
Penny LeGate

Penny found career success in broadcasting despite being a happy-go-lucky college cheerleader with big blonde hair.  She's explored remote places all over the world but at heart, remains a simple cowgirl from Nebraska.   And she still finds fart jokes funny.  
Penny loves adventure--rafting the crocodile-infested Zambezi, flying a paraglider, giving polio vaccines in Ethiopia, scuba diving with sharks, and climbing Mt. Rainier.  Twice.    
She's picked up a few credentials along the way--a master's in journalism plus numerous awards, including two Emmys. Hopscotching across the USA, Penny's been a TV news writer, producer, reporter, anchor, documentary producer, talk show host, keynote speaker, emcee, and activist.  Her passions include her family, friends, environmental & social justice issues, animals of every sort, exotic travel, and eating coffee ice cream out of the carton.