Living Stronger Longer (Your Best Life After 40)

80 year old man's 195 day progress: Less than 1x week proper strength training and meticulous diet


Apologies for missing graphic:  here is link to youtube version:

This speaks to #2 and #9 of my 12 steps to health and happiness

Note thumbnail is not Don... just using a file photo...

1. Sleep
2. Strength train safely, briefly, intensely, 1-3x weekly.  ( see #7)
3. Move often at leisurely pace. More often, not more overall is better. Outside when convenient. 
4. Eliminate seed oils. 
5. Emphasize protein. 
6. Avoid or minimize foods that contain both fat and carbs in the absence of protein. 
7. Minimize force.  Delegate high risk tasks. 
8. Minimize or eliminate alcohol, drugs. 
9. If not at ideal body composition, form habit of slight caloric deficit. 
10. Create.  (Art, crafts, writing, music, hobbies.) 
11. Cultivate meaningful social relationships.  Be loyal to the absent. 
12. Practice serenity prayer.  Apply to minimize unnecessary stress.