Leading People

Catching the Ball with Mitch Little

September 20, 2023 Arthur Jones and Julie Chisum Season 3 Episode 2
Catching the Ball with Mitch Little
Leading People
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Leading People
Catching the Ball with Mitch Little
Sep 20, 2023 Season 3 Episode 2
Arthur Jones and Julie Chisum

In this episode of Leading People, Partner at Sheef & Stone Law Firm, Mitch Little reminds us that our work is evangelism, no matter our job title. He poses the inspiring question: will you catch the ball when God throws it? Or have you made yourself too busy? As we climb the ladder, we must remember to live in the Colossians 3:23, “all your heart” mandate, and recall that the key to success is humility, no matter your profession. Dive into this Leading People episode with us. 

Show Notes

In this episode of Leading People, Partner at Sheef & Stone Law Firm, Mitch Little reminds us that our work is evangelism, no matter our job title. He poses the inspiring question: will you catch the ball when God throws it? Or have you made yourself too busy? As we climb the ladder, we must remember to live in the Colossians 3:23, “all your heart” mandate, and recall that the key to success is humility, no matter your profession. Dive into this Leading People episode with us.