A Life Well LIT

Why did I start a podcast?

Brielle Goheen Episode 0

Welcome to A Little Bit Unstoppable! If you've got something in you to create or make, or if there's a change you want to see in the world, this podcast is for you. You are just the person that I want to become Unstoppable - and the only way to be completely unstoppable is to become a little bit unstoppable.

Your art is important. Your ideas are valuable. I'm here to help you get organized, get focused and get things done so you can make the impact with your art that you know you're capable of making.

The worlds we imagine are the worlds we build. So, ambitious creator, imagine a beautiful one and take the next step - no matter how small - toward building it.

I want to start by telling you a story.
I was getting ready for bed one night and debriefing with my partner Brad about the day. It had been a really mixed bag. I made some progress on some projects that were really pivotal and really important to me. But I had also felt quite stalled in a few places and there been a few moments in the day that we're just really discouraging as well. I talked through the things that hadn't gone as well as I'd hoped and just processed through my emotions about it. And then I made a plan for the next day kind of brainstorming how I could adjust my schedule and my work flow the next day to account for delays and to keep moving forward in a way that was really gentle and really kind to myself. By the end of our conversation I was feeling really
and quite excited actually to go to bed and to start it all over again the next day. Trying to express that and try to put that change from ambivalence to excitement into words I said, "I just feel a little bit...unstoppable!"

This podcast is called a little bit unstoppable because of that moment. All it takes to become completely unstoppable is to be just a little bit unstoppable. Because then you don't stop!
And when you don't stop over a long period of time, momentum has a chance to build up. And that's how you become completely unstoppable. So that tiniest piece of you that's unwilling to give up will be the thing that makes everything possible. I don't know a single person that's fully unstoppable in every moment. And honestly if I did I don't think that we would be friends for very long because I probably find it a little excessive and maybe even a bit obnoxious. Because the truth is you don't have to feel completely unstoppable in every moment. You can be hanging on by a thread and still be unstoppable.

I created this podcast for all of you ambitious creators to hold the space for you - really, for us, since I'm an ambitious creator as well - to hold the space for us to take our art seriously.
I use the word art in the broadest possible sense. Seth Godin is one of my absolute favorite thinkers. I just love reading his books and and just learning from him about how sees the world. He calls anyone who uses bravery, creativity, and boldness to challenge the status quo an "artist." So you're an artist even if you don't paint or spend your days making pottery. If you're committed to the bold, brave, creative work of making change in the world, then you are an artist. And every bit of the work that you do to create change - within people or between people, creating change in small ways or changing huge cultural structures - those gifts, no matter how big or how small, those are your art.

And I take your art seriously. I want you to become 'a little bit unstoppable' because the world actually needs the gift that you have to offer. The world needs the change that you are creative enough to imagine and brave enough to offer.

I haven't introduced myself yet, though. My name is Brielle Goheen and I am an ambitious creator. I'm at the very beginning of a thirty years or more - yeah, I said thirty...30 - a thirty year project of creating the Calcedon Other World. That's a project that still mostly under wraps at the time of this recording but any leaks on that project will most likely they'll happen here first. I'm also the creator of a meditation app called Daily Breath and I'm a productivity and creativity coach for other ambitious creators. I designed a twelve week online course for people who know they have something to give but find themselves overwhelmed, and distracted, and stuck. So what my job is to help them cultivate a vision for their life purpose and create effortless systems to take care of the daily stresses of life so they can just get to work doing what they're meant to do and actually get it done this time.

A lot of the struggles that you have in a whole heartedly embracing your artistic identity and living it out - I've been through a lot of those, too. I struggled with mental health and depression. I saw my partner go through major health issues. I have two kids and I know how hard it is to stay creative while being a mom and taking care of your little people.
And with Covid, I was hit with real financial uncertainty as the precarious gig economy just collapsed around me literally overnight. I worked through self doubt, perfectionism, shiny object syndrome, mental and creative blocks, and just general disorganization (or I like to call it, 'artist brain'). I know how to get to the other side of these things now and I just wanna share as much as I can about what I've learned with you. Because there's nothing like the freedom of knowing that you have something to create and being empowered to create that and to give that. So I've made this podcast for you, so that you can find inspiration, and advice, and companionship on this brave journey that we're on toward art.

I want you to quit quitting on yourself. I want you to fully know and embrace your inner artist so that your art actually reaches people. So that the people that need to know about you - the people that need to know about your art - the people that need you, know about you. Because it can't change anyone if no one ever experiences it.

So even if there's only a tiny piece of you that still believes that your ambitions and dreams are worthwhile, nurture that piece of you and protect it. It's so so very precious. That sliver of hope is the only thing that you need to become just a little bit unstoppable.

Thank you for having the courage to step up to your artistic vision and thank you for listening and letting me be part of your journey. Don't forget to subscribe so that you're notified each time there's a new episode up and I'll see you on the inside. I can't wait!