Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

403. Wealth Doodle - Do You Want Easy Success?


It’s wealth doodle time!!!!!!! 

Watch this doodle if you want easier success!

We will touch on:

  • Overcoming self-sabotage to achieve big goals through practical strategies.
  • Prioritizing goals and creating a domino effect with a focus on the "diamond effect" 
  • Prioritizing self-care and personal growth.
  • Strategies for personal growth and development.
  • Planning and preparation for a large-scale launch, including setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and creating a supportive environment.
  • Improving marriage and personal growth with a focus on energy and emotional intelligence.
  • Prioritizing self-care for business success.
  • Clearing mental and emotional clutter to manifest wealth and success.

This doodle is sponsored by Kristen Rourke…she is opening up the virtual doors to an exclusive community of mamas that want a healthy makeover! She’s got tons of easy hacks for you!


Welcome to my wealth doodle series. I could not be more excited to do this series in honor of us opening up our doors to not only our wealthy mama free membership, that is free for as long as we do it, and also our all access wealthy mama membership, which just means that you get more trainings, more live experiences, more accountability, more sport support, all of those things. But no matter what, both of those two containers, you are guaranteed to grow and thrive and and learn and feel better along the way. And we cannot. We cannot we cannot wait to have you in there if you're not already in there. So I will be doing the wealth doodle series for as long as it takes us to enroll 100 amazing humans in our all access. So this is a way to give back, put good energy onto the world, serve and support and and know that those women are well on their way. So give me hashtag live or hashtag replay. I really want you to get value from these doodles, because I'm such a visual learner, and I know I'm not the only one, and I I'm just super excited for you. So today's doodle is about, you know, really creating easier success, your brain wants to protect you. And so when you're going for big goals, like bigger money goals, you want to, you know, get healthier. You want to leave your day job, like, insert any like big goal here, okay, any big goal here that you desire and your heart wants, it right? Your head, your brain get in the way, which really they're your brain is not getting in the way. Your brain's job is to protect you. Okay? Almost think of this like the brakes on your car, your brakes on your car or to protect you. And if you've ever had a car that their brakes go out, it's absolutely terrifying, right? So your brain is wanting to protect you, so it is actually doing its job. This is why, you know self sabotage typically happens because 90% or more of our actions are subconscious, meaning the brain without you knowing is putting the brakes on your big goals and dreams that you really wholeheartedly know you're capable of, that you are wanting, that you're worthy of, and it can be one of the most frustrating things as a high achiever, as someone that's wanting to go for something, and you almost feel like you are, you know, you're making the effort you're you're putting in the work You're you're learning and doing, and you you've you just feel like perhaps you're taking 10 steps forward, and then you take 20 steps back, right? You get curveballs. You get surprises, big and small. It just feels heavy and hard. And so I wanted to come to you with this doodle to give you some practical things that you can really do to get your brain and your heart on the same team. It is possible, and it is so, so important. This doodle is sponsored by Kristen Roark with busy mom bod. If you don't know who Kristen Rourke is, she is on a mission to help more moms have that crazy, amazing, healthy lifestyle that does not feel crazy hard, and she is opening the doors to an exclusive community to help moms in a very affordable way, to give them to help create that healthy lifestyle that they are desiring, and it's perfect for what we're talking about today, because health is a big part of of this conversation. So I really want you to think about, you know, it's easy all day long to say all of these big goals and dreams, more money in your bank account. You know, more more health, more happiness. You know you can get as specific as you want, like, maybe you want a beach home, maybe you want to pay off all of your debt. Like, any and all big goals, you can use this as a tool. Okay, so I like to do one main goal at a time. And if you've heard me teach on the domino effect, it is really that one big goal that's actually going to help a lot of other goals happen. So like, boom, other goals are going to immediately or eventually happen when you focus on, like, the number one big goal. This can take a minute to identify what it is. One of my first mentors, Shaleen Johnson, so. She calls this your push goal. It's very common to think about like what that one thing is, if you've ever read the book, the one thing it has a it has a very similar methodology, and it really is helpful, because your brain wants also focus, especially my ADHD humans out there, your brain wants to have focus. So if you're wanting to get healthy and you're wanting to leave your day job and you're wanting to pay off debt and you're wanting to, you know, find your your dream home, or whatever it may be, those are a lot of big goals, and when we try to do them all at the exact same time, your brain is literally going to go in like shut down mode. It's just again, the breaks are going to the brakes are going to happen. And so it can already be so helpful when we decide, okay, what is that like? Number one, big, big, big goal. Typically, it is either health related, okay, it's either health related or it is money related, not always, but most of the time, it's one of these things I know, for me, at the very, very beginning of my journey, it was health. I wasn't on video. I wasn't taking care of myself. I had very little zero, like, very little to zero energy, very little confidence, like true confidence. And so when I actually focused and went all into my health, wouldn't you know it that so many other things, like a domino effect happened after I prioritized my health? So I if you're having a hard time deciding what you think this one should be, go to one of these categories and think about, Okay, which one do you feel like would create that domino? Okay? So when we can go all in with that number one, you're going to have this, like, double dipping opportunity, because, oh my gosh. Now you're healthy, now you have energy. Now you you feel you know, and confident, and you're getting on camera, and you're doing all the things right. You're going to go in and ask for the raise. You're going to work on your marriage, like whatever it may be. So we're going to create this beautiful ripple effect, this beautiful domino effect, that is also going to help so many other goals happen pretty simultaneously once we've got some momentum. Now here's the most important part, once you understand that, is this diamond effect, okay, this triangle, diamond pyramid, whatever you want to call it. So it is upside down on purpose, because I want you to think about it as like a funnel. Now, when you think about it from like a foundation standpoint, we would flip it around, but this is the bulk of your focused and this is what I see so many people, including myself, glaze over or we don't prioritize it as much as we know we can. I was just having a conversation with a member, a student, the other day, and she was like, oh yeah. And she I'll tell you what, what she said once I reveal what that is. But we do not prioritize this section. But I am telling you this is 80% of you getting to your goal, 80% 80% of you getting to your goal is what is going to be in here, and the other 20% is here, and they are equally important. But when we don't prioritize, and keep prioritizing this area, this falls flat. This literally crumbles it just can't it can't work. It, I shouldn't say it can't work. It feels so hard. And the goal with this doodle is to make it easier. Easier still means that there's effort involved. But where can we make it easier? Because that is going to speed up the process, it's going to be way more enjoyable. Okay, some people would say the 80% is mindset, but mindset can be very confusing to a lot of people. I like to say it's you, and I'm going to branch this off here in a second. Okay, it is you. You are the 80% I'll reveal what the 20% here is in just a second. But think about it this way. This is not. This is this is what you think, Okay, this is what you feel. This is who is around you, okay, this is your environment. Okay. Environment. This is also your actions and making sure that they're all aligned. This is literally your health. Your health is in here too, because we've gotta have energy, right? This is you asking for help. You. You, no matter what you do, whether it's no matter what goal is right, here you are always the the one doing the goal right. And so when we can start to really break these down, even so much smaller than what my paper is giving me space for, but there is this is so there's so much here, and so often we skip over right? We almost just like, check a quick box and be like, Oh my gosh. My mindset is great. And then we go right to the 20% but maybe when you felt that way, it was only at, let's say, 20% or 40% we want to make sure it's a solid 80% if not more, and so we want to take a holistic 360 approach with you. This does not mean that you have to be perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I'll go back to the student that I was talking to the other day. She was feeling a little frustrated that her results for her business were taking a little bit longer, and so we we really broke it down, and we worked on it more, and she's like, Yeah, I actually could be going to the chiropractor more. I've been a little stiff, right? Oh, I could be journaling more, right? And so there's always room for growth here, and I don't know about you, but every time I clean my home, I feel better. Huh, interesting. Every time I ask for help from my team or my husband, I feel better anytime I meditate, I feel better anytime I go for a run or lift some weights, I feel better anytime I am around amazing happy people, even on the internet or in person, I feel better. There is so much control and so much power here that I promise you, in my whole with my whole heart, that when you take this even more seriously, then maybe you're you are right now, this 20% will feel like it's the easiest thing ever, the easiest thing ever, because you are so dialed in, you feel incredible. You are a magnet for everything that you desire, and when we treat you as if you are the strongest magnet, how you become a stronger magnet? Are all of these things and so much more like this is just, I'm just scratching the surface here. Now. Does this mean that your home has to be perfectly clean and that there's no there's no crumb on your floor, no. But our goal here is that we are increasing your energy. We're increasing your mental clarity. We're increasing your vibration to be the match, to be the match for everything that you desire, when I am hungry, when I am tired, like I literally took a nap today because we were with family. I needed to lay down, and I knew that that was the best thing for me. I am a much better human on this doodle because I took some time to rest. Rest is a part of the strategy. It is part of the process. It is the part that is so hard for so many of us. And it like, literally, is the secret. It's the secret because you always feel better when you wake up, like you always feel better. You feel more rested, you feel like you can make better decisions, and so I really want you, I'm encouraging you to think about, what in this 80% do you have some room to grow like? Maybe the thoughts are, you know, all over the place, and you're you're really struggling with the thoughts, because our thoughts turn into our words, and our words turn into our actions. So it's all connected all of our beliefs, right? Anything that's showing up for you, it is a sign that, like there's something there, there's something there, and US stuffing it down isn't going to help. Okay? So I've got lots of strategies for this area right here, which is a benefit of being in our all access. I have years and years and years of trainings that you can start this process and start working through all of this stuff that also we get to the 20% so we're here to help you with the whole entire 100% which is why I'm taking the approach of the all access, because I'll be real with you. I don't want to have to keep launching different programs and giving you a 10% giving you 30% giving you, giving you 40% giving you a little bit at a time. Because you need the whole you need the whole. Percent you deserve the whole 100% okay, I'm opening up a pizza packet for sauce. There you go. I can do hard things. Okay, cool, winning. Alright. So the All Access is so like, from a strategic standpoint, for you, not for me, but for you, I wanted to have a whole 100% strategy that the All Access grows with you for the same price, and you have everything that you need to keep growing, and you don't have to keep energetically hopping from thing to thing to thing. One, this is going to save you a lot of energy. It's going to save you a lot of time and also a lot of money, if I added up all the money I've spent in different programs, coaches, courses, mentors, conferences, you name it, like it, it's it's a lot, it's a lot, and then that's a lot to keep up with energetically. So I'm taking a whole different approach, so you don't have to keep seeing different things and having FOMO. You can. You can just know, like, I'm good, like I'm dialed in, I've got the all access, I'm all in. I can get what I need when I need it, and you can keep moving forward. So let's get to the other 20% because this is important. We're not I don't want to skip over this, because you you can have all of this, and then not do this, and then we're only at 80% which you'll have a great life. You'll feel amazing. You will improve your life. But we do want to have this as well. Okay, so this is your strategy, okay, this is your strategy, and let's break down strategy, because strategy just isn't, you know, it's not just what you're doing, but it's how you're doing it, why you're doing it, when you're doing it. There's so many prongs to strategy, and there are ways to make any strategy way easier, right? Like you can, like, for a health goal, you can go in to the gym, two, day two, day two, day two times a day, and lift weights and get results. But Is that easier, or is there a better way? Is there a better strategy? So there's always a way to make the strategy more efficient, stronger, easier, better, etc. And we want to also think about that. Okay, so let's take an example, so I can give you, like, something specific. So let's focus on money here. Okay, so let's say that the goal was, Hm, what do we want the goal to be? We're doing this together in real time, just kind of having fun. So let's say the goal is, what do I hear a lot the goal? Well, I have a lot of students right now. They're building and launching their membership. So we'll just go with a membership, okay? Because I do believe in reoccurring revenue. It's one thing I practice, practice, preach, teach, know a whole lot about so we'll just go with the membership. That's what's intuitively coming to me. So let's say a lot of my students right now are going for 100 members. Okay, so they're going for a 100 members. So a lot of times it can be so easy to go right to the strategy and just start to go into, oh my gosh, you know, the membership's going to be this the membership's going to be this price, okay, I need my funnel. I need I need to know my launch date. I need to know, like, my marketing plan, all of those things, again, those things are important, and all of this can be happening at the same time. I don't want you to feel like you need to spend like, months and months and months or years and years and years just on this top part, these can coexist and that it actually is going to really help. But what I want you to think about is, how much time are you giving this section versus this. So we want to just keep those in mind when we are making our priorities. So when it comes to the 100 members for this example, then I'm going to start to think about, Well, do you have the capacity? Do you have the capacity to enroll 100 members? Because if we don't, and we go right to strategy, it your brain will self sabotage. It will stop you, because, again, it's trying to protect you. If you don't have the capacity right now for 100 members, then there's no strategy that's going to, like, help you get to that goal, because your brain already is like, we don't have the room for that, right? Like, we don't got time, we don't got room, we don't have the energy. So we want to, like, already, go through the the mindset beliefs, right? Like, do you believe that you can enroll 100 members? And if you say no, then we can work on that. How would it feel to have 100 members? Good? Bad, anything. In the middle, oh my gosh. It would help me, you know, leave my day job. It would help me pay off debt. It would help me, you know, be able to effectively support humans in in an easier way, right? Like you're starting to sell yourself on the vision, on the idea, on the reason why we we even should create the capacity and the energy for it. So, like getting in the feeling of it is, is huge. Okay, well, who do I need to support me around that? What do I need to learn? You know? How can I What help can I ask for from personal and professional support, right? Uh, environment. Do I need to clean up my office? Do I need to clean up my my home? Let me make room for this. This is a big thing that I focus on with so many humans, because it weighs on us, especially as women, it weighs on us. So then we can start to think about, okay, you know, if we're going to energetically and emotionally hold 100 humans, we've gotta be on our a game, right? Like you're going to the Super Bowl, baby. Like the ones that get to the Super Bowl are mentally, physically and emotionally preparing for it. So, you know, doesn't mean that you have to go crazy. But like, let's get better sleep. Let's work out more. It will literally change the game for you, and in a big goal like that. So as we are dialing all of this in, then we're also going to start to think about that strategy. Okay, what does our social media content look like? What does our email marketing content, you know, what's our plan for email marketing? Are we going to run ads? Are we going to have affiliates? Is there going to be, you know, an open cart, close cart. Is it going to be evergreen? What's the content going to be, even in the membership, right? So there's so much to unpack and so much to think about, and we want to cover all of it. We want to think about all of it. And there's multiple phases of this, and they get to continue to co exist. I have gone for really big launches and not prioritized all of this. And sure did I still have success? Of course. Did it feel amazing? No, was I burnt out and exhausted after Yes, so sometimes, a lot of times, slow and steady actually wins the long race. And so you may in the beginning feel like it's going slower, but I promise you, it will pick up speed, because to go for a big goal, like 100 members, does take a better, stronger version of yourself, and this is any big goal, running a full marathon, paying off all of your debt, traveling the world, right? Improving your marriage. This is not just money, it's it's everything, and so it's going to require a better, stronger, more committed, more focused you. And so that is why this is so important. It's so important. And I wanted you to visually see this so you could realize if you were to grade yourself with your number one goal right now, what percentage would you say is this area? Like, do you feel like you're giving it 80% of your attention and your time? And that doesn't have to equate to hours, but this does have to like equate to like the outcome, right? Like, do you feel like, from an energetic standpoint, you're at an 80% when it comes to you, like, I want you to be at 100% but you know what I mean in this example, like, do you feel like you're at a good, solid 80% and if you can say yes or kind of, then just think about where you have some room for improvement, more water, more sleep, more positive people around you. It's amazing when you start to surround yourself with more people around you. Oh my gosh, it's everything. It is everything. I'll never forget I was in a emotional intelligence program years ago, the way I felt energetically, like kind of think about how a kid feels on Christmas, mixed with, you know, a day that you get a really big bonus, or a big client, or anything like that, or you get your tax refund, or, you know, you're at the concert, or the day that you get married, like I'm the day that you're sitting on the beach, I'm trying to, like, get all the emotions in there together, like you just feel really good, really, really good. So I want you to feel those feelings, because it's so possible, it's so possible. And so then we're going to go to. To the 20% and grade ourselves there. I right now. I'll be honest with you. Okay? I right now. How do I want to grade myself? I put a lot of time, like my q1 has been mainly here. I'll be honest now I'm getting to here, so I have done a little bit more of a slower approach, because there was a lot of room for improvement here, like, a lot, and I'm seeing the results. And I've even like, so many of you have even like, shared with me, like, oh my gosh, I see and feel a difference in you. And so I hope I'm a walking testimonial of what I'm doodling today. Because this, like, not only in q1 but like, I put a big focus, like, one 800 got junk has come to my house several times. Um, I've been really working on my health. Like, a ton, a ton, a ton. There's always room for growth, growth there. But prioritizing my protein, getting in a really solid workout routine, asking for help from my husband, like Boone is coming home from daycare come June. Like there's just been a lot of aligned actions that I've been taking that are so much more about me than just my business. But my business is obviously a big part of that. So this was a big focus in q1 I would say, Hmm, what feels like energetically? I would say, I'm gonna give myself 70% I think there's still, there's still some stuff that I really see possible. And obviously I'm starting marathon training, so I think I'm at like a solid 70% which I'm really proud of. I'm really proud of that. So there's room to grow for for sure. But now, like so I was thinking about this all last night before I knew I was going to doodle with you. This is where I am now focusing. This is my q2 along with, obviously, like, continuing all of this, but like, this is q2 for me, I've been getting the strategy in place for that next level. I know it's possible. I know that it's going to create all of these beautiful domino effects to happen. It's picking up speed. Even Sarah sent me a text, and she's like, this is it, my friend, like, this is what you've been waiting for. And I was like, I agree. I agree. Like, it's here. It's arrived. Yes, okay, let me make sure I'm emotionally ready, energetically ready, all of the things, and this is why it's so important, because most women are actually so much more afraid of success than we are failure. Give me an Amen, if that's you. And so when we can have you feeling so good, so solid, so dialed in, more than you've ever felt before. So even if you're like, I feel good, how can we feel better? Because once we get here, this is, like, the Oprah effect, is what I call it. If Oprah shouted you out, or if you were on Shark Tank, right, like, you've gotta be ready energetically for you to get to the finish line of big goals. Because you're like, you're well on your way. Like, once you've gotten the 80% you've got 20% left, and this is going to be really fast. Like, almost think about this. If you were running a marathon, and you were 80% into the marathon, and you had 20% left, you already are going to feel so much better in the marathon, because you're like, I'm almost there. Say it with me. I am one of the most powerful things. I am almost there. Say it with me. This is not this is not just me alone. Say it with me. Type it. I am almost there. I am almost there. And here's the beautiful part. If you don't feel this, give me some time. Let me help you with all of this. This can happen so fast when I prioritize my health and well being in the very beginning of my story, of my journey. If you've heard about it, if not, I can talk to you about it another day, but I did not feel I did not feel like this was even possible, like what I am doing now, having a custom app, netflixing my business, having a team working from anywhere, having two kids. Like, I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but like the things I've been able to accomplish all stem back to me taking care of myself like this was the catalyst to everything, and the beautiful part is it picked up so much speed i. Even a few weeks into me taking care of myself more than I ever have taken care of myself before I started losing weight, people started to notice, and it just like it was almost the avalanche, like it was the avalanche of everything. And so if your goal, any goal, is feeling slow, hard, frustrating, go back to you and then keep going back to you and keep going back to you. It's uncomfortable, because we have to look ourselves in the mirror. We have to be honest with ourselves. We have to work through some tough stuff, which is why you asking for any and all type of help is key, because you don't have to do this part alone. It is actually way easier and way faster and way more enjoyable if you actually ask for help here. Okay, so if we don't feel like I am almost there, I want you to go here, and I want you to spend more time here, and probably don't even worry about this right now, just know that that's on the way. So now let's break down the strategy. So in my example, let's pretend that like it's all going it's all thriving. Okay, now we're to the 20% the 20% will in this the membership will actually feel like you're floating, like member after member after member after member will just keep going, because you energetically can hold them. It's almost like the universe, God, source, whatever you believe in, like, it's almost like they have popcorn, and they're just like, sitting there waiting. They're like, I know she's great. I know that she's powerful. I know that she desires. You know, this goal, that goal, all the goals, but they're patiently waiting for you to do your part. All last week, I kept saying, like, I kept looking up in the in the in my room, in my office, going, like universe, like, do you see? Like I'm doing my part? Like I was just trying to be funny. Um, but like I was being kind of serious, too, if I'm being honest, because I was putting in so much effort, I was I was showing up, not just in my business, but I was showing up for myself. I was showing up for my family. It felt so good, like I was already winning before we even opened up the doors to all access like that. That wasn't like that was the that was the end of the finish line. Like that was the goal, was to get the doors open right. That was the goal last week, okay? But I did not want to sacrifice myself. I did not want to sacrifice my family, and I wanted to do my part in in inside the business, to make sure, like we're well on our way there it will this part now will get so much easier, week after week after week, when I continue to have the 80% be the main focus and just tweak and modify my strategy. I believe you can get to any money goal, actually pretty, like, very simple, right? When we're so dialed in and feeling amazing, so we we harp and we stress on the strategy so much. But I, I would much rather you be like, Okay, how am I feeling today? What? What thoughts are going through my head? Like, even the ugly ones, right? And so us going through and clearing all of that junk out, right? Like, I there was a bunch of condiments in my fridge. I don't know how I missed them, but they were expired. I cleared it out. I threw it in the trash. It felt so good, right? So when you can clear out all the junk, all the the the the gunk, all the goo, all the Yuck, all the things that don't serve you anymore. This is not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, everything in between you make room for so much more that you like, you get like, mind blowing strategies. People start coming to you like it's it's wild to me, money will start to be manifested in even unusual ways, like I had somebody the other day that wants to buy something for me that's not in my business, and she goes, I want to ship it to my daughter in Texas, and I'll add another $100 to the the listing, I have something listed from our house. And she was like, is that okay? And I was like, Yeah, I'll send you a PayPal invoice so it protects you and me. And so that's $850 that has nothing to do with my business and has been sitting there on the listing for months. Do you think that those things are connected? They are absolutely they are absolutely connected. And so I want you to just journal about this and think about this, get clear on what that number one big goal is. My leg is now asleep, but I will be continuing these wealth doodles if you have any. Eight request. I have lots of ideas, and I'm just so excited. This is one of my favorite things to do. I do it all the time, privately, but I'm excited to show you a different side of me, and I hope that they add value to you. Please share them with other people if it feels good to you. But most importantly, I hope it blesses your life and it makes your journey a little bit easier. And just, you know, my recommendation is Get clear on what this number one is that you know, would knock down all of these others. And then we go, here, baby. We focus here. We focus here. And you don't need to know any like, you don't need to know all the stuff you're like, maybe you're like, oh, I don't know what I should focus on. Let's just start with taking some steps. Let's start with drinking a little bit more water. Let's, let's read a book. Like, I know that sounds so basic, but the success leaves clues. And as you are getting and feeling like you're you're feeling better, you'll the the path will start to appear. People will start to say stuff to you, and things will start to click into place, because energetically, you are feeling so much better. Emotionally, you are feeling so much better. Physically, you are feeling so much better. Big goals and big dreams require so much energy and and a lot of effort, and so I really want you to to to get to all of your goals. And it's so possible when we have the whole 100% and it's being, you know, nurtured and taken care of, then you're going to get there. It's just a matter of time. None of us control the timing, and I really do believe timing is is really it's your divine timing, even if it doesn't feel like it in the moment, it really is for your for your highest, best, good. Because although I've wanted to Netflix my business for years, I noticed I wasn't there yet. I wasn't there yet. I did not have the team that I needed, I did not have the energy that I needed, I didn't have all the skills that I needed, I didn't have the confidence that I needed. And so it felt so easy to launch and open the doors yesterday and like this wealth doodle idea literally came to me in my sleep. That's what I'm talking about, my friends, when you continue to take care of yourself, literally, you will shock yourself. Your intuition is already there. It will just get louder and louder and stronger and stronger, and you will just know the path, you will know the path more and more and more because you're you're trusting yourself. This is about keeping a lot of promises to you. Every time you say that you're going to work out and you actually work out, increases your confidence. Every time you work through something that's holding you back a piece of trauma or just a feeling or emotion, it builds confidence. It builds trust with you, and that is one thing that is truly priceless, like having true, authentic trust and confidence in yourself more and more and more, and knowing how to get get more of it is priceless. It's so priceless. It's so so amazing. And so you don't have to be perfect. It you know, there are going to be days that you're like, there's just, I can't work out today I am I need to go sleep. And that is keeping a promise to yourself, because you're actually honoring that you're you're tired and you need to go sleep, and that's actually better for you, right? So this isn't about pushing you beyond your physical, mental and emotional limits. That's not what we do here, but it is keeping promises. And so the beautiful part about keeping promises is that things can be renegotiated. So it's like, Okay, I'm gonna rest, and then tomorrow I'm going to get a walk in, right? So you can always renegotiate your promises if and when you need to, but you're you're going to notice every time you keep a promise, even if, if and when it's negotiated, is going to boost your confidence and your trust in yourself, which is exactly why this gets so easy. It's no longer you saying, Oh my gosh. Am I going to get to the 100 members you just know in your heart you'll make it happen. You you'll make it happen because you trust yourself, and you're increasing your confidence more and more and more, and maybe it's even going to be better than the 100 members you like. It's this or something better. That's one of my favorite energetics that I've always learned is it's this or something better, you could get 1000 members. You could have one sponsor say, I'll I'll fund people. Like, here's a check, and I'll just all allow you, know, you to use it to get as many people in there as possible. Like, anything is possible when you take care of yourself and you believe in yourself more and more and more and and we do our part. So I love you. I am so proud of you. I am here for you, and I'll see you on the next doodle you.