Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

411. All About The Naked Method


On this episode, Nellie chats about The Naked Method

She chats about her experiences with the Naked Method, a personal growth journey that involves minimalism and simplifying various aspects of life. Emphasizing the importance of slow and steady progress, acknowledging that it takes time to see significant changes. She highlights the impact of the Naked Method on her overall well-being, feeling more fulfilled and less overwhelmed. She also discusses her personal journey of embracing authenticity and emotional healing through the Naked Method, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and releasing suppressed emotions.

We will chat about: 

  • "The Naked Method" for minimalism and stress relief.
  • Wealthy Mama shares her naked method journey for minimalism and financial fulfillment.
  • Reversing overwhelm and exhaustion through slow, steady progress.
  • Personal growth through minimalism and emotional healing.
  • She grows her hair as symbol of personal growth, notices significant change in appearance and behavior.
  • Personal journey of healing through the Naked Method, including clearing emotions and having tough conversations.
  • Suppressed emotions can lead to negative impacts on mental, physical, and emotional well-being.
  • Speaker shares personal journey of shedding layers and embracing authenticity.
  • Decluttering and simplifying life for personal growth and happiness.
  • She shares their personal journey of clearing capacity for blessings to flow in.
  • Clearing physical, mental, and energetic space can lead to quicker blessings.
  • She shares her journey towards simplicity, embracing their true self and living a peaceful life.
  • They encourage listeners to join them on the "naked method" journey, simplifying their lives and finding joy in the simple things.

If you're interested in learning more, check us out at: www.TheWealthyMamaMovement.com


Good morning, good morning. Good morning, good morning. It is a great day to be wealthy and be a mama, and you put them together and you are a wealthy Mama. Oh yes, you are okay. So I wanted to talk about the naked method. I get a lot of questions about the naked method, and I wanted to talk about it. Obviously, I can only cover so much in a quick drive, but I wanted to at least get the conversation going. Like, what is it? Why should you care, and how could it like literally change your life forever? So I have been on my own Naked method journey for about a year, and some change, and it has literally changed everything for me. So to like, give you the quickest spark note. Spark Notes version of the naked method. It is truly my version of becoming a minimalist. And a minimalist is just a fancy word for like, living a simple, easy, fulfilled life when we have so much stuff around us and so much so many like obligations on our to do list on our schedule. You know, financially like, it makes it really challenging to to fully live. And so the naked method is really about, like reversal, kind of like eye cream that helps you, like reverse wrinkles, the the naked method is kind of like that where you you're feeling the overwhelm, you're feeling the the exhaustion, you're feeling the unfulfilledness, and you Want to do something about it. And so it really is focused on taking all those layers of overwhelm and exhaustion off one at a time. So it is a slower method by design, because you know, if we just go like full throttle, you can get some, like, quick relief and quick results, but in order to fully, deeply do the naked method, it does take time, so that way, we don't like rattle your nervous system to the point where you're like, This is too much, because that's obviously the opposite of what we're wanting to do. So the naked method is really focused on slow and steady wins the race. And equally, once you start, it's really hard to stop. So I was feeling that pressure being postpartum with Boone, and it was just exhausting. And I just I, I don't. I still don't. I don't want to be a burnt out, exhausted mom that is in constant overwhelm. Now, does it mean that there's moments of overstimulation? Like, yeah, that's life. But like to be in a constant state of exhaustion and overwhelm, and, you know, just, you know, just trying to get through the day you're you're not meant to be in survival mode your entire life. And so in order to to get you out of survival mode, we've got to do things that are going to help you get into thriving mode, which is really like facing the music and really acknowledging, like, okay, like, what can I do? Right to take some pressure off, looking at your to do list, looking at your home, looking at your budget, looking at your your schedule, like there are, there actually is so so many things that we can do that are so simple and make a world of a difference. The Naked method is exactly why I decided to grow out my hair. I was already on the naked method journey for a few months, and I was just like, looking in the mirror, and I was like, You know what? I really want to grow out my hair as I'm going through this journey. I think it's a really beautiful symbol of, like, the the growth, literally, the growth that I'm having. And it's been cool to, like, look back on pictures, I'm like, wow, my hair has actually been growing fast, although it did not feel like that a few months ago. When you look back, you know hindsight is always 2020, I took off my nails. I took off my lashes. I wear very minimal makeup. My home is super naked. It gets more and more naked every single day. My budget is very naked, meaning, like it's super, super simple. It's not that I'm not afraid to spend money. It's just I pay. Cash. I cut up all of my credit cards. The Naked method the big thing for me that I've realized as I've been on this journey, and I'm still on it, but I've realized that I don't even like really recognize my old way of being like my life is pretty similar. I drive the same car, I live in the same home. A lot of the people around me are still the same, but like I feel different. I look different. Emma was showing me a video of myself that I sent her even like, oh my gosh, less than a six months ago, and I just look and feel different. It's so wild to me. And one's not better than the other, but it's just as you're going through personal growth, it's just interesting to me how, like you look back and you're like, Who is that? Like, who is that? So it's like you're evolving so fast through the naked method that that has surprised me. You know, it was such an internal thing, but then your external does start to change. And so, like, that's been huge for me. So it, you know, my schedule has definitely been like the next big thing. And so like, Boone is coming home full time, and tomorrow's the last day for both of them, which is just wild. I've been clearing up my skin and I've been drinking my vitamins. So I like I have a drink that I drink that has 50 vitamins in it. I try to think what else I could share with you like that I've been doing my to do list is definitely my next one. It's been getting smaller and smaller and smaller, and that's huge for me. I really don't want to have a huge running to do list. So I have said no to a lot of things, and it's so hard for me. It's so hard for me, a part of the naked method is also having tough conversations. I've had so many tough conversations with myself, with other people I have been working through, you know, just triggers and trauma and, you know, emotional regulation. And you know, it's, it is quite the journey, and it is, it is a up and down journey. But like, in order to heal, you have to feel like, if you suppress your emotions, it's essentially putting a band aid on it and and then it just gets like, the more we suppress, the deeper it goes, and then the harder it is to release. And then that's when, like, we don't feel our best. And like, there's so many studies that show like suppressed emotions really affect mind, body, soul, your health, your well, being like, and it's hard to put your finger on it, but like, suppressed emotions are a big part of it, like, huge part of it. I absolutely believe that, like, everything is energetics. And so when we can clear that stale, stagnant energy, the negative energy that is in your body, like, it's a big deal, and you can, like, literally, like the biggest, the biggest thing that I felt on the beginning part of the naked method journey was clearing a lot of that and having some really tough conversations. And although they were tough, I always felt better after. I always felt better better after. It was like this release that just felt incredible. Of like I I want people to know, and I want myself to know like what you see is what you get. Like, this is me. Like, I am not pretending I am. I'm not masking. I think we live in a world that so many people are masking and that that is a hard way to live like it. You're You're really not acknowledging who you are, who you're meant to be, and so taking the layers off is how I came up with the word naked like you really are, like standing naked in front of yourself and the world. And that name just landed, like a few months ago. So I've been on the journey for about a year, but I just came up with a name about a couple months ago, and it just randomly came to me. And I didn't feel like I needed to have a name in the beginning, but I feel so compelled to share this message. I actually applied for a TEDx talk about this topic, because it just truly, truly, truly, truly has impacted me in so many ways. You know, less toys, less commitments, less clothes. I I am such a fashionista, but like my closet is. Is getting smaller and smaller by the day, and that feels incredible. Like, honestly, I'm getting to the point where I I love wearing wealthy mama gear and like leggings, like, unless I'm needing to be dressed up, like, I really want that to be like my mom uniform every single day, because it takes less brain power, you know, not having to drive kids to and from school for the next couple months. I'm actually really excited. We're gonna have so much fun this summer. I've never had a summer like this with my kids. We're calling it camp mama, and Emma is just so excited, and I'll be fitting my business in small pockets of time. And so it's just really cool to like be on this journey and share it with you and hopefully inspire you to to go on your own version of the naked method, because I almost can guarantee you have so many layers that are suffocating, your beauty, your authenticity, your goals, your dreams, and like when we have big goals and dreams and we're already in overwhelm, I heard somebody say this the other day, and I was like, Oh my gosh, that's so good. So when you're already in overwhelm and you have these big goals and dreams and dreams, and you start to go for them, it is very normal to crash and burn because you're in you're in an overwhelmed state of mind. And so although, yes, you have great intentions, I have done this myself, you have great intentions. It's literally you're setting yourself up for failure. So you going on the naked method is actually clearing the capacity, clearing the energy. I have accomplished. I've been doing savings goals. I've been paying off the remaining amount of debt that I have. Like, I applied for a$25,000 grant. The other day, I applied and nominated myself for a TEDx talk, like I have so many other ideas, and like none of this was happening last year, like I had all of these goals and these dreams and these visions, like I've wanted to get my jeep pink for so long, and like it's slowly coming to life. And so it's like everyone wants to skip to the good stuff, right? Like the songs to skip to the good stuff, but like, in order to get to the good stuff, you've got to clear the way. I will say it every day as long as I live. You've got to clear the way. You've got to clear your capacity. You've got to make room in your life for those blessings to come in and watch them flood in, flood in, and the clearing doesn't have to take long. Like although I have been on this journey for a year now, the blessings have been coming in tremendously over that time. So I don't want you to feel like it's you having to be like a prisoner for a year, and then you get your blessings. That's not it at all. You'll notice, the quicker you clear the way both your physical space, your mental space, your energetic space, right? Like all of it, I will be writing a book at some point about like, you know, step by step by step, but like, the easiest thing you could do, literally, in the next few days, is grab the trash bag and fill it with things that you can either throw away and or donate. It is massive. I'm going to count how many times one 800 got junk has come to my house. It is, I think it's five or six times, and every time it's the last time. I'm like, this is the last time. And then I'm like, Okay, next time is the last time. And we're not hoarders by any means. But when you're on the naked method journey, you realize just how little you really need. Like, honestly, I want to live and a cute cottage in the woods that we can literally just like, go on nature walks. I can sit my coffee like I don't need this huge ash mansion that it stresses me out, that I have to clean like I just want peace and serenity. I want to impact the world with my voice, with my message. I want to reach people and transform their life. I want to make their life better. I want them to feel good. I want to really just live a very peaceful, abundant, joyful life. And I don't need a lot of stuff to do that. Like, honestly, I get so much more joy out of the experiences day to day, and they don't have to be anything like, big and grand like, as simple as getting a cup of coffee and in going on a walk, makes me so incredibly happy. And. So it's just so interesting to me, because there was a version of me just even a couple years ago that I thought Tiffany, Tiffany necklace, red bottom shoes, flying, flying private. You know, nails all the time. You know, I had this version of myself in my head that I thought I was supposed to be, I thought would make me happy, and I just realized, no thanks. I'm really a simple human, and I don't need to change. Like to do that. So like, the more you embody your wealthiest self, like you'll notice, the wealthier become I. I'm, I'm pretty much going to be the same. Like, there may be, like, my hair, maybe get along, or I may be getting hotter, you know, I embrace that, but like, literally, just like, I want my life to feel super, super simple and be super, super simple. So grab a trash bag, dig in, let me know that you're embarking on your naked method journey, and I would love to cheer you on any way that I can. Okay. I love you. Bye.