Tell it Right Podcast

Episode 79 - Tell it Right - The Boys Are Back In Town

July 01, 2024 Hide The Eggs Media Episode 79
Episode 79 - Tell it Right - The Boys Are Back In Town
Tell it Right Podcast
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Tell it Right Podcast
Episode 79 - Tell it Right - The Boys Are Back In Town
Jul 01, 2024 Episode 79
Hide The Eggs Media

Episode 79

Mike's good deed gone wrong

**Spoiler Alert**
Star War's The Acolyte is getting worse

**Spoiler Alert**
The Boys Season 4 now playing on Amazon. 
    - Mike Relfects on The Boys scares the shit out of him
    - Mike also goes on a rant for The Boys use of CIA operating within the boundaries of the US and then rants on CIA conspiracy theory

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#theboys #Starwars #amazon

Show Notes Transcript

Episode 79

Mike's good deed gone wrong

**Spoiler Alert**
Star War's The Acolyte is getting worse

**Spoiler Alert**
The Boys Season 4 now playing on Amazon. 
    - Mike Relfects on The Boys scares the shit out of him
    - Mike also goes on a rant for The Boys use of CIA operating within the boundaries of the US and then rants on CIA conspiracy theory

Hit that subscribe button, and share the love

#theboys #Starwars #amazon

00:00:12:15 - 00:00:36:17
Speaker 1
All right. It is episode 79, of Tell It Right podcast. And I'm Mike, your host. Welcome. Thank you for joining today. For all you first time subscribers, make sure you hit that subscribe button. See all the latest episodes of Tell It Right podcast. And then for you long time listeners, thank you for everything you do. Thank you for your support.

00:00:37:01 - 00:01:02:20
Speaker 1
Make sure you're sharing this with everybody and check out Debbie. Debbie Dot Tell it right podcast dot com. Check out some of our content on there. And then also if you want to contact us, we've got a little spot there for you. Shoot us a message later than that. It's fucking Saturday. It's a fucking hot Saturday. Holy shit, fucking Amy.

00:01:02:20 - 00:01:43:05
Speaker 1
And yesterday was Rain, so it was actually pretty cool. But then when it stopped overnight, it just stayed at like 75, dude. And it was just like humidity build and build and build. So, like, literally by, like fucking 8 a.m. it was nasty out. It just was sticky as fuck. And then finally Sun came out and got all the way up to like 90 degrees and our fucking, we're slowly going back down and it's sticky and it's fucking hot and it's gross.

00:01:43:14 - 00:02:07:18
Speaker 1
So make sure you all stay hydrated out there. I don't want anybody passing out. I have a tendency of passing out sometimes. It's usually due to dehydration. So you don't want to be like me. Fucking drink your water. Yeah, actually, you know, I like everybody's different, but, like, you should be, like, literally drinking, like, fucking a gallon of water a day.

00:02:08:13 - 00:02:34:23
Speaker 1
Maybe a little less, depending on how big and small you are. But like, I think a good rule of thumb is you should drink a gallon water a day. Be like the fucking healthiest thing. Fucking to be crazy. It'd be crazy. I guarantee it. You should try it. Yeah, I did. You know, I do have a story here that I can start off here with, so I.

00:02:34:23 - 00:03:04:19
Speaker 1
I went to the grocery store yesterday after work. I'm coming up to the, like, the vestibule, right? And like, there's this old couple coming out and they just had a bag, but they also had a cart. So, like, I'm like looking at the situation here, I'm like, you know, I could be a really nice dude and just, like, offer to take that cart for them, you know, and then just use it so they don't because they were going to just like they were going to try to put it back into the, the vestibule, you know.

00:03:04:19 - 00:03:24:06
Speaker 1
And it's usually like a one way thing doesn't usually open when you after you walk in, you know, sort of deal. So like, you know, can be kind of difficult, especially if you're older. So I was just like, you know, I'm be a nice guy. I'm going to offer to take this card from them. And if you know they want to give it to me, they can.

00:03:24:21 - 00:03:51:07
Speaker 1
You know, if I misread the situation and they're really bringing it to their car, whatever, I'm an idiot, you know? So I go up and I'm like to I'm like to I'm like, Hey, if you guys want, I can take your card from you and the guys like, yeah, yeah, yeah, please. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. You know, well, his wife, you know, no judgment here, but his wife, I think, like, had, like, I don't know, there's something wrong with her.

00:03:51:08 - 00:04:25:09
Speaker 1
Like she was mute and, like, just kind of, like, really stiff. It's maybe like a stroke or something. Maybe she had a stroke and yeah, can't really, like, communicate, but like, she was gripping on the cart for, like, dear life. So like when I initially was pulling it, she was pulling back, but the husband was trying to grab her and like I could tell, like, you know, whatever, you know, maybe she just yeah, she had a stroke and reflexes just don't want to let go.

00:04:25:09 - 00:04:45:13
Speaker 1
So he let he's got to make her let go and then it's all good. But no, this lady was like, staring at me, like I was just getting a weird vibe. Like, I could tell she thought I was a bad person, and I was. And I could care less what, you know, like, I would definitely look out for him if somebody was picking on him or something.

00:04:45:13 - 00:05:11:06
Speaker 1
But like, you know, like I wasn't looking to fuck anybody over right there. He just wanted a goddamn cart, you know? And I wanted to be a nice gentleman and, you know, so they didn't have to go through all the fucking hoops and ladders that put it back in the vestibule there, you know, when really it would have just been easier if they just took it to the car with them and then but you know, the old man wanted to do the right thing and put it back in the vestibule.

00:05:11:06 - 00:05:32:00
Speaker 1
So but anyways, yeah, so like the husband's trying to like, you know, grab her hands and stuff and, but like every time he takes her hands off, he thinks she's going to like move with them. But she doesn't, she doesn't he like her eyes are focused and fixed on me like she won't take her eyes off me like she thinks I'm going to cause harm.

00:05:32:14 - 00:05:51:05
Speaker 1
And I'm just like, so awkward. I'm just like, sitting there, like, what the fuck do I do? Like, you know, I like I wanted to just be like, you know what? Fuck it, you know, and go grab a cart and then in the vestibule and just go on about my day. But like, that would have been like a rude thing.

00:05:51:05 - 00:06:23:08
Speaker 1
Like that would have been rude to the old man, you know, who was working with me who who was like, Yeah, absolute. You know what I mean? And like, yeah, I didn't want to be like a dickhead and be like, you know what? You guys figure this out. I'm going to go get my card over here. Now. But no, like, I so I kind of just like I was patient and, you know, finally the guy got his wife and he was pulling her away, but she was just still staring the fuck at me.

00:06:23:18 - 00:06:49:22
Speaker 1
And I was like, freaked out. I was just like, dude, I don't I'm not going to cause any harm here, but, you know, it is what it is. I mean, fucking weird shit happens all the time and you just. You always gotta be ready for it. You always got to be ready for it. So hopefully that old lady went home and chillax for the rest of the night.

00:06:50:16 - 00:07:11:23
Speaker 1
Like I said, the old man was just like, Yeah, fucking take the car, bro. I don't fucking need you. Can't take the fucking car. So that's that. So hopefully enjoyed that story but yeah hit us up on WW Dot Tell It Right podcast. I can't let us know about your weird experiences with just at the grocery store or wherever.

00:07:12:12 - 00:07:43:17
Speaker 1
There's always something fucking weird that happens. Do like human life, just goofy as fuck you know like like doctor clients always said at Western Illinois University everybody's stupid. You're stupid, I'm stupid, we're all stupid fuckers. So the first day of class, he's like, this law enforcement management teacher? Yeah, that was pretty fucking intimidating. Filled his class, but took it again and passed it with a C.

00:07:44:17 - 00:08:05:11
Speaker 1
Yeah, no, I literally failed that class and I'm like, I just hated the guy. I hated him since day one. And I'm like, You know what? No, fuck you. You fail me all you want. I'm going back, I'm taking your class, and I'm going to fucking I'm going to at least pass it, you know, that's all. I cared about it.

00:08:05:11 - 00:08:25:04
Speaker 1
Well, what's funny is I actually just changed my majors at the time. I was always law enforcement when I started at Western Illinois, but then I decided to go to construction management somewhere down the line. So I still had to finish some classes out and with law enforcement just because I was already in them, and that was one of them.

00:08:25:04 - 00:08:53:07
Speaker 1
And yeah, I felt that and I'm like, Well, I can't let this. I got to get it forgiven, you know? So I went and took the class again and it was really for a waste of time. But I did it again and yeah, I ended up, ended up getting out the see in my mind I one fuck you, dude, you and you're fucking like, well, the thing was like he never took attendance, but like he sat there and told us, like, I know who's here and who's not.

00:08:53:07 - 00:09:20:01
Speaker 1
And I just didn't trust that. So I just thought that was bullshit. And that's kind of how I felt because I just never went to that class, actually. But second time around I did. It was boring as fuck, but I fucking did it. Got, I got through it and Kit had a seizure in the class. It was pretty fucking well, um, but other than that, you know, so.

00:09:21:14 - 00:09:54:04
Speaker 1
Oh, what's it talk about here today, guys? I mean, fuck, Star Wars acolyte fifth episode finally came out. That's just a clusterfuck. Spoiler alerts. I'm just going to throw that out here right now. Spoiler alert. Um, yeah, I'm not like, you know how that's destroying the canon of Star Wars. I really don't. I really don't get it. I like, you know, you listen to, like, past episode here.

00:09:54:12 - 00:10:34:09
Speaker 1
I mean, I was talking with Jared like fucking how do I to put it? Like, I was like all up for it because it was like, Oh, cool, we're going to kind of like, see what Jedi really do, you know? And we had a conversation about how like Jedi kind of like, like how we've seen the Jedi so far and what they're actually meant to do are two different things, because just of how the storylines fall in, like, you know, you kinda see like the ambassadors, you know, they come to be like negotiators in episode one, right?

00:10:34:23 - 00:10:58:22
Speaker 1
And then they like whatnot. All that, you know, there's not like a whole lot of like Jedi Jedi stuff, you know, it's just like that was one aspect. Then you get into, like, the next episode too. And with the clone or with the yeah, the Rise of the Clones or whatever the fuck it's called. Attack of the Clones.

00:10:58:22 - 00:11:49:17
Speaker 1
I, I guess with that. Yeah. Like then you kind of seem like you do see it. I guess another little aspect of it. But it, I guess what I'm trying to get at is like what we've really seen, we haven't really, truly seen like the Jedi in its prime. We've seen it where right before it becomes like this, this paramilitary group, let's say, because like, I guess essentially once that war was declared with the trade federation, then all of a sudden, you know, the Jedi were fighting alongside the clones, right?

00:11:49:17 - 00:12:16:16
Speaker 1
And so they were like the generals or whatever and or the commanding officers of the clones, and the clones followed them and all that stuff. So you saw more of a military aspect of the Jedi, which is that really what the Jedi is? They're this peacekeeping organization which they negotiate. They do get into scuffles time to time and they do investigations.

00:12:16:16 - 00:12:48:00
Speaker 1
And so they're like, it's weird. It's like this weird, like FBI, CIA like thing, but slash like, um, I guess is ambassador, you know, sort of deal. So, like, I don't know, I was kind of hoping acolyte would be more of like seeing like what Jedi is really do. And it's just like, turned into this, like, fucking, like, be whole bro bullshit.

00:12:48:00 - 00:13:19:09
Speaker 1
Like, it's just so how do I want to put it? So for one, they just like, they're messing with the canon of Star Wars. This is. This is what blows me away. Like why somebody signed off on this. And I thought Dave Filoni is still ahead. And, you know, they're saying shit, but I guess Kathleen Kennedy definitely had the last say in everything here.

00:13:20:05 - 00:13:53:12
Speaker 1
So, I mean, they're bringing characters that say one thing. So what the fuck's his name all by Monday or something like that? Hold on. I got a name right here. I got a screenshot of them. Yeah, Chi Chi Adi mundi. All right. So he was the guy in Star Wars episode one who went quiet and came to tell the the council, they hate you.

00:13:53:12 - 00:14:14:00
Speaker 1
There's a fucking Sith running around. We had a fucking. We got to fucking do something here. And this guy comes out this chi aadi mundi and he's all like, Oh, do we haven't seen the Sith and like over a thousand years, bro. Like, what are you, what are you fucking talking about? This there's no way, you know and whatever.

00:14:14:08 - 00:14:35:04
Speaker 1
And they go on and then they're like, we need to investigate this, you know, that's episode one of Star Wars just in general, the movie. Sorry, that got confusing there. But when you go to acolytes and he's I forget what episode he was I think it was for maybe that this got brought up there, that he got brought into it.

00:14:35:04 - 00:15:07:14
Speaker 1
But like he's obviously younger but it's the same guy in the credits show the same dude it's the same dude from Star Wars, Phantom Menace. And so there's just this scene where he's all there and like, it's clear this thing's a Sith. Like everything. Like they're talking about. Like they're talking about somebody who has Jedi abilities but isn't in a Jedi in all this crap.

00:15:07:18 - 00:15:36:07
Speaker 1
And so it just like all now, it's just like, well, fuck, dude, how can you say that 100 years later? Because this other thing, this takes place 100 years prior. And now I've heard some people out there saying, I don't know where they get this information from what they read, because there's all kinds of, you know, books and comics and stuff, too, that kind of fill in some of the gaps with some of this shit.

00:15:36:07 - 00:16:01:20
Speaker 1
With Star Wars. But they're trying to say that this guy's specie doesn't even live that long, like they're similar to humans. Now, keep in mind, in this universe, humans do live like 150 years. So I don't know. I mean, so if he's similar, like by the time you get to Clone Wars, he's probably like really too old to be a fucking Jedi.

00:16:02:06 - 00:16:28:12
Speaker 1
But then again, I guess Yoda with the force, maybe that was just kind of misinterpreted and I kind of think about it. If humans live like 150 years in the Star Wars universe, then this guy can this is 100 years prior and he's a Jedi. So he could be using the force to really keep them alive. Because I believe some people have referred to Yoda doing this as well.

00:16:29:00 - 00:17:03:05
Speaker 1
Right before he died in front of Luke Skywalker, basically the force was keeping them alive at that point, but then he finally let go. He passed on and he was just force ghost like, yeah, Luke training continues bro. So, um, yeah, there's that. The other thing that fucking bothered me about this whole episode five in the room, so like, still like, nobody has a fucking clue that it's a Sith.

00:17:03:05 - 00:17:33:16
Speaker 1
It's so it's just like, it's just weird. It's like you're watching this and you're like, because there's so maybe because maybe because it is this is going backwards and there's just so much information, you know, what the Sith is and all this crap. But it's just like you're sitting here like, okay, we know it's, it's a set just from all the little ins and outs that are being like explained about this and like and like things that are happening and whatnot.

00:17:34:14 - 00:17:58:04
Speaker 1
But like, it's just like, I know Jedi. I know what Sith are, you know, like, it has to be part of the training that they get exist. That's what happens to the dark side. Like the Sith can take over you or something, but like the way they're portraying it is like it's like nobody's spoken of it in like 2000 years or some shit like that.

00:17:58:04 - 00:18:28:08
Speaker 1
Like, almost like there's only like few people that actually know that the Sith exist and it's not a common knowledge. So hopefully that all, all that shit gets explained because right now it's just like there's like you guys know what this is like. It should be in your fucking history because they talk about it later in like 100 years from now when you know, when all that went down.

00:18:28:08 - 00:18:52:01
Speaker 1
So, yeah, I don't know, man. It's just, it's fucking insane. So, you know, people, I mean, like, I've always been kind of like someone that just, like, just always gives something a shot, you know? If you like it, you like it, you don't, you don't. But at least you watched it, you know, and you got a feel for it.

00:18:53:13 - 00:19:24:21
Speaker 1
I mean, if you're a diehard Star Wars fan and you haven't watched this yet, you're not missing much. It's almost like. So you know how Zack Snyder came out with that movie Rebel Moon or whatever, and it was supposed to be like the whole thing behind it was it was what he pitched to Disney or Star Wars. Like he wanted to make this like, fucking R-rated Star Wars film and just like, get the fuck out of you.

00:19:24:21 - 00:19:46:15
Speaker 1
You're like, no. So he just goes on and makes it himself. He gets the money and does it. He works with Netflix. They release on Netflix. And you know, like I watched the movie, it's one of those like again, I gave it a shot. You know, I'm not I don't regret watching it. I'm probably never going to watch it again.

00:19:47:05 - 00:20:05:20
Speaker 1
I may watch it again in the future. Just like is a nostalgic thing. Like, you know, you know, let me give this a shot one more time, you know? And that's a thing, too, that might actually be like, like 20 years from now, like the kids going around then kids in, they're like fucking like teens all the way into their twenties.

00:20:07:10 - 00:20:32:04
Speaker 1
That might be like they're like eighties thing like for like my, my generation here. Like when I was in high school, people always were like wearing eighties references and like, you know, the eighties were like 20 years prior to that time. And it's just like whatever. And so, like, maybe like that's what this will be, you know, we'll see Rebel Moon.

00:20:32:04 - 00:21:04:09
Speaker 1
It's like this like corniest fucking sci fi of the, of the 2023 for, you know, sort of DLC but not like that's like what I think of this is like it's just kind of like this isn't even Star Wars, this is just something else. This is just another project. It shouldn't even be called Star Wars. It's just the acolyte, you know, like the acolyte, sci fi thriller, you know, or sci fi drama or whatever the fuck you want to call it.

00:21:05:04 - 00:21:37:17
Speaker 1
But like, yeah, it's just like they fucked it up so bad and I don't know, maybe they can tie it all in together at the end. We'll see. But like so far, yeah. Continue their continuity issues like no other. Um, so I think the last thing I want to bring up with acolyte is, um, the fucking empty helmet.

00:21:37:17 - 00:22:16:04
Speaker 1
Like, that's ridiculous. You know, it's like, okay, like, our ideas can't have have changed since George Lucas has first created this, but like, the fucking empty home, it would have been something for the stupid fucking rave films. The last three trilogy movies they made like to do it a hundred years before Darth Vader and all that shit. Like, I thought it was kind of fucking stupid because, like, why didn't I?

00:22:16:04 - 00:22:49:08
Speaker 1
Why didn't, like, Darth Maul have something like that or why didn't in fucking Count Dooku had something like that, or why didn't even Vader have something like that? But yeah, this fucking weirdo dude in acolyte has one, you know, you hit him in the head with your light saber and also in your lightsabers disables for for about, I don't know, 30 seconds or some shit like that, just enough time for him to come back and stab you in the fucking heart or something, you know?

00:22:49:09 - 00:23:24:02
Speaker 1
I don't know. So that's just kind of where I'm at with it. I'm just waiting to see how this all fucking plays out. I don't know how it's going to play out. Um, but so far, not happy with what I've seen. So, and. And that's how the cookie crumbles. Everybody hit up WW dot tell it right podcast dot com I want to hear your opinions on the fucking on the acolyte let me know let me know what you think.

00:23:24:02 - 00:23:55:15
Speaker 1
Well, we'll get through this together. I promise. I promise, I promise. So, yeah. So the other thing I've been actually I finally worked up the fucking courage to watch was actually just telling a friend about this. Um, so the show, the voice. So I got real into it when it first came out and I, you know, I was seeing like all the advertisements and so I started fucking watching it actually.

00:23:55:15 - 00:24:17:14
Speaker 1
I think I caught it when the second season came out, so I was able to watch a lot of content in a short period of time, was able to watch the first season, and then I got into the second season and I can't remember. I think it was the second season and I don't remember what exactly happened. There's just so much blood, guts and gore is in that show.

00:24:18:05 - 00:24:43:05
Speaker 1
Holy fuck. I was getting panic attacks watching that show like and I was just telling a friend, like, Yeah, that show scares shit out of me. I love it. I think it's, I think it's a cool show, but at the same time it scares the fucking shit out of me. And one of the reasons it scares the shit out of me is because, like, I sit here and I fucking think about it like, dude, you're really fucking super natural humans.

00:24:43:05 - 00:25:11:23
Speaker 1
Like, Yeah, what would stop them from having a fucking God complex and then just like taking over you know, especially if like they had like fucking laser eyes, they could fly. They were literally Superman, you know, like, that's what I find interesting about the boys is it's like the boys is like this bizarro world. And I think Bizarro World is a Superman reference.

00:25:13:00 - 00:25:43:22
Speaker 1
Um, I never really got into Superman comics, to be honest, but, um, yeah, it's like the boys is this alternative reality, right? And it, it has superheroes that you would see in like DC and Marvel, but it's just, it's just so realistic. Like, because when you watch DC movies, well, I guess DC has been getting pretty graphic and pretty close to what like the boys is all about.

00:25:44:15 - 00:26:14:09
Speaker 1
But Marvel. Marvel does have like a code of ethics here, like they basically make a movie that is, you have superheroes that are super strong. You got bad guys that are super strong and they fight. But nothing bad happens to anybody because the heroes always come on top. They're destroying shit, but the way they portray it, like, you know, there's no one in that building, you know, or something like that.

00:26:14:09 - 00:26:33:12
Speaker 1
Yeah, there is no one in that building when that happened or, you know, you see the people on the streets and you just see things missing and stuff and like you just kind of sit there and like everybody survives because the good guys came and they saved the day. But like, the boy is just like a wake up call.

00:26:33:21 - 00:27:06:06
Speaker 1
That is not true. Like, they were super heroes and they were doing that shit. People will die. Lots of people will fucking die and and whatnot. And like the superheroes, they're not just going to be good people. Like, they're going to get annoyed. They're going to they're going to have human reactions. But with these super abilities. And so like when I look at Homelander dude, it scares the shit out of me.

00:27:06:07 - 00:27:34:01
Speaker 1
And that's what they want. That's exactly what they want. And actually that, you know, it's funny, is the same guy I think his name is Eric Kripke or something like that. He's the same guy that it's supernatural. I love Supernatural. I thought that was a fucking bad ass show. I remember watching it in college and like to find out in 2024 that that show went on for like another ten years.

00:27:35:03 - 00:27:58:08
Speaker 1
I think it's like a 20 year show, honestly, I got to look back. There are a lot of fucking episodes. There's like 20 seasons for real and there's like 20 episodes per season. So like there's a lot of content there. Um, but it wasn't like gruesome and shit like that, but it was interesting. It had a good storyline.

00:27:58:08 - 00:28:30:23
Speaker 1
I like the idea of the brothers going across the country fighting fucking demons and, you know, being this like, underground society sort of deal. So for that or that, yeah, director, producer or whatever to come back and now make the boys. Now the boys, just so everybody knows, was a comic. I don't think it ever I think it was pitched to DC, but DC was like, no, it's this is way too extreme for us.

00:28:31:12 - 00:29:00:15
Speaker 1
So somebody else produced I don't know who produced the comic, but it was a comic. And then they transformed it into this TV show, and that's Eric Kripke. He was the guy, the main guy that took that comic and made it into what we see on Amazon Prime. So, um, it's just starts, it's statistical fucking, it's gruesome, it's fucking crazy.

00:29:00:15 - 00:29:22:14
Speaker 1
And this latest season, so I was, I was like, scared to watch this late. It's like these past two seasons, I've been actually kind of it's something like season two. I can't remember and I don't really want to fucking go back and find out, but some fucking guy to me and I'm just like, I think I turn the show off and I'm like, I can't watch this anymore.

00:29:22:20 - 00:30:07:05
Speaker 1
It's just too fucking watch, right? So then Season three came out and I'm like, All right, I'll fucking do it. I'll fucking do it and watch that. And of course, the first episode is spoiler alert, if you haven't seen it where the first episode is a guy that has like the Ant-Man's abilities can fucking shrink down or can grow real big, whatever, but he shrinks down to the size of an ant and he jumps into a guy's penis, and then he just starts, you know, like jerking them off with him, like, so fucking weird.

00:30:07:18 - 00:30:44:18
Speaker 1
Then that's like, what's going on and like, that's all. I think what's interesting about the boys too is it's like it does take these superheroes and it shows you like, this is what society would really be. If you have people that are like this and they realize that they have abilities that are above and beyond human capability, is they are going to start feeling superior and they're not going to give a fuck and like, you know, if they kill somebody, it's an accident, you know, oh, I overstepped my powers a little bit.

00:30:44:18 - 00:31:11:00
Speaker 1
Big deal, you know? And like, they're they're kind of lawless. They're like outlaws, realistically. But I like it. I kind of get, like, the same experience, like, from squid games. All right. So if you watched the squid games, that was another thing. That was an eyebrow raiser, because these are all poor people, people that needed money and like would do anything for money.

00:31:11:00 - 00:31:37:21
Speaker 1
And then they were just being brought in with like no information whatsoever. But like, hey, if you play this game and you make it to the end, you'll, you'll make millions of dollars. And so they're all like, Oh, okay, yeah, I'll do it. Yeah, fuck it. I'll do it. And they end up getting fucking killed playing games like, oh, I forgot to tell you, if you don't win, you're going to die.

00:31:37:21 - 00:32:07:07
Speaker 1
So and then you find out that rich people have been watching like this is a sport for rich people. What I really rich people like. And that's what I also thought was very interesting about squid games and like I don't want to call it cool, but it was intriguing was the rich people had no faces. They were all wearing masks, you know.

00:32:07:12 - 00:32:52:23
Speaker 1
And so I kind of saw it as like this, like, like their status in life was based like they were probably everyday people that are entwined in social and whatever. But yeah, they had to, you know, hide their, their who they really were and that was these fucking sick ass whatevers and like a, like shows like when you have all this power and that's I mean, the masks were just a representation of, you know, people with power.

00:32:53:17 - 00:33:35:18
Speaker 1
When people have so much power, they don't know what to do with it. And that's why you find things like Jeffrey Epstein and what he was doing. Like he was kind of like the squid games in a way, but it was just his was more or less like human trafficking know. Okay. But like moreover on that, I guess like Jeffrey Epstein was the guy that you if you're rich and you know you wanted to have fun you called him, you know, you wanted to do something cool with your money because you feel like you've done everything cool in the world and there's just nothing left.

00:33:36:06 - 00:34:00:12
Speaker 1
You call a guy like Jeffrey Epstein. Well, he's going to start you know, he's going to oh, I got girls, I got men, I got boys, I got I got ladies, I got women, you know, I got them all, you know? And then God, who knows if he had like, you know, that book, the what the fuck was that book called?

00:34:00:12 - 00:34:27:03
Speaker 1
It was like the Something game. I it was it was basically about an island then. Like it was the squid games. It was literally the squid games. It was the most dangerous game. That's what it was called. And it was basically this island where like all these, like fucking poor people come and they come to the island. They just get hunted by the rich and the rich, you know, and they like.

00:34:27:03 - 00:34:50:08
Speaker 1
That's what I'm getting at. It's like when you have all this money and you could do whatever the hell you want, like, and then when whatever the hell you want isn't enough, there's this weird underground world and I don't like I have to assume it's true. I have to assume this weird, fucked up shit happens like. But that's what I'm getting at.

00:34:50:08 - 00:35:14:21
Speaker 1
So then we get back to the boys. This is what it is with the superheroes. It's just like, Well, what do you do to have fun when you can do whatever the fuck you want? Like when you when you're good at everything, you know? I guess it's like playing a video game where you like max out everything and then, like, it's just like, Oh, this game's dumb now because, like, you know, there's no challenge to it anymore.

00:35:14:21 - 00:35:38:01
Speaker 1
I've maxed everything out, you know, it's dumb. It's time to move on. I had imagined that's how, like, fucking mutant super hero would feel and just be like, I am going to start killing people. Like, no one can stop me, you know? Bang, bang, bang, bang. You know what I mean? Like, so, yeah, it's a fucking scary show.

00:35:38:03 - 00:36:07:21
Speaker 1
It. But I think it's cool. I like I think it's a pretty cool show though. Like I said, it gives me anxiety, but I like the concept. I like the darkness to it. I like how it literally just pulls those blinders off. You that like Marvel and DC, like if superheroes, it's almost like you don't want superheroes because like it wouldn't be good for society.

00:36:08:03 - 00:36:41:16
Speaker 1
They would just end up wanting to kill us all and just take over. So what the fuck was I going to say? Oh, I hate when this happens. Yeah, I don't know, but, yeah, the book is definitely a good watch. You should check it out. Um, I think it's up to the fifth episode as well. I'll tell you why I like my favorite character.

00:36:41:16 - 00:37:35:09
Speaker 1
Dude is Billy Butcher. The fucking shit. He says, easy. Forgive me, women for saying this word, but I just love how he just calls everybody a fucking cunt. Your fucking cunt. Oh, God. Oh, man. But you know what I will say about the boys there? There's some continuity issues with me with that. Um, not that they have, like, a huge fucking franchise trilogy with all kinds of shit, but the whole idea that the CIA is running this black ops organization to monitor and take out these superheroes, I find a lot of issue with that because, you know, I get into the conspiracies and stuff like that.

00:37:36:01 - 00:38:08:00
Speaker 1
And, you know, sometimes when I talk to people, you know, they like to, you know, fuck around and be like, oh, the CIA's after us, you know, and try to make fun of you and stuff. And it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You know, like, let's back up here. Like, I'm reasonable about things. Like, I just like, I like conspiracies because their interesting I like, you know, I guess, like how I can compare it to is I'm not a real religious person, but like I'm interested in religion.

00:38:08:00 - 00:38:33:17
Speaker 1
I'm interested in the stories and like what people believe in and all that stuff. And you know, the stories in like the Bible are very interesting in like how those came about, how someone wrote about that, how someone came up with that detail and all that stuff like that. Um, I find it very similar. Um, with the fuck.

00:38:34:01 - 00:39:23:13
Speaker 1
Oh yeah. So like, I find it very similar to like conspiracy theories here. So like the conspiracy theories, I look at it the same way. It's like I don't believe it necessarily. You know, some things sound very like plausible, but then like at the same time, just, like, sound really fucking batshit crazy. So I guess what the boys, what I don't like is that the CIA is like, kind of like the group that's watching all the mutants because like, I guess what I was getting back with, with conspiracy is like a lot of people like to talk about in conspiracies at the CIA is like actively watching us trying to, you know, manipulate our minds

00:39:23:13 - 00:39:54:05
Speaker 1
and like, you know, try to cause public unrest. And they're like, it's just like, not true. Like, if you listen to a guy like Andrew Buss, the master or bust a master, I like, he'll say like, no, see, may not want to do anything that's going to harm America. They want to protect America. If anything they want, you know, they they want to cause that what people believe is happening in the US.

00:39:55:01 - 00:40:17:00
Speaker 1
They want to do that outside of the U.S. So that the US can be who it is. It's not a pretty picture. I mean, what the CIA does is for the protection of the United States. It's for, you know, basically they look out for the interests of our national security and our well-being and our interests and all that stuff.

00:40:17:00 - 00:40:47:22
Speaker 1
But they do it overseas. They make sure that people in their own countries are fucking in line and then they're not planning on coming over here and fucking hurt us, you know? So. So, again, I'm into conspiracies, but I don't believe CIA is actively trying to hurt us. So when I see the boys like, I don't I don't buy it that the CIA would create a black ops organization to monitor superheroes, maybe overseas.

00:40:47:22 - 00:41:22:21
Speaker 1
But it would be more believable to me if they chose the FBI, because the FBI is who would be the FBI is who would be collecting in on on people in the United States. All right. So that's what I'm getting at CIA. Everything they do is overseas. If they do anything in the U.S., it's usually with in partnership with like the FBI or Homeland Security or whoever is an entity that is to operate within the United States.

00:41:23:12 - 00:41:46:19
Speaker 1
So they whatever, you know, and then there's MKULTRA, we all know about that. But like, you know, think about this with M.K. Ultra, the only people that they really did testing on were like fucking prison inmates and people within the CIA. They weren't doing it to the whole entire country. All right. I'm Kilcher. Was a mind control program.

00:41:46:19 - 00:42:27:07
Speaker 1
It's disclosed you can go to fucking look it up. They weren't successful to the point where they what they wanted to do, like they literally wanted to control minds. What they learned is how to manipulate minds. And what's scary is it's things that are like they're commercialized. They're now like any sales trainings out there in the world or in the United States, whatever those all derive from M.K. Ultra, a lot of that stuff and manipulate and it's not like manipulating, it's seeding minds.

00:42:27:07 - 00:43:04:09
Speaker 1
And you know, like from what I learned with like CIA agents, which is like crazy, like there are a lot of their training is to become friends with people. It's a really simple way of explaining it. There's a lot more detail, obviously, what goes into being a, you know, CIA agent that I don't even know. But from what I've heard from this Andrew Buss, the master guy, a lot of it is learning how to, you know, be a people person in a way where you can become a friend with anybody.

00:43:04:10 - 00:43:31:02
Speaker 1
Right. You walk into the room, you can pick a person in what and become their friend because like one of their first trainings if you're like one of those clandestine field operatives that are going to go overseas and, you know, gather intel, they basically they they send you they send you into a coffee shop and you're your job is to get a free coffee.

00:43:31:17 - 00:43:57:02
Speaker 1
And so so what do you got to do? Well, they don't really give you a whole lot of instruction on what to do. It's just your goal is to get a free cup of coffee. What you learn is you learn how to talk to people. You learn how to. Because with this training, you don't always eat. Like there's like not a whole lot of people that do this right on their first try.

00:43:57:04 - 00:44:23:18
Speaker 1
It takes many different tries, different coffee shops to pull this off, but when they do, it's because they've started learning that like, you know how to talk to people, what people want to, you know, what they want to hear and how they want to feel. And you know, this Andrew Boss, the mastic guy, what he did, he tried so many different things and they just failed.

00:44:24:14 - 00:44:54:03
Speaker 1
You know, he tried making himself look like he was a superstar. He tried just, you know, asking for a fucking cup of coffee. And finally he got to this some old woman. And like, at first, he didn't realize what he was doing, but then he started realizing, like, he was, you know, what was happening was he was basically just making this old ladies day, like she just wanted to talk to somebody.

00:44:54:13 - 00:45:17:16
Speaker 1
And he listened and he talk back and she's like, You know what? You're a great guy. I'm going to buy you a cup of coffee. But with that principle, that's what CIA agents do. I mean, because CIA agents aren't really like what in the movies where they just break into, like, facilities and hack computers and, you know, download info that might happen.

00:45:17:22 - 00:45:44:00
Speaker 1
But that's not what they mainly do. A lot of times it's agents are just all over the world and they got targets because they're known, they got information. But like another thing is to not only do like meet up with those people and become their friends and then try to draw information from them. But it's also to actually create other spies.

00:45:44:08 - 00:46:21:05
Speaker 1
So think about it this way. So they teach a spy or the teacher agent in, you know, Langley, Virginia or whatever. That's for CIA or. Yeah, or CIA that they teach them how to be a spy. Right. And teach them how to be a people person. And you know, how to fucking get free cups of coffees and all that crap and then they send them over overseas and then they're like basically it's like we invest in the American to go over there and then they're going to create other fucking spies.

00:46:21:05 - 00:47:05:21
Speaker 1
And those spies are going to, I guess, like how they do it is yeah. They send the clandestine operator over there. He may, he finds the target become, you know, comes friends with them and then finally reads them in to what's going on and then basically tells them like, listen, we work for CIA or maybe they don't even say they work for CIA, but like they basically get them in a position where it's like, you can really help me out a lot if you can get this information, if you can, you know, you know, give us, you know, take tabs on what's going on wherever you work or whatever it is, and then provide it

00:47:05:21 - 00:47:52:04
Speaker 1
to us. And so once they do that, then the idea is that agent hands it off to another person who then becomes a direct contact and then feeds information, and then we, then we get it. Well, not we, but the US government gets it and then they figure out how to protect us. So with all that drawn out bullshit that I just said here for like the past 10 minutes, what I'm getting at is it's just it doesn't make sense to have CIA in the boys as the agency that monitors the superheroes so they could have pulled it off with the FBI.

00:47:52:07 - 00:48:28:02
Speaker 1
I mean, like The X-Files. They did it right. Mulder and Scully, they're FBI agents, you know, they weren't CIA agents. That's what pisses me off when it comes to the conspiracies. And everyone's like, Oh, the CIA. The CIA, like, fucking Google did fucking Google knows more about using the fucking CIA does. Now, it's questionable if Google knows more than like the FBI or something, but like, I mean, dude, Google all these corporations, they're using these A.I. marketing, analytic tools.

00:48:28:02 - 00:48:53:10
Speaker 1
You know, they they know more about you than your fucking government. Your government doesn't want to hurt you. Your government wants to live. It wants to survive. It wants to just keep doing what it's doing and it needs people. So, you know, it's not trying to kill us off. It's not trying to make it harder for us. Yeah.

00:48:53:18 - 00:49:20:20
Speaker 1
So I don't know. But yeah, the boys are on Amazon Prime Video right now said episode five. I don't know how many episodes are going to be on this, quite frankly, but, um, it's, it's getting pretty interesting. I will tell you. I just like I've been, I'm like, waiting for, like, homelander to fucking die. I think they're like, cleared for, like, two more seasons, so that's probably common.

00:49:21:21 - 00:49:59:10
Speaker 1
I heard Jensen Adkins, his character, soldier boy, he might be coming back. That aircraft key guy that created all this, he he was saying that, like, you know, there's a future for him, you know, so he's got some locked in and locked in the chamber, ready to go. But then I also heard also supernatural star Jared Padalecki. They just canceled his show, Walker, which I just found out I didn't know there was a Walker Texas Ranger remake.

00:50:00:07 - 00:50:20:02
Speaker 1
I I'm definitely going to check that out. I mean, nothing beats like Walker, Texas Ranger, and they're in like a shootout and like, you just see all the bullets, right? Yeah. I, you know, reflect off the car, but only like they're CGI, like sparks that they put on there. And like, there's not a scratch or a dent on the car.

00:50:20:15 - 00:50:44:03
Speaker 1
So we'll see if like if they improve on their but like that makes Walker to me that the roundhouse kicks so I don't know if Jared Padalecki is going to be roundhouse kick in so many people but we'll we'll see. I mean I don't even know if it's the same storyline or it's just like he's like fucking, you know, 16 Cherokee or some fucking bullshit.

00:50:44:03 - 00:51:13:22
Speaker 1
And it's like martial artist. We'll see. I got to check that out. But yeah, that's. I'm going to end with this with, with the boys. Um What I've noticed is it's, it is becoming a supernatural fucking what do you call it, reunion here. There's a lot of people from Supernatural that have been being brought on to this, which makes sense because the creator of Supernatural also created this.

00:51:14:16 - 00:51:43:07
Speaker 1
So he's going to bring the the actors that he's worked with for the longest time. So, again, spoiler alert, there's the president or the guy running for president, and his name is Robert Singer. Now, if you're a supernatural fan, that was what do you call it, Sam? And Dean's a guy that they hung out with or we're fighting demons with that same actor.

00:51:43:22 - 00:52:12:09
Speaker 1
I forget his name. He is playing this Robert Singer guy. So like he I think it's funny, it's one of those like you had to see Supernatural to catch it. He's you know, they did something supernatural to where they did this like alternate reality thing. And Robert Singer is actually a writer on the show. So it's like, you know, it's all that little, little and little shit.

00:52:12:09 - 00:52:40:01
Speaker 1
So that's that. But everybody, that's all I got for today. I can't believe I made it to 52 minutes. That's wild. Had a little pause there in the middle. I hope you forgive me for that. I'm just retarded. So it's not a big deal. But. But, guys, thanks for joining. We got more common. Yeah, we got we definitely got more coming here.

00:52:41:00 - 00:53:05:02
Speaker 1
We're going to hopefully get some interviews lined up here. Basically, you're going to probably see a lot more of me throughout the summer here. But when August comes, Jared and I will be back. That's hopefully we'll have some laughs more. We'll have some interviews lined up to as well. Learn about some, you know, meet some new people, learn about some shit.

00:53:05:02 - 00:53:30:13
Speaker 1
But, um. Yeah, guys, thank you again. Stay cool. It's fucking hot one out there. Make sure you check out WW Dot tell it right podcast dot com. Check out our content leave us some comments. Let us know what you think about the show here today. Give us give us your feedback on some of the topics that were covered here today or just in general.

00:53:31:07 - 00:53:57:12
Speaker 1
But I will see you guys next for episode 80, whenever that will be, hopefully next week. But I oh, yeah, that's right. 4th of July is next week. So be safe out there. You know, make sure you don't fucking blow yourself up, you know, cause I really hate to hear that I'm one, I'm one last viewer or we're one short of a viewer because they blew their fucking face off.

00:53:58:02 - 00:54:11:09
Speaker 1
So be smart, you know, make sure you're drinking water. Stay hydrated, stay cool. Don't fucking die on us. We love you. We need you. And that's it, Pace.