Insight into the world of Policing in UK and globally. PolicingTV is a new online platform for video and audio content that aims to provide insightful interviews, debates, and analysis, on policing and criminal justice issues. Policing Insight, CoPaCC and World Class Policing Awards founder Bernard Rix started the project with the UK leg of his Policing Friendship Tour. PolicingTV is the sister site to https://policinginsight.com/ - with consistent values aligned to global, progressive, policing guiding the content development and the editorial approach. We will also feature a weekly Policing Insight series of interviews from Danny Shaw, Other areas to be covered include Policing in A Pandemic, International Policing, Education and Training. We aim to highlight best practice, reflect on the latest developments in policing, and tackle thorny issues with intelligent comment and insight.
The Thin Blue Mind: Firearms Incidents
Policing TV
Season 2
Episode 13
In this episode we will be looking at firearms officers, the training they receive, firearms incidents and the post incident procedure following a fatal shooting. We are joined by Darren Ware. Former soldier and police firearms officer and now a post incident manager with Lancashire Constabulary.
The Thin Blue Line podcast in partnership with Policing TV, the leading policing media channel.