Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors: Shatter Limiting Beliefs - Redefine Success - Chase Big Dreams

Unlocking Your Best Year Yet: A Guide to DOING MORE in 2024 - Dream Big, Reflect, and Focus

• Erica Rooney

Are you ready to set yourself up for success in 2024? In this episode, we're breaking through the noise of social media resolutions and intentions to focus on actionable goal-setting strategies. Let's dive in!

Key Takeaways:

  1. Dream Big: Serena Williams didn't settle for 18 titles; she aimed for 30. Are your goals big enough? Brain dump your aspirations without limits.
  2. Reflect: Look back at 2023. What worked well? What challenges did you face? Reflect on the lessons learned and express gratitude for wins and challenges alike.
  3. Take Stock: Evaluate different aspects of your life on a scale of 1 to 10. Choose three areas to focus on and be honest about where you currently stand on an average day.
  4. Prioritize Time: Reflect on how you spend your time. What can you say "no" to in 2024? Be intentional about your commitments.
  5. Types of Goals:
    • BHAGs (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals): Endless aspirations reflecting a way of living.
    • Completion Goals: Tasks with a finish line, like writing a book or running a marathon.
    • Habit-Shaping Goals: Daily, weekly, or monthly habits leading to BHAGs or completion goals.
  6. Goal Tracking: Utilize the provided Google Sheets tracker (linked below) to break down and track your goals effectively.
  7. Special Offer: An exclusive opportunity for small group coaching sessions. DM to express interest and ensure you're the right fit for this goal-oriented cohort.

2024 is your year! Transform dreams into actions, and let's break through ceilings together. Hit me up with your big goals, and let's make this journey a shared success! 🚀 #Success2024 #GoalSetting #DreamBig #PodcastJourney #ActionableGoals #SmallGroupCoaching #BreakThroughCeilings

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Hey you. Yes. You, what are you doing about setting yourself up for success in 2024? I'm a be real, I am a little annoyed with all the back and forth on social media right now. About resolutions and intentions. And it seems like there's just this divide between them. People are either all about them or they turn it into this thing where they are bashing people who are doing resolutions. I'm going to tell you it does not have to be like that. I love a good resolution and I love a good intention, but if it doesn't work for you, And scroll on my friend. Now what I absolutely cannot skimp on though. Is goal setting and action planning. Because goal-setting, it's not just about jotting down the wishes. It's taking those abstract dreams that reside in your head and turning them into concrete, actionable ideas. It's about taking those big, beautiful dreams that live in your head. And making them your big, beautiful life. Today, I'm going to walk you through my method of goal setting and goal tracking that is going to set you up to a chief, a life filled with purpose and the best part. It's not going to burn you out. You are listening to the podcast from now to next, the podcast that empowers women to get seen, get heard and get promoted. I'm your host, Eric Rooney, and I've made it my mission to help you break free from the sticky floors, those limiting beliefs and toxic behaviors to bust through the glass ceiling. I'm obsessed with all things, growth and abundance. And I'm here to talk you through the tried and true secrets to get you to level up your career and your life. We talk about the hard stuff here. Imposter syndrome, perfectionism, fear and burnout. So policy. Popping in your bed and let's dive in. Now I need to make sure that before we get started, you have pen and paper on hand. And you know what though? If you don't. No worries. Bookmark this episode, you're going to want to come back to it. What I am about to share with you today is 100% the method that I use to take my big and bold dreams and move them into reality. It's helped me in my role as an HR executive, it has helped me launch my keynote speaking business, going from speaking for free. Uh, T charging$15,000 for my keynotes. It's the method that I use to write my book, which is almost available for pre-sale. And it's helped me focus on strengthening my marriage, my friendships, which let's be real when you were ambitious and high-achieving women, like we are. I can sometimes take a hit when we're in the thick of it. Now my main goal today is to empower you to dream bigger. To stay focused, but also to come alive. This is all about making 2020 for our best year yet. But that only happens if you do the work. So are you ready? Let's go. Now the first step is to dream big. Maybe you want to be a CEO one day. Maybe you want to join the two comma club? Hey, that's where I want to go. Or maybe you want to leave corporate America. And just start your own business. Maybe you were envisioning a life-changing adventure that whispers to you in the quiet moments. Whatever it is. Write it down. This is a brain dump of sorts. No goal is going to be too big or too audacious here. And while you think about that, I want to share with you a story that I recently heard about Serena Williams. She had the goal of becoming a world record holder. And if she was going to do that, she had to win 18 titles. So she set out to do just that. To win 18 titles. And then her coach challenged her. Why just 18? Why not set something? That's unbeatable. And so serene thought, you know what, why not? And so she went from having a goal of 18 titles to setting a new goal of 30 titles. And you know what happened? She went from winning 18 titles. To 19 titles to 20 titles. And then she ended up winning 24 titles. Now she did not hit that goal of 30 titles, but she damn sure blew her original goal of 18 out of the water. Now how powerful is that? So I want you to go back to your big goals and I want you to ask yourself, am I really dreaming big enough? Now step two is all about reflection. And while this episode is all about looking forward. There is value in the past. Think about it. What works well. What went well last year. Even if you had a challenging year, if you can find the good. That will really give you the boost. You need to move forward. I want you to think about what didn't work. What was hard to do, or where did you feel that your energy was draining? This is about the challenges that you faced in Y. I also want you to think about. What did you learn? Both the good. And the bad. Start to think about how will you take those lessons that you learned into the future? And last but not least. I want you to think about gratitude. Gratitude is essential to moving forward. That's my belief. And I want you to think about who and what you are grateful for and why for the past year. And write it all down. Acknowledge the challenges acknowledge the wins. And really just take a moment to be grateful. Doing, this is a powerful exercise of self discovery and discovery is essential to paving the way for a more intentional future. Next. I want you to take stock of where you are right now. And we do this because how are you going to know how far you've come? If you don't know where you're starting. Think about the different areas of your life. Now, this is going to be different for everyone. So I'm going to list a couple categories that feel free to pick and choose what works for you. And maybe add some that I don't have listed. But areas like work. Family money, health, friendships, personal growth. And on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the absolute most amazing and best ever. And number one, being a total bust. Where are you in each area of your life? Now, one thing I want you to be aware of is when you do this evaluation, you need to do it on an average day, not a day where everything is just going swimmingly. that's going to give your evaluation, this rose colored tint. And so I don't want you to step into the future with something that might not be totally accurate. And I don't want you to do it on a day where shit is hitting the fan left and right. Your kids aren't listening. You're mad at your husband. You had bad. News from your boss, that's going to give your evaluation a negative skew. Do it on just an average day. Now I also want to take one moment and say, it's not about having tens in all categories. This isn't about improving. Every category either. You can't do it all at the same time. So I'm going to ask you to pick three areas. Circle those areas, star those areas highlight those areas, whatever you got to do. But I want you to think about where do you want to focus your energy this quarter? Do you want to focus on family? Health. Friendships. Now be careful. Make sure that when you think about these categories and you think about your goals, that you're not falling into that trap of the sheds. What other people think you should do, or you think you should do this? I want you to really be intentional. And think about what is going to make the most spectacular year for you. And I want you to star those areas. Next, I want you to consider what really matters. No. I was having an amazing conversation with a woman who was able to reflect on the time that she spent in meetings that had no agenda. You know what I'm talking about, those kind of meetings where people say, Hey, I'd love to just chit chat and get to know you. And she used to love those meetings. But when she totaled up the hours that she spent on those types of meetings, those meetings with no agenda. She realized that she spent 160 hours in 2023. In those types of meetings. Y'all that is 28 hour days. That's almost a month. Now while some of those meetings may have resulted in revenue generating ideas or friendships. Sure. But I just, I offer this up to you. Because I want you to be very intentional about how you spend your time. So think about it. What are you saying? No. To in 2024. And what are you saying? Yes. To. Now, before we dive into the nitty gritty, I wanted to talk about the three types of goals. Beehag those big, hairy, audacious goals. Completion goals and habit shaping goals. So if you're a goal getter, you're probably are you're on this podcast. Those big, hairy, audacious goals. Those are the ones that have no end in sight. But they're more about a way of living. So for example, you want to have a healthy marriage. Maybe you want to be physically fit. Maybe want to feel. Calm feel present with your kids. Those are goals that again, no end in sight, it's more about that way of living, but you still have to do things to achieve those goals. You don't just wake up and have a healthy marriage without doing the work right. Now completion goals, those are goals that have a finish line. So obviously something like having a healthy marriage. It's not a completion goal.'cause you can't check done that one. I mean, I guess, unless until you die. But you get my point. So completion goals are things like write a book, run a marathon, organize my entire home, whatever it is. Habits are the daily, weekly, or monthly activities and a way of life that you really want to incorporate. And those little habits lead to be hags or completion goals. So for example, if you want to be healthy, flossing daily might be a daily habit that you need to start incorporating. Maybe it's being home for dinner every night so that you can eat as a family. Maybe it's having a weekly meal plan. You're going to need a mix of these goals. To get to that big, beautiful life that you want to be living. So when you think about what you need to do to get to those big goals, Break them out into these different categories so that you can see them, you understand where they are and you know how to get there. Now, if you're listening today, I want to tell you, I actually did something extra special just for you. I created a digital version of the tracker in Google sheets. I'm going to drop it in the show notes. All you have to do is click it to download it. Make yourself a copy. You may have to request access. I'll figure all that out, but it's going to be in the show notes for you. So make sure that you grab that digital tracker. Because this is how I track everything and it keeps me accountable. It's fun to check off what I accomplished. And I, I really love looking back on how far I've come. And then my friend, you're just going to live it out. Now I'm going to be honest. I have a few more steps that really do solidify this practice and they truly helped me achieve all that I do. And y'all know, I do a lot. But it's hard to do that in a podcast. So I'm going to let you know that I'm going to open up one small group coaching cohort. It's not going to be for everyone. And it's not going to be just anyone who wants to join can join. I actually do an interview process for this, so that I make sure that the people who are selected are the right people for these small group coaching. Uh, cohorts because you've got to be a fit. I want to make sure that the people that I'm putting together and that I'm working with our true goal getters. But if you want to get in on this, if you're interested in this small group coaching sessions with me, shoot me a message or a DM, and we'll take it from there. But everything that I went over today will get you going. And it's going to take you far. If you do the work. So friends, I know you've got this, we got this. Let's get out there and make 2020 for the best year yet. But one more thing before you go, let me be your hype girl, hit me up with your big goal. Send me a message. So I can support you. Remember turning your dreams into actions. It's a journey and it's one that we're on together. So until next time. Stop putting a ceiling on what is possible and start breaking through them.

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