Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors: Shatter Limiting Beliefs - Redefine Success - Chase Big Dreams

Everything the Working - Traveling - Mom Needs to Know

Erica Rooney

If you are a road warrior - listen UP!

This episode isn't just for Moms - its for anyone who has to travel for work on a regular basis.

Recording from my hotel room, I share all my strategies for protecting your time, and your mental health!

Travel tips, kid tips, partner tips - it is ALL IN HERE!  

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If you are a road warrior, this episode is for you. It is hard enough being a working mom, but being a working mom that, that travels requires a new level of focus of resilience and grace and not everyone has that. The juggle of kids when you are home. It's a lot. And when I think of the business of the week, that just everything that has to get done when I am home, the shuffle of carpool, the sports for multiple kids, the homework, the tests that pop up. And of course, that project that they forgot to tell you about it is over whelming. And I don't know about you, but when I think about hitting the road and leaving all of that to my partner, it is overwhelming and anxiety producing. Now. Even if you don't have kids by choice, or if you aren't in that phase of your life, yet you are still going to want to listen into this episode because I'm going to teach you not how to get the resilience and the grace that's required. That's a whole other episode, but I am going to talk about the tips and the strategies that have made my work trips. Much more simplistic. And even the trips. They end up providing a little bit of relief inside the craziness. You are listening to the podcast from now to next, the podcast that empowers women to get seen, get heard and get promoted. I'm your host, Erica Rooney, and I've made it my mission to help you break free from the sticky floors, those limiting beliefs and toxic behaviors to bust through the glass ceiling. I'm obsessed with all things, growth and abundance. And I'm here to talk you through the tried and true secrets to get you to level up your career and your life. We talk about the hard stuff here. Imposter syndrome, perfectionism, fear and burnout. So pull up a seat popping in near bed and let's dive in. The idea for this episode came to me while I was working out in the hotel gym, literally this morning. And I'm even recording it from one of the two queen beds in my hotel room, about 800 miles away from my normal life. And this isn't just any trip. This is one of two back-to-back trips that will keep me away from my family and my babies for almost two weeks, actually over two weeks. I fly home for one day, then I'm there for the next. And then I'm back out for a trip halfway across the world, both work trips, both mandatory. So the first thing that I just want to acknowledge for any of you that are road warriors, like me, that this is hard. This is hard shit. And when I found out about these trips, one was planned, the international one was not. I felt this crushing. Wait of anxiety around all that. I had to plan out all that I had to coordinate all that I had to do in any very short period of time. And the feeling of that pit in your stomach, when you know, you're going to miss out on some really cool and fun things that your kids are going on. Like for me, it's my son's first big presentation for parents at his school. My daughter's second and third cheer practice. And it's something she is so thrilled about and the big celebration of opening day for baseball. And I'm going to miss all of that. So yes, this shit is hard. This sucks, but like, let's just take a collective breath. Just a big breath here. And let's get into why, why we do what we do, why we travel. Why. Well, if you're like me, it's because you do enjoy working. You enjoy the fulfillment that you get from the job and the challenges and conquering those challenges. Or, you know what, maybe let's be honest. Maybe that's not the case for you. Maybe you do it because you need to work and you need the money or you are the breadwinner. Whatever your reason, if you have to hit the road, like I do, let's talk about some of those things that can make it easier while we are away. Now, my kids are always my top priority and I'm the morning point person along with the school point person. So when I'm out. I have to detail all of that for my partner. I coordinate with my carpel queen, Katie girl. You're the real MVP and I type out the entire schedule for when I'm gone. I print out physical copies, one for my mother who helps one for Ms. Katie who helps with carpal and one for my spouse. Why because y'all know y'all already know this. There are a lot of moving parts. And I know some people may say, let your partner figure it out. And this day and age, I'm going to be clear. You're not wrong. And as someone who is a gender equality, Crusader, I know firsthand that I'm going to get a lot of grief that I say I do all of this for my partner. But the truth is when one is a way the other person has to step up. They have to, and for me, it's not a 50 50 thing. My partner and I, we are 100% parents, meaning we both go 100% in on different things. So when one of us is gone, the other has to step up and fill those shoes. That means they are now doing 200%. So, you know, what. Going above and beyond to make it easier for him while I am away. That's important to me. And if you were to have a two week trip, You know, as the primary bill payer, he wouldn't just not pay the bills and say, well, Erica time for you to figure it all out. Ah, he would take care of it ahead of time. Or he would map out for me what I needed to be sure to do. That is what partnership is. And that is what works for me and my family. It may be different for you, but for me, it helps me and my anxiety. If I map everything out day by day, while I'm gone, who's picking up, who's taking when tests are, it just makes it more simple for the person who is left behind. So back to my strategies. Number one, map out the agenda for your moving parts. Here's why it's going to keep your partner from calling and texting you at all different hours of the night for different information or confirmation on what they are supposed to be doing or not doing for all of the normal shit that you do. It is right there in one piece of paper. On the counter. Now the next thing, this is a big one. Y'all is I have my go-bag. Like in the movie taken Liam Neeson, he does grabs his bag and he goes, Of course his is filled with things like cash and weapons and like mine. It is filled with a second set of everything of makeup, my skincare routine of chargers, socks, underwear, you name it. It's in there. I keep it dopey and simple. I don't have to spend time packing and unpacking my basics. This is why I do it. It's all in my suitcase. Then I just throw in my clothes into my packing cubes and I'm on my way. Y'all, this has been a game changer for me because I don't have to worry about spending unnecessary time away from my life away from my kids. Uh, by always packing and repacking. And to be honest, I am that person that I don't sleep well. If I'm not packed or unpacked. So if I get home at 9:00 PM, I'm unpacking everything when I could and should be sleeping. So having this go bag, it saves me time. And you know what time is the most precious and Renewable resource that we have. So we have to make the most of it, especially when we're being called away from our lives. I also then don't have to worry about leaving something behind or forgetting it at home and then not having it. Y'all how annoying is it when you get to your destination, wherever you're going and you haven't packed your phone charger or your iWatch charger? It's so fricking annoying. And guess what. With a go-bag you don't have to worry about that. Now the third thing is that is mission critical to traveling with ease is making time for mental health on the move. I've already said it in this episode, but this is hard. Traveling is hard being away from your family and your kids and your home. It's hard. And my anxiety was through the roof with these two trips. But when I get to the hotel, I keep my morning routine and I even use the extra time that I have, because I'm not doing that kid thing. To focus on me. I go for walks in the morning, or I hit the gym. I read my books that I bring with me and yes, I bring at least two to three books depending on how long that trip is. And I listened to my favorite podcasts. I take this time for me. So you do you meditate, read, sleep in if that's what you need, but whatever it is, do not forget to make the time for your mental health. When on the road, don't be staying up late into all hours of the night, drinking at the hotel bar. That's not going to do it for you. Tuck yourself into bed. Put your little eye mask on, put your sound machine on whatever you got to do. Get some good sleep and use that extra morning time for you. Now next up is keep your wardrobe as simple as possible. We've already talked about that second set of everything. Now I'm not saying get a second set of all your clothes that always stay packed. Do that, if it works for you, my style tends to change. So I don't love doing that. But you do need a few staples that, you know, travel well and you know, you feel good in them and they don't wrinkle. That's a big one. Y'all white house. Black market has this line of reversible clothing too. I've gotten a dress from them. It's like hot pink on one side, and then you can wear it again just by turning it inside out. So that is a pro tip. Go check out that line. They have shirts and the like, Now other strategies, and I'm just going to rattle them off here are, do hot lunch or school lunch orders ahead of time to include the day before you leave. And the day after you get home to give you that extra time. So your partner at home, doesn't have to worry about something like lunches. Also prepare backups. No one wants to get stuck in a situation where you are trying to figure out who can pick your kid up from school because the person who already was supposed to get them forgot, or if an emergency comes up, like they get sick. Been there, done that. Also always have kid medicine. At home on hand, like literally right before I left for this trip, my son spiked a fever. Good news. We're stocked up on Tylenol, but had we not been, I would have to go back to the store. I'd have to get it, but this way it's right there for you. Also pack your vitamins for yourself ahead of time. You have to continue to make your health a priority. Always have cash on hand, girl. That's just solid advice that you need to know. And then my last one is get TSA. Pre-check get clear, get global entry. This will make your travel days so much easier. I promise it is worth the interview that you have to do for global entry to just. Gloss through, just fly through TSA. You don't have to take your shoes off. It is so much less stressful. Oh, and I lied. I've got one more and this is a big one. When you are away, especially if you're a parent, do not think of your time away in hours or days.'cause when I plan my trip away from my kids. I look at it in this perspective of how many nights for tucking in will I miss and how many morning wake-ups will I miss? Because those are the things that your kids really, really notice, and they know. So think about that. That is how my team and myself figure out how to book flights for me, because it's all about how can I get back to those kids now? Let me be real clear though. If you have a short trip girl, add on an extra day or get there early or fly out late, book yourself a spot. Trip get a facial, do something for you because you deserve some alone time. You deserve some quiet time and you know, you're not going to get that when you get back home after you've been gone. So if it's a short trip, absolutely take that time for you. But if you're like me and you've got this two big extravagant, a travel trip, my goal is to get back to the kids. So y'all travel as hard. I know I get it, but it's also a little bit nice to wake up and not have to wipe faces and remind people that they actually have to brush their teeth after breakfast as if they've never had to do that before. So shed your guilt. And show up fully wherever you are at home at work. Wherever and just know you got this. If you are really struggling with a travel, make sure that you reach out to me, I will help you through it. I've been there. I've done that. I'm doing that. I left my little one and she was just six months old at the time to fly to France once. And the guilt that I felt about leaving her for so long. So early in life was just palpable. I get it. But remember connect to your why? Why do you travel? Why are you doing what you do? What is your bigger purpose? And remember you got this and remember too, you're the HBI. If, you know, you know, it stands for head bitch in charge. This is why we are all out there doing the best we can. And I hope this episode helps. I hope it gives you just a few tips and tricks that maybe you hadn't thought of before that will make your travel easier. But before you go, this is your reminder to stop putting ceilings on what is possible and it's time to start breaking through them. I'll talk to you next time.

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