
Julie Blacklow

Julie Blacklow has been making trouble since the age of five when she faked having polio to get attention. Since growing up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. , Julie has continued making ‘good trouble’ when it needed to be made. She is an Emmy award-winning journalist, one of the first women in television news in America, who spent four decades using a camera, fortitude, and feistiness to help those without a voice. Throughout her career, she estimates she's interviewed some 30,000 people…every type of human being…from serial killers and rock stars to everyday folks who trusted her with their stories. At age sixty, she switched careers and began managing a horse ranch near her adopted hometown of Seattle. She survived newsrooms, cancer, a lot of bad managers and – after being told she really needed to write a book about her life – she did. Now, in what she calls “the 4th and 5th acts of her life,” she paints every day. She is not quite ready to quit talking.