The Mindful Writer

How to love the things you hate about you, with author, Anneliese Knop

Deborah Klee, Anneliese Knop Season 2 Episode 8

Each week I chat with a guest exploring the psychological, emotional, and spiritual journey they have experienced as a writer, the lessons they have learnt – and are continuing to learn. 

As I talk to other writer’s and reflect on my own experience, I hope to discover how we might find abundance in our creative pursuits, achieving our goals the mindful way.

In this episode I chat with  Annaliese Knop,  author and blogger. Anneliese writes fantasy with co-author Galadriel Coffeen and her blog, Look on the Dark Side, gives a fascinating account of her life with seeing dog, Greta. Anneliese was born with a genetic degenerative retinal condition, but this has not limited her in any way. She quotes:

 ‘Where is it written that all our dreams must be small?’ 

In this episode Anneliese explains:

·      Toxic Positivity

·      Toxic Perfectionism

·      Why we should love the things we hate about ourselves

·      Why dog owners and their dogs might benefit from couple's counselling

Show notes and links:

Music Motivational-indent/Pixabay

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