The River Tiger Podcast from Dynamics Coaching

Stepping outside the Matrix: (Re)examining our relationships with horses, with Equine Ethologist Renate Larssen.

May 24, 2023 Marianne Davies Season 1 Episode 34

My guest this week is the fabulous equine ethologist, Renate Larssen. We covered so many topics exploring the intersection of equine ethology, learning and skill acquisition.

I know that this is a long podcast again, but it was so worth it. We delved into so many areas including, philosophy, ethics, relationships, agency, research directions, and lives worth living.

My guest, Renate Larssen
Ethologist (MSc) | Equine behaviour specialist | PhD student human-animal relations BODY-POLITICS/University of Leicester.
"I have a BSc in Veterinary Medicine from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and a MSc in Applied Ethology from Linköping University. My published research can be found here:

Currently enrolled as a PhD student at the University of Leicester School of Archaeology and Ancient History, where I apply modern ethological research into animal cognition, emotion and behaviour to re-theorize human-animal relations in the Scandinavian Iron and Viking Age as part of the ERC-funded BODY-POLITICS project.

Did a brief eight-year stint in politics so I know a bit about policymaking, public affairs, and communications, too.

I write about horses and science:

Recommended books from the podcast:
Susanna Forrest, The Age of the Horse
Stephen Budiansky, The Nature of Horses
Carl Safina, Becoming Wild and Beyond Words
James Bridle, Ways of Being