Carolina Writers Speak

Carol Baldwin, Author

Rose Cushing

Before turning to writing for children, Carol Baldwin published Friendship Counseling: Biblical Foundations for Helping Others and Teaching the Story: Fiction Writing in Grades 4-8. Carol enjoys teaching writing and has presented at many educators and writing conferences. She has published widely in newspapers and magazines and along with Rebecca Wheeler, co-publishes Talking Story, a newsletter for educators and media specialists. She served as a SCBWI-Carolinas critique group leader and blog coordinator for many years. In addition, she manages the Write2Ignite blog; a group dedicated to inspiring and educating Christian kid lit writers. Most recently, she became a volunteer publicist for Monarch Books. Find her thoughts on the writing process, book reviews, and giveaways on her blog. When she isn’t writing or blogging, you’ll find her golfing, walking, biking, or enjoying books with one of her eight grandchildren.

Half Truths a middle-grade historical novel that takes place in Charlotte, NC in 1950 is scheduled for publication in June 2025 with Monarch Educational Services. She is working on a graphic novel, Nightmare in Nuremberg and dreaming about two other historical novels.