The Manifestation lab

3 Near-Death Experiences, Intuitive Hypno-Massage, and the Quest for Spiritual Connection with Liz Overstreet

Kelly Howe Season 1 Episode 31

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When Liz Overstreet and I sync up our energies, the universe conspires to weave an enchanting tapestry of healing and discovery. A near-death experience survivor, Medium & Healer, Liz brings over two decades of healthcare insights to our dialogue. As we share stories of synchronicity and manifestation, we reveal how intuitive practices can unlock profound healing and why the universe seems to have a knack for guiding us towards the people we need most.

 Liz’s journey, punctuated with spiritual encounters and a dedication to the healing arts, illustrates the never-ending quest for personal growth and the powerful realization that our capacity to heal is an intrinsic treasure.

Venturing into the universe's spiritual eddies, we traverse Liz's personal relationship with divinity, unshackled by the confines of organized religion. Childhood events and brushes with the beyond have etched a unique path for her spirituality, one that embraces the divine yet steps beyond the borders of traditional religious practices. We share tales of past life recollections, interactions with celestial beings, and the quest for a tailored spiritual connection that resonates with our innermost being. Our exchange is an invitation to explore the depths of our own beliefs and to find solace in the spiritual narratives that shape us.

Amid the echoes of past lives and the shadow of near-death whispers, our conversation takes a turn towards the light of understanding and the balm of holistic healing. Liz's experiences with Quantum Healing Hypnosis and the guidance of higher entities offer a glimpse into the potent realms of astral travel and mediumship. We discuss the transformative power of these modalities in healing not just our earthly wounds but also in reconciling the spiritual journeys of those who have departed. Our session concludes with a deep appreciation for the interconnected fabric of healing, energy work, and the continuous cycle of learning that defines the very essence of our existence. Join us for this profound exploration through life, death, and the healing in-between.

To connect with Liz you can find her at on Instagram 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Manifestation Lab. This is your host, kelly Howe. From the grounded science to the mystical and unseen, we're investigating this big experiment we call life and finding what really works when it comes to manifesting a life that sets your heart and your soul on fire. Welcome to the lab. And your soul on fire. Welcome to the lab. I was curious did you pick up on anything else like just working through things that?

Speaker 2:

I don't know anything at all. So everything that I felt during your massage or your hypno massage was um vocalized during that massage. So anything I was feeling that you needed to push out or where the energy was stuck, you know, trying to walk you through releasing that stuck energy and within your body and then renewing those light sources within your body as well.

Speaker 1:

It definitely felt like you knew all the spots Like you. You can feel it.

Speaker 2:

You were like, and there it is. So I actually massage with my eyes closed, do you? I do. Oh, that's so interesting, and I get into my breath work, and I get into a sort of trance-like state Sometimes, if my client isn't in the trance too, which they usually are, but there's times where they'll sneeze or cough and it'll just scare the cat, I bet, because you're just so deep in it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm so deep into it and I'm listening to your body the entire time. If I'm holding something for a while, it's because it's just you know. I know I just need to wait, wait it out. And actually when I started doing this, when I started doing massage, it was really interesting because my guide, michael, has always been with me since the age of two when I was drowned.

Speaker 1:

Wait, wait, wait, whoa, are you just going to blow right by that?

Speaker 2:

Well, it's just part of my life now, so I just go on. You know it's like it's just part of it, so I'm not mad that anything like that, that anything in my life, has happened to me, yeah, I probably was there for a while, but not my brother drowned me on purpose oh my gosh, yeah, do you remember this?

Speaker 1:

I do. Oh gosh, liz, yeah, okay, okay, we're gonna come back to that.

Speaker 2:

Well, that was only one of my near-death experiences, though I've had three, you've had three near-death experiences I have.

Speaker 1:

Okay, make sure we come back to that. Okay, let me read this and then we're going to launch in. Okay, I want to make sure I get people aware of who you are and, like what we're getting ready to talk about and what we're getting ready to talk about you guys. I just finished up the most amazing what we're calling hypno-massage with my guest today. Liz Overstreet is a healer here in Columbia, missouri, with me. Do you live in Columbia or do you live in Jeff City? I actually live in Ashland. In Ashland, my mom lives in Ashland. I was 100% guided by the universe to connect with Liz in really amazing synchronicities. I'm going to tell by the universe to connect with Liz in, like, really amazing synchronicities.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to tell a couple of them before we start just because I think it's so relevant because this was like, it was like so in my face for a while that I would like I.

Speaker 1:

I told Liz, I literally one day stopped and I was like, okay, okay, I get it, I get it, I get it. I'll reach out to her, Like it was just, it was so hilariously in my face. But the first thing, let's see what was the first one. Oh, so one morning I just popped onto Instagram and Liz started like popping through my Instagram feed and I was like, oh, who's this talking about all the things that I think are interesting? And I decided to click on her profile and I'm looking around and I'm like, oh dang, I really wish she would do a video.

Speaker 1:

And I'm thinking in my head you know, so many healers put stuff out there, but they don't actually video themselves talking about what they do or what they're going through. But it is such a beautiful way to let people feel and sense your vibration, right. And so I was just thinking, oh, I wish Liz would just do a video of something, do some videos. And not 10 minutes later I have not met you, I don't even know where you were in the world, but you did a video and you said that you don't do that often.

Speaker 2:

I hardly ever do videos. Actually, I woke up that morning and I just sat straight up and was like today's the day I'm going to do the video, because I had been putting it off, See, and that's crazy because I had scrolled like scrolled, scrolled, scrolled through your profile looking for something.

Speaker 1:

And there was no videos and the fact that that happened within minutes, I was like oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

And already I was feeling like I think I'm supposed to connect with this woman. I was already feeling that, whether it was for you know, healing stuff or for the podcast, like I didn't know at that point. And then there was a couple other ones like you just were like in my feed everywhere on social media. But then I went to a doctor's appointment in Jeff City and on the way home I hear an ad on the radio talking about Liz Overstreet and this was again like within days of the first, like you popped on the radar, so I was like okay, and then there was another series of them. I think you popped into my dream one night and I woke up and I was like okay, okay. And then there was another series of them. I think you popped into my dream one night and I woke up and I was like okay, guys, had friends telling you about me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, people asking me randomly, and I don't even remember who those people were. That's so crazy. Do you know Liz Overstreet? I love it. So when your name came across, I was like oh okay, people have been asking me about her clients that asked me if I knew you. So anyway, here we are finally. Yes, I know I love it when the universe does that. It was very clear. Thank you, spirit guides.

Speaker 2:

So, like we're trying to link you up, you both need to pay attention. Yeah, legit legit.

Speaker 1:

And then, when we started talking today, one of the first things you said was yeah, I put it out there. The universe like connecting with the right people. And so here we are. I just love it. So Liz has 24 years of healthcare, including working as a licensed EMT and in other medical 25 now 25 years. Yes, uh, liz holds degrees in human services from Columbia college, a certificate and professional licensure in massage, and I just had a massage and let me tell you that shit was amazing. So so, so good.

Speaker 1:

Let's see Certificate of Reiki Master, Reiki Metaphysical Instructor, with Lisa Powers, Deep Tissue, Sports, Massage, Acupressure Certifications. I'm going to go on and on, so just get ready there's. This woman has like 99 certifications. Let's see Neuromuscular Massage, Sports and In and injury recovery with the American Massage Therapy Association. She also has studied under metaphysical instructors, including Amy Powers, Sherilyn Gramp and Dr Rebecca Sullivan. She's also certified in hypnosis by Marissa Peer. And let's see what else. Dolores Cannon and Dolores Cannon. How could I forget Quantum healing?

Speaker 2:

hypnosis certification with.

Speaker 1:

Dolores Cannon, holy smokesores. Cannon, how could I forget Quantum Healing Hypnosis Certification with Dolores Cannon, holy smokes? And apparently you're working on what 10 other certifications I am?

Speaker 2:

Those are actually with Dr Rebecca Sullivan, just finishing those last. And I mean there's it's a process, you know, and I don't take. I don't take it lightly, so I do take my time.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, there's no reason to rush.

Speaker 2:

And not to mention any kind of classes like that, are usually thousands and thousands of dollars.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you know I'm glad you brought that up. I don't know that people realize that if they're not in this world. I think a lot of people listening to the podcast.

Speaker 2:

That's why I charge what I charge. I mean, if you could see, I always dump my money into my education, um, and I am always wanting to learn. I'm probably going to be a lifetime learner. You know, my aunt is like in her 80s and still takes classes.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I think that's different classes all the time. Yeah, that's going to be me too. Uh, do you happen to know? Are you familiar with human design? I'm not, no, okay. So human design is this like really cool chart that has astrology baked it it the Chinese I Ching quantum physics. I love quantum physics. I think you would probably love human design.

Speaker 1:

We'll have to look up your chart after we get off of here, but anyway, there's certain types of profiles in human design that they are very much lifelong learners. So I would be so curious to see what yours is, because I'm a 5'1" and that's one of my. It's like like. I'm never gonna stop wanting to learn me either.

Speaker 2:

I want to take it all in as much as I can, so I don't have to come back so quickly right, like I just want to learn and I, you know, I just want to stay up there for a while.

Speaker 1:

We have the opportunity in this life. Right, the technology allows us to learn from a lot of people from all over the world and, um, at least I can speak. I think I have like the time and the space and the money to be able to like put my energy into it. So yeah, living my best life.

Speaker 2:

And not to discourage anyone who doesn't have the money. If you are being drawn in and the universe is giving you all of these signs, you know just like um, what Kelly just talked about. You listen to those signs, the money will become available. You just have to want it and to listen. I totally agree, the money becomes available. And I'm talking thousands and thousands that I've spent. You know one class was $10,000.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I've had trainings like that as well. I think one year now I did like a combination of like a mastermind and a business acceleration with a mastery course and it was over 20k. I mean, it was crazy like.

Speaker 2:

I haven't done that again since but it felt like getting my peers program.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was around 23, yeah yeah, these are expensive, but but all that to say, if you are guided to the healing arts, there is a way, and not to mention all the free content that's out there to get you started.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and just follow the smallest thing that you're led to and let it build and you'll go down rabbit holes. But that's the most exciting thing about this is that you're going to find really what you're supposed to hone in on, what your truest purpose is.

Speaker 1:

You will find it, yes, and each of those little things that lights you up and gets exciting is part of that journey.

Speaker 2:

So pay attention, it's a fun journey and if you go back and look, you're like oh, in hindsight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm so glad I did it. Now, I was thinking about this the other day that if you had told me at the start of, say, like the time period when I started taking all of my EFT certifications and going down that path as far as a business, I'm so glad that I didn't have the information about how hard it was going to be, and I don't mean that to be negative, but it's not necessarily like a super easy thing to have a holistic healing practice and I don't want to discourage anybody again, but no, it's not because I mean, but it is going to become the way of healing the way more and more people are getting interested and drawn to holistic healing rather than so much Western medicine because of so many more illnesses caused from Western medicine in general.

Speaker 2:

But the thing is is that when we learn our power and we learn that we can heal ourselves. Wow, you know, life really changes for you.

Speaker 1:

Life opens up, so let's go back and talk about that. Have you always been into healing, have you always been into learning about this stuff, or when did that show up for you?

Speaker 2:

Um, actually. So it kind of goes back to when I was age two and started seeing spirit and hearing, um, hearing my guide, michael okay and then just kind of led me from there into church.

Speaker 2:

Actually, um, church gave me a solid, I would say. You know, I was raised catholic and it did give me a solid foundation for faith. I don't follow religion now, um, I mean for many, many, many reasons, but I'm just drawn to have that personal relationship with Christ and I work in Christ consciousness. So I always work, you know, within the light. So, but what got me? I guess you know I was always curious about it and I was always reading things about it, trying to learn as much as I could. I took different religion classes in school, different, you know, like world religion, and just different. I wanted to learn as much as I could about it. I was led for, you know, probably a year, to take different religious classes, just to learn, you know. I know because I knew in my heart there's only one right. I just felt it, we're all one, and so to understand that fully, I had to look at all the religions and see where those similarities came through and it all makes sense. I mean, it's just written a different way.

Speaker 1:

So you had that understanding and that sense and that spiritual connection, since you were very, very little. Are you comfortable talking about what happened when you were two years old? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I am. So it was an evening time. My mom was frying chicken actually, because I loved that meal and I could smell it and I went outside and was sitting on the ladder of the pool and my mom was watching me. But it only takes a second, yeah. And so, um, I remember, I remember the cicadas. I remember hearing tree frogs. Um, I remember that the leaves were really green on the trees. I remember looking over at the smokestacks, because we lived across the road from a lead smelting company that we figured out was poisoning all of us.

Speaker 2:

Just two years old, though I was and I could see the sun. You know, the sun was starting to set my I felt like a little push on my back. I didn't know what happened, but I remember laughing as I was going down under the water because the bubbles were coming up. So seeing those bubbles made me laugh. And then then I just remember seeing. I remember seeing the bottom of the ladder with the bubbles and looking up and seeing a really bright light and I thought it was the sun. But then I remember being taken out by that bright light and what I remember happening was me floating like on my back. But I look over and I see three men dressed in robes and that really bright light. And it wasn't until I was six years old that I seen that face again, one of the men that were looking at me.

Speaker 2:

Now, when my mom tells the story, she said your dad's the one who got you out of the water. And I said I remember leaving that water and floating on my back or I was literally floating in the air on my back is what I felt like. Um, but my dad he was a fireman breathed life back into me. But after that so in the house, I would start seeing different energy move through the home black energy. Usually there's a lot of fighting. In my home there was a lot of abuse in my home.

Speaker 1:

Did it seem like entities? Yes, yeah, did you also see just kind of dark, stagnant energy?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, so yeah, and it would scare me at times, but I just learned to get used to it and honestly, I could say what has helped me is, you know, michael, guiding me through it, and Michael was the guy that you saw again when you were six.

Speaker 1:

No, is that correct? No, Okay. Okay.

Speaker 2:

No, the face that I one of the one of the men that I seen again when I was six, when I walked into the Catholic church and seen Christ oh okay, and I dropped to my knees when I was that little and I started crying and my mom just could not understand what was wrong with me and at that age you don't know how to tell her so this was your first experience, walking into the church and seeing this man and you recognize that he was there in the pool with you.

Speaker 1:

He was one of three men. Yes, I can imagine for anyone that would be a like life-changing, profound moment to see that face again.

Speaker 2:

I don't know who the other two men were, but it wasn't that. I guess it didn't matter when I just related so much to Christ at that time. Come to find out in one of my past lives I worked with Christ in the healing, wow. So, um, that was noticed by another healer here in Colombia. Actually, really, yes, you probably want to get a hold of him. He's, he's amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cool, we'll talk about that later yes, he's amazing, but so I went to him and he's like oh, you've been Hebrew before I could tell. And I said because when I do a past life, you know on myself, you can do it on yourself too, but it's better to have someone walk you through it so you can remember more, and then it's recorded because you're talking out loud, but I recommend it that way. However, I just was playing around doing a past life at night on my headphones and seeing the vision of Jesus Christ and me working with him in the healings Like I remember being with him when he made the blind see.

Speaker 1:

What do you gosh? There's some. I have so many questions and this is going to kind of jump forward a little bit. But knowing that you have this really strong connection with Christ and I don't have the religious upbringing but that's, that's always how I describe like I'm very non-religious spiritualist but my relationship with Jesus is really good, like really good, like me and God, me and Jesus were good and and some other ascended masters you know, but what?

Speaker 1:

what do you think it was for you that took you away, like you know, not maybe against the church, but like took you out of it. What was it that kind of pushed you towards?

Speaker 2:

okay, I need to maybe not be so much here, but I'm gonna hang on to my connection, but I'm gonna kind of go venture and I'll say this with no offense to anyone out there and if you take offense, it only means that you need work for yourself, that you need to notice that work that you need to do on yourself and that's called the shadow work. You know, along your journey you have that. But I have said this a million times and I'll continue to say it Judgmental people who identify as Christian push people out of the church. When you are judgy and you are rude or you are inconsiderate or you don't, when you're not following Christ truly, people can see that. And then, when you have a whole building full of people like that, you tend to lose faith in whoever's trying to teach those people. I agree, and I have lost faith. I agree.

Speaker 2:

In that, In that In other people teaching me. That's a very personal relationship that I want to maintain and I can't have anyone interfering with that. Yeah, and intentionally or unintentionally trying to change your relationship with Jesus, or God Based on the faults that they see in me, which they don't realize are really faults within themselves that they refuse to look at.

Speaker 1:

Like again. I wasn't raised in the church. I went to Methodist church a few times. Growing up with my grandparents. I have always tried to understand how Jesus was a healer, but somehow healers are demonized.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand Well that happened by the church, by those that created the church. Why would they do that? To get people into the church, yeah. And what did Jesus do for the church, the temple? What did he do? He flipped tables and he tore it down because it was about money. Yeah, and when you start to do it like that when you step outside this religious view and you look at what how people are making money.

Speaker 1:

In that sense, I don't feel it's right and so much of it's for controlling the masses exactly and um yeah so I just it really is.

Speaker 2:

It's to get everyone on this same page. Yeah, idea when relationship with Jesus is very personal, because it's also about your karma from past lives. It's also about that and that you have to rectify before you leave this life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I came across a post of somebody I used to know I really don't anymore and I kind of was like why on earth would Facebook show this to me? You know, like thousands of people that I'm connected with, like friends with, in quotes, right, and why am I seeing this? But I must have seen it for a reason. But, um, it was somebody going like really going off about a lot of like healers and psychics and channelers and how they're working with the devil and demons, and I mean it was like this huge long post and I just thought there's actually this person cannot see the judgment in this.

Speaker 2:

First of all, yeah, the hate and the judgment like you're spewing judgment about being judgmental and you like you're the yeah, but you're spewing the hate yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. It's just very confusing for me and I know that I have, you know, other lives of deep immersion into religion. So I think that's why, this time around, I was like, no, I'm going to be spiritual and, you know, drop into a family where that's, there's openness to that, there's not a lot of religious.

Speaker 2:

And I am not. I was not raised in a family that was open to that.

Speaker 1:

When I say open to spirituality, what I mean is, like kind of open to not being religious, really, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And, like my family, was Catholic Mm-hmm, um, and practicing, but I could also see, you know, I was kicked out of Catholic school. That's kind of funny. I'd love to hear that story, oh well, okay. Well, there was somebody that was walking in the classroom and she dropped all of her books and I felt really bad for her. So I got up out of my seat and the bell rang and I was told to sit in my seat by the priest and I said no, I want to help Jenny pick up her books. And he said I told you with this German accent to get in your seat. And I said and I told you that I'm helping Jenny pick up her books, thank you. And he hit me. He hit me with a ruler several times and then I just lit I have this sailor act. You know I cuss like a sailor.

Speaker 2:

I was around firemen and police when I was growing up and you know, and then you know, know, my mom went to the bar a lot, so it's like right that that is. That's something that I had learned to use when I was angry, and that is exactly what I did. And I, how old were you when this happened?

Speaker 1:

uh, like third grade oh my gosh, I was envisioning like a you know 16 year old.

Speaker 2:

no, no, Right. So it just was like his mouth dropped and the principal and her assistant there was Sister Marianne and Sister Generose came down to the room I was screaming in, grabbed me by my ears, each one on each side, and walked me down quickly to the principal's office, called my parents. I left. That was the extent of that.

Speaker 1:

That was it, so my dad was kicked out of Catholic school. That's why I wanted to hear your story.

Speaker 2:

My mom's like I said well, do I get to go back to school tomorrow? She goes, not that one.

Speaker 1:

We're going to find you a different one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah to go back to school tomorrow. She goes, not that one we're gonna find you a different one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I had to go to public school, which I was excited about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's the old soul for you, right like no you know, my mom actually let me wait, because it was it was close to the end of the year. That's why she was bringing all of her books in, that's why she dropped them, because they were so heavy. But my mom, my mind just completely went blank. I just lost my train of thought. That's okay.

Speaker 1:

So she let you stay.

Speaker 2:

Oh she, let me stay at home. She's like you don't have to go back until you know. So I got like a week or two. You know that's awesome Extra summer. I thought it was great. I did not get in trouble by my mom.

Speaker 1:

Actually she was very angry that they hit me, I bet, um, that's another one of those. Like in a religious, supposedly spiritual institution, how do we get away with things like that, like how do people hit one another, how do they sexually assault and abuse children and and I know that that doesn't speak for everyone in the church, and that did happen to me as well, you know from around.

Speaker 2:

let's see four. I was age four till seven. I sat in the church. It was someone in the church. Seven Was that in the church? It was someone in the church, someone that's still very high up in the church.

Speaker 1:

So before I came, my dad's on the other side and he was raised Catholic but was, you know, fiery, not going to fall into line kind of guy. He also was sexually abused by someone that worked in the church, and so that was his, you know, like peace out Showed him the truth, didn't it? Exactly.

Speaker 2:

But those people will judge you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and they'll call you. You know the devil, devil worker.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they're the ones that are hurting. Yeah, yeah, it's incredible. Jesus spoke about that, didn't he? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, before I came I heard very clearly like he kind of popped in and I feel like you know I communicate with spirits but it's very like here and there and I don't really trust myself that well. But with my dad it's pretty clear and he was like I could tell that he was gonna like you. You know what I mean Like he's like, he's like I like her and um. And then he made a joke.

Speaker 2:

He said I like redheads and he, he does he like always has liked redheads, so, uh, you telling these stories is very validating as to why he popped in, you know, cause there's some similarities. Well, don't tell me too much. If you ever want me to give you messages, messages, yeah, okay, all right. Well, we'll leave it there. I'd like I like, for he likes you whenever, anyone, anytime. So it's funny that you say that too, because when I was driving up the hill to come up to the office, I was like why does she need mediumship?

Speaker 2:

I thought we were doing massage and so I was like now I don't know what service she's really wanting. Yeah, well, I'm but you had not talked to me about that probably why.

Speaker 1:

Because, like, I'm into, I'm into all of it, I'm open to all of it. You know, people always tell me you're so easy to read and I'm like it's because I'm I'm that open at this point. You know, like it's fine, anything whatever you want to tell me, there's very little that can scare me away at this point. You want to talk to aliens?

Speaker 2:

fine, that's fine, let's talk about it you know, you know what, though, and they're not really called, they're not aliens they're just souls yeah right, exactly.

Speaker 2:

In a different body, which we've all been there, right, I totally agree and I know that because the past life regressions that I do and that Dolores Cannon has done, close to 40,000 before she passed away. She came here to write books and she got the books done and she left. But anyway, those people come through and or tell us those those past lives and if there are so many that are so similar, you know even the lands and the way things are described and everything so many different people before she even wrote the books and got that information out to the public, just like her. I agree that that's very validating. I do too.

Speaker 2:

I do too that's like there's not even a small piece of me that doesn't believe that no, any time a doctor, a physician, does any kind of test, it's like a hundred people, okay, she's done thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands, and you know what I'm talking about. They're quantified testing. They're, um, when they tested on a number of people before they actually make a theory or a thesis, you know. And so her thesis is. You know that this is valid. These past lives are valid.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, I totally believe it. So let's back up a little bit. And we talked about your first near-death experience. What was your second one? You said you had three. Right, I've had three.

Speaker 2:

That's wild. Well, they say. And then, right after that, someone that was in holistic healing came to my office and said have you had near-death experiences? I said, yeah, I've had three. He goes I knew it. I knew you were a shaman. I said am I? So I reached out to another shaman and was like am I a shaman? And she goes what do you think you are, what do you consider yourself to be? I said I don't know. I don't know really what a shaman is. So I started looking at it. It's a healer.

Speaker 1:

I mean I'm like oh, okay, Okay.

Speaker 2:

Well, I guess I had to die three times for this, I don't know. But so the second time I actually aspirated in my sleep and I went into this room. I could tell, like I could tell, I wasn't on earth. That made sense. I went into this room and it had this really great smell of a floral shop and I was like where are the flowers? I couldn't see any flowers, I didn't see anything.

Speaker 2:

Then Michael I've never seen Michael, I only hear him. Michael was behind me and he said the doors are going to open. Go through the doors. And so I did and I said it's like I don't have any weight, I feel completely weightless. It was sudden, because then you're kind of confused when you first go over, even with spirits that I've I've spoken to um other souls you know who've crossed completely. It's confusing at first, especially if it's a sudden. Yeah, you know I wasn't planning on leaving my body that night, right? So, um, the doors open, I go in and there is is literally it's a white path in front of me and to the left of me I could see. He said look to your left. And I looked to my left and there were angels surrounding this light in the center, this light in the center, and Michael said look behind the angel. So I looked behind the angel and it was the brightest light I had ever seen and it was huge.

Speaker 2:

But there were angels surrounding all of it, very, very tall angels I stories tall wow right where I had to like look up to see and still couldn't even make out his face. Really I say, hit the angel's face. When I looked at this light I I said I don't even need sunglasses, it didn't hurt to look at it.

Speaker 1:

I've heard people say that before that it's so bright that it's almost like shocking, but it's. It doesn't hurt, though yeah, you know how it would hurt to do an eye.

Speaker 2:

I felt so much love and compassion and freedom and it was overwhelming, but it was a good overwhelming. You don't get that here. And in this gold light, I'm looking at it, I'm just staring at it and I see these little like flutter bugs, almost like gold flaky lights. I say gold flake because they were shiny like gold flaky lights. I say gold flake because it was. They were shiny like gold and they were going in and out of this light and I immediately knew like those were other souls renewing. Wow, I really felt like that was the energy source. We call it source. That's where we go to renew our energy. We literally weave in and out of that light. I immediately felt that.

Speaker 2:

And then I look over to my right and all of these light beings are like piling in this same area that I'm in. I don't know where I was, if this is the beginning or you know, yeah, they just show up wherever. I don't know, but I was. If this is the beginning, or you know, did it show up wherever? I don't know? But this time this is what happened. All these light beings, like hundreds, thousands, start piling, just coming in and I hear everyone talking at once, instead of it being a loud roar, I could hear we love you, congratulations, just all at one at a time, just downloading, and I it's like I felt I felt that love as they're saying this and I. I said I have to go get my family, I don't want to leave here, and Michael said that's not how it works. Let me go back before that. Okay, yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

I looked up at the angel and the angel shook his head. No, I heard Michael say you're not even supposed to be here. I said no, no, I don't want to leave, let me go get my family. He said that's not how it works. Immediately I was jerked back out, woke up aspirating, unable to breathe, got pneumonia from that incident. But that's this, you know.

Speaker 2:

I mean I can't. I went to work and was telling people. I said I know where I'm going when I die and I can't wait to get there. They all thought I was suicidal or something. I said no, no, no, yeah, no, I know what you're talking about, something happened to me.

Speaker 1:

my dad had a near-death experience and he described it in a really similar way and that kind of bliss. He called it liquid love.

Speaker 2:

It was like everywhere and he described the bright light and a lot of that is yeah, see, and I had never even looked up near-death experiences, because why would you if you haven't had? I don't know, maybe some people are interested in that.

Speaker 1:

I'm really interested in it.

Speaker 2:

That's the kind of weird shit that I would look up as a kid I guess, but I just never really looked it up or anything. Then I thought I wonder if some people have had similar situations.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how old were you when the second one happened, 35.

Speaker 2:

Wow, it was actually. Let me go back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was about 35. Did it feel like you were in a place where you kind of needed a wake up or an awareness, or did you come back with any new spiritual gifts or you know, was there anything like that? Or it just felt like, well, that was number two.

Speaker 2:

No, I think that it happened so that I could share it with people. I really feel that because I think that a lot of people are confused about what's over there. I made it back to tell you about what's over there, and there's a lot of people out there that will tell you. It is pretty similar, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Some people see the faces of their loved ones. I can tell you, I just see light. I didn't see the faces of my loved ones, but you know who they are, you feel it and you heard the voices and the way they were talking to you. Congratulating me that I made it, I finished.

Speaker 1:

It was like I graduated, like I was coming back after being gone from a long trip so after you came back and you're starting to tell people about that, I mean, I imagine you felt different, though.

Speaker 2:

I felt so light and I actually felt like that was really healing for me, probably like maybe I needed that light. You know, I do have I was diagnosed with some depression.

Speaker 1:

That's what just came to mind.

Speaker 2:

I just wanted to share it with everyone.

Speaker 1:

You needed that, like direct exposure with that divinity to heal something, to break through something.

Speaker 2:

Probably, and sharing though my story has really helped me and others, so the more I share it, the better I feel.

Speaker 1:

So what would you say to people that are afraid of dying?

Speaker 2:

Oh, you just pop right out like a little bubble. It doesn't hurt, and if it's a traumatic death, you'll leave before it happens.

Speaker 1:

It's actually a miraculous experience. Yes, I believe that.

Speaker 2:

Having said that, anyone that listens that might be suicidal just know that that is not the right way to go, and I can share that personally. My daughter went by suicide and she was 13.

Speaker 1:

I'm so sorry, so young.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and she was full of life. I don't know. She's 13 years old, being bullied A lot of kids do that. So now during mediumship, riley will actually bring a lot of suicide victims through yeah, so that their loved ones know that they're okay. But they do have to go through a process and it's a little different.

Speaker 1:

If you take your own life, that process is different on the other side, what has she shared about what makes that different? Are you okay with talking about that? Yeah, no yeah, of course, at any point you want to put up a stop sign, like Kelly you're going too much.

Speaker 2:

No, I, I'm open book. Um, riley has shared that when she left, she didn't immediately go into, she went into a good place. She didn't go where she would have gone, which is further, had she finished her life here. So I say that being riley went to a place to learn, another place of learning, before she could go home and rest, right so, but she had people with her she has a positive souls with her.

Speaker 2:

It's a very positive loving place. I've seen her there in Astral Projections. I could go on and on about this stuff. I've wanted to get this out. I've wanted to write about it, but I get so sidetracked I need to focus on my book. It is hard.

Speaker 2:

Riley went to this place. That was like art deco type of place Interesting. She described it as the buildings were very art deco. Like she loved art. By the way, she didn't get to choose to go there. This was just where she was Now.

Speaker 2:

During one of my astral projections with Riley, I was at this place watching her having healing time with higher entities, which I swear one of them was with Jesus, and she was in a wooden boat splashing her little hand in this. She had a white dress on. There was a man in a white robe and I couldn't see his face because all I could see was light. It was so bright and I couldn't even get close to see it. I was standing on the bank watching her splash her hand in the water and this water was like a crystal blue. I don't think I've seen this color of water here on earth. It was just stunningly beautiful and it looked healing and it did sparkle and it was very beautiful and the person in the robe I'll say Jesus was paddling the boat while he was standing and I thought that was very strange, but he paddled over to a dock and I look over at the dock and my grandfather, who had passed right before.

Speaker 2:

Riley actually was there and he was in a white suit and he reached out for her. He helped her up. They walked a little bit, turned around and waved at me. Then they started walking to this building that was have you ever seen those glass bricks?

Speaker 1:

Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about this building was made of these.

Speaker 2:

It looked like these glass bricks. They kind of look like ice cubes. Yes, yeah, yes, yes, but I couldn't see in because it's all blurry, right. And when they got to the top of the steps, they turned around and waved again like I wasn't allowed to go any further. I immediately felt that I wasn't allowed to go any further, so I'm not sure what she did. As far as the healing, I love that they acknowledged you, though.

Speaker 1:

They acknowledged you they knew you were there.

Speaker 2:

Yes, she's done that many times Hugged me. We've held hands. She's told me things.

Speaker 1:

There's so many questions I have for Riley. You know, I think the thing I want our listeners to take away just for now is that she went to a good place. Yes, she did. She went to a good place. Obviously, there's so many suicides happening in the world right now, but people will spend a lot of time in fear and worry and grief that their loved ones are in purgatory or in or being punished, being punished, sent to hell, obliviated. Exactly None of that happens. All the things that they're lost.

Speaker 2:

You go learn what you were supposed to learn. It takes longer, yeah, it takes longer, for you to get to where you want to be, because your soul needs the source. But your soul also has to be in a purified state. So when she goes there for her healing, it's like clearing all of this static from earth off of her, off of her soul and there can be a lot. We are energy here yes, we are energy, and she did absorb a lot of negativity while she was here yeah she did a lot of things happened to her.

Speaker 1:

Could you talk about what astral projection is for people that don't have any idea what that is?

Speaker 2:

astral projection is actually when you're capable to. You know your body's laying there, you're capable of getting up and leaving your body that's one of the things you're going to teach me.

Speaker 1:

I. I've tried techniques for years, probably not as consistently as I need to, but I haven't successfully done it.

Speaker 2:

But I'm thinking you're the woman, liz. It takes a coach. It really does take somebody to kind of walk you through it, but you get there and then you're gone and then once you start exploring, it's just very easy. It's much easier to get into Um, and I can always say you know, if you start with an intention, that's where you know do you think that because you've had near death experiences, it's even easier to like pop in and out?

Speaker 2:

I get told all the time, even by other spiritual leaders. They'll come up to me and they say you have one foot in the door, don't you? I said what do you mean by that? I've had so many people tell me that. They said you have one foot on the other side. You're always halfway over there and I said oh, absolutely, I love it over there. I would rather be over there but I'm supposed to be here helping you all.

Speaker 1:

I've been like trying to get my foot over there. I do.

Speaker 2:

I do in a lot of ways and we have to remember that we're supposed to be over here. Yeah, but it is. I guess I show it a lot that I don't like to leave.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's in.

Speaker 2:

It's probably just in your field that you know that it's and I love it. I am so blessed. I am so blessed to have my business and to be able to help people like I do, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Let's transition into that and talk about some of your, your offers and the things that you do with people. I just had the most amazing hypno massage, so maybe let's talk about that and then talk about the quantum hypnosis that you do and let's just talk about some of the things that you do, cause you do a lot of really cool stuff.

Speaker 2:

So during hypno massage I get you down into the delta state. I believe it's the delta state. Brainwaves, right, talking brainwaves. I'm talking about the first I may have gotten that.

Speaker 1:

I think it might be theta. No, theta is the deepest.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so you're above theta. You're one above theta, so you're right as you're. You know, just beginning to start to see pictures and I get you into that state and I notice this when I'm massaging you. I can tell by your breathing pattern when you start to get into it. So I'll start making subtle suggestions, just like I did for you today, if you'd like me to share, you know just helping you clear blockages and opening doors to your new life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we had a long conversation about some of the places that I'm blocked right now, that I'm pretty aware of, but I'm also very stuck with.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so just know that whenever you have chronic pain, like you talked about today and you've tried just about everything, then a lot it's like okay, where is this problem Really? Is it this life? Is it another life? Is it just deep in the subconscious from something that's happened in either life or any life? Really, Is that what is holding you back? Is that what is causing you this pain?

Speaker 1:

Because the physical pain is just a symptom of energetic blockages.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is. It's your body telling you listen. If you would listen, I'm telling you. Your subconscious is telling your body send her a pain signal.

Speaker 1:

So she'll listen Right, and even if it's like due to postural things or like previous accidents, there can be all these like things in the background, but I truly believe that it all goes back to messages from our body that really are coming from our soul.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely it is. But here's what Dolores Cannon says about accidents and things like that. Yeah, what does she? Say there is no accident. Yeah, there's no such thing as that, and there's no such thing as a coincidence when your body has an accident like that, wherever you have that trapped energy is where the injuries will be. It's a wake-up call, yeah. For a lot of people it really is too, I mean, but that's what Dolores Cannon says.

Speaker 1:

It's your body is trying to what's it got to do for you to listen to. Yeah, and I know that's really tough for people to wrap their head around, but that's because we are only aware mostly of this like 3d reality.

Speaker 2:

But there's right.

Speaker 1:

You don't realize that your energy outside, beyond, I mean, yes infinite energetic aspects that we don't really understand.

Speaker 1:

Each individualized as well yeah, and I also believe and you can tell me what you think about this that like I because I'm with you I think there are no accidents, but it's like I think that everything that's happening right here in this life is still playing out from all of these past lives, and I know that like there is no time really in the quantum realm, and like future lives, so it's like all kind of like merging in this one reality right now, right so like maybe an accident in this life is actually tied to something from, you know, a thousand years ago that's still playing out.

Speaker 1:

That's what I think, I don't know, I mean you know blows my mind if I really try to think about like say you have asthma.

Speaker 2:

Well, you probably drown from another in another life yeah or you. It's one of a couple things either you drown in another life or you're being smothered in this life now, what do you think about?

Speaker 1:

because, because I believe all of that, everything you just said, but I also more and more, you know, I learn about like the toxins in our food and how it creates things.

Speaker 2:

I feel like there's this whole other layer now too so that is something that I have been dealing with lately as well is okay, but we're being poisoned, yeah, and on purpose, I really feel that. So everything I eat has become very scarce. I'm so picky about what I'm trying to put into my body, you know. So.

Speaker 1:

I've actually personally done a lot of work on getting my body to feel safe with the things that I'm eating, whether, like whether they're organic or not, or has wheat or doesn't have wheat, Like I've actually done a lot of energetic balancing around food. However, I do believe we're being poisoned, and you know you can just look at how our food is full of all these toxins that are illegal in Europe. Like, come on people, like there's something going on here, you know.

Speaker 2:

Right and nobody pays attention to this.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to believe it's on purpose, but I can't rule it out. I cannot rule it out because the things that I'm seeing are atrocious. What I'm saying is I don go so deep. Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.

Speaker 2:

This can go so deep and then we'll get into conspiracy theories and I'm actually game for this. Maybe we'll do like a we should. We'll do a follow up because I have, we need to have a weekly podcast together.

Speaker 1:

You know what we probably could do that and to learn about astral projection. One thing I wanted to say before we completely move on talking about Riley, is that Chris's uncle committed suicide in 2010. And one of my really good friends is a medium and one day she was sitting in our kitchen and he's come through in a few different readings and the message is always exactly what you just said that he's good, he went to a good place, but he's learning. He's he's learning, he's growing, he's doing. I mean everything.

Speaker 2:

Isn't that very validating for you?

Speaker 1:

It's so validating. For me, it's so validating.

Speaker 2:

You were supposed to hear that, weren't you?

Speaker 1:

I was, and I and I think that the people listening, like we all need to hear this. They're you know, and they're not bad people, no, they're hurting Earth school is hard. It is hard, and Riley was probably dealing with all kinds of crap that didn't even come from this life, and then she had this life on top of it, and it just is hard.

Speaker 2:

She always told at age Riley was very advanced and at age three she wanted to watch ghost hunters and I let her. She turned around and she goes I miss my sister. I said you don't have a sister. She said yes, I do. And I told my husband that night. I said how does she know that I lost her twin? Oh wow, yeah, yeah. Not only did I lose her twin, I lost her twin. Oh wow, yeah, yeah. Not only did I lose her twin, I lost her after, you know, but I did get 13 years with her. But she, she was definitely a star child. You know where she, she. She also told me. She said I want to go home. Yeah, I said, honey, we are home.

Speaker 1:

No, we're not, Not this home.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she did not like it here from an early age. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh, bless her heart. It's hard here.

Speaker 2:

I mean it is, and she must have just felt the energies off. You know she was very sensitive to energy.

Speaker 1:

It sounds like it. I mean, she sounds like she was just incredibly sensitive to everything that was going on and you know, who knows what she carried in.

Speaker 2:

She was a little.

Speaker 1:

Pisces Past lives. Yeah, exactly Just all the feels.

Speaker 2:

All of the emotions.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all the feels, but yeah, I just I want people to know they're okay, they're okay. They are. They're good.

Speaker 2:

That does not, but just know that that there's so many karmic contracts set and broken with suicide and they do have to come around and do this earth school again. So deleting your life does you no good. You're going to have to come back and deal with the same stuff.

Speaker 1:

I have a friend Actually I was talking earlier about her husband, one of the psychic mediums I had a past life regression with but her daughter committed suicide recently and we were talking one day just about the karma that you incur because of what it does to people's life, and I don't mean that in a negative way.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not, but it is. You're breaking contracts, is what Delores says. Is before you come to earth, you sit with your council and these are counsel that have been with you all of your lifetimes. They know what you need to learn. They're telling you what you're going to. You know what do you want to learn. They're going over all of this with you. You make a plan and you know you're going to meet all these people throughout your life. When you get here, you don't remember it. So you have contracts with these people that you've made on the other side, either to help them learn lessons or for you to learn lessons from them. Either way, that's all it is. It's just lessons. If people would learn to let things go and look at the lesson that you're supposed to be learning from it, take the wisdom from it, yes, and just walk away.

Speaker 1:

Keep seeing sparkles like right here.

Speaker 2:

If you're saying that.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, no, it's probably Riley. That's what I'm wondering. It's like very sparkly right in there.

Speaker 2:

She's full of wonderful energy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, so I think I got us off track. We started talking about your services oh yeah that's where we went, holy cow.

Speaker 2:

We totally got off. We did. That's okay. That's why I love doing these.

Speaker 1:

So, um, yeah, we were talking about the hypnosis that you do, kind of the guided visualization hypnosis with the massage. I'm telling you that was incredible and I think that, oh, you were going to share your experience yeah. So you took me through these different rooms and I don't want to say too much in case somebody comes to see you because, like I do, a different one for everybody.

Speaker 2:

It's just what I'm led to do. Oh, I love that. I love that. I love that. Yeah, I don't do the same one for everyone.

Speaker 1:

Took me through these rooms. That were the colors of the chakras, to kind of clear them out. And then when we got to the crown chakra, you had me walk through a door. That was my future life, like my highest good. I don't remember how you worded it, but here's.

Speaker 1:

What's really interesting is that I walked through the door and the scene that I saw was really really clear. It was like I could feel the air, I could feel the breeze. It was outside. We were on this hill. I was wearing a white dress that had little like little flowers on it. This dress was not from this time, this and I kept looking at it and not trying to change it but just trying to be like, okay, what else, what else. But then the more I looked at myself, I had on like little folded over bob socks that had like a ruffle around them with like shoes that it. It looked more like a past life to me and I kept kind of thinking, okay, this is interesting, we need to explore that past life, it wouldn't go any it wouldn't go away.

Speaker 1:

So I felt like it was. You were supposed to see it, I was supposed to see it. It was wonderful. I mean, it was great energy. Um, the word I kept getting was advocacy, like advocacy, advocacy, and, and the energy was really light and fulfilling. And I was doing a lot of speaking and, yeah, this hill sort of felt like it was sitting next to maybe like a capital or something like that which goes into our conversation from earlier, right when I'm just I'm having a lot of blocks around speaking up about some of the injustices I had passed. Yeah, we just worked through those, but, um, I was just sharing with you some of the like blocks with my throat chakra that I've been struggling with and that felt very much like yes, pay attention to this, there's more here but it felt lovely. It felt lovely and it didn't really go anywhere. You know, the energy was beautiful and it was high vibration and, like I said, I could like feel it. I led you to it, though I didn't walk you any further through it.

Speaker 2:

I just kind of wanted to see where you went with that. Yeah, I was just, you know, first time client, yeah, yeah, so we can always explore more. But I just kind of wanted to let you explore that area and set that life up, sure, as how you want to see it. Yeah, and I'm not sure what that means, but like it definitely feels like there's there's more investigation to be done, right, and it doesn't. It doesn't necessarily mean that just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it won't happen or manifest.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't necessarily mean that just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it won't happen or manifest you are manifesting it.

Speaker 1:

So you don't see it yet because you haven't made up your mind exactly what you want. Maybe this was also. This just came to mind. Maybe this was sort of tying together some place that I was blocked in the past, yeah, and kind of like marrying it with the future energy.

Speaker 2:

I would love to explore it more. Yeah, I would too.

Speaker 1:

So interesting but deeply relaxing. I love. I can't even tell you how much I love the visualization process with the massage, not to mention you're just incredible. Thank you, that was a really, really amazing massage, so talk to me about the quantum hypnosis.

Speaker 2:

The quantum healing hypnosis technique is something that Dolores Cannon created out of learning so much from her hypnosis clients. So I'll say this so she started hypnosis when she was pretty young and she had kids at home and she needed to make a living and her husband was in hypnosis. So he got into, or she started to do it at home with him and she started noticing that she could get them into a deeper level of trance than what she had been shown if she just took it a little further. And when she got people down into the theta wave, she could get them deep enough to talk to their subconscious and learn anything about everything and anything. Whatever she asked she could gain answers to, because subconscious is not only linked to your subconscious in your past lifetimes, it's linked to all of consciousness this is where the oneness comes in it's linked to all of consciousness, a collective as they call themselves.

Speaker 2:

When they come through, they say we, sometimes they say I, if I'm just talking to the higher self. But even at talking to the higher self, that's still collective consciousness coming in and helping. We can access anything. Akashic records. A lot of times the higher self or collective conscious, I call it sc, super christ, super consciousness, subconscious, whatever you want to call it, the over soul. Yeah, all there is, you know and Rebecca Sullivan, and it just links it all. It all synchronizes together every class that I've taken. So don't get discouraged if one teacher can't teach everything, of course they can. You need to go where you're led.

Speaker 1:

Right, like maybe you learn a bucket of things from one person, but you're guided towards someone else. Yeah, and it's just going to take you on your path.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, A lot of people are like, well, why would I pay that much for one thing? I'm like, just do it.

Speaker 1:

If you feel guided, you do it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

If you feel guided and you feel drawn and it keeps coming up and Don't ignore that. So, anyway, when I get you under, not only am I reaching your subconscious and your past lives, I take you deeper than that and I take you through a subconscious, what I call a subconscious healing. So your subconscious will go through and tell me anything that's wrong anywhere in your body and they will work on it, whether it be healing by light or however they do it, they do. Cartilage has been rebuilt, aids has been cured, forms of cancer have been cured, not the advanced stages you can get let it get too far where you know, but things like that have been cured. Even then, it's still not impossible. It's still not impossible. You can let it get too far where you know, but things like that have been cured Even then it's still not impossible.

Speaker 2:

It's still not impossible. No, Nothing is impossible. And yeah, Marjani has a great story.

Speaker 1:

Have you read her book? No, I haven't. Oh, she's got amazing things to say. She was on death's door, people were saying goodbye, tumors everywhere and then she had a near-death experience experience and when she woke up, the tumors were, like massively reduced and I think within a week they were completely gone. I mean, it's just amazing that healing energy.

Speaker 2:

She went and weaved her soul in and out of that energy source energy she had to. Yeah, I think that. I think I needed that energy as well. That's what I was wondering but you know that happened a year before my daughter died. I'm sure I needed that energy to get through. I also needed that faith to know that where she was going. You know that certainty that there was something else over there. You know, you see it at age two, you think okay, yeah, right. But you see it at age 35. Different. And you're like that's different.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, my third one was in 2022 okay I know we could go on and on amazing okay, let me just.

Speaker 1:

I gotta make sure that nobody's like texting me that they need I know I've got to go soon too.

Speaker 2:

Do you need to?

Speaker 1:

no, we save this for the next episode we should.

Speaker 2:

Let's save it, because we'll make people want to yes.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so we're going to pause for now.

Speaker 2:

We'll come back with the second part of this, because there's still I'll tell you all the other services I do. I have so much more. There's so much we still need to talk about.

Speaker 1:

I mean, there's just so much, and I do suspect that there will probably be a third episode as well, because we've just got stuff to talk about.

Speaker 2:

So LizOverStreetcom if you want to look at my services. Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 1:

Because we get on tangents here.

Speaker 2:

I know right. Go find out what she does. We go down rabbit holes and it could be next year when you learn Right.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, we get up to all of them. Well, if they get curious, they can find you online, any classes or anything coming up. You do breathwork classes.

Speaker 2:

I do. I was doing those in Jefferson City, but now that I moved to Columbia I just need to work some things out to where I can use that space, and I'm thinking April okay, awesome, I would love to get in for that, like I said, you're gonna be my uh, astral projection coach yay, because I'm so ready to like break through some of the I.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I have a block to like the magic sometimes so here's what happens, I think, where people get, they scare themselves.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so you're, you're laying down, you don't want to be tired like you're getting ready to go to sleep. This needs to be like in the morning, right after you wake up actually is the best time or if you take a nap during the day, right after that nap.

Speaker 1:

I'm a master napper, so I can make that happen.

Speaker 2:

So, as you're laying down for your nap and, like I said, getting you into that theta state right before you're asleep, right before you go to sleep, and I'll start you off on that journey and I let you take off, and then you come back and tell me what, everything that you've done, that's so fun and it can last one to two hours, you know yeah, does this?

Speaker 1:

is this something you do like with one-on-ones, or you do this both in a class setting? I've done both, um, do you ever have you had anybody that like hasn't been able to do it?

Speaker 2:

I think men in general are more guarded and so it takes them longer. I haven't had anyone that's not able to do it, but it could take someone Anyone that's really guarded or wants to be in control all the time. You've got to release that, so we might have to do some Reiki to release some of those blockages. I did give you Reiki, too, during your massage.

Speaker 1:

I thought so yeah, Thank you I did invoke those symbols of Choku Rei.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then I chanted a few of the other symbols to invoke those symbols, to draw in.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful. I'm here for all of it, thank you. Yeah, thank you so much for your time today. You are so welcome. Yeah, this is so fun. We'll do it again soon and, um, I can't wait to see what else we talk about in the next episode in part two. You.

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