Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

404. Wealth Doodle - The Secret to Making Money Online


It’s WEALTH DOODLE time!!!!!!! 

The secret to money making marketing! Let’s go!

We will touch on: 

  • Marketing for authors with a focus on social media and online presence.
  • Clarity in social media content for sales.
  • Using polls and calls to action to increase sales.
  • Using calls to action in marketing to increase conversions and measure success.

I’m doodling every day to celebrate our mission of enrolling 100+ amazing women in our all access program.

If you love this doodle just imagine an entire library of money making trainings ready for you to binge watch and speed up your wealthy journey.

This doodle is sponsored by Rebecca Hallbach Paciorek! She’s helping authors market their books to they can impact more lives. Be sure to connect with her on her amazing membership that helps you do this!


Okay, okay, okay, it is time for our next wealth doodle, which is on the secret to money making marketing. So if you know that you want to make more money online through social media, then this is the wealth Doodle for you. I study marketing for a living. So imagine somebody that spends a ridiculous amount of hours on something they may name. They may know a thing or two. Also, I have made over $1 million online, primarily organically. I have spent a very small, small, small amount on paid ads, so majority of my results are all all organic, even with a small following, which is honestly my favorite human to support, because it proves that anyone can do this. You don't need to be the biggest influencer, you don't need to have ridiculous amount of hours. You just need to know this stuff, this, this, these high income skills, and get better and better and better at it. So give me hashtag live, hashtag replay. This doodle is sponsored by Rebecca with authors allies. She has an amazing membership that's super affordable to help you market your book. So if you already have books that you've written or books that you want to write, her membership is going to help you really get it out to the masses, because most people write the book and then they're like, What do I do next? So make sure you connect with Rebecca so you can get a part of her amazing program and learn exactly what you need to do and make it happen, and you're more likely to do something when you have accountability around you, like hands freaking down. So even just simply for the accountability will be worth it, and then the knowledge is just icing on the cake. So there's three key components. There's going to be way more, and we'll break them down in future doodles, but we're starting with the simple stuff. First, I love that you can see my shadow. Hi. So I look at people's profiles and their pages a lot because I really want to look for what's in the gap. Because there are so many, so many amazing, talented humans out there that are not even making close to what they could be making, and with a small with a few small tweaks, you can really get this going so much faster and feel so much better. It does not mean you have to post more to get more results. Can that help? Maybe. But if you're posting the wrong stuff, like cat memes all day, and you're not even in the cat industry, then that's not going to be the case. So it's always quality, quality, quality. Everything is quality. First, quality content, quality leads, quality clients, students, members, et cetera. Then we scale from there. And when you we can you, when you can have quality as your your focus, then everything is built on just such a stronger foundation. So first and foremost, this may sound silly, but we need to know what we're selling. And this is key, because too often people are posting really juicy, valuable content, but it's unclear if they're even selling it or promoting it, or if they're an affiliate of it. Like it sounds so basic, but people need to understand why you're Why are you talking about something? So for example, I am an affiliate with a mental wellness company, and I promote something called happy juice. I talk about it in my stories a lot, and also, I literally have a poll in my stories asking if somebody's ready to order, asking if they have more details or want more details. So it's very, very clear, not only do I drink it and I love it and it's getting me results. But you can too, and so we, we, we a lot of times, assume that people know, of course, they know I am in real estate. Of course they know that, you know, I'm promoting this product. Of course they know that I'm an accountant or a coach or a you know speaker or whatever, whatever it may be, and it may be so obvious to you, but someone that is either new to your audience or you know, isn't seeing all of your content or anything in between, I guarantee you, it is not very clear to them. So the more and more we can make that clear and clear to you is really, really important. So what are we actually selling? So that way, before we even plan any content, we're very, very clear that all money making content is to support. What are we selling? Because this is critical when we're going to plan. Content. We're not just planning content to plan content. We're planning content to create a money making machine. And so this is just so, so important, and I want you to really make sure that it's very, very clear. Then from there is, who are we actually selling to? Because we can absolutely sell to everyone for a lot of things, but when you create generalized content, it really is hard for people to connect, to relate, to know that you're talking to them, to even pull them in. So when you can actually get more specific, then it can be extremely helpful. So if I'm promoting my happy juice and I say if you have ADHD like, this has truly helped me focus more. That is helpful. Or if you're a busy mom and you have mom fog, this has helped me so much with my mom fog. So it's giving examples to connect the dots for the person that I'm wanting to connect with. So you can have multiple people. We just we want to get more specific and different types of content, so that way we can easy, easily, easily pull that person in and they know that, like that piece of content and that product, program or service could be perfect for them again. We don't want to assume that people know this. We want to make it as clear as possible. A lot of times this will feel super basic, like do I really need to say this? And when you feel that, go ahead and say it, because the the clearer it is, it's going to be better for that person that's moving quickly through social media be able to pull them in. Okay? And then the most important, the most important is, how do they actually buy now, a lot of times I see people, they'll nail the first two and then they forget about this, so they'll talk about what they're doing that people can be involved in, and how it can impact people. They'll they'll say who it's for in all different ways. But then they're not specifically call so this is called a call to action. So CTA call to action. They're not creating a call to action that is clear and doing it enough that it is creating a gap in their buying process and their in their sales cycle. So the more we can do these and they can all work together, everything can go so much faster, and think about the person on the other end, like if, if you heard of a product and you're like, oh my gosh, like, I really think that that would support me. So we have the what nailed down, we have the who's nailed down, like, this is you as the consumer. But then the person never, ever gave you the link to buy. They never said what the next step is. They never responded to any of your DMS. Would they get the sale? No, and you may not even know that they are even promoting it if they're not being very, very clear on what the call to action is. So we can't do this one enough like when I go and peek on people's social media. This is the biggest gap. This is the biggest gap that I see. And typically if, if they're not doing this, then I probably don't even know. So this could be a bigger gap, but when people are nailing like at least one and two, this is the biggest This is the biggest gap that's clear to me, because they're nailing one and two. So I really want to ask you, how can you make it more clear that people can actually buy from you? There's a whole lot of ideas that I have for you, depending on where you're able to market and where you like to market, but polls are great. So polls and stories are phenomenal. It gives somebody something very, very easy to do. You can also say, DM me a certain word. So DM me with like a code word. Comment below is a very popular one, whether it's manual or you have a software helping you with that. So comment below, DM me polls. You can go ahead and put the link in your bio. You can put the link on the story. You can put the link in the post. The only thing with this that I will tell you is don't glaze over the others. And the reason why is because you are one taking the the buying process out of your hands and relying on somebody else to follow through. That is very, very busy. No matter who you're marketing to. Everyone is busy. So if you say, link a bio, if you if you put the link below which I do want you to do this one. These are this one is important, wherever you can put the links. Right, wherever it makes sense. But we're not doing these as well typically, and this is going to boost your bottom line tremendously. Give me 30 days of doing more, buying polls more. DM me this word comment below. You can even reach out to people if they have any questions. But this, this alone, if this is the only thing that you did differently after you obviously got clear on one and two, but if you, if you did this more and more the next 30 days, I guarantee you, you will make more money, guarantee you, because people are watching you, you're not always going to get the validation that they're watching. So I just did a happy juice poll. In my stories, I have three people that are interested and want more information. Now, if I just did not do a poll, and I just posted about it right, and saying, you know, let me know if you want any more information. It still is challenging because it's more work. So I love a good poll. I love a good DM or comment below. So diversify and change this up. Obviously, your audience is going to get, need to get used to all of this, but, and you're, you're going to need to get used to all of this. But we cannot do enough calls to actions. I want you to think about East each piece of your content being like a mini commercial, whether it's a story, whether it's a post, whether it's a reel. But I want you I know it's harder to watch commercials nowadays, but watch commercials, pay attention. They're telling you what the product is, even if they don't give you all the nitty gritties, they're showcasing the product in a certain way. They're pulling in a certain person in different ways. And they're telling you how to actually buy, whether it's on Amazon, you need to go to your doctor. You can, like, pull through the drive through, whatever it may be. But they're very, very clear on nailing all three of these, and they're spending boatloads of money for those ads. So they don't want to waste they don't want to waste their money. They want to make sure that their marketing is helping them make money. So you're a business owner, and if you're going to call yourself a business owner, you've got to take this more seriously, like, this is not an this is not just a oh, well, when I have time, I'll do this like you get to prioritize money making marketing. Now, because you're calling yourself an entrepreneur, you're wanting to build a wealth vehicle that can literally go it can make as much money as you want, regardless of what you're making. Right now you building a wealth vehicle and getting really good at money making marketing will make you a very, very wealthy woman long term by just lightly talking about happy juice, which is not even my main focus. It is just a byproduct of literally, a product that I love. And obviously I do so much online that I want to test new things. So by me lightly talking about happy juice in my stories, specifically for a few months, I have now built a new revenue stream that is reoccurring, and it's just going to continue to grow and grow and grow. So don't knock just starting small, if that's where you're at, get so good at the skill, and the skill will pay you for decades, like it like be cool with wherever you're at, and you're gonna get better. And when we can actually do things more intentionally, you're gonna speed up time tremendously, because we're not just constantly throwing spaghetti at the wall. So decide this is an order. So if you're already really clear on what you're selling and you are talking about it, this is not just privately, like you are talking about it. You're showing yourself working out. You're showing a product that you love. You're talking about your coaching services, or your service based services, or whatever it may be, like people on some level are clear on what you're selling. We can always get better. But if that is clear, then you can move on to let's get your messaging way more dialed in on who this is perfect for. The more specific you can become the better. So there is a lot of room to grow here. If you have multiple people, then create different types of marketing strategies, pieces of content to focus on different people, but be careful of saying, well, we can help this person and we can help this person, we can help this person all in one piece of content. Okay, so focus on one who at a time, and then you can always layer in more. And then, typically, where most people are going to be, these can go pretty quickly. Then this is where I want you to focus your efforts. And I want you to have this like, literally, on a post it note. I. Of like, okay, every single day, how am I creating a call to action? And calls to actions can still be book a call with you. It can be to get on your email list. So calls to action don't have to be just for people that are ready to buy it's we really want to use, utilize and maximize social media to get people, the people that are ready to the next step, whether it is your email list, whether it is a masterclass, whether it is a booking of a call, or at least asking for information, is great because it opens up a dialog. People are moving so quickly. So you know, if we're only having calls to actions of they're ready to buy, they're ready to buy, it most likely is skipping a good population of your people that sprinkle in more who wants more information, right? Because that will be so helpful to be able to create those conversations even in the DMS or on a phone call or send them to a sales page, but you knowing who is interested is massive. It is so important. It feels incredible too, because you can create this, this very enjoyable process for people, because you can answer all of their questions, you can take care of them through the entire process and celebrate them every step of the way, like it's it's the thing that's being missed. And if you have a small audience, it's like you can absolutely do this. And it is your advantage. People that have hundreds of 1000s of followers, it's way harder for them. So this is your superpower. This is your advantage, and you should absolutely be maximizing it more and more and more. So I want you to play with this. Let me know if you get stuck and where you get stuck, happy to support you. But I guarantee you you having way more calls to actions in your your marketing plan over the next 30 days, you cannot have enough calls to actions. You could do multiple calls to actions a day. And it the beautiful part about calls to actions, it will also measure the content, because, again, the example of the happy juice, the poll that I did, if zero people marked on the poll. It just tells me, okay, either I didn't clearly talk about it, or people aren't ready to buy so I need to, like, show more of the transformation, right? Like, no matter what, when we have calls to action built in, it makes your marketing so much more measurable. And we're not looking for views. We're not looking for followers. Those things are a great byproduct of good content, but at the end of the day, they don't pay the bills. So we want to prioritize. What we're measuring is the call to action, and getting really, really clear and better and better and better at the call to action so people can know what to do next, and you can switch that up, but use a call to action at least once a day. It's like brushing your teeth, so maybe even twice a day. I'm a very much teeth brusher, so once a day, if not twice a day, you can't do it enough. It will help your marketing. It will help the decision fee fatigue. You'll get out of the spaghetti throwing at the wall, and you'll you'll start to get really, really clear on what actually converts. And then you can double down on that for the next 30 days and the next 30 days. And then eventually you could obviously throw in some ad money behind things. But too often, people want to skip to ads and not test things organically. And you can do that. It's just you're going you're going to Las Vegas when you do that. We want to have some solid data so we know what's actually working for you and your audience and getting you results. We're all about results here. So if you want results, then take this seriously. This can be taught no matter who you are, no matter what industry you are in. You just have to start, start wherever you're at, and get better and better and better and listen, listen to your audience. See what they're saying or not saying. All of it is valuable information, and all of it will help you and your audience and your your goals. And the more we can focus on this and get better, it's going to speed up your wealthy journey. So much so so much so share this with a friend. I hope you liked this doodle, and I'll see you back on the next one. You.