Isaiah 58:12 Podcast
Looking at the world today from a biblical perspective through the eyes of a common man. Discussing the condition of the Christian church and it's calling of being the legal representative of the kingdom of God in this world. Answering the following questions: 1. Why this passage? 2. Importance of the breach? 3. Where does God fit into our society? 4. What value does the bible hold? 5. God of today vs. God of the bible? 6. Where is God in your/my life?
Isaiah 58:12 Podcast
Not I, But You Oh Lord
Harold Weikert
What's it all about Alfie? Do we naval gaze and look for what God will do for us, or de we look for what we can do for God? Is my Christian walk a religion or is it a relationship? Is my walk one of giving up my possessions to follow Jesus? I wonder?