Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Forum Podcasts
The Speaker's Forum is held each Sunday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Forum topics often address and spur dialogue about a current local community, statewide, national or international issue. Some forums feature a local author and the topic of the author's new book, or a representative of a local non-governmental organization (NGO) describing the organization’s work, programs, and accomplishments.
Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Forum Podcasts
2024 Poetry Sunday - a versity, stanza, plethora ... of poets.
Each year the month of April is set aside as National Poetry Month, a time to celebrate poets and their craft. AUUF has a long tradition of reserving one Sunday in April (Poetry Sunday) to celebrate National Poetry Month. This year, poets that joined us were Mike Burwell, Tom Choate, Gretchen Diemer, Erin Hollowell, John McKay, John Morgan, Don Rearden, Mistee St. Clair, Ken Waldman, Emily Wall, and Tom Sexton (read by Lynn Clark).
To read bios of these poets, you can go here: