Inside the She Cave: Trailblazers, Innovators, Rule Breakers

Public Art in Central Park with Meredith Bergmann

Cindy Farkas Glanzrock

New York City’s Central Park is home to many works of public art, featuring iconic statues and monuments. American Sculptor Meredith Bergmann details the effort, planning, time and creation that goes into erecting a sculpture that calls Central Park its home. For more than 25 years, she has worked on public monuments that deal with complex and historical themes in an accessible, beautiful, and stimulating manner – exploring race, human rights, disabilities, and the power of literature, poetry and music. She speaks about what drives her private work, often involving visual and verbal puns, and reflects on her artistic journey that began in the 1970s NYC, at SVA, and then which piqued her curiosity, spending hours sketching. 

Episode Highlights:
- History of art in New York City
- When the first statue of real women was erected in Central Park
- Women’s Rights Pioneers Monument
- The process and what went into creating her WRPM sculpture in Central Park
- Discussing Meredith’s next project “Gateway to Lexington”

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