Wrack Your Brain

Wrack Your Brain Episode 17

August 09, 2022 Charles Fuks & Dominick Leon Season 1 Episode 17
Wrack Your Brain Episode 17
Wrack Your Brain
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Wrack Your Brain
Wrack Your Brain Episode 17
Aug 09, 2022 Season 1 Episode 17
Charles Fuks & Dominick Leon

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#podcast  #politics #twoidiots #veterans #warstories #army #stories #armystories #wtfmoments 

This is a show about everything and nothing. Part politics, part satire, all bourbon. Join Dominick Leon and Charles Fuks as they muse about current events, social issues, and whatever surfaces from the depths of their minds. If you walk away thinking about something in a different way: comment, like, share, subscribe, follow us, check out our links, sponsor us, send us something in the mail! 

This episode is all about army stories.

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#podcast  #politics #twoidiots #veterans #warstories #army #stories #armystories #wtfmoments 

This is a show about everything and nothing. Part politics, part satire, all bourbon. Join Dominick Leon and Charles Fuks as they muse about current events, social issues, and whatever surfaces from the depths of their minds. If you walk away thinking about something in a different way: comment, like, share, subscribe, follow us, check out our links, sponsor us, send us something in the mail! 

This episode is all about army stories.

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to july 14th 2022 rack your brain podcast with


that is charles fuchs and this is charles fuchs as well and i guess that's and i guess that's dominic leon um and


uh today as usual we're going to talk about a whole lot of nonsense uh more


nonsense than than usual and i plan on interrupting every chance i get case in point uh


so we're gonna talk more nonsense i think than normal uh because we are going to and i hope we don't get in


trouble for this nobody owns those i don't think it's something copyrighted some of the intellectual property but we are going to uh look at some army fail


moments army wtf moments and we're going to react to them and then probably go off on on 17 different tangents of


course maybe talk about times when someone something similar happened to us or in front of us in our presence that


we saw and it was hysterical i had it i had a comment oh uh any any


us announcements us slash show slash podcast when are we getting a website


the website is actually in process and i know but every i'm working on it every


day a little bit here a little bit there and it's it's it's coming along nice to meet any merchant no no merch


uh we can't accept your live uh jersey g 1983 as much as i would based on that


name and based on your picture um we we can't because um we are recording anyway


podcasting right now at the same time podcasting pc if you if you i don't know


no no i don't like that because it's pc um did you end up getting the uh dude look


at how fat why did why didn't you ever tell me don't wear a red shirt on the podcast i look it's not the shirt it


looks so fat yeah it's the shirt yeah it's not the shirt it's my fat that makes me look fat it's my fat it's


my fat prednisone okay my feminism got my look at my arms my arms so look they're


looking decent dude um wait can we i gotta do this for you i i have not been within as many men as


you and so for therefore my they're from my they're from my biceps and my and my forearm are not as big as


yours however uh you know however they're looking okay they're looking okay


people are going to know you can't be buried in a jewish cemetery of course they can be buried in jerusalem uh you're telling me all the all the people


in the idf in israel who who have uh tattoos don't get better ninja semesters of course they do or holocaust survivors


they have tattoos as well that's right i i i think i think there are exceptions


there are exceptions 100 of their exceptions uh and and i'm pretty sure um you know if i tell god i was in the


military if he doesn't already know then i'll be okay i'm sure god knows yahweh


in your case yahweh the jewish yahweh the jewish yahweh as opposed to the christian yahweh i think it's the


christian jesus neither of those names first of all okay i know i know we're


going off army wtf moments no no no we're gonna we're gonna address we're gonna trust this for a moment all right


about the jewish god i'm not gonna talk about just the jewish god i'm gonna talk about the jewish gods


plural so you know many years ago pretty pretty much everything is he


the jewish god pretty much he's he's a lizard person every


pretty much every religion as as we know and i think this is this is uh correct anthropologically uh and historically


every every every group of people on the planet were were polytheistic part of that has to do with with uh


you know trying to explain the world around them and it's kind of a natural thing for for people to look at something and ascribe


a more powerful being whatever but like many cultures ascribed uh uh


powers to like the the the a deity of of a particular part of nature right deity


fruit of lightning whatever right and so so most most uh cultures were polytheistic


including the abrahamic including the abrahamic uh the original


abrahamic faith aka the faith of abraham aka of the um of the people in judea


uh and so they had and this is recorded like they they had a whole a whole pantheon of of gods and one was like


yahweh one was adonai one was like every word for god in


in the old testament every word that is considered today by by rabbi is like just different words


for god we're different gods this is this is historically uh uh it's been


recorded right so so the the the the christians who think that they are uh


monotheistic are actually have actually bastardized a a religion that itself bastardized


polly uh now that i agree with a hundred percent because i have actually


some knowledge on that and that is very very knowledgeable i'm telling you that's why sometimes my


brain gets fried because just a little bit of knowledge that gets in there and it just gets overworked it's like


working out for too long then your muscles cramp up that's what happens in my brain it's like a it's like a um like


a machine in a factory that's been working too long without like oil oil maintenance yeah yeah yeah


then you get confused all this alcohol and all the bombs and [ __ ] and bullets


flying by me and all the moon dust and and fumes from burn pits yeah my brain is


fried bro okay you were saying i know it distracted you i don't remember what the


[ __ ] i was all right army wtf moments i thought oh you're being like yahweh


and yanunaki all right let's get into some army wtf moments this is where it


all begins


oh he gave him two minutes to get off the bus that's so nice look at the look at how nice that bus is


was your bus that nice dude i was on a [ __ ] school bus


no no no they screamed at us to get off the bus hold on hold on pause this from him um how did you get


would you say jackson how did you how did you get to jackson you did memphis in puerto rico right i did maps in puerto rico


jackson we well we flew in uh i think it was a commercial plane yeah of course yeah a commercial plane then


we went from there they picked this up or how did they pick you they picked me up i can't remember how


they how they picked me up from it was it was that kind of bus that's the bus that picks you up from from the airport


it's just like a coach bus that they that they contract not that bus no dude the only time i ever was in a coach bus


like that nice they they picked me up like in this old it was a white school bus type thing


from the airport from the airport like a white school bus um wasn't a school bus but it was the


same as a school bus show which is white yeah and you see that


that drill sergeant just said you have two minutes to get off my bus i'm like that's [ __ ] way generous because they


didn't give us any time it was three drill sergeants on the bus and they came in there they spoke to us real calm they


said you are now in fort jackson this and that this is what we're doing and


you're gonna get off my bus and nobody moved and then that's when all three jewels


are just almost their [ __ ] mind and they just got off my [ __ ] body you're right so i look i i i wasn't there i


don't know what they picked you up mind you however i'm from an era previously yes that is true but here's here's what i want to


point out that when you get picked up from the airport you and you get there you


are not in basic training no you're on this reception that's right and reception it's different drill sergeants


then then you're gonna have you typically it's either people that just came out of drill sergeant school and it's kind of their first well i will


tell you this we had we had two drill sergeants that actually had the drill sergeant hats and then one guy who


he uh he must have been going through the drill sergeant school because he was still with his regular cover so and they they have non-drill sergeant


ncos assisting right and so either either it's individuals that are right after drill sergeant school and like


before they get to a company or it's at the tail end to like try to integrate them a little bit more right into


humanity so they got us a reception at fort jackson and reception is a different whole thing they got to


process you and get you all your stuff um and then from fortu from reception got


on another bus to take us all the way out because i was after reception after reception but within the same fort


jackson yeah took us to our unit and then the different drill sergeants


did the same exact thing get off my [ __ ]


so for me again it's it it is the exact same thing except except typical well and again we picked


up in a coach puzzle yeah we were it because because they they contract because otherwise they'd have to send


like a drill sergeant or something they'd have to send somebody yeah right in in uniform to like wait all day well the bus driver was in uniform no see our


my guys picked me up from the airport he was okay so maybe maybe he was a white button yeah no my guy was some civilian


he like and by the way i like i landed i think i landed at like 2 p.m


and they didn't send a bus until like 10 p.m they wait until all the flights of the day i've ever been going to basic


and then some civilians showed up and he's like hey if you're going to basic training follow me and again so we get


to reception and of course somebody in the in the you know the smokey the bear hat yeah comes on he's like get the [ __ ]


off my bus but but he wasn't our drill sergeant and then we spent a week in reception we got all our stuff


and then our i think it was because of where our our


basic training battalion and our company was in relation to the reception barracks it


was like a minute walk they didn't there's no point in sending a bus but they showed


up and they did the shark attack like basically at reception and then they just marched


us to our barracks interesting point though i will tell you this because i did memphis in puerto rico


you know they always put you up in a hotel before they send you out that's because


again you say no but when you're leaving from puerto rico and you're gonna go to basic training


here in america before you go out they put us in a hotel cheap hotel and they


give you these [ __ ] tickets so you can eat something and you're they tell you that before that you cannot drink


anything then they the day before or anything because they actually breathalyze you at maps and all this [ __ ] but that's


the funny part is the hotel we stayed at there was a famous real famous wrestler


in puerto rico called chickie star and everybody if puerto rican you know this is you know who this is really famous um


wrestler professional wrestler in puerto rico and he was the head of security for this


particular hotel for like 20 years and because he already knew like the


whole process and plus all the military guys in puerto rico knew who he was he would like he would give us such a


[ __ ] hard time while we were at the hotel any time he saw you because he was always walking around the hotel along


with other security but he was always there you always knew he was there he was never in an office he was always


wandering around the hotel and if he saw you he would i don't know it's almost like


that he thought he was a drill sergeant almost like prepping you when you got your little food card and you had to go


get food and he saw you he's like you really think you need that have you any idea how [ __ ] fat you are look at you


you look like a neighborhood if i were you i put that [ __ ] down right now because you are in for some [ __ ] rude


awakening when you get to base training you looking like that all fat and disgusting i'm like dude you are a hotel


security guy and a pro wrestler you're not even like a mill like leave me the [ __ ] alone


no he would give people a hard time look at how fat you are are you gonna really you know you're not gonna fit in those


stupid clothes when you're done with basic training right they're gonna starve you to death you're gonna be all skinny he was right though all my


[ __ ] civilian clothes were like hanging off me yeah but uh man i hated that [ __ ] i'm like after that i'm like i


don't give a [ __ ] about this guy [ __ ] him i do remember the only vlog i was saying before the


only time we were on a coach bus like that is when we went because since i was airborne i was a parachute rigger when i


first joined i had to you had to be airborne qualified to


to go to um to parachute rigor school in fort lee virginia for your mos you can't learn how to pack a parachute unless


you're airborne qualified so we did basic training then airborne school then ait that's how parachute riggers do


their process so when we went from fort jackson to fort benning it was in that coach bus


for the three weeks have been took you on a bus from jackson to benin that's interesting it's [ __ ] long


[ __ ] rhymes and it was on a greyhound bus or like one of those kind of buses


and uh and i remember i only had my walkman and the music was like so outdated i'm like [ __ ] this is all i got


though um did the three weeks of day of of a very boring school in benning and then


took a cell phone i'm just kidding no before so and then took another coach bus from benning all the way the [ __ ] up


to fort lee virginia which was there's i believe so yeah i believe they still


were using morse code our uniforms were blue slacks with the boots up to my


knees and i had a blue coat that was made of wool i had to take my asus to the taylor a


couple days ago uh because they shrink during covet and you know


in the closet because asus tend to do that yeah well i i i told you this story but you know just for for the audience


it was this uh oh my rifle was a musket yeah no that's well i mean it was it was a rifled musket which they had just


invented uh during the civil war but they um and bayonets were like a new


thing this this guy he might my not my tailor it's uh you know the alteration guy he uh he's called the


tailor no taylor and on an alteration guard two different things yeah a tailor can do alterations but


also a dry cleaner who does alterations because also oh yeah i mean minor things like if they're taking in a hem or


whatever right because they shrunk yeah well exactly when they shrink do the humidity uh during covert


and um he uh he looks at i put the pants on they were a little tight i put the jack


and i was a little tight he's like okay i'll take them out maximum i'm like is that what i need and he's


like uh well you actually need more than maximum but we'll see how it looks


they tend to acus they tend to shrink we had the mcus after i think we had the


mcu's we had mcu's in fort bragg before the mcu's were issued to everybody


yeah and not because i was an army ranger because after a


while i reclassified and i reclassed and uh after like once you're arranging


you start getting like different stuff for like different treatment or like newer equipment and all that stuff but i mean at the same


time i was in the 82nd so i got all my regular uniforms like everybody


else did but they also gave us the option because i had been in in battalion


before i went back to the 82nd they said hey we have these new uniforms you want these


like 2001 no like 92 000. when i joined we talked about when you reclass when you


i reclassed in uh right when i got back from from uh from kosovo


two thousand two thousand what um just at the end of 299 actually they were


they weren't doing multicam at the time they were getting tcu at the time yeah no no i'm talking i'm just i'm just saying like afterwards like


when the mcu's hadn't come out for everybody yet mcu hasn't come out to like 20


seven seven thousand yes no no it was after it was after it was probably like 2012 2013


yeah yeah no we so we had no i had mcu's in 20 i'm gonna i wanna really say


november december of 2011. that's when i had them i didn't have


well and people you always have these like real pogey kind of [ __ ] soldiers in there talking about like oh you


high-speed and then one second because green berets i think in in vietnam were the only ones that had like the tiger


stripes so when the mcu's came out and we were able to use them and regular army was not


you know or they didn't have them issued to them yet it was like everybody was like oh man you guys are this i'm like dude shut the


[ __ ] up man it's just you like you know there's always this these these pogue soldiers that


this like almost they come into the army thinking they're like these [ __ ] military historians it's like at least


all you want them to do is shut up and usually they're just like armorers or 92


alphas or nothing against 92 alphas or mechanics you know it's usually like a mechanic


dude just shut the [ __ ] up you know define for the audience if we if we haven't done on any of our episodes what


a poke is a person other than grunt meaning you're not positioned to position person other than grunt meaning


you're not in a combat mos you're not in a your job it doesn't involve any kind of like infantry or


combat you know i'm virtually like logistics usually like administration now i've


heard nps use the term pogo and i'm like you're an mp mps are [ __ ] pogs are


biggest well so technically technically


uh 12 bravo engineer and the engineer combat engineer but


engineer and the engineers not combat arms you have four combat arms infantry field artillery


air defense artillery and [ __ ] but they don't give they don't give you


a cab and they don't give you a a combat infantry badge or cib so you get a c a b i got i have a


cib and a cab i have this i have the confidence infantry badge and i have a


combat action badge i have both i think that one was more because i was


in a combat unit out of the eighty second that is strange though second five i


thought you had to be an eleven bravo to cut or or like a ninety you have a scout you have to be in action oh armor that's the


fourth one right artillery air defense artillery armor and infantry those are the four combat combatant branches how


could i forget about the tankers everybody forgets about tankers because they're [ __ ] secluded in for a hood


nobody gives a [ __ ] about fort hood oh no there's their tanks at fort lewis


they're tanks i think for knox too right now knox has tanks well


benning they moved if i'm not mistaken they moved the armor ait or i guess i


think it's ocit i think i moved yeah because banning is now the the home of of of the


maneuver center of excellence and maneuvers is infantry and armor i heard that they're gonna they're slowly trying


to consolidate um different mosses to different because


some like for example i heard that fort lee is kind of in the


under the microscope they're like it's because it's so small and only certain mosses go there for


aits and it really doesn't serve much of any other purpose other than for ait that i


know of that they're looking to kind of move different aits to different for example


fort bragg would be ideal to be an ait for parachute rigger for example


because you can make the same argument for for bennett or benny's right or scary one school


yeah that's correct um but i'm just saying like what what i've been hearing it's just like they're looking at it from that you know you


have benning and you have fort bragg either of them could serve the purposes of of an ait for a parachute rigger


because they you have airborne school like you just said and you have fort bragg home of the airborne so and then you have um mortuary affairs i


believe is in four league you got 92 alphas you got 92 yankees you got uh you know mortuary when i was


there in 1998 8 no 1999 1997.


there was mortuary affairs in fort lee virginia there was uh 92 romeo's which is the knight and the parachute riggers


92 alphas ain't through romeo's yankees um knights were rotten the yankees ain't two officers um i was a beautiful fort


lee virginia in 2009 fort lee virginia [ __ ] sucks donkeys


okay i don't want to say it's the worst it's not the worst it is but it does suppose it sucks like long shiny black donkeys


mostly because of petersburg virginia the place is the whole the whole


surrounding there's really nothing about i remember the at the tail end of ait i remember they they let us like all right you guys


can go and do your like if you want to go out and go out like i think they if i remember


correctly you couldn't do anything for the first couple of weeks i think it was until like a certain week


maybe like week six or something like all right now you can like go to the mall but you gotta get back here or you


can like go now this is week seven now you can go like you know if you wanted to stay out with


you know if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend you can be out and then stay the night and come back if you were like on a friday to saturday


kind of thing but you had to come back and you had to tell somebody where you were kind of [ __ ] i don't know i don't


remember so i remember like the taylor and my buddies and i we all decided let's go to [ __ ] richmond virginia


yeah so we [ __ ] we got to i don't remember how we got there but we got to richmond virginia and


i don't know where we were i don't know what the name of the area was all i know is this cadillac this


white souped up cadillac with full of black eyes that again apparently just didn't like us for whatever reason they


got out of their car they parked right in front of us the [ __ ] you [ __ ] looking at and i'm like oh


like here we are we're gonna die that's it [ __ ] we're gonna die we didn't even do anything


and then after like a good 10 seconds of like unnecessary aggression and like cursing us out and all that they were


like i would just [ __ ] with you and they just left and like what the [ __ ] was that all about it was the weirdest thing


and so when i was at fort lee virginia which is unfortunate which is unfortunate


i left fort benning right before a uh uh


isn't ocs at four penny well cs is it for penny yeah


but i didn't commission two so i was the base canadian 2008 2009 i didn't


commission until 2011. all right you went but you went through green to go


that's not a it's not a thing anymore no no it it is a thing but it's not it's going to go


well it is called greek as far as i know that still exists and this is still called great to go yeah um but green to


gold is a very specific thing green to gold is not


you're enlisted you became an officer that's not green to gold is a program you're on active duty you're enlisted


and you apply you well you have to apply to multiple things you have to apply to green to go


you have to apply to a college that has rotc and then if you're accepted they they


continue to pay you your uh whatever rank salary the salary


for whatever rank you were for the entire rotc in college experience you're making your your uh


your salary you're making your bah for whatever city your rotc is it's a very


specific thing and i think they cap the number of people that can do that this is how old i am back when i was in


the army in the early days yeah if you wanted to go to school it


was a very difficult process so what people were doing is i don't even think they'd do this


anymore because now we have the internet but they were doing correspondence courses where they send you the army


correspondence courses or something it's it's distance learning it's not really corresponding but but


it's a packet you got in the mail and you had to do all the things in this packet and then send it back in the mail


so there's nothing on computer this was all via the mail


so [Music] what's the mail you know snail mail like pony express


no like you know the ponytail guy back in the day a guy used to get on a pony with a with uh either satchels on or


like a [ __ ] truck somebody you never got on a pony yeah


you got a couple of horses i'm sure i got a couple of seahorses there which were like oh dude


i was actually just thinking about that too the other day i remember i i dated this guy


and he's a good looking guy i mean i didn't date him for long i didn't like i think i've had like the


one date and then we were gonna like all right let's go have sex and it's not dating and oh my i know it's


not dating um but i mean when he pulled down his pants i'm like oh god it's just so gross it was so like


little and he kept saying it's good for my size and i kept saying to myself that's not good for anything


like you don't don't say that to yourself you're just lying to yourself and


i don't feel bad about it but i [ __ ] left i'm like no dude i'm sorry wait you you lift i [ __ ]


in his face i'm like i gotta go


i didn't want it at the moment it's not what i wanted so now


anyway when i was at when i was at fort leave jacob i was dating a girl in who lived in in new jersey actually at the


time and uh i left i left fort benning right before a i think it must have been


on a friday uh before a long weekend and somehow i got into my mind or maybe


one of the drill sergeants before i left benning was [ __ ] with me and somehow it got into my mind that because this


was a long weekend they were gonna let us go for four days so i get to ait and i tell my girlfriend


at the time i'm like hey take a greyhound from new york city down to petersburg virginia and she sat on a bus


for eight hours and the next day i'm like you know we whatever we get into ait and


i'm like i'm like drill sergeant we're getting off for the weekend right and she's like what the [ __ ] like i don't


remember what you said but she was you can imagine like what the [ __ ] did you just say like i'm like yep i got a girlfriend that just


sat on a bus breakout she's like you better tell her to get right back on that bus and go right back to new york


man there's a female drill started yeah yeah i was like [ __ ]


i remember too like i think if i'm not mistaken speaking of female jurisdictions when i got to fort jackson


we had a female drill sergeant only one because they i think is the year prior


they had just made for jackson i'm gonna look that up integra you've you've said that several times but i'm you know but


i'm i keep saying that but i've never i've never but what fact is okay so what was the integrating integrated basic


training before or let me let me rephrase where did females go to basic training before no they went to they


went to the same basic training but i think they were in a day they had their own company they had their own or no i think they had same company different


building altogether but i think actually like things were getting


hold on when did fort jackson


become co-ed yeah because fort benning even in 2008 was


just males just males won the basic trinity 2008 that changed i think you know after they start allowing women


into combat arms but um i mean it may have changed slightly before then i honestly don't know


all right so uh while you were looking that up there was another story that was in 1994 so just three years before i was


there and but i mean the buildings because they


made them now we're all in one building but they were still co-ed but i don't mean co-ed like we were intermingling in


the building they divided the building in the like right down the middle


and all the hallways had these [ __ ] they built these partitions like all the bolts and the wood look brand new


and you could hear them on the other side of this wall and all the walls are concrete cinder blocks i mean everything


except for the hallway wall but you could see it on the floor like the tiles used to go all the way and they just [ __ ] blocked it with this wood [ __ ]


that you know was they painted it to look like the floor and it was just ridiculous and you could hear them on the other


side giggling and do whatever the [ __ ] girls do and um okay don't all go just giggle that's all


they do that is all they do all the time okay so another four libra junior story so we did uh you know we did like an ftx


event this before 92 inches school is only seven weeks so like we'd like oh no parachute is 13 weeks


but and so like it was all classroom it's the weirdest thing it was it was like does ait now have i'm trying to interrupt you does ait now have a uh eo


week or not eo um because now basic training is nine weeks


i think now it's it was nine weeks in 2000 it wasn't nine weeks in 97 it was only eight weeks


but i think they they told us that they added another week like oh they just added another week for these basic guys because of like


sensitivity training or whatever the [ __ ] it was that's an old-timer myth that's one of these old-timer myths


i was the extra week now i don't know what you mean by extra week


they made it nine so no it's all like i know what you mean i was in front i know what you mean but i don't think you know


what you mean let me tell you what you think you mean they made they went from eight weeks to


nine weeks at some point 2006 2005 whatever and it's not like


the other eight weeks were the exact same and they added another week and filled it with something no it went from


eight to nine and they readjusted so it's like what's in the extra same shape it's the same [ __ ] with maybe an


additional we we we got 40 hours of combatives i remember in in in mine but


that was that's only part of it right because it's not like they yeah yeah you're gonna do all the other [ __ ] too right so like it's it's the question of


like well what's the extra week doesn't make sense it's the same [ __ ] maybe maybe they found that they needed


an extra day or two for basic rifle marksmanship or maybe they they decided they needed an extra day or two you know


maybe all the [ __ ] snowflakes in the army now just can't handle it so they need an extra week to so they can adjust


because mommy and daddy failed and again it's it's it's not again the question doesn't make sense


now um could it have changed in the last 14 years since i went to basic training


of course but i highly hi a matter of fact i will ask somebody at my unit that recently came


out of basic training if they had a full week of like sensitivity and sharp and eo and i i highly dude i went to basic


in 97 so that was 25 25 years holy [ __ ] that was a quarter


of a century ago that's right then you don't look a day over 50.


i'm telling you thank you that's awesome man yeah it's great it didn't come out right because it came out as a compliment i know


okay now i reclassed i went to i went to kosovo


out of the 82nd in 99 and reclassed


no that's not accurate at all got to fort bragg in 98. and they told


me i had to be to reclass i didn't immediately within like i think the second or third week of being a


parachute rigger in fort bragg i'm like this [ __ ] sucks i this is not what the recruiter told me


this is going to be what did the recruiter tell you ricky perisher rigging was going to be oh you're going to be in a warehouse it's


air conditioned it's all nice and you don't have to worry about combat and all this stuff and


it's it's real clean and you know you don't have to worry about all this regular army stuff you're going to get i mean it's like all right cool


what did rigging turn out to be parachutes 25 parachutes did a day we


were lucky if the [ __ ] ac worked for a few hours the doors were always open we always had these massive [ __ ] these industrial


fans and dude if you've been in north carolina [ __ ] fayetteville heat


that [ __ ] sucks and then you're under so much pressure and back then was the old t-10 charlie


parachute and the mc1-1 the mc-1-1 charlie parachute and the mc ones were


[ __ ] they were a pain in the ass to pack and when we had a day that we had to pack reserves i'm like you know what i'd


rather shoot myself in the foot than have to pack reserves because that was the worst thing in the [ __ ] summer heat and then they had


they had usually was some [ __ ] that was going on we always had to stop and


you don't leave until you've packed 25 parachutes that means every if you pack 25 parachutes and it is 2


o'clock in the afternoon goodbye have a nice day go do whatever you're going to do for the rest of the day and there were guys


who could do that um but if you were new and you were there a


couple weeks and it was eight o'clock at night and you were on parachute number 23 guess what the [ __ ] other bigger


side the sergeant the inspector would say you gotta like three or two or three more let's go and i'm like dude it's


eight o'clock like yeah well then [ __ ] hurry up because i want to go home too yeah [ __ ] that and it's hot and then


guess what you're done at eight o'clock 8 30 you start to drive back to your barracks take a [ __ ] shower wash your


ass and then guess what you got to do oh random [ __ ] we're going on a brigade run or a [ __ ] no oh you got to be up


[ __ ] i j oh my god call that you know what and then you got the [ __ ] brigade commanders like oh you know what


i feel like we should go run five miles through the fire breaks [ __ ] you and [ __ ] your mother for having you


because now i'm tired from the night before i gotta go run five miles do an airborne shuffle behind a bunch of other


[ __ ] folks who have no idea how to even take one step next you know behind the other run [ __ ] let's


go i was in fast group when i was in and if you can believe it so i wanted to run but but when you're


running in a formation like even company runs you're like oh my god you're so slow like let's just do it i'm telling


you i couldn't run to save my if i were to die versus run i'd just kill him just if zombie apocalypse came and i


wasn't home i'm like just let him eat me dude because then there's no way [ __ ] i'm running that can't be i can't be


you're part of my apocalypse plan so you better the plan is that the plan is to as soon as she


hits the fan get the [ __ ] [ __ ] put it in the jeep and get come right the [ __ ] here


don't the [ __ ] are not you're gonna hunker down in your in in your house and we're gonna decide how we're gonna live


in two different houses uh uh you know and how we're gonna make it work but uh you know i thought we


were putting the bunker in the back you mean in the hill built into the hill that's right i don't know we ain't got


the money for that yet not until the crypto's crypto listen if you want us to build a bunker in my backyard go to


patreon venmo cash app and paypal and and donate as soon as the


website is up and running buy all the [ __ ] all the merch and i promise build the bunker we will build a bunker in my


backyard we will show you the the progress i mean we can't show you everything because it it should be i'm


just kidding yeah some of it should be like where the entrance is yeah i mean we can show you the inside


i'm just not going to show you like a satellite view we're not going to show you where it is that we go in and out


you know right but we will give you a tour um and perhaps one lucky fan will


get an in-person tour of uh no no no that's not one what if


they're passable oh


oh god he's more worried about what your pronouns are


i am i will respect the [ __ ] out of your pronouns in my bunker just you and me


i'll take ann on a shopping spree come on anna let's go let's go let's go to wilmington for a


week it doesn't have to be a week how much stamina do you think i got hey listen you're jewish did you kind of


like all this stamina in the world i got all the gold in the world the end it's in my ju


flaps oh god tick tock i can say this i'm jewish don't ban me


um where were we what were we talking about oh you're talking about a lot of things pull up some videos poops wait a


minute let me just finish i remember no we don't finish it and you're not allowed to finish on this


show come on we came and i reclassed and then went to kosovo


or where was that ordered my uh i ordered my new ribbon rack because because since the last time i had a


couple of new awards i've actually seen this happen hold on


what you're about to see in this next video when they do a door breach they are so quiet i'm telling you this is


that i've seen i don't understand what happened actually that guy ran through the door hold on that's not what i saw


when i was in fort leonard wood for ait for a combat engineer we learned how to do door


breaches you know the explosives and she put him on the door to blow a door to go in


urban warfare and the dead cord i think was set in like it


was improperly set the dead cord for the detonator which you put and


the door didn't initially blow but we're talking like hey don't just [ __ ] lollygag your way oh let me see


because that's exactly how the drill starts okay this is what the drills are said and that's i think believe i


believe in my heart that this is what they teach them to say in drill sergeant school because i know that every sergeant says the same [ __ ] words say


if you [ __ ] don't do what i tell you to do one of you dumbasses is gonna die


they all say it they all say it well this dumbass this dumbass almost [ __ ] died the


drill sergeant no the [ __ ] [ __ ] that went did what the drill sergeant told them not to do and the dead court


was not properly said and or it was it was not it was faulty it


wasn't tied down right so when he went to go check it the [ __ ] went straight to the door


like to see the dead court on the door rather than look at the detonator itself and the door blew right at him jesus the


explosion was on the opposite side though so the explosion part was in the opposite door he was behind the door and


the door [ __ ] it just iced him this guy was down for the count like tyson


had hit him it was like hey you good even the drill sergeant the drill sergeant was so mad that he went to the


door because he had already told him not to that instead of checking on him the drill sergeant i swear to god and


everything holy with his boot and we had the old leather black boots touched him on this chest hey dumbass


you dead i'm like hey i'm thinking drill sergeant he might need help no he doesn't god


gave him all the help he needed right there i was like holy [ __ ] we're gonna [ __ ]


die and then he got up he's like what happened


and all the drills are and says well hello daisy good morning dumbass oh my


this sentence i got more games than what i finished this sentence more games


than xbox no i never heard of drill song to say that i got more games than milton bradley


like oh you want to play games i got i never heard okay you know what maybe maybe they updated their sayings you


know they had to like at some point you know like yeah i got more games than those yeah you wouldn't play play games


i got more games it's a


oh my god in basic training i remember i had this so true story i grew up in in


the puerto rican household i'm sicilian in puerto rico can you play a gosh hold on hold on but this is going back to


drill sergeants being evil joe sergeant you would yell at everybody and


everybody was scared he yelled at me once and this is a drill sergeant white he yelled at me and i didn't flinch he


was like oh you're not scared of me what do you think you're a tough guy ethnicity was drill sergeant he's black


he was actually but joe sandra white i don't remember his first name drill sergeant last name white


and but he was a former mr virginia he's a bodybuilder and we used to call him optimus prime because he was like [ __ ]


him up no i haven't actually i should do that if you know who he is yeah he was i mean this dude was like [ __ ]


you know he was the man and his voice was unnecessarily deep like too deep for his own good


and he was yelling at everybody and his voice was deep yelled at me and i didn't flinch he goes oh you think you're a tough guy you're not scared of me and it


says i'm not a tough guy drill sergeant he goes well then what's your promises i don't have a problem drill sergeant he goes you're not afraid you're not


nervous and i'm like no drill sergeant goes why not i said this is i don't know if you've and i said this word for word


i said drill sergeant with all due respect i don't know if you've ever spoken to other puerto ricans but this


is normal conversation in my house sicilian and puerto ricans this is normal conversation this tone this


yelling this level okay i told no i told you the story he looked at me like with confusion like are you


[ __ ] serious yelled at everybody every other day after that and when he came to me he


would stand right here next to mine he goes leon leon i need you to do some push-ups right now


beat your face front leaning rest do it now please please would you do that for me


and i'd get right down and do push-ups and i remember another drill sergeant i can't remember his name he goes what [ __ ] you talk that boy i like that he


goes he doesn't respond to anything else i talk to him like this he'll get it


done did i ever tell you we had this guy uh from i think samoa or guam


in our basic training did not speak a word of english we had a bangladeshi guy like that too


a bangladeshi well okay but he's not part of the united states no no but he was american but i think he's


like okay back then guys you could you could join the army to get citizenship or


something yeah that's that's what he was trying to do but he went to for uh lachlan air force base to go to their


english school at the time and apparently he passed when he got there [ __ ] didn't understand a word anybody


was saying so they sent his ass back and i'm like dude what the [ __ ] so


so this guy read i i think it was from guam and anytime


we get smoked like first of all and i guess it's now 14 years so i don't


quite remember but i i just i remember him not supposedly not being able to speak english he he would like


try to do the exercises when we were getting smoke but like occasionally and he looked old


and i don't know i don't know if people age you know heavily in in guam or maybe this guy was


truly like in his 50s but like i swear to god occasionally like


i don't know we would need to get into a certain position and he'd like he'd like shake his head and he'd be like he'd


point to his knees and like they'd be like they'd be like they'd be like in basic


amazing and they'd be they'd be like they have a profile i got a problem like like i'm old and i don't know and


they would yell at him and he'd be like this like and they they would they would look at


him and they would just be like do this and he would just do stand there and do that do that not do yeah they'd walk away


all you have to do is be like [Laughter]


the joke was like on the graduation day he'd be like guys i can speak perfect english no [ __ ] no but he didn't he


didn't do that but like that was the joke that that was that was gonna happen i i wish that would happen that would


have been the most amazing thing that he would have just trolled all the drill sergeants for [ __ ] however however


any weeks and i i don't understand how somebody who doesn't speak a word of english but i i always because i remember when i


was in basic training i had a guy like that i mean he was a white guy granted this guy had to have been i think was


the age cut off age 32. yeah back in 97 and he was like 32.


this guy looked all the 53 i mean just


i don't know he looked like he was 53 but he was he was around like i guess like at the 30 like the cutoff age


and he couldn't do jack [ __ ] but he made it through all the way to the end but he couldn't do jack push-ups [ __ ] they


smoked him out side shuttle hops smoked him out i mean he couldn't do and any like give him a five minutes and this


guy was done i swear to god he [ __ ] fell out of every run i'm like but we're in basic you can't


how are you i remember the only run i ever fell out of like maybe like the first week because i was completely out


of shape and you know you that's typical um but i mean i was falling out of the run


like almost like at the end it's like [ __ ] this guy like a quarter of a mile in you'd see


him going off and the other drill star is like where the [ __ ] and you just hear like the voice kind of drifting off and


they just smoke the [ __ ] out of them on the corner and we're just keep going like oh [ __ ] he's gonna die and


i don't know i don't understand but i mean we had there's a few people a lot of we had a lot of spanish people


and that one bangladeshi guy that all came from lachlan air force base


to the english school at the time i don't know if they moved or if they still have it at lachlan but they had to go to learn english at lachlan air force


base that butchered by believers in texas and once you graduated that or they i


guess deemed you passable they then sent you to basic training because you couldn't do basic unless you


knew english at the time that would make sense so by 2008 we were in iraq and afghanistan


like that it makes sense they're like okay you can't speak english yeah dude


so but this was in 97 so i know the funny thing was like at the time


everything was still geared around jungle warfare so everything we were learning


was still like old school army jungle urban warfare hadn't even


been a thing i think it was it wasn't until 2000 and i don't know would have been like 2003 one or two


no because we went into 2000 and iraq 2001 but they didn't even start


afghanistan was almost one right but they but they even with that they didn't even start urban training until like oh


three or something until we went to yeah yeah it's like it was like a hole so we were still doing this all this jungle


[ __ ] and i remember it all that you know vaguely


but um but man yeah i miss it


you were seeing these videos of uh there's this one guys this blonde guy he does uh his videos are mixed like


they're all all about army things but some of them are a lot like things that blonde guy he's pretty sure he's blonde


and it's like things that privates say in basic training to drill sergeant seriously this video no no but not like


funny like like oh private why'd you join the army oh you know my father's in jail my mother killed herself and he's


like we're like you know oh drill sergeant you know i'm i'm an orphan that's because the only way i could afford to


feed myself and though but like like what does a drill sergeant say today right like [ __ ]


yeah it's like i guarantee with my day the drill science would have definitely found a


few choice things to say because back in my day we weren't they weren't pc


and i remember i think the the regulations had changed a few years


before that where the drill sergeants were no longer allowed to touch you are they they didn't touch you in your business oh they [ __ ] did they sure


the [ __ ] did they found very creative ways to to do it so so okay so they can say they were


doing equipment adjustments well suppose while they were pulling on your [ __ ] collar or or checking your buttons on


your [ __ ] we had the whole btus so even in 2008 well he had a spider on his stomach bomb [ __ ] yeah eve even


in even in 2008 um so i remember this one time we were at


the range and you know you know maybe they didn't i don't maybe they did


it this way but in my basic training um when after the range you were to like


you know check yourself for from around yeah and like you literally as they walked by


you not by you but like they checked everybody physically yeah right and you were to say no breasts no i'm a drill


sergeant yeah yeah okay so that's the same thing anyway they would like full force like bam


you know like check your pockets right like oh and i didn't want to go flying back


so i put my foot just just you just brace yourself just a little bit just move the back echoes you


better put your [ __ ] foot back where it was and then he went even harder bam


i didn't fall backwards because he caught me but uh he he saw he saw my foot move he


i saw immediately on his face he saw my foot so i remember the i remember i learned this from one of the drill stars


because somebody brought it up and i'm if i'm not mistaken the kid was jewish and i remember him because he


loved this remember uh i don't know do you remember the song i love sexting candy i love sexting


candy no anyway um and he was from queens


and i remember him and he walked kind of funny so i said to him he had scoliosis so i'm like okay but um


i remember that one of the drill signs asked him like like what's wrong with your back he was guys got scoliosis real sword and he goes all right


and he goes i got something to straighten that out all right and


literally this jewish kid said well drison you can't really hit me and the drill sergeant's eyes his


his you know their hats are always his head went up and his eyes open he goes let me explain to you about the


geneva convention and he went on and he said do you know the army


or in war are opposing armies according to the geneva convention rules of war whatever engagement they're not allowed


to shoot at airborne soldiers however they can shoot it there


he goes your uniform is equipment your lbe your [ __ ] rook that's all


equipment he goes right now i'm your enemy and your uniform is equipment and he [ __ ]


turned this kid upside down he goes you gonna say something smart to me now in


new york city and he says no drill son he goes how about i drop you on your [ __ ] head oh wait i can't do that it's not equipment


and we were all like dude just shut the [ __ ] up man hold on wait wait the kid said you can't do that stunt equipment


but the drill surgery i can't do that it's not equipment the drill sergeant said because he said


i could drop you on your [ __ ] head oh wait your head's not equipment because he had him by the [ __ ] lb top


and he told him to put his feet i mean hit by his by he told him to put his pc in and uh no


no then he just he let him go he put him back on his feet and all he said was the next time i ask you a question the first


words out of your [ __ ] mouth is drill sergeant and the last words out of your mouth is drill sergeant because if


you're asking yourself why i [ __ ] hemmed you up right now it's because you failed to address me properly and we


were all looking at each other like mother [ __ ] this guy's for real like we're not [ __ ] around


and then drill sergeant white i had a problem because i was nervous


about [ __ ] up um the like marching like we were do you ever practice for like marching it's cool


well yeah well i mean no no no but we were like in like some [ __ ] parking lot i can't remember where we were yeah


you weren't doing it no no but it wasn't for it wasn't for that it was for like some competition


like all these [ __ ] uh basic training units have that you want you're okay


well i was always i never wanted to be in front i wanted to be a middle person all the time


in the squads because for the life of me if i had to do a counter collision save my [ __ ] life


i don't know which way in between who i have to go so if i had to do a counter column to save my own life just kill me


so i was constantly [ __ ] this up and drill sergeant white was behind me and he grabbed me by my [ __ ] collar and


he all the way back went on to the floor on my back he goes [ __ ] how many


times do we have to do this before you get and i said drill sergeant i'm never gonna get this drill sergeant can i


please switch places and just go in the middle either that or just kick me out he goes you'd love that huh you'd love


for me to kick you out but no [ __ ] you up is the br is the highlight of my day leon but you know what i will grant


you this wish because you were a [ __ ] screw up you're eight up get in the middle i'm like great the first time


they demonstrated counter column they they they picked four privates and they were like you know you step


like you take a step yeah and so it was only four demonstrated it


for you guys well you guys i swear to god you got to be taught something even back then shut up


shut up i can't i can't no i'm not even going to get i remember this they were like the drill sergeant said


counter column everybody stopped and looked like what the [ __ ] are we supposed to do and that's when the drill


sergeant said all right dumb asses come on he took the first gun this was do you go this way so they didn't demonstrate


it they didn't demonstrate they just kind of pointed out a demonstration so instead of doing with a full with the


demonstration is when somebody else is doing it and you watch well the demonstration was with four privates


it just it wasn't what the f with the full formation was just with four and they they did it right all you need


is four because then yes everybody else just followed yeah so they you know they they were doing it with four and i was


like when the [ __ ] are you ever gonna do that in combat what [ __ ] purpose does that


sir even in [ __ ] like old-timey [ __ ] like just do three [ __ ] three


cups left march one or four columns yeah purpose does the counter column what


purpose does it deserve just do three you know one one two


one i swear to god so many enemies need two any enemy wants to know how many soldiers is in a [ __ ] platoon just


look at a counter column and you oh there's about 30 these [ __ ] here easily you just you just need two


one right turn and one right turn 90 and 90 is 180. it is the simplest thing to get rid of


the counter column because it serves absolutely no [ __ ] purpose no purpose whatsoever the counter column shouldn't


even be in the army or in any military for that purpose because it other than maybe for


a parade even at a parade you don't do a counter column have you ever seen


i must have added one of my drill sergeants on facebook i don't know about the other two i'm


sure i could find them if i really tried uh but to this day i might still oh my god my drill sergeant jose


because he was in seventh group and he knew that some of us were going to fort bragg he said to us real clear he goes if you


ever see me this is like right when we're about to graduate basic he's like you ever see me in fort bragg you don't [ __ ] say hi to me because i am not


your [ __ ] friend you better [ __ ] turn left or turn right and get the [ __ ] away from me okay


now i'm in fort bragg you're you're still before breakfast and i'm in i'm in uh i'm in the 82nd but we used to go to


seventh groups chow hall because it was [ __ ] phenomenal seventh group had the best chow hall


and he there he is and i see him he's about four or five people behind me and i'm in


the chow hall line getting my child he's sticking his head like this he's doing all this all the [ __ ] like [ __ ] and he cuts the line


and he goes right to him he goes oh leon you're not gonna say he says this but no this was like a while later like


now now i'm like an e5 at the point so this is like damn this [ __ ] guy still knows who i am i'm an e5 now


and at the time when he was my drill sergeant was an e6 so he's like dude you have to be an e8


at least by now i do you know what now i can't remember to be honest with you but he was there he recognized me


and he says leon you're not even gonna [ __ ] he goes oh sergeant big time huh you're not even gonna say hi to me now


what am i [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] and said drill sergeant and i address him as drill sergeant even though he wasn't hit


i said drill sergeant you were very clear i am not to say hi to you i am not to


even acknowledge you because and i quote you are not my [ __ ] friend i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna accept i


i i know you didn't want to get this distracted ah it's fine but uh you know we got a couple of


minutes left in the pocket let's just do it


what is this bro whoever this is you picked the wrong


one tell him yeah dude what the [ __ ] doing black screen all you want is the likes with the verses what are you doing


no i [ __ ] this pope anyway and he sat with me he got his food decided to sit with me at the [ __ ]


childhood table we ate [ __ ] chow together he chose jose and all and all


he wanted to do was ask me about how it's been going so far in my career and but the first thing


he said was damn leon i didn't expect you to last this long i thought your dumb ass would have been gone after four


years and i'm like yeah i guess i'm too stupid to quit and he's like ah that's a good one but don't think you're funny


eat your [ __ ] food i'm like you sat with me you sat with like dude i was mine i


followed orders i left you alone and i sat at this table and you invited yourself


but it was funny but he's one of the he's one of those and he was speaking spanish to me all the time he would because he was in


seventh group and for those who don't know seven special forces group is mainly a spanish-speaking sf group their


south carolina uh was that there's south come on yeah south america so they speak a lot of spanish so when i


was in basic and he was my drill sergeant he would say all this other [ __ ] in spanish and then come next to me


he says was that right did i say that right i'm like joe sorry because he was in the native speaker yeah no so he was it's


like no dressage you said this wrong he said this and he's like all right thank you thank you and then he always for some reason he carried that [ __ ]


brass rod that they put down the [ __ ] barrel of the m16 because we had in 1682


yeah so he always had one of those in his hand and when he asked me like did i say that right leon did i say that and i


said yes something he goes all right good [ __ ] as of like two years ago or something you're not allowed to use clearing rods


no yes he always had one on his head and you know why because too many people have gotten [ __ ] shot with a clearing


rod you leave a clear rod in the barrel and you shoot it with and there's a blank because they would they would


throw it down the barrel and it would pop and it'd [ __ ] go no not even from from that i'm talking about like the


dumb asses left rods and barrels still in there and then you put a blanks in and the blank [ __ ] shoots it out like


a [ __ ] long-ass bullet oh but don't you have the [ __ ] uh the the barrels of the cover the little red [ __ ] that


you put on the barrel when you have miles gear the little barrel cover thing that's red you swear yeah yeah


yeah yeah i enough i'm telling you enough people have gotten a job matter of fact how much of a dumbass when i


went to basic training how do you not know that it's got a big fan when i went to basic training there was a post you


know how basically they'll have the posters right one of the posters was a color picture


of someone's thigh impaled with a [ __ ] uniform not impaled but like it was like a red spot


and the drill surgeons were like do you know what this is this is a clearing rod that in left they're like this they're


like it was last cycle it was like two months before i went to basic training took a picture of it it went straight


through somebody somebody did a negligent discharge with a blank there was a


clearing rod in there some drill sergeant like nigel says some private was like ah like something hit me and


then another problem was like why are your pants turning red and then drill sergeants [ __ ] came over and like you


know did pressure yeah yeah yeah holy [ __ ] another one a dumbass another private because of drill sergeants lost


the testicle during during the cycle during the cycle that i was there okay so last last story because we're we're


almost at a time uh uh apparently you gotta you gotta go pick up this one


so it's at at some point um so the the reason he lost his testicle was he he


had testicular torsion which you know that is right no the balls twist around each other oh


so it happened okay so it happened to him and he started saying like drill sergeants like


my balls hurt they were like shut the [ __ ] up we don't want to hear it any and he started complaining and for like two


days straight he was like complaining about his balls hurting and suddenly he's like drill sergeant my t my my my


nut sack is a different color it's like a weird color than it should and they sent him to sick call and


because it had been twisted for two days they were purple or something it was two


days without circulation to the to and it had died it had it had atrophied and died


what lawsuit what lawsuit you can't do the army


down the line but uh he was like they did surgery they removed the testicle luckily they were


able to save one and like a couple of days later he was back in formation


healing from the surgery and the drill sergeants they felt so bad they treated


him nicely for the rest of the time they [ __ ] [ __ ] them up wow


i wouldn't know if i was a drill sergeant i'm like i would say if any other drill sergeant even attempts to smoke this kid i will


[ __ ] you up yeah leave him alone dude wow that's a [ __ ] that's probably the most


[ __ ] up story i've ever heard uh i hope that guy's i mean i hope he


had kids if you want man i hope he's doing okay whoever that guy is yeah so


anyway so long story short as of a couple of like two years ago and you know okay they can't however hold the they don't


use the firing rods anymore yeah they're clearing now here's another thing uh so you know the acft is the new the


new fitness test uh as of a year or maybe two years ago there's a different uh uh firing


uh like like for for qual rifle qualification it's different than with what you had


you had uh prone supported prone unsupported and then kneeling yeah


there's four four or five positions now okay so


um four four or five


and and we're actually we're doing rifle call next month actually so what we're we're gonna have like little papers like


as as hints so previously what as hints well because because you have to know


what the previously they would say all right and and and now remove your sandbag and get


into prone unsupported position and load your magazine now it's it's two minutes and you have


to do the mag changes and you have to know the suitance on yourself it's part of the qualification that you have to


or that you can't be guided from the tower right so first of all i'm you know i'm so you


have to know your steps yeah process so just because you can't be helped from the tower doesn't mean you can't have a


little piece of paper yeah yeah there's like guiding kind of like a cheat sheet look at choo


so uh you start from the standing position and there's like a little like a little


wall there like a little plywood plywood wall okay and and the first i think the first


target is gonna be 50 meter i don't remember anyway the first target comes up you shoot one round like like


not even supported you just kind of shoot one round yeah then you immediately get into the prone it's


either supported or unsupported so like it's so just like the acft the whole idea is


to like train towards something in combat yeah and the idea is it makes a lot of right and so


the idea is you know you're you're on patrol and then you get contact what do you do do you immediately return fire


and you and you get into a covered covered concealed position so you you fire one round you get down


and like i said i don't know if it's prone supported or prone unsupported i think it might be unsupported and they


time it you say it's two yeah it's two minutes say seven things before you get seven times still 40 rounds they never timed us it's a new thing we weren't


timed no 100 percent in 1997 look up a a basic we were in


time i mean i think the whole process the whole day has a process but i don't ever


remember being timed but again we didn't have the position so we had only some of the positions that they had rightful


qualification twice a year from 1999 to the day you retired correct rangers do we do other like we do we do a standing


position for a ranger call also for for the range qual we do a standing position we do prone supported unsupported we do


kneeling we do standing we do um and and wait a minute and we also do for


example in my i was heavy arms and demolition so that means that whenever i was at the range and i had to do call i


also had to crawl with my my my um the weapon that i was assigned so it's at the beginning because i i i


initially fought tooth and nail to not get i think it was that what is it the saw or the


240. i think it was a saw they wanted to give me the saw which fires the 556 but


it was i think i never placed the m60 and i didn't want it because you know 240 broker were placed it was


there all right it had way too many moving parts it's like this is a piece of [ __ ] it jammed up way too easy and it


weighs a [ __ ] ton i said but the m60 i can disassemble it and reassemble it


in about you know but i don't know eight seconds fairly quick you know and it right it was really easy


to fire so i was able to maintain that up until about 2000 and


i think 2006 or seven when they're like alright you got no [ __ ] choice now this is what it is like enough for the


[ __ ] but you we still we still had to qualify because as a heavy arms and demolition guy


when it came to range day i did the standard you know all the range positions including standing which i


don't know if regular army does that standing not until you know until uh recently not until the the new the new


qualification yeah no we did it standing and you know they teach out like you kind of like lean forward a bit and all that [ __ ]


and what you'll call it but then you also had to qualify or at least i did along with other people that were there you


had to qualify with the weapon if you're heavy arms with that weapon too so that means they watch you everybody else


leaves the range it's not just ranger and like saw gunners qualify with the saw well


it's all on the same day though no no i just understand like if if you're on a


you know weapon squad ride like in an infantry platoon


and if you shoot the 240 you're going to qualify with the 240 right in addition to the m4 like that's that's not just


rangers but anyway so the the the the recent changes it's you fire one round then you get into the prone you finish


the mag then i think you get either into another prone or into kneeling and then you finish


in like not quite standing in like a uh and


like shorter than standing taller than kneeling it's like a like a crouch position


taller than a crouch it's like as long as you have a little bit of a little higher than a squat


i would say a little bit shorter than full standing like the the guidance is as long as your knees are a little bit


bent you know so yes you just kind of like do like a little little knee bend but also you


have a a uh the plywood you can it's it's like standing oh we don't have blood when we didn't ever use them i


know this is only this is only two in the last two years so so the last position we have like


what we did was this this was our position this is or i don't know maybe rangers do it differently we're just standing up fully wipe it up here and


they told us to lean forward just a bit yeah that's like like a like a full standing so this is this is i think they


call it standing supported okay so like yeah that's maybe that's a new relation like this i just said the last just


they just they just changed it last time i did last time i did anything was 2015. that


was the last time i [ __ ] did and yeah and they didn't they didn't acft didn't didn't


become the the technically they didn't become the test of record until this year yeah and then the uh the news


push-ups i think they just actually switched to crunches what the army never did


crunches lunches or remember that i'm wrong because we always did sit-ups sit-ups push-ups well we didn't do it i


think because you knew now you have that push-up where you do the hand release push-up that's right we did straight push-ups and you have two minutes to do


as many push-ups that's the a-p-f-t they did not change the acft did not become the the the test


of record until until this year okay practice reserve we get another like year


um and then the the new m4 qualification tables didn't didn't go into effect


until like a year a year ago did you see not to change the subject but not because we're talking about the range and


everything somebody on tic tac said that the button on the side of the rifle is what changes it not the switch not the


selector i'm talking about when you perform sports on


he said this is the button that switches that puts it make it automatic it was on tick tock and i'm like you got to be [ __ ] kidding me this is the most


[ __ ] thing i can't believe everything you please don't believe this is not but what they did do like three


or four years ago because for the longest time the at the m16 a4 and then eventually in the m4


you had you had single single fire you had three round bursts and three rubber bars and safe like three or four years ago they made


every single m4 uh full honor yeah i remember that and it's interesting because like i remember


reading about it they they didn't like manufacture new weapons


they literally sent sent the m4s with the three remembers to the armor


right or wherever and they did something inside and they just scratched out the word


burst and replaced it like a dremel


that's yeah army right there to save a dollar i just use a dremel one by one


right rocket like stretched it out the word the word that's and [ __ ] incredible i do remember


though we had some guys these guys were like weapons geniuses and they could because i remember we


still had semi-automatic the the you know three-round birth so but guys used to know how to [ __ ]


with these weapons so much they could do i don't remember anybody doing full auto but they could make it to her like it


would shoot you know five or six rounds like that was the burst and then it would stop and i'm like how'd you do


that go like i can't tell you that because then everybody's gonna do it and i'm like dude you can't [ __ ] do that


and not tell me and you know they're like what are you worried about it you got the [ __ ] you got the 240 and i'm like i dude you know


okay but why i don't understand the one thing i missed the most


and i only did it twice because apparently in afghanistan it was it was too dangerous to do [ __ ] a woman


dude no it was when i still had the m60 i shot the m60


delta which is an m60 that's just attached to the side of you're in a blackhawk open


door and it's got the thing and you're attached to it you can shoot but because they had [ __ ] surface-to-air missiles


like those whatever you know like [ __ ] feel like you can't do this because all the the


they were in such danger like you're going to get shot you're safer on the ground than we were in helicopter because they were constantly trying to


shoot at them with surface-to-air missiles that it was i should say a record afghanistan


afghanistan i don't know if they had actual service that they might have had not might have they definitely had rpgs


i don't know if they had proper surface-to-air missiles that's like they just kept calling themselves i guarantee


you they were probably rpgs but they kept calling them service air missiles and they were scared it was the reason they said we can't do this anymore this


is not safe you know to do this and plus it's not like


afghanistan has a hell of a lot more mountainous areas than iraq does but it was still i reckon


uh maybe up north maybe by the currents but um but one thing we learned quick is that these [ __ ] don't play by


the rules and they were coming out if you saw a shadow in a mountain that's a [ __ ] person


guaranteed because they knew how to hide in all these crevices and all these corners [ __ ] a cave all he needed was like a


little bit of a space wedge between and they would hide watching


no but i've seen like the thing for it but i've never seen the movie very good heavy movie i mean it's it's a


documentary it's a documentary that they aired in theaters uh about this uh this infantry company


in afghanistan well then i can't watch during um during uh


in helmand helman province which at the time whatever year they filmed this was like the most dangerous province yeah


[ __ ] that i can't watch that it was uh i think no i think on the border of afghanistan


yes that's right well that's i swear i was at tora bora so i mean it couldn't be maybe it was turmoil maybe it's horrible


because that's where i think it was torah torah was like it was the at the time that that's where i was foreign


anyway that's when we knew like hey like guys were getting in trouble because they were going across the border but we


didn't know it's not like there's a [ __ ] yeah you're just in a mountain you're you don't really know kind of where that separation is


and guys were constantly getting yelled at like you got you're across the board i'm like it's not like this is a [ __ ]


bugs bunny cartoon when you have this big dotted line telling us where one country ends and the other one begins


like how do we know that we're constantly getting yelled at get the [ __ ] back over here you're in pakistan huh don't looks the same to me


trust me when you're in new york and you go to jersey you know you're in [ __ ] jersey well i mean it's it's like the stories


you told me were like like the dudes you [ __ ] they're like are you inside me you're sure i'm like it's good for my side and with


that ha with that ladies and gentlemen july 14 2022


rocky brain podcast he's dominic leon and he is charlie fuse and we will see you next time take





