Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors: Shatter Limiting Beliefs - Redefine Success - Chase Big Dreams

Continuous personal evolution and starting before you are ready!!!!

April 01, 2024 Erica Rooney

In this episode, you'll discover:

  • The Power of Rebranding: Learn about the why and how behind the significant transformation of this podcast, marking a new era of empowerment and growth.
  • Starting Before You're Ready: I shares my personal story of starting the podcast without all the answers and how this leap of faith has led to nearly 200 episodes of impactful conversations.
  • Continuous Personal Evolution: Discover the concept that has been the backbone of my story  - embracing change and growing into versions of yourself you never knew existed.
  • Action Over Perfection: A deep dive into why taking imperfect action trumps waiting for the perfect moment and how this mindset can accelerate your growth and success.

This episode is for you if:

  • You’re sitting on a big dream or idea but feel paralyzed by the fear of starting.
  • You're curious about the behind-the-scenes of podcasting and personal branding.
  • You seek inspiration to embrace change and step into your higher self.

Join us as we explore the lessons learned from two years of podcasting, the challenges and triumphs of starting something new, and why embracing continuous personal evolution can lead you to your most fulfilling life.

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It is April fool's day. And y'all, that is quite possibly the silliest and most always full holiday. If you call it that ever, ever, ever created, it's the day for jokes and tricks. And let's be honest, most of those jokes and tricks are at another person's expense, which is why I do not mess with April fool's day. But what I have for you today is no April fool's joke. And that is the live rebrand of this podcast. Yes. This podcast. This podcast officially went live y'all on April 17th, 2022, and it has almost 200 episodes. I am beyond proud of myself. But after two years and some life changes. A lot more clarity. The time, it felt right to shake things up a bit. So without further ado, I'm going to give you the new introduction. And then we're going to talk about continuous personal evolution starting before you're ready. And why taking action trumps perfection. Every single time. You are listening to the glass ceilings and sticky floor podcast. The podcast that will empower you to shatter limiting beliefs and toxic behaviors to uncover infinite possibility. So you can live your best life. I'm Erica Rooney and I'm on a mission to bring more women into positions of power and keep them there. I'm obsessed with all things, growth and abundance. And I'm here to talk you through the tried and true secrets to get you to level up your career and your life. We talk about the hard stuff here. Imposter syndrome, perfectionism, fear and burnout. So pull up a seat, pop it in ear, bud. And let's dive in. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Welcome to the glass Sealy and sticky floor broadcast. What do you think about the new pot art? What do you think about the new intro? Seriously, DME. I want to know. But in the meantime, you might be wondering why the rebrand Erica what's up. And y'all, it just felt right. When I started this podcast two years ago, I did not know what I was doing. I was literally flying by the seat of my pants. I was trying to figure everything out as I went, because here's the thing. I knew that I wanted to start a podcast and I knew that I had a message to share with the world. But I really had no idea about how to get started or what this would ever evolve into. If anything. Well that podcast from now to next, it was originally named after my business, which was all about coaching. And that business has evolved into writing my book and getting my ass up on stages. Y'all that was never in my original plan. But I believe that the universe has a way of laying things out for you and pointing you in the right direction. And for some odd reason on day one, after reading this book called change enthusiasm by Cassandra worthy. I had this weird gut feeling that I should reach out to her. Y'all never in my life. Have I reached out to an offer? Never, but I did. And guess what? She responded. She even agreed to jump on a phone call with me to chat. And I had no idea what I would say or really what the conversation would even be about, but I just felt compelled to talk to her. And maybe it was her open struggle with change, and maybe it was her candor about going alcohol free. I'm really not sure. But on that call, which only lasted 15 minutes while she was driving to an airport, she asked me. Why not speak, Erica, why not write a book? And that honestly was all it took. The seed was planted. And then two years later, as many of you know, I'm about to launch that book. Continuous personal evolution. That's what this is about. And this is a term that I borrowed from my friend, Diane winger, who is the queen of the pivot. But it's all about growth. It's about embracing change. It's about stepping into the higher self that you never knew existed. But here's the thing about continuous personal evolution. It will stretch you. It will challenge you. It will even frustrate you at times, but that my friend is the sign that you are doing it right. We are meant to grow and we are meant to evolve. We are meant to change and you can do this a few times over in your life. If you look for the signs. That conversation with Cassandra worthy. That was my sign. Now here's the second truth about continuous personal evolution. You have to do it before. You're ready. You have to take that sign when it comes and be brave enough to embrace it, to step into it before you know, what it fully means. And I did that with this podcast. Y'all I had no idea what it would be. But do you know what my mentality was that I just had to do it. And if it sucked, I hated it. I could drop it. No harm, no foul. I had nothing to lose, but some time and a few dollars to get this podcast started. In, if it had started and it failed or it wasn't enjoyable, I could always leave it. I didn't have to keep doing it. I wasn't getting married to this podcast. But I started it and I loved it. Loved it, loved it, loved it. I loved talking with everyone. I loved how eye opening each person's experience was. And honestly, podcasting became a gift. It allowed me to express myself creatively, expand my network. And if it came the path that illuminated my true passion. Helping women succeed in positions of power. Now if I had not started podcasting, I am not sure what I'd be doing. It has truly been such a gift that I'm thankful for one of those bread crumb moments. But my point with all of this is I was not ready to start a podcast in no way, shape or form. I didn't have the equipment. I didn't have the education or the knowledge. I had no skills. I didn't even know how to upload it to apple music or Spotify. And I certainly had no idea how to make interesting and engaging episodes. Seriously, go back, listen to the first few episodes and see how they have evolved. Damn. Now that I think about it. A two year podcast is really a great journal of continuous personal evolution. But it's blonde that is public and out there for the world to see. But guess what I learned along the way I blundered for sure. I threw up some bad episodes just to get them out there. And I've had some big epic fails. Like the one time that I never recorded an episode. And I thought I did with a really fricking amazing guest damn. Or that time that I didn't have my bike plugged in and the sound was awful. But I also had some big ass wins, like having guests like Kelsey pummel, Tik, TOK, star, and entrepreneur, with over 2 million followers or Halakhah the queen of LinkedIn on my podcast. Other grades have been Kim Scott author of radical candor and Deblois CEO of ancestry and X, Facebook exec who invented Facebook marketplaces y'all without this podcast, without starting before I was ready, I would never have met these amazing women or had conversations with them ever. Now here's the thing about podcasting. And about a lot of our big goals and dreams. It's a long game. And you have to believe deep in your bones, that what you are doing is going to play out in the end. You have to, otherwise you would not dedicate the hours required. But action trumps perfection every single time. And because I took that action and I started before I was ready before this podcast actually sounded good. I started collecting stories. Hundreds of stories of women who've shattered glass ceilings. Who have stared down sticky floors and overcome adversity. We have covered imposter syndrome, pretty privileged, the fear of other people's opinions and so much more. But then I had the idea, the spark to take those stories and to write the book, glass, ceilings, and sticky floors. Which has been what this whole damn podcast has been about the entire time. And I decided, you know, what. I want to make that abundantly clear. And that my friend is the very long-winded explanation for the rebrand. This podcast is still about getting to the next level that from now to next. But I want to hone in on the sticky floor stories. I want to bring them to light so that every woman out there knows that whatever she is going through, she is not alone. We all have sticky floor stories. Stories of addiction and abuse of sitting quiet and dimming our light when we should be playing big. And that's okay because we're all a work in progress. So today I want to ask you. What is that thing you're sitting on that you're holding back on. That spark of an idea. What is it and why haven't you started. You've heard that you have to know where you're going to start, right. That you have to have that end destination in mind. I'm going to say, okay, I get it. That's all well, and good. And I wholeheartedly believe in that you should have a goal, but I also believe in starting without having that end goal in mind, maybe just start. And see where it takes you. But the point is just start. Grow evolve, enjoy the ride. Enjoy the journey. Because isn't that? What this is all about. Isn't that why we're all here. Now friends, I hope you enjoyed the very first episode of the new rebranded podcast. Let me know what you think about the new cover art. And I cannot wait to keep smashing ceilings with you. Now until next time friend, stop putting those ceilings on what's possible and start breaking through them.

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