Inside the She Cave: Trailblazers, Innovators, Rule Breakers

A Balancing Act: Lawyer, Mother, and Mentor - Laurinda Martin’s Legal Trailblazing Story

Cindy Farkas Glanzrock Season 2 Episode 7

Women in the legal profession are are the ultimate trailblazers. Laurinda Martins is a highly accomplished partner at the global law firm Fried Frank (Fried, Frank, Harris Shriver, and Jacobson LLP). She joins podcast host Cindy Glanzrock for an intimate conversation about her early aspirations of wanting to become a lawyer at age 10, and her drive to become a partner early on in her career. She openes up about her work covering complex commercial real estate transactions, the challenges she faced  in law school and her experiences working her way through the legal quagmire. She specifically reflects on  being recruited by Weil Gotchall, serving in-house counsel at Brookfield and finally and ending up at Fried Frank, working on major development projects such as Manhattan West and Greenpoint Landing.  She also shares insights into maintaining a work-life balance with twins and the importance of mentoring and giving back through pro bono work.  Learn about the law firm's commitment to diversity and pro bono initiatives, including partnerships with organizations including “Her Justice” and “Dream Charter." 

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