Wrack Your Brain

Wrack Your Brain Episode 6

April 13, 2022 Charles Fuks & Dominick Leon Season 1 Episode 6
Wrack Your Brain Episode 6
Wrack Your Brain
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Wrack Your Brain
Wrack Your Brain Episode 6
Apr 13, 2022 Season 1 Episode 6
Charles Fuks & Dominick Leon

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#podcast  #politics #Veterans #twoidiots #BAFTA #Burisma #Presidents #Radicalright #RadicalLeft

Episode 6. This is a show about everything and nothing. Part politics, part satire, all bourbon. Join Dominick Leon and Charles Fuks as they muse about current events, social issues, and whatever surfaces from the depths of their minds. If you walk away thinking about something in a different way leave a comment, like, share, and subscribe. In this episode we discuss many things including BAFTA Awards, Legitimizing Despots, and Burisma.

Music sourced from https://pixabay.com/

Background music is "Indie Folk (King Around Here)" by Alex Grohl

Check out the accompanying video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0HtdjwJIFY

Show Notes Transcript

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#podcast  #politics #Veterans #twoidiots #BAFTA #Burisma #Presidents #Radicalright #RadicalLeft

Episode 6. This is a show about everything and nothing. Part politics, part satire, all bourbon. Join Dominick Leon and Charles Fuks as they muse about current events, social issues, and whatever surfaces from the depths of their minds. If you walk away thinking about something in a different way leave a comment, like, share, and subscribe. In this episode we discuss many things including BAFTA Awards, Legitimizing Despots, and Burisma.

Music sourced from https://pixabay.com/

Background music is "Indie Folk (King Around Here)" by Alex Grohl

Check out the accompanying video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0HtdjwJIFY


all right welcome back everybody to another episode of rack your brain i'm your host dominic leon and my other host charles


fuchs and today is wednesday march 22nd march 22nd


all right no it's not much it's tuesday tuesday


we don't drink okay so uh i believe we promised our loyal


and patient and uh informed viewers last week were android listeners this is a possible podcast afro that uh that we


were going to do a a response to uh to video not that this this


particular uh i don't know three minute clip it is any more meaningful or


matters anymore than anything else uh nor do i think it necessarily has triggered any sort of uh reaction in us


more than anything else but we did find this one uh last week and and to be transparent we didn't want to look for


another one so we had this ready to go so we'll uh play some clips respond to it remember


we can't play the whole thing because of the copyright thing so we can move oh playing videos on other things


they'll copyright they'll take us down that's why that's why morgan doesn't deal with on his place really oh yeah


yeah he'll play without sound and play like a two second thing of it just to see you


see what it is but he'll play without sound yeah yeah it's because of the copyright thing yeah but i've seen


videos of people responding to other videos before because he's got permission or it's the person he's interviewing


it's their own it's their own video no i don't mean rogan video because i've really never seen him but


um yeah uh sponsors if you're listening


okay so use on it every day but uh no i don't mean hit his i mean uh


just other clips like i've seen i don't know tick tock videos where people have green screen and they're responding oh yeah but that's tic tac


i'm saying as far as on a podcast they you know they have um i think we're gonna edit all this out


we're going to start again why i don't know just boring our listeners with semantics i


don't think it's any more boring than the hunting hunting camping video we did that when we took a break from


from real real world [ __ ] not that hunting and camping is a real world but uh let's uh here why don't you uh


tell the listeners uh something from the deepest darkest depths of your mind while i while i confirm whether or not


we can actually share a clip okay ladies and gentlemen something from the deepest darkest


depths of my mind the dark web is real all right dark web is real don't go on


it but you don't know everybody knows knows it exists but nobody knows what's on it


and i'm just one of the the momos who was dumb enough to go on there and


see what was what just because i was curious and it's not nice and it's not good


don't ever do it you don't know what you're going to see and you don't want to see it


can i show clips of youtube videos on youtube i don't know youtube tell us


because there's a video youtube video about copyright rules on youtube


here we go okay how to use news clips in youtube videos and this one wasn't which goes why don't we just play the video


for ourselves and respond to it and we'll deal with that on our own time


i mean let's not waste our podcast listeners and our viewers time with our own


details that's just the response i think our our listeners and viewers mostly uh


tune in for for the gun show but um you know


anything grunt style over there run style sponsor now this is just we're going to


spend the next 45 minutes just asking different people to sponsor us okay um okay how to channel hold on


you can you can't use unlicensed news clips in your video without risking demonetization copyright strikes or


legal disputes with the creator you need to purchase a license for the clip oh my god that's okay so we're not doing that


that's but we can play it for ourselves and we can tell you what it's about as we discuss it


now what the video that we're talking about that we were constantly trying to figure out is there is a journalist from


england i'm assuming it's from england uh that is talking about the the award


winners at the baptist now this uh particular journalist is talking


about the privileged class of actors who you know wanted to i guess make


well let's play some for ourselves for us go ahead you play it um and you listen to it and then that's


right so we're gonna have to pause okay yeah so uh we'll be right back all right so


first i don't know 15 seconds no no don't do that because the pause come back pause yeah that's what


we're gonna do yeah cause what we're gonna do all righty that's that's the least part of today look at the editor


i'm just the body i know this is this is more work for me okay so he's just the pretty face he's


normal candy i'm the brains of that person all right so okay so the cheap date in the in the


first 15 seconds i don't know you're not that cheap i made it i made a ribeye steak for you in the woods once i made


two ribeye steaks for you delicious they were they were and they were dry aged ribeye sticks and he made


me uh what is it a oatmeal potatoes oh god uh biscuits oh my gosh


cast iron biscuits i just want to go camping again


so this clip right so this guy starts off he he he or she i don't know i don't wanna i don't wanna identify this person


in case there's a copyright claim so it's it's a guy it's a person and um


it was saying that that uh the the uh attendees of this of


this bafta event charlotte indiegogo charlatans overeducated over privileged


uh he was saying how how they they they ridiculed donald trump for for his years


in office and they they they called for biden they they advocated for but they just wanted them even


some of them may have campaigned for them so he he's he's already accusing people of


of not accusing people he's already diminishing their


whatever it is that they said whatever their perspective is because they they supposedly they


looping looping an entire group of people into one into one is always a smart idea right um


because everybody's the same when they belong to a particular demographic or identity


but to your point i mean to that point but didn't they though isn't it common knowledge and couldn't we can we


research whether they did or not we absolutely can and without without doubting i agree with you he is kind of


generalizing and looping them all into into one thing but at the same time the major i would say that the majority of


the people he's talking about we could research it and and find out that yes indeed they


pretty much not all of them i wouldn't say all of them but most of them are doing or did exactly what he said they


did i think that that he's


his 50 000 foot view and description really really overlooks a lot of things


so first of all let's let's look at some some some specific generalizations that are


at least more accepted right one orange men good one one act


one actors uh generally are left-leaning right both in the uk and the us


generally yeah meaning the most most of them yeah yeah okay um


yeah a lot of them probably were outspoken against donald trump both both the u.s and and uh


um you can i would say british and i'll be honest i i like many people


get confused between the differences between britain england united kingdom and


i think uk is england scotland ireland right so i i


this guy was was in in england so let's just call him british whatever it doesn't matter


so um so yeah yeah american american and british actors


left-leaning and and outspoken against donald trump i think this person takes a leap of


faith not a leap of faith he takes a logical leap when he then goes on to say or he


or she goes on to say um they openly called for and i'm maybe i'm


paraphrasing openly called for for joe biden well okay stop


president is there for four years and they might have been ridiculing them for four years


there wasn't there were some voices talking about 2020 and biden but there were many voices calling for all kinds


of people to run as as democrats uh in in 2020 right during there that's even prior to the problem that's


it right so are you saying in 2016 suddenly you know donald trump is sworn in and these


british actors are like we didn't bite in here nobody i mean it's not that nobody cared about biden it's just that


he hadn't even announced that he might run i don't think anybody had announced at that point that they were going to run there might have been some assumptions and contenders right bottom


line is a certain amount of time passed before anybody was was campaigning for biden


even at the time of the primary there were plenty of contenders right there was uh pete budaj


and and chelsea chelsea gabbard right and the other um the other thing which is senator


congressman also veteran i think i'm thinking of


maybe she's not a veteran but uh she's a senator klobuchar amy klobuchar but i don't know


isn't there another veteran from hawaii that's also in congress isn't tammy duckworth also from okay whatever neither here nor there


so okay so even the primaries which which what started what two years before the election-ish 2018


maybe 20 let's just say 2019 right so primaries happen there there were people running running for for for


the democratic nomination uh even before even before biden biden made his announcement so were these were


the the bafta people were they were they openly calling for biden by and large probably not right so


i say all this to to to point out that this guy is making generalities and he's already making logical leaps


in the first 15 seconds and he also sounds like an angry prick so but i mean that's that's a subjective


thing all right so are we ready are you gonna no i couldn't find it but go ahead i'm ready what if she was about here i


really didn't look that hard it helps if you can read okay so uh we


will be right back we we have to we have to we have to respond to that part i i don't think there's there's any way


any other way of putting this he basically said that ukraine would not by the way the entire videos aside from


from being a heavy critique of of left-leaning uh uh


actors and actresses is um is is a pretty much about ukraine and


their stance on ukraine so in in the next what five seconds the last five seconds we listened to uh he he


basically made the claim that that uh ukraine would not have been invaded had had donald trump still been president


go on i mean


would have been invaded though i don't know i don't think so i don't think so


okay uh but that's just my opinion listen who knows no one no one can think for vladimir putin he's gonna do


whatever he was going to do and i think if this was in his if this was in his real house to do for


a while who knows if if he would have done it or not just because of who's in the white house in america if that's


what he was going to do who's really going to stop him don't i think the only thing that would have changed


would have been possibly how the united states reacted to it that's that's about it


maybe but i i mean correct me if i'm wrong and let me add to that i'm just going to say one thing for as much as a trump


supporter as i am and i'm a republican i also will say though you know what your criticism has to go


you know where it where it belongs and if i can criticize donald trump on a few things is that maybe


if he was still president and this would have happened who knows what he would have said that could have possibly even made a


thing made it made things worse we don't know i mean we we have some we have some historical president uh when


when he had a uh a twitter a twitter fight with uh kim jong kim jungkoon yeah


but then what happened with that they became besties shook hands and everything kim jong-un invited invited


him over for dinner okay but what happened before that they were having a childish twitter war


didn't matter he went over to north korea he crossed and well dmz crosstalk


it matters in the sense that during the time of that twitter war north korea and this is in fact


checkmate north korea escalated their their i don't know their posture everyone put


it they they did they did i don't know if they increased their test but they had some prominent missile tests they


were basically it was a show of force that they had prior to


however it is it was mended and then he went to the dmz oh by the way i actually recently re-watched that


clip um where where he i think he stepped over the dmz he was the first person


yeah no he was in the dmc no no i think he stepped into north korea yeah they met in the dmz and then


and then and then he stepped into korea first and only president is that notable


i mean certainly people have argued that that's like an example of trump diplomacy and how


blah blah blah at the same time though there were a lot of arguments at the time as a matter of


fact i think i might have been in in my first deployment and i was doing information operations


for the army and so uh so i was like well versed in this and i think it was that same year or at least


shortly after where where he crossed over and a lot of people in that community were like


that's a win for kim jong-un because and i don't know if this was ever confirmed but you better bet that like


he was blasting all over their media like oh my god look what i've done i've brought an american president here look


how great i am like we've we essentially legitimized and you remember this from


from iraq and afghanistan's whole idea of legitimizing the government right so he legitimized a a


and this this is a tough word to say totalitarian regime right he he he in fact legitimized the disciples


on their state-run television they're just going to probably show that clip over and over again and


they're going to say that's what our our leader did he he did this and in the end what what was actually accomplished from


that from that from the photo op that was much more valuable for the north koreans


do they still have have nuclear weapons it served its purpose for the short time that it actually was effective but i


mean as a photo pretty much you know and it kind of calmed things down for a little bit a lot of people like to say oh it it um


you know it stopped the war well i mean was the war imminent with north korea though i don't know


because these these scare tactics more than yeah not not more than anything right because north korea has been


playing the same game for a very long time missile testing shooting missiles you know towards guam and all this you


know it's not like this is the first time and i think they just probably took the situation


and uh just said hey you know if we really run with this we can make something out of it and make something big


whether or not it's going to last long i think was irrelevant at the time they just wanted it to see they wanted people


to see like hey look at what we can do now do i believe you that it really 100 i think


that in north korea this served a purpose to legitimize that that regime


um did it look good on this end sure it did but i don't know that it looked as well people that wanted it wanted to see


it as looking good perhaps i mean you know yeah maybe there was some good that we saw in


it or and you know and but i agree it could have looked great to people who wanted it to look great but if anybody


was a a real winner in all this it was definitely kim jong-un and the north


korean regime yeah yeah internally because they could just play that over their state-run


television and you know now their leader looks like a hero so


so anyway we we we're really the topic is whether or not donald trump would have prevented the invasion of ukraine


so you're you're the most you know you're you're right in in saying that


that who know a who knows what what putin would have done b i think i think you you basically


partially said it is that he he's probably been planning this for a while i mean the the fact the fact that


i mean he's for the last 12 years like even going back to 2008 i think was was uh was crimea right so the


last 14 years he he has been implementing what he's been very open about as his desire to


make it's just not it's not just 14 years people that i also remember before putin was even


thought of as being any kind of leader in russia this guy's former kgb this guy's former he was in the in the soviet


union before the iron curtain fell so he knew what it was like to be in the communist uh era of of russia when it


wasn't even it was the soviet union and he knew what it was like back then he also saw the fall of the iron curtain he


saw all that stuff and he's not ever been shy about talking about how i guess in his mind he thought


things were better as they were prior to communist communism falling in russia


and i think with certain movements and certain things he's done over the years


especially when it came to crimea and it was at the the dumbass region and all that the invasion of georgia you know


they invaded but they orchestrated i think the revolution there same thing i think they orchestrated in belarus


so yes a lot of these things have been very very detailed and not


he's been marinating over this for a while and he's i guarantee you he's been gathering intel for a very long time and


then just picked his spot and he picked is the best time to do it whether or not we think this was the best time is


irrelevant because we're not in his in his office we don't know what's on his mind he might have thought that this was


the best time regardless of who was in the white house well the a and he he might have also and


there's there's a lot of talk about this so one irrespective of who's in the white house


or sorry like irrespective of what of what uh impediments there would be from


the west including who's in the white house in the u.s but also he he might have seen this as like a critical critical


point because because of how close uh possibly uh ukraine was getting to to be


admitted to nato right so maybe he's like [ __ ] i i only have this small you know window of time when when when


they're still not nato and i can attack them without without uh see that's another thing that sounds like a conversation and with the whole


thing with nato whether or not a part of me wants to say that whether or not


um ukraine was with nato is would have impeded you know pollutant and making the decision to go into a ukraine right


or we're not i don't think i'm saying if the ukraine were a member of nato i don't think it would have impeded him


absolutely because i think he's more concerned with loss of control i think he wants to maintain i think the


ukrainian government had a level of of some kind of subservience to the


russian government even though they wanted to maintain their distance from them well for for i mean certainly under


the soviet union then they were then they were there was more move of them being more aligned to the west and then i think in the early 2000s uh


close to russia and then since since actually since 2014 just prior to zolinski and into the zielinski time


right now my thing was even though in my opinion if he didn't care whether


it wasn't about whether they joined nato or not there is a slight um


level of importance of them joining nato because in his mind if the ukraine if ukraine joins nato what's to stop the


nato from parking their weapons in the ukraine you know and uh i mean sure i think that


is part of it it's a small part of it but at the same time though like but the more the more i think ukraine


tries to consider or at least gain some kind of a foothold into western


um alliances i think putin feels like he's losing control over a certain area


it's not even losing control he wants to maintain a certain level of control of what's around him well he certainly does


want russian sphere of influence to be as big as possible even as big as it was during during the


the soviet union right the so but that i guess the flip side slash


slash another element to that is aside from russian sphere of influence


and it's tough to separate this right but but aside from that his concern is how close


nato as a as an organization is to russia and so you can't get closer than the


border of russia if if ukraine gets becomes part of nato but certainly and he's he's


he's he's talked about it and don't forget um where is that is it's moldova


because he's got pretty much half of moldova already no he's not mulder although it was on the western side of


ukraine it's um he's got about 500 000 soldiers in moldova right now


that they've been there belarus maldov world wherever


i don't care where it's on the map i want you to fact check the information i will but first i have to i want you to


understand mobile is here i understand that but now are they but are are there


russians in moldova have russians and turd


that wasn't what i asked you are there russians in moldova not have they entered are there any russians in moldova right now as we speak


even russian military yeah yes russian military


in mall dota 100


confidence is not


partially i'm going to give you partial the russian federation holds an unknown


soldiers in trans transnistria transnistria


an unrecognized breakaway state internationally recognized as part of moldova


and it's been there since 1992. so you know and the numbers the intel


numbers on how many it is it's around 500 000. because they're split up into separate camps kind of like 500 000


russian soldiers no again no how many you know that for a fact do you just disagree with me no no


i could i could tell you with certainty not fact because that just came out today from military intelligence and you


can look that up because they're trying to figure out the russian military doesn't even have 500


000 soldiers period period and then so how are there so we were responding


to this bafta video but we've somehow kind of well this is what happens this is what happens what usually happens


well we'll get back to i mean we might get back to the video no i'm probably spitting out 500 000 but this could be


soldiers mixing with civilians who work for the russian military kind of like a military they barely scrounge together i


understand what you're saying do you understand what you're saying i completely understand why they'd have a million they'd be in ukraine and i'm not


disagreeing with you yes actually wait a minute hold on hold on i think my number wait now that i remember it could be 50


000 that's a lot more reasonable than 500 i actually think it is around there because they were talking about how many


p how many soldiers would it take to take over moldova and they said well if we had five hundred thousand soldiers we


could possibly begin but we don't even have yeah right so that is a huge difference okay two days ago uh this is


but i was right they are in moldova they they they are right but but you said they weren't 100


you said 100 they're not just admit you were wrong


i'll give you partial credit and here's why well one marginal credit you get the partial credit because there are russian


soldiers in moldova was i wrong on the numbers sure but but the question was like


or did you not imply that it was like part of the recent you know


i said there was no no that's how you took it and that's why when you looked at it and i saw what you were text


looking i said that's not what i asked you you said that they entered i said that's not what i said i said they're


already there it had nothing to do with who was entering what i said they're in moldova


right and you said have they entered moldova 1500 troops could be 15 1500 not 500


000. i think the 500 no with the 500 all right from sure okay that number came from i


think it was a conversation with putin saying if we were to take over moldova how many soldiers would we need and i think he estimated it to be around 500


000 but they're they don't even have that many troops right but i mean that's i think that's where my number was i confused it but again they don't even


have but are they there which was the initial question yes they are okay


and what was the point oh okay so so putin's motivation so the one last thing


i'm going to say about that is that is that he has like he's it's not that he's admitted he


he is concerned about nato but but he is openly aware is how i'll put it this and everything that i've


seen on it i don't think many people would disagree is that is that um he is he is aware of how solid


the article five is of nato like he absolutely knows there's no doubt in his mind that every country in nato is


committed if one is attacked they are all going to war with whoever it is that attack them and so he understands that


and and he absolutely the the timing of this especially with with recent talks


of of ukraine jordan nato the timing is is tied to that but one of the what let


me ask you what are the i i and i agree with you 100 but now what are the odds that ukraine


would be joining nato at all like what are the chances of that happening not zero and i don't think


they're low either it's not zero but it's not exactly high if anything they have a 50 50 shot and that's being


generous sure maybe 50 50 times that's being generous it's and i think


that's partially because because of or at least in part


maybe i'm wrong maybe maybe maybe i'm confusing they're them being admitted to the eu with them being admitted to nato


but there are there are there are stipulations right and i believe one of them is like the stability


of of a democracy in other words like the the recent and when i say recently within


the last 10 years and probably more recently less so supposedly uh uh the history of of um of


corruption in in the ukrainian government i believe is is one at least one of the things that's


uh that they have been asked to work on before being admitted to nano and so there were


that's what they um that's what um president trump said he said it with zielinski's like they're gonna have to


really work on this corrupt system and zielinski actually had a look on his face like he didn't know what trump was talking about but


it listen uh a deaf mute with no hands can look up how you know corrupt ukraine is it


it doesn't make a difference every i think it's global knowledge at this point how corrupt that country is well


so i think the only people who don't want to admit that ukraine is corrupt is


ukrainians i don't think that's i don't think that's true i mean and i don't know a lot about ukrainian


politics but my understanding is that he was elected at least on par at least in part on a platform of ending corruption


westernizing and ending corruption and joining nate not necessarily joining nato as a policy but like like hey we're


going to become better as a country underneath me i think at least in part was his message right and they


supposedly they have been working toward it they've been making strides and yadda yadda um and it is a slow process anything is


i mean when you have a country like ukraine who's been corrupt for god knows how long to undo all that and to just change the


system and how they operate a lot of eastern europe european countries still have kind of like parts of the middle east


kind of like parts of africa like there's still a cost of doing business as an example right like it's like you've gotta agree


something really yeah that's right listen you wanna build up you wanna set up shop here you gotta


you gotta pay to play i actually recently or recently like last year started reading a book about um


i forgot the the topic i think the topic was was the rise


of of ultra nationalism again in in europe and the book starts with uh with


the fall of the soviet union it talks about how so many countries were like we want what the west has


and so they were electing people that that were you know


electing government officials who are saying yeah we're going to get closer to to to the


west and the west was saying okay you need to do x y and z you need to have free press and you know less corruption


like all the things that essentially ukraine is trying to do and so those politicians started to implement


that but they were alienating a lot of their own people because it was


still part of the cup part of the cultures in eastern europe were still


uh still had elements that would be considered undemocratic and and anti uh you know not anti-west but but


on let's just say let's just say what it is a lot of these countries like you know


romania is a famous one he used to be communist their government


still to this day and you can fact check this even though they have more of a democracy now


a lot of the old players like the oldies old what we would call career politicians in romania still have


they've completely transitioned into a new form of government but their values and how they operate what it is that they do


seems to come off as still having that communist kind of feel behind it because of the way they


do things like they haven't lost or even care to evolve the way they do things because it's the way they've always done them


even though the the end goal or the the you know whatever the goal is that they're trying to do


is within the the the democracy that they serve so i wouldn't be surprised again a place


like ukraine has been corrupt for a very long time and now you're trying to uproot these people and change everything they've been doing for so


long it's not an easy task you know not an easy task


one more thing about about trump so so i think part of the argument well


a large part if not the the part if not the argument about trump supposedly


if he was an office steve print your friend would have been invaded is based on what people see as donald trump


projecting strength for him for himself about himself and about about and for the us but that's assuming


that putin's not strong no but you know i agree with you right this is what people are saying donald trump he's he


he killed zuma mainly he you know in in iran he he i don't know he was tough right he


was he was tough and the world anybody on that part of the world would say putin is equally as


tough the thing is you have to remember you know we can say what we want about trudeau we can say what we want about


maybe even possibly uh what's the guys from uh mexico fox i think his last name who president he's president of mexico i


don't even know doesn't matter but we can possibly have better perspectives of what they're doing


because they're on our side of the world what putin's doing on that side of the world is a little bit foreign to us because we don't see it every day


all we see is what they do that we may or may not perceive as kind of sketchy and then it's up to our media which we


already know is untrustworthy to tell us what it's very untrustworthy what may or


may not be real the difference between biased and untrustworthy am i biased i'm trustworthy am i biased in general


no are you biased i am are you a trustworthy i'm not i'm trustworthy i agree


so it's two different things okay but that first phase forget forget um putin


forget well for a second forgetful right so let's just let's just for a moment


hypothetically we can see donald trump strong and and we had a tougher posture under donald trump we did okay


hypothetically for the argument for argument's sake because what would be different


under trump would would he have declared war but that's what i'm saying we don't know you


know i don't mean i don't mean we don't know what putin i don't know if donald trump would have declared war or anything that's what i mean no no


president wants to go to war with russia and plus we don't know that just because if donald trump were here putin's


actions would have been any different because again his actions on that on that side of the world are foreign to us but i'm he was


going to know but i'm talking about people's arguments i believe putin was going to do this regardless of whoever was in the white house because it was


what he wanted to do based on his own intel and it's what he wanted to do at the time he wanted to do it


that's basically it but i i just want to cover like what people's argument is so people are saying donald trump was


strong putin putin knew he was strong and he wouldn't have done it but what would that in practice


i'm trying to figure out like what these people think would have been the strong reaction versus the weak reaction


because nobody even none of the republicans now are saying we should we should declare war matter of fact they're there


some some of them are actually saying we shouldn't even be sanctioning uh uh putin right because it's none of our


business that's no threat to us well now putin on the to counter the sanctions is just pretty much sanctioned all the the


democrats that sanction him i mean this whole thing with the sanctions what does it really do well so so for for on the


russian side we've we've frozen as far as i know we've frozen all of their


assets both both government assets that we have here in our banks as well as as the assets like


like um but they can still do business with whoever will do business with with whoever will do business with them china


will go by their world iran iran will do business with them china will buy their oil as long as they want


as long as it's in china's best interest other countries however small they may be may still continue to do that


sure but by and large most saudi arabia saudi arabia will buy russian oil with


the chinese one instead


saudi arabia so in any case most countries have have sanctioned and won't do


business with them and it's already it's already if not crippling significantly weakening


weakening their their economy um but again like the question stands what


would the strong reaction have been if not like what's what's the strong range for


us to predict right between well i'm sorry i'm asking this hypothetically more more toward toward toward uh any


any uh ridiculous conservative uh um and that's the key word ridiculous conservative um the listener we might


have some some conservatives are okay the moderate ones but the the right as much as people would have loved to for trump


to do something strong and grandiose and this big [ __ ] he wouldn't have had more options than would biden is that maybe


the sanctions would have come sooner i don't know some people are saying they should have become undivided but like


that's where that's where it would stop short unless you're saying as a republican you would support going to


war with russia if donald trump was president but i don't think donald trump would have wanted to go to war either i think


anybody who assumes that would that would be ridiculous that because one number one we don't we


don't know that that's what we that's what he would have done we are assuming that but because it's you say he's a


strong person but we don't know what he would have done and plus i i don't think he would


have done that if donald trump is so pro-america as as you know as people think he is and how is he portrays


himself why would he want to risk the lives of american soldiers to go you know and police the world again to


do things that really have nothing to do with us as far as that part of the world


you know i think he may have even tried to i think what donald trump would have done


in in and just trying to figure out you know what options would come about would


probably maybe have a face-to-face conversation with putin because it wasn't like they were on bad terms they've spoken to each


other many times before during the presidency before the presidency why why wouldn't he just want to say let


me let's go talk to people there was there was the time that uh that uh donald trump went to russia and


he was uh he was video videotaped in um in compromising positions with with


certain certain russians repeat that that's such nonsense and it was never proven


but it was disgusting too but it's possible it's listen anything


is possible but it was gross if it was true do you think do you think that's less possible


than uh than the bruises conspiracy charisma is true though what do you mean


by that well the best already it depends on what you mean it depends on what i mean


so that hunter biden was collecting money but it's public knowledge already i don't know so so but that's not what


the conspiracy theory is like it is public knowledge that hunter by conspiracy that it was on his laptop and


then there's a lot of other um uh what's the word i'm looking for uh evidence on that laptop that pretty much


goes against everything biden's ever defended when they came to his son well so so but this here's what the


conspiracy is right um this this 23 seconds into this video and we've


we've already gone in and these there okay so see what happens it's okay though this is what we're here for all


right this is what people this is how people have conversations on a day-to-day basis the lay person in this


country i don't get laid okay so


oh uh the the okay it's here here's here's what's what's at least generally accepted right uh


during the time that that uh uh joe biden was vice president his son


hunter biden was on the board uh executive board i think of his uh


board of directors right of this company burisma the ukrainian company oil and gas i don't even know what they do


telecom who the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] no okay um hey well let's talk about what we do


know he was collecting a paycheck from them right as as board members of any company dude


um and and the company was also getting investigated and joe biden had that in


this hold on back up back up you're going too fast um okay so what it was 2015 2014 2015. i


don't know ish um okay so let's just put it put a year just for supposedly 2015. joe biden is


president hunter biden is getting paid a salary and a salary to to be on a board


supposedly for for advice and consulting who knows maybe maybe not okay um


what else okay also around that time there was a ukrainian


uh oh my god why can't i think of the title attorney general i think it was the turn


right an attorney general uh was was inve investigating


investigating baristas for corruption at the same time because let's not i


feel like that's too too there's a lot of uh there's a spin on that


here's what's fat the attorney general well what i think is back um


the attorney general of ukraine was was conducting a bunch of investigations


at the time maybe for corruption i i don't know okay


uh okay so now let's let's let's i think that's basically all that's generally accepted okay the least the least


controversial okay and biden said that if this guy isn't fired that's something well yeah i said the least controversial


now let's let's let's name it a few more things right um one


and i mean i guess if it's if you believe this but i have no reason to doubt it i haven't


seen evidence that convinces me to doubt it that attorney general was himself


corrupt he was in the investigations that he was conducting incl i guess including


verisma or even i don't see including the invest by and large the investigations it was


conducted and maybe baris mill was the exception but from what i understand and this goes into into a little bit of the


history as well on the joe biden side is that uh the investigations he was conducting were helping his buddies


somehow all the investigations are the majority of the investigations again charisma might have been the exception maybe it


was a legit corruption okay um at the same time jo one of joe biden's


pet projects they're not pet project but i think this he was asked to do this by by obama


uh was to help reduce corruption in ukraine that was that was one of his


stated duties by committing a corrupt act well no back up for a second that was one of his like president obama


asked him to reduce as part of modernizing ukraine and the thing we were talking about earlier right helping


ukraine be more more like the western okay so again it's


that stuff probably a little bit more controversial because you could say why was it joe


biden and that's somebody else i don't know like why does the president ask his vice


president to do anything why not just tell him to sit down shut the [ __ ] up right like it's it was asked by the


president okay uh the the corrupt thing i mean i guess more research would have


to be done but supposedly and again i haven't seen anybody counter this that the next attorney general after biden


had a hand in firing him was less corrupt again that could be fact checked but you could say okay what


did what did uh what what investigations were happening before the firing what investigations were happening after the


firing and and what is the evidence in each investigation you could


people have done that of course yeah but i think i'm just now that i'm i'm listening to you i think i think we


should change what we said i think we should replace fact check with research because who's fact checking the fact


checkers and we could look up things all we want and possibly come up with the wrong conclusions i think with proper research


we'll get the answers that we're looking for so okay so and research is is not the right word either because


are you do can you read ukrainian or russian i can barely read russian language we're just subject to whatever


translation right translations and so so yes there are people who have done the research all we can do is is


read through as much consolid er all we can do is consolidate what other people have have uncovered summarize all right


summarize it and okay so but but again i think so far


so far we've we've said things that things that are generally accepted things that are slightly less but are


still public i wouldn't say public information but


like nobody nobody yeah nobody's disputing that biden was asked by


by obama to reduce corruption let me just dispute that some people are saying oh it was convenient that it was biden


because he had a son at the time and so like they start to draw conclusions but just saying that he was asked to do this


was was not um he really really can't be disputed okay


so now let's go deeper deeper into this right where do we leave off on that video at


23 seconds in another three minutes and 20 19 seconds you think we should watch just a little


bit more and then continue or we want to keep on this subject well we might we might never come back to hunter biden


that's fine we can always do let me tell you the whole purpose of this episode was to keep our promise to our viewers


we did we did 23 seconds of it we don't think that's something i mean just like we talked about gas prices for five


minutes out of out of an episode on career politicians and whatever the hell so how we we talked about


okay let's watch a little bit more let's watch a little bit more okay uh do you wanna tell them we'll be right back we'll be right back


oh boy okay okay you can see how much pain i have just from


from this 20 seconds okay


this guy says can you keep me on we're back and we're back all right correct me


uh but he said two two things two things so he he he talks about


how liberal let's recap the whole thing how liberal they are how they hated trump how they loved biden


and how they're now supporting ukraine and then immediately somehow in this in


this retards i'm sorry excuse me in this individual we're going to get transferring train of thought we're not


going to get canceled i i didn't say the word anyway so um


no offense to people who who are truly challenged but this guy i don't like he again he's making leaps of logic


and he's saying it as if it's the same train of thought right like uh you know if i said hey uh my my guitar is red and


therefore you can't wear that shoe a little little okay so anyway so it


goes on after ukraine and liberals and anti-trump he says and they support a green agenda


that was motivated by greta thunder as if there was first of all if there is


such thing as a green agenda okay but let's put that aside as if


a a teenage girl from sweden switzerland i don't know where um somewhere in europe


as if she made up uh uh this idea of climate change


uh and and and every everyone who a believes in in a human cause climate


change and b people who want to do something about it as if they have no other sources to go to and nobody to


listen to but some teenager again nothing against her uh but as if they've nobody better listen to no experts


uh to cite other than than some teenage girl this is basically what would you more or less would just more or less


okay and then he said the green agenda has empowered i guess economically has


has empowered president putin and therefore right because he's empowered economically and so he it's it's um it's


one less thing he has to worry about right okay so i'll let you respond but i'll respond to


this question um how does a green agenda if one such thing exists


empower an oil and gas country we'll let the viewers answer that


viewers and listeners answer that question like comment subscribe buy our merch


like comment subscribe yeah share buy merch one sponsor


six things it's always six remember we'd like you to answer those questions if you have any other comments please put them in the comments


but i'll say this it doesn't i mean if there was a a pro oil and gas


if there was a pro fossil fuel agenda i would say that empowers russia it powers iran and some other middle eastern


countries and venezuela certainly but a green agenda not nazi in fact a green agenda would


argue weakens a fossil fuel economy okay


um and even if he was economically empowered which i arguable because a lot even a


lot of i've heard a lot of conservatives say that that donald trump imposed a lot of sanctions on russia


i doubt the validity of that but i hear this from the right okay so let's say that's true so 2016 to 2020


trump imposed a lot of sanctions i i've never heard a democrat argue


against sanctions toward russia so in theory those continued although again another argument from the right is that biden


removed some of the sanctions that trump put into place i haven't fact checked that research


that it just seems it just seems dubious maybe it's true maybe but given given


the rhetoric especially during the trump administration i heard a lot i heard trump say we should get closer to russia


i heard a lot of conservatives say he's doing the right thing by getting close to russia this was what i heard for four years and then suddenly two years after


trump leaves officer see not even actually you're not even a year and a half about a year


and two months all right 14 months into the body administration i'm i'm hearing


uh that that trump had had heavier sanctions than than the democrats it


just doesn't sound right um especially given given sort of the the more historical background


or context that uh the obama administration was was arming the the ukrainians it continued into the


trump administration trump tried to try to make that based on on a barista investigation i don't think it was


successful um and ultimately that was one that's what got him impeached one of the times


um anyway so again this this guy i think he's all over the map let's let's let's just give it another 20 seconds


we'll be right back okay another this guy says he does like groups of two okay so this is another


30 seconds and he said that uh that that uh


actors actor support toward ukraine is a virtual signaling and he said that um


what did he do the last thing he said he was he was talking about how um they're jumping on on the bandwagon


they like to support a leader who who's uh who's all about his own country and he


said they made the mistake of thinking that uh because they're they're paid we


pay them to watch them act or however does he put it right that their opinion matters okay so


no i've heard this from the right well i've heard this from hypocrites on left


and the right saying that that unless you're unless you're a subject


matter expert in x your opinion doesn't matter especially actors and actresses


unless they agree with unless this that group of radicals


people people are against actors and actresses speaking out uh unless they happen to agree with them and then it's


okay which is hypocritical and it's it's a sign of being radical but the other thing is that


no i don't think any actor maybe a few right but by and large i don't think these actors are thinking


i'm an actor i have been in movies and therefore my opinion on on


or or therefore my my opinion matters more has more weight on geopolitics or whatever


they're talking about i don't think they're thinking that i think that they they understand that they have a larger platform they can


utilize it to possibly influence people one way or the other um but i don't think that they think


that their opinion is going to outweigh any other private citizens opinion they just have


a bigger voice because of their platform and they have the money to afford a much larger platform or to listen to them and


people listen but now you know that doesn't take away the fact that they are private citizens just like


anybody else just because their job pays more than our job they still have a job they're still


private citizens they don't have special privileges unless they have the right people in the right places they can give them those privileges


but you know they still have to vote they still have to they can't just say i support such and such and you know they


still have to go through the voting process they still have to go and fill in the little ballot they have to be registered voters


you know the system doesn't work differently for them than it does for us i think it just comes down to they have


a much larger voice and at the same token i don't really care if they're in support of republicans or democrats i


don't think i think it's just that i think the people they're gonna get criticized and


they're going to get you know targeted primarily because they have a a bigger voice and


and it what it comes down to is let's take the rock for example everybody loves the rock but he came out


publicly and he endorsed joe biden and what he probably had half the country now hates him because of it


you know they're still going to buy his sneakers and on his under armour shoes they're still going to watch his movies


they're still going to do all these things but now they hate him because he endorsed joe biden now half the country hates him


and he did it with his larger platform that he could do it with but is are people going to still are


people are not going to watch his movies people are going to watch his movies and and also i don't think the world people are going to watch his movies they're


going to buy his merch they're going to watch his tv shows he's a sponsor they're going to sponsor them they're going to like share and subscribe to him


that's right now again does that mean that the rock just because he's outspoken does he think


that his opinion matters more than anybody else by virtue of him being famous no but but he has an opportunity


because he is famous and because people will will tune in and and listen to a certain thing


so he's he's going to say what what he wants to say right like even if it's nonsense even if it's


not not politically uh motivated or affiliated right like if


if the rock could say eating raw chicken is the number one thing that's going to get you big and muscular like him


at least there's going to be a good a considerable percentage of this country that's going to say well the rock does


it let's we have to do what the rock says so if we want to get big and from yeah that's right does does he think he's a nutritionist


i don't know maybe maybe right he's very interested into nutrition and fitness if he said to on


his on any platforms i'd drink 30 raw eggs a day to get this big and buff


somebody out there or lots of somebodies out there are going to start drinking 30 eggs 30 rugs a day because they just


they want to that's what that's what happens i think the the the summary is that is that the rock


probably considers more of an expert himself more of an expert on nutrition than he does geopolitics yet he still


talks about both right right just like any other person would that's right


just the only reason you hear about it as opposed to because of this


not what i thought you were going to say i don't know why but uh hey we don't know if that's what he calls it


you know to the rocks platform platform


by the way my platform's called stanley oh god i don't think mine's named


you know the power tool has something something this great doesn't because it doesn't get a name you know it's just it just exists anyway


okay anyway um i think we're i think we're done this with this video this [ __ ] muumuu


excuse my language the the the general idea of the video is basically


you know just this journalist you know and i'm i'm a republican i'm a conservative but i mean i like to stay


i like my comments to be as neutral as possible as far as understanding when i'm wrong when i'm right and


how we can deliver information that's that's just down the middle whether or not we lean one way or the


other you know which is why i think both of us are are on kind of different spectrums


politically but we also understand that we can have a civilized conversation and agree and disagree and possibly come


to maybe different conclusions or even different solutions to different things we're just not in a position to to


implement them but that's not the point i'm making the point i'm making is the whole idea of this video is


basically just bashing people for the sake of bashing people because they have an opinion that's louder than most


you know just because these actors may have a a lot more money than most and they have a bigger platform than most and


you know it's just about you know this listen half of these i'm going to say a good


percentage of of the liberals on the democrat side do do what this guy is criticizing but i


don't hear him criticizing the regular liberal he's only criticizing these actors who have larger platforms


to speak their mind you know but if he truly believed in what he was saying he's he's also accusing them of of


being disingenuous but he literally said that well i mean in in not so many words that the only


reason they're supporting ukraine is because like it's it's like the popular thing to do virtue signaling


right but i mean but who's to say that this is not what they really feel you know and that just because they have


a much larger platform to say it doesn't diminish whether or not they feel it you know really or not i mean let's let's explain


that the probability that they're also getting paid on the side to actually say these things who the hell knows they


probably think oh this is regular politics give me a couple dollars and i'll say whatever you want that could also be that's a probable thing that


could be happening as well but until we know that for a fact we don't


and again to criticize somebody just because just because they have a larger platform


i think it's a very cheap way to get people riled up you know it's a it's a very cheap pop


you know and it's a cheap thrill to to just get people wound up over something that's so insignificant is that


you know there's a there's a lot of people who don't have the platform of the money but yet have the same exact


um train of thought the same exact opinions and the same exact way of thinking but yet nobody wants to ever


speak out against them because they don't matter i guess as much as an actor who has millions and has a bigger


platform so i i hear this and this this might be a slight tangent but i i hear


this more i think i've only heard the term virtue signaling


at least prominently right it's a term that exists in society but i've as a prominent talking point i think i've


only heard it from the right it as as if to say that anytime anyone expresses empathy


for any other human being for whatever reason if they're an underserved


population or they're or there's a humanitarian like whatever the reason is because because they're they're they're


trans athlete whatever reason whatever context somebody accuses somebody else's virtue


signaling what i hear is is is is an is an accusation of one being disingenuous and


b that that any expression of empathy is is um


is i don't use the word genuine but like is done solely for the purpose of


yourself seeking attention like like a um like a societal uh what's what's the the


it's not a disease but if i make you sick so i get attention uh you know what i'm talking about


you mean like the um oh munchausen yeah yeah that's right um


or or munch housing by proxy is if you make somebody else say um as as if it's it's some sort of social


munch houses by proxy like no you can you can express empathy for


for a person or group of people that are suffering in some way without without doing it solely for for


seeking attention but i think there's a lot of people also i don't know if they do it to seek attention as much as


they do it to just kind of listen there have been so many documented cases of people


especially in the in the liberals um there have been a lot of documented cases especially like people from the


antifa that have left that group and other liberal um groups who have come forward and openly


admitted that one of the main reasons that i was in antifa was because i just didn't want to be ostracized i wanted to keep my


friends around me and even if i didn't believe in what they were doing you know i i didn't want to be that one


person who spoke out against what they were doing and i knew that this was my only group of friends friends and if i had done


such a thing they would ostracize me and i would no longer have any friends around me since


this was my core group of people that i surrounded myself with once i found myself disagreeing with what they were


saying i was in a position and i'm saying i mean the liberals who spoke out we're in


a position of it's almost uh with the word


like not a it was a social pressure peer pressure to just continue on with the group and i don't want to be demeaning


and call them sheep or anything like that i don't want to i don't want to do that because peer pressure is a real thing listen we were all kids too at one


point peer pressure affected a lot of us you know we all tried to smoke a cigarette once because of peer pressure


or drink a beer when you were like 10 years old because of peer pressure or do something because of pre-op


maybe you said something to a girl or a guy out of peer pressure because your friends just i mean we've all done it at


some point but i think you know people who tend to be awkward or people who tend to be a


little bit not as outgoing or you know introverts


that's what i'm looking for not as outgoing maybe maybe doing certain things in society doesn't come as easy


to them and then they find a group that is accepting and is welcoming uh and yet


they go up you know completely against their their um their belief system but now think about


it if they're going against your belief system but in other in every other way they're completely accepting of you


why would you risk wanting to let that go and i think there's a lot of people


that that's where the virtue signaling goes into they do that number one like you said i agree


because it makes them feel better it's like i'm going to be anti-racist because i want to make people think that i'm a


better person i mean you're full of [ __ ] and the other side of it is what i'm saying a lot of them don't even believe


in any of this [ __ ] they just don't want to lose that group of friends that's what this guy in the video was saying that he was saying he's basically saying


but he's saying that in a very unfair way well he's saying it a very very


unfair and biased kind of it's just not it's not right the way he's saying that's right but but it's


the same argument he's basically saying he's saying to these to these actors you're only supporting ukraine because


it's what the cool kids are doing now as if there can be no other reason right but i mean listen let's let's also play


it fair though a lot of them are probably doing just that because it's the cool thing to do a lot of them


some some of them not all of them definitely don't you think there's a higher percentage of actors i didn't say that


no no but i'm asking do you think there's a higher percentage of actors who are supporting ukraine


than than the general population do you think it's an equal percentage i


think it could be an equal percentage if if you if you if you do the math if you count regular


population has has um what their support or influence has


over it and then you you equate that with the i think it's just it could be pretty much equal


okay i i think it's easier to look at the actors of the people of influence who are not supporting what's going on in


ukraine than it is to look at who are supporting because then it's easier to pick out who's not part of the crowd


but again like are these people not supporting it just to be different or are they not supporting because whatever for whatever reason they just maybe


they're not supporting it because they just don't want to get involved right so maybe somebody's like you know


what i'm an actor but that doesn't mean my opinion matters well think about it this way looking in the united states how many actors have been involved in


the in politics in the last six years you think more than before


no no i'm just i'm i'm asking a question with with a point here how many actors do you think


um supported in any kind of political side within the last six years here in the united states


now how many of those actors are we not even aware of that [ __ ] made no more didn't even


made no appearances didn't speak about anything you probably didn't even hear their name they were never mentioned


they're prominent actors but we haven't heard them say [ __ ] the entire time because they just don't want to be


involved so we don't even think about those people those are actors they could be top-notch


actors and yet because they stayed away you don't hear about them but they because they're actors though they get


kind of bunched up into the general numbers of oh all these actors are virtue signaling and all these actors are but yet well okay but understand


that you can make the same argument how many actors like with ukraine are like i feel bad


for them they say it's a humanitarian crisis haven't set a peep on social media or to the media or in


public but are donating thousands of dollars maybe right like we don't they could be the


ones that genuinely think that there is something to be to be worried about in the ukraine but now here's another thing


that the guy in the video said and i'm just going to ask you a question what about all of a sudden these these people who


are supporting what's going on in ukraine are worried about the borders in ukraine and how they have to be secured but yet when it came to the


to the united states borders it was a completely different situation do you think it's that simple no it's not that simple and further for


the uh and for the record it's not the same thing it's not even close to this


i mean okay maybe this is somewhat close but it's it's it's not the same thing russia is genuinely invading in a with


war machines going into the ukraine they're going with tanks and heavy artillery heavy weaponry with whatever


they can to try to invade this country and take it over if we're talking about mexicans and and


hondurans and guatemalans coming into the united states these people just want to come in they want a better life they want a better life now are they are they


catching a couple of them coming in with fentanyl and cocaine and all kinds of other [ __ ] of course but are are we


going to say 100 of them are coming into traffic drugs no


do i blame the immigration um am i against immigration no i am


actually pro-immigration am i against illegal immigration 100


i'm against illegal immigration but in my opinion


the [Music] the road to citizenship in this country is also


ridiculously unreasonably just nonsensically stupid


i couldn't tell if somebody said how do you become a citizen i don't really get a green card i i don't even know it's just it's and and even


the people who are and nobody can have this i mean you can research this all you want because this is what the right does the right says oh if you do it the


right way let me tell you something there have been people here from other countries that come here to do it the right way the legal way and the the


system is so [ __ ] up it takes them so long to go through the process that even though they have a visa if


that visa runs out and you don't say on top of it those people get deported and what do you tell them oh they were doing


it the right way they waited for years well you know the process to become a


citizen in this country is ridiculous there's other countries that their immigrant their illegal


immigration situation is a lot less prominent than ours but it's because it's easier it's because right it's


easier to become a citizen and what happens when you become a citizen you now convert these immigrants into


taxpaying citizens who are able to contribute directly to society well okay


even if they send their money to any other country they still have to pay taxes here illegal immigrants are


bypassing that because they're getting paid cash so there is and i haven't looked into it


but there is and in certain states the rules change i know north carolina has some


weird 180 day thing that goes on there there are some like


i i don't know this the specifics the statistics or or how how they're categorized


but my understanding is they're they're so i'll put it this way


there there are people who have come here illegally


yet pay taxes that that i don't know how many they are a small small subset


and maybe it's because they they even though they came here illegally they like declared themselves and like now


they're in some kind of process bottom line is like once once you get not a social security number but once


you get a taxpayer tax id number you you and assuming you're not getting paid cash you're you're paying taxes and


there there is a subset of those and as a matter of fact and even if you're getting paid cash is


if you're paying taxes in this country and you're let's say you're pseudo-legal sure you still have to fill out a


nine-nine you fill out a nine-nine guess what you may be getting paid in cash but


the company still has to report your earnings at the end of the year sure and at the end of the year if you weren't getting a w-2 guess what now you are


responsible for those taxes one way or another yeah the government the government will know that how much you're earning now


uh how the hell do we get on this point oh the comparison between the borders of the ukraine


okay so this is what happens folks join jonas for the ride


uh some states like like new york and california and maybe it's just new york city but the places where


non-citizens have been given a right to vote there have been there have been a few places like this right and i think new york city is one of them yeah they


they do that for people who are paying taxes so it's not somebody that's undocumented


they're documented they're declared they have a tax id number and they're paying taxes now the rationale but they're not citizens


they shouldn't be able to vote well the argument is let me ask let's let's go back into


history what was one of the like the famous reasons we declared independence from from england taxes


specifically taxing taxes without representation that's like taxation without


representation that's right is theft and so these people who are paying taxes


in this country buy a tax id number and they're declared they're not undocumented did they have if they have


a document to pay a tax right right right they have to trace they are they are now being taxed without representation and that's the argument


in these places right so which is completely different than an


an undocumented person getting the right to vote and it's also completely different than anybody walking in off


the streets saying hi i'm here i want to vote i get to vote now the only thing the only argument i have within


i am anti-illegal immigration when it comes to the taxes thing here's here's what's funny about this whole this whole


situation the right love to say again i'm a republican i'm conservative however a


lot of things hap if they don't make sense i will point them out the right are the first ones to say


taxation without representation is theft no actually actually and this is more the libertarian argument and i actually


agree with this taxation is that that's what they say okay taxation is that


that's not my point though they say taxation is theft right that's what they say whether or not it is it's


irrelevant that's what they say is it not it isn't okay but when immigrants


come in and they're not paying taxes you know they say well they have to pay taxes yeah they suddenly whoa you're


either guest taxes or your products all of a sudden you are pro [ __ ] tax but because you have to pay taxes theft


you cannot cherry pick what part of that you like and don't agree with you either are for them or you're not you can't say


well taxation is theft but if that illegal immigrant comes in he better pay [ __ ] taxes because i'm not going to


support him because my money's going to pay for his this that or the other dude are you for it are you against it


either way you got to pick your poison you can't play both sides of defense and you can talk out of both sides of


your mouth he's like oh well taxation is death but if the illegal immigrant comes in here he's not paying taxes


pick your [ __ ] poison don't play defense that's [ __ ] [ __ ] this is why people don't believe that's right most of the [ __ ] that right wingers say


in fact they should what they should be saying is taxation is theft and good for that immigrant


for not for sticking it to the government and not paying taxes that should be the argument right what


everybody on the right should do if you really believe that taxation is death let's all go to mexico come into the


country illegally and then just stop paying taxes and actually don't give us some money because if they're going to consider us


illegal aliens they'll give us money and some land in a house whatever the hell else [ __ ] we want and guess what we can


play in the house i don't know i'm pulling [ __ ] out of my ass but we won't pay taxes because if


that's what they're doing and that's what you think that they're doing and that's what everybody accuses them of doing and you think taxation is death


then why aren't we all doing it


dude i think taxation is that my point is if taxation is theft which i think it


is i'm not gonna also then turn around and say well if the legal immigrant comes in he has to pay tax


that makes no [ __ ] sense you're feeding into a system which you are playing against


so in essence if you want somebody else to come and pay taxes and yet you don't want to you just made the enemy stronger


because you're you're i listen i can go on and on but do you but do you but you see what i'm saying


no that's right there has been most people are completely hypocritical it's like anything it's like any type of situation i believe in freedom and you


should be able to do whatever you want except have control over your own uterus


or have sex and marry not even or have sex and marry whoever you want you you


shouldn't have that right either because of my religion but i believe in freedom you can do whatever you want otherwise other than those three things that was


also a thing about listen i am again i'm a conservative but does the government have any right to


tell anybody who to have sex with or who to marry [ __ ] no or whatever


mind your [ __ ] business you know this is where and this is this is in my opinion why


conservatives especially the very very you know like hardcore ones that are more prominent in politics have a have a


tough time because they're they're they're focused so much on bible beating people to death with these you know


these conservative values you're not listen you're in politics for a reason to stick to the [ __ ] politics your


morals are not everybody else's morals that's right your religious beliefs are not everybody else's religious places


every single person in god if you believe so strongly about the values of this country since you want to be that


virtue signaling value person from the right then guess what that same way of


thinking that same train of thought has to go with everything else if you think that everybody has the freedom to do what they want and the government needs


to be small and let people do what they want then you know what stay out of their [ __ ] bedrooms stay out of their bodies instead of their [ __ ] lives


leave them alone you can't have it both ways oh you can have all the freedom but at least you have to do it but my


version of your friend i agree with you only the freedoms i tell you then that is not true conservative that is not


true that is not being a true republican that is playing the [ __ ] political game and you're full of [ __ ] and you're


you're just a scumbag for doing it if you're a true republican you believe in freedom stay the [ __ ] away from


people leave them alone don't tell people what to do let's pick on the democrats for a second well let's let's


end it here it's already an hour and a half in okay what one one i'm already motivated let's just pick he's just


warmed up folks it's only an hour and a half not even okay uh but let's pick on the dems for a second uh they believe in


freedom too you could do whatever you want with your body except reviews are shot


that's right yes you can do whatever you want so as long as you take this vaccine and if you don't take the vaccine you're


a piece of [ __ ] and you're going to kill your grandmother and everybody else's grandmother but you could do whatever


you want with your uterus just not your arm that's right yeah hey you don't have to get an abortion


but if you do i hope you can get it all the way up to like a couple of weeks after birth that's not true get that


come on come on that's it um the supreme the supreme court has a set of viability which is about approximately 24 weeks


it's these states are that are trying to push it back to six or eight or ten weeks that they're they're they're


ridiculous okay um and also you can say whatever you want as long as as long as it's something i agree with that's a liberal


stance on it if i don't like what you're saying we're gonna cancel you so you can say whatever you can say


whatever you want to say as long as we agree with you as long as i like the way it sounds


but if you offend anybody in the group that's with us then we're going to cancel you i believe in diversity of


culture and thought but it's only thoughts that i agree with i believe and you say whatever the [ __ ] you want to


say [ __ ] whosever feelings you hurt if they don't like it guess what switch change your channel walk away


and to quote the great ricky gervais how [ __ ] arrogant are you to think that you can go throughout life and not have


to listen to anything you don't agree with you're [ __ ] arrogant and full of [ __ ] you know who wanted to control what


people thought lenin and stalin and look what happened to him well look at what happened to the people


that followed them is probably more but stalin died of old age and i think so did london although


uh well exactly but look at the people who followed him who followed those two [ __ ] look what


happened to them ended up in breadline starving to [ __ ] death or sent to siberia right


right kill yeah let's do that if that's what the liberals want let them get a taste of it


send them to [ __ ] siberia or our version let's let's talk to trudeau since he seems like a liberal let's say


hey buddy we know you got some [ __ ] tundra up there in the north let's send some of our [ __ ] liberals up there since that's what they want


let's do it this is what lenin did that's what stalin did i'm sure under the marx what is it the


communist manifesto i'm sure that's part of well you know what and the direction that they would go i don't know have you


ever read karl marx i have and karl marx ever had a [ __ ] job he was a moocher and a scumbag and


you want to [ __ ] take economics from this [ __ ] this guy never had a job that was a piece of [ __ ] read his book


you know what what the the read the book you know what the democratic socialists would say that communism was never implemented properly


true communism would be successful it's never and you know what's funny


uh um what do they call themselves anarcho-capitalists um


from the from the from the people who hate labels they love to give themselves these weird [ __ ] names


they're libertarians who who believe that there shouldn't be any government and just like just a society with


based on capitalism mad max not mad max there's the the idea is that is that


capitalism as it's in its in its own right outside of the existence of a government would


would can somehow control people but i i bring that up it makes no sense


i bring that up because they also because you people people point to historical uh times when when government


didn't involve itself in in whatever pick an example um uh the title i'll give two quick


examples time before uh the the the federal reserve right before it was 1920s or maybe 30s before


the federal reserve there there were there were depressions and recessions and there were times of


boom right just like they've been since the federal reserve and people say oh federal


reserve it shouldn't exist the government but from what i understand


those those the the swings were much more volatile like you had a depression [ __ ] went


down people were starving and okay and the booms booms might have been bigger but what the federal reserve


has done has has essentially you know narrowed the range of


or narrowed the um the the extreme of that of that range


right so that the lows are less work less low because of the federal reserve


and and the other the other example i can point to is his prohibition right like literally when the government said


this alcohol is illegal what happened people were making it without the supervision of the government you're dying you had that boy yeah [ __ ]


people going blind people [ __ ] dying of mercury poisoning and all kinds of weird [ __ ] that's right alex we give


give a third example right before a lot of uh environmental regulations i think they should bring back prohibition of


every single thing of everything yeah i think you wanna bring prohibition


back because you know what perhaps this [ __ ] country needs a purge and the only way we're going to do it is to let


the stupid people [ __ ] just straight just call themselves out let's call the herd by letting the dumb folks just do


what they got to do again survival of the fittest let them do what they're going to do


because i swear to you i promise you especially here in this country we will see a lot of all these kids starting


tide pods and condoms yeah let them do it prohibited snorting comptons snorting


condoms because they were doing a trick they would put up their nose to blow it out of their mouth that's what they were doing they were also eating tide pods


and doing weird [ __ ] with that well it's coming pretty flavors yeah they look cool they look like candy listen let


them all do it survival of the fittest you want to call the herd prohibit everything put a [ __ ] label of do not


do this on the [ __ ] can or whatever it is and just let all the [ __ ] idiots just take care of themselves


let's finish why are we overpopulated let's do it okay so but let's let's finish one


thought right so so we said we said how um communist i'm angry folks i'm fed up


with the dead democrat now he's warmed up okay so the democratic socialists say well and communists say oh communism has


been uh done in in the right way it hasn't done its true form and that's why the the


world examples of fit okay well when you tell antarctica capitalists like look at the times that government hasn't been


involved look at the bad things that have happened you know what they they say the same [ __ ] opposite end of the spectrum you know what they say well it


hasn't been tried the proper way hasn't been tried the real way get the you you the amount of cognitive dissonance


that and leaps of logic that you need to take to say to anyone that presents you


with examples where something has been tried and you say no husband tried the right way


you you're you you [ __ ] do it you're you're gonna do better than stalin you're gonna do better than than [ __ ]


mao right like you're the guy and i'm not saying these people were geniuses you're gonna implement communism and not


kill one single person yeah that's right not starving one single person and and not make one poor


one poor person even poor because now they have to rely on the system that's right you're going to make


communism in such a way that people don't lose motivation to perform and and and try to do better than than the next


guy right you're the guy to do it that's right you're you're that genius that's right comrade take it


back to the smile same thing same thing about anarcho-capitalist just just to round this out right like you're going to be the guy to make sure that


companies don't pollute the environment when nobody is checking on them then that they're not going to form


monopolies and raise prices of 10 000 percent to the audience so that's right yes


no because they always do the right thing when the government is looking get those [ __ ] out of here listen this is what this is the problem


today with everybody thinking that they have the best idea but yet you know everybody has the answers and nobody's


willing to discuss them and then when you challenge them they want to come at you with the


as much of a defensive attitude and yet their stance still has no ground because they can't [ __ ] come up with an


educated enough answer to defend themselves so what do they do they resort to name calling they'll resort to


[ __ ] calling us weirdos or whatever the [ __ ] they want to do but yet can they come with an edge can they come


back with an educated um anything a rebuttal as to why they would be the one person to do


better than stalin lenin castro mao paul pot tell me keep going i can continue


and you tell me one of these people who again they didn't perfect it right so


what makes you better than them they tried the same system that you're about to try that you want to try there's only


one rule book to communism the moment you change the rules and the playbook on


communism it stops being communism so that means that if you want to implement communism you're going to have to try to


do it the same way all the previous names i just mentioned did and guess what don't think you're going to be the


one guy or one girl because it could be any gender i'm not going to assume but don't think you're going to be that one


person that magically is gonna [ __ ] do [ __ ] so different that all well they just didn't do this one thing


guess what i got something i got some news to tell you people are [ __ ] up in this world you think that because you


have wood and they have steel they want to trade with you they're going to tell you to go [ __ ] yourself they don't want to barter with you so then what's going


to end up happening you're going to have to take it by force because if you really need it you're going to have to find a way to get it eventually it will


be by force and what happens when you take things by force you end up killing people


so okay so i don't know about that i think i think bartering has has existed for a long time and it's watering has


existed for a long time but communism is in no no one of the problems of communism is is


essentially saying well it's taken from peter to pay paul in order to but to whatever right that in the end


being everyone is going to have the same amount of stuff but everyone endeavor does well hold on the idea is everyone's


going to have the same amount of stuff but what happens is everybody has [ __ ]


everybody does it the same not only that everybody has except a few although


that they have all the nice [ __ ] but here's another thing and people tend to forget you let's build all these cool things


with the things we have okay let's pay our doctors the same thing that we pay a guy who hammers your nail


into wood that's what you want to do um but remember now these things have to be repaired and replaced with other


materials perhaps even evolved into better materials materials that you might not have if you need to evolve


something or build something with a material that you don't have but yet you're a communist country what do you


do you go to the nearest country that supports you maybe that may have the materials you


need and you need to then figure out some kind of a connection like china and russia china has a [ __ ] ton of [ __ ] that


russia needs so they be they they kind of keep each other pseudo friends just so they can exchange materials because


there's things in russia that russians need but they don't have so they have to go to their next


your communist country but you need materials materials that your country cannot produce and does not have what do


you do you go to the nearest country that's possibly an ally or a friend that does


but what if they're not what if the country that does have it is your [ __ ] enemy only because you perceive


them to be that's how you treated them because they just didn't agree what you were doing but yet you need that favor then what do you do i'll tell you what


you do you either go to war with these [ __ ] or you end communism and and became and begin free trade


and when you begin free trade what does that do well okay so i mean there's there's there's actually an example


against what you're just saying which is which is modern-day china modern day china has a lot of capitalistic


economic policies in hong kong not even hong kong in a lot of a lot of mainland china uh i mean that that's


part part of why their economy is doing so well they have capitalism as an


economic system but communism as a government system right so like you you could trade you


could you know you own your ideas you know you can copyright them and you know it's capitalism right like you you


free market in for the world a citizen could do that a regular citizen that's my understanding how does that however


they still control the ideas there's still only one party you still can't speak out against the party money


that you make has to stay in china i don't know about that people


but if you're one of the capitalists that are making all this money and you're able to have the trade why would you leave china


and i think wouldn't you leave china because then you would just have your money and then just [ __ ] split


and then that's it i mean there's a certain amount of um that nationalism is involved too right


but you're telling me that the communist part of the government is not controlling to a degree what these capitalists can do


they control it if it's against the government and the party if it's just to make money yeah


that's my understanding like they actually call them free economic zones and a lot of a lot of china is i think


just mostly hong kong there's maybe beijing shanghai


i could be wrong it could be completely wrong i could be completely wrong folks zones


please if i'm wrong let me know like subscribe comment all right and this is going to be in china these oh


they call it special economic zones refers to seven zones shenzhen [Music]


i'm not gonna




these are big areas and these are like provinces and there's i don't know what 15 provinces in china 20 i don't know but like these are not small areas


and so in these special economic zones it's capitalism but how big is the economic zone within


those areas this is let's look at the map of them uh a map showing the locations of the


special economic zones actually compared to the rest compared to the country i think it's these guys right here i don't know but i


don't know what the population is it might be the majority i don't know uh it's it's on the coast well that is the


thing the majority of even though china go back to the map even though china has a very large i think the the largest


population in the world the majority of the population is along the coastline and the the the more inland you go the


the far the fewer people they are let's double check that then that that'll be less than most people


china live coast


population 60 live in the 12 coastal provinces okay and so the special so once again on


the coast once again folks dominic was right so about who's right or who's wrong okay


it's about being precise and being wrong and right being righteous is not the same thing as being precise


and i was precisely right being precise is not the same thing as being right so special economic zones


meant most of them actually all of them are along the coast right and my my hypothesis was right that most


people live along the coast sixty percent of population i was the one who said that i said they live along most of we have a video we do most of the


population in china live in the coastal area the farther inland you go the less people there are i just said that we had


video evidence you did say that but my statement before that i believe was but i wonder if more people live on the


coast you're like yes they do okay so we were both right okay but neither of us was precise okay


okay i think i think with that this was march 22nd tuesday tuesday


march 22nd 2022 i'm charles hughes and i'm dominic leong this was rock your brain podcast


you guys take care like subscribe comment share buy merch and sponsor us


take care guys