxes for my first membership. And we dropped off packages to my new students, my online students, like people that wanted to join my life coaching mentorship group. Six years ago, yeah, six, over six years ago, because Emma turned 66 in November. So I'm literally sitting on this floor in this room stuffing boxes, nine months pregnant, we drop them off, then go and get induced, oh, my goodness, I did not even realize that intelligence there. So obviously, a lot like motherhood. Online Business has taken a lot of twists and turns. And there's been ups and downs, and tears, and laughter, and all the things it is literally just like motherhood, I've gotta take this, I gotta take that off. I do know that. I'm, I'm an amateur. But I do know, I had to take that off anyways. So I have gone through multiple different office spaces thinking that that's what I wanted. And I don't regret any of it. I learned a lot. I always fulfilled my commitments, I renegotiated when I needed to renegotiate when it came to like office spaces. And what was so beautiful about the decision of boom, coming home full time, starting in June was it doesn't make sense for me to have an office. So we went from not having to pay for daycare. And now me deciding not to renew my small office space, I'm going to add that up for you. Hold on. That's $40,000 like give or take that's like mama math $40,000. Between daycare and an office space that I'm no longer committed to very, very soon. So this, this room is sitting empty. And it's in our home, where it all began. And what's so beautiful about this is my business has evolved a lot just as much as I have evolved a lot like I am not the same human being I was when I sat here six plus years ago, stuffing boxes. So like we are supposed to evolve our businesses, our progress, product products, programs and services are supposed to evolve. It's not going to look the same. And that's the whole point. Like there was an image that I saw recently, that a Caterpillar was talking to a butterfly and said, The caterpillar said to the butterfly, like you've changed, which I love this, I love this image. And the butterfly goes, that's the whole point. And I think a lot of times, we like we don't want like we don't either want to change or, like, people make us feel bad that we're changing because they're not changing or they don't like the changes that we're making or whatever it may be everyone's everyone's always gonna have an opinion. But like, the thing is, I have never loved my brand more than I do right now. I have never loved myself more than I do right now like, and like that. That's like the biggest message I want a woman to hear is like, no matter what, like the twists and turns the ups and the downs, like do your very, very best to like come back to center and like what do you want? What Do you desire what feels good to you? And like, drown out all the other voices? Because Emma was helping me earlier paint this room and I can't wait to show it to you. It's feeling incredible. So. So we're eliminating daycare, we're eliminating an office space. Like I said, that's about$40,000 a year, a year. Can you imagine what I can now do with that money? Like we're already used to spending those two, those two expenses like we're already used to spending it. So now I'm going to redirect it. That's the whole goal of wealth building is making sure your money is going where you want it to go. How are we going to get a return on an investment? So anyways, so we're coming back home, mom was coming back home, babies are coming back home. And like I said, I don't regret any of it. Like, I think we always make the decisions in the moment that we need to that we want to but like also, being flexible is important. So Emma was helping me paint this office. And what's so sweet is one of my team members. M she offered to help she's she normally is my pink girl. Can you say hi? You can be shy? You are good paint. You're good painter. What's up? My phone died. Oh, my goodness, she has my phone. My other phone? Should we charge it? What do you think? Okay, hold on, hold on. Okay, we can work on that promise. Anyways, so my team member and offered to help because typically, she she has painted for me different projects. Overall, the nurse, she's like, okay, girlfriend, like, when do you need me to paint and I was like, I can't have you do that. And she started laughing. Because she's had me, I've had her paint multiple times different offices. And one, a part of me felt a little embarrassed if I'm being real. I'm like, I need to do this on my own. Like, I've made my bed. Now I'm sleeping in it, I'm getting myself back to where I want to be. It was like a responsibility thing. Probably a little embarrassing, but responsibility too. But as we've been painting tonight, I'm like putting the good energy into the walls. Not that and wouldn't do that either. But like, I needed, I needed to step up as a leader and paint these walls myself, like, sometimes you got to get a little messy and roll up your sleeves and roll. And that's what I needed to do. Like I wanted this project to be my project. And so I'm doing it on a Saturday night when I have a little cranky kiddo. So, but I just wanted to share that with you of like, what do you want? What do you desire? What messes maybe do you need to clean up and own and not feel embarrassed by it, like, when I say that, because I did feel embarrassed, but not to the point where you're not willing to like speak up and do something about it, right? Like there always can be, like you the feelings of embarrassment, or just human, we never want to look silly or stupid or make a mistake. But that like that's a part of life too. Like, it's okay for you to own it and then move forward. And that's, that's all that I'm wanting to do. So like I'm taking responsibility. You see that and I'm close to being done. I'm gonna at least tell myself that I'm close to being done. And the amount of growth that's going to happen in these, like, in these four walls, the amount of impact that's going to happen, like, it just feels really, really good. Like it is like a fresh start. It's like a renewal. And I'm really excited about that. Do you need your mommy? Yeah. Okay. Should I press End? Yeah. Okay. Is there anything you would like to say to them? No. Can you blow kiss and say good night? You're nervous. Okay. I'll see you soon. I'll show you the after. Are you feeding the milk? Oh, I'm sure they're saying thank you. You're silly. Okay, let's go tuck you in. Love you. Bye.