Inside the She Cave: Trailblazers, Innovators, Rule Breakers

Championing Women’s Leadership: Insights from Gloria Feldt

Cindy Farkas Glanzrock

The need for gender equality in leadership positions and the positive impact can have on society and the economy. Gloria Feldt has dedicated her life’s work to empowering women to take their fair and equal share of leadership positions across all sectors. She co-founded the organization “Take the Lead,”providing breakthrough training, mentoring and coaching role modeling, and thought leadership. Gloria shares details about the upcoming Women's Equality Day conference and concert on August 24 and 26, which will honor the Equal Rights Amendment Coalition and highlight the achievements of women who have gone through the Take the Lead program. She joins podcast host Cindy Glanzrock to discuss her background and journey as a women's leadership expert, including her role as the former president and CEO Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The conversation covers the impact of COVID-19 on women in the workforce, the importance of embracing chaos and seizing opportunities, and Gloria’s five bestselling books. 


00:00 Introduction and Background

07:21 The Interconnectedness of Oppression

13:28 Lessons from Teaching Kindergarten

23:28 The Infinite Capacity for Growth

29:56 Women's Equality Day Conference and Concert

33:43 The Importance of Gender Equality in Leadership

39:08 Gloria Feldt's Books and Work with Take The Lead

51:26 The Power of Intentioning

59:46 Women Supporting Women

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