#94. 5 Creative Ways to Boost Practice Revenue Without Working Longer Hours
Ideal Practice
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Ideal Practice
#94. 5 Creative Ways to Boost Practice Revenue Without Working Longer Hours
Mar 05, 2024 Episode 94
Wendy Pitts Reeves

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Thereā€™s more than one way to make money, my friend.

But far too often in the private practice world, weā€™re used to providing a single service to a single client for a single hour or session, and thatā€™s it.

The problem with that is that there are only so many hours in the day, and your income is capped.

But what if that wasnā€™t how it had to be? What if there were all kinds of fun ways you could leverage the service you already provide and the knowledge you already have in ways that serve more people, make more money for you, AND donā€™t take up more of your time?

Yeah - letā€™s talk about that.

In todayā€™s episode, weā€™ll explore how to move beyond dollars for hours and into more creative ways to serveā€¦

The possibilities really are endless.

In this episode, youā€™ll hear: 

  1. How to creatively increase revenue and serve more people in at least 5 different areas of your practice.
  2. One really easy way to stop losing money on the front end while still serving your 1:1 clients well.
  3. Several strategies for adding easy income with low-ticket digital products.

And Iā€™ll provide specific examples for every single idea I share with you today.

Which one are you thinking about trying?

Drop me an email and let me know. šŸ˜˜


P.S. Are you enjoying Ideal Practice? If so, please help me spread the word. Do you have one or two friends who could really use a boost of encouragement each week? Who else needs this kind of practice-boosting info? Please consider sharing this episode with them - and thank you!


Are you cramming client hours into a packed day? Working hard but feel like you're still not making any money? With decades of experience, Iā€™ve found a LOT of ways to boost your bottom line, and Iā€™ve pulled some of my favorites together into a free guide for you.

Download this today and tell me which one youā€™ll try first. :)

šŸ’° 31 Ways Practical Ways to Increase Cash Flow in Your Private Practice


Letā€™s talk about that. Maybe youā€™ve got a problem in your practice that you canā€™t solve. Maybe you have an idea you want to try but don't know where to start. A Quick Start Consult gives you access to high quality coaching in a targeted work session where we will get things done. Promise.

Click here for details.

šŸ”„ Quick Start Consult

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Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
Host, Ideal Practice
Private Practice Coach and Mentor
