Wrack Your Brain

Wrack Your Brain Episode 9

April 23, 2022 Charles Fuks & Dominick Leon Season 1 Episode 9
Wrack Your Brain Episode 9
Wrack Your Brain
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Wrack Your Brain
Wrack Your Brain Episode 9
Apr 23, 2022 Season 1 Episode 9
Charles Fuks & Dominick Leon

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#podcast  #politics #Veterans #twoidiots #PuertoRico #JohnnyDepp #WorkplaceDiscrimination #CancelCulture

Episode 9. This is a show about everything and nothing. Part politics, part satire, all bourbon. Join Dominick Leon and Charles Fuks as they muse about current events, social issues, and whatever surfaces from the depths of their minds. If you walk away thinking about something in a different way leave a comment, like, share, and subscribe. In this episode we discuss the recent Supreme Court ruling on Puerto Rico, Johnny Depp, and workplace discrimination.

Dominick has promosed to wear a banana hammock live if we reach 200 subscribers on youtube by May 13th!

Music sourced from https://pixabay.com/

Background music is "Indie Folk (King Around Here)" by Alex Grohl

Listen and download from all the major podcast platforms: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1972050/

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Show Notes Transcript

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#podcast  #politics #Veterans #twoidiots #PuertoRico #JohnnyDepp #WorkplaceDiscrimination #CancelCulture

Episode 9. This is a show about everything and nothing. Part politics, part satire, all bourbon. Join Dominick Leon and Charles Fuks as they muse about current events, social issues, and whatever surfaces from the depths of their minds. If you walk away thinking about something in a different way leave a comment, like, share, and subscribe. In this episode we discuss the recent Supreme Court ruling on Puerto Rico, Johnny Depp, and workplace discrimination.

Dominick has promosed to wear a banana hammock live if we reach 200 subscribers on youtube by May 13th!

Music sourced from https://pixabay.com/

Background music is "Indie Folk (King Around Here)" by Alex Grohl

Listen and download from all the major podcast platforms: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1972050/

Add and follow on all social media: 

Send us something in the mail: 
PMB 245, Suite 400
9789 Charlotte Hwy
Fort Mill, SC 29707


ladies and gentlemen welcome to april 22nd 2022


episode nine of rocky brand podcast i'm charles fuchs and i'm dominic leon and we're rock your brain


he loves to do it at the same time after the first time that we did it that's it this is our let's see now this is our um as you


can see i'm a proud member of the of the jewish space leader laser brigade


do you know what that's from by the way i don't know you know who needs to know jesus


i i think it was someone i think was either matt gates or ron desantis some some politicians some federal


politicians literally okay i i actually don't remember uh the


specific details but had to do with a at least one politician and some of them might have agreed with them


might have agreed with him or her basically there was a social media post where literally this person had a


conspiracy theory was supporting conspiracy theory that like jews had were putting up satellites with space


leaders or something like that dude haven't you heard that jews rule the world they own everything they run they


run all the media companies they run everything so of course why wouldn't it be a jewish conspiracy theory


right but as if it's not enough to rule the world now we're sending up space lasers


anyway proud member of the jewish space laser brigade


luck i am so


all um um we're we're going to talk about several things today um we don't know where the conversation is going to


take us as as usual but um we'll start with some announcements some some sort of get


catching up since the last episode we are now on all social media platforms facebook instagram tick tock


spotify linkedin apple itunes no no i'm not that's all you've talked about


yes we are listed on facebook instagram linkedin twitter you name it


right okay we have a linkedin page as well as a profile we have a facebook page and profile instagram twitter twitter tick


tock it's freudian slip there


so follow us at us like us and the usual like share subscribe


sponsor us buy our merch and send all the hate and comments and all the [ __ ] you got


we prefer love but we will absolutely take hate or do we prefer the hate i'll


give it give it give it all to us send everything you got soon soon we will we will list um


some some you know cash or pay apps uh if if you choose to support us if if not


uh just set up a patreon what is it don't worry about it okay he's gonna set up a patreon


and not to be confused with the patriarchy right as as we know as we know


uh we don't support the patriarchy we fight the patriarchy as as they said


saying fight dude what what when did i say that no


uh all right so i mean that's basically the the announcements i still need to to list the uh the po box actually and


we're still gonna we're working on merch right now we're working on making sure that we're gonna get you guys um guys


and gals and all our listeners and then you know people who are everywhere between and everyone in between uh who um wants any bra of our merch


we're gonna we're working on it right now because we don't want to do like this uh the generic nonsense that people do we want to make sure that we're


putting out good stuff um you know hats t-shirts what have you but we'll have some glasses hey listen


urban glasses urban glasses with the to list to drink bourbon while listening to


our podcast it's gonna have the qr code etched etched in it with a freaking laser that's going to be awesome all you


got to do is scan like subscribe get into it wreck your brain we won't disappoint


are you trying to get a catch phrase my catchphrase i don't know i don't


if you had more hands you could give it four thumbs down but you don't have to


all right so let's i guess let's let's get into the topics now huh first topic


is puerto rico okay okay for or against


so you you put me on these topics that you know i'm just gonna go on a tangent


about i'm puerto rican and sicilian full disclosure i'm puerto rican and


sicilian but i grew up most of my life in puerto rico


and never liked it i always felt out of place i always felt


um that i didn't belong i had this weird feeling that i just wasn't


with the crowd puerto rico is a very strange place puerto rico


it's just how do i put it america i'm going to put it carefully


in part because of some of your feelings about people in puerto rico don't like me i don't care i grew up there and i have every right to say what i'm going


to say and all of you people in puerto rico are so


everybody here dresses accordingly to where you know they live or the climate or whatever what they like wearing


people in puerto rico are so brainwashed they wear uggs uggs in 100 degree


weather only because that's the fashion that's


[ __ ] [ __ ] okay everybody and i'm going to tell you why i felt out of place because i was the


only one with enough common sense where everybody was dressed in the same way listening to the same music if you were


any different you were bullied and you were made fun of because you didn't follow


everyone else everyone wore the same kind of pants the same kind of shoes the same kind of


shirt yeah i mean i understand fashion but the entire island is doing it only because everyone else is doing it and


when americans would come visit they look around going what the [ __ ] is going on like you it's a hundred people americans are americans


dude puerto rico let me tell you something about puerto ricans puerto ricans are only americans


because when it benefits them and also because well you know we're not going to get to why other latin american


countries hate puerto rico and i'm in agreeance because i'm going to tell you why but first let's get into the why


puerto ricans are americans let's get down to the [ __ ] nitty-gritty of it puerto rico was a


military strategic point for the for the united states so they went in there and they opened up all these military bases


because the because the united states owned the panama canal which you know i had a lot of trade you know coming


through panama canal they needed to protect it that's why they had fort buchanan roosevelt rhodes naval base


they had um listen it's all in puerto rico but guess what wake up puerto ricans because that


shit's all gone panama canal no longer belongs to united states and i think what 4p canada is at 30


functioning capacity uh reserve card but if you ever go there


thirty percent of it it's only functioning said the whole the whole thing looks like an abandoned actually


like an army course with with a uh he's a basically he's a police officer


no he's not he's he's just a civilian but but he is law enforcement he is yeah


he's you know he's a cop he's a cop on the base um and he was he was telling me how those guys suck by the way


and fort buchanan if you're listening those those police officers on fort began and you all suck yeah


i don't know but my buddy seems like a good dad but i don't know what he's like as a cop then again we all know that that uh many many many police officers


uh i would say abuse their power listen with the whole thing with the police abusing their power again what we see on


social media you're seeing one [ __ ] amongst [ __ ] thousands of great people


you're you're absolutely right it is you know you've known cops in your life


right yeah have you you're telling me you've never heard a cop tell a story where he like flexed his his power so to


speak during during a stop or or an interaction right like you've i've known i've known many cops and and many people


sitting around the fire in suburban they say you know somebody's giving them lip and maybe they bump them


putting them into the police car or something like that now you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna say this there's two things that the only two things i've


ever heard my sister used to be the cup from a cup my sister used to date a cop and he he was listen very nice guy but


he would do the whole [ __ ] let me turn on my siren because i don't want to stop at this red light thing no i'm not even talking about that but also what he


the only scumbag thing he did was because you know this was back in staten island new york


staten island unless you're in the north shore nothing's going on so in order to get an arrest what he


would do is he would [ __ ] sit in front of a bar wait for somebody to come out get in their car drunk stop them


know that they were drunk and just [ __ ] take it but that's not an abuse that's not a blues but it's like a setup


it's like come on you're you're yes that's an easy setup


go for


or at least like a block away and wait for these guys to come out that means that you've got nothing better to do than and i get it it's legit but that's


like such that's a that's a grimy kind of thing like it is it's and i've heard cops talk about stuff like that too like


or even people on um you know knowing where people are gonna break uh yeah driving laws right like


it's speed traps like in virginia or whatever right so


yes uh i've had cops telling me like ah you know that's not real policing right you're not you're not looking or you're


not uh uh


i'm talking about stories that i've heard you're telling me you've never heard but wait a minute let's not get off topic here we're talking about your friend that's a cop on the base now he


might be a great guy okay he might be a great guy and i won't i won't take that away from him wait since


when do we since when we backtrack about topics no little bit this is episode nine you're suddenly like feeling comfortable like


oh yeah we're we don't go down rabbit holes anymore we're only on


but when when all the cops i've ever encountered going because remember i'm i'm retired military he's already he's


still in the in the in the reserve right now but i've been he's been in what 15 years


14 years i've 17 years i've spent okay but growing up in puerto rico every time i had to go on for buchanan


and every single area what you're going for beginning because maybe i was there on vacation and i went there just go shop at the p.s okay maybe


yeah after you've been in not no even during when i had my regular cat card and i wanted to go in


for that before you really go to it not before no this was during and this is after so i they knew who you know they


look at my id complete [ __ ] now mind you this comes from i don't i've never served at


fort buchanan but i had to go on fort buchanan because if that's where you go for like for example memphis is on fort


buchanan or if you go anywhere for like for example if that's your home entry point into the military


sometimes they have [ __ ] there that you might want plus you want to go to the px you want to go to the commissary whatever


i remember the first time i went on fort buchanan i had my cat card i'd go in and say hey where's the px the cop looks at


me goes what the [ __ ] do i look like a [ __ ] you know i'm like dude you work here i'm just asking a question


you know and i said it in english like i could have been anybody and all i said was where's the piece what the [ __ ] do i


look like a tourist guide you could have just went that way it's that way that's it i would have figured


it out instead of having to drive all the way through [ __ ] fort buchanan like a maniac no every single time i've had an encounter


with the police on fort buchanan they're [ __ ] pricks but we're i digress we're we're getting off topic


before pecans the topic is puerto rico so puerto rico


panama canal no longer belongs to panama or the i mean it belongs not the united states so there's no


reason for the united states to protect the panama canal or the trade that goes through it it's not our business the legal status of puerto rico is that it's


a protector that's not what i i'm getting there it was there to protect it which is why


it was it was considered okay well it was named the territory of the united states it's the territory so that


territory granted puerto ricans uh citizenship just like any other american


however that in and of itself the puerto ricans being able to come in and out of the


country to united states as far as i understand is the only country in the caribbean


well i mean the only island or whatever in the caribbean apart from the countries in south america and central


america and south america that can come in and out of the united states as they please kind of like


hawaii except they're not a state right but it's the attitude that puerto ricans have towards everybody else in latin


america which is why everybody else hates them and i agree because again i saw it firsthand puerto ricans have this


air of superiority as if their whole [ __ ] island is driving range rovers everywhere they go it's [ __ ] it's


[ __ ] don't americans have an air superiority of course they do but imagine imagine 3.9 million people


having the same attitude just because oh you're from costa rica oh well i can go into america


whenever i want what do you have to do that's the attitude they have and trust me we saw it every day and i [ __ ]


hated it but besides the point okay so make a mistake here's what i'm going to tell you about


puerto rico the island is full of people that want to vote for statehood because they


they believe in some fantasy land [ __ ] whatever they're on maybe there's something in their bourbon


that they're on i don't know whatever drug that puerto rico one day is going to become a state let me tell you something


this is never going to happen because puerto rico has no use for the united states it doesn't produce


anything it doesn't export anything and all puerto rico is is a government so hold on let me finish this statement


hold on hold on let me finish puerto rico is a burden when it comes to


there is from the 3.9 million people that live on on puerto rico


on the island of puerto rico an island that's 100 by 35 100 miles long 35 miles


wide tiny [ __ ] island but there's 3.9 million [ __ ] on it and the majority these are numbers the majority


of the island is on some type of government assistance so in essence you are a government


burden you're a burden on the government in the united states when you really serve no purpose you don't export anything you don't produce things in


such a capacity where you're actually your gdp could be in the millions but for what what are you doing how many in


the long run you should have no purpose okay hold on you in the long run puerto ricans you serve no purpose so what are


you gonna do when the government says you know what we're spending all this money on puerto rico we're giving them all this


assistance and just like you we were talking about it before they were bitching and complaining well we don't get this much assistance and


yeah you don't [ __ ] because you don't pay the same amount of taxes everybody else


so why would you get more help plus you're not if you're not even making an effort to do it listen bottom line is


the reason i joined the army to be quite honest with you i lied to my grandmother


i drove when i was 17 so i had to lie to her and i said this is the paperwork for my high school graduation she didn't


even look at it she signed it and that was her permission for me to go in the army why because i wanted to get so far


away from all you [ __ ] [ __ ] who are 60 years behind the rest of the


[ __ ] planet and believe that you know what the amount of ignorance that comes out of people's mouths and


puerto rico makes me want to throw up and i'm ashamed to say that i'm from there lots of times you go to new york


you go to the bronx you go to the upper west side you go all the puerto ricans are there it's like dude i cannot be


i do not want anybody to know i'm a puerto rican because i don't want them to think i'm like you 60 years old with a [ __ ] flat brim


cap to the side sucks up she needs your piece of [ __ ] all puerto rico needs to just be either sink


or [ __ ] the united states needs to release them from their territory and then [ __ ] give them back to spain i'm done


prove my just to my point to everybody who doubted me i don't like puerto rico and i grew up there and i'm puerto rican


in the next episode of rock your brain dominic is going to give his honest opinion of how he feels about perk


that's right because i didn't do it and he's not going to hold back now


a couple of things so a couple of things on your logic and a couple things about stapler good well i


mean i don't know the whole process of becoming a state i will be honest i don't remember the exact i believe but there i believe they


have to request it yeah via well official request and then


vote by the way i think three quarters of the states have to accept the right puerto rico is doing it right now is that there's again


they have the two the two-party system just like we don't have a priority system we have a multi-party system in


puerto rico in puerto rico there's three parties right now but one of them doesn't really


nobody ever gives it any attention and it's the independent party what they call pipiolo which is the


green flag with the nexum and they're all independent and they're the ones that have been associated with terrorist groups like the machitaro's and so on


and and if anybody knows politics you know the much terrorists of puerto rico they actually bombed a few of places


back in the 70s and 80s and in westminster anyway you had your rent but you had your go ahead okay your logic


which is that that that be having puerto rico as a state will not benefit the the rest of the united states at all


so i i believe that they're i mean they're 100 their statistics on this i don't


remember exactly but there's a certain number of states and i think it's more than half i think it's more than 25.


uh i think it might be in the 30s that receive more


more money from the federal government than they than they put in and they said so what is it so they have to be a bigger state


um or by by um bigger state by citizens no


no actually no like you would that would be the logic like okay well if we were more people i guess we're getting more no it's because they're


they'll tell me the electoral colleges


it's it's it's something like and it's it happens to be many of the democratic states


new york california pay more into the federal government i don't mean the state itself but the no no i get it the


citizens of the states uh or the residents of the state uh uh pay more to the federal government than the federal


government allocates to the state itself the rest of the states and i think it's in the 30s right so it is the the


majority um pauline pulling from the federal


government so if you look at it that way financially and i i'm going to name some states i


believe alabama's like this i believe georgia's like this no offense alabama or georgia i want to see maybe north carolina's


even like this in any case many of the southern states arguably are a drain on the federal


government at least financially at least from from from the standpoint of what are you putting in versus what are you taking i would argue that puerto rico is


even a bigger dream maybe i don't know but the if the logic is if you're a drain you're no use to the united states


get the [ __ ] out or don't come in right then then the argument would be like well let's throw


no no no but once you're a state that's it you're a state already


you and you became a state in a time where the country was in i think a lot more things were were equal all all


things being hawaii is actually a was that wasn't it the last it was the most recent


how are alaska i don't know but right one of the last two right uh but they did what i'm saying there was a purpose


to making the mistake there was a purpose or there was a legitimate i don't think you i don't think you're thinking of


statehood the right way like it's what i'm saying is the purpose had to have come from where there's no purpose


if the majority of the other states had to vote to allow it it's because there was a purpose for it to happen right but


this is that logic okay then i mean it's it's you're thinking of it as purpose it's like


as if as if um like national policy bottom line doesn't i don't ever think listen if even you


say 25 or whatever 30 it's not going to get to [ __ ] 1


all right the majority of the united states the people in this country and i agree with them puerto ricans are a


[ __ ] nuisance all right a nuisance so i don't know if puerto rico's applied to the estate um


they have many times and they've been denied like [ __ ] are you sure we can do that but


let's go i i'm my understanding is they they've


had votes and most all of the votes have come back no or at least the majority right


so as 2017 the referendum had three options in


becoming a state of the united states independence free association are maintaining the current territorial status those who voted overwhelmingly


chose statehood 97 great okay and then what happened that that's where it ends okay but the united


states the the country can choose this if they want to but will the united


states allow it they're voting for it but they don't even know if the u.s wants them and i'll tell you right now


there's no [ __ ] purpose to have them give them back to spain you watch how many of those


[ __ ] even there's going to be an exodus of the country or people are going to find a way to go back to work


because people in puerto rico don't want to work what they want to do is have [ __ ] a million kids and have the welfare system give them a lot of money


go on go on on food stamps because that's what they do i grew up there and that would that was the [ __ ] scam of


the century you know how many people were on disability and they were just wandering around driving datsun 210


souped up with turbos and [ __ ] jump driving there is a bill [ __ ] retirement that is open i don't know that's where we're gonna go keep saying


[ __ ] sorry folks there's a bill that was introduced in congress last year march of last year


to to accept puerto rico as a state and it'll be denied well i'll bet your money it


hasn't been it hasn't been voted on okay but i'll bet your money they've had committee hearings the latter the last the last


action or they've called action for the last movement on this was june of last year they had committee hearings but then no


nothing nothing happened i'll bet money i'll bet anybody money it'll be denied


easy well i'm curious and if it gets denied


and puerto rico actually becomes separated from the united states and is no longer going to have that territory status watch puerto rico get humble real


quick because now they feel like holy [ __ ] we're going to turn into cuba well yeah you know what guess what you should have


thought of that years ago when you were all being [ __ ] earning the [ __ ] hatred and disdain


from all the other latin americans okay so the bottom line is they they they the latest referendum uh uh the results were


overwhelming yes there's a bill out in in congress so it may it may happen i


don't know and i don't we don't know without without checking that money it's not going to happen and and we also


don't know how many times if any uh they've the houses or any branch or any


house of uh i mean chamber excuse me of of congress has um


oh yeah but then you've got the corruption in puerto rico it's just so it's so rampant


when a hurricane what is it maria was in 2017 or 2016.


oh i know what you know it's and i don't remember the hurricane name but yeah


right well first of all they said that no resources were sent you got the mayor of san juan standing in front of


i mean i don't even know how many pallets of water saying the u.s didn't send us anything well let me trump didn't send


us anything but she's saying it's standing in front of i mean it could be 50 to whatever more pallets of just


water and then the entire island was against trump because he also said that it's the


most corrupt place i'm here to tell you right now unlike your brain dominic leon i grew up in puerto rico puerto rico corruption is an everyday


part of life that's the way it is ask me the crawlers sure yes sir all right let's talk about


something i want to talk about let's talk about that damn [ __ ] crawler now i'm i'm jazzed up


now or gosh darn it because we might have some religions


so we are we are all we are all about diversity and inclusion here on iraq and great so if


you're religious you're welcome to be here if you're not religious you're welcome to be here matter of fact uh we encourage the the atheists to have uh


spirited discussions with the uh but if you believe in free will and the first amendment don't pay attention to me just


let me be okay let's finish the police threat please


i've i've known many many police officers uh most mostly that i've met through the military


meaning like in the reserve a lot of reservists are police officers right i'm gonna say a lot like a


statistically significant percentage right every unit i've been in a buddy of mine a buddy of mine dan johnson if you're watching dan shout out to dan


johnson he was in the army good buddy of mine and we became a sheriff in columbus ohio


i love this guy because he's dealing with it no that's my name shout out to my career shout out to mike


jeremy esquire uh mikejamietolaw.com um dan johnson became a sheriff and his


main job was and i love him for this man i wish i could see him and i'd give him the biggest hug and i'd buy him whatever he wanted


he looks for he's the guy that does the uh what is


that the the dateline whatever it is uh catching a predator to catch a predator to catch it he


doesn't he doesn't do he does that but he does the police side of it where you know they pose as like their


11 10 year old kids and these [ __ ] pedophile pieces of [ __ ] are talking to him online


and they try to meet up with him no no no i'm saying but that's what he does in the police okay he does the same thing he hasn't been on the show so he doesn't


do i'm just saying i'm saying it's a ketchup editor so our viewers and our listeners know kind of in context what i'm talking about


so he does sexual predator busts pedophiles all these scumbags he's the one doing it and i love him for it all


right so anyway just back let's let's stay on topic go ahead every every


every army reserve and national guard unit that i've been it has has had several hand pulls of cops and everyone tells stories right


it's a safe space as it should be to talk about what would you do for work would you do that work cool


i've heard enough of the cops too much put them on the spot yeah well i'm not talking i'm not i'm not naming names i'm ain't no snitch


at the same time though i've heard enough of them tell me stories where and it's nothing major they're not


beating anybody up they're not you know it's it's within


it's within their their scope of power if you will right so for example


and there there have been social media videos or videos on social media i know certain social media is is sort of


it's it's a small percentage of the stops but at the same time there's consistency


between some videos and the stories that that folks told me which is somebody somebody uh or a police officer


stopped somebody for a traffic stop and they're they're being an [ __ ] to them they're mouthing off


and the police officer because it's their right because they have the right if they feel threatened or for their


safety to ask somebody to step out of the vehicle and search them so


and this isn't all the time this isn't all cops right and and so this is it's it's take this with a grain of salt


but they have told me that there have been times where somebody's mouthing off to them and


for all intents and purposes the the only reason they were they had asked the individual to step out of the vehicle


was because they were mouthing off to them now of course the reason that they give is is because they they felt threatened


is it a is that a major uh flex or or abuse of power


no but i get it though but at the end of the day i don't want to say it's reasonable


at the end of the day as long as the person wasn't wasn't uh impacted outside of get


maybe getting a ticket at the end of the day they walk away fine okay you're pissed off yeah and the cop feels like


they they won right i get it though you mean you but it's nobody likes nobody i don't see here's but it is an abuse


because unless you feel threatened you shouldn't be asking somebody to step out of the vehicle and if you admit


if you openly admit that your there are times when you only have somebody to step out of the vehicle because they're mouthing off to you that that is an


abuse is it a major no but it is it is a use of their authority that is not in


line with the reason that they were given that authority okay that's the bottom line all right and that in turn that is the definition of an abuse


that's right i agree a hundred percent now all i'm saying though


in uh i don't know if it's in defense of police dude because i've seen a lot of videos of these cops doing


doing [ __ ] for i know i mean really no apparent reason we were there no i wasn't there and i


can't i can't you know we don't know what happened before somebody started recording and and their definition of mouthing off is a very it's a very it's


a very subjective thing um but i have you know being in new york


for most of my life i have actually seen situations where like i've been speeding and i've been


stopped by the police and you know they asked me you know like why are you speeding i said well i gotta take a [ __ ]


like that's not an excuse i'm like i know but you asked me so that's that's what it is and i give my license registration i


know what i was doing i realized though it all depends on my tone and how i respond to these cops and


how they're going to interact with me and at least that's been my


you know uh my experience i can't speak for everybody of course because we already have


a plenty of evidence saying that it doesn't matter what you say or even if you don't say anything there are police


officers that will abuse you know certain powers that they have or don't don't even have made up on the flag but


that's that in a way that's that's another that's another thing meaning


um sometimes how you respond to a police officer not not what you're saying not


the content but how are you saying sometimes it'll impact the outcome and sometimes not so so the the thread here


is what conversations should you have with a police officer none and


and every video i've seen these are videos right but i mean and generally the consensus among defense


attorneys or even attorneys in general even prosecutors i've had one of my good friends is a former prosecutor in new


york assistant uh defense attorney or assistant distributor to keep your mouth shut that's right why


even police officers that are trying to do the right thing and that are honest and good


have a job to do and if you are doing something illegal or you say something incriminating it can and will be used


against you that's right absolutely so it's not even pleading the fifth it's just keep your


mouth shut yeah i i i don't even say i plead the fifth just don't say [ __ ] that's right i i i follow this one uh


this one attorney uh is it the blonde guy that smokes weed yeah yeah his brother i think this is the brother


yes that's right from california yeah


follow us back uh rocket brain aggregate podcast who are these guys now i want to know because i follow them too


so but anyway we're both we both know what we're talking about


they they they tell you hey cop asks you if a cop seems to be


acting friendly and asks questions about about your day or just you know small talk


it's not really small talk although some cops maybe are genuinely doing it but they're taught to just have small talk


why it sets you up it sets a set up it's set up is a struggle right but it allows


you to it facilitates the door opening to you saying something uh um indicating


that you may may have broken the law right so cop's like hey where are you coming from


there you are shout out to pop brothers at law pot brothers what is it pop brothers at law there you are


follow them they're really good we follow them we think they're great again sorry i don't know your name


that's a scrapbook by the way they come up on my newsfeed probably because i i watch the videos i follow but i i have yet to hit follow on


them but hey listen pop brothers of law if you if you subscribe to us and you follow our podcast uh and add us uh on


all the social media i will follow you right back and we'll give you shout outs all you want i'm gonna step off screen two seconds because i'm gonna refill uh


you know what i think that's uh it's a bio break as we say no we're not gonna take a break keep going i'm just gonna


start breaking you okay fine good yeah yeah it's just me this is what we do here but


yeah but we've we've never done this i've never suggested by i feel


you're kind of more extra dewy today but that's okay that's all right i don't know if it's the glasses or the nose


you know what i think it's the glasses it looks like one of those glasses or my you know what i recently refilled


my um my gold uh


uh and they might be a little swallow that that's why i look a little uh a little bloated a little bloated is that


water is that not enough for you okay what are oh you're only doing i'm not


trying okay do i look like that's too much does it look like i need to be on a diet no not at all i definitely but i


listen you're right for our listeners and subscribers you all think i'm fat


there's no reason i'm bloated i don't think i'm going to share that with everybody but i have a good reason so


who has been following johnny depp i did johnny i've seen some quick matter


of fact the reason i bring it up is because i i was i got lost in in youtube video


recommendations today and somehow i ended up uh literally i i was i was watching


i it was a rabbit hole that that our our channel took took me down i was i rewatched the preview to wreck your


brain oh you're wearing your tinfoil hat that errors gave you shout out we're shouting out to everybody today


um anyway so i i just watched our preview and i and i left i left my web browser or minimize my web browser our


video ended and took me straight to footage of the johnny depp trial the live the live feed it wasn't live it was


just a clip apparently i i didn't know this but i


it seems consistent with with what i know about johnny depp's public personas that he's genuinely a good guy


maybe a weirdo but a good guy that's what i'm saying if johnny depp is found innocent in all this well the


current trial it's not against him right it's anti-defamation lawsuit against against his his ex right right his trial


i believe against amber heard it yeah and so his trial is really finished right but i'm saying if he comes out of


all this looking much better than he did previously


as far as i understand disney kicked him off of the pirates of the caribbean because of yeah oh yeah he wasn't he


wasn't going to be in pirates of the caribbean anymore which kind of defeats the whole purpose of watching it can okay


we're going to i'm just going to plant the seed of the next thread or or something else


yeah which is a permaculture thing you're good at planting seeds planting planting


seeds and planting things anyway um there there has been for quite some time


uh a a an attempt a movement whatever you want to call it a a


a position from from the left more so the left


which stems from a um a good place it stems from from


uh i don't know a an attempt to uh to expose


abusers right i mean or or defend people who have who have been abused either either sexually or in any other way


right which is to take their word immediately


at face value no questions asked and right and


uh um that's backfired for them well it's numerous they might have backfired but it's but i get it though you're


right they that comes with a good place but please it doesn't come from third place but what they've done is they now


they they enact for lack of a better word punitive action against people who've merely been


accused of something an accusation in and of itself is not


evidence or proof of anything it is just it's a um


a trigger or it should be a trigger for an investigation for for uncovering of


facts and evidence absolutely anybody who who comes forward as and and claims that they're a victim should not be uh


discounted or or so i'm gonna i'm gonna disregard it


anybody who comes forth as a victim should not be disregarded absolutely that is entirely different


from immediately acting as if their word is


is fact is uh is verified and and and canceling someone or or firing someone


or this or boxing or whatever right this is why this subject really touches me on a


personal level now who touched it well the whole iron i know no um


the whole accusation thing and i'm gonna i'm gonna get personal with this one because right now again


we've been seeing people get accused and that's all you need and they will go after them whether or not they know if


they did it or not whether or not they understand that it's an accusation or a false accusation or not they don't care


you were accused and they're going to punish them oh yeah they punish them but now here's why the absence of verification here's why that


bothers me now and now i'm going to go personal i don't even think i've ever told you this before


for years when i grew up in puerto rico i went in there in 1989 i'm old


and i've always told my father i hate it here i don't like it here i don't want to live in puerto rico and that's part


of the reason that in 97 i chose to escape with by any means i could


um you know and i've had arguments with my spouse because things happen and i get i don't one of my pet peeves is and i i


had there's a point to all this is i don't like being accused of things they didn't do


nobody does it but in particular like i i take very very it affects me emotionally and like i get i get angry


and the reason being is um and i found out why actually very recently


is that anything could happen in the house me growing i grew up with my grandparents and immediately my grandparents would blame


me or my my brother or my sister immediately and i remember this one time there was a


phone call to columbia back in like 1990 or 91. my grandfather


my grandmother said well only only a couple of people could have done it it must have been them and then you know


eventually it kind of trickled down to me and i got this [ __ ] kicked out of me


at the time i may been like 11 years old and my first question was where's columbia


what do you what are you talking about so being accused of something you didn't


do is is a very serious thing now and i don't want to call it abuse i


don't want to say abuse because people from that era like my grandparents grew up in a different kind of a a time


when you know hitting your kids was a thing now they didn't abuse me


you know i didn't i never had to miss a day of school because i was all [ __ ] up like i still went to school


but i did get punished and hit and all these things but meanwhile i always knew like i'm getting hit and punished and


accused of doing things i had no knowledge of but once the beating was delivered


and the punishment was was put in place there was no more talk of it so in other words the justification or the the


justice was served to the accused whether they were guilty or not meaning me


and i can't i'm not going to go in details for every little thing i was accused of but i mean in my i mean my


siblings know what they were come to find out last month maybe i want


to say maybe three weeks ago we found this out that my grandmother has been cheating on


my grandfather for the past 30 years or like 30 30 some odd years the dude


from colgate with a dude from [ __ ] colombia named cesar


i got you [ __ ] and how he found out is because facebook facebook is a wonderful tool when you want to catch


somebody and some [ __ ] and she's been cheating on my grandfather for the past 30 plus years with this guy in colombia


sending him money talking to him he would visit they would see each other outside while my grandfather was working


he would go to [ __ ] puerto rico because they had you know if you're from south america it's not a difficult thing to go to puerto rico and if you're


puerto rican you can go to colombia it's not that difficult you know we have avid fans we might have fans in


colombia yeah i don't know if you want to listen to them to find this guy listen i'll give you look dm me the end


my son thing i'll give you all this information do me a solid this guy's been cheating


with my grandmother just have a conversation we don't encourage violence we don't insurance violence just have a conversation


but we like justice justice what i mean so now here's like


justified we like justify justice don't don't hurt this guy [ __ ] it it is what it is


but now think of it now and and you know the america's terms where how many people have been accused without


evidence without proof without anything and immediately you have the the mob of


public opinion the mob of of public you know personnel the mob of like i'm gonna


take their word for it no matter what and then they turn around and after the facts come out after you have the


evidence after you've after you've dragged these people's names and families through the [ __ ] mud and


made them feel like complete [ __ ] you realize like oh man they were innocent this whole time i


just jumped the gun because everybody else is doing it the point is there's a difference between


between not discounting and accusation right because that look into it yeah that's


right because it it i don't know if the word historically right but in years past


things were swept under the rug the army this this happened oh no listen


we both know that actually the army should happen and should happen today tomorrow's like what are you talking


about exactly i think i don't know so and they'll give you a look like shut the [ __ ] up that's right so so what what


what what some people have done but mainly mainly is if they've taken a good thing which


is which is taking an accusation seriously


and turned it into taking an accusation as a as a as verification of guilt or or


um uh like a guilty verdict thing it literally proved proof as if something


it literally became you were accused and it's almost as like we were back in


the what is it the 1400s somebody said you're a witch the whole village came at you with fire and pitch forward you're


[ __ ] you're guilty that's it you're guilty of the witch i hate this guy's a nice


guy i've known him he'll take his word for it i hate this term because because of uh how it's been


applied in the last five years i knew you were going to build a witch hunt but but hey be careful the wiccans


will come after us uh but they turn it into a witch or it's


an unjustified which one that's right again nobody is saying a a an accusation


should not be investigated and verified you have to look into it that that's right absolutely any any time somebody


raises their hand says hey somebody did something to me even even if i'm even if i'm the surface


or face value oh i'm sorry not to interrupt you but i missed the point the whole point of me


saying the story that my grandmother was cheating on my grandfather for 30 plus years is because all the accusations


were to shift away the blame and well shift away like the heat off of her


she's like well the kids can get beat and i'll be fine as long as he never discovers what i'm doing the kids will


survive that was her main goal you haven't seen the whole family


part of the premise like disney disney really hit the nail on the head which is or or sorry let me let me rephrase i


think disney's been missing the moment well hold on hold on hold on so in this case does disney hit the market disney


just [ __ ] the big time in the sense they've seen their stock friends forget the cycles no they didn't they did not


shoot the bed the matter of fact florida is going to be hurt more more from from what florida's doing to disney that they just did it already they don't know they


did it but it's disney's uh florida's gonna because tourism tourism i think mostly tourism um i


haven't read the announcements i disagree but go ahead i mean no matter what i mean it doesn't matter


it doesn't matter but but there have been like professional analysis on on this and at least economically i think


florida's gonna hurt professionals and what i think i think business or economics i've read that we've probably never been


there what does that have to do with anything like if if somebody is if somebody is do you think puerto rico is beautiful


exactly have you ever been to disney i have i've been to zero okay actually


that's what's to do with anything it's like if somebody is an expert on on


alcohol public unlike public sector projects happening here for intelligence you're the smart one i'm just the [ __ ] you


know eye candy on the side here barely i know really anyway


so so but here's you know experts expert opinion matters what's the point of having experts it does


like literally it's it's like who can call themselves an expert anyone at this point sure they're there there may or may not


be barriers in college in college i learned this and i don't even think a lot of you people know this out there in college i learned this he doesn't mean


you people he just i mean you people you all you people out there listening not you people


all the listeners and subscribers yeah i learned this in college you don't have


to be a doctor to be a scientist


slow down you don't have to be a doctor to be a scientist you don't have to be a phd or


a master's and you also don't have to be a scientist to be a doctor that's precise but most people that call themselves


scientists are are doctors or phds but you don't have to be


it's all about what you're doing as far as that research is concerned and if you're conducting research in a science


if you're conducting scientific research then you're a scientist but you know that's fair but you don't have to be a doctor or a phd no to do so no but most


people think it you have to be i don't i don't know if most people think that i think most people think


yeah that's true but they're not i love to think that i'm smart but i know i'm not that's why you hang around him the


key in life is always hanging around people who are smarter than you to make yourself always think about the jew listen that's why i'm at this house


sweating because it's 97 degrees oh my god i'm gonna i'll be right back okay you got dominic here for 30


you open seconds window so we can get all the cricket sounds show off this nice little


this grunt style shirt zoom in on that oh yeah let's hear the crickets let's


get all the noise from outside ladies and gentlemen such a sweetheart what he does what a


baby what a baby i am a baby what do you want me to do okay uh where were we puerto rico so


i said scientists because of the scientists well listen it's the same thing as like


who can call themselves a fact checker anybody at this [ __ ] point


we fact check so much on this show we're fact checkers does that mean we get a certificate


saying hey we're certified fact checkers i dominic dominic is going to keep me


honest with this i'm finally going to post the the po box okay on all the social media please send us two


certificates of fact check authenticity please do please do oh we'd love it that we would


love it or email it i guess you could email it yeah or give us the dot com to send us to wherever we have to take an


exam to be fact check certified no no no no i don't i don't want to i don't want to do anything other than say


publicly i am a fact checker please take my word for it keyword being pleased meaning you don't


have to if you don't want to or you have to if you're listening you're a member jews run the world he'll


know i'm going to stick my laser on you he's in the union yes


okay um let's see okay but we've we've opened so many


threads i know this is like having a website when you go on chrome and then you open all these tabs it's like holy [ __ ] where


do we go there is something we were just talking about we started with police


and then we passed that yeah


but right before florida we were talking about something else encounter


that's right so the part of the premise of the movie spoilers alert if you haven't seen it uh the part


of the premise of the movie is that the the hispanic abuela at the end admits that she was wrong


but every hispanic knows


and she doesn't even need to be hispanic that goes up listen sicilians italians jewish no grandma no no no


ever gonna admit she's wrong she's gonna figure out a way to spin it and say well you know what the only


reason i said that is because you came at me with this and if you hadn't said that she's going to emphasize how it's


all your fault anyway that's how you know the movie is fiction aside from the magical characters aside


from the magical characters the fact that the whole movie was fact that was the only part that was fictional actually


in colombia actually actually it took place on a disney screen that's it that was drawn


this is how you know disney people have never known any hispanic people no and when any hispanic people saw that


they walked out of the theater going ah these what that's such below


yeah what he said they don't know any hispanic people if they would have known at least one


hispanic although the reality is that disney i'm sure employs very diverse


oh sure to clean up the parks yeah let's be honest with you you put on a [ __ ] mickey mouse costume or you're


sweeping something up they got the one yeah they had the one black guy in the


documentary that they glorified for being like the the animator so what what


he's a famous black guy that was a disney animator and it has been one for like forever but where is everybody else


what documentary oh this was when i saw a while ago oh my god i can't even remember it was called disney something


that told you the whole story and it was telling i think it was on netflix and they showed you the story about the black guy i can't remember his


name he was one of the first if not the first black guy animator for disney and


they talked about him forever and i don't know his name i think it starts with an age i can't remember okay


the demographics okay uh of of walt disney world 54.7 a lot of them is going to be


hispanic because it's in orlando is female and so it's a majority and


42.8 percent i don't say female because we don't even know if they identify as female but remember females get paid


less so you know oh we'll we'll touch on that in a moment


54.7 female 42.8 ethnic minority you know some people


would say so females there's female and then ethnic minority well some of the ethnics


some of the ethnic minorities are uh cancer ethnics some of the ethnic minorities


are uh i'm sure are female right but but the fact that they don't have


in at least 50 percent ethnic minority employees some would call that racist


some would but i mean it doesn't make a difference to me what matters to me is i don't care how


many minorities or ethnics you you employ i don't care you can't shoot


anything please don't please do this ethnic minorities or whatever it is you


want to say i don't i don't care how you employ them i mean i don't care how many you have employed it's not my purpose it's where


are they employed what are they doing for the company are you giving them an opportunity to grow within a certain


area of your company that's not [ __ ] cleaning up after a bunch of white kids on vacation


um that's a legitimate one it is and actually it's the same thing with with uh all these big organizations


uh making making a big deal and using for marketing the fact that they hire veterans right like have you ever been


to a veterans career yeah that's a great point


oh they put a fancy name to it they want you to be the the um what the maintenance engineer like [ __ ] you want


me to push a [ __ ] broom waist disposal you i'm a garbage man


[ __ ] give me a break and they put walmart on this [ __ ] walmart says we want to hire 10 000 veterans to do what you what


the greek people welcome to walmart yeah i'm here only so i don't [ __ ] kill you yeah that's what does that what you


want to do listen i think the way they do this whole thing with ethnic minorities and veterans is


like the new affirmative action and they do it not and i listen


when affirmative action started if you really read into it it had a good


purpose or at least a good premise how companies used it i i nobody has control over that unless you're the ceo of those


companies but it was for intent intended for good purposes like hey listen you know what


we [ __ ] up we really do need to hire more diverse people we're only hiring


you know a bunch of white guys and white women and you know how do we look okay let's get a few of them in the


office and at first yeah they were getting hired for the jobs that they were supposed to be doing but then they


noticed hey oh listen we don't have to [ __ ] hire these people for big jobs we just have to get them in the


conversation we just need the numbers to meet the diversity quotas to meet the [ __ ] ethnic diversity [ __ ] you know so


just enough so people don't call us a racist company so and it replaces the same thing oh we


help veterans yeah we we do all these things let me tell you something in 2015 i got out of the army


and and this was december of 2015 this is when i was officially released boom here you go here's your little dragon


stand by the fort bragg have a nice day good luck and this was before


they had every little [ __ ] stop and one stop they called this field like oh let's teach you how to assimilate back


into society they still haven't done that transition no transition assistance here like you


just had to make sure you gave all your [ __ ] back all your equipment all this that and they hear a little dragon salmon they say [ __ ] good luck that's


it it's up to you the rest of your life so uh so it's really great that's that's


changed has changed it has changed but again it's it's


the the military is not immune from having stupid people working for it they're human beings they're human


beings so it's another example of you take a good idea and you corrupt it and and take it


to the extreme


in 2015 i gotta before what charlie just said in the transition period we didn't have that


while i was looking for a job and here i am still young and i was always under the this this this fantasy of because


i've heard so many people say i'm sure you've heard of oh you're in the military oh as soon as you go to work anybody will take you


they'll hire veterans left and right yet all right i applied to three different places


and i was over qualified for these jobs what type of place don't no don't name them i'm not going to name them but


what's up retail what was no no not retail even though reconstruction what was it because of my military background in


construction i had the ability to do certain things so these were all constructed


two of them were two of them were one was a logistics job the logistics guy was the one that was


honest with me the two construction companies didn't hire me um


the logistics guy was the one he said listen man um don't leave


i can't hire you but don't leave just give me a few minutes let me talk to you outside


it's a black guy nice guy took me outside and said listen man no company's gonna hire you right now at


least not right now you just got out in 2015 and it was now


like uh 2016 like mid-january he goes


and i guess they have a system in new york city that when you're applying for jobs a lot of other companies i'm like oh i see you applied here you applied


there you applied there well would you apply for like in new york city like like yeah like one of those you know veterans go through [ __ ]


work for a job board yeah yeah this guy said no one's gonna hire you right now


you're gonna have to look for something like kind of mediocre and there and then kind of work your way up he said you're


too fresh out of a war and a lot of guy a lot of these guys they all think you're crazy i said what the [ __ ] he he goes that's the legitimate truth


because if i go upstairs right now and i show your resume to these people and they see when you got out knowing that you came straight from afghanistan to


here you'd be like we don't know what's going on with this guy but you can't tell me that you're not going to hire me because you think i'm


crazy because that's discrimination so you'll think of all these other reasons not to hire me but this guy was legitimately honest with me he said


listen it's just not going to happen because of this and what's going to happen is they're not going to hire you and


they're going to come up with 50 other reasons why they're not hiring you but


in reality it's because you're just too fresh out of a war and they don't want to take a risk


i even signed up for the nypd and my mother was on her knees begging like don't do it i'm like all right i'm not


going to do it so but as far as i understand i had at least six friends


military friends took the nypd test here we are i'm you'll take all the army they'll hire


you took the nypd test they didn't they didn't get hired but did they have did they do well i don't know what the


percentage no they passed everything but some magic [ __ ] thing happened in psyche they didn't pass


all six of them got passed up because of their psyche val fresh out of the army while i had


that that one chinese spy is one of my holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ]


reserve anyway because if you know you know um but did i get my point across was that saying


what i was wanting to say yeah no i mean like veterans are discriminated and any anybody any company's saying they're


higher regulations it's usually for for [ __ ] unfortunately it's in numbers it's a numbers game well it's it's


numbered but also the weird thing is like and perception optics but it's it's also


the weird thing is most people 99 of people be like yeah like does the


veterans bring something to the table they'll genuinely they'll be like yeah of course leadership and planning and


operations and and high all the stress that that come with have having been


with the military but they also know that veterans are not docile robots that if you push a better individual is going


to push back well that's what most companies aside from that what they what they don't what company companies


naturally right private sector companies um that that who's who's whose purpose is


to is to make a profit right corporation um they just like the military


are risk-averse right they want it they want so so if in


the the the i don't know the epitome or the example right is or one of the examples is when


you look at a a job posting it'll have whatever let's say 10 bullet


points recruiters any recruiter i've ever spoken to has actually said like


they don't actually look for people that meet all the bullet points because hiring managers are looking for the


perfect candidate meaning somebody that's done that exact exact thing


day to day right meaning you've done this before and you've and you've done it well your entry into it is going to


be seen exactly because you've done it right but but recruiters they're like yeah


this is it's a pipe dream because because who has done ex i mean some people do right but by and large


uh quality candidates don't necessarily or didn't haven't necessarily have done


the exact thing right so again that back to the military corporation that's like my for example in my resume


when i joined the army i was a knight to romeo that's a parachute rigger i picked parachutes


where am i going to go right you know but then i became a 12 bravo which is combat engineer and so my


option is construction but but demolition that's even then it could be project management it could be uh


uh i don't know how to build explosives and that's what i knew how to do but you also know how to to


uh uh um to use military terms yeah but but also like people how how to


to plan an action against a specified objective of course right not everyone


can can do that well okay but my point is is that organizations while recognizing the


value that a veteran can bring don't want to risk hiring somebody that hasn't done the exact thing that that


ever done organization exact thing that's well some people if you're going from very very few if you're going from


one bank to another you've done badly if you're an mp and you're gonna be a cop it's pretty much the same sure right so


some some people some people have but so so there is logic to to organizations


perspective at the same time though so you're saying it's it's logical and hushed discrimination


based on necessity it is logical and absolutely uh that being said does it


make it right it doesn't make her out absolutely nor does it make sense when you talk to most senior people in


organizations like of course veterans have all this value yeah but they yet they don't want to


take the take the chance right because they think we're [ __ ] crazy not always just because they don't they


don't they don't uh uh if this were not a wartime and i let's say let's say you and i have done


20 years since the gulf war let's say since the gulf war in 91


there had been nothing complete no war and anything that we had gone into any other countries


yeah there would still be discrimination there would still be i don't think so i i disagree there would be because the


majority of my again i've been working in because a war a soldier's war mentality


no matter what their job is in the civilian world people are afraid


but civilians don't know that so again it's it's you i think you're you're you have a very jaded perspective based on


what what's so probably based on maybe experience but also what somebody told you right point blank


i i can tell you having what he was working in the private sector by what he told me sure


at the same time though i mean i've been working in in mostly the private sector side from army reserve and working


private sector my entire career and and i what i have experienced is people are


like no like yeah you're you're a great candidate you have to because of millennials but here's the thing


but here's between you and i here's the difference 14 years you said right 14 years of of


national guard and reserve versus 17 years of pure active duty but i'm


telling you there's a difference though that there's a difference between experience but what i'm telling you is what companies see


is yes quality because then here comes the knife quality


because of you know you can't put this disrespectful um quality because of military service but


it doesn't line up if you think of a venn diagram doesn't line up enough to to justify a risk that is that is the


rationale 99 percent of the time and maybe somebody's like yeah but also we don't know if it's going to show up maybe but you're saying yes you're


saying it in very competent corporate language break it down i don't know if


this guy's [ __ ] crazy and i don't know if this guy can do the job i don't know if he can do the job regardless


but by saying i don't think he could do the job you're bypassing the logic of it and just saying this guy's a veteran


i don't know if he can do the job but well though why why why do you think he can't do the job for the same reason


but for the same reason arguably that that somebody off the street we see a black guy that's


completely qualified to do the job he said well i don't know if he could do the job no but it's it's i what some


people would would yeah he was because he's black for no other reason no it actually i


mean there have been a woman she's a woman they would say the same thing okay so so


black people discriminated against would is probably due to racism women being discriminated against there is sexism


there they don't want to take to all that women are going to take more time off that's women are going to get upset women always want to do this but


a lot of women are more confrontational when they get so like bringing certain things i agree and i agree but but are


you saying it's illogical are you would you they i would say there's similar


discrimination against women as there is against people in the garden reserve meaning would you if you're an organization and


your main main purpose is keep people working and keep making money would you


rather hire somebody that even has the smallest risk of being away from work


for any period of time a woman a reservist somebody with a disability who might get sick and and it


might have a flare up or something right and by what means am i saying it's right or justified i'm getting it but it is


logical it's a risk that the company is going to take on i get it it is logical right however


however that logic and i'm not and i'm not taking it away from you it is completely


logical what you just said and it makes complete sense but that mentality however from a corporate standpoint is very


1950s well it's it's also against what the trends are right like you know the the


trend well forget the trends it said you have to you have to look at it from a evolved point of view business takes


place a lot differently than it did back in 2000 i mean or 1950 for example any


anybody here has watched mad men that's kind of what my my brain goes you know how business was conducted in


that kind of a time frame and that's that's you know i'm not i wasn't born in the 1950s i know i did dude i was born in


1879 giving birth so but you know a lot of corporations a lot of


big corporations still fall into i mean even if it no fault let


me do you believe in diversity for diversity's sake no


but you your argument what you were just saying is actually that if you think about it meaning please here's here's


and of course anybody's you ask a hundred different people you're gonna get a 110 opinions yeah


but here's what i i believe about today i mean i know i'm curious okay i may have made a mistake please


i don't believe you made a mistake i think you just you didn't think about the incongruence of two different thoughts could be and and suddenly your


brain is like i need to make sense of this let me tell the viewers one thing the shirt might say pride but i am not


proud enough to admit when i'm wrong i will admit if i'm wrong if i made a mistake and more people should do that but please okay


so he here's what what i understand about quote-unquote for diversity for diversity what is what is what is the uh


idea or purpose of no no what is the value of


of diversity can you answer that just having more people of color why in a workplace what for optics so you don't


seem racist some people some sometimes some companies yeah but but but the the


actual that's that's like remember the the the trend in this entire episode hold on take a good idea the reason the


reason i say that is because the reason i say that is because a lot of these companies they'll even brand themselves


like look at how many women we have highlighted how many people so it's the the theme of this episode of


episode nine of racquetball podcast like share subscribe comment uh um


um and support us by uh by donating yeah don't worry i'll set up that patreon and


and send the certificates of fact checkers okay absolutely all those uh


but the theme of this episode has been good ideas can be taken to the extreme


and the good idea or the good part of diversity is organizations


in part run on on um


on being able to solve problems on being able to think through things and something's not right like some things


are paperwork and you do the same thing some things are factory work but but i'm talking about like like


i don't say white collar but but but office type that's racist to say what color is really


white collar um anyway so i have something to say about this the idea is that


that people who have had different experiences because of who or what they


are by virtue of those different experiences


from other people in a way or to some respect think differently


and it is that different thinking that wants to be tapped into or needs to be tapped into


when when when working collaboratively right it is it is the reason and this is another rabbit hole it is the reason


part of the reason of um [Music] oh my god what is the word


not industrialized when you're you're not indoctrinated you're institutionalized it is part of the


reason people who spend 20 years in active duty in the military are institutionalized i


just spent 17 you see i'm institutionalized no that's because you're crazy and that's why i like you


it makes sense it doesn't make sense so why do you think we get along as well um no so but


in a certain sense i don't know maybe and maybe you were maybe eight years ago you were i don't know i didn't know you eight years ago but people that that do


20 years there's there's a certain way of thinking and don't take my word for it there have been many articles written


written about this that the the as as much as the army encourages


um thought meaning like if hey you're you're encouraged if somebody tells you


to to take a hill but you you see because because you know the the objective and end state and intent


and you need to take another hit


at least at least in word as much as it's encouraged at least at least


at least at least with lip service potentially as much as it's talking about


at least it's talked about new marketing very new army okay but as much as it's


talked about at least talked about it talked about he's even at least talked about um


the the uh active duty military at least did you have a stress card when you were in the


army i did not i'm not that young did you have your cell phone and basically i did not though okay uh we


did okay so we didn't have our cell phone what we did have was um how many times did you make a phone call


once a week once a week did you do it oh my god i couldn't make a phone call


until like what we did was six or so what we did have was not stress cards we had a complaint box complaint yes


oh my god there was a complaint box and the i believe it was the basic training


battalion commander he would read them and one time somebody wrote our our phone calls aren't long enough and they


like extended everyone's phone call about like five minutes oh my god if i


would have complained about my drills listen my drill sergeant once spoke to me so close


this spit was landing on my lips my nose my eyeballs and i had to stand there and


look straight ahead and god forbid i looked at this guy if i made eye contact with this all the


drill sergeants in my time forget i wouldn't even be speaking to you guys but i'd be dead somewhere buried in fort


jackson i'd be dead you know what a drill sergeant said to me once in 2008 he goes if you if you had been invasive


training this is a drill search and saying this to me to my face this was toward the end of basic and they were acting more human he goes uh [ __ ] it's


like if if you had been in basic training when i went to basic training they would have taken you into the woods so many times to beat the ship


let me tell you this and it wasn't the drill sergeants i mean you would have been with this right they


would have told two two privates hey take him into the woods and don't get them into it so this is a story from ait


from my time we had it then just to kind of sidestep here the story this is this is to


differentiate these [ __ ] army stories here in the i.t we had this one guy we were in fort lee


virginia and uh this guy [ __ ] smelled so he smelled like a monkey yeah and i told


you sorry right can you do the cook's house because i've heard this okay remind me for our listeners so anyway female dress sergeant she's coming up we


don't know she's coming up we're having this argument she comes and she goes what the [ __ ] that smell she gets the other drill sergeants they break this


guy's wall locker and all the skulls fall out they smell like ammonia and piss and he gets in after we came in


from the field gets into his rack dirty muddy all full of [ __ ] and we're on them like [ __ ] glue and the drill side


says take him outside and wash him we're like what he wants to do she said you're hurt [ __ ] hurt me i'm old enough i'm


not going to repeat myself [ __ ] do what i just told you to do female juice sergeant took them out at nighttime


around the [ __ ] barracks stripped him butt naked she handed us comet or what do you know the ajax


powder comment [ __ ] yeah and green scrub pads and she says get to work boys i was like what the [ __ ] yup and she watched


us host him down hold him down and scrub him while the other two girl sergeants


up on the third floor were draining his [ __ ] they emptied his [ __ ] wall locker put it all in garbage bags put it


in the hallway and he and we embarrassed his poor kid and he was bleeding from all his heart as we were scrubbing him


because she watched us do it she goes nope you're not done we even have one of those [ __ ] toilet brushes and she


watched us this is 1998 fort lee virginia if you're a [ __ ] dirt dirtbag back


then that's what you would have gotten i went to ait at fort lee right oh 2011. oh that was the [ __ ] oh


when i was in lewistown it was 92 yankees oh well that's where all 92 series ago because at the time it was the knights of romeo yesterday so if


you're 92 yankee or n2 alpha that's where you were to go yeah i think march warrior affairs also wins it for fort


lee virginia and there's another one i don't know it's all logistics yeah it's very much but we were the only airborne


ones because we were parachute riggers so it was cool because the whole fort would come the whole post would come see


us i don't know i think no i don't think so


no i don't know because this will just i don't know maybe it's different no i don't think so but anyway


um but needless to say that army is very different from the one i joined which is the diff different from from today's


argument it's very different from today's army so anyway well my point is is that institutionalization is a thing


don't take my word for it people have written about this here's another point the whole thing with the gays in the army no no this is


an important thing the gays in the army was a big thing back in my day let me tell you something everybody who's listening i don't give a [ __ ] i'm gay so


what and you know who knew everybody you don't care nobody because all they care about was about can leon do the job


nobody asked listen i actually made more friends drill sergeants included that knew i was


gay didn't give a [ __ ] because nobody made it a big deal as long as i could do what i was supposed to do kept my mouth


shut soldier and [ __ ] moved on and moved to the purpose then and i never dragged ass as soon as


as long as i did that there was never a complaint i went from fort jackson to fort benning to fort lee to fort bragg


to fort leonard wood back to fort bragg to camp rogers and back to fort bragg you know who knew everybody and you know


who gave a [ __ ] no one you know who makes a big deal out of the [ __ ] gays in the military everybody that's a


[ __ ] four or five star general above and i don't even think how many five-star journals are there maybe one right now i don't know


i can tell you this i can tell you no there's no fun no there's no five songs


what was the last one um where was his name no no no no no no he was no he was in that gulf war what was his name big


schwarzkopf but uh no so there's there is only there


are only approximately 300 generals in the army and that's both


active duty and that's brigadier general that's all


through four star um and and that might not just be army actually that might be that might be dod


yeah um what are you looking schwarzkopf was five star last five star general okay and i'm gonna look up how many no no no


i was wrong world war ii uh not even that korean dude nope


this can't be right no this cannot because that's it army omar bradley


bradley this [ __ ] bradley in 1980 no he died in 81 no


well he might have died in 81 but when was he active duty as an actual fighter and that's the dude how many journals in


the u.s military and generals


231 in the army 62 marine corps 198 air force and 162 navy


less than 300 in the army less than 100 in the marine corp you're listening this yeah yeah less than 200 in there the


marines actually do the marines don't um they're so small promotion in the marines is like


a snail moves faster than promotion yeah but they're also a smaller force right like the number of generals is determined by


the number of journals that they need like not everybody makes general but they need an x number but they're they're smaller


no so i was that was close we're talking about let's say let's call this 200


360 420 620 650 there's less than 700 generals


but who was the last five star anyway to the point though the only people who cared about gays in


the military were the bureaucrats as far as soldiers were concerned we all knew who we were because we were in the


[ __ ] barracks living with each other everybody knows who everybody is and everybody knows what everybody does but


as long as you don't push that [ __ ] on everybody else and you have self-respect and you have self-respect and you you um


and you did your job and you didn't [ __ ] people and you didn't make people feel uncomfortable nobody gave a


[ __ ] what you did nobody i never had and i'm not saying that for myself i knew a lot of others


lesbians and gay gay men who were in the military nobody cared


all of us were in there together in the beginning in like basic training yeah you had people say weird [ __ ] remember


they're coming off the block off the block block that we say in cadence they're still coming with that street


[ __ ] by week six if you would have said anything about that gay soldier to


his battle buddy they would have [ __ ] you up that's it no zero tolerance


and as soon as they get to their duty station and you see all these people have each other's backs if anybody from outside would have said anything to them


the entire unit would have [ __ ] jumped you the only people who cared about it was the bureaucrats so this whole gaze in


the military [ __ ] you're making it a big deal because you want to this is it's it's a it's a rabbit okay so omar


bradley was the last


you would only be ranked five-star general or promoted to that rank during a time of war yes so


listen uh he was promoted during world war two to five stars he was the last to be promoted


in history in the us army earliest military during world war ii yeah and he held


that for the rest of his life okay i mean you don't get demoted no exactly at least there's an officer


enlisted but that is an officer i mean yeah he died at night so nobody since world war ii has been made five star


but the rank was only retired when he died in 1981 so that's 45 to 81 it


existed nobody got it he was the last one yeah and then they made it


so officially you could only really be a four-star that's right right now either either


admiral or general so where did we get the idea that schwarzkopf was a five star


i'm older maybe they've talked about it maybe they talk no i'm saying i'm older than you and i remember distinctly they were having this conversation maybe they


were talking about petraeus too they wanted to make the trace during petraeus but also what's his name powell they


spoke about powell yeah and they just local so again this is this is before this is most of our listeners before i'm


old i don't know i look good i look like i'm very young he he served under stonewall jackson


okay so it was it wasn't so much confederate journal and i have served under lee


general lee also confederate army that's right they definitely wouldn't have taken you uh uh anyway so sound through


runners again okay i'm in the south now i have last


thought on on institutionalization in the military and whether and the fact that in distributed fact that it breeds


very similar thought processes that's why a lot of solutions are are i don't


say cookie cutter but like it's it's tough to find unique thought in the military even even among


officers they'll deny this but i can tell you as somebody who is one foot in the in the military and one foot out


half outside or half insider whenever i've deployed my ideas have come out of left field and my ideas will shut down


maybe there's shitty ideas maybe i'm useless and an idiot i don't know i listen i don't think so i disagree i


think your your ideas are probably on the [ __ ] money but because most of the ideas you're pitching to people who


have that had steadfast military mentality they don't know how to think outside of that they don't and once you


present an idea that could make 100 sense two things are going to happen they're going to say that makes no sense


number one because it military-wise they don't think how they don't see how it makes sense number two and this is a


thing that the army [ __ ] are gonna always deny this and this is this is what happens jealousy is a [ __ ]


and because you're a captain and you tell it to another cat then that captain may say that's a dumb idea but you know


why because he didn't think of it or she didn't think mostly because that's only why they think it's mostly because


they're incapable yeah and not not that they're true not the thing no no incompetent and


incapable of two different things but again jealousy in the army is it if you


were it's a big thing i was in the army during a time where i was in and i


probably went to ait when uh with the class ahead of me was already going to their duty station by


the time we got to fort bragg i was right there with them going oh [ __ ] i just saw you guys you know leaving for


me and now i'm here they only got 13 weeks ahead of me in the duty station but now they're kind of like they've


been there they feel like they've been there a little bit longer they make e3 e4 here i am making e5 and i'm doing


[ __ ] they're like well how the [ __ ] does he get to go e5 and i'm still here so well because you're a piece of [ __ ]


you're a [ __ ] high drag low speed [ __ ] and here i'm going but now anything i say


they like to go behind your back and say oh [ __ ] julian doesn't know what the [ __ ] stopping so okay so


there's there's these they're we're getting jealous but we can go down so much we agree there's institutionalization and we we we


okay we only have a couple minutes and i say that because we don't go longer than an hour and a half right uh but we agree there's there's institutionalization i


just want to point something out would you agree that that when they're in


when they're in most active duty people are going to be like to private sector individuals


whether they've whether those individuals have served or not but i'm talking about that about the private sector they would say


to them somebody from active duty i can do what you do but you can't do what i do oh a lot of soldiers would say that


why because they would say oh it's so different it's so different but what happens when these [ __ ] leave active duty and suddenly they create a


linkedin profile oh i've done basically exactly what you've done and the private sector says no you have exactly exactly


the mentality to say that to civilians i can do what you do but you can't do what i do let me tell you something right now


that's a crack of [ __ ] because the only difference between what we did in the army what he continues to do and what


other soldiers doing right now to what private sector people are doing is one thing and that was a choice people some


people chose to do it some people chose to take a different path doesn't mean they can't do it and some of the physical and some of the physical


requirements let's not let's be honest but it doesn't mean they can't do it it doesn't mean they wouldn't do it it just means that they chose a different path


to have the mentality of you can't do what i do but i can do your job automatically if i knew you had that


mentality i would tell you to go eat a dick [ __ ] you i'm not going to hire you because now you're going to be bad for


teamwork and morale because you're going to think you're superior to everybody no that's a [ __ ] up way to think


you have to always remember your job is your job you do it well because you trained you were trained to do it that


way but so were the private sector people let's they went to school for these things


and and on this that there's some things the military does better the private sector and there's some things that the private sector does does better uh and


and it's i think i think reservists and guardsmen we're in a unique position where we see both and we feel the pain


of like when we're in our full-time jobs we're like oh just yeah sometimes i'm like oh i wish this was done with the military and then when i'm when i deploy


or i'm doing something active dude like why can't they think yeah like uh just yeah you know more uh yeah i 100 agree


so um damn it there's no god [ __ ] i know i was


waiting for it i'm so disappointed i i promise you next time they'll be gotcha but we talked


about so many things of substance um uh you know so many so many things that that are um


i don't know i don't know i don't want to say i don't want to say hard right unlike dominic's dick but like


i don't know i tried real hard that's my gosh that's my attempted i gotcha ladies and gentlemen


april 22nd 2022 rocky brave podcast with dominic leon and charles fuchs and we


will see you guys next time take care