Wind Ministries Podcast

The Spirit of Prophecy is the Testimony of Jesus

October 20, 2023 Joshua Hoffert
The Spirit of Prophecy is the Testimony of Jesus
Wind Ministries Podcast
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Wind Ministries Podcast
The Spirit of Prophecy is the Testimony of Jesus
Oct 20, 2023
Joshua Hoffert

Jesus said that he would not leave us orphans but that he would come to us. How does he plan to eradicate the orphan-ness in our hearts? The simple answer is through the Holy Spirit and prophecy. For the in-depth answer tune in to the podcast to find out!

For more about Joshua Hoffert and Wind Ministries, visit:

Show Notes Transcript

Jesus said that he would not leave us orphans but that he would come to us. How does he plan to eradicate the orphan-ness in our hearts? The simple answer is through the Holy Spirit and prophecy. For the in-depth answer tune in to the podcast to find out!

For more about Joshua Hoffert and Wind Ministries, visit:

00;00;20;05 - 00;01;06;10
Joshua Hoffert
But I mean, look at this, right? I will not leave you fatherless. That's one translation. The Holy Spirit is going to come to you and I will. So now we're not talking. We're talking about the Trinity incarnating within you. You understand that? So how is. And here's the question. How is he going to not leave you as has two short quotes.

00;01;06;12 - 00;01;33;29
Joshua Hoffert
One early church father. His name was Prometheus. This would have been in the first couple of centuries. Said in regards to that says indeed the whole point of prophecy and of the sanctifying work of the spirit lies in the testimony of Jesus Christ, whom the entire law and all prophecy serves. Okay, that's pretty good. Another one. Let's see.

00;01;34;01 - 00;01;56;08
Joshua Hoffert
Andrew of Cicero, he says this in regards to Revelation 1910 for the confession of Christ. That is the test. The testimony is the gift of the prophetic spirit. And you should also note this prophecy is given for this reason. So the testimony of Christ may be made strong and the faith be given by the witness, by the Saints.

00;01;56;10 - 00;02;27;09
Joshua Hoffert
I was so I was just looking at that going, we probably would not. I've never heard someone characterize Revelation 1910 that way, that the testimony, the spirit of prophecy, is given to strengthen the testimony of Jesus in the Saints. That's a really awesome way of saying that. My my point is, when we when it comes to training as it pertains to the gift of prophecy, the Revelation 1910 tells us what the spirit of prophecy is.

00;02;27;12 - 00;02;53;03
Joshua Hoffert
And when it comes to training, I've been involved in prophetic training for the last 15 years now more than the last 15 years, actually, whether being trained or training, training for the last 12 years, but being involved in training things since 2005. So 17 years makes him feel a little bit old. The good only a little bit old.

00;02;53;05 - 00;03;18;01
Joshua Hoffert
I don't think I've ever seen or heard or it's very rare where revelation 1910 is the starting point for how we think about prophecy. But it tells us what the spirit of prophecy is. Revelation 1910 probably should be one of the foundational pieces when it comes to how we understand the nature of prophecy. It's the testimony of Jesus.

00;03;18;03 - 00;03;45;28
Joshua Hoffert
We've gotten all kinds of things. We have all kinds of ideas about what the spirit of prophecy is or about the function of prophecy, you know, revealing the future, laying bare the secrets of the heart. So at first, Radiance 14 says the the some to fourth tell, like some prophets would tell you this, that the function of prophecy is to fourth tell and create the future by speaking the very words of God and all of that.

00;03;46;03 - 00;04;07;09
Joshua Hoffert
You know, I know all of that. You can proof text out of the scriptures and try and prove, you know, like Ezekiel, speak to this, speak to the valley of dry bones and prophesy to the dry bones and the dry bones start to develop sinews and develop flesh and they come to life. And so prophecy look, when you speak the very words of God you're speaking and the reality of his presence into existence.

00;04;07;09 - 00;04;51;19
Joshua Hoffert
Right? So I've heard all of this stuff, right? I've heard it all, and none of it starts at Revelation 1910. What's the testimony of Jesus? That's the question that we should be asking. If the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus, what's the testimony of Jesus? And it's a concerning thing to me when it comes to how we think about prophecy, that in my experience and I've been guilty of this, is that we could if you didn't have the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Bible, it would not impact much of how we talk about prophecy, because most of the time where we're referring to prophecy, we're looking at what Paul wrote.

00;04;51;21 - 00;05;16;20
Joshua Hoffert
We're looking at the Old Testament prophets, but we don't really look at how what Jesus looked like and what he did and how he did it and what he conveyed and what he taught. And in fact, we don't because Jesus was purposefully obtuse when it came to how to operate in a gift. Do you know that Jesus never taught his disciples how to operate in the gift?

00;05;16;22 - 00;05;48;27
Joshua Hoffert
Or if he did, it was super simple. Cast them out, say Be healed. One of the only times he said, Come and learn of me. You know what he said? Come and learn of me. Do you know the reference? What does he say when he says Come and learn to me. Come and learn of me, For my heart is meek and lowly.

00;05;49;00 - 00;06;08;04
Joshua Hoffert
So when he says, Come and learn of me, all you who are weary and heavy laden come and learn from me. My heart is meek and lowly, and I will give you rest of your souls. So when he says, Come and learn of me, what does he say? He's going to teach you? He's going to teach you about the posture of his heart.

00;06;08;06 - 00;06;29;19
Joshua Hoffert
So he's not concerned with teaching you about how to operate in a gift. He's concerned with teaching about who he is because everything else flows from that place. So that that that and this is what I'm saying here is I'm not saying that now I am teaching something that is against the grain. And, you know, people will see this.

00;06;29;19 - 00;06;53;17
Joshua Hoffert
I've I've never heard it taught that way. Like I've heard it taught that way. But it's in the early church, there's a conversation that John Cassian, who is the namesake of our four year old Cassian, was an early church father. And so I'm my hope is that our Cassian becomes a church father, that Cassian had a conversation with a monk on a desert father named Mysterious.

00;06;53;17 - 00;07;15;27
Joshua Hoffert
Other mysterious and mysterious talked about this very thing. So we're firmly within the tradition of church history to say that what we're so learn about is not how to operate in a spiritual gift, but how to know his heart and why then you know what flows from there about spiritual gifts? Spiritual gifts flows now flow naturally from that place.

00;07;15;28 - 00;07;46;22
Joshua Hoffert
Why? Because the purpose of a spiritual gift is to reveal his heart. That's the that the testimony of Jesus. Let's just look at John 118 real quick. The testimony of Jesus.

00;07;46;24 - 00;08;17;15
Joshua Hoffert
This is the I think this is the testimony of Jesus. One one thing there's certain versus that sum up what Jesus was about. Right. So there's lots of things that Jesus talked about, but there's certain versus to sum up what he was about. John 118 No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten son who is in the bosom of the Father, remember John, rests on the bosom of Jesus and hears his heart and spends his life in that place because he knows that he's loved who is in the bosom of the father he has declared him.

00;08;17;21 - 00;08;30;12
Joshua Hoffert
That word declared literally means he has fully explained him. So what's the testimony of Jesus? What's the bosom? Where is your bosom?

00;08;30;15 - 00;09;12;26
Joshua Hoffert
You would we would say your bosom is where your heart is. So this is this essentially says Jesus, who is in who is the very heart of God. He has declared God to us, not so much because he of what he taught, although that's part of that, but because of who he is and what we saw. The testimony of Jesus is the declaration of the heart of God in the totality of His being who He is, what he did, what he taught, what we saw in him, the very the very fact of Jesus becoming human flesh.

00;09;12;29 - 00;09;23;18
Joshua Hoffert
We'll talk about that more tonight or tomorrow or at some point, because that's an important one.

00;09;23;21 - 00;09;54;24
Joshua Hoffert
Another one. Just. Just turn with me real quick to Hebrews one is near the end of the New Testament. Hebrews one, verse three, actually, the first one, two and three God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time, passed to the fathers by the prophets to note that you spoke to the fathers by the Providence, has in these last days spoken to us by his son.

00;09;54;27 - 00;10;14;19
Joshua Hoffert
Interesting. So it used to speak to the prophets. Now he speaks through his son, who has in these last days spoken to us by his son, whom he is appointed ear of all things, through whom also he made the world's then this who being the brightness of his glory, and the why was he the brightness of his glory?

00;10;14;22 - 00;10;35;15
Joshua Hoffert
Where do we see that, son? We talked about this last night. Why did. Why could they say that He's the brightness of his glory? Because of the mountain transfiguration. Exactly. Who being the brightness of his glory? Because they witnessed it, right? They saw the brightness of his glory. It's one of the reasons why people think Paul may have written Hebrews.

00;10;35;15 - 00;11;17;01
Joshua Hoffert
We just don't know, because it doesn't say who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high. So he is the brightness of his glory, meaning that we saw the glory of God shining through the person of Jesus, and He is the express image of God, meaning other ways that that is translated is the exact representation.

00;11;17;03 - 00;11;44;14
Joshua Hoffert
That's an interesting one. So Jesus in and of himself manifested in the flesh, is the exact representation of God. He has explained God to us. How did he explain God? Well, we can look at phrase passages where he sums up, What does it mean to pray our Father, who art in heaven? He he declares God as the greatest revelation that Jesus gave.

00;11;44;17 - 00;12;32;10
Joshua Hoffert
Well, I won't say the greatest, because anyway, what marked the way Jesus talked about God was that He revealed God as Father, both personally and intimately, not in kind of a vague general sense, but in a very direct and personal sense. I'm just trying to find a passage real quick. Might be it might be John, give me a second.

00;12;32;13 - 00;13;23;23
Joshua Hoffert
I'm not cherry picking. I've got a point that I'm trying to make. I'm getting there. Give me a sick baby at the end of Matthew. It's in the Bible. I know that. I'm in the rhyme. It's in the Gospels. I think it's in John where he says, I'm going to my father. And your father.

00;13;23;26 - 00;14;13;28
Joshua Hoffert
I go to my God and your God. John? No. John, 17, is the great high priestly prayer. Yeah, Yeah. There you go. Yeah. John 2417. Thank you, Tracy. I don't know. Somewhere in there, I again, it's in the Gospels. Jesus said to her, as in Mary Magdalene, Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the father, but go to my brethren and say to them, I am ascending to my father and your father and to my God and your God.

00;14;14;01 - 00;14;36;05
Joshua Hoffert
Okay. This is the testimony of Jesus that the way that what we saw, what he's basically saying this and he says this in John 14 to them to what you see about me in relation to the father, I now declare over you in relation to the father you thought is my father, but it's our father. That's the and that is the the Lord's Prayer, where he says, our father, not my father.

00;14;36;05 - 00;15;06;14
Joshua Hoffert
Our father. That's an invitation. Again, this is the this is the testimony of Jesus, is the declaration of the heart of God, the declaration of the of the nature of Father of God. The He is the expert in the explanation of who God is. Again, the tenderness of God, the kindness of God, the love of God. All of these things sum up the testimony of Jesus so that the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus.

00;15;06;17 - 00;15;40;05
Joshua Hoffert
Also. Wow. Okay, let's look at this. John 14, because I'll say it this way, and then we'll look through some of the scriptures. The testimony of Jesus is also the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the testimony of Jesus, the spirit of look. Okay. The spirit of prophecy is not something distinctly separate from the Holy Spirit.

00;15;40;05 - 00;16;19;27
Joshua Hoffert
It's not like a second spirit. Let's just look. We're going to jump all over the place probably in the next few minutes. You guys are following me, though, right Before we go to John 14. Go to numbers 12. Dorothy is at least appreciating it, I think, isn't it? What's out? No, it's not. Numbers 12. What's the pertinent question?

00;16;19;28 - 00;16;56;16
Joshua Hoffert
Numbers 11. I'm using the new King James. Numbers 11. Numbers 11. And we're getting to verse 29. So setting the stage for verse 29, this is where Moses has been counseled that he can't do all this leadership stuff by himself. And so he's appointing the 70 elders to help him. And when he appoints the seven elders, the Holy Spirit comes upon them and they begin to prophesy.

00;16;56;18 - 00;17;25;14
Joshua Hoffert
Right. And and two of them are outside of the camp and they start prophesying. And so this is like typical church culture. They say, Hey, those guys look different from us. Let's kill them. That's true. You know, it's true. They look different than us. Let's kill them. Yes. Okay. That's typical. That's humanity for you. And so Moses, ever the brilliant man.

00;17;25;16 - 00;17;46;07
Joshua Hoffert
Joshua I like that. Joshua. God. And he says, Don't let him do that. Moses said to the people that want to kill the two. Are you zealous for my sake? that all the Lord's people were prophets and that the Lord would put His spirit upon them. Okay, so what? What's that? Tell us. That tells us that when his spirit comes upon them, they prophesy What?

00;17;46;11 - 00;18;11;14
Joshua Hoffert
The spirit of prophecy is the same thing as the Holy Spirit. And that's why Paul can say in First Corinthians 13, when the Holy Spirit comes to you, prophecy will happen because it's about the Holy Spirit. Aren't is his indwelling nature within you. Okay, so the Spirit of prophecy, the Holy Spirit. So it says, The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus.

00;18;11;16 - 00;18;56;11
Joshua Hoffert
You could say the Holy Spirit is the testimony of Jesus. Okay, which one? The numbers of revelation just mention the testimony of Jesus as the spirit of prophecy or the numbers. 11 First Corinthians 13 Yeah. Okay, good. Right. Well, First Corinthians 13 one two, about verse ten or sorry, first Corinthians 12 one two about verse ten, where Paul Paul says, Now concerning spiritual things, brethren, I don't want you to be uninformed.

00;18;56;13 - 00;19;24;24
Joshua Hoffert
Then he says in verse seven, The manifestation of the spirit is given for the benefit of all. And then he goes through the various manifestations of the spirit, and one of them is prophecy. So in the Holy Spirit, in dwells you, prophecy happens. Okay, Yeah. So that's first Corinthians 12 one two about like I said, about verse ten, verse seven in particular tells us the manifestation of the spirit is the nine signs that follow words of knowledge, words of wisdom, prophecy, that kind of stuff.

00;19;24;27 - 00;19;49;28
Joshua Hoffert
Okay, so Spirit of prophecy, Holy Spirit, not separate and distinct entities. All right. Does that make sense to you? Okay. Because when the Holy Spirit's there now, that means that the only thing the Holy Spirit does is it's not the Holy Spirit. The only thing He does is prophesy. I think E.W. KENYON he said the role of the Holy Spirit is to form the image of God within you.

00;19;50;00 - 00;20;27;28
Joshua Hoffert
I thoroughly agree with that. I think that's absolutely true. One way that happens is prophecy. That's why he could be called the spirit of prophecy, because prophecy helps to form the image of God within you. So the role of the Holy Spirit is to do that. So, John, 14, let's go there. Okay. Jesus says in verse 19, We're in John 14 over 16 to 18.

00;20;27;28 - 00;20;54;25
Joshua Hoffert
Sorry, verse 16, John 14, verse 16. And I will pray the father and he will give you another helper. We know who that is right? The Holy Spirit, that He may abide with you forever. The spirit of truth, also the Spirit. So the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth, the spirit of prophecy called the Spirit of His son, because he sent the spirit of his son into our hearts in Galatians five.

00;20;54;28 - 00;21;29;12
Joshua Hoffert
So the Holy Spirit is called various different things. In Isaiah 11, the Holy Spirit is given seven different distinct descriptive terms might knowledge fear. There's a number of disturbing descriptive terms to the Holy Spirit that is given in Isaiah 11. And as a side note to that, the reason why there's seven descriptive terms given to the Holy Spirit is because the number seven in the Hebrew Bible is the number four completion and perfection.

00;21;29;14 - 00;21;48;12
Joshua Hoffert
And so it's it's seven terms, not because, well, it's only these seven things, it's seven terms because it's talking about the Holy Spirit being complete and perfect and the representation of God. Okay, So side note two that you can look at that a little bit more if you want. So verse 16 and I will pray the father, he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever.

00;21;48;12 - 00;22;14;19
Joshua Hoffert
The spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans. I will come to you. I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you. Okay, So this is obviously John. 14, 15 and 16 are fascinating passage as it relates to the operation of the Holy Spirit.

00;22;14;19 - 00;22;32;09
Joshua Hoffert
We're going to pick a couple of things out of there. One, he says, I will send you a helper who will abide with you forever. This is the spirit of truth, right? And then he says, I will come to you. Okay, that's interesting, because he says, I'm the father is going to send you helper, the spirit of truth.

00;22;32;13 - 00;22;56;20
Joshua Hoffert
I will come to you. Do you understand what he's identifying himself with? Okay. He's in the spirit that's going to come to you as a saint of the same nature of me as me. I'm going to come to you. And what is that going to effectively work in you? I will not leave you as orphans. Okay? So I will not leave you orphans.

00;22;56;20 - 00;23;21;03
Joshua Hoffert
I'll not leave you alone. Or 111. I think it may be the ESV that says I will not leave you fatherless. But I mean, look at this, right? I will not leave you fatherless. That's one translation. The Holy Spirit is going to come to you and I will be with you. So now we're not talking. We're talking about the Trinity incarnating within you.

00;23;21;05 - 00;23;42;17
Joshua Hoffert
Okay? You understand that? So how is and here's the question how is he going to not leave you as orphans? But even simpler than that, it is by his love it even simpler. He just answer. He just said, I will come to you. Who's going to come to you? The Holy Spirit, the nature of God, the essence of God.

00;23;42;17 - 00;23;58;12
Joshua Hoffert
We're going to come to you, right? I will come to you. Okay. So you will not be left as orphans because I will come to you. I will come to you. The Holy Spirit is going to come to you. This is how I'm going to come to you. That's essentially what he's saying. You get that? Okay, So you're not left.

00;23;58;12 - 00;24;25;28
Joshua Hoffert
You're not an orphan because the Holy Spirit comes to you. Okay. Jump with me to John 16. Keep that in your in the back of your mind there that the way the Holy Spirit is going to come when the Holy Spirit is comes, he will eradicate orphan ness, okay? He will eradicate fatherlessness. But actually the term orphans is the Greek term or fullness.

00;24;26;05 - 00;24;53;25
Joshua Hoffert
And it means to be dark and obscure. And the reason it means to be dark and obscure reason it means orphan is because that the person that did not have a family identity was dark and obscure. They weren't known and they didn't know themselves. So I won't leave you dark and obscure without an identity. I won't leave you as an orphan because an orphan grasp and everything trying to find identity.

00;24;53;28 - 00;25;16;03
Joshua Hoffert
That's the orphan spirit. I won't leave you grasping at everything, trying to find an identity. But I will come to you. Okay. So when the Holy Spirit comes or the Holy Spirit's one of the things the Holy Spirit does is eradicate orphan ness. Okay, John, 16, we'll talk. And so now how is the Holy Spirit going to do that?

00;25;16;05 - 00;25;44;21
Joshua Hoffert
Well, here we go. So we could say bye before we get there. But we could say for the spirit of truth, the spirit of prophecy, the Holy Spirit, the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of might, the spirit of adoption. All these things are pseudonyms for the Holy Spirit. Okay, so you can say that the Spirit of prophecy is the spirit of adoption is the Holy Spirit.

00;25;44;24 - 00;26;09;07
Joshua Hoffert
Okay, this makes sense to you. We're just talking about seeing where we're essentially putting on a different lens and seeing it from a different perspective. Okay. But they're all the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. So how is the Holy Spirit going to eradicate awfulness? Well, we know in Galatians five that he is going to send the spirit of his son into our heart to cry out Abba Father.

00;26;09;09 - 00;26;35;12
Joshua Hoffert
Okay, that's right. In the beginning, Galatians five, the first couple of verses, he's going to spend the spirit of his son into our heart to cry out Abba Father, That's the spirit of adoption. The term adoption in the New Testament is a compound word in the Greek that doesn't really convey the same sense that adoption conveys to us.

00;26;35;14 - 00;27;09;25
Joshua Hoffert
So did I say this last night that adoption is likely to us? Adoption is taking someone that's not in our family and then bringing them into our family. And then over time they become systematized into our family. Right. As someone who has no family comes into our family. But but on some level, while while an adopted son or a daughter is your son or daughter, I know there's a transference that happens there, but they don't carry your DNA physically, right?

00;27;09;28 - 00;27;29;02
Joshua Hoffert
So there's always that. There is. There is on some level, always that distinction as much as as much as the the love that you have for them, the love that they have for you. I don't know if anybody here as an adopted child, but that I'm not trying to say that there's a distinction there. I'm just trying to say that the physical reality is that they are of a different set of DNA than you are.

00;27;29;04 - 00;27;58;01
Joshua Hoffert
Right. Okay. Well, the word for it. So that's how we understand adoption. The word for adoption is just the best approximation in the English that we have. It actually doesn't mean the same thing. There's no concept for adoption as it in in the New Testament because the word means to make as a son. That's what it means. It's like anyway to make as a son.

00;27;58;03 - 00;28;18;14
Joshua Hoffert
So what it means when he says that I won't leave you as orphans, I will come to you. I won't leave you, I will. The spirit of adoption will come to you, Galatians five, and enter into your heart and crowd. I'll be father, meaning that the very nature of the son comes into you and you become everything it means to be a son of God.

00;28;18;17 - 00;28;39;05
Joshua Hoffert
Not. I was not. And now I am. But you are okay. It is means you enjoy to make as a son In terms of the term of adoption. To make as a son means you enjoy the full rights of inheritance in the family. You are not outside of the family and now in you are the family you have been.

00;28;39;11 - 00;28;55;05
Joshua Hoffert
This is the whole point is adoption is a metaphor for being given a new nature. Okay. This is what I'm trying to say is it's not saying, well, you're going to be grafted in. Are you going to come in? Are you going to be outside? But in. No, he's saying you are in, you are the family. It's not just that you have a last name.

00;28;55;05 - 00;29;18;07
Joshua Hoffert
Now you have the DNA of your father. You have been made a son supernaturally. So like when Jesus says or when John the Baptist says to the Pharisees that you say you're sons of Abraham, well, God could raise up sons from these stones the same way those stones, If you raise those stones up as sons, they would be actual sons with his nature and with his essence and with his DNA.

00;29;18;09 - 00;29;40;12
Joshua Hoffert
You, by nature of salvation, have become, if come into the family, you've been left as an orphan, you've been adopted, and you become a son or a daughter, not grafted in, but you are in. Great. You understand that is that makes sense. It's a deeper, more profound thing. You are never on the outside looking in on the family.

00;29;40;14 - 00;29;57;01
Joshua Hoffert
You are part of the family regardless of whether you believe it or not. This is what he's done by sending the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of adoption that won't leave you as an orphan. So how's the Holy Spirit going to do that? Well, let's look at this, okay? Because this is all the context of what the Holy Spirit is going to work when he comes.

00;29;57;03 - 00;30;19;06
Joshua Hoffert
And and Jesus sets the stage by saying, when the Holy Spirit comes to you, you will realize you're not an orphan. Because I've always been with you. Because Jesus is also the image of the Father. He says that in John 14. Are you guys tracking with me? Okay. Because he says right before that, he says, Philip, he says, If you've seen me, you've seen the father.

00;30;19;09 - 00;30;35;01
Joshua Hoffert
Philip says, will show us the father and Jesus says, Well, you've seen me. Okay. So he's saying, when I'm with you, you know the Father, when the Holy Spirit comes to you, you won't be an orphan because the spirit of adoption will be with you. You'll be grafted into the family. You will be part of the family. You will be one with the family.

00;30;35;03 - 00;31;00;07
Joshua Hoffert
How's the Holy Spirit going to do that? Practically. Well, here we go. Okay, starting verse five, John 16, verse five. But now I go away to him who sent me, and none of you asks me where you going? But because I've said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth, It is to your advantage that I go away.

00;31;00;07 - 00;31;22;26
Joshua Hoffert
For if I do not go away, the helper will not come to you. But if I depart, I will send him to you. And when he is come. Here's the kicker. When he has come, he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. Okay. So when he comes, he's going to eradicate orphan ness. How is he going to eradicate orphan ness is going to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment.

00;31;22;28 - 00;31;44;18
Joshua Hoffert
That's the first step. Now, here's the thing. When we hear those terms, right, we think what's going to happen is the Holy Spirit's going to tell you everything that's wrong with you. That's sin, right? That's what we think. Okay. Sin. The Holy Spirit's role is to tell me everything that's wrong with me. How many of you ever felt like that's what God does with you?

00;31;44;20 - 00;32;04;00
Joshua Hoffert
These are all the things that are wrong with me, right? Okay. So that's one of righteousness. These are all the things I'm not doing, right? So start doing them right now. When you've ever felt like that's what the father does when he comes to you, these are all the things you're not doing right. Start doing them right and judgment.

00;32;04;06 - 00;32;29;05
Joshua Hoffert
my goodness. I'm terrified, Right? Just I'm the Holy Spirit. I'm going to tell you just how judged you are. Okay. That's kind of our assumptions are natural assumptions of when we hear those words, we have connotations that go along with them, that we read meaning into the text. That meaning is not there because Jesus tells you how that's going to happen and this is what He says.

00;32;29;07 - 00;32;48;10
Joshua Hoffert
So the Holy Spirit is going to come. The Spirit of adoption is going to come when the Spirit of adoption comes, he's going to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. But how is he going to do that? Because Jesus explains the mechanism on the very next verse, verse dying of sin, because they do not believe in me.

00;32;48;20 - 00;33;19;00
Joshua Hoffert
well, that's a little bit different. Do you know what the word believe means? The word believe does not mean a set of mental beliefs. It's not saying like, look at this. Okay? When Jesus said this, the church did not have 12 codified beliefs that you're supposed to believe The doctrinal statements that you find on anybody's church believing the right statements does not make you a Christian.

00;33;19;03 - 00;33;43;24
Joshua Hoffert
That's not what that's saying, because the word belief does not mean believing the right points of doctrine. The word belief means to entrust yourself to something. So the Holy Spirit will come and convict the world of sin. Why? Because they do not trust me. Because they do not entrust themselves to me. So what's the Holy Spirit going to do when He comes into your heart?

00;33;43;26 - 00;34;12;17
Joshua Hoffert
He's going to say, Look at the father. Look how trustworthy is. Look how trusting he is. You can entrust yourself to him and everything will be fine. He'll take care of you. So when the Holy Spirit comes to convict the world of sin, he doesn't come to convict the world of all your dirty, evil deeds and thoughts. He comes to convict you of the goodness of God to points to the beauty of who He is that you can entrust yourself to him.

00;34;12;20 - 00;34;31;07
Joshua Hoffert
That's the rule. That's the whole the conviction of sin is not the wrong things you've done. It's the very fact that you can entrust yourself to God. Now, what might stand in opposition to that is all the ways I haven't entrusted myself to God. But the Holy Spirit's not busy pointing out your flaws. He's busy pointing out his beauty.

00;34;31;09 - 00;34;53;19
Joshua Hoffert
So how is the Holy Spirit going to eradicate awfulness in you by showing you how trustworthy your Heavenly Father is? Okay, point to convict the world of righteousness, of righteousness. Because I go to my father and they see me. And they see me no more. So what's the Holy Spirit going to do? Look how trustworthy He is. Conviction of sin.

00;34;53;22 - 00;35;13;10
Joshua Hoffert
Look how beautiful he is. Conviction of righteousness. Not all the things you're doing wrong, or all the things you're not doing right, but the Holy Spirit is going to remind you of what He looks like because the world doesn't see me anymore. So I'm going to point the Holy Spirit is going to point to what Jesus is like.

00;35;13;12 - 00;35;33;17
Joshua Hoffert
He's going to remind you of his nature. He's going to remind you of what it's like when he came. The tenderness and humility and love and compassion and service and absolute surrender. The Holy Spirit is going to convict you of righteousness by just showing you again how beautiful He is. And judgment he tells you. And how is this going to work of judgment?

00;35;33;19 - 00;35;55;27
Joshua Hoffert
Of judgment, not because you have been judged, but because the ruler of this world has been judged. So the Holy Spirit is going to do is he's going to show you all the works of darkness because the ruler of the ruler of the world or the ruler of darkness has been judged not because you've enjoyed this is an interesting thing, not because you've been judged.

00;35;55;27 - 00;36;15;28
Joshua Hoffert
Jesus refused to judge people. You realize that the woman content in adultery, He says, I'm not judging you. Like what a great position for the angry wrath, for God to judge someone, someone who just been caught in adultery, a heinous sin in our in our society, in human history. It's a horrible thing to do. But he says, I'm not judging you.

00;36;15;29 - 00;36;50;21
Joshua Hoffert
That's incredible. Like, so this tells you the attitude of Jesus towards sexual sin. It's on to restoration. I'm not judging you. I'm restoring you. He doesn't let her get off. He says, Don't do this anymore. But he says, I'm not judging you, and nobody around you is judging you. Where are your accusers? These are Justifier. Exactly. Not that you're judged, not that your not that wrath is stored up against you, but wrath is stored up against the ruler of this world.

00;36;50;24 - 00;37;12;14
Joshua Hoffert
And men and women commit themselves to the ruler of this world. They associate with darkness. And so by nature of that, we enter into judgment. But he's gone. It's the ruler of the world that's judge guys. He says this. Jesus says this at one point in the gospels, He says the ruler of this world is coming and he has no part in me.

00;37;12;17 - 00;37;38;02
Joshua Hoffert
That is the conviction of judgment that that guy over there, that decaying, destructive, the anger, the disintegrating emotions, all the things that bring chaos into my life, what that guy does, he has no part in me. And so just as he said it by faith in him, we can say it. He has no part in me because the ruler of this world is a judge.

00;37;38;06 - 00;38;03;07
Joshua Hoffert
It's apparent. It makes it obvious he's been judged and these things have been judged. Okay, you get that. So the Holy Spirit to eradicate awfulness in you and bring you into the place of being a son or a daughter is going to point at his beauty, his goodness, his trustworthiness, and he's going to say, that guy there is not worth trusting, but he is.

00;38;03;09 - 00;38;29;15
Joshua Hoffert
You get it. Okay. So in the Holy Spirit, so. Okay. And then we move on just a little bit more. I love this stuff. It's like it's like I just feel like in the last just even the last few months, I'm just reading the Bible and going, like I said earlier, that verses in there, they just Who did Zondervan put new verses in there.

00;38;29;18 - 00;38;48;27
Joshua Hoffert
Okay. And then he says this in verse 12, okay, we're going on. I still have many things to say to you. You know, I've said that that I think any good teacher think we feel that way. there's just not enough time. I always have more to say, but you cannot bury them now. However, when he the spirit of truth, right?

00;38;48;27 - 00;39;10;07
Joshua Hoffert
Spirit of prophecy, spirit of adoption, Holy Spirit, spirit of power, my spirit of the fear of the Lord, all those things when He, the spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth. So what? What else is always you're going to do? He's going to show you all the things that are true, right? Not all the things that are true statements, but what the nature of reality is.

00;39;10;10 - 00;39;26;23
Joshua Hoffert
He's going to see. He's going to show you what it truly means to be a son or a daughter, entrusting yourself to the king. He will guide you and all truth, for he will not speak on his own authority. He's not just going to tell you anything willy nilly what he's going to say, whatever he hears, he will speak.

00;39;26;25 - 00;39;46;08
Joshua Hoffert
What is he hearing? The thoughts of the father, the thoughts of the son, Whatever he hears, he will speak and he will tell you things to come. That sounds a whole lot like prophecy. He will tell you and reveal mysteries that you couldn't fathom about the Godhead, and he'll tell you about things that are going to come, right.

00;39;46;10 - 00;40;07;22
Joshua Hoffert
That sounds a lot like prophecy. He will glorify me. So again, this is spirit of prophecy. Spirit of adoption. You will glorify me. So he's going to point to me. He will take of what is mine and declare it to you. So he'll tell you about Jesus. He will centralize Jesus and all things that the Father has are mine.

00;40;07;22 - 00;40;46;01
Joshua Hoffert
So everything Is he going to declare to you? It's going to point you back to the father. Okay. Therefore, I said that he will take of mine and declare it to you. So what's it? What is this is my hope. This is the point. Okay. When we look at what Jesus says here and and we take into the testimony of Jesus, the spirit of prophecy, the coming of the Holy Spirit, eradicating awfulness, bringing you into adoption as a son or a daughter, that this here's the thing the spirit of prophecy is all about eradicating awfulness and calling orphans to abide in the father and find their home again.

00;40;46;03 - 00;41;11;25
Joshua Hoffert
That's what prophecy does. Okay, That's the whole point of it here. We've gotten so far off base that we think prophecy is designed to alleviate our anxiety and insecurity so that if we understand what's going to come and, you know, maybe I do, I need to invest in Bitcoin or buy more Tesla stock or Twitter stock or, you know, what's the what's the devil going to do in China?

00;41;11;25 - 00;41;34;19
Joshua Hoffert
Or like I heard one guy talking about the famine that's going to hit the land here and that human robotics are going to become androids. And this country's experimenting on this. And I remember one guy hearing him say I was taken in the spirit to Israel in 2020, and I saw that Israel is developing a vaccine for COVID.

00;41;34;19 - 00;42;05;08
Joshua Hoffert
And by the end of April, they're going to have a vaccine and COVID is going to be dead. And was there a public apology for that one? But this these are our assumptions of what prophecy is supposed to accomplish. Why? Because we think prophecy is designed to alleviate our insecurity and our anxiety. But prophecy is design. And in a way it is because what alleviates your anxiety and your insecurity pointing you back to trust the father.

00;42;05;10 - 00;42;27;26
Joshua Hoffert
Okay, So it's a it's a misuse of the intended purpose, because the intended purpose is not to point out things in the future that will help you not be anxious anymore. Is the point yourself to entrust yourself to the father because he's good, kind and worthy of all your adoration. And in doing that, anxiety is alleviated, insecurity is alleviated.

00;42;27;26 - 00;42;48;04
Joshua Hoffert
Depression's alleviated because I trust myself to him. And when those things tend to try and bite back, my response is not to fight against them, but to tell myself I'm trusting myself to the father again because he's so good and kind and trustworthy and I can do that. The understand it, the the spirit of prophecy, the spirit of adoption.

00;42;48;07 - 00;43;29;18
Joshua Hoffert
When you prophesy, you call orphans home, you show them what it means to abide in the father and what his thoughts are about you. One other passage and then we'll we'll break. Okay. Just give me just one other passage. I just want to hammer the point home. Okay. Ephesians one is just going to just to make it all, bring it all home and make it make sense of Ephesians one, page 1481.

00;43;29;20 - 00;44;06;29
Joshua Hoffert
It's just never I never get tired of seeing them. sorry, Preach 1480, not 1481. That's chapter two, page 480, Ephesians one, verse 15. Therefore, I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, don't you? I love that's the reputation of the church, an emphasis like I want to I want to go to that city where the Christians are worshiping like that, where Paul has heard of their faith and their love.

00;44;07;02 - 00;44;30;23
Joshua Hoffert
Man, I wish that was our reputation. Do not cease to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers. This also means that Paul was praying for you. So think about that. Because this verse, this this book now we know is written for all Christians at all times, meaning Paul in the first century has prayed for you anyway.

00;44;30;26 - 00;45;00;16
Joshua Hoffert
I think that kind of blows my mind that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. Interesting what spirit is on. That's the Holy Spirit that He'd give you, the Holy Spirit that would bring wisdom and revelation. And that wisdom and revelation would unpack the knowledge him.

00;45;00;19 - 00;45;31;14
Joshua Hoffert
Interesting. Okay. That the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened. Or one translation says that the eyes of your heart would be enlightened. Okay, so the spirit of wisdom and revelation is going to come to you. The spirit of prophecy, the spirit of adoption, the Holy Spirit is going to come to you and going to reveal the knowledge of Him that your inner life may be enlightened by his knowledge, not by your knowledge.

00;45;31;16 - 00;45;51;16
Joshua Hoffert
I read this passage. I've read this passage so many times, and I read it like this that you may know what is the hope of your calling? What are the riches of your inheritance, and what is the greatness of his power towards you? That's how I read that passage. For a long time I've read that passage. It's like I read it with fresh eyes.

00;45;51;18 - 00;46;16;03
Joshua Hoffert
And I went that you may know the hope of his calling, not the hope of your calling. The hope of his calling. So in the spirit of wisdom and revelation is revealing the knowledge of him. It's going his calling who he is. It's revealing him so in the spirit comes. It reveals him, not you. It reveals him not what's happening on the earth.

00;46;16;05 - 00;46;48;07
Joshua Hoffert
No, see, it reveals him. You're like, Whoa, that's way different than what I've been seeing people do. I want to hear people reveal him to me, reveal his glory. You know what his glorious inheritance is? His glorious inheritance is, you can reveal his glorious and you may not feel very glorious, but it's going to reveal that when he sees you, he goes, That's my pride.

00;46;48;09 - 00;47;19;26
Joshua Hoffert
That's my inheritance. Those are the people that I've chosen. It's going to reveal his thoughts, his passion, his desire, and the in the indefinable quality of the greatness of his power. So in the spirit of wisdom and revelation comes, what does it point to him when the spirit of adoption comes? How does it eradicate awfulness? It points to him when the spirit of prophecy comes, how does he prophesy?

00;47;19;26 - 00;47;41;23
Joshua Hoffert
It points to him, right? It starts in the place. Yesterday, like we said, it starts in the place of love and affection. And when the Holy Spirit comes, it just gets so much deeper because all he does is say, Look at him, guys. He's amazing like that. As it pertains to what rules the day for prophecy in our midst.

00;47;41;23 - 00;47;59;29
Joshua Hoffert
It ought to be pointing back to how good the father is when if this is what the father is thinking about, when he thinks about Dorothy, this is what the father is thinking about when he thinks about Steve. Steve came up to me in the in the break. You don't mind if I share this one, right, Steve Steve got to be in the break and he said, hey, you know what?

00;48;00;04 - 00;48;17;14
Joshua Hoffert
The other day when worship was happening and your youngest son ran up to you, or maybe this is a couple months ago, whatever your youngest son ran up to, you and Cassian does this pretty frequently. He comes up to me in the middle of worship and then comes and wants to on my lap. And he likes and he snuggles into me for a few minutes.

00;48;17;14 - 00;48;40;10
Joshua Hoffert
Then he runs off because he's looking for his alma and he probably does the same with you. He comes in, he just wants to snuggle for a moment. Right? And Steve said it was like the Lord said, this is the picture of my people when they come in affection to me. Right. And then and then a few just a little bit later, we were in this moment of worship and I was on the ground and I was just, you know, just adoring the father.

00;48;40;10 - 00;49;03;20
Joshua Hoffert
And he said the father spoke to him and he says just like the picture of the son coming and resting on resting on the lap of his father and in kindness and affection. And that's the picture of my people with me. This picture of Josh sitting down and worshiping is the picture of my kids sitting at my feet and listening to me and hearing from me.

00;49;03;23 - 00;49;28;24
Joshua Hoffert
So Steve comes and he shares it with me, right? And I'm like, well, because what does that do? That reveals the father's heart to me, right? And so that way, more than knowing what I'm going to do in five years, way more than that is so rich. Because now I know the father's perspective about me. I know what the father's thinking about when he thinks about me.

00;49;28;26 - 00;49;54;20
Joshua Hoffert
I would much rather have that than surety of the future, because this is the thing. You know, it's funny when Jesus calls Peter, right? He says, Peter, come follow me. I will make you a fisher of men. Right. You know what? The last thing he says to Peter is? He tells them that he's going to be hung upside down by a cross on a cross and die a horrible death.

00;49;54;22 - 00;50;16;08
Joshua Hoffert
He doesn't lead with the horrible thing. He leads with the promise. Right? And not even the promise is this is what I'm going to do. So it orients at some it orients. Peter, back to Jesus. I will make you a fisher of men. Right? Do you realize if Jesus started with the horrible outcome, Peter would have ran away screaming, Come follow me.

00;50;16;08 - 00;50;37;17
Joshua Hoffert
You're going to hang upside down on a cross and die a horrible death. But it doesn't start that way because there will be trials. But he's given you faith to overcome the trials. And so when your vision is oriented towards him, I'd much rather see him so that through the trials I can keep myself oriented on how good and trustworthy and kind and tender he is.

00;50;37;20 - 00;51;06;22
Joshua Hoffert
If I know the trials are coming, all I do is anticipate how terrible they're going to be. So I don't want to know those things. I don't care about knowing those things. If I could know those things and keep myself oriented on him, then great. I don't think most of us can, but I need encouragement to keep myself gazing at him so that I can stay in that place of perfect peace because I've got my the vision of my life is attracted to him, and that's where I go.

00;51;06;22 - 00;51;24;22
Joshua Hoffert
And so all of my life is an organized, not organized, but it's just reflects a passion for him. Then I'll go home. I want to wake up early and I want to put my Bible out and I want to sit here and meditate on the songs and I want to read this book so I know more about him and I want to fellowship with people.

00;51;24;22 - 00;51;44;00
Joshua Hoffert
So I hear about his stories and what he's doing. Like everything about my life begins to reflect who he is because the the format, my life is oriented to him. And then when anxiety starts to come and go, I think I've got away from orienting my gaze towards him. Okay, let's get back to this place. Father, I want to be with you.

00;51;44;02 - 00;52;05;18
Joshua Hoffert
Make prayer about you and not about me. Reveal yourself to me. And in the course of him revealing himself, you're going to come to grips with who you are. And he's going to bring healing and unpack all that stuff. But it's because you're gazing at him, not because you're gazing at yourself. And that's prophecy. It's so much more profound than a than an unveiling of future events.

00;52;05;18 - 00;52;29;22
Joshua Hoffert
It's so much more profound than that. Or a prophesying like who the next president is or whatever is so much more profound than that. And it's like and you know that he's so gracious that he'll work with our misunderstanding because you're never going to understand it perfectly right. He's so gracious, he'll work with your misunderstanding. But then he comes along and he goes, Let's get back to the gazing and the affection and the tenderness.

00;52;29;25 - 00;52;35;02
Joshua Hoffert
Let's get right back to this place. It's right here. He's been talking about in the foundation, and he's bringing up.