Tell it Right Podcast

Episode 55 - 12.16.23 - Tell it Right Podcast

December 17, 2023 Hide The Eggs Media Episode 55
Episode 55 - 12.16.23 - Tell it Right Podcast
Tell it Right Podcast
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Tell it Right Podcast
Episode 55 - 12.16.23 - Tell it Right Podcast
Dec 17, 2023 Episode 55
Hide The Eggs Media

Episode 55
Mike & Jared Celebrate 3 years of podcasting
Christmas Special
Tell it Right Podcast Stocking Stuffer
Mike & Jared compare holiday beards
Top Netflix Christmas Movies 
Rick & Morty Christmas Specials

Show Notes Transcript

Episode 55
Mike & Jared Celebrate 3 years of podcasting
Christmas Special
Tell it Right Podcast Stocking Stuffer
Mike & Jared compare holiday beards
Top Netflix Christmas Movies 
Rick & Morty Christmas Specials

00:01:00:11 - 00:01:10:20
All right. It's Saturday, December 16th, 2023. And you're listening to Tell It Right podcast. I'm Mike. This is Jared.

00:01:11:08 - 00:01:11:17

00:01:12:19 - 00:01:18:03
Welcome to episode 55, The Christmas Special. Merry Christmas, Jarrett.

00:01:18:03 - 00:01:21:19
Merry Christmas. Is it 55? I thought this was 54.

00:01:22:14 - 00:01:43:12
Is this 54? It's 50 tonight. No, it's not. It's 55. All right. I yeah. At the last step. So it's 54, so we're good. But with that said, I'm excited that we made it to 55 here. And not only is this the Christmas special, but it is our three years of existence. The podcast.

00:01:44:16 - 00:01:46:01
Three years of existence.

00:01:46:14 - 00:01:49:23
With only 55 episodes. It's pretty fucking impressive.

00:01:50:04 - 00:01:58:04
Yeah. It, I mean at the beginning it wasn't really, you know, legit. I mean.

00:01:58:04 - 00:02:00:21
No, we've, we've worked on it, we've worked really hard on this.

00:02:01:05 - 00:02:01:22
Yeah. I mean.

00:02:02:06 - 00:02:06:02
I think we improve it every day. It's going to keep improving to.

00:02:06:12 - 00:02:11:15
Oh, I was literally sitting in my kitchen while you were reading a.

00:02:12:01 - 00:02:12:08

00:02:12:12 - 00:02:21:01
That's a Jesus Obi-Wan Kenobi skit in a Boston accent. I mean, that we didn't even have microphones.

00:02:21:20 - 00:02:49:12
No, it's wild. Yeah, well, how far how far we've come here? I mean, I got a I've got a black screen behind me right here with the lights that you bought. Yeah, but I know it's, it's pretty awesome. And the people that have been listening to us, you know, we appreciate your support. And I fucking love doing this.

00:02:49:17 - 00:02:51:21
I don't know. I fucking love doing this.

00:02:52:05 - 00:02:52:19
Oh, I like.

00:02:52:21 - 00:02:53:09
I like it.

00:02:53:20 - 00:02:56:10
I like the banter. I like the banter. Yeah.

00:02:57:03 - 00:03:22:22
I like the banter. You know, like there's a therapeutic aspect to this. Yeah, that's what we always said. That was like one of the things back in the day when COVID happened and we started doing this, we found there, yeah, normally we, we started this with a bunch of people we worked with and normally we were with each other every day, but now being sent home at COVID.

00:03:23:11 - 00:03:50:18
So doing this like once a week was like really fun and you know where to catch up and whatnot. And it was a way to keep our sanity know with the cabin fever going on. So, you know, we do appreciate the support. I'm glad we continued on and back in December of 2021, we, we finally fucking posted. We finally did it, we did it.

00:03:52:01 - 00:04:19:02
We proved die hard was a Christmas movie. And we did that a year later to yeah, yeah. You know, we've accomplished a lot there, but I but now thank you again for everybody that does tune in for your first time listener. Make sure you hit that subscribe button so you can get all the latest episodes of Tell It Right podcast.

00:04:19:02 - 00:04:44:02
You know, there's one thing I do want to share with everybody here, and I'm pretty proud of this. Okay, so with the holidays right around the corner, there's always that last minute gift. There's that last minute asshole that you haven't gotten the gift for and you don't know what the fuck to. Yeah, you know, you know, like, do I get him a fucking pen or I, you know, go to Walgreens and get one of those cool trinkets that they always have.

00:04:44:02 - 00:05:03:14
They're the they're a little Kris Kringle mart, but it's just really just cheap Chinese shit. Yeah, whatever. You know. Do you do that or or do you go to tell it right. Podcast dot com. Right on the right on the main page there. This is live right now. If you go to the main page and tell it right podcast, you just scroll down a little bit.

00:05:04:02 - 00:05:33:07
You will see the free stuff we are stocking stuffer. Okay. So let me tell you a little bit about the stocking stuffer. Okay. The stocking stuffer is this great present that you can give your friend, your family member, your significant other, whoever. You can print it out on our website for free. It will have a QR code that will lead that special someone to tell it right podcast.

00:05:33:07 - 00:06:00:05
It will bring you to the website to where our podcast also posts and you can catch all of our podcasts there. Catch up on that, tell it right. For the past three years, it's like I said, it's only 55 episodes, so it shouldn't be hard to catch up on, you know, it's not that bad. It's not like we have like three or if we did this every day for three years, well, we'd we'd have like over a thousand.

00:06:00:08 - 00:06:26:09
Yeah. Yeah, that'd be pretty fucking wild. I don't, I, I don't think I could do that but I know. Yeah. So check out WW dot tell it right podcast dot com download that stocking stuffer the PDF file and stick it in that stocking that special someone that you forgot to buy a gift for we got your back. That's why it's there.

00:06:27:03 - 00:06:29:10
So the first thing.

00:06:30:06 - 00:06:30:14

00:06:31:03 - 00:06:36:11
No matter like somebody like filling out a QR code and be like, fuck is this.

00:06:37:04 - 00:06:43:16
Sure we got this for this entire family? Yeah. This entire family is going to be pleased with the stocking stuffer that they got.

00:06:43:20 - 00:06:48:10
I mean, I'm not saying that it's not a great idea.

00:06:48:10 - 00:06:48:17

00:06:49:02 - 00:06:56:06
It's the person that is receiving this that is going to pull this piece of paper out of their stocking, is going to.

00:06:56:06 - 00:06:57:13
Be, yeah.

00:06:57:21 - 00:07:01:14
You're an asshole for making me do work to get my present.

00:07:02:06 - 00:07:08:18
You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to switch the QR code out. Yeah. Bury the black porn star.

00:07:08:21 - 00:07:09:05

00:07:09:17 - 00:07:24:09
That sits on the bed with this huge dong. Like, imagine getting there for Christmas. Like you think you're getting a fucking podcast. You're already that fucking pissed, right? Yeah. Now you got Barry's cock in your face. You're like, Oh, well.

00:07:26:02 - 00:07:30:15
It's like Pringle can with it with veins.

00:07:30:18 - 00:07:41:21
Yeah. It's like a fucking that that, you know, the thick tootsie roll. So not the thin one but the thick one.

00:07:41:21 - 00:07:48:11
It's like that £1 Snickers bar that you can buy right?

00:07:48:11 - 00:07:48:22

00:07:50:14 - 00:07:50:23

00:07:52:07 - 00:07:52:18

00:07:53:06 - 00:07:53:19

00:07:54:00 - 00:08:05:00
Fucking Christmas. Yeah. No, really. Give that to your friends. Yeah, I promise I won't. But it very cold in there. It is straight up. Going to bring you to our website.

00:08:06:00 - 00:08:09:10
I promise they won't ask for another present from you ever again. I am.

00:08:09:10 - 00:08:30:01
The worst. I am the worst salesman I ever because I just like at first I like say it's like it's all good. And then I say I'm going to do something fucking deceitful. And then I go back and like, now you're fired. Don't. Yeah, yeah, you can trust me now. I don't fucking trust that guy.

00:08:30:01 - 00:08:34:14
Oh, man. I can't wait to get a QR code in my stocking.

00:08:35:05 - 00:08:41:11
I know. Dude, your kid's going to love you. Yeah, our code. Yeah.

00:08:43:14 - 00:08:45:17
Daddy, what the fuck is this?

00:08:45:18 - 00:08:49:00
Right. It is.

00:08:49:00 - 00:08:49:07

00:08:50:09 - 00:08:51:07
QR code.

00:08:51:20 - 00:09:00:01
What is this bullshit? But anyways, how's your holiday beard coming along?

00:09:00:20 - 00:09:22:10
I actually. Chad is trimming down now. It was starting to get, like, long on one side and, like, not on the other. And then one side was like, poof out, and the other was like, straight down. And I don't because because. Well, the problem was I hadn't like, I shaved and then it just started growing out. I don't I didn't shave after that.

00:09:22:10 - 00:09:24:12
Right. So it started to get like, crazy.

00:09:25:04 - 00:09:27:00
Um, yeah.

00:09:27:07 - 00:09:46:22
So I went to like go into trim it and like a big chunk just got cut off and I was like, well, I have to make it all even otherwise we must be like this big chunk over here, so to this side. So, I mean, it's still I mean, it's a this is like a number five on the trimmer.

00:09:47:15 - 00:10:11:15
Like it's still that long, but I probably cut like a good quarter inch off, maybe even more. Probably half an inch. Yeah, that was only a month of growing it. So now from here, another month. I mean it's going to be fairly and even so.

00:10:12:21 - 00:10:14:10
I said I went to a barber.

00:10:15:20 - 00:10:23:00
Yeah. She was like the full on barber trim. Yeah. Like I actually take like a pair of scissors to your beard.

00:10:24:19 - 00:10:32:10
Yeah. Like, yeah, like really meticulous cutting. Like, they don't really, like, take off anything that they spend an hour, just, like, clipping little hairs.

00:10:33:00 - 00:10:40:22
It's like when they cut, like, dog hair to make it shaped like. Like there's little, like, Pomeranians.

00:10:40:22 - 00:10:48:20
Like guy Edward Scissorhands, like, yeah, you know, fucking throne is Scissorhands everywhere, but.

00:10:49:04 - 00:11:01:04
They're like trimming at ear beards, but not actually cutting anything. They're just like, yeah, it's like just clacking the scissors for like an hour straight, but they probably grab, like, two hairs that entire time.

00:11:02:03 - 00:11:09:18
Right? Yeah. Yeah. They take, like, microscopes out to, like, make sure that they made an even cut.

00:11:10:04 - 00:11:10:13

00:11:10:23 - 00:11:15:10
I'm sorry. I'm going to have to take another. Another micro layer there.

00:11:15:15 - 00:11:22:12
Yeah. Hit you with a straight edge, like just. Yeah. Straight edge in it, you know, measuring it up your face.

00:11:23:16 - 00:11:48:13
Mm. You know, I got a funny story about I the first time I ever went to a barber, but it's not really a barber. All right. At the end of the day, it was it was a lady that wanted to start a salon, but it was a lot easier to open up a barber. Okay, that way. So I it it was advertised on the outside of this building, a barber.

00:11:48:13 - 00:12:06:08
And so I went in there and I'm like, I want my head shaved. I want it done with a straight blade. I ended up not getting it done with the straight blade. This lady pulled out like 20 disposable fucking.

00:12:06:08 - 00:12:08:08
No, no, oh, no.

00:12:08:21 - 00:12:14:10
And shaved my entire head. I paid six fucking dollars for that.

00:12:15:03 - 00:12:16:15
For a shave.

00:12:17:20 - 00:12:42:23
Yeah. I was pissed, I was respectful of the lady and all that, but and she told me I looked like Jared Leto back then. I'm like, Are you talking about Jared Leto? I didn't even know who the guy was at the time. This was like, I don't know, maybe like 2013 or some shit, man. But then I looked him up and I'm like, I don't think I look like this dude.

00:12:42:23 - 00:12:44:00
No, fuck.

00:12:44:08 - 00:12:46:06
What ethnicity with this lady.

00:12:47:07 - 00:12:52:15
That's actually really funny that you said that because she was a foreign person. I don't know.

00:12:52:15 - 00:13:12:06
Like we're talking like Middle Eastern, not Middle Eastern women like well, like Western Europe or maybe Eastern Europe, like. Like Turkistan or some type of like. Yeah, Ukraine or some kind of like not a normal, like, big country.

00:13:13:02 - 00:13:13:20
Right? Yeah.

00:13:13:20 - 00:13:19:19
The ones that are like some the government was overthrown by a coup somehow probably.

00:13:19:19 - 00:13:22:13
And then like yeah, everybody's Jared Leto.

00:13:22:13 - 00:13:33:08
Yeah. Nobody's voted into power. There's just like, you know, the typical over and whichever side it lands on, that's who governs this country.

00:13:33:08 - 00:13:44:18
So I just like really creeped out that I told you this story. And I mentioned nothing about this lady being like foreign, and you're like, what fucking country she come from. Well, the fuck it.

00:13:45:06 - 00:14:20:06
Because, like, if it was a regular like American lady, she probably would have told, you know, and had no problem with it. But this lady was probably like trying to, like, make her way just starting out and, like, she can't turn it down, but she, she still doesn't want to really do it. So like, yeah, there's no way for most, you know, American women are going to become beauticians, not like try to have to work their way in.

00:14:20:14 - 00:14:28:22
Like you have to have their story, you have to have a license, you have to have a license to be a barber. Like to actually use stripper.

00:14:28:22 - 00:14:30:23
To get the barber license, apparently.

00:14:31:19 - 00:14:36:15
I don't understand how that could be because like you use a straight razor on like somebody's neck and stuff.

00:14:37:17 - 00:14:39:23
She didn't fucking use a straight line.

00:14:39:23 - 00:14:47:18
No, I didn't pick. So how is she opening a barbershop saying that maybe she's not a real barber at that point?

00:14:47:19 - 00:15:10:17
I don't know. Whatever I got, I got duped there. But I will say so then let's bring a few years into the future, like 2017. And I mean, I Temecula, California, and I go to a barbershop and well, we'll behold there's a woman that ends up working on my face now. She was a legit barber.

00:15:11:01 - 00:15:11:10

00:15:12:21 - 00:15:35:09
She had all the Yeah. And he was legit barber shop like she had like buck in. She, she pull out backpack and then start pulling out the like she did the meticulous cutting on my face. Yeah. Like fucking like cut in like, like she was using like eye scissors to do like this top part here. Like to make that look straight.

00:15:35:11 - 00:15:36:09
Yeah. Yeah.

00:15:36:13 - 00:15:50:16
And, but then she was also using like the, the, the, the trimmer, you know that the buzzer. Yeah, it's like jabbing it in my face, but she's like carving out perfection, you know?

00:15:51:00 - 00:15:51:11

00:15:52:09 - 00:16:12:23
At the end of the day, dude, you did that lady did a great job. My wife is like, dude, that's so, you know, my wife actually said to me, she's like, you should you should draw a line so you can always cut those. And I'm like, okay, so I'm going to walk around with fucking marker on my face all day just so I can, you know, recreate the fuck it.

00:16:13:12 - 00:16:24:00
You know, I the the same piece that lady did on my face. Oh, my.

00:16:24:00 - 00:16:35:13
I haven't gone to one of those, like, fancy, like barbershop places that, like, shave you up, like full on, like the hot towel. Yeah.

00:16:36:04 - 00:16:53:17
Oh, I actually. And then in California, I also got that shit too, like the parts that weren't like is the beard didn't get shaved off, but like the parts that weren't. She did it all at the straight edge. Yeah, it was legit. I was like, okay. But I thought it funny that even my second time around it was still a lady.

00:16:54:05 - 00:16:59:16
Yeah. The stereotypical male, which I'm fine with, do a great job.

00:16:59:16 - 00:17:05:04
I think I'd like to go and get, like, shaved up, like, straight out barber.

00:17:06:10 - 00:17:14:04
Barber down the street for me. We should do that one time. He should come over. We should get we should get trimmed up and then we should fucking podcast.

00:17:15:06 - 00:17:24:16
But they've got those like really like super nice ones where you go in like it's got like a smoking room and you like drink and shit and like you have like a cigar. All right.

00:17:25:06 - 00:17:25:20
The probably like.

00:17:25:20 - 00:17:36:18
No, you can have like a it's like a cigar room, like you're going to have a cigar and like in drink and then you get like shaved up, like, professional.

00:17:37:09 - 00:17:39:16
That sounds like something in the fucking city.

00:17:40:02 - 00:18:08:17
Yeah, it's probably even that sounds like it would be fantastic. Just chill out, really get fucking shaved up. Maybe they'll trim the nuts. I mean, they got like, well, see, this is don't get like women go and get waxed up, right? And there's nothing that that's weird about that, right. That's just normal. So then why would getting a nut trim be out of the ordinary?

00:18:09:01 - 00:18:10:09
You know what I mean, right?

00:18:10:09 - 00:18:17:02
I guess you're right, but it's like, weird, because, like, I just keep imagining this guy, like, a white fucking doctor.

00:18:18:03 - 00:18:22:17
Going in there doing that the same thing, like shaving it up, like with the scissors, like.

00:18:23:01 - 00:18:23:11

00:18:24:06 - 00:18:25:00
Clipping out of.

00:18:25:00 - 00:18:33:04
His fucking latex gloves and he just, like, picks your balls up, and then he's taking the scissors going very meticulously.

00:18:34:02 - 00:18:34:10

00:18:34:17 - 00:18:38:21
You know, making sure you got, like, three centimeters of hair everywhere.

00:18:38:21 - 00:18:39:04

00:18:41:08 - 00:18:46:23
And then you could drop marker and figure out how he got blind. You?

00:18:46:23 - 00:18:47:09

00:18:51:01 - 00:18:58:18
Yeah. I don't know, man. Find. I could probably groom myself. Yeah.

00:18:59:03 - 00:19:07:16
Yeah, we've got a pretty nice professional groom, you know, like, look what they did to your face. They could. They could probably do wonders elsewhere, you know?

00:19:08:16 - 00:19:43:15
I don't know. I don't know, man. But Jared, it's fucking Christmas time. It's the Christmas special of Tell It Right podcast. Mm. So there's this article about Rick and Morty in the Christmas episodes explained. Yeah, let's, let's dove into that a little bit. You want to, you want to read the, the episode about anatomy part of the anatomy part.

00:19:44:01 - 00:20:12:03
Yeah. Yeah. This is a great episode, by the way. Yeah. I mean, I can read up on that. So the Rick and Morty Christmas episode have never fit the expected holiday special format, though they managed to be both fitting for the season and among the most memorable episodes of the show since its debut in 2013, Rick and Morty has never played into televisions conventions.

00:20:12:03 - 00:20:48:15
When it when there are audience expectations to warp beyond recognition. I just lost my place. And our animated comedy has never subverted sci fi television clichés and family sitcom tropes alike for seven seasons, offering darkly comic spins on familiar conventions. This guy's getting way too in this. Let's just talk about anatomy. No, let's.

00:20:49:00 - 00:20:52:10
Just get to a minute. Anatomy. Park. Yeah. Okay. And yet.

00:20:52:20 - 00:20:54:02
So that season.

00:20:54:02 - 00:20:55:15
Not that much about it, right?

00:20:56:07 - 00:21:25:20
Rick and Morty Christmas Episode Anatomy Park sees parody both on Fantastic Voyage and Jurassic Park as the show sends Morty inside the body of a vagrant, wherein Rick has set up a microscopic theme park. This episode is a is as gross and silly as it sounds, and as has much of the show's crew's early season humor, feeling like South Park episode as much as Rick and Morty Holiday special.

00:21:27:05 - 00:22:02:22
However, while the gross jokes about Morty's short lived love interest and her unfortunate anatomy show that the series has grown a lot since that early outings, there is a lot to love in Anatomy Park from Jerry's uncomfortable family reunion might be the most cringe worthy comedy the show has pulled off to date. While Morty is attempt to escape, the titular theme park makes the Christmas episode of Rick and Morty as glory, as as gory, as The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Segments.

00:22:04:06 - 00:22:15:19
I agree. I, I agree. Like, yeah, that's the one we're stuck in. Yeah. What's his face? You just said his name. Jerry. Yeah.

00:22:15:23 - 00:22:16:09

00:22:16:09 - 00:22:41:09
So Jerry's parents show up, right? And they show up with that. Just eat that random black guy, right? Yeah. Yeah. So, Jerry, the whole time, it's like, who the fuck is this dude? Like, you know? And then then he ends up finding out that his mom thinks black dude while his dad watches. Yeah. Yeah.

00:22:41:09 - 00:22:50:21
So usually in a closet, sometimes wearing a superman t shirt.

00:22:50:21 - 00:23:03:01
And Morty makes out with the chick. Yeah, yeah. Get her name I. Yeah, of course. Rick cock locks him at the end there. Yeah.

00:23:03:02 - 00:23:05:09
It sends her back because.

00:23:05:09 - 00:23:13:17
But then the summer's boyfriend isn't anatomy. Yes, the new one. What's what's his theme park?

00:23:14:16 - 00:23:19:06
His favorite ride is the Pirates of the Pancreas.

00:23:20:06 - 00:23:32:12
I hate you. Have some good stuff that Pirates of the Pancreas. Yeah, really good. It's a really well done ride.

00:23:33:19 - 00:23:38:16
We are so proud of it. It like what? What's wrong with it? The 30th of the pancreas.

00:23:40:08 - 00:23:52:11
And then doesn't that chick she she cuts it in the new anatomy part and she goes yeah so we all talked about it. We're not going to do Pirates of the Pancreas. And then I think you like.

00:23:53:16 - 00:23:54:15
It kills everybody.

00:23:55:11 - 00:23:57:15
Yeah. Savage boyfriend.

00:23:57:20 - 00:23:58:05

00:23:58:09 - 00:24:03:23
Like gives them a poison. Mm hmm. Oh, God.

00:24:04:15 - 00:24:24:10
They fly out of the nipple. Yeah, he enlarges them. So weird in the weiner, you just see the shadow of it dangling over like it was a Colorado or something. I think it was.

00:24:24:13 - 00:24:43:04
It's John Oliver played the professor like, yeah, they're fucking watching. It's like a movie. Like it said Jurassic Park or whatever. Yeah, word. He ends up making out with the chick.

00:24:43:04 - 00:25:03:12
Yeah. That's, yeah. I mean I think that it was funny to watch that part for the worse. What's the whole family thing with Jerry's parents? It was just so awkward that him like becoming accepting at the very end of it. Oh, that's weird.

00:25:04:02 - 00:25:16:01
I was just watching the fortune cookie one where I Jerry as the fuck is my god. So they're geniuses but.

00:25:16:20 - 00:25:25:12
I would put my dick in the right one. Jerry, you don't have to say you put your dick just saved left or right.

00:25:25:12 - 00:25:35:23
All right, so here, I'll read the next one here. So read Rattle Star, Rick, our play left dick car.

00:25:36:09 - 00:25:37:01
Yeah. Rattled.

00:25:38:00 - 00:26:14:21
Yeah, right. A star. Rick Scott. Jesus Christ. So this so rattle star Rick Lark discusses the series return of the Yuletide setting for another bizarre adventure season four of Rick and Morty Christmas episode centers around Morty's attempt to make up for accidentally killing space things soon spiral out of control in the episode, eventually devolves into a time traveling adventure that it adventure that just about remembers.

00:26:14:21 - 00:26:59:20
It's Christmas before the story ends. While a lot of Rick and Morty is critically beloved later outings are more thoughtful and poignant characters. Studies Rattle star Rick Lactococcus succeeds precisely because the episode offers nothing in the way of nuisance added depth or insight into the show's cast. Instead, the supremely silly side of Rick Morty's Oh my God, playing Oilers inspired time cops laying a beat down on a prehistoric snake as it discovers tools makes the Season four outing a critical favorite.

00:27:00:07 - 00:27:31:19
Battlestar Galactica uses the festive setting to tell the sort of bizarre, freewheeling story that Rick and Morty earlier seasons typically indulge in. Rick and Morty wisely opted to use the show Christmas episode as an opportunity to reset and revisit some supremely silly earlier characters in an entirely unnecessary plot. But all the funnier for its silliness, this is a fucking dope ass up.

00:27:31:21 - 00:27:34:00
So yeah, it was probably one of my favorites.

00:27:34:20 - 00:27:35:19
It was? Yeah.

00:27:36:14 - 00:27:38:16
Just because of the snake charmers.

00:27:38:16 - 00:27:41:03
Snake charmers is pretty fucking funny.

00:27:41:08 - 00:27:41:17

00:27:42:07 - 00:28:04:02
The fact that he got a flat tire in space. Yeah, like, makes absolutely no sense, but, like, he likes slaps Morty upside the head, like, he's a fucking ignorant asshole, right? That they couldn't get a flat tire in space. But I love he's like, sick. Stay in the fucking car. It's all there is. Space. Everything's out to get you.

00:28:04:09 - 00:28:37:12
Yeah. And then the snake bites like nowhere. It made no sense to me to sit like this. Spit this because the whole story is supposed to be the is an action, right? Yeah. And, and fucking the snake bites through his own glass. The bite mark. Morty. Yeah. So he fucking like, literally sacrifices his life to fight. Yeah. You know, that made no sense either.

00:28:37:12 - 00:29:13:09
Would that if it was an intelligent being, wouldn't it just try to avoid Morty altogether and not attack it out of that either? Yeah, I don't know, but that that was hilarious. Um, who what about like, I didn't know what they were trying to rip off. Like, if there was, if this was an actual movie or TV show where like a space demon in there was like a dude on the other side and he walks in the room and they end up fucking with like that.

00:29:13:15 - 00:29:15:05

00:29:15:05 - 00:29:19:05
I don't know what that was from. It felt like it was from something else.

00:29:19:22 - 00:29:24:06
Yeah. Like they were definitely doing some type of omega.

00:29:24:06 - 00:29:24:15

00:29:24:23 - 00:29:51:04
Or whatever. But I actually have the, you have like a beautiful mind but like no, that wouldn't be because they had nothing to do with space. Some fucking autistic guy that could solve all kinds of puzzles. Yeah. Hey, we're forgetting. I think we're forgetting something. Oh, yeah. Whacked. Yeah. What does he say? Fuck you, Morty, or something like that.

00:29:51:11 - 00:29:52:02
I forget.

00:29:52:18 - 00:29:55:22
Yeah. You stay in the car next time or something.

00:29:56:10 - 00:30:12:10
Yeah. Fuck you more each. Stay in the car next time. Oh one. Oh oh Jerry to Jerry. Fucking floating in.

00:30:12:16 - 00:30:15:09
Oh Jesus. Yeah. Got out about that.

00:30:15:15 - 00:30:39:08
The guys at the bar were like, with the fuck do they say, oh, what? You think you're so face you hold that rock, you know? And then they like literally start pulling, you know, and then he drops the rock and he's floating and they just beat the shit out of him because he's floating. They're not even questioning why he's float and they just think he's a fucking asshole floating in their bar.

00:30:39:21 - 00:30:44:17
I love it.

00:30:44:17 - 00:30:46:08
You can't bring that rock in here.

00:30:47:04 - 00:30:48:00
Yeah, right.

00:30:49:02 - 00:30:55:09
It's kind of a service boulder.

00:30:55:09 - 00:31:18:05
Yeah. I'm like Ash Smith. I've been sent here from the future to save you. Oh, this is another one of Rick's. We're one of Rick's little stunts that save me, huh? I don't know this, Rick. I am here to save you. But what's the next one here?

00:31:19:08 - 00:31:19:17

00:31:20:00 - 00:31:35:09
It's the never Rick and Morty. I remember that one.

00:31:35:09 - 00:31:38:08
That's the the train.

00:31:39:16 - 00:31:41:03
That's come gutters.

00:31:41:03 - 00:31:46:20
Yeah. Oh yeah. Remember he buys the train for them for Christmas.

00:31:47:19 - 00:31:48:06

00:31:48:22 - 00:32:01:11
Yeah. That's, that's a Christmas episode where he is a Republican.

00:32:02:01 - 00:32:02:07

00:32:03:18 - 00:32:30:21
Although never. Rick, Morty. Rick. Morty arrived in May of 2020 and even featured one of television's earliest COVID references. The second Rick and Morty Christmas episode in the season four does have a few connections to the holiday. One early scene sees a minor character reminiscence about the image an imagined Christmas with Rick in the last scene sees Jesus himself appear on Rick and Morty.

00:32:32:17 - 00:33:03:08
The scenes are all in service of a murder plot about trying to crash the story engine of the series, but the presence of Jesus as a literal deus ex machina macina whatever you say, it means that this season four outing just of about qualifies as a Christmas episode for the show. Most sitcoms have a dozen of festive episodes and never feature a cameo from The Man Who is the reason for the season.

00:33:03:18 - 00:33:14:01
Four Examples. Simpsons Christmas episodes include a total up here of zero appearances of Jesus outside of Bart standing in for him.

00:33:16:13 - 00:33:17:15
Tickets, please.

00:33:18:23 - 00:33:20:06
Tickets, please.

00:33:20:18 - 00:33:27:01
By getting tickets, please, guys. Cut. Yeah, those things. Where do you go? Come gutters.

00:33:29:00 - 00:33:33:07
I, I don't. I forgot. Rick said it's like of.

00:33:33:09 - 00:33:45:23
I think I'd say that I don't want to think of amounts of come in so watery that they have to be covered gutter somewhere. Oh yeah. Shit.

00:33:46:06 - 00:34:01:22
I fucking know that was a great episode too because I just. I fucking love that ending where you just like, how do you even explain how he was talking to bawdy? But he's like.

00:34:01:22 - 00:34:03:15
He was like the drunken rage.

00:34:04:05 - 00:34:08:09
He's like, no more. You need to buy things. Yeah.

00:34:09:05 - 00:34:12:20
Nobody's buying anything with this. This fucking virus or something.

00:34:13:21 - 00:34:16:08
Oh, right, right. That's the COVID reference.

00:34:16:14 - 00:34:57:21
Yeah. Yeah, for the. Yeah, I like the part where he's like, Boy, do you have to make up a story with your mom and summer about like, shooting the Scorpions with their period right? They, like, get inside the train. He's like, oh, as a feminine masterpiece. Fight them with your heavy monthly, what do you call it? I know they say you're heavy monthly time or something.

00:34:58:08 - 00:35:03:03
They're like shooting, like rainbows out of their vaginas.

00:35:03:03 - 00:35:24:15
And then the tickets, please guy, he like, literally, like you get sucked through the window and then he gets cut in half by the window because he gets turned around and then he wakes up because he was playing the game. And then he walks away and he's sit with this family and he just starts freaking out. Go get tickets, please, Eddie.

00:35:24:15 - 00:35:33:09
Tickets. And then he just like splits in half. And it's like floating in the middle of the arcade. Just sprayed blood everywhere.

00:35:33:09 - 00:35:35:15
It's so floaty.

00:35:35:15 - 00:35:38:15
But then, Roy, isn't that Roy, though?

00:35:38:16 - 00:35:43:00
Yeah, I think it's a reference to Roy, but I don't know exactly.

00:35:44:17 - 00:35:45:18
What Roy is.

00:35:45:18 - 00:35:56:01
Yeah, well, I know who Roy is, but I don't know, like, how like I get your what you're saying where is like Roy or you're a different person because they were bullets and chips.

00:35:56:21 - 00:35:58:04
But. Right. Yeah.

00:35:59:02 - 00:36:05:08
But I don't know, I don't know if that was just kind of like part of the stupid, you know, train thing.

00:36:06:15 - 00:36:31:12
I don't know. Right. Well, that was the die hard episode where they play Roy a Maudie gets trapped into it. But there is another episode where they went to clips and shits and they, they played Roy and he pulls bawdy out of it. He only lasted like 50 years or something and like he's like come into like rats that it was in a simulation.

00:36:31:12 - 00:36:35:02
Yeah. Like 20 minutes.

00:36:35:02 - 00:36:57:08
It's like I have to get the, the Arab Berber out of the back after he crashed the car. Yeah, that was a good episode too. That's where the fart episode. A floating thing that they're supposed to kill.

00:36:58:02 - 00:37:03:16
Yeah. Good bye. Bad mood, man. Yeah.

00:37:04:15 - 00:37:11:09
That's fucking talking about movement. This is a musical.

00:37:11:09 - 00:37:18:10
Oh, God. If there is something cool about New Zealand, it is that guy from Flight of the Conchords.

00:37:18:23 - 00:37:37:11
I only like him in that Dinner for Schmucks movie. Is that artist? Yeah. He was, like, walking around like the. The goat leg or horns on. Like, he's, like, in the background taking pictures. That was such an uncomfortable movie.

00:37:38:04 - 00:37:42:23
It's your memories. Use the Outback Steakhouse commercial guy for a while.

00:37:44:09 - 00:37:45:04
I do not know.

00:37:46:05 - 00:37:58:10
You don't. You don't remember those Outback Steakhouse commercials are that like weird. Well, he's New Zealand, but he was playing an Australian person.

00:37:58:10 - 00:38:02:10
So a New Zealand person was pretending to be Australian.

00:38:03:08 - 00:38:04:00
Pretty much.

00:38:04:00 - 00:38:04:20
Yeah. That's like a.

00:38:04:22 - 00:38:05:05

00:38:05:22 - 00:38:09:03
It's like a Canadian trying to be American just doesn't work.

00:38:09:05 - 00:38:21:02
It was I. Yeah, but you know what he made fame with Flight of the Conchords. Flight of the Conchords is fucking bad ass fucking love the show. I might watch it tonight. Fuck you.

00:38:22:02 - 00:38:30:01
Jemaine. Clement is his name Jemaine? Yeah. Sounds like. Or is that. Is that high? Me.

00:38:31:08 - 00:38:45:09
Who's. No, no, it's Jemaine. Jemaine. Who's the other guy? Flight of the Conchords.

00:38:45:09 - 00:38:45:22
Oh, no.

00:38:47:01 - 00:38:55:20
No, hold on. It was. Oh, Bret. Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement.

00:38:55:20 - 00:39:00:22
Jemaine Clement. Yeah, right. I didn't watch your song. I didn't watch the.

00:39:04:00 - 00:39:16:13
It's you know what, you're not going to like it. You fucking hate New Zealand. Yeah, it's it's dry humor. It's just like British comedy, too, if not American.

00:39:16:17 - 00:39:19:13
That's bad too.

00:39:19:13 - 00:39:49:04
But they're in America and, you know, they're just trying to become big. And they got another New Zealand manager that's out of L.A. as well, and or New York, wherever they're located. And he's a fucking crackpot, too, you know, they're not really going anywhere, but they're, you know, I don't know. The show is weird because it is. Is that right?

00:39:49:04 - 00:40:12:15
You know, humor. But then they have like a music aspect to it, which is very different than anything, you know. So think of Bollywood would write with the Indian, you know, Indian movies. So at the end or actually throughout the movies, they like have like little pauses where they just all fucking break out, dance for like five, 10 minutes or some shit.

00:40:12:15 - 00:40:27:09
And then it goes back to the movie. It's kind of what they did. They would just start playing guitar and it would be like a music video. And then also they would come back to their reality.

00:40:27:09 - 00:40:28:07
So interesting.

00:40:29:07 - 00:40:42:10
Like I say, you probably think it's fucking dumb because it just fuck faces from New Zealand. But I like Jemaine and Bret. They're not bad people. It's that's a Southern accent.

00:40:42:10 - 00:40:43:10
You know that there's.

00:40:43:20 - 00:40:44:22
I'm not a voice actor.

00:40:45:15 - 00:41:09:09
There's a few people that I didn't realize were from New Zealand, but that's about it, like Russell Crowe. And we're talking like famous people. Russell Crowe is from New Zealand. I thought he was like Irish or Scottish or something, but apparently he's terrible to kind of what I hear.

00:41:09:11 - 00:41:12:00
You knew he was from fucking New Zealand.

00:41:13:15 - 00:41:18:05
I had a feeling I think we talked about it before, but I never like put two and two together.

00:41:18:06 - 00:41:20:14
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It, yeah.

00:41:20:20 - 00:41:42:15
Yeah. No, nobody likes him. He's like, how does he keep getting shit? Like, Thor Ragnarok was probably the only good movie. Like, otherwise, like, love and Thunder sucked. He did the Green Lantern. That sucked. Like the guys just anyways. Karl Urban.

00:41:43:22 - 00:41:44:10
Yeah, I knew.

00:41:45:03 - 00:42:02:18
I didn't know he was. I thought he was fucking Scottish or British or something. But did you know that Keith Urban the singer, like the country singer is. Yeah, from New Zealand.

00:42:03:21 - 00:42:05:01
But he's not related.

00:42:05:11 - 00:42:14:00
No, no, no. And then Anthony star from the Boys.

00:42:14:00 - 00:42:16:07
Oh, the guy that plays Homelander.

00:42:16:08 - 00:42:16:18

00:42:17:13 - 00:42:40:07
I hate that guy. There's some fucked up with his face, too. Just like Zac Efron's. It's just like he always looks like he is like a big fucking dip in or something, but he doesn't. Yeah, yeah. He, like, kind of looks like a weird version of Bradley Cooper, too. It's so weird. He's.

00:42:40:08 - 00:42:45:06
Yeah, because he's from fucking Zealand.

00:42:45:06 - 00:42:46:22
I didn't even realize he was.

00:42:48:18 - 00:42:57:03
Actually speaking of Karl Urban, I was thinking that maybe for one of my next cosplays, I'll do judge Dredd, though. He did.

00:42:57:05 - 00:42:58:17
He did. He did do that one.

00:42:58:17 - 00:43:04:22
Yeah, that's right. That's actually one of my favorite movies out there and newer Judge Dredd.

00:43:04:22 - 00:43:08:19
Yeah. Stallone was.

00:43:08:19 - 00:43:44:01
It was entertaining, but it was just like two. It was on the cusp of becoming a Batman with George Clooney. You know, I mean, like it was a comic and that guy was really it was exaggerated, overly exaggerated. Like, you know, like the comic, like, cartoonish aspect of it. Yeah. So I mean, I like, I still watch Rob Schneider and it and that giant robot thing.

00:43:44:07 - 00:43:54:07
That's what I should cosplay. Build that robot and like just be inside it and walk around from Judge Dredd that that right guy or your robot.

00:43:55:12 - 00:43:58:10

00:43:58:10 - 00:43:59:10
Yeah. Karl Urban.

00:44:00:16 - 00:44:18:03
Karl Urban. What else? So using all star charts, it was so weird. I'd never realized he like I did realize a long time ago, but I didn't realize that first that he played in fucking Thor, that he was the.

00:44:18:12 - 00:44:19:22
The gatekeeper guy.

00:44:20:09 - 00:44:20:23

00:44:21:10 - 00:44:22:20
After the black guy was gone.

00:44:23:11 - 00:44:29:16
Yeah. I feel like he's played in other things that you just don't really think about.

00:44:30:12 - 00:44:31:16
Yeah. I mean, losing a talent.

00:44:31:16 - 00:44:49:05
Show is so fucking bad ass. And the boys. Yeah, they uses the C-word. I won't use it, but like the way he uses it, if he kisses his mother with that mouth.

00:44:49:05 - 00:44:51:21
Yeah. Oh, yeah.

00:44:52:02 - 00:45:01:02
So I think we got one more. Yeah, a couple more episodes here. Rick and Morty.

00:45:01:14 - 00:45:06:05
I think we should talk about the movies. I mean, Rick and Morty is all about this.

00:45:07:13 - 00:45:30:09
How about this? Everybody that is on the app, on Spotify and whatnot. We're going to end it here for you here. If you want to catch the rest of this episode, go on to YouTube. So go to YouTube and type in. Tell It Right podcast or it continue on with this Christmas special here. But again, thank you for your support.

00:45:31:08 - 00:46:02:17
Again, first time subscribers, make sure you do hit that or first time listeners hit that subscribe button so you are subscribed and you get all of that. And again, you need to get a gift for that special someone you go to. WW dot sell it right podcast dot com and download that stocking stuffer and stuff that shit away so but yeah we'll catch you we'll catch you all on YouTube here so thank you again and have a good night.

00:46:02:17 - 00:46:04:02
Episode five.