Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

400. Mama Money Tips!


On this episode, Nellie gives some Mama Money Tips that are quick and easy and great for mamas!!

She touches on:

  • Discomfort in traditional money-making methods for moms.
  • Motherhood, money blocks, and progress. 
  • Financial struggles and finding solutions. 

Be sure to check them out and let us know if they were helpful!!


It is so perfect, so perfect. I love how the universe just works. And I don't even want to say like mysterious ways, just like beautiful ways, because I put this hoodie on. And then I was getting ready for our live today. And I was like, we get to talk about Mama's making money and give you just like my rapid fire tips and help you just make this so much easier because motherhood is already challenging enough that you making money should not feel so challenging. And when we are practicing traditional ways of making money, I think that's what makes it feel so freakin challenging because we're, as moms we're trying to fit into a box. That is just not meant for us. It's like a pair of jeans that are just too small and you're like, no matter what you do, you're like jumping and you're laying on your bed and you're like trying to get those suckers up. First of all, why are we wearing jeans. Second of all, it doesn't feel that great. Like, even when you get those suckers on, because you're a determined person, I know that you're gonna not stop, you get them on you button them, you feel accomplished for a second. And then you're just like, I feel so uncomfortable, like, and then if like you're being really sneaky, maybe like unbutton the top button, just to be able to breathe a little bit. And then all you can think about you know that this is you, you know, this is you, all you can think about all day, all day, is I cannot effing wait to get these things off and get the most comfortable pair of sweatpants on anyone. Anyone dropping me in the chat. If that is you. I only have like two pairs of jeans right now. Like I'm not even joking. And it's not because I like don't feel like I want to wear jeans. There are pairs of jeans that I really do like, but they don't feel the greatest. Like I'm a very active person throughout the whole day and drink jeans feel really restricting even like the best pair of jeans. So I'm getting some Mi Mi is in the chat. So that means that I'm not alone in this. So if jeans wouldn't be your first choice. Why are we effing putting them on? Like, why are we putting them on? Why are we putting them on. So this gets to change because I really want you to feel amazing. And you may feel amazing, and baggy sweatpants. You may feel amazing. In leggings, you may feel amazing wearing no pants. There's no judgement here. But it's like checking in with yourself of what you actually want to wear. And this absolutely relates directly to you making money. Because us trying to keep putting on the jeans aka making money in a way that doesn't feel good to you is not the best decision for you. It really isn't like yes, there are moments in time where you're like, Okay, I've got a, you know, I've got to sacrifice and make money this way. Like maybe you're in a day job that just isn't like filling your soul. But there's still ways to change your pants and make it feel better. And that is my goal on today's live is no matter your current situation, no matter what is in your bank account right now. No matter what how you're making money, whether it's your day job clients, passive products like education products, network marketing, a mixture of a lot of different things, no matter how you are currently making money. How does it currently feel? Like, how does it feel? Do you feel like you're putting on those pair of jeans that are suffocating? And don't feel good? Like, check in with yourself, if you want to drop in the chat below how you're feeling like let me know in the chat. Because us knowing how you currently feel is one of the most important things like it's so so important to see how you're currently feeling. So we can start to get you some relief and feel better and better and better. It's not a destination. We have got to as moms get out of the loop. The loop of well, when my kid goes to daycare or when my kid starts, you know, kindergarten or when my kid starts sleeping through the night or when my kids you know are not in this sport or it's summer break or not summer break. Like we keep delaying and delaying and delaying and delaying our joy, our fulfillment, our goals, our dreams, and it's just going to keep happening like it is I call it future procrastination. Because when you procrastinate, procrastinate on anything It's so easy to keep procrastinating until you get to a very, like strict deadline. Like this is why people, most people, a lot of people do their taxes the night before they're due because they're like, oh shit, I've been procrastinating them. And now it's like, it's our make or break, I have to do them. Like, think about when you were in school, and it's the night before, you know, the paper is due and you're like, oh, shoot, I've got to do it. Right. So it's like, until we get to that moment where there's this extreme deadline, that's almost like forcing us is we're just going to keep delaying. So delaying is not the strategy, say it with me the chat delaying is not the strategy, I want to be able to bring on an amazing guests to help me with this conversation. Because it's that important. And I saw that she came on, so I want to get her coming in here. But dropping me in the chat, if you're like, I know I've got some room to grow on this conversation. And I'm ready to do so. Because motherhood, we're never ready. But in your heart, and you're solid, you're like, I deserve more. And that's when I think you're ready. Like when you can say, I don't love how I currently feel in these money, jeans, I want to feel different, then you're ready, you're ready, I promise, I promise, we can make use with the time that you have the money that you have the resources that you have, the knowledge that you have, you have everything that you need right now, to progress and feel better about your money, you really, really do. Now, it doesn't happen overnight. If you've got debt, it didn't get there overnight. If you've gotten money blocks, they didn't get there overnight, right? If you have challenges with saving money, that that that habit did not form overnight. So no matter what you're feeling about your money, what you want to improve about your money, it didn't happen overnight. So it's not going to change overnight. But we can make progress overnight. And that is key. And when you can say I deserve more, say it with me in the chat, I deserve more than I believe you're ready, I really, really do, you are ready to make some changes. And us doing small bite size changes is one of the best things that you can do for your growth for your wealthiest self for your nervous system. When we try to go cold turkey, and like guns blazing and all in it works for a short period of time. And then the minute life happens, right? Whether that be you get sick, your kids get sick, there's a you know, a bill that's unexpected, or whatever it may be, it makes it so challenging to get back in that all in energy. And if you have ADHD like me, we want to be that all in it's like the it's the all or nothing. And so it is like I feel you it is one of the hardest things ever, to to really like be okay, now, I know that I can make small steps, but then you want to be all in. But I saw a quote and I think it'll serve you I saw a quote that said, you may have 30 35% to give today. So when you give that 35%, you actually gave 100%. When you think about it that way, like check in with yourself with your energy. Because if you have 100% to give to it and you give 100% then you were at 100%, tomorrow, maybe 25% The next day, maybe 50%. So our energy expecially as women is going to go up and down. And that that is still being all in. So it's like a shift of energy of like you're all in is going to look different every single day. If the kids are home because they're sick or you're sick, or it's just a day where there's no school, then the all in will look different than the next day and the next day and the next day. So us really checking in at the beginning of the day. How is your energy? What's on your schedule for today? What's one small step? That's what I asked my students, what's one small step that you can do to build your wealth strategy today. And then let's do the next step. And the next step. One of my favorite hacks is the five minute rule. So the five minute rule can work with anything. So you can apply this to every facet of your life, including your money. So when you don't want to work out, the goal is let's just do five minutes. If you do more fantastic, right so how we're going to apply this to your money is start saving now get in the habit of saving now maybe it starts with $5 You may feel like that's so insignificant, but the goal goal is not the amount the goal is the habit, everything is built on habits. And when we can really master a habit, you can do anything, your confidence will explode, your energy will explode. And most importantly, your trust and belief in yourself will explode. So us doing a smaller amount is actually better than you being like, Nelly, I'm gonna do$1,000. And it's like, okay, is that sustainable, though, because the minute that it's not sustainable, we're gonna derail and go the opposite direction. And then that doesn't feel good, because it does the opposite. It takes away your trust, it takes away your confidence, it takes away your belief, and then we're back at ground zero. And then you're just like, why even try. So us making a small shift with what you currently have is key, we have an upcoming money challenge called the 5k. And five days at the end of this month, I could not be more excited. So if this is a topic that you're like, I really want to spend more time on, drop a number five below, and I'll make sure you get in, it's totally free. It's five days long. It's live, it's in a group, I want there to be lots of energy and excitement. And we're going to we're going to work on this because I can only give you like so many tips in like a quick video to keep your attention. But we're going to work on it together for a whole week long and make it so fun and energizing for you. No matter where you're at, no matter you could not even have a business. It's like all women, all moms are welcome. Because when we can do this together, we rise together, and everyone can fuel their energy as we're doing things together. So I really want you to focus on the the habit of saving. So today, what you're gonna do is you're gonna say $5, and you're gonna move that money over, it can even be you go withdrawal $5, and you put it in an envelope, but we just want to anchor this in, because you already said that you're ready. And then you said, Okay, now it's time for a small step. That's a small step. Because it's evidence that it's in an account, it's evidence that you're holding the cash, right? And that is key. Now, my really big sneaky trick is then let's automate it, because life will happen. And then what we don't want to have happen is we, we made that exciting move where we're like, Okay, I'm going to put the $5 in a savings account, or I'm going to pull the $5 and put it in an envelope. And then what happens is life happens. And then you're like, oh, yeah, I meant to keep doing that. But I forgot. Right? And it's not you forgot, it's you got busy. You're a mom, there's so much on your plate day to day. And so, US automating your wealth strategy is imperative. Most of my wealth strategy day to day and week to week is automated. Now, it doesn't mean that I don't check in I don't adjust things. I absolutely do. Think of this as like autopilot. When a pilot is taking off. They're they're in control. Once they get into the air, they do have an autopilot mode now, do they walk away? No, they're still there. Like checking in right? Making sure everything is good, but they're not working so hard. And so that is my goal with moms, because you're already working so hard and other facets of your life that we want to get that we want to get that takeoff, get into the air, automate it, aka autopilot, you're still there, you're still doing your part, but you're not working so hard. And then when it's time to come back down, whether there'll be a break, or we need to readjust or we need to get some people off of your plate. And then you need to go to the next test station. We've all been there. Then you're able to do the landing very safely. And then you know what to do. A pilot is able to do what they do because they've done it enough times. Someone isn't born and go you know what, I'm already an amazing pilot. They have to one decide that they want to be a pilot. Go to pilot school, aka passive income school. Wink wink, shameless plug. They go to pilot school, they learn. But then learning is just the beginning. I think we've gotten in a society where we expect to learn and then complex start to earn millions, and then we're mad and then we cancel, we leave passive income school. And then we're like, well, it's just not in the cards for me. But when we compare this to be becoming a pilot learning is just the beginning. They don't get their pilot's license until they do a certain amount of hours and Then they have to be a part of a team. And they're still not the main pilot, right? Like, they got to earn their seat by putting in the hours, right, the flights over and over and over again. Okay. So that's really, really what I want you to focus on is, you've got to decide you want to be a pilot, go to pilot school, start putting in the hours, which is the flights. And then that's how we're able to continue to grow this and get you to that status of, oh, my gosh, you're the best pilot, you are the best. And you're taking your time that you desire, you are so capable of this, if a pilot can. Why not think that you can do this, like, we've got to work through those blocks. Because if you don't believe that you can make money in small pockets of time, then we've got a mindset challenge. And we've got to work through that Mama. Now if you're like, Okay, Nellie, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I want to do this, I know I'm capable of doing this, I'm willing to go to pilot school, I'm willing to put in the flights, I'm willing to stay committed, because I want to become a pilot, I want to become a pilot for my family and our wealthiest future, it is never too late. It is never too late until the very end. Now, if someone decides desire to be a pilot, like maybe they grew up wanting that, or as they got older, they desired that, and they never went to pilot school, they will always wonder what if could have happened when we live in the what ifs, that, to me is the biggest tragedy, because we'll never have the experience of what could have happened. Do not be afraid of the potential failures or the potential mistakes or anything, quote unquote bad that could happen because you not wondering what if is the biggest reward ever. And like us trusting the process is imperative. Because every single pilot that is determined to become a pilot becomes a pilot. So when we look at it from that lens, and we're willing to put in the time, you're going to become a pilot. Now, everyone's journey may look may look different, some people may go full speed ahead and become a pilot really, really fast. And then some may have to go a little bit slower based on life circumstances or challenges. Or maybe they have to pause on school and come back. But they're like I am, I'm going to finish I'm going to become a pilot, there is no other option, but to become a pilot, because it's that important to me. So how important is it to you to become a pilot for your family, and really fly to the destination that you really, really desire. Because this is critical. It is not up to your significant other to take you there. Now you can have a co pilot, but it's not all on one person's shoulders. Now if you're a single mama, it probably does feel like it's all on your shoulders. But how exciting when you're in control, right? Like you've birthed the babies, you've raised babies, like you're so capable of this. So whether you've got a co pilot or not, us having you in the pilot chair is the best, best thing for your future. It's very easy to say, oh my, my, my company, my boss has got me, right. And then we collect that paycheck. Oh, my significant others got us from a financial aspect, right? We have so many small pockets of time that we forget, right? We're we're in the autopilot of life. And we forget that like, oh my gosh, here's a little small pocket of time. Here's a little small pocket of time. So in this 5k In five days challenge. It is designed. I'm so excited. It is designed for busy moms. And I'm going to teach you how to make money in small pockets of time, because realistically, you don't have eight hours a day. Like you're either working for somebody else eight hours a day, you're taking care of babies, right? You've got clients. So to like, say to add more to your plate is not realistic, but I'm going to show you in the small pockets of time that you already are having whether you're driving, you're cleaning, you're working out, you're doing bath time, snack time, naptime like whatever your life currently looks like. I promise you, I can help you find the small pockets of time to start making more money, automate it and really get this wealth engine cranking so much faster for you. And it takes a little bit of focus. It takes a little bit of commitment. And once we've got that momentum you literally create this inertia that you're like, I'm unstoppable. So it's like we need like, give me five days, like, give me five days to show you what this can look like you put in some effort you put in the time we start to see results, you start to get excited, you are literally unstoppable. At that point, even when there's hiccups, even when there's challenges you're like, if it's to be it's up to me, I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. So it seems like I'm having a technical Instagram challenges with getting somebody to come on here. I'm going to try one more time to see if we can get her invited. If not, we'll reschedule you, Laura. I don't know what's going on. I've invited for a couple of times. And I'm just talking over here. So let's see if I can get her on. If not, we'll get you rescheduled. No worries. You know how technology can be at time. So the let's see, if we got her on. I've had no challenges with getting people on here. Okay, let's see here. There we go. So, so as we see if technology is going to cooperate with us, the like I said, comment the number five below if you want in that free challenge five days, the goal is 5k. Now, you may be like, there's no way no way I can make 5k In five days, that's not the goal. The goal is to show you how to do it and start to incorporate that into your plan. And then the goal is that we keep doing the five day challenge over and over and over. And here's the beautiful part, just like pilot school, just like becoming a pilot, the more you keep showing up and you do that 5k challenge, you're going to eventually hit 5k You cannot tell me that$5,000 A month would not like any, any mom would be like, yes, please, it would give me more relief, it would give me more in my savings, it would be able to help pay off debt, right? You can do this, if you want to do this. And us trying to do it alone is not working. It's not working. It's not working. us saying that we don't want it is not working. So you've got to change it up. Like one of my favorite mentors said, you know, when you fail over and over and over again. So if you think about your journey with money, you may have the energy of like, well, I've failed so many times, I've tried to make money online. I've tried to manage a budget I've tried, I've tried to try it and it failed and failed and failed. And you may just feel right now, like you're at this point of defeat. And one of my mentors said this, take the time to assess, why are we continuing to fail. It literally gave me goose goosebumps when she said it. When we take the time to understand especially when it's a pattern that keeps repeating. It's not just this magical, like, why does this keep repeating? It's just, you know, it's just how it is right? No, there is something underneath there a reason why you continue to fail at budgeting, you continue to, like I'm saying fail with a lot of love, because I don't even believe that there's failure, but it's evidence, right? It's trying to say hello, we need help, we need to do things differently. So one of the best things that you can do before coming into the 5k to five days challenge is to get really honest with yourself, why do we keep failing? When it comes to saving and investing? Making money? Because it's all batters, every facet of money, whether it's spending, investing, saving, making more giving, it's all connected? Because it all is you you're the pilot, right? So we've got to look at things differently of like, why do we keep making this same pattern? Why do we keep repeating this same pattern? And when we can get underneath the surface and get really honest and be like oh yeah, I'm trying to keep up with the Kardashians, right? I am not enrolling accountability. I am not prioritizing this in my schedule, like get no one needs to know these things. But you But us just pretending that it's not there pretending that it's going to get better and we're not changing our behavior. Is it going to change it, it may change it for a hot second, but it's not going to create lasting change. Okay, so I am so excited for you, I want you to go move$5 And I want you to look at your past experiences with money and get really, really honest with yourself. These are two big pivotal things that you can do. I didn't want to give you fluffiness I wanted to go deep with you today because when we get deep with ourselves and get really really honest, this is how we can create lasting change. Shame, there is no shame at the wealthy mama movement. Wherever you You're at is wherever you're at. And one of my favorite affirmations is I've made the mess and I will clean it up. Just like my house. When the house gets messy. What do we do? When we put on our tennis shoes, we put on some music, we wipe the counters down, we vacuum. As moms, it's like not that I want this to be built into us, but we just do it. We just do it and your money is just the same way. So one of my favorite things because I'm still cleaning up some of my past messes. And messes isn't like to make me bad. It's just, I did the best that I could with the resources, the knowledge that I had then, but now I have different knowledge and resources. Just like you being on this live. Now you're getting different knowledge and resources and community and accountability. So now we can do better. So let's do better. So I anytime I get in my head or feel judgy about myself, I go. It's my mess. And I'm cleaning it up. So say it with me. It's my mess. And I'm cleaning it up. It's my mess, and I'm cleaning it up. And before you know it, it will be clean. And don't you love a clean house. There's not one mom, that does not love a clean house. I eat this morning within 30 minutes. I wiped down the counters, I vacuumed, I sorted things. I got things ready and prepped. And I feel significantly better because I cleaned up the mess. And your money is the exact same way. So unfortunately, we weren't able to technology was not being nice to us, Laura, I will make sure that we get you rescheduled because I know that you're going to be an amazing guest for our audience. It's just what the universe decided for some odd reason. So I apologize about that, Laura, but for some reason, it's not letting us have you on as a guest today. It's so strange. I invited you like five times, but no worries at all. We'll get you the rescheduled so everyone can learn from you. And I cannot wait. So go do those two things today and make sure that you get into our 5k challenge. All you have to do is comment five, the number five if you don't feel comfortable doing that you can send me a DM and I'll make sure that you're on the waitlist. It's coming up really really fast. Okay, make it a great day.