Wrack Your Brain

Wrack Your Brain Episode 3

April 11, 2022 Charles Fuks & Dominick Leon Season 1 Episode 3
Wrack Your Brain Episode 3
Wrack Your Brain
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Wrack Your Brain
Wrack Your Brain Episode 3
Apr 11, 2022 Season 1 Episode 3
Charles Fuks & Dominick Leon

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#podcast  #politics #Veterans #twoidiots #hunting #camping #prepping #survival

Episode 3 of what we intend to be a weekly series. This is a show about everything and nothing. Part politics, part satire, all bourbon. Join Dominick Leon and Charles Fuks as they muse about current events, social issues, and whatever surfaces from the depths of their minds. If you walk away thinking about something in a different way leave a comment, like, share, and subscribe. This episode has a lighter tone than the first two; just camping and hunting stories.

All Media sourced from https://pixabay.com/

Background music is "Indie Folk (King Around Here)" by Alex Grohl

Check out the Video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vOhwzHcY80&t=127s

Show Notes Transcript

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#podcast  #politics #Veterans #twoidiots #hunting #camping #prepping #survival

Episode 3 of what we intend to be a weekly series. This is a show about everything and nothing. Part politics, part satire, all bourbon. Join Dominick Leon and Charles Fuks as they muse about current events, social issues, and whatever surfaces from the depths of their minds. If you walk away thinking about something in a different way leave a comment, like, share, and subscribe. This episode has a lighter tone than the first two; just camping and hunting stories.

All Media sourced from https://pixabay.com/

Background music is "Indie Folk (King Around Here)" by Alex Grohl

Check out the Video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vOhwzHcY80&t=127s


ladies and gentlemen welcome to the first week of march this is the rack your brain podcast with


charles fuchs and dominic leon and today we are going to talk about a


whole bunch of nonsense as we usually do starting off with the very controversial


topic of camping yes and by the way uh just a kind of a public service


announcement disclaimer if you will we may have given the impression that


the sole purpose of the of this podcast is to solve the worlds and america's


problems but as demonstrated by the first topic of the evening sometimes we're just


going to talk about nonsense but you never know that nonsense that we speak may solve a lot of other


campus problems you never know that that is true uh you know campus problems is the world's problems


so i'm i'm going to do a a quick shameless plug for my other


my other show my youtube channel and so similar similar to my permaculture


journal uh really we we can talk about the maybe some of the mistakes that we've made or some of the challenges


we've had in camping and trying to do some outdoor stuff and uh people can learn from from that yeah 100


i think one of the first things i learned camping is


especially if you're going to go out camping in an unknown area in unknown terrain it's best to do some research as


far as what are you willing to walk like what distance are you willing to walk


together with you know what are you willing to carry depending on what the actual


the goal is for the camping trip you know and in the case of you know we were talking about we went to pisca that's


how you say pisces national park biscuit peacekeeping deep in peace and uh for all our jewish viewers and


listeners we were deep in peace again and uh once we parked we had to we were


carrying a very very generous amount of equipment and we had a 45 at least 45 minute hike


in very uneven and unforgiving terrain and uh


charlie here found the place we ended up camping at which was a beautiful sight but getting there was


i know we learned pretty quickly that i don't know that we were willing to do that again


well so i mean more of the story of that is is we were


trying to go camping and i i found a um


not a campsite but sort of a an area where hunting was allowed in pisgah national forest in north carolina


and i knew generally where we were going to be hunting but i didn't know how far


well neither of us knew where we would be sleeping and also we didn't know how how far we'd we'd go


from the from the parking lot so we started walking down down a trail and


we had part of the problem was that we we thought we were going to walk to a spot


to to bed down for the night and then 100 meters 200 meters from from that site


middle of the night we'd set up a uh the hunting line and then go go from there


subsequent to that shirt we we confirmed that we really don't want to hunt through the woods with that much stuff


and so now we now we can't close to close to where we're parked really at a either distributed campsite


or at a uh a more developed campsite and then throw the stuff


that we slept with and ate into the truck in in the morning and then and then just carry the blind and maybe some


water a little bit of food right and it makes things a lot easier


especially when we know i will say this though we have made an agreement that


even when we go camping if there is the opportunity for hunting or at least the if the opportunity presents itself we


will do that you know seeing that our licenses are already they're still valid and


everything is tip-top when it comes to that if we have the opportunity we're going to do that so we go prepared but


if we go camping that's the main that's the main goal so we make sure that that's what we're going to do


otherwise you know do your research make sure you know where you're going also it's a good idea


to know where you're going because like us when we were out there we ended up


setting up camp and pitch black eclipse you know this is pretty much it was what 10 o'clock at night by the


time we actually maybe 9 o'clock


yeah the last time we ended up getting getting out here pretty early and we were able to set up camp in the


uh the daytime better planning i guess so learn from


our mistakes and don't make the same ones well i you know speaking of planning um dominic's been glamping up


all of our all our campsites over time right i mean at first we had


uh you know i don't know i had a two-person tent he might have had a one-person tent and his sleeping bag


and then since then he to his setup he's added a i don't know what is an eight eight or ten person oh my god a tent


and a cot i have a four person with a kind of sleeping mat and a pillow


and i don't even know what else a heater right a tent heater i don't have a 10


heater i was talking about it but i i didn't get one


anyway so the point is he's been glamping it up he got us a [ __ ] you got us a bucket with with a toilet seat


lid on it which is a [ __ ] and and and its own personal tent that's right uh but double as a shower shower tent but


you probably don't want the [ __ ] inside of that at the same time that you usually just take the [ __ ] around take a shower and put the shoes at the same


time you're not gonna have the [ __ ] in there well why not you going on a train in the sleeper car the [ __ ] is right there in the shower there's a door


no there's no door you've never been in a sleeper car yeah you're going a supercar on an amtrak train the [ __ ] is right there with the shower right


there and where does the water from the shower drink into the toilet no no it has its own little grey water uh little


thing will drain but the [ __ ] and the paste from the toilet goes into the so it's like a shower stall with a toilet


seat in it yeah with a toilet bowl but there's at least a door between that and no door it's in


one thing it there's nothing separating the [ __ ] from the bed no from the bed oh yeah no it's the bathroom yeah


there's one question from the shop [Music] yeah the bathroom is its own thing okay but in a shower tent


it's one space like you don't you don't want to fill up the [ __ ] bucket with all the water that's why you put the toilet


seat on the ship bucket down and you sit down there let the water hit you for a little bit you know maybe you don't want to stand up and shout maybe you want to


sit there and enjoy it i don't know yeah maybe maybe some of our listeners can


comment about how much of a [ __ ] you are for wanting to glamp up uh the entire campsite listen 17 years in the


military i can sleep anywhere and i'm i'm going to be 43 this year so if i want to be a [ __ ] i think i've


earned that right you that's right you're you're right you have her didn't but i don't want it it's unnecessary it


is unnecessary but if i don't want to sleep on the ground i will make sure i don't have to


well i mean you did you did give me one of the uh one of the cops and i slept on it last time and it was pretty it was


pretty nice yeah you [ __ ] like that [ __ ] you know like oh this is this is it right here this is the move shout out to


harris this is the move yeah th this is uh i was like oh uh


the only thing missing from that setup is a pillow next to it i'm telling you the pillow is that's


that's money right there and you bring your pillow you're not going to want to go so we one of the reasons i'm doing all this to folks is because we only


usually stay overnight but the more comfortable i can create the environment will possibly stay an


additional day we have we have yet we have yet to do this i'm working on it


we could have last time the dogs were with us we had no reason to rush back i think it was a sunday though except work


oh that's right no no wasn't it president's day or something the next day was it i think so pretty sure it was


so the the other thing we've we've been doing differently over time is the first couple of trips we had the uh you know


the freeze-dried camping food which i think is is excellent and i don't remember something mountain or whatever it is


it's good i like it no they're they're they're delicious but the last couple of times uh you know not not to mention


myself too much but i i've been taking guys making some gourmet [ __ ] i've been taking my so you


know he's been glamping up the uh the sleeping arrangement i have been glamping up the the culinary


uh the sophistication of the culinary aspect of the camping and so uh i bought


this uh this tp looking this tripod it's essentially a tripod stand it's


what maybe five feet tall maybe taller uh and you hang a uh kind of this great over it or underneath


it and that hangs over the fire and so you know and you can adjust the way height you pull the chain and the thing


comes up this way that way the fire sits underneath it so i can i can adjust the you know the heat level that's going to


and so last time i well the first time i tried cooking with the cast iron over the fire he


i had no control over the heat and so i ended up burning some of the uh some of the biscuits that i made down at the


bottom burnt their occasion style they were very good a little a little too a little


too uh a little too crispy if you will and so uh so this last time i was able to raise


it to the appropriate height i mean it took longer than than uh what the internet might tell you is the cooking time for for cast iron biscuits but we


waited with like maybe another three minutes no no it was i think you know the the website that i found said cook


it for 20 minutes i ended up having to flip flip them a couple of times and leave them in there for probably about


40 minutes maybe listen when you're out there camping you're not too worried about time because you're just enjoying nature


you're enjoying being outdoors and we've been lucky enough to i think every single time we've been camping


we've been we've been by water so having the water real close by and having that you know to kind of soothe


things over and really have a good a good um environment to just be in time kind of


takes care of itself nobody seems to be in a rush and and the food has been so good i don't mind waiting


the food has been good uh last time so so i forgot to bring spices so we we


bought a couple steaks last time and i i had to the only thing i had on hand i didn't have salt or pepper but i


had some dirt i dropped one of the steaks but i had


uh you know coffee it's instant coffee so i use that as kind of a uh


like a seasoning almost kind of like a rub yeah like like a dry rub uh it came out okay i mean definitely


could have used some real spices i liked it ate it i ate mine and i i think the rest of his too yeah because my mind


fell on the ground and so i'm like you know this is i don't know i could taste the dirt like it wasn't like oh let me wipe this off like the pad taste the


dirt soldiers were meant to eat dirt just think of it as uh some rock salt


and black pepper yeah if my food ever especially for like for like field trial like emery's i don't think i've ever


dropped one but uh i've had i remember at least one time that i i like dropped the tray


we used to call them the four dicks of death these [ __ ] hot dog packs and the old mres all four of them dropped


right on the floor i was hiding i was so hungry i just did my canteen rinsed them off and i'd even


heat them up i just shoved them right in my mouth like a dry ball and like a [ __ ] animal but i used to love those things everybody swore by chili mac i


wanted the chicken patty or the four dicks of death i have those i didn't care they were great


i think in my opinion none of the or or all of the pasta memories are good


the lasagna even even the vegetable lasagna is good the tortellini ravioli


spaghetti meatballs all that stuff is on its own good but especially if you add some hot sauce and some of the cheese


yeah that's it that's a really good meal not as good as the freeze dried the the civilian freeze-dried stuff yeah that


sounds civilian freeze-dried stuff is is tippy-top that stuff is really good but you know emery's thing you know they'll


do their job when they have to they don't even last as long as the freeze dried actually the army i'm i'm


surprised it's pretty it's a costing house because i think that the army's memories are down to like 250 maybe three dollars a


meal versus this stuff is like 10 bucks but still yeah this stuff will last for 20 years so you can buy this stuff now


but but you also i think you also have to consider that for the military they're also doing it a contract to the


lowest bidder who's going to make these mres and they're going to make these mres the in the most economical way that


the company can make them to keep their costs low in order to get the contract from them


from the military that's basically what it's going to come down to i think the freeze drive process that


these other civilian companies do for the food for camping is cost effective for them because even


though they're making it in mass quantities they're not coming near the numbers that military needs them to come into so they care their cost their


overhead's not that that bad so that's an argument to actually actually try to find a bitter for


freeze-dried fields because now now if you have a company that's that's


but didn't they just change that i'm going to say 10 years ago they just changed the new imari company


yeah but it's so the meals are different but the the concept is the same it's not even it's


not dry it's exactly the same i think the only fruit frozen dried or freeze-dried thing then


there's a it's a fruit thing like a fruit cup it comes freeze dry you put it in your canteen cup put water in it and it just


all the fruit kinda and it's a little brick like this it's like a little white brick i don't know if you've ever seen a fruit


thing like that yeah i've seen i mean they have uh very good granola which is freeze-dried


that's pretty good and for the audience out there i came from puerto rico so i had no idea what froze like freeze-dried


food was so when i saw the mres we said a little fruit frozen dried like freeze drive little thing


i would bite into it because i thought it was a crack i mean what the hell is this cracker and nobody told me everybody just watched me like an idiot


like watch me eat the freeze-dried fruit and it wasn't until i was paying attention i saw all the other guys like


oh you gotta put water on it nobody ever told me anything i eat like a cracker but yeah


even and even with water it was hard no i've never i've never seen it the


only freeze-dried thing i've seen in memory is like but yeah but like i mean even


a military mre which i mean part of the advantage over like fresh food is is the shelf


life right but an mra shelf life first of all they keep them frozen without freezing i think it's only like


two years maybe three uh frozen it's about five or six versus a fridge dried meal that will keep for 20 or 25 years


that's true like if shelf life that's why those freeze-dried meals that we get for camping a lot of those same


companies are the ones that they're uh they have you have preppers you've got buckets of


them and you can just keep them in place i got three of those exact same company we do yeah yeah what does that mean


something mountain let's let's let's see because now i'm gonna i'm gonna we might have to plug this company


because we're just talking so much about them because we love them we love them we get them at different stores for


everyone outdoors please comment that uh we one of us had said


that uh that we're not gonna use phones during this podcast and one of us has not pulled out his phone too i'd like to


point out that as i was talking he had his phone out before yeah that was sending a text it wasn't like


either the company or one of the fans wants to send us you know these different meals to try we'll even try


them we even try them live on camera you tell me one you don't like and we'll try one right here on the camera on the show


before any of the listeners willing to do that send it to us and uh do you want to we want to give out the address to where to send it we


might oh i have a p.o box actually oh there you go


well we'll get to that and we'll see we'll we'll revisit that in the future also before we continue to everybody


listening and the viewers i want to apologize i know my voice is a little messed up i've kind of been feeling a little under the weather but uh doesn't


matter either i sound like this or i sound normal i still sound like [ __ ] so deal with it


deal with it just deal with it you want to listen to us you got to do it it is what it is


so what's that should we should we tell everyone how we kill the pig i didn't kill the pig i assisted in the


move and the maneuvers in the maneuvers in in the in the uh disembowelment of


the pig yeah in post i participated in the recon i participated in the in the maneuvers


and i participated heavily and he heard the shots from


and i came in as backup once the shots were fired i participated in the extraction and i participated in the


cleanup and in the evening you've had so much


and i still have we still have we still have in my freezer i'm surprised we still have some i have okay what what we


haven't eaten is the uh the entire loin uh the uh you know the


the back


so so we haven't touched that that that came in a single piece we have not eaten that yet i have some pork pork chops


let's say when it gets a little warmer we barbecue that sucker outside no i would i want to make tacos out the


store with that tacos like you need tacos it doesn't have to be spicy no it can't even be crunchy or hard either it's


going to be soft tacos oh see he treats me so nice i do i spoil you


you can't get that i'll even give out my my tacos up a store recipe well let's let's let's save that for


when we do it and then we'll eat it on the show and we'll see further for the listeners and the


viewers we'll have uh a tacos alpaca store night yes a kosher a kosher pork taco


episode that's right okay so obviously you gotta make sure the tacos on one table and then the


here's what's gonna happen we're gonna tell the story of the pig but obviously we're also gonna tell the


story of doc ghost ghost should we just tell that now i think well it's it's the whole it's the whole


weekend we're gonna we're gonna try to encompass this entire weekend okay i'm just gonna give the listeners just


just one just one little hint here i'm convinced there was something in the air


and we never actually met this person in real life we need to smoke and he exists we don't do drugs i bet he's going to


see this and anybody's going to contact us i hope he does because i truly want him to be real but i'm convinced that we


just hallucinated this guy that was from a different era and um


he knew exactly where to send us knew the exact things that we needed to see on the way there to know that we were on


the right track to go where we were going he's a rate association of people yes he


was it seemed like he was an expert in the in the terrain and in location


and we were so moved by this guy that we'll just i'm convinced we're going to continue to talk about this guy


but after the fact now i mean at least me i i've actually questions like i wonder if this guy was


actually really it was real uh well it wasn't something in the air if


anything he was a god spirit guide he was always came to save us but remember he was to


go to the to the native americans reservation what do you mean remember we don't we haven't told them let's not that's it i


don't want to talk about that let's just until we get to it okay that weekend i think was a


two-day weekend yeah no no it was three-day weekend yeah because we were we were in peace no


we were not meant to hala one day oh we did it it was just it was a saturday sunday yeah yeah okay


but we went mental from dead to hallow to tennessee and tennessee back well okay well let's back up when when when


we went to pisco we went what but three hours from from where we live in in it's it's toward the


western part of the state but it's not it's not as far west in the state as you can get


that when we went to pisco we were looking for for wild pig we were as well


well it it and and the the reason we went to pisca is because there there was uh some some


um wildlife maps that i that i found i think the north carolina wildlife commission that that outlined the


the um the distribution of wildcats in the state and so part of it part of it


touched uh piece of national forest we ended up going there that that weekend as a matter of fact i think that the the


morning that we woke up in in pisca we went to the ranger station we asked them if


there were any pigs and they said no not not in this part of the state okay they're the ones that recommended that


to help did they okay yeah so so then we the the the it was i think it was the very next month dominican we went out we


went we took a body of virus errors and we went to nantahala at national forest


well we dominic was setting up the campsite arrows and i we we took a walk around trying to look for signs of pigs


i i knew almost right away that the terrain wasn't right it was very very uh i don't know what the word is like


terrain that goes up and down up and down it wasn't very flat okay uh there's a lot of topography there and i didn't


think that was right for the wild dicks in the meantime well i'm the one that said we're in the wrong spot because pigs are going to look for wet terrain


they're going to want to nose through the the grass and all the mud because they're trying to root up everything to


eat and we need to look for disturbed areas but it has to be close to water and then it was you who said i saw you


said yourself you said it he said i saw a sign that says


green cove lake correct or green coat pond one of the two what don't you remember we were in


tennessee and you said we're not even close to tennessee in this story no not even close did i just jump ahead a whole


lot pay attention okay not even close by the way is that from the store


by the way if they're listening i'm wearing your merch maybe you should you know consider sponsoring


the entire town and if you don't want to sponsor just you know like and subscribe hit comment


and share and share comment and share that's the get one you get one every 30 minutes okay so


okay so where eris and i are walking around i'm setting up the campsite


uh and so ariz and i run into we we walk past a campsite


that that looks like a permanent campsite okay this this doesn't look like somebody came out with their truck


and set and pitched the tent no i mean there were clothes lines and fishing line i mean this looked like


like someone's permanent home catching them yes so as as we're walking around this the


guy there's men and women in this campsite and and in some don't say the description in


some ways no i'm going to have to because in some ways if he watches this is going to get offended he's no but i mean we've he we


we i think i my perception of him greatly changed vastly changed but if he does a lot of times


i apologize we we mean no disrespect and we have nothing but the utmost respect


for you in dhaka's name okay so amen's name we pray amen


okay okay so there's and i run into this guy and and he he


the scripture we gave dominic when we got back to the campsite is a a like a redneck yoko meets me


it's method okay he he in my mind when i first met him he was like the uh i think


what's the character's name cletus from simpsons some something like that right like okay


so red redneck yoko and he he he told us we he asked us what


we were doing was very friendly very friendly guy and we we said that we were looking for for signs of pigs and he said he had


been camping there in western western north carolina and eastern tennessee for many many years and he's


only seen pigs in this one spot in in tennessee okay we said thanks he he suggested that


that we go to tennessee we're like i don't know we spend the night in north carolina and we're gonna we're gonna hunt here


okay so we go back we go back to the campsite there's and i tell dominic and we don't we don't actually really


don't give him a second thought that night the next morning we woke up early hold on no that night we didn't that night


you you said you ran into this guy we did we we told him about it you touched it on you touched on the subject we did


just kind of like hey this is an interesting thing and i commented i said why would you take but we wouldn't


because that wasn't part of the conversation again that we didn't give him a second thought that night


okay the next morning we wake up again we told you about him we're just like hey we met some weird cat yeah


and um and so who who we got who said we're not gonna


see anything so the next morning we woke up we we we set up the blind actually i think i think i think arizona went to set up the blind before


so it would be ready and and we mixed this bucket of pig slop


it was it was uh corn like deer corn mixed with uh fruit punch mixed with yeast


red red that's good for trekking picks okay so we dump the slop next morning next


morning we wake up before sunrise going excuse me we've gone to the blind and we're sitting there


and we're waiting and we may wait an hour maybe two tops


in the meantime ayers and i all of us were like you know we're not going to see a pig this is a waste this the


terrain's not right and we're kind of bummed out so errors and i were like well you know this guy


this guy that we ran into he told us where to go and what did i say well you said why


would you take the advice of of some guy that that looks and sounds like how you described it and we agreed


but then as as the hour maybe less i even suggested i said [ __ ] that guy let's just figure it out


and both you and eri is like no i'm telling you well okay once you see this guy once you talk to him


you'll have a better key because i i'm almost positive the first time errors and i met him i think he told us


he was a retired army ranger and i think you're like oh hey by the way or maybe it was the next day it was the


next one we found out okay so long story short despite the despite the initial impress


tonight despite the initial impression ayers and i had convinced ourselves or talked ourselves into


essentially listen to this guy we're like you know what regardless of whether or not he's on meth and whether or not he's a redneck


he's been around these parts i mean he says he there's there's pigs in this spot he probably knows who's talking


about so dominic's like okay let's let's just pack up and and go talk to this guy reluctantly


anyway we we when we got to to to this guy's camp site dominic and i uh


left the car to talk to america in our vehicle in our truck and when we came up


uh he and his wife were were in their pickup truck which i think had a tent part of it kind of like it wasn't a


pickup truck it was more like a i think this was a green uh ford ford explorer late model but part of his


tent was like and the back of the truck the tent connected to the back of the suv and then he had an overhang


over that and on the corner of it is where he had his little shower and then part of it was with it the


clothesline was that and i swear to god i think because he knew we were going to go talk to him he told his wife to go


take a hike because the moment we stopped she's like yup i gotta go well i'm almost positive they were both in


their truck when we pulled up and we're like oh hey there's anyone here and he comes out in the middle of the woods in


the campsite in a hugh hefner bathrobe and slippers and a cup i think he had a cup of coffee i think we may have


interrupted something who knows right okay we come up we're like hey you know you mentioned you know where the pigs


are can you tell us and so we have a i don't know 30 minute conversation


with this guy who's talking we've talked about all kinds of things turns out he's a retired army ranger i'm like oh this


guy's a retired army ranger don't let this fool you i used to be high speed that that's right now i'm high drag


so yeah so so we were talking about army ranger he was he was into the uh you


know the burgeoning legal marijuana business he was going to go talk to the local native american reservation so he


introduces himself he said his name is doc actually i think his exact words were people call me duck ghost which is


because he's very specific from a university in munich in germany that's right


in in horticulture i think yes yes specifically in marijuana


it was and i think he just specialized in marijuana once he came


on this side right he was it was his personal his concentration that he made after the fact because he did say


he had epilepsy and some type of cancer and he cured himself with the marijuana right and this is something that the the pharmaceutical


industry doesn't want you to know incidentally if you're in the pharmaceutical industry please don't kill us but we welcome your sponsorship


yeah don't suicide us we'll welcome your sponsorship and remember we're only conveying


the story we're not we're not doing what he's doing in a future video you know we could say


sponsored by viagra this deal this episode is sponsored sponsored by pfizer pfizer the maker of


vine niagara helps me out i'm old i need all the help i can do


i'll take it i don't care say whatever you want to say anyway so dr tells us about marijuana uh and and then we get


to to the pigs and he's like yeah i'll tell you exactly how to get there what would what would a a normal modern


person do they would they would drop a pin on on a phone and send it to us right now he got down on the ground and


he started drawing basically the music yeah he was he was writing a uh or creating a


terrain model and so he he was drawing the terrain mile basically drew the map between us us and and tennessee and it


was basically step by step you're going to go down this road of this name go down to this road to this damn until


you see this name on this building here's where you're going to make a left when you make a left you're going to go


down this far it was a it was an exact step by step to the foot yeah i mean


literally so okay so we have this guy all he did was to say you know what guys hang on give me one second and just hand


us a pig here you go i went to where i was gonna send you here you go he sent us to the exact spot


right close um very very close okay i'd say i would say within within half a mile okay


well no because he got us to the to the to the all right let's i'll give you this within a quarter mile radius is where


we're sure all right so he tells us he tells us where to go and that's you know we pretty much walk aways


okay so i record parting ways i wish my conversation would have lasted longer because this guy's a [ __ ] legend this


was really he imagined that came through anyway so then we drive who drive to


tennessee we follow this guy's directions i mean obviously we were looking at google maps during the way but i mean


pretty much the google maps match this this guy's the terrain model should have taken a picture of


that too anyway we we get to pretty much the the spot or at least the trail that he tells


us to go down to and we're we're driving slowly we're looking for pigs we


stop at one point but even even where we stopped initially that the terrain was still pretty pretty hilly as well yeah


this is this is not right so we keep keep going with salt line uh sign for a lake we're like oh you know


what we talked about is the green cove pond yeah pond lake whatever body water


and so we had talked about oh things maybe are attracted to water or or near


water and so we we went down that way and so we're driving slowly down this trail we make a left which is maybe a


couple hundred meters away from from the pond yeah and as soon as we make the left dominic in the heirs


and i was driving they're like stop i turned around and i said dead stop that stuff and the windows were down


he's like stop stop and there was this beautiful white pig oh this beautiful white wild pig out there


but uh somehow we lost it but we didn't lose all of them well okay so so becca so so we saw the pig


i i i get out and i i had already packed up the rifle i have a uh uh it's a springfield m1a right for the 308


762 whatever you would call it and i packed it up i'd emptied the magazine whatever i i mean it was pretty


much the end of the trip we weren't really expecting to see anything we just thought we'd do like this recon because it was only an hour to tennessee


anyway we saw the pig i get out lower the the tail the tail the truck the you know the not the tail the um


no no the rifle was in the back yeah lower the tailgate you know i'm packing


the rifle loading in the meantime the pig is there i remember what happened uh but by the


time i was i was ready another card come up behind us and so we had to move and i don't remember if we hung close or so


there was noise and scared the pig so hairs and i go going to the wood line


a little bit he had my shotgun and i had my rifle you go i don't know maybe a hundred meters maybe didn't see the


spread out well see if we can flush them out again i'm going too far


we went into the wood line maybe maybe what maybe 200 meters in the meantime you stayed by the truck and then we're


like you know what let's go park get dominic like let's let's instead of kind of doing this half-ass so we went


back to the car main reason is because i'm old and i really didn't want to go in that deep in the bush and i'm like that's my knees in my back i don't want


to be all that you don't like deep bush you don't like shallow bush you don't you really


okay uh you know a rectal brazilian okay so go back to the truck


we go you know whatever another one or two hundred meters there was a parking lot by this pond


and there were people there they were fishing yeah fishing just some guy with his kids i think yeah i mean


there are at least 10 maybe maybe 15 people like one group is like one no more than 10 people anyway they're just


hanging out by the way one card one guy was in a blue car i think he only went in there to take a [ __ ] and then he left together because


there was there was some [ __ ] not too far yeah there was a heart a heart stand actually yeah the very next time we went i used to use that bathroom


yeah okay so we park dominic has has the ar here this is the shotgun and


i have that one a and so we're going to the wood line we're walking online but the


part of the terrain was actually we hit a cliff i think initially and so we we shifted to the right and you kind of


stayed really at the top of the cliff harris and i made it made our way down and and immediately i mean we started


seeing signs of pig we saw the mud we saw the the the dug up roots


i mean like classic signs of pig didn't it didn't smell that was from what i remember no no you were just we were


looking more for what i explained to you earlier it's because they they create so much damage


in the terrain because of them rooting up and then they'll roll their bodies into that wet mud yeah they call them


themselves they've got themselves down keeps the bugs off them too but they like to get all the roots so we're looking for all the disturbed terrain


i believe it was aries though who saw the group of them because i had stayed behind so you stayed behind yeah aries


and i were walking forward and when we were just we were seeing signs of pigs right at one point


i see some movement i don't know maybe not even 50 meters ahead of me


i'm like oh [ __ ] it's a pig take a knee take aim and right at that moment


i i m my tunnel because as soon as i saw my dremel went up i had a little bit of tunnel vision


but as as i was taking a knee and i was calming myself down to take the shot i i kind of you know my my frame of


reference kind of kind of comes comes out a little bit and i realized that there's actually more than one pig i actually realized there's i


don't know 10 to 20 and i'm very close to them and i'm thinking to myself oh oh [ __ ] this is this is how i die


anyway i i was i was so excited that i didn't really i didn't really choose which pig i was gonna shoot at uh


carefully enough and so i just kind of picked one out of the crowd in retrospect there were


bigger ones i think the one we got was maybe 150 pounds maybe that's all right and so i see it i take aim i take the


shot uh i'd like to say it was one shot one kill


uh i'm pretty sure the first one hit it hit it in the guts it immediately went on no i didn't have


a gut shot there was no good shot there were i took three shots yeah one didn't hit it and one no i'm telling you one


one was one was in its gut we got a picture one was in his chest there's pictures there are pictures one


was in this cut one was in its chest and one was in its head there was no gut shot because i gutted the whole thing


and there was no good shot in this animal i'm telling you i didn't i didn't miss i


just missed the spot but i i'm not i'm not saying you missed but there was no gut shot i i remember


like a clear entry and exit at the belly and i'm pretty sure that's that's what


that's why what made it roll on its back anyway so i went on his back i took a second shot to his chest made it low on


his back because it was dead you know because it was it was it was okay and so uh hidden in the stomach hidden the


second shot hit in his chest and then just for good measure because i i you know didn't want to want it to suffer i


i i got a little closer when i hit in that that's when the arrows came running that's when aries came running


right up to it with the shotgun goes no he had he was trying to pull out his sidearm no he didn't have a sidearm yes


he did he had his knife i think it was a nine millimeter in his head or something he's got a sidearm because he's getting it i don't think so


no he didn't have a shotgun he had his sidearm i'm telling you i promise you


ask him yourself i will ask you guys we can use we can use right now i don't even know if he's


going to answer right now we're going to wait well we're not going to wait for it but i i do i think we should wait till


the next episode to make sure that hey you know what dominic was right aries didn't have his sidearm aries didn't


have the shot the shotgun was bigger than errors i don't think errors was running around


down there with that shotgun right well so i'm texting


anyhoo so we killed the pig


um dominic heard the shots right he he was so i knew where they were he knew where we


were he comes up and so you know we we we i think we had 550 cord with us we tied it


and we dragged it to the you know to the side to the side of the road where we


were like the trail right the side of the trail dominic went for the car ayers and i were like trying to prep it to gut


it long story short we field fueled field dressed it uh put it in um


we wrapped it in tarp had some bags of ice uh and then we then we drove


transporting it back to the to the um to the butcher process yeah


and it's delicious it was delicious and since though so and it's close the the lesson less


i did the the lesson the lesson that we learned was that a tarp


doesn't doesn't keep the cold in regardless of how much rice we have and so subsequent to that we bought a kiddie


pool and the plan is uh if it'll contain the ice in the cold well


so so it'll contain the ice and the cold but but one one lesson is uh bags of ice that


you get from the store right there they're prone leaking they're not they're not waterproof and so we're going to put those in plastic bags stick


those underneath the pig and then put a pile pile more of those on top of that one more thing i'd like to give a shout


out to the general store over there in green cove this is where i got this hat that's another story i know but i just


keep thinking about those people those people were so nice out there and uh i think we we stopped that store


the following time we went out there and those people at that store were some of the nicest people great breakfast


sandwiches great and great merch if you're watching thank you


thank you for uh being such wonderful people that's right green was that the name of the tent


no it's called it's called teleco plains teleco planes but it's called green cove the store


green cove pond and it's in teleco plains and it is in the what is the name of that uh


cherokee cherokee national forest right as soon as you come into tennessee from the


north carolina border great people great little great little village of people


and uh interesting folks we saw out there the following time but that's another story


yeah i i i think if we've i i've had my philip texas i've had my little fantasy stories for the day let's move on we've


got more tennessee stories but that's for the next episode


what's next all right what's next what's next what else we got i would say let's talk more about ukraine but i think we


talked a lot about that last last episode and not even a third not even a third i understand and it's


and so much has transpired you know in so little time but uh again i'm not i don't think i'm


the best person to talk about it i don't even know half the thing right i'll be honest with you in the last since the


last episode i've seen some videos come out where you know at first you're like


you know the russians are invading ukraine the russians are the bad guys european but now it's i don't know this


is something's coming out you know i i'm telling you i'm watching these videos maybe i'm watching the wrong videos you're watching absolutely


maybe i'm watching the things that i have to have a tinfoil head on because the ukraine is part of like the new


world i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm like what again don't don't i'm not the right person to listen to on this this subject


i mean i i hear two or three things and i'm not well versed in this subject


i'm not the right guy i could ask questions but i don't know any useful information on it and nothing i can say


would even be close to being credible or correct and that's the truth


deadly this is very good by the way deliciousness too


uh it's it's uh iced tea aged i aged in um my god uh


black black uh iced tea barrels yeah but what's what's the the other thing oak


this is gonna be black black sherry or black cognac


the iced tea is aged in black brandy caskets yes yes this is


this is dead eyes they're both they're both made out of wood that's true you know caskets and cats it's all depends on how


you use it i guess they ain't no judgment that's right everybody knows it's not the quality of the wood that's


how you use it it's the length and the hardness of the wood it is the emotion of the wood it is


the emotion it's the force of the horse [Laughter]


yes [Music] yes yes the force of the horse you


thought i forgot where were we were in the woods where they said that dollar dude this was like


i don't know the other day we were talking [ __ ] to each other i think did we go to a store or something we were just saying that i feel like we were


walking around the store and we were saying this nonsense i feel like we were in the woods but maybe maybe maybe maybe we were in a


worry who knows i think we were in the i think last time we were camping we were just talking [ __ ] and you said it's not the motion of the


ocean it's the force of the horse that's right a wise man once said


that ghost might have said no docos doesn't need to say it he's


it's it's it's whatever he's got is what you need i kind of feel like that goes to be the


kind of person that if you had a like a phrase or a quote and you thought he would be the cool old man to say it he'd


be so cool he wouldn't even need to say he'd look at me go you know what i'm saying i know exactly what i would say don't


don't don't make me say he would just he would just not he would just nod and


stir the fire with his large penis he probably has one of those old [ __ ]


old-timey western penises where he just stirs the


i don't think anyone's ever in the history of ever his head it's an old-timey western 10-inch long thin


penis and he stirs the fire while he heats up his can of beans and he just waits for somebody to say something and


it just says you know what i'd say keep going he said that grizzled old guy


his penis probably has a thousand calluses of it probably uses it for multiple things


the impression that people must have tacos he he actually he spoke


clearly very educated i mean yeah he's like a professor his appearance didn't match his mind


at all night and day once he spoke we were mesmerized we were like yeah we could i could have stayed there just


listening to him speaking anything and he was looking for a person to


mentor and i was this closer like guys just you know go ahead i'll just pick me up on the way


back don't worry i'm going to stay here tacos if you're listening reach out because you've you have found yourself a


disciple don't count yourself out because you were you were that close too i saw you you were like man that ghost


doc ghost we miss you and we hope to see you again soon hope you're doing well hate that truth


ghost shout out to doctors


i really hope we do run into that guy again at some point if we ever go to nantahala


just for me to tell him how much of a legend i think he is i'm like dude we really think you're just


i don't know we we've given him this legendary status and i don't even know where i mean


if if we were somebody like oh my god we talk to we talk about you on our youtube channel constantly on a podcast and he's


gonna be like i don't do social media you know he doesn't do social media no he goes they call me dark ghost for a reason i'm a ghost


he's gone does he not want to be found man but i feel privileged and honored


that we actually did i think we were meant to run into that man um he helped us out that day knew where


to send us for what we were gonna do and i feel


deep in my soul that we will see duck ghost again


but even if we don't i'm honored that we that we met him the time we did


that's not allowed that's not allowed it's not kosher y'all mean it's not kosher on this show


that's true forget i did that yeah all right well we're gonna edit that out


no all right next topic what do we got i don't know i i i want to say


like i don't want to clutter this episode especially given how much we've talked about this one topic we're going to talk about the next one for 15


minutes well most of our shows have been i think a three topic show i think uh and so far we've only touched on one and


a half times but whereas the worst a little bit more with the ish minute mark


this is this is it this is the right length for especially for today's topic


yeah i are going to call it no i don't want to call it i think we


still have more to talk about well i mean we we have so much to say to the world but i think that the time has come


for for a bonfire i think you know what i think he's right everybody i think we're gonna call it so


with that don't forget smash that like button subscribe comment and share


ladies and gentlemen that was the rack your brain podcast for march 1st


2022 like share subscribe comment


uh sponsor us and uh what's what's the last one um


buy our merch as soon as we have something students we have something and if you


feel like you have anything you want to send us in the next episode we will be getting out that p.o box and you can


send us some of those freeze-dried food things for camping or whatever things you want us to test out we'll take it


out with us next time we go we'll take the camera equipment we'll test out whatever you guys want and we'll get you


back that info stay safe be well and we'll see you next time