Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

402. What Does Me Struggling to Lose Weight Have To Do With You Making Money Online?


What does me struggling to lose weight have to do with you making money online????
On this episode, Nellie talks about the things she's learned during the process of struggling to lose weight to making money online! 

She touches on:

  • Weight loss struggles and self-acceptance.
  • Personal growth and transformation. 
  • Overcoming barriers to achieve happiness, health, and wealth. 
  • Creating wealth and self-love through personal development.
  • Simplicity in achieving goals and wealth creation.

This episode is sponsored by Kristen Rourke with Busy Mom Bod. Check her out!!!


This is very, very spontaneous. I don't know, if I've ever publicly brought anyone to our basement that sounded really creepy. It was not meant to be creepy. But this is where I'm currently working out. And it's so cute. I have my daughter's SpongeBob SpongeBob shirt on that I can fit into, which is just blows my freaking mind. But I watched the Oprah special on Hulu, about shame around weight loss drugs and losing weight in general and obesity. And like the hot topic, right, like the hot topic of health and wellness and fitness, and weight loss and all the things. So this is very spontaneous, because this was not planned. But some of those are some times that is like the best conversation when it's not, you know, pre planned and all the things so Today's episode is sponsored by Kristin Roark, which is, oh my gosh, if you don't know Kristin, follow her connect with her. She is helping busy moms feel their best from a health and wellness standpoint, and has just quick and easy strategies to be able to support you, she's got so many resources from free to paid, and one on one and group and all the things. So please make sure that you connect with Kristin Roark and busy bottom busy mom bod. It's not easy to walk and talk at the same time. But we're gonna try, we're gonna try to do it. So if you haven't watched the episode, or the special that Oprah did, it's okay, you'll still be able to get something from this. So for years and years and years and years, I'm not on weight loss drugs. I should also say that, not that there's anything bad with them. But I just for context, I didn't want to be misleading. So I wanted to watch that. The special because I try to educate myself as much as possible, of just like what's going on in the world. You know, what are the hot topics, making sure I'm as informed as I possibly can be. And so, for years and years, like, as, like, since fifth grade, I have struggled with my weight badly, like I would get made fun of I never felt comfortable or confident in a swimsuit. And this went on, all the way into college, and post college. And even when I got married, if you know the story, it really breaks my heart. But I did not feel beautiful on my wedding day. Like I felt pretty, but I didn't feel like, Damn, it's your wedding day here. Like you're the bomb, like all of the things. And on our honeymoon, I equally felt the same way. And what's so sad about this is I tried, I tried so hard. Even when we got engaged, I hired a personal trainer, I tried meal prepping, like I tried, I tried and I tried and I tried and I try. And like when we were at our honeymoon in Hawaii, which is like the most beautiful place, you can also feel Shamy for feeling the way that you're feeling you're like man, most people would love to be where you're at right now on a beach with their loved one. And so then you can feel shame about feeling shame, which doesn't feel that great. And I looked in the mirror in the bathroom, at the the pool that we were at. And I felt that that deep, deep shame if you know, if you've struggled with your health and fitness and feeling beautiful and confident and amazing. You know what I'm talking about, you just look in the mirror, and you feel the sadness. It's an it's like, it's beyond shame. You feel sad? You feel so sad. You hide out. And so I asked myself, like, what are you going to do about it? Like you? Yes, you have tried and you have tried and you have tried, but you could either give up and feel this way for the rest of your life. Or you could increase that that trying up a few not a few notches. Like maybe there's something that you haven't tried yet. That is like a Hail Mary essentially. So here's the big thing that I noticed. Okay, this is a happy ending. So at the beach on our honeymoon, I legitimately was like I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired about this like I have felt this way for as long as I can remember I got food in anxiety all the time. I like I would get question in my house if I was going to have another snack like Are you really going to have another snack? So there's a lot of anxiety around it. But then there's a lot of comfort in it too, right? And so it's a real thing. It's a very real thing. And I was relating so much to what some of these people were sharing on the Oprah special. And it just like really brought up so many emotions, because I struggled, hardcore. And so the happy ending is this. We came home from our honeymoon. And I was like, lit up, I was like, I will be damned if I continue to feel like this. More like, this is unhealthy. Right? Like, forget about the wait first, the second, like, just the inner dialogue was so noisy, so awful, I would definitely not want my now daughter to feel this way. And so or friend or anyone. And so I was like, it's like, I'm done. Like, I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I do not want to feel like this anymore. So we're going to try again, we're going to try again. And so I joined an accountability group. I lost eight pounds. Like that. I took it so seriously. So I think there's two things here. One, the commitment, like I've never committed before, and the outside accountability, I have found this to be true. And other goals that I have wanted to go for. I crave that outside accountability. I know I am wildly more successful, when I don't do things alone that don't come easy to me. Now, things that come easy to me. Not a problem, right. But there's a lot of things in our life and business that don't come easy to us. But yet, then we're trying to do it on our own. So although I hired a personal trainer before, she saw me only a couple times a week. And nutrition was a big missing piece when I hired her. So it wasn't her fault. It was the lack of education, the lack of prepping my food. I like before I was oh my gosh, we got married when I was 2025. I think that's right, yeah. 25. Before then, I did not know how important protein was a 25 years old, I did not know how important protein was, I did not know how much water you should drink in a day. I did not know portions. I did not know, you know all of these things until I just kept going to the gym and kept going to the gym, hoping and praying that I would feel better feel better. But it was only like that's only a small piece of the puzzle. It's so much more than that. And it's so much more than just working out. And food like it goes even beyond that. Like, it's just wild to me. And so I've learned so much more. And the last few years, like, let's just round up to 10 years. It's a little less than that. But easy math for me walking. So less than 10 years, I've learned so much that I wish I would have known earlier. So if you find yourself, not where you want to be with certain areas of your life and your business. I want to encourage you to ask yourself, what are you going to do about it? And when you say that, like we've got a we've got to raise the level of commitment, because I could have joined that accountability group and not shown up. So it's first and foremost, extreme responsibility of like, if it should be it's up to me, and I'll be damned. I'll be damned if I don't figure it out. Right like this is when being stubborn actually works. So well. being resourceful works. So well. Like I remember the day I got all of my materials from the accountability group, I read everything. It was such a good student, good students get good grades. Say it with me good students get good grades. When you're a good student in traditional school, you typically get good grades, right? You're coming to class, you're asking questions, you sit at the front of class, right? You do your homework, you get a really good grade, because you put in the effort, and you did not stop. And like when you aren't doing well. You can ask for a tutor, right? And so it's just always the willingness to try the commitment. And the like increased commitment is critical as well. And so then, once we're there, we quickly add accountability, right, like because the level of commitment I guarantee you even in that moment, that many years, like eight I lose track of time, eight, nine years ago. It's it's hard to keep track of time eight, nine years ago I had that moment of like, I'll be damned. That accountability was key because I had that moment. So I quickly enrolled accountability. And that helped to reinforce it. Because I guarantee you, if I would have just continued to do it on my own, it's just too easy to give up. It really is, when no one knows what you're doing. It's just too easy. Like, wow, I'm gonna go ahead and, you know, skip my workout today, I'm going to skip, you know, doing my marketing efforts today, like if nothing detrimental happens that day. Typically, as humans, we just delay and delay and delay and there's nothing wrong with that. It's just acknowledging that that is normally human behavior. And so when we can know certain things about yourself, see yourself like Know thyself, we can start to do pattern interrupts. So that's what accountability really is. It's a pattern interrupt, and your old way of being, because what has gotten you here to this moment, whatever that means for you, we're going to need a stronger version of you, if you're going for your wealthiest life, your happiest healthiest life, it is going to require a higher level of commitment, higher focus, right? Saying no more than you're saying. Yes. learning new skills, especially high income skills, right? So all of this is so important, and every aspect of us affects other aspects, right? Wouldn't you know, when I started losing that way, my face literally started clearing up. I struggled with acne for most of my life. Shocker. It was a part of my diet, right? I started gaining so much confidence. People started to notice this was when I was at the nonprofit that I started, I started landing the biggest deals for our nonprofit organization. We're talking major corporations, and I would walk in there still, as a young adult, mind you, and own that room. Like I was the effing boss, like, you would have thought I, I had a billion dollar business, like the level of energy and commitment and courage and competence I had. Just gives me chills thinking about it. Like, for once in my life, I finally had true authentic confidence, and it oozed out of me. Like, I literally, just like, took over my whole life like it, I collapsed so much time. Hey, careful, please, please, and thank you. So then from there, I'm giving you a little sneak peek of like maybe behind the scenes of my story. Then from there, I started landing so many deals for our organization. So of course, like our fundraising efforts, skyrocketed, we were able to support more families that just created a massive ripple effect. Then I started taking personal development courses and books. And guess what, then one of my early on mentors, and of course that I took said, You need to be on video. I was like, okay, she's telling me I need to be on video. I started recording recording videos. Because Facebook Live was not a thing then yet. So I started recording videos in my car and then waited to post them because they took so long to post. But they were inspirational. They were motivational. They were real. They were raw, they were right from my car. I had no idea what I was doing. I had no call to action. I had no hook. I just was willing to try. And wouldn't you know it? Then people started asking me, Can you mentor me? Can you coach me? And I was like, Huh, what they're like, what what would you charge? And I'm like, what, what? I was like$25 an hour. So I want you to hear like as quickly as I possibly can. There's a lot of stuff in between all of this. But everything builds off that one moment in Hawaii, of me looking in the mirror, and i i so much want to go back to that exact hotel and take a photo and just stare at myself really in the mirror. Whenever we can get back. It could be, you know, another 10 years, who knows, but I want to go to that hotel and just even hug them here. Because that moment literally changed everything. For me. Everything changed everything. And it's not because it wasn't a magical location. It was all the past times of me looking in the mirror that finally for whatever reason. That was the moment that was the moment that I was said enough is enough. If I can't do this anymore, I don't even I can't, I don't want to, I don't want to, and I do have the power to change. And so this is a sad moment for me. And when it still makes me emotional, because this is self harming that it took that many painful moments to finally get to what I call your wake up call moment. And so I'm training on this in our free course, because I want to help women manufacture your wake up call moment, so it doesn't have to be so painful. And so what that means is, instead of a doctor telling you to stop smoking, because you're gonna die, you stopped smoking, you create your own wake up call moment, right? Or maybe for you, maybe your marriage isn't in a good spot. And so instead of your partner handing you divorce papers, because that's a wake up call moment, you manufacture your wake up call moment. And you you take the reins, you decide, right, it's such a powerful tool that I want to teach so many women because too often true change, true transformation does come from some of our most painful moments. And although we come out stronger, on the other side, what if there was another way? I like, what if there was another way, like, it does genuinely make me sad from fifth grade to when I got married, which every woman or at least most women look forward to their wedding day, and their, their honeymoon. But I felt so sad, like, and it had nothing to do with my partner, I was genuinely so happy to be married. But I was unhappy with my body and how I felt and how I looked. And I just felt so awful. And so it's a it's a grief moment, for sure. And I just don't want like whether it's health and fitness, or your finances, or your marriage, or anything, it all connects. Because it's you, maybe you're unhappy in your job, maybe it's all of these things and more or a mixture of these things. And so, for true change to truly happen, either a wake up call moment will happen to you, or you will create it and manufacture it. And so that's what I'm teaching on in our free Kickstart program of how to manufacture this, how to get ahead, be proactive, create your own wake up call moments. So it can be way less painful. And you can speed up the timeline, it's absolutely free. Because it's like it's such a gift like, like I It would mean the world to me if you watch these trainings, because or send them to somebody that you love, because I finally created so much change. But it was painful. And it did take forever. And equally. I am so grateful that in my transformation, I had that coach or mentor in my course, she's never met me. And yet she's changed my whole life. But I invested the money I spent like $2,000 I think it was more than that. But about $2,000. And she told me to get on video. She told me other things. But that was like the big thing. Like, but I needed to do the other things before I heard that message. So how does this relate to you making money online? It's you like, there may be things that we need to manufacture before you make money online. So you heard a really quick snippet of my story. And here's the beautiful part. When once I started losing the weight, shedding the weight, and if weight loss is in your goal, like please, by all means there's like I started to feel healthier, right? I started actually having balanced meals, which is huge. And so even quickly after that those eight pounds were forever gone. I had the tools, I had the resources, I had the confidence that then I started adding the other things and so this is not like you have to wait forever either. It will start to compound it will start to Quantum Leap. But most likely, there's a big, invisible barrier between you and your wealthiest life and your wealthiest self and your happiest self and your healthiest all of it like there's this big barrier, most likely. And when we can knock down that biggest barrier, it will create this massive, massive ripple effect for you Massive ripple effect. I even with having to like growing to humans in my stomach birthing to humans, then like, obviously having pre pregnancy weight, I had a way better mindset, both pregnancies that I was able to work through it, and I have the tools and the resources. So although my weight was higher, my love and compassion for myself was so much higher, that I was able to lose the weight, right, gain confidence, be happier and healthier throughout my pregnancy and post pregnancy, right. And there was still challenges, challenges, of course, but having the tools and the resources and the accountability is everything here really, really is everything. So that commitment, increased commitment. And accountability is what I can literally tell you, is the holy grail for you to literally create anything that you want to create, like, almost think of it as this like machine, that you could say, oh, I want this amount of money, or I want this, you no significant other, or I would really love to go to this trip or whatever it may be like, when you have these tools and resources, you can create anything, because at the source of everything that you desire is you is you. And you will make way better decisions. I call them wealthy decisions, when you're so dialed in with yourself with you. So if you are not in our free membership, we literally just kicked off, we have so much goodness in store for you. And it feels good, I feel ready, I feel excited. I feel so focused, that I am ready to hold a massive amount of women in my heart and support them on their wealthy journey, maybe that you are one of them. And I'm tapping into every tool, every resource that I have learned and mastered and continue to work on because I don't think we're ever done. But I'm pouring into other women to help you speed up your timeline and hopefully make it at least a little less painful, and a lot more fun. Like truly, at the core of what I do that is my goal. So day one is ready for you. If you are not in, just let me know. And I'll make sure that you can get in it's five days, it is a free course, forever free, and the membership is going to have so much more in it. And the membership is free forever, we will have an upgraded option for those that are wanting it that are ready for it. And amazing, but there's literally no pressure. It's not about who will let me see how many enrollments I can do or anything like that. I just want to connect with as many women as possible. And it's all you do is stay in the free membership, fantastic. This is really about community and making sure that no wealthy mama gets left behind that wants to be here that really wants a wealthier life. And maybe she is similar to me where she was trying. She was doing as much as she could, with the knowledge that she had and the support that she had. And it just, it's tough. It's tough. And so there are very simple things that I can teach you just like this, to really, really help you. And we're just going to keep increasing that energy and keep increasing that belief and that commitment. And every single day you will surprise yourself. Like you will go faster than it even feels like when I look back like hindsight is always 2020 When I look back, and I can literally like document it. Like you can even see it if you look at photos and videos. It's mind blowing to me. And so it had nothing to do with the weight, and so much to do with how I saw myself and really loving myself. And so I had to go on that self love Journey, that that personal development journey. And then I literally grew a million dollar business, right. And I know that makes it sound so easy. And it's not easy, but it's because of all those little moments leading up. And I am telling you, I am promising you, they can absolutely be manufactured and they can be way less painful. Because when you are the creator, you can manufacture anything. It's almost like you have your own factory. It's the wealthy factory, and you can manufacture anything that you desire. And it's huge, like it is so huge and I'm so grateful that I went through a lot lot of that pain and worked through it before I had kids, because I am way better mother. And it's not too late. If you're like, dang, I have kids, it's not, it's never too late, it is never too late for you to become the best to you, inside and out from health, wealth, relationships, and everything in between is never too late. When you say it's not too late, every day that we get the gift of waking up, is a great day like is a great day to do this and to manufacture your wealthiest life and to create it in real time. And there is something really powerful about knowing even if you're not where you want to be yet, knowing you're doing exactly what you need to be doing, to get to where you want to go. And it's probably going to be even more juicy, than you can even fathom i This was never, like when I was that woman at the beach looking in the mirror, if you would tell me that I would be where I am right now. I wouldn't, I don't think I would believe you. I feel like that would be cool. That would be amazing. But I did not have the confidence, I did not have the belief. I had to work on that first. And then the money started to appear. Because my energy, my frequency, my commitment increased. So many women are skipping over this and they're wanting the sales tactics, they're wanting the funnels, they're wanting all of these things. And don't get me wrong, I teach all of those things, I do all of those things, they are very important. But when we don't work on these things, first one, it doesn't feel so great when you skip over it. And to it's very, very challenging to stick with it. You aren't meant to be a bro marketer, as a woman, you are an emotional being that needs to take care of you first. And when we can do that, you will quickly start to attract everything that you want, including money. It is wild. To me, this was a damper on my goal list. This was never on my radar, I truly legitimately thought I would die doing the nonprofit work. And I would have been happy doing that. And also, there's so much that I want to do for my family that I wasn't able to do. So I was out of integrity and out of alignment. By not fully living out my next purpose. Even if I didn't know what it was deep down, I knew there was something I knew that was there, I knew that there was more. And I couldn't articulate it, couldn't see it. But I just continued to try and follow my heart. And I'll continue to still do that. That's exactly how the Kickstart program kicked off, I was like, This is what I need to do. This is what I need to do. It's supposed to be this, we're gonna keep it simple. It's called the Kickstart program, we're gonna keep it free forever. Because that feels really good to me. And I know the right people will access it, and they will eat it up, and they will take it and run with it. And it will bless their life. And that feels incredible to me, feels so good to me. So if you are not in if you have not watched day one, just let me know. And I will make sure that we get you in. And it's really, really good. It's all about wealthy decisions. Tomorrow, his building off of that, we are going to be talking sales and marketing and all all of those things. I'm not leaving anything off of the table. Okay, so I just wanted you to hear a little bit more about like very, very quickly of my journey. And like truly knowing that no matter what you desire, you do have the power within you to truly create it. And a part of that is gaining accountability and support. Because when you match that with, you know where you're at, and you increase your commitment, it really does matter. And that's exactly what we the wealthy mama movement are creating. It is less about training, and more about energy and frequency. Then we add in the little extras, because they're actually really quick like when we I could show you why we'll be showing you. You can build literally a product and a funnel in under 15 minutes. But until we have all of those other things worked out. You'll be like yeah, right Nellie? Yeah, right. Like No way. No way. No way. No way. So I will show you I will show you how to do it. So easy. done it for years. This is not a new thing. I've done it for years. It is not AI. It is literally and I really want to tie myself because I just did it last night and I was like well, I did that so fast. This is how it should be. Keep it super simple. I guess to you right now, you're most likely complicating any goal that you have, make it easy. If you drink more water, it will help you get on the treadmill, it will help. Now sometimes there are yes, interventions that need to happen with doctors and, and support. But like start with the basics. When you're going for any goal, I've been going for a savings goal. And wouldn't you know it, you guys, you move money to a savings. This is for my business, you move money to savings, and you're doing it. It's so basic, right? You don't need to read a bunch of money books, you move money to your savings account, and then you keep doing it, and you keep doing it. And eventually, it's so exciting to see the number grow that you're like, I want to keep doing it. Right. So it's huge. I literally locked a client through how to invest in the stock market a couple of weeks ago, she's already investing, she's home ready investing, I am the queen of simplicity. And I really get to own it more, because I don't brag about it enough, but I keep it so simple. So cringy. So simple, so easy. And mostly mostly because I have to in order to do it with ADHD and two kids. But nevertheless, I keep it super simple. And I get results. So if that sounds good to you, and you want to keep everything super simple, and you want to get results with making money with health and fitness, with relationships with cleaning your home, it does not matter because the skills are transferable. And you'll start to see that the more I teach you how to do this, so my phone is going to die. I am very, very sweaty. I hope that this really inspired you. I also encourage you to share it with a friend. We are about to go on 100 day journey to enroll 100 amazing women in our All Access Program. So more on that later this week. Superduper excited for everyone to know about what this is. This is literally the All Access Program. It's been something I've wanted to do since 2021. So more on that later. But share this with a friend, get in our free course slash free membership. Again, it's free forever. You're never pressured to upgrade or do anything. It's all what you want it to be. And there's community built in and encouragement built in and all of the things so my goal is to bless your life and I hope that this did that. So I love you my phone's gonna die, but I'll see you next time.