A2 Schools Podcast

Looking Ahead to Fall 2022 Pre-School, Elementary, and Enrollment | A2Schools Podcast | Week of April 24, 2022

April 27, 2022 Ann Arbor Public Schools
Looking Ahead to Fall 2022 Pre-School, Elementary, and Enrollment | A2Schools Podcast | Week of April 24, 2022
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A2 Schools Podcast
Looking Ahead to Fall 2022 Pre-School, Elementary, and Enrollment | A2Schools Podcast | Week of April 24, 2022
Apr 27, 2022
Ann Arbor Public Schools

In this week's podcast, Dr. Swift and Andrew Cluley talk with Matt Hilton, the Executive Director of Elementary Education in the Ann Arbor Public Schools.

We look ahead to the 2022-23 school year, focusing this week on the experience families can expect in our pre-school and elementary school level. Also steps families should take to ensure their child or children are registered and for families new to the district enrolled.

In AAPS good news we look at the upcoming high school stage productions.

Huron Players - "The Mystery of...."  April 29, 30 and May 1st

Skyline Theatre- "Puffs, or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic" April 29, 30 and May 1st

Community Ensemble Theatre- "Just Desserts" April 30th

Pioneer Theater Guild - "Les Miserables" May 13, 14 and 15th

Actors Studio at Pathways- "Voices From the Path"  May 19 

Show Notes Transcript

In this week's podcast, Dr. Swift and Andrew Cluley talk with Matt Hilton, the Executive Director of Elementary Education in the Ann Arbor Public Schools.

We look ahead to the 2022-23 school year, focusing this week on the experience families can expect in our pre-school and elementary school level. Also steps families should take to ensure their child or children are registered and for families new to the district enrolled.

In AAPS good news we look at the upcoming high school stage productions.

Huron Players - "The Mystery of...."  April 29, 30 and May 1st

Skyline Theatre- "Puffs, or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic" April 29, 30 and May 1st

Community Ensemble Theatre- "Just Desserts" April 30th

Pioneer Theater Guild - "Les Miserables" May 13, 14 and 15th

Actors Studio at Pathways- "Voices From the Path"  May 19 


Andrew Cluley

Welcome to the A2 Schools Podcast. I'm your host, Andrew Cluley, This week we're going to be talking a little bit about elementary education in the fall of 2022. We’re Joined today again as always by Superintendent Dr. Jeanice Swift thanks for coming back.



Jeanice Swift

Good afternoon Andrew it's great to be here.



Andrew Cluley

And since we're talking about elementary education we’ve brought the Executive Director of Elementary Education Matt Hilton. Hi Matt.



Matt Hilton

Hi, Andrew. Hi Dr. Swift, thank you so much for inviting me to the podcast this afternoon.



Andrew Cluley

So it is springtime and that's already time to start thinking about the fall if you're in the world of schools. And so we did want to start off, kids start off in school in the elementary school, so we decided we'd start right there. What can families expect in the fall in the Ann Arbor Public schools, elementary schools?



Jeanice Swift

Well, thank you, Andrew. It is when the weather starts to turn just a little bit. We get excited about spring and that leads us to prepare for fall. So we know in Ann Arbor Public Schools, the very kind of DNA are those local neighborhood schools. And, you know, time and time again when I'm out in the community, folks share with me how special the neighborhood school is even for grandparents and for neighbors and friends who don't currently have students in our neighborhood schools.


You know, I rarely meet anyone in the community that they don't recite for me their elementary, their middle and their high school that they attended. So we are so proud of that strong start in our local, rich, vibrant neighborhood schools.



Andrew Cluley

I know that lots of families may feel like they're new to the district, even if they've been going to the schools for the last couple of years, because with COVID things have been a little bit different. Matt, can you talk about what families can really expect from their neighborhood school next fall?



Matt Hilton

Sure, Andrew. I can do that. Thanks for thanks for the question there, Andrew. I want to start just by saying that what I really want parents and our community members to know is that we have a highly committed and dedicated staff at each of our elementary schools who work every day to create a warm, welcoming, inclusive and caring school and classroom environment for each of our each of our kids in our schools.

Further, I would say that we know just how important it is for students to feel connected, cared for and safe in our schools. And so to that end, we do work really hard to build those relationships and caring spaces because we know that when we do, students will also achieve academically as well.



Andrew Cluley

OK, now, obviously, when people think about elementary schools, they think a lot about the basics, the reading, the writing, the arithmetic, but I know that oftentimes when you ask a kid what their favorite part of the day is, it's one of those special classes like art or gym or a language class can you talk about sort of what Ann Arbor Public Schools offer for specials in the elementary?



Matt Hilton

I sure can, Andrew. I think that I would also add too, that many times when you ask our elementary kiddos what their favorite part of the day is most of the time, well, maybe not most of the time, but at least some of the time anyway, they'll say recess and they'll do that because that's a moment for them to really be connected with their friends and outdoors playing and having fun together.

And that's a large part of our experience here. In our elementary schools. But to get back to your question a little bit more directly, Andrew, it's true that in each of our schools we're teaching the core subjects of English language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. But it's also true that in the Ann Arbor Public Schools at the elementary level, our kids experience art classes, P.E. classes, library, music classes, they also experience things like world language opportunities, project lead the way, environmental education lessons and field trips, health lessons.

And the truth of it is I could, I can and will in a bit share so many more of the enrichment opportunities that exist at our level already.



Andrew Cluley

And what are some of those enrichment activities? I know that getting kids outside is a big thing. You've already mentioned recess, which is outside, but there's some other outside enrichment opportunities as well.



Matt Hilton

There are a number of rich opportunities there. So there are things like in our schools, there are things like girls on the run clubs there's garden committees, there are Science Olympiad teams, there's a number of rich enrichment opportunities that exist for our kids that are outside of the typical school hour days. Now, what I would also like the community know is that those opportunities vary by school.

And I think it's also important to note in this moment that we have really active and involved PTOs in our schools that we build relationships with and that we really work alongside to create these inclusive environments for not only for our kids, but for our families and and caregivers as well.



Jeanice Swift

And, you know, Matt, if it's all right, I'll jump in there because I do feel that parents, you know, have a choice of where they will have their children educated. And when they choose one of our Ann Arbor Public Schools, neighborhood, elementary schools, they're choosing community. It's really about connections and community, not just for the child, but for the whole family.

I love being at schools during arrival and departure times because you don't just see students coming into the school. You see mom and dad and the siblings in. Sometimes there's a dog on a leash as well. It's the whole family and the whole neighborhood. And that is truly characteristic of Ann Arbor. We made the distinct decision decades ago, the district and community did, to not go to the big box elementary school. These are neighborhood, small neighborhood schools, right in our local communities.



Andrew Cluley

That's definitely that neighborhood feeling is is very much in place in the Ann Arbor Public Schools, elementary schools. There's also the Rec and Ed programs, which is along the lines of what you were talking about, I believe, Matt.



Matt Hilton

Yeah, absolutely. And that's another moment of opportunity that exists for kids and families in our schools. And again, it's these are opportunities that can vary from school to school. But there are classes that kids and families can sign up for that could range from basketball to mad scientists to drumming classes to various arts and crafts, sorts of classes. And those are well received and well attended here in the Ann Arbor Public schools.



Andrew Cluley

OK, now we've been talking about elementary schools, but it's come to my mind that, you know, a lot of kids actually start their school experience before elementary school. Can you talk a little bit about the preschool opportunities?



Matt Hilton

I sure can, Andrew. We know that those preschool years are really important years for kids. And so here in the Ann Arbor Public Schools, we have a dedicated site in the Westerman Preschool and Family Center that serves kids from all over Ann Arbor. And it's a beautiful facility which is really designed with the needs of preschoolers in mind.

In addition to that, we also recognize that there's an interest in preschool opportunities in our neighborhood schools, too. So over the years, what we've really worked to do is to begin to create some satellite preschool locations. And so those are currently existing at Mitchell Elementary, Bryant Elementary, Thurston Elementary and Allen Elementary School.



Jeanice Swift

So, Matt, you know, I often I have a photo on my phone as my screen saver. That's one of our students who arrived to Mitchell Elementary School, our preschool students, actually, some of them begin at age two. Is that correct?



Matt Hilton

That is correct. They do.



Jeanice Swift 

Very good. So I love that we have students from age two all the way through to our seniors who'll be graduating here in a few weeks. It really is a lifetime of student growth and learning and exploration and development, that long arc. It's so inspiring when you think about it.



Andrew Cluley

So we've been talking a lot about what families can expect in the Ann Arbor Elementary schools in the fall. I suppose then the most important question still left to be answered then is what do we do as a family to make sure we've got a spot saved for us for next fall in terms of enrollment or signing up and making that sure that we're going to be in school next fall?



Jeanice Swift

You know, I think that parents really fall into two categories when it comes to spring sign up and ensuring that we're prepared and we're fully staffed at the school, so we know and have reserved their spot. And I think that involves parents of students who are already attending Ann Arbor Public Schools, and then those incoming parents of incoming students. Matt, could you help us really with two kind of first steps for those who are already attending and those who are coming in, new.



Matt Hilton

Dr. Swift, absolutely. So for families that are already enrolled in the Ann Arbor Public Schools, you will soon receive an enrollment and registration email that will include what's called a snap code. Now, the Snap code is a unique identifier that we use in our student accounting department to finalize enrollment and registration for the fall of 2022 for returning families. So if, if families are returning this fall, be on the lookout for that email, be on the lookout for the snap code and use it to finalize enrollment and registration for the fall. 

For families that are not currently enrolled in the Ann Arbor Public Schools but are looking to come to us in the fall of 2022, first of all I would say welcome we are excited to have you. The very first step is called a pre enrollment registration step. So you'll go to our website you'll find the about button and in the dropdown menu there's an enrollment tab, you'll click that link and it will take you to a pre enrollment page where you'll submit your initial set of information. We will process that and respond to you with a unique snap code for you as well, where you will then finalize enrollment and registration for the fall.



Jeanice Swift

You know, it's really nice, Matt, this springtime is a time where families are just so busy with outdoor activities and in family responsibilities. It sounds like both of these groups of parents can complete this pre enrollment remotely. They don't even have to come to the school. Is that correct?



Matt Hilton

Dr. Swift, that's absolutely correct. This is done remotely. But the thing that I would want to share is that any families who need any support in this process at all please just reach out to your neighborhood school and we'll be happy to support you.



Jeanice Swift

Very good.



Andrew Cluley

Well, that's exciting to hear about what we're going to do to get kids in the doors already thinking about the fall of 2022 and all our elementary school students. That's excellent news. 

As part of that issue of podcasts, we also like to highlight some good news that has been happening or going to be happening in the district. And I wanted to share that we have got stage productions from our high schools that are coming up in the near future. This weekend, Skyline High School’s, Skyline Theater is going to put on a presentation called “Puffs or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic.” If you think that sounds like a certain wizard that you've heard of before, it's not, but it's a funny version sort of inspired by Harry Potter, I believe. So that's taking place on Friday, April 29th, Saturday, April 30th, and Sunday May 1st. 

Those same days, the Huron Players at Huron High School will be putting on “The Mystery of…” and it's a choose your own adventure murder mystery performance. So that'll be exciting. And those are on the same dates. 

 Then coming up in May, on the 13th, 14th and 15, the Pioneer Theater Guild will present “Les Mis” and of course they are performing that actually at Skyline High School while the work is still underway at Pioneer.

We also have on Saturday, April 30th, that's this Saturday “Just Desserts” is back in person at Community High School and that's where six playwrights or playwriting teams get 6 hours to come up with and put on performances at community high school. So that's always exciting, you never know what you're going to get from that event.



Jeanice Swift

I love that event. Andrew, I just have to say, it's one of my all time favorites.



Andrew Cluley

And then coming up in May, we have an exciting new project, Pathways to Success Academic Campus, they have a new project called “Voices From the Path,” and it's a video production. So that's going to be an exciting new entry in the performances that we get from the Ann Arbor Public Schools, high schools every spring.



Jeanice Swift

It is so exciting. Andrew, I just got to hear Director Quinn Strassel tell me just a little bit about their upcoming video production. I can't wait to see that. I think they're going to have some kind of debut ceremony on one of the upcoming May dates.



Andrew Cluley

Dr. Swift  just thinking of how important these productions are for students and the families getting to see them in person, What are your thoughts on that?



Jeanice Swift

As we move into May and then look toward, you know, late spring and the wrapping up of the school year. It is so special to be gathering together publicly to see our students perform and you know, we're looking toward prom and graduation and really through all of it, just seeing that Ann Arbor Public Schools advantage, that arts advantage through these productions, you know Andrew, I So enjoy being out at the productions. The crowds are big and it really is an inspiring time. Always impressive what our students achieve through these arts endeavors.



Andrew Cluley

All right. Well, we wrap up this A2 School's Podcast with the question of the week. And I thought that we'd stick right with this theme of enrollment and saving your spot. Dr. Swift, can you talk about why it's important for families to make that commitment today, or at least in the next week or two for next fall? Why it's so useful for that to happen now.



Jeanice Swift

Thank you, Andrew. It is important during the spring as we move through this month of May for parents to go ahead and pre-register, enroll, let us know that you're coming so that we can ensure that our schools are fully staffed with gifted and caring teachers and support staff and leaders. And that every part of our school operation is completely prepared and in poised for a strong back to school 2022

You know, it sounds so far away August 29th of 2022. The reality we know though is that spring, that trifecta of performances and proms and graduations and then a wonderful summer and then right away will come the start of school. So spring is really the best time to go ahead and reserve your spot through the info snap enrollment process.



Andrew Cluley

Well, thank you Dr. Swift, for joining again today.



Jeanice Swift

Thank you, Andrew. It's so great to be back on the podcast and get to put our vision forward to 22-23.



Andrew Cluley

Well, thank you and thank you very much, Matt Hilton, Executive Director of Elementary Education. It's always great to be able to focus in on the elementary schools.



Matt Hilton

Andrew, Dr. Swift, thank you so much for inviting me and it was a pleasure to be here and even more of a pleasure to share a little bit about the elementary level programs here in the Ann Arbor Public Schools.



Andrew Cluley

This is the A2 School's Podcast. I'm your host, Andrew Cluley. If you have any specific questions about the Ann Arbor Public Schools, you can always check out our website, a2schools.org. We're on Facebook and YouTube at Ann Arbor Public Schools. And of course, if you have any specific questions related to the A2 Schools Podcast, feel free to email them to communications@a2schools.org

Thank you and have a great week.