The Mindy Movement

Understanding the invisible world

April 28, 2022 Soulful Soundwaves Season 1 Episode 4
Understanding the invisible world
The Mindy Movement
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The Mindy Movement
Understanding the invisible world
Apr 28, 2022 Season 1 Episode 4
Soulful Soundwaves

What is the invisible world? Some would call it spiritual. A world where our rational mind can’t quite compute what is going on, but our heart and soul knows deeply and truthfully. 

Inspired by many profound personal experiences, in today’s episode we talk openly about this ever present, but often misunderstood reality. We share how we have managed to bridge the gap between the visible and the invisible and the key steps we needed to take in order to cross the very fine line between the two worlds.

Show Notes Transcript

What is the invisible world? Some would call it spiritual. A world where our rational mind can’t quite compute what is going on, but our heart and soul knows deeply and truthfully. 

Inspired by many profound personal experiences, in today’s episode we talk openly about this ever present, but often misunderstood reality. We share how we have managed to bridge the gap between the visible and the invisible and the key steps we needed to take in order to cross the very fine line between the two worlds.

Episode 4 – Understanding the invisible world


Welcome to the Mindy Movement, the thought-provoking podcast by Soulful Soundwaves. Conversations inspired by real life events, lessons and learnings, gifted to us while traveling across Australia in a tiny home on wheels. Welcome aboard.

We would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners, custodians and ancestors of the land and country we walk on, and their connection to the land, waters and community. We pay our deepest respect to the elders, past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to all Indigenous people across the world.



Hi, today we talk about bridging from the visible world into the invisible world. What indeed is the invisible world we're talking about? And is it possible to cross between the two? And if it is, how do we make that bridge? So let's get started! What is the invisible world? We'll start with the big question. 



The invisible world is what we could commonly call the spiritual world. And it is the opposite of the visible word, which is something that we can access through our senses. While the spiritual world is something that you can actually feel, but you can't see or smell or touch. 






You're perfectly right. Unless something happens, and we can detect with one or more of our senses, something that in theory shouldn't be there. 






This is how we become aware that there is something more than what we can actually physically experience. And that is, by the way, how I became aware that what we experience with our physical body is just a part of the whole. 






The question is, is it possible to cross that line? From both sides. Can we cross the line in order to see what is not possible to see? And two, is it possible for something that is invisible to get manifested in order for us to see it? 



So welcome. This is going to be a hardcore spiritual podcast. So stay with us. It's a really interesting topic, because I think it's something a lot of us are curious about. You know, talking about the invisible world. The first thing that comes to mind, when I was a youngster or when young, is the thing that most people speak about, it's well known is ghosts, right? Or, you know, spirits of someone or you know, it could be good, bad or indifferent, but in some ways that is part of the invisible world. Yet we talk openly about ghosts.



Absolutely. When I think about ghosts, I think about an example that you actually experienced when we go to an old prison or an old castle or…in a place that has been used for something that left a very dark mark, we can still experience that kind of vibe. What we experience in particular is - probably some of you can relate to this – is…you don't see anything unusual. You see just empty spaces. But there's a chill that goes through your spine.



That chill, you can't forget it. 



Exactly, because we're not immune to these kind of, I call it the vibe, but it's basically another form of energy. 



Yeah, for sure. And that is essentially the invisible world talking to us. And it comes in so many different ways. On our journey and on our path and you know, traveling and seeing things, the invisible world can talk in so many forms. And to answer the first question you pose, Lorenzo, “Is it possible to cross the two”? Absolutely. But it's not for everyone. And it's not immediate. 






I feel that's very appropriate, actually. Because, funny enough, we talk about children being youngsters, you know…I don't even know what movie that was…the Sixth Sense, maybe. The kids underneath the tables like “I see dead people”. And kids often can feel things and see things from the invisible world. And that is by no coincidence because they've come in to this life fully open. Fully open. Their mind is open, their heart is open, their entire energy field is open. So they are navigating all of this. And as adults, we often block it for whatever reason. I know I was petrified of ghosts. The last thing I ever wanted to see was a ghost. And the reality is, we can bridge the two. However, we have to work on ourselves to be able to get to the maturity to be able to see them, to see it. 



Having said that, we experienced an idea of the invisible world that is related to mainly cinematography. So movies that we watched. And in the majority of these movies, if not all of them, the invisible world is described as frightening. 






So ghosts are, for some reason that I cannot even explain, are entities that are looking for vengeance, that are looking for, you know, they thrive in seeing people falling down the stairs. Or, you know, getting… 



Scaring the living daylights out of you. 



Yeah, like getting an axe in the middle of your brains.



Yeah, for sure. Whereas actually, the invisible world is way more discreet and way more beautiful, actually, than that. 



It's not scary at all. 



No. Do you want to give some examples of how an example the invisible world has spoken to you? 



Yeah. Well, one time I've been guided, invited, into this place by a hand. An arm actually, that appeared behind a bend and invited me in, and I knew that that arm wasn't supposed to be there. It's funny, because at the moment when these things happen to you, your mind is always racing trying to find a logical explanation for that to happen. And I'm pretty sure that those who are actually listening to this podcast are thinking probably like, “oh, surely it was a matter of perspective” and “surely there was maybe a person and then disappeared, or went somewhere” or “maybe you just dreamt of it”. I can assure you, I didn't. 



And I can assure you to seeing his face going, did that just happen? So there are many ways that that can happen. As Lorenzo was saying earlier, the invisible world captures our senses. And it may be you hear things from the invisible world. It may be you see things such as spirits or energy or auras colours. It may be you smell things. It might be a sudden waft of perfume, or smell of animals or smell of, you know, there's all sorts that can come through. It’s just a really quick, sudden, but very strong smell that entices a memory and a memory that maybe doesn't exist from this lifetime. And then you've got the feeling, the feeling sense that you've walked into somewhere and you get those chills or the hair stand up on end, or something happens, a miraculous scene happens in front of you. You look round to see if anybody else saw that scene. No. It was a gift for you from the invisible world. 



To bring two worlds together there is one very important ingredient, which is trust. While on the other side of the spectrum doubt is creating a fracture between the two worlds. This is exactly the same thing. If we don't trust the fact that these worlds exist we are going to be the last one to see. 



Absolutely. And what's the quote about the miracles Carolyn Myssa always says…“if you don't believe miracles can happen you'll be the last one they'll happen to”. 



Yeah, pretty much.  



The lack of trust. It's true. So…leading on to the next big question. 



Which is? 



How do we make the bridge if we are wanting and curious to see, to feel. Maybe it's dip a toe in, maybe it's pull back the veil to see what's out there from that invisible world. How do we make that bridge from where we are now in the visible into the invisible? 



Well, first of all, I think we should answer one question, which is the most important question. Do we want to cross that line? And this is a question that we have to think about very, very well and very, very thoroughly. Not because crossing the line it means seeing scary things, as we said before. It's because crossing that line, which is something that doesn't happen to anyone, comes with a responsibility. Having the privilege to become a bridge between the two worlds comes with the responsibility of carrying a message, of creating the conditions for things to happen. So, do we want to walk that way? 



Yeah. And that's a really important one. It is not something to be taken lightly. You know, in our curious self we can go “No, yeah, we want to go and discover”. However, to get to the point to bridge that gap, which can be very thin between the visible and the invisible, it does come with responsibility and accountability. Because the messages, the insights, the answers that we get from an invisible world are not from us. They're from something much greater than us. So for us to hear those messages, bring them back into the visible world and share them, we need to make sure it's truthful. 



Also, we need to make sure that we respect who we share that message with and we respect the purpose that message has been shared for. 



Exactly, so nothing is taken out of context, which can very easily be, in our visible world. So a couple of ingredients, let's say. This is coming from both Lorenzo and I that do spend time, without sounding crazy, we do spend time in the invisible world. A couple of the key ingredients that has helped us along the way is not only trust, what Lorenzo mentioned. That is a huge one, but (another one) it's leaving the fear behind. The fear of what we might receive. We cannot control that world. We might be able to try and control our world, which is, in some ways, an illusion, even in the visible world. But we cannot control how and what it is we receive from the invisible world. So just like Lorenzo said, the responsibility is to be able to relieve ourselves of our fear and step in with acceptance. Acceptance for whatever it is that comes our way. 



And you might ask yourself “if it comes with all these responsibility, why should I do it?” Right? The answer is that doing something like this, in the long run, helps you becoming a better person because you know yourself better. You know your surroundings better. It doesn't matter if they are visible or invisible. Let's remember this. The invisible world is always around us. 






The reason why it's called the thin line between the visible and the invisible is that we can’t see the invisible world, but it's still here. It's like, one millimetre away. 



Absolutely. And it sees us, every second of the day. And I think that is the big part, when you leave the fear behind, which is certainly something personal. I've had to work to be able to be granted this gift, which I feel is a massive gift, to bridge that into the invisible. There is no separation. You don't pull the curtains and the invisible world can't see us. They are right there. It's right there. It is closer than you think. 



The funny thing is that when we think about the invisible world, we think about it from the position of the spectator, because we are so used to experience the invisible world into a TV set that we think that we can actually switch off and on that invisible world.



Yeah. “Channel ten? Channel nine?”



It's not exactly like that. First of all, it's not the flick of a switch. It takes time to be able to cross that line and to see things but once you do it, there's no coming back. You can't switch it off. 



Absolutely. And it's a subtle world. It's not as blatant as someone knocking at the front door saying “Oh, Maeve, hi, welcome!” it's very subtle, but as soon as you start to fine tune yourself and the receptivity of it, it becomes nearly as obvious as a knock at the door. And the other ingredient to bridge these two worlds is the curiosity. And that's one thing that inhibits a lot of people from seeing the beauty of an invisible world. And that can be in so many ways, even the support and the love from past ones, our past loved ones that are no longer with us in a physical form. There is severe loneliness and grief that comes with that. A curiosity to venture in to that invisible world to feel those loved ones that have passed, again, is so profound and so beautiful. And so healing, because in some ways you get to connect with the most beautiful version of that person that maybe wasn't even here presently because life got in the way. Trauma was in the way with that person. But when we have the curiosity to step in to that world, with a huge open heart and open mind, because we've left the fear and the doubt behind, and we say “Come here, I want to feel you, come and talk to me. Come and show me you're with me.” You will feel them, because they are right there. 



This is a little bit about the invisible world. If you are interested to hear more leave a comment or get in touch and we can actually have a longer chat, or start telling stories in detail. 



Yeah, or reach out. It's definitely a passion of ours.



it's not a passion. It's a mission. 



Yeah, it is. It's true. And you will find so much support. But if you need a few helping hands or, you know, you're never alone in this journey. I think there's many, many of us on this journey to seek the answers, I think, to questions we've pondered, if we've been curious enough to ask ourselves questions. There's some questions that just can't be answered in this visible world. And they're there. They're just the other side of the very fine line. So yeah, come and speak to us. There's many things that we can help with and have a chat with. And thank you for coming to join us today on our podcast. 



Absolutely. Thank you for being part of this thing.



Thanks for listening to the Mindy Movement Podcast. You can find more content, free meditations, brain entraining music and much much more over on our website, at

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