Real Friends Podcast

Advent Episode 19: Unearthing Boundless Joy Through Christ

Real Life Community Church Season 3 Episode 19

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Ready to unearth the boundless joy and identity rooted in Jesus Christ? Brace yourself as we journey into the heart of Christian joy, revealing the life-transforming blessings we've received through Him. From the liberating gift of salvation to the astounding grace of being recognized as children of God, every nuance is celebrated in this soul-stirring discourse. Feel the power surge through you as we uncover the limitless grace, strength, and access we've been granted to the Father through our advocate, Jesus. Rest assured, dear listeners, your souls will find solace in the comforting depths of this divine revelation.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to episode 19 of the Real Friends Podcast, colin, the Advent series. This is going to be our final episode, number 19, that relates specifically to joy. We've been talking about how to get joy, how to maintain joy, in some very specific Christian ways. You need to be obedient to God. He knows what is best for us and you will be at your happiest if you are obedient to Him in the Christmas season, at any time of year. We also have discussed needing to have a right view of God and who he is, and a right view that, in turn, of ourselves in relation to God. And so if you can keep in mind all these things, that will help you in your joy. And here, in the last episode, we have yet another way that we are going to help you build and maintain that joy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we've got a list here that I read in my sermon this morning. I did not put this together. I would give credit where credit is due, but I do not know, actually, who put this together. But these are just truths that come right from the New Testament. These are things that we have blessings you could say that we have in the Lord Jesus Christ. So even in the midst of this already but not yet season where we experienced still pain and loss and suffering and great tragedies, we, as believers, still have great reason to rejoice, and so we want to help our listeners know who they are in Christ, remind them of the many blessings they have and the reasons that they can in fact rejoice. Nikki is going to start us out here.

Speaker 3:

My salvation is fully accomplished. John 19, 30.

Speaker 2:

I have passed from death unto life John 5, 24, 1st. John 3, 14.

Speaker 1:

I have been quickened by God Ephesians 2 1 and 5 and Colossians 2 13.

Speaker 4:

I have been made fit for heaven. Colossians 1 12.

Speaker 5:

I have the forgiveness of sins Ephesians 1 7, colossians 1 14.

Speaker 3:

I am may nigh by the blood of Christ. Ephesians 2, 13.

Speaker 2:

I am redeemed through his blood. 1st Peter 1 18 and 19, ephesians 1 7 and Colossians 1 14.

Speaker 1:

I have been delivered from the power of darkness. Colossians 1 13.

Speaker 4:

I have been delivered from the wrath to come. 1st Thessalonians 1 10.

Speaker 5:

I am a child of God. John 1 12 Romans 8 16.

Speaker 3:

I am a son of God. Galatians 4, 5 through 7.

Speaker 2:

I belong to Jesus Christ. Galatians 3, 29 and 5, 24.

Speaker 1:

I am an heir of God and joint heir with Christ. Romans 8, 17 Titus, 3, 7.

Speaker 4:

I possess health things. 2nd Corinthians 16.

Speaker 5:

I am a new creature in Christ. 2nd Corinthians 5 17.

Speaker 3:

I have been renewed by the Holy Spirit. Titus 3, 5.

Speaker 2:

I am accepted and highly favorite in the beloved Ephesians 1 6.

Speaker 1:

I am light in the Lord Ephesians 5, verse 8.

Speaker 4:

I dwell in Christ. John 6, 56, 1st John 3, 24.

Speaker 5:

Christ dwells in me. John 6, 56.

Speaker 3:

My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. 1st Corinthians 6, 19.

Speaker 2:

I have an anointing or an unction from the Holy One, 1st John, 2, 20 and 27.

Speaker 1:

I have been called with a holy calling 2nd Timothy 1 9.

Speaker 4:

I am chosen in Christ. Ephesians 1, 4, colossians 3, 12.

Speaker 5:

I am complete in Christ Colossians 2, 10.

Speaker 3:

I am beloved of God. Colossians 3, 12, 2. Thessalonians 2, 13.

Speaker 2:

I am a child of promise. Galatians 4, 28 and 31.

Speaker 1:

I am a sheep in his flock. Luke 12, 32 and Hebrews 13, 20.

Speaker 4:

I am a member of his body. 1 Corinthians 10-17.

Speaker 5:

I am a stone in his building. Ephesians 2, 20-22.

Speaker 3:

I am a branch in his vine, John 15, 1-7.

Speaker 2:

I am a child of his kingdom Matthew 13, 38. I was identified with Christ and his death Romans 6, 3-6. And I was identified with Christ and his resurrection Romans 6, 5, 8, and 11.

Speaker 1:

I can walk in newness of life Romans 6, 4. I can serve in newness of spirit Romans 7, 6. And I can live unto righteousness 1 Peter, 2, 24.

Speaker 4:

I am identified with Christ and his suffering. 2 Timothy 2, 12. I am being perfected. Philippians 1, 6. I am not of the world. John 17, 14, 216.

Speaker 5:

I am sanctified in Christ Jesus. 1 Corinthians 1, 2. I am holy, colossians 3, 12. I am clothed in his righteousness. Revelation 19, 18.

Speaker 3:

I am faultless in Christ, ephesians 5, 27. I am perfected forever. Hebrews 10, 14. I am not my own. 1 Corinthians 6, 19.

Speaker 2:

I am a citizen of heaven Philippians 3, 20. Christ has made me free, free indeed John 8, 32, and 36. I am free from sin Romans 6, 7, 18, and 22. I have a sound mind 2 Corinthians 1, 7. Christ has given me understanding 1 John 5, 20.

Speaker 1:

I have the righteousness of Christ 2 Corinthians 5, 21. I have all sufficiency in all things 2 Corinthians 9.8. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness 2 Peter 1.3. I have all the armor and weapons I need 2 Corinthians 10.4. I have God's all sufficient grace. 2 Corinthians 12.9.

Speaker 4:

I have grace to help in time of need Hebrews 4.16. I have God's power Ephesians 1.19. 3.20. I have access to the Father Ephesians 2.18. I have a great high priest Hebrews 2.17. I have an unfilling intercessor Hebrews 7.25. I have a righteous advocate with the Father for times when I see him. 1 John 2.1.

Speaker 5:

I have peace with God Romans 5.1. I have rest for my soul Matthew 11, 28 and 29. I am led by the Spirit of God Romans 8.14. I am enabled during trials and temptations 1 Corinthians 10.13.

Speaker 3:

I am given assurance by the Spirit. Romans 8.16. I am given comfort by God. 2 Corinthians 1.3.7. I am not distressed. 2 Corinthians 4.8. I am not in despair. 2 Corinthians 4.8. I am not forsaken. 2 Corinthians 4.9. I am not in darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5.4.

Speaker 2:

God is my sufficiency. 2 Corinthians 3.5. God is my strength. 2 Corinthians 12.9.10. God is my helper. Hebrews 13.6. I belong to a sovereign God who works all things together for my good. Romans 8.28. My God is for me. Romans 8.31. My every need is supplied for Leman, 4.19.

Speaker 1:

I am His workmanship. Ephesians 2.10. I am sealed by God. 2 Corinthians 1.22. I am kept by the power of God. 1 Peter 1.5. I am more than a conqueror, a super conqueror Romans 8. I have victory through Christ. 1 Corinthians 15.57. I have overcome the world. 1 John 5.4.5.

Speaker 4:

Satan cannot touch me. 1 John 5.18. I have a living hope. 1 Peter 1.3. 1 John 5.4.5. I have a glorious future. Romans 8.18. I have been given eternal encouragement and good hope through grace. 2 Thessalonians 2.16.

Speaker 5:

I will sit with Christ in His throne. Revelations 3.21. I will be with my God forever. Revelation 21.3.4.

Speaker 2:

So, when we meditate on the goodness of God and who we are in the Lord Jesus Christ, how could we not be bubbling over with joy this Christmas season and every day?