Divorce Coaches Academy

Ditch the Woo-Woo Language and Start Talking Like an Divorce Pro

Tracy Callahan and Debra Doak Season 1 Episode 109

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Two things the coaches in our community tell us they are thirsty for is more clients and more credibility. Today we want to talk about how using coach-y language creates a barrier to working with you for both potential clients and other divorce professionals. 

Divorce coaching is still a relatively new profession and is often mis-identified as a version of life coaching. This is an image that DCA is actively fighting against. It’s one of the reasons we launched our ADR focused divorce coach training - to push back against the idea that anyone can coach people going through divorce.

Divorce and co-parenting are too important and the stakes are too high when conflict and communication aren’t handled carefully.

Tune in and learn why we don't intend to affiliate with the ICF, the reputation we are battling against, and some tips for language that will get you the clients and credibility you deserve.

Learn more about DCA® or any of the classes or events mentioned in this episode at the links below:

Website: www.divorcecoachesacademy.com
Instagram: @divorcecoachesacademy
LinkedIn: divorce-coaches-academy
Email: DCA@divorcecoachesacademy.com