Tell it Right Podcast

Episode 56 - Tell it Right - The Great Mud Flood

December 31, 2023 Hide The Eggs Media Episode 56
Episode 56 - Tell it Right - The Great Mud Flood
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Tell it Right Podcast
Episode 56 - Tell it Right - The Great Mud Flood
Dec 31, 2023 Episode 56
Hide The Eggs Media

Mike skeptically goes over a Tik Tok claim that there was an advanced society called the Tatarians that was wiped out by a great mud flood. The legend says the "Elite" Covered it up as this society was advanced and had technology that would make it impossible to financially capitalize on.  Mike picks this tall tall apart and tries to make sense of this crap.

Show Notes Transcript

Mike skeptically goes over a Tik Tok claim that there was an advanced society called the Tatarians that was wiped out by a great mud flood. The legend says the "Elite" Covered it up as this society was advanced and had technology that would make it impossible to financially capitalize on.  Mike picks this tall tall apart and tries to make sense of this crap.

00:00:01:06 - 00:00:27:16
Now. All right. It's Saturday, December 30th, 2023. You're listening to Tell It Right podcast episode 56. Welcome, everybody. Thank you for joining us. If you are a subscriber, thank you again for your support. We greatly appreciate it. Your first time listener, make sure you hit that subscribe button. So you're getting all the latest episodes of Tell It Right podcast as well.

00:00:27:19 - 00:00:39:09
I like to put extended versions up on YouTube, so make sure you subscribe to YouTube. But other than that. Thank you, everybody. Greatly appreciate it. There's just going to be me today.

00:00:41:11 - 00:01:13:03
Try to keep it short. See what goes on here. But I'm going to try to go rambling on about something that I saw. And I ticktock the other day. So we'll get right into it. So very weird. I started getting these Tic Tacs at my feed. They were about this last civilization called the turtle Aryan civilization. Somewhere in like the 1800s, 1900s or something, or we'll say 1800s.

00:01:14:03 - 00:01:16:01
Some kind of mud flood came through.

00:01:16:10 - 00:01:16:17
Tik Tok 1

00:01:17:18 - 00:02:01:14
Wiped out this entire civilization. And apparently they were supposed to be the most advanced. I guess they had free energy. Incredible architecture. Great. And this was located somewhere in Russia, actually, which is very interesting. So it's like, yeah, so we're above China. I mean, it was supposed to be this huge empire. Okay. And the reason why nobody knows about it is because, in quotes, the elites removed it from history, basically discounting this existence of this advanced race.

00:02:03:00 - 00:02:42:09
So very interesting. So here's where it gets really frickin weird. So the claim that this empire spread across the entire planet. So like this empire had control not only in this area in Russia, which would pretty much be all of Russia. And then like all those neighboring countries that kind of loop around it on the eastern end, you know, like Ukraine, Poland, all the Stans or Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, whatever.

00:02:42:11 - 00:03:11:05
You know, all those all those countries, right? There are part of the empire. But they're even saying, like this empire spread into the Americas all over in Europe. And the main basis for this is that, oh, how do I want to put it? So they say this mud flood came in and they're basically saying that these structures were super tall.

00:03:11:23 - 00:03:57:09
They were like megastructures, you know, bigger than skyscrapers that we that we've actually built. And apparently this category, this huge cataclysm happened where a mud flood came and pretty much wiped out like the whole northern hemisphere. If that makes sense. And so the arguments they're trying to say are so if you look into some of these major cities in the United States and even over in Europe and, you know, whatever Middle East, they're basically like, okay, so like in the city of Chicago, you're going to notice a lot of buildings that look like they're like sinking.

00:03:57:16 - 00:04:22:19
In other words, so the sidewalk comes up like higher than a window and it appears that window's like bigger. And in some parts, like, you see houses that are like lower than you actually have to walk down steps to get into a house. So there's an explanation for that, and that's basically it. The city of Chicago raised itself ten feet.

00:04:23:14 - 00:04:52:11
It was a huge thing like so many people were making money, like so many entrepreneurs were just coming out there getting their hands on equipment and labor, and then literally selling themselves to all these businesses, all these buildings, all these homeowners basically will raise your house because what they were doing was backed and they needed sanitation. They needed to put the poo somewhere.

00:04:53:08 - 00:05:14:21
They had nowhere to put the poo kept going into Lake Michigan. And then they just kept fucking drinking and getting sick and all this other weird shit. So after trying to figure that out, they knew they needed to, like, move the water down the river. So how do you do that? Or you get a bunch of pipes and you dump it in the river.

00:05:15:16 - 00:05:37:12
Well, they couldn't dig. I mean, it just didn't make sense. So this fucking genius, I don't even know who it was. It was on the PBS special, by the way, this fucking genius guy just decides, Oh, let's just build the pipes on the streets, and then we'll just backfill it with dirt and then fucking raise the city ten feet.

00:05:38:02 - 00:06:02:09
That's what they did. So a lot of dirt. Definitely a flood. No, but like, I believe that's you know, I didn't actually look this up. I should have looked this up before this. But I believe that's pretty much what every other city did after Chicago did that, because that was kind of something invented in Chicago. So you see the same thing in like San Francisco.

00:06:02:16 - 00:06:27:23
Same thing in New York is basically because they were developed cities, but then, you know, had to figure other shit out for their infrastructure and basically put their shit pipes on the road and then backfilled everything. So I don't know. Very interesting. So I'm just going to play a video here. So let me go ahead and scream.

00:06:29:19 - 00:06:53:04
Tik Tok 1
We are finding the truth about our past and the truth that this place that we live is incredible. It's filled with perfection, and we've been distracted from it for far too long. When you walk down the street, you will now see the previous civilizations work in your city because they are honestly everywhere and they deserve our attention. Henry Cobb The first Henry that we were given is a character that needs to be covered.

00:06:53:07 - 00:07:15:17
Tik Tok 1
Here we are, given a list of buildings that Cobb is credited with knocking out over 100 years ago. There is one specifically that caught my eye, and that is the Chicago Federal Building. And let's take a look at this picture for a minute. We have shown this type of nonsense before. So let's do it again. They show this fake wagon sitting on the dirt road with more people that are identical next to each other in white.

00:07:16:01 - 00:07:35:04
Tik Tok 1
These are not real people. They are all Photoshopped. If we zoom in on it, you can clearly see they are duplicates. They are copy paste. And the other one is a video who just stands in the middle of a road anywhere. None of it fits in. You have a massive building yet. You have horse and wagon and you have dirt roads.

00:07:35:07 - 00:07:54:23
Tik Tok 1
If it rains, the dirt is going to become so wet and you will not be moving any limestone. Yet this was never an issue for the mainstream narrative. The dirt is always looking like it had just been raped and perfected for the photo. There is a dirt road down the street from my house and they have to fix that thing all the time.

00:07:55:01 - 00:08:13:22
Tik Tok 1
Otherwise there's massive holes in it. There are no holes in this picture. It's a perfect dirt road. I'm at the point where I'm going to say that this was prepared for the photo and our new civilization. The dirt is sitting on top of the past civilization's work. These buildings are under the dirt. They are much bigger than we can see.

00:08:14:05 - 00:08:36:18
Tik Tok 1
This is not the original road. It's all backwards. The road always comes first. And construction, because you need to be able to access the construction site. This is obvious stuff that the narrative ignores. Like we said, getting the materials there and the machinery would be nearly impossible with dirt roads and donkeys and wagons. If it snows or rains, then just forget about it.

00:08:36:20 - 00:08:56:12
Tik Tok 1
Other than a few fake people, a couple of fake wagons and a light post. This is in Chicago and we all know that Schlager is not abandoned. There are literally no people in this photo. My point is that if this is true that these are photoshopped people in wagons, which is looking more and more clear that this is the case.

00:08:56:16 - 00:09:07:02
Tik Tok 1
Then was this the very first picture of this building? For our current civilization to see. It's strange, especially when we hear this story about the building.

00:09:07:20 - 00:09:36:17
Okay. All right. So that was fucked up. A lot of baseless claims there. All right. There wasn't like an ounce of proof at all. I mean, you heard it. Now, what you weren't really seeing, though, as they were showing a picture, an old picture of the Chicago Federal Building back in the 18 or 1900s, I don't know exactly when the picture was taken.

00:09:36:19 - 00:09:57:12
Probably 1900s after the after the Chicago fire. So that's one thing. The city fucking burned down. So they rebuilt it. And then, like I was telling you earlier about the pipes, so they put the pipes on the street, they raised them, they raised the city so that they could have sewage infrastructure.

00:10:00:00 - 00:10:19:19
So, like, I don't know what the hell this guy's talking about. He's talking about. All right, so it was an old photo, like I was saying, I was reading up some stuff on this shit. So it's a long exposure photo. And apparently I didn't know this. There's like a lot of motion with exposed long exposure photos. It doesn't get caught.

00:10:20:19 - 00:10:44:06
The whole point of it is it. It was a camera that sat and used the sun and it burned the image through shadow sort of deal. So when they took that picture, if there were people there, I don't know, maybe it was a faster exposure or something. And so it did actually catch some people that were probably standing around and whatnot.

00:10:44:06 - 00:11:06:03
But like the Photoshop thing, I don't know what the fuck that guy is talking about. I think the word he wanted to use was photo doctoring, but whatever. So that was. So this is one of the videos I saw. So I thought that was kind of fucking ridiculous with no in Chicago history. And then I'm trying to pull that.

00:11:07:07 - 00:11:33:17
It doesn't make sense into it. Like so he's basically saying or all these people are saying when it comes to this cartoon society is basically some of these structures that you see there just sticking out of the ground and then they go down like hundreds of feet, which is pretty wild shit. So they're basically saying we either dug them out or we found them.

00:11:34:09 - 00:11:42:06
And again, the elite in quotes are the ones that are hiding all this, so to say.

00:11:43:06 - 00:11:45:14
Tik Tok 1
We are finding the truth about our past.

00:11:47:15 - 00:12:06:00
So yeah, let me find this other video here. This one. Yeah. This one's going to be more about oh, it's going to be about it's going to kind of say the same thing, but.

00:12:07:15 - 00:12:12:17
Tik Tok 2
I believe many of these cities were empty and abandoned for some.

00:12:12:18 - 00:12:16:19
Pictures, say, in 1878. Just look at the old pictures of.

00:12:16:19 - 00:12:34:13
Tik Tok 2
1878 Panorama of San Francisco, one of many cities in the supposedly 1800s time frame. When we do get photos aside from the white it out skies, you will see not a single person, not a single.

00:12:34:21 - 00:12:37:09
Or again long exposure.

00:12:37:09 - 00:12:38:11
Tik Tok 2
The streets are and.

00:12:38:17 - 00:12:39:22
They're all moving around.

00:12:39:22 - 00:13:02:11
Tik Tok 2
It's like scaffolding, smoke from the chimneys. No sign of life at all. And here we're going to St Petersburg in 1880. Look at that overgrowth right up to the steps of that cathedral and a few people posing around the founded masonry, the founded Freemasonry. And here.

00:13:02:13 - 00:13:05:18
I don't get the point about no people.

00:13:05:18 - 00:13:20:09
Tik Tok 2
In time you won't find barely anyone. Not an idle horse and buggy cart. Not a idle food stand? No debris, nothing. Just muddy, abandoned it.

00:13:20:12 - 00:13:21:18
They don't really look muddy.

00:13:21:18 - 00:13:47:00
Tik Tok 2
And it is just long exposure time. That's how cameras work. Let's look at some shots from the same time period, some even older than those photos. And you'll see a vibrant city street like marching soldiers. What you will see with the exposure time on long. It's a blur, which is not what you see here. Look to places like the catacomb of Paris.

00:13:47:00 - 00:13:48:01
I'd have to look into.

00:13:48:02 - 00:13:48:15
Tik Tok 2
Millions of.

00:13:48:15 - 00:13:50:13
Pounds, the different types of cameras.

00:13:51:00 - 00:14:07:11
Tik Tok 2
Three way for the question of where all the remains were after these cities were dug out. They had to be put somewhere. History is nothing more than a set of lies agreed upon. Question everything friends until next time.

00:14:07:11 - 00:14:30:23
Okay so I guess he's trying to. I don't get like why it matters if there's people in the photos or not but he's trying to they're trying to use that as a point, like with these pictures, like, oh, there's no people. Okay, big deal. Like I was reading that these long exposures of people are moving around and whatnot.

00:14:32:05 - 00:15:07:20
So let's see. I mean, for all I know, I. Oh, so let's see here. I'm not saying I back then I'm saying maybe the photos have been recently re doctored later in life. So the those things can be clear. There's once upon a time the photography shutter times were so slow they had never captured portraits or humans and pictures for the first photograph in 18.

00:15:07:20 - 00:15:48:11
Yeah. 1826. So 1826 was, was of a stationary scene. It was not until 1838 when humans were accidentally captured and observed and photographed. So yeah, if you remember that dude was talking a little later time periods like 1860s, they were showing people and whatnot. So I think we've already kind of debunked this a little bit. Basically from 1826 to 1838, you could really see humans and then shutter speeds were getting better.

00:15:48:11 - 00:16:54:22
So let's here is a thought experiment to understand this better known as you had to understand shutter speed. Okay, so let's shoot the next once as there's anything about well here, let's do this camera shutter speeds 836 so I don't have a clear answer on that. So I'm starting to think though, like obviously this stuff was starting to get better as we progress towards 1900.

00:16:54:22 - 00:17:30:15
So I mean, right here is 1899. It's a pretty clear picture of a lady running and a horse run into. So, I mean, yeah, I don't I think that's just bullshit the way that, that ticktock was set up there. But yeah, they're not really convincing arguments. It's just basically this mud flood came, took out the society and the elite held it back.

00:17:32:00 - 00:17:57:23
And I try to like analyze this a little further. And, you know, I want to obviously, if you've been listening to this show, you know, Jared and I talk about conspiracy theories a lot or not a lot, but we try to do it every now and then. So obviously, I do I do get entertained by conspiracy theories. And, you know, not that this is actually really a conspiracy theory.

00:17:57:23 - 00:18:32:03
This is actually kind of facts that Russia or the Russians and Chinese definitely do do some instigating in this country. You know, they'll hack they'll hack things, get information. But they also will spread disinformation and they'll use social media. I they're pretty good at it from what I've read into. Are they they understand it a lot better than like kind of like the U.S. does.

00:18:32:03 - 00:18:56:09
And so it's kind of their strong point. So I was just kind of thinking to myself, well, what if this is just another one of those Russian disinformation things? So I'm trying to think like, well, what's the point to it? Like, why? Why would they do it in realistically? Because this is like a confusing thing when you watch this.

00:18:56:09 - 00:19:21:20
Like, it's incredibly confusing. Like you're just like, okay, so nobody built anything and everybody just dug everything out and nobody's saying a fucking word about it like that don't make sense. But like, what if it is, like, confused because like one of these people I was watching a YouTube earlier, it was like a ten minute YouTube on this.

00:19:22:18 - 00:19:47:03
I'm trying to learn a little bit more about what this is all about. And so in that YouTube, he was starting to say things like, Oh, what the hell was I just lost my thought. Fuck, fuck. I hate when that happens and I don't have Jared here to fucking recap what I was just talking about. Not good, guys.

00:19:47:04 - 00:20:29:13
Not good. Yeah. So basically in this YouTube video, they were going over the whole cartoon thing and I just started remembering my point. So trying to think like what the main, you know, driver why this would like benefit like Russia or China to give us this kind of bullshit it personally it's to stroke the carcass of the fucking conspiracy theory world all right, the flat-earthers have you, you know, the alien lovers or the the fucking deep state?

00:20:29:18 - 00:20:55:17
You know, people, you know, all that shit. So, like, because there's like a lot of that stuff and, you know, sometimes I think to myself, you know, that could also be Russian disinformation, you know, to get us its all riled up and start yelling at our government, Hey, why are you holding the heat behind us? You know, why are you doing all these experiments, you know, to drill in tunnels or what not?

00:20:56:15 - 00:21:33:16
But, like, I think it's just another thing to confuse, you know, I don't want to say the less educated, but I, you know, just to confuse people in general, people that get into these conspiracy theories. And, you know, some people may buy it, others may not me. Right now, I don't buy it. I think it's completely bullshit. I mean, I will say, like, you know, Russia does have some pretty like crazy look in, you know, like cathedrals and buildings and whatnot.

00:21:33:16 - 00:21:56:22
Like their architecture is very interesting, but I don't believe that it was like this advanced society. And they do some of these people are trying to say like this is were like Jesus Christ and like everything like the Bible talks about with like Jesus Christ, you know, where he came from and all that shit. Like, apparently that's all a lie.

00:21:56:22 - 00:22:25:12
And it's really just based on like this tartaric or this AK Russian person and, and so like, everything is like the root of everything is in this Russian territory essentially this loss society. So like that's another reason why I think this is like some kind of like weird Russian like disinformation, like, I don't know if they're actually losing this war, but they're not doing that good.

00:22:26:09 - 00:22:59:13
And they say some of the weirdest shit like I heard, like they were okay. Yeah. So, like, is this war has been going on in Russia. Like, I heard some weird shit, like, okay, like they're trying to tell their people that way. You Ukrainians, there's like Ukrainians that are giving like the super soldier serum and they're like these fucking demons that, you know, blood thirsty demons on the waterfront and just ripping Russians apart and shit.

00:22:59:13 - 00:23:42:10
Like. So that's like one thing that they were actually saying in their mainstream media. And then another thing they're now like, I think what they're saying is that the gate demon Nazis. I thought I heard that's something that's going around out there and it's like, what the fuck? You know, like, so they, they, their propaganda is just weird as fuck some of the shit that they say, like, you'll never catch like U.S. senators saying like, Oh, you got to go kill the gay fucking Nazis or demons or whatever, you know, I like to think we're a little bit more civil, but yeah, those Russians like this is some of the weirdest shit to their people.

00:23:43:04 - 00:24:10:01
AS So we're being told, who knows, maybe the elite is controlling that subject. But anyways, so it's kind of like I'm on the fence on this. Like obviously I don't believe it, but I'm just trying to understand where it's or originating from. You know, maybe some fucking creative person did put this together and it's, it's kicking off. But I don't know, maybe it could be anything.

00:24:10:09 - 00:24:38:03
So for some reason, you know, it just gives me the survivor. It's I guess at the end of the day, it's trying to make you think that maybe life began in Russia. Okay? Like, it's a weird thing to think about, but like, again, they're lose they could be losing this battle or at least they're at a standstill. They need all the support that they can get.

00:24:38:10 - 00:25:17:00
You know, maybe they can, you know, get it. You know, maybe this is one way that they can maybe lure people into it. And so you get into this and then maybe something else pops up in your feed and then you get trail off into that. I don't know. But this is just. Yeah, it's just like it's pretty dumb and pretty dumb to think that society, like recent society, like within the past 200 years, like we've just been digging out buildings and now we have, you know, our cities and shit.

00:25:17:00 - 00:25:42:00
Now, fuck that. What I could believe is like, maybe 10,000 years ago, there might have been me. Cause I do get into this guy, Graham Hancock, and he does talk about like these past civilizations and a lot of that's interesting, you know, to think that we did have like societies just advanced as we are right now, probably fucking podcasting, you know.

00:25:42:08 - 00:26:21:10
No, but like really advanced societies that we're lost to some type of cataclysms. And I forget exactly how far he dates things but like goes back shit, I don't know, 10,000, maybe even longer than that. But he works with another guy, Randall Carlson, and this guy, I think he's a geologist, I forget. But like he's read a lot of research, done a lot of research with what do you call it, these ice cores.

00:26:22:11 - 00:26:44:05
I forget where they're taking like Greenland, I want to say, or yeah, Greenland is the one that's made out of ice and Iceland's the one that's always green. But yeah, it was Greenland. They took it out. I think it was like over a mile long. And so what you can get out of an ice core is you can actually see the history of the earth because it's all preserved.

00:26:44:14 - 00:27:12:02
You see the different rocks and the different levels of rocks. You know, all different kinds of things, you know. And so but it tells us stories, you know, tells us how hot things were, how cold they were, and like they're able to corroborate a lot of, like, climate change things that have happened over the course of, you know, how, however many years this mile long core goes.

00:27:12:02 - 00:27:47:08
I think it can go millions, maybe millions of years, I don't know. Or hundreds of thousands well know. Maybe millions, because they're they can get into the ice ages and all that shit. So they know the different. When they do, they, they can see within the ice core like two different ice ages and all that. But like it tells a lot of information though where societies where and like how, you know, so the medieval times they consider that dark times is because it was actually the planet was colder and so it was harder to grow things and there wasn't a whole lot of food.

00:27:47:08 - 00:28:28:22
So people were pretty much starving. But then we start getting out of the medieval times, start getting into these more progressive and, you know, things are industrializing and whatnot. Um, how I want to put this, I guess how I want to put it is, um, so yeah, everything was kind of industrializing and the reason why that was happening, why the Enlightenment period started happening and all that is because the weather did start changing in favor.

00:28:28:22 - 00:28:54:04
It started warming up. So crops were able to be grown, people were starting to live prosperous again, you know, and then kind of from there on, everything's been kind of it depends on where you're at in the world and, you know, whatnot. But societies started rising, but societies fell, too, throughout those periods up until up until now, really.

00:28:54:10 - 00:29:22:13
I mean, still kind of happened. And so. All right. Well, yeah. So I think I'm going to end it here. We had about 30 minutes. I didn't think I'd make it this long. Honestly, it's really hard doing this by yourself, talking to yourself and whatnot. It's it's really awkward thing, but I hope you guys do enjoy this. You hear anything about the mud flood?

00:29:22:13 - 00:29:48:17
I would run the other way. Yeah, I would run the other way. It's not worth it. It's. It's it's like flat earth. It's just like there's a lot of other, you know, proof that it's, like, total bullshit. And, I mean, again, I'm just going to end it with this. My main argument on this whole Mudflat thing is Chicago, like, we raised the fucking city.

00:29:48:17 - 00:30:11:06
I don't know what to tell you. There's no secret society. We didn't dig out the federal building. I. I don't know how they got it over. I mean, that's actually a good point. Limestone over my head. Um, but I am sure like I was, I kind of tried muttering earlier in that video where Chicago, I mean, we were very innovative city.

00:30:11:08 - 00:30:35:15
I mean, we did a lot of fucking awesome shit like cool shit. So I mean, I don't think my roads were an issue, especially like I said, we raised the fucking roads, we raised the city. So fuck that, you know. But yeah, stay away from the mud flood. Thank you for tuning in to episode 56. Greatly appreciate it.

00:30:37:02 - 00:30:59:18
Make sure you do follow us. Share, comment. Let us know. You know, it's another thing I wanted to bring up. If you guys got clips, things that you think are fucking hilarious articles hit us up on Tell It Right podcast dot com. Don't Tell It Right podcast dot com. Hit up the comment section. Yeah. Just throw the link in there.

00:31:00:01 - 00:31:08:23
Take a look in on. Definitely talk about it. So thank you, everybody. Have a great day. Happy New Year.