#67. What Should You Charge When Clients Cancel at the Last Minute?
Ideal Practice
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Ideal Practice
#67. What Should You Charge When Clients Cancel at the Last Minute?
Aug 01, 2023 Episode 67
Wendy Pitts Reeves

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If a client cancels at the last minute, or worse, doesn’t show up at all - it doesn’t feel so great, does it?

And even when you understand why they had to miss, you can still be left feeling frustration, disappointment - or, if it happens often, even resentment.

And I know that's not how you WANT to feel about your work, or your client.

So what do you do? Do you charge them for that time? If so, how much, and how do you collect it?

I know this is tricky for a lot of you, so I’m going to walk you through potential strategies and options to manage those late cancellations in a way that honors the client and yourself, and protects your relationship.

In this episode, you’ll hear about 4 steps towards crafting your response for any time a client cancels at the last minute, or worse, doesn't show up at all.

Check it out.


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As a coach of mine used to say, running a business is a full contact sport. There are SO many different parts of it to keep up with, manage, think about, and create - at every step of the way.

How do you know what to work on first or where to focus your energy? How do you tell where your weaknesses are and where you're solid?

Well I’ve got you covered! The IP360 Scorecard, based on the 7 Pillars of an Ideal Practice, is designed to give you a practical, actionable, big-picture review of your practice as it stands. And you can complete it in less than 10 minutes. 

Click on the link below to get your free copy today.

The IP360 Scorecard 

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Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
Host, Ideal Practice
Private Practice Coach and Mentor
