Common Sense Living

009: Uncovering the Real Causes of Diabetes Beyond Just Calories and How to Reverse Your Risk

June 05, 2024 Ann LeMaster Episode 9
009: Uncovering the Real Causes of Diabetes Beyond Just Calories and How to Reverse Your Risk
Common Sense Living
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Common Sense Living
009: Uncovering the Real Causes of Diabetes Beyond Just Calories and How to Reverse Your Risk
Jun 05, 2024 Episode 9
Ann LeMaster

“One day you'll realize it's a conscious choice, not an endless struggle. You'll be so proud of your success.” —Ann LeMaster

Diabetes is a growing health epidemic that affects millions worldwide. It occurs when the body is unable to properly process sugar (glucose) from food. Without enough of the hormone insulin, glucose builds up in the bloodstream instead of being used for energy. Over time, high blood sugar levels from diabetes can lead to serious health issues. That is why learning how to manage our blood sugar levels is key to reducing or even reversing our risks. 

Listen in as Ann talks about the main causes of diabetes rather than obesity alone, how lifestyle changes can help you overcome diabetes and prediabetes, the promises and potential dangers of weight loss drugs, and more. 

Connect with Ann on Social Media:  





Episode Highlights: 

01:11 Overcoming Diabetes Through Lifestyle Changes

04:42 Weight Loss Medications for Diabetes and Obesity

12:00 Diabetes Prevention and Treatment 

17:33 The Potential Dangers of Weight Loss Drugs 


Ann’s Book

Heaven Scent: Listening to Your Inner Voice

Show Notes Transcript

“One day you'll realize it's a conscious choice, not an endless struggle. You'll be so proud of your success.” —Ann LeMaster

Diabetes is a growing health epidemic that affects millions worldwide. It occurs when the body is unable to properly process sugar (glucose) from food. Without enough of the hormone insulin, glucose builds up in the bloodstream instead of being used for energy. Over time, high blood sugar levels from diabetes can lead to serious health issues. That is why learning how to manage our blood sugar levels is key to reducing or even reversing our risks. 

Listen in as Ann talks about the main causes of diabetes rather than obesity alone, how lifestyle changes can help you overcome diabetes and prediabetes, the promises and potential dangers of weight loss drugs, and more. 

Connect with Ann on Social Media:  





Episode Highlights: 

01:11 Overcoming Diabetes Through Lifestyle Changes

04:42 Weight Loss Medications for Diabetes and Obesity

12:00 Diabetes Prevention and Treatment 

17:33 The Potential Dangers of Weight Loss Drugs 


Ann’s Book

Heaven Scent: Listening to Your Inner Voice

Ann LeMaster: Hello, everybody, this was Ann LeMaster in the Common Sense Living Podcast. I'm here today to talk about diabetes, and perhaps how we can overcome it and not get it. Just information. When I first started my podcast, I did express that I tell the truth as I know it, and as I was taught in my education. With the climate that's out there, what I say may not fit your beliefs. And that's fine, because I'm just expressing mine. So I'm giving you information that you can use or discard. It's up to you. Do I care? Definitely I care, or I wouldn't be here. So with that being clear, let me get started. 

So I have a program called Taming Diabetes Differently Coaching Program. So here's my story. Can you imagine 365 days without sugar? I make it a month and crave it. And if you're a woman, perhaps it's that time of the month when the cravings really hit, always did for me. But let me share from my experience. It doesn't ease up after menopause. Most people struggling with sugar couldn't imagine making it a few weeks without sugar, let alone an entire year. So the following is from an article I had read. 

Mary is living proof that it is possible, and she had some inspiring words of advice to share with those who think they will never be able to live without sugar. Her birthday was soon approaching. Her mom asked if she was going to eat cake on her birthday. It was less than a month sugar free for the year so she thought about it, but she decided not to. She would relapse and eat all the leftover cake. It was then she realized she didn't need cake to celebrate her birthday. By now, she really didn't even want cake. By allowing herself to have the cake, she overcame the desire to eat it. See, she gave herself permission. And then she made the conscious choice that she wanted to, or didn't she? She knew she could indulge anytime she wanted. But would it really be worth it? For one thing if she gave in, she wouldn't have made her goal of the year without sugar which would have been a bummer for her. So this was huge for her. She never dreamed she would and could live life without sugar. Mary had made a promise to herself that she would not eat sugar for a year. She was two short weeks away from that goal and felt no need to indulge. He chose not to. She stayed with a goal. Now, for all of you that are at the beginning of a sugar free journey and think you can never exist without sugar, you can do it one day and you'll realize it's a conscious choice, not an endless struggle. You'll be so proud of your success. 

So are you ready to take the challenge of giving up this week to no longer being a victim to the cravings, binges and emotional eating and feeling the self disgust at your failure? Join me in the Taming Diabetes Coaching Program. It will help you get there just like it did for Mary. You don't have to commit for an entire year like she did. Do it month by month or even just 30 days sugar free. I will show you how possible it is for you. You'll get so inspired. You'll want to continue at just $30 a month. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Plus, if you sign up for my Taming Diabetes Differently two month course, your $30 investment will be applied to the cost of the course. So don't wait, and join now. Let's finally put your group behind you once and for all. Join my Taming Diabetes Coaching Programme now. Email me at So this is brought to you by Ann LeMaster, a certified health coach and so much more. 

So let's get on with a little bit more about this sugar and things that pertain to it. So Berberine is a supplement that shows promise for pre diabetes management A new study. A new trial found taking a Berberine supplement significantly improved markers of pre diabetes like blood sugar and insulin levels over two months. Berberine could be an effective natural alternative to Metformin for those with pre diabetes. Berberine is a compound found in several plants used in Chinese and Indian traditional medicine, including Barberry, Goldenseal and Oregon Grape. Research suggests that it may have anti-inflammatory antioxidant glucose and lipid lowering effects. It has very poor oral bioavailability, so it's suggested to combine Berberine with phospholipids to enhance absorption compared to placebo. Taking Berberine with phospholipids resulted in significant decreases in fasting blood sugar levels, insulin levels, total cholesterol, triglycerides,.(inaudible) volume by a CT scan, told about body fat mass by a DEXA scan. No serious side effects were reported compared to miss woman, the most commonly prescribed medication for managing prediabetes and type two diabetes. 

Metformin is associated with risks like Vitamin B12 deficiency, and that affects the brain, lactic acid doses, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and kidney injury. The researchers concluded Berberine could be a natural alternative to standard pharmaceutical options like Metformin for those at high risk of developing diabetes. In addition to the current study, Berberine has shown promise for improving markers of high blood sugar and other clinical trials. Overall, accumulating evidence from randomized trials suggests Berberine supplementation can lead to clinically significant declines in short and long term blood sugar markers. More research is still needed. So we have a hot one on the market now, Ozempic. 

This is the doctor's own story, what it's like to take on ozempic? This is Wiener, an MD, and this is an article March 8, 2023. With the rising popularity of weight loss drug injections, I've received many questions from patients about the pros, cons and costs. While Ozempic semaglutide is perhaps the best known, it's technically an agent approved only for type two diabetes that has been used off label for obesity. The same step is approved for use in obesity, but at a higher dose under the brand name Wegovy. The alternatives are available and results will vary depending on the specific agent used and the individual. Ultimately, the doctor decides to try these new injections for herself, and she's not a paid representative nor an advocate of any of these medications. She's only here to share her personal experience. 

In her discussions with patients about weight, she says, I sometimes feel like an impostor. While I was overweight by medical standards, I fortunately had none of the underlying health problems. I wasn't on medications for blood pressure nor did I have diabetes, but I was counseling people to lose weight and eat better while not always following my own advice. Since having children and turning 40, my metabolism like many other women's seems to have vomited. I tried a number of older weight loss medications under the supervision of medical professionals. Each time, the efforts work for a short while, particularly when I follow good portion control and practice moderate exercise. Once side effects like cardio palpitations, mood changes, constipation became intolerable, or I became tired or fearful of being on the medications too long, I'd stopped and would regain some other way. When the newer subcutaneous injectable medications arrived on the scene and I started to talk to my patients about them, I was intrigued by their novel mode of action and seeming benefits. These medications look like peptides (GLP-1) one receptor agonists were first approved for type two diabetes and it soon became apparent that patients were losing significant amounts of weight taking them. So manufacturers conducted further trials in obesity patients without type two diabetes. 

The first of these large magnitudes is injected daily and was first approved as Victoza for type two diabetes. It later received an additional approval for obesity on December 14 as Saxenda. Semaglutide, another other new GLP (1) agonist was first approved for type two diabetes as Ozempic but again was found to lead to substantial weight loss. So a subsequent approval of the drug for obesity as Wegovy came in June 2021. Semaglutide is injected once a week. Semaglutide was branded a game changer when it was licensed for obesity because the weight loss seen in trials was around 15%. More than for any other drug and approaching what could be achieved with bariatric surgery. Some doctors said that these medications work in a different way from the older weight loss drugs, which had focused on the use of amphetamines. The newer medications became very popular because treating obesity helps lower glucose, blood pressure, plus strokes, kidney disease risk and other comorbidities that occur with diabetes. Plus, for most people, there were fewer side effects. 

She first tried Saxenda when it arrived on the market via some samples that the pharmaceutical representative brought both out of curiosity and deceit which would help her lose a stubborn baby weight. She says she ended up stopping the daily injections after my second or third week because of nausea and vomiting. I took a break, got a prescription for anti nausea medicine and try it again because it did indeed decrease my appetite. However, when I took my prescription to the pharmacy, my insurance wouldn't cover it. It happens to doctors too. 

Fast forward to 2007 to 2018. The baby weight was still holding on despite lifestyle changes, diet and exercising. The newer drug classes hit the market, and again, we had samples from our reps. When our rep explained the potential for weight loss in patients without diabetes, I tried the Ozempic label. Within the first two weeks, I noticed that I gained three to five pounds. When Ozempic was on backorder, I switched to a low dose of new dual GLP (1) and glucose dependent insulinotropic polypeptide GLP agonist approved for type two diabetes last May, again, using an off label as weakly injection as it isn't currently approved for weight loss. However, it does produce significant weight loss, and is awaiting approval for obesity. With these new medications, I noticed that both my patients and I didn't complain as much about nausea and vomiting. But I did experience stomach upset constipation and acid reflux. Appetite suppression is effective. It slows down the emptying of the gut so I feel for longer. I've lost 30 pounds with these weekly injections, and I would like to lose another 20 pounds. I follow a routine: a reasonable portion, controlled eating and moderate exercise, 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity at least two to three times a week. Discontinuing the medications may cause rebound weight gain, especially if I'm no longer following a routine of healthy eating and or moderate exercise. I deal with minimal constipation by taking stool softeners, and I take antacids for acid reflux. 

Here's what I recommend applying working with patients who have obesity. First, explain how these medications work. Then conduct a health history to make sure these injections are right for them. Patients with a family history of pancreatic cancer can't take these medications. You also want to monitor use in patients with a history of hypoglycemia, so their blood sugar doesn't drop too low. It's also important to make sure your patients are able to afford the medication. My husband takes his epic prediabetes and recently we're told refills would cost about $1,500 a month even with insurance covered doesn't necessarily mean affordable. Take a baseline agency and repeat after the patient has been on the medication for two to three weeks. Also remind them that they can't rely solely on medication, but need to practice portion control and healthier eating to exercise more. For myself, I want to lose those remaining 20 pounds or so by eating healthy and being physically active without having to rely on medication for the rest of my life. 

Research on these medications is still early so we don't know the long term effects yet. I feel it's okay to be honest with our patients about our own personal struggles to help them understand that they are not alone. And that losing weight is a challenge for everyone. No doctor swine. It provides consulting services and gives recommendations on health and wellness, but no longer directly prescribes medication to patients.

We have another article here titled Diabetes Reversed Lies? So what causes pre diabetes and type two? Some attributed it to obesity, others are horrible modern diet and sedentary lifestyle, or blame the patient's themselves implying they're lazy and undisciplined. Rarely is the blame on the current medical system where it deserves to be. On the foods, you've been taught to crave and believe are safe and helpful. You're not being told how terrible they are for your health and how they constitute a causal link to this terrible disease. Global pandemic of type two diabetes and prediabetes is caused directly by our own modern day diet of highly processed foods. These include high carb, low nutrient junk food and fast food, overly processed refined carbs and metabolism distressing ingredients such as sugar and artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, trans fats and refined vegetable oils. Add hidden allergies to wheat and other substances that stress and weakens the immune system, and a catastrophic absence of fiber rich, nutrient dense, whole foods including fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and beans, and humanely raised hormone free meat, eggs, fish and dairy products, which equals a perfect recipe for diabetes. 

If public health officials condemned this diabetes-causing diet, economic repercussions would devastate the giant agribusiness corporations that grow the raw material for these commercial food products for junk food. Truth would also affect manufacturers and marketers who stopped these products in the stores, the media, from advertising revenue these products generate. It's all about the money. Where the medical community to point a finger at the food and beverages causing today's epidemic of type two and pre diabetes in an unaware adults and defenseless kids. Big business would have a fit and you would see the largest lobbying barrage ever placing blame on obesity, lack of exercise, or the patient's themselves. It's a deceitful distraction from the real cause. 

The medical and science communities are in bed together and remain silent borders on malpractice. Billions of our tax dollars such as federal agricultural subsidies are pumped into price supports for sugar, corn, wheat, soybeans and feedlot beef. The raw materials that make many diabetes causing food products. There's barely anything given to small farmers struggling to raise organic fruits, vegetables and livestock theory. Once better, cells are gone. They're gone. Certain foods and supplements may regenerate the better cells so they can once again produce insulin, change your diet, change your health and your life. Period. It's that simple. 

I'm old and proud of it. I say, I'm 74 and aging younger. The reason I say that is because mindset is so important. What you believe and you think about you bring about correct. So I grew up in the 50's and 60's, and I was raised on organic food. My whole family was raised on organic food. We grew up in our garden so we know that we didn't have all these alternative fake food products. It tastes so good that we get addicted to it. I've been addicted to them. We didn't have those, and we didn't have the onslaught of health problems that we have now. So food for thought, am I telling truth or fiction? And like I said in the beginning of this podcast, it's up to you to decipher which you choose to believe. So this is a little bit more about some of the repercussions of choices people make. Popular weight loss drugs? I've been warned of the dangers. 

In Sydney, Australia, although her name is here, I won't put it. This is November 8 of 23. A 56 year old Australian woman tragically passed away after taking the weight loss drug or medication that starts with an O. Her husband is now speaking out warning others that the drug is not worth it at all. The O drug is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for type two diabetes and has gained popularity as a weight loss drug worldwide. However, it can cause gastrointestinal issues, and it slows down the stomach too much or blocks the intestines. She had been prescribed this O medication to fit her dream dress for her daughter's wedding. Alongside the prescription injection Saxenda, she lost around 35 pounds in just five months. However, the medications reportedly made her ill on January 16. That would be 2024. She has been found her incontinence with a brown liquid seeping from her mouth. Despite his efforts to revive her, she tragically passed away that night from acute gastrointestinal illness. 

While her cause of death had not been officially linked to her use of the O or the S, her husband firmly believes that drugs played a role. He expressed his regret stating, if I knew that could happen, she wouldn't have ever been taking it. I never thought you could die from it. The manufacturer of O responded to the allegations stating that reports of intestinal blockage were only received after the drug was released. Novo Nordisk along with Eli Lilly and Company, the manufacturers of the one that starts with M is currently facing lawsuits in the United States over claims that their weight loss drugs can cause severe gastrointestinal problems, including gastric paralysis or stomach paralysis, which can be fatal. Dr. Morgan has received numerous inquiries from clients across 45 states regarding injuries allegedly caused by these drugs. 

I know with today's podcast, I may be shut off from YouTube because I have two strikes against me for telling the truth as I see it. And this may be my third strike, and so they may ban me. But if it didn't, be aware of that. I know that should that happen in the future, you can find me on other platforms. Let's browse, for one, whatever. Anyway, I'm not that familiar with it. I created my podcast to put the word out for people to be able to think critically, which is not something that is done much anymore. I am a critical thinker. I am a believer in health. I am a nurse. I do my diabetes program under my health coaching certified program because I am certified in that. And it's specifically programmed for health. My nursing license is nursing, which encompasses more so I want to focus it on a person's health. 

With that being said, stay tuned for more because I have so much more to offer. I'm intrigued. Inflammation is a topic hot on my list. Let me fill this one in. I did a podcast which you will probably have seen before this one with Tom Paladino on scalar light, it's quantum energy. I do healing touch, so my hands are healers. And so as my last name, LeMaster, the master. So I say I am a Master Healer. Anyhow, he had said scalar light emanates from my hands. And I thought that's interesting because I can feel it. So with that being said, just be aware that there's something out there. Scalar energy is a Nikola Tesla technology for lack of a better word, I can't think of another word. So anyway, that's exciting. And also, I've heard about a new detox product, and I'm intrigued. I began that probably five days ago so I'm intrigued how that's gonna affect me. So anyway, stay tuned. I have so much more in my wealth of knowledge over here. 

I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you for having tuned into my Taming Diabetes Differently information on my Common Sense Living Podcast, so stay tuned.