Raising Kind Humans

48. Brin is a Verb: Mom's Into Fitness with Lindsay Brin

October 31, 2023
48. Brin is a Verb: Mom's Into Fitness with Lindsay Brin
Raising Kind Humans
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Raising Kind Humans
48. Brin is a Verb: Mom's Into Fitness with Lindsay Brin
Oct 31, 2023

Send Katie a message!

Pinch me, I'm dreaming! Lindsay Brin has been in my living room cheering me on in my fitness journey for the last 9 years.  Her streaming service, Mom's Into Fitness, is my go-to for all of my workout needs. 

I've bonded with my bestie over this program and we fangirl over Lindsay Brin weekly.  That bestie is HERE for this conversation as my co-host! Lindsay Asmus, fitness enthusiast and mom support, has been alongside me on this MIF journey every step of the way. 

Listen in as we dive into what it means to take care of ourselves as moms, the importance of showing up and modeling for our kids, and how to put the fun back into working out.  (Believe me, I've joined and quit the gym several times.  I always come back to Moms Into Fitness!)

Join Moms Into Fitness HERE!

Follow all things Lindsay Brin on Instagram @lindsaybrinfitness

Start your KindSchooling journey and join the Team Kind Humans membership. Head to www.teamkindhumans.com or follow me on Instagram @teamkindhumans!

Show Notes Transcript

Send Katie a message!

Pinch me, I'm dreaming! Lindsay Brin has been in my living room cheering me on in my fitness journey for the last 9 years.  Her streaming service, Mom's Into Fitness, is my go-to for all of my workout needs. 

I've bonded with my bestie over this program and we fangirl over Lindsay Brin weekly.  That bestie is HERE for this conversation as my co-host! Lindsay Asmus, fitness enthusiast and mom support, has been alongside me on this MIF journey every step of the way. 

Listen in as we dive into what it means to take care of ourselves as moms, the importance of showing up and modeling for our kids, and how to put the fun back into working out.  (Believe me, I've joined and quit the gym several times.  I always come back to Moms Into Fitness!)

Join Moms Into Fitness HERE!

Follow all things Lindsay Brin on Instagram @lindsaybrinfitness

Start your KindSchooling journey and join the Team Kind Humans membership. Head to www.teamkindhumans.com or follow me on Instagram @teamkindhumans!

Katie Doughty:

Hey everyone, welcome back to the raising Cain humans podcast. I'm your host, Katie Doughty. And I hope you are enjoying your fall, and all the crunchy leave vibes that come along with fall, we are finally slowing down. I feel like October is a whirlwind of a month. I've had two kids in soccer with two practices on different days of the week and two games on Saturday, and I'm ready to get my evenings back. It's been so fun. And they are having the best time on their teams and making friends and trying new things. And it's been a joy to watch them. But I'm ready, I'm ready to settle into slower evenings and cooler weather and all the cozy things that come along with that. I wanted to share something with you that was just sent to me that absolutely made my whole year. I just got a message from a member in team kind humans. He's nine years old. And I want to read to you what he said to me. He said, team kind of humans is a way for kids to understand how to be kind to others. And if they already know how then it gives you a boost of kindness, a way to be even more kind. It gives me a chance to make a difference and help others and it makes me feel amazing inside. I'm so glad this group exists. Kindness is important. Because if you are having a bad day, and someone is kind that can make a difference. If you're having a good day and someone is being kind, it will just make you feel warm inside. Is that not the sweet message anyone could ever get? I'm so grateful that he took the time to tell me about why he loves team kind of humans and that he's enjoying the activities that we're doing and that he finds value in them. And coming from a nine year old. That means the world it just means the world to me. And when I asked if it was okay, if I shared this message he said yes, absolutely. And just remember, it's all true. I love this group. It's just, I can't I'm gonna post this on my wall and just keep it where I can see it all the time. And remember that all of the work going into this is worth it because kids are finding value in it. So thank you, thank you, thank you, I really appreciate that message. And another member reached out to and said that they are using team kind humans with their Girl Scouts troop. And so they just spent time writing letters for nature to send to reserve a which Reserva is coming into the membership next week, which will be very fun on Monday. If you want to join. Just email me I'll send you the link Katie at team kind humans.com. Come on in, check it out. Talk to Joe. He's amazing. He was actually the very first guest on my podcast. Way back in the day last year, I think in June was when I started. And he's coming in to talk to the kids about his organization, the organization Reserva and how kids can get involved and how simply writing a letter for nature is backed by$3. And Kate can save a classroom sized piece of the cloud forest in Ecuador. So it's a really tangible way for kids to give back. So if you're interested and you want to come in and you're not part of the membership, just email me I'll send you the link. I want you there. So come on in. Okay, you are in for a treat for this episode because I have the honor and the privilege of sitting down with Lindsay Brin. She is in charge of moms in the fitness, which I have been doing since Alice was probably maybe one I found her DVD at Target. And it was right after having Alice like wanting to get back into shape and try new things. And I was drawn to her DVD because it had a picture of her with her kids hanging on her and I thought she gets it. She understands me. So I gave her a try and I loved it. And now she has a whole streaming service of amazing exercise workout videos for moms and I have actually bonded with my best friend over Lindsey Bryn because she and I will go back and forth about our workouts for the day or giving each other a high five or encouragement or sticker charting together and we've been doing it now for our since our boys were babies, which now they're seven. So, a long time we've been doing Lindsay Brin. And so when I told my friend her name's Lindsay as well, when I told her that I was going to interview, Lindsay Brin, she said, I'll be there. So, today, I have a co host. I've never done a co host before, but I think I need to add one because it was so fun. So my friend Lindsey is here to co host with me as we talk to Lindsay brand about her program, and the amazing benefits of exercise and self care and what that means for moms. So you're in for a treat, and I hope you enjoy and there's some interesting stories that come out. So have fun hearing some sneak peeks or little inside peeks into my life and my fitness journey. And some things My husband has gifted me a few enjoy. Lindsey Rin is fantastic. Mom's into fitness, you're going to want to sign up for that. So head on over to her website, moms and fitness.com You won't regret it. She has amazing programs. You can follow along with daily workouts, you can do month long workouts, you can do different groupings of workouts, she's got it all postpartum. If you have, I'm going to say this wrong. diastasis diastasis diastasis recti. That abdominal split. She talks to you about that she has a whole community with healthy eating and balance and all the things she's going to tell you about it. I'm kind of spoiling the things she's going to talk about because I'm so excited. Anyways, I'm gonna stop talking now because I know you're gonna love this episode. So let's get to it. Without further ado, please welcome Lindsay Brin. Lindsey Bryn. Welcome, welcome. Welcome to the raising Cain humans podcast. This has been a long time coming in. I cannot believe it's happening. But I'm so beyond grateful that you're here. So welcome.

Lindsay Brin:

Thank you for having me. I'm so humbled to be here.

Katie Doughty:

This is going to be so much fun. And I have to share with you I don't normally have a co host. But my very dearest bestest friend, also named Lindsay is here. And we have absolutely bonded over mom's into fitness. And so when I told her that you were coming on the podcast, she told me, I'll be there. She is here. And I'm so grateful that she is because my journey through your world has been absolutely enhanced by her presence. So my friend Lindsey, welcome. I'm so excited that you're here as well. Thank you.

Linds Asmus:

I'm very, very excited to be here.

Katie Doughty:

We were just chatting that we were going to try to control our fangirling over you. So we apologize if we get a little out of here because we're very excited. This is gonna be fun. So for the sake of two Lindsay's both within a why Lindsey brand, I'll call you Lindsay and Lindsay ausmus. I'll call you Lynn's. So that will be a little more clear. For those listening.

Lindsay Brin:

Sounds good?

Katie Doughty:

Yeah. So let's do this. Okay, so Lindsay, let's dive in. Please tell us about yourself. How did you get here to this amazing subscription program of fitness and workouts for moms? Where did it all start?

Lindsay Brin:

It all started watching my mom teach aerobics. I went with her wherever she went to teach and I just loved watching her serve others it was fascinating to me. So we did work out together, I got my degree in Exercise Science and I just always knew it was something that I wanted to do. And at the time after I got my degree and stuff, I was overseeing seven women's health clubs, and I was teaching all overseeing all the fitness schedules. And when it came to find was pregnant moms and postpartum moms like they didn't have anything to go off of. So I dove into that research and and then cut mom's into fitness kind of came about and it's it's been such a journey, you know, I feel like it started in the dinosaur age back with DVDs. And then it's just, you know, it's feedback from our moms and balancing things out that kind of keeps moms into fitness. Improving and being a good source for you guys.

Katie Doughty:

Oh my gosh, I love that and it's true. Like having it be geared towards moms has made all the difference for me because I know in my fitness journey after having children I tried other things. I think I tried p90x And that was like one of those moments where I thought man you do not understand me you do not understand my needs like obviously you did not just for the child are you paying a little when you do your squats know this isn't working for me. So when I found you, he just became so instantly relatable, I felt seen, I felt heard, I felt valued. And I'm so grateful for that. I love hearing that. I

Lindsay Brin:

just love hearing that. And you're so right needs to be geared towards our lives because they are. They're different. I mean, we're overseeing so many other people and so many other things that exercise should feel good. And you should feel confident and encouraged by it. Not stressed out and having urinary incontinence and feeling totally defeated, because you can't do an hour and a half workout. Absolutely.

Linds Asmus:

Yeah, I think that was huge for me to just one the time because like, I remember when we had our babies, and they would nap for you know, 30 minutes. And that's the only window that we had. And so being able to squeeze that workout in, in my bedroom, I didn't have to have special equipment. And just having your positive messages in my head the whole time was just like, I can do this. I can do this.

Katie Doughty:

Yeah, absolutely uplifting. Now, you were an NFL cheerleader. Am I correct? In that?

Lindsay Brin:

You are Yeah, tell us like it was so long ago. As I was growing up and teaching fitness and doing fitness with my mom, I was also a dancer and a gymnast. So it was kind of just, for me, just another thing I just wanted to try. And it was great. It was great. Yeah.

Katie Doughty:

So I found your DVD at Target, I think, around 2014 after my daughter was born, and I was looking for things. And I remember I still remember the picture that you had on the front, and it was you. And I think your kids are climbing all over you in the in the photo and I thought, that's the lady I need. I need her in my life because she gets it. And so I remember doing that and loving it. When did you switch to online only a subscription model like when did that jump happen?

Lindsay Brin:

Well, I've got a funny story about the DVD, I had to fight to keep myself on the cover because they wanted to use a cover model. And then they didn't care what was on the inside. They just wanted the package to sell. And so it became a very defeating environment. Because we had our DVDs at like Target and Best Buy and Walgreens. And every single one of them said the same thing. We don't care about the inside, we only care about what's on the cover. And I so I care about both, and then ended up being one of the longest shelf. I remember the term longest shelf life of a pregnancy and postnatal, I'm DVD because if that I think that matters. It's not just about selling DVDs, it's about serving others, you know, because that's what we're here to do, right? So anyway, that kind of at that time I started looking into apps were kind of coming about. And we had a custom app for a really long time. And I didn't like anything about it, because then I was wearing too many hats. You know, technology was breaking and everything was new at the time. But that was probably I want to say, Gosh, seven or eight years ago. And then we've learned a lot of things the hard way. And then within the last year, we've actually settled with a wonderful, wonderful company who runs everything for us, so that I can just concentrate on on the fitness side.

Katie Doughty:

Yes, we do it. We love your rebrand. It's been looking beautiful and so streamlined and easy to find. And can you tell us that a little bit about your program like if a mom is new and looking for these easy, simple workouts to do, what is she going to find inside your membership.

Lindsay Brin:

So if you are pregnant, or postnatal, or you have an abdominal separation, which is kind of common. We have programs like specific to those and those you will find meet your time budgets, they cater to your body in that specific time period. And then we also have our weekly schedule, which is my favorite. Because you can choose three times a week, four times a week or five times a week, again, so that we feel confident and that the workout workouts are serving us. Not that oh my gosh, I can't do five days a week. So the weekly schedule really meets you where you are. The workouts range anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes. And my goal is to really balance everything out. So you've got your like your really popular workout. It's like a hit workout, a high intensity interval training workout. But you really should only do those twice a week because otherwise you're really taxing your nervous system, your hormones get out of whack. So that's what we really try to do every week is balanced those workouts out so that again you leave feeling refreshed and good and you sweat it out the stress and that's my goal. Is that you feel that way? So

Linds Asmus:

I've noticed since we've been with you for like seven years, I've noticed a big shift probably in the last like, one to two years of you really focusing on more of like listening to your body being kind your body not pushing it to the metal, every single workout. Has that been a transition for you personally? Can you tell us about that?

Lindsay Brin:

I'm so glad you asked. So yes, it has been a personal journey for me. But I also love reading the research. And I know not everybody loves reading the research. So I like to read the research and then apply it to everything that we're doing. And there has been a huge uptick in research about stress and cortisol and the nervous system and things like that. So not only was it a personal journey, but it was also professional and finding all of the research. And I mean, why does it take us so long to figure out, listen to your body? If it's telling you workout is a no go today, that's fine. Go for a 20 minute walk when you find that time, just simple movement. I think we overcomplicated it for so long. And I don't think we served everybody well. So hopefully as things evolve in the research comes, comes out that we all learn that it's just about simply moving everyday and feeling good. I think

Katie Doughty:

that's what I love about your program is that however I'm feeling that day, I can find a workout that will match it. And I tend to thrive on sticker charts. So you have different programs where you can do like a six week program, or an eight week program or four weeks in there. You know, it's kind of themed to whatever it is you're working on. And I love sticker charts. I love to put them down. But I'm not always the best of following through and then I feel defeated, right? Like, oh, I didn't get my sticker for the day. I'm out. I gotta start over. And it reminds me of like, I don't know if you've ever read Jon Acuff I know Lindsey has, because I made her read his book finish. But he always said, he has this phrase called The Day After perfect. And it's how do you handle the first time you fail at your goal? What are you going to do the next day? And I was like, Oh, my gosh, I always just quit. I always pick a new goal, because I didn't finish this goal. So why should I even continue. But that little shift and thinking really helped me move through it? So I guess my question is like, what motivation do you have for moms who are ridiculously busy, super tired all the time? Why should they make this a priority? And why should they keep going, even if they miss their sticker for the

Lindsay Brin:

day, you're not alone and loving the sticker charts, like for a minute, for a very short minute, we got rid of like the layout calendars. And everyone's like, I love the calendars, because I can check it off. I just say you are not alone. But and I think that's why we've also seen a shift within mom's into fitness is that never ever, ever, is it going to be perfect? Never is your week going to look the same. So it really is to just show up and move. Of course results can be very motivating, which is how we've kind of balanced the workouts per each week, their bounce to provide results. So results can always be motivating. But I always just I love how I feel after moving. And again, moving doesn't have to we don't need to overcomplicate it doesn't have to be an intense workout every time but you always feel better after moving. So one of my favorite rules is called the five minute rule where you move for five minutes, usually five minutes into like, okay, I can hang out here for about 15 more minutes. And then and then you and then you feel good. Because you know again, going back to the research, we all know that exercise releases all those feel good hormones, and you always feel better on the other side. But it is it is such a challenge to make it a priority. And especially when you have younger kids, I know when my kids were, I mean gosh, they grow so stinking fast, my eldest is 15 now but when they were younger if it if I had to get up at 4am If I wanted to get anything done because I would get up at five and all of a sudden somebody was up with me. So I every season of life, give yourself a goal and give yourself grace when you don't match it. But it's gonna be different in every season. That's what I've come to find.

Katie Doughty:

I love that. That's absolutely true. I guess then my next question is how do you model for your kids? Because you are in the fitness industry and you you have to work out all the time because this is your job. So how do you model balance for them specifically in in taking care of your body but also taking rest breaks in handling that?

Lindsay Brin:

I love that question and I have to say I have not figured it out. But I am doing my best and you know my kids all all three of them are Athletes so we have conversations a lot of times, obviously in the car, about, you know what you have, you've played soccer five days this week, you need a break. And I mean, they know I do exercise they love sometimes exercising with me, My son loves to go running with me. But I, for me, I try to keep it that space just for me. And then talk about fitness and health in regards to what what their fitness and health journey looks like. I like I said, I don't, I don't think I haven't quite figured out but but I do. We all want our kids to learn good healthy habits, right. And so a lot of times, even over the summer, like I won't post on Instagram stories, because I don't want my kids seeing me always in front of a phone talking about health and fitness. You know, so they're all in school. So I really try to use that time keep that space as my own

Linds Asmus:

way, talking a little bit just about like that mental health piece and stuff like that. I know, the fitness industry, social media, like all of that can be really hard on your mental health. And like body image, especially in the fitness industry, like all of that, how do you balance all of that coming in all the time in it's not necessarily positive most of the time.

Lindsay Brin:

You're so right, and that I have to create boundaries for myself when it comes to that. I really try to stay off of social media, because for me, I know it gives me stress every time I open it up because I see somebody doing something and I'm like, why can't I do it that way? Why doesn't my kitchen look that clean? You know, things like that. So I've created a lot of boundaries. And I've also been, Oh, I've been so lucky and so blessed to have my friend Jess, she's been working with me for 12 years. And so she is often my eyes and my ears and things that would really settle into my heart, she can really, you know, not let it settle into hers. And then let me know if there is something that I need to approach or talk about. So I've really got a wonderful group of moms that work with me, and they really helped me with those boundaries. If that answers your question.

Linds Asmus:

Yeah, yeah, it does. That's really good. I'm sure you get all kinds of comments from your mom community, some of them probably not. So kind. So yeah, I was just curious, like how you keep yourself positive and be kind yourself, when you've got all that stuff coming in. And boundaries is huge in that?

Lindsay Brin:

It is it is and it took me a long time to get there. Like it wasn't, it wasn't easy. I mean, for every negative thing that was said, I forgot the other 99 positive things. And I think as a mom, I'm trying to teach my kids that same thing. You know, remember the 99 positive things instead of the one negative. But gosh, it's so hard, isn't it? It's really hard. I spent a lot of time My My prayers are open all day talking to God about everything. And that, you know, he settles my heart and a lot of things and puts things into perspective.

Katie Doughty:

Oh, yeah, absolutely. And I think you hit it on the head when you said, you have a supportive group of moms working with you. And I think that's true for all of us whether we own a business or we don't having a friend or two that can be there to remind you of all those 99 positive things, and let you know that it's okay to let go of that one comment. I was in the car coming home after a celebration of life and I had messaged my lens, and I said, I am literally eating candy and straight out of a bag of chips right now. And she goes, you eat those chips, right? Like I'm gonna validate for you, that you, you just went through something really hard. And it's okay to feel the way you're feeling. You do what you need to do to take care of yourself. And that's so, so meaningful to me to have a supportive group of moms. And I feel like you've created that in this world of moms into fitness. You're not necessarily on social media, but you also just started a community. And so I feel like I have what I was looking for, because now I get to hear more from you and your community. So do you want to speak to your new community that's kind of getting started and what's offered in there?

Lindsay Brin:

Absolutely. I think you nailed it though. We all need like a validation that says it's okay. It's okay. It's okay. And I am the first one to never say eat perfect. You know, I mean it. Nobody can, nobody can. But yes, inside this community. We've also brought in another one of my great friends. She's a registered dietician, and she just loves and cares for others. And kind of helping them pinpoint. Maybe just some different habits to change things that will make you feel better. So she's in that community and then I'm just there to answer questions and to come alongside because I everybody's in a different season of life. For For some, they might be coming off of a surgery and haven't worked out in a couple of years and just really trying to come alongside with encouragement. And it's not just me in there that's doing the encouragement. All of the moms are it. I love reading the comments, because everybody is so encouraging towards each other.

Katie Doughty:

Yeah, it's a beautiful space that I think is so powerful for moms and going back to what you said about supporting each other. In, in what's happening at the time, Lindsay and I have a few hashtags that we send each other. One of them is hashtag sometimes miss a Monday, instead of never. Sometimes it says hashtag sometimes miss Monday, but not today. Like I did it. I did my Monday workout.

Linds Asmus:

I love it. Okay, so my favorite hashtag that we have is give me all the brand buns

Katie Doughty:

wasn't it that the password for the Zoom call to what? My Okay, I'm gonna share a story. And maybe this is a little too TMI, but it was after it started working out with you. And I had put on this pair of pants and I was feeling pretty good. And my husband complimented my butt. Okay. And he does, he's not about that. Like, that's not a thing for him to really do. And I was like, yeah, and he said something about my brain buttons. Because when I go to work, I'm like, we use Brynn as a verb. Bryn is a verb in our house. I'm gonna go bring did you bring today? And so my husband was like, Are you going to work on those bread buns? It's just become this thing. That is so lovely.

Lindsay Brin:

How it came about. Yeah, one thing that can mean so much, you know, right.

Linds Asmus:

Now, when we do like a hard workout, we'll be texting each other like, Oh, give me all those Bryn buns because you can hardly walk.

Katie Doughty:

I say your story. Oh, my God. So much information for the world to hear. But one Valentine's Day, we don't tend to do gifts. But I came home to some roses and a pair of these gorgeous sparkly workout leggings. In the card it was now you can have your own pair of Brynn hot pants. He got for some reason he calls workout leggings, hot pants, like I don't know where that term came from. But he was like, now you have your own pair

Linds Asmus:

of hot pants.

Katie Doughty:

Actually thoughtful. He asked me he's like, are you gonna wear your hot pants on your interview today?

Lindsay Brin:

And they're sparkling.

Katie Doughty:

They're smart. They're like silver sparkly. Yes. They're really cute. I was actually really impressed with the sentiment behind it to like, it really meant a lot to me because he's supporting me on this journey in this kind of weird way. Right? Yeah.

Lindsay Brin:

That's, that's a lovely story. I love stories like that. Yeah,

Katie Doughty:

you are definitely part of our home. My kids know and love you. They're like, Oh, are you bringing and then they'll come and join me. Which it really is a verb are you bringing Are you bringing you need to you need to make this a thing because this is how it is in our house. Like Alison Bennett, they'll grab my weights and and usually they'll steal my weights from me while I'm trying to do my workout. And I'm the type of car like I'm in it, I gotta get it done. And then I have to take a step back and let them be a part of it. It's really hard for me because I want to just like get it done. And Mama doesn't talk and work out. But they are following along. And and I think if you could take a second to talk about the concept of modeling for your kids. What this healthy lifestyle looks like, I would love to hear your opinion on that.

Lindsay Brin:

Well, I think you nailed it. Like so many times we get into a workout and we're like, Okay, I have 20 minutes. And then I literally have to bolt go somewhere else do other things. So I think we all have that mentality that we just have to have to go. I know several times when I've been filming. Specifically my youngest daughter loves to jump in and I used to frustrate me which is such an awful thing to say because, you know, I've got this amount of time and I've got to film this and and then now whenever she walks in she's just part of it. I mean, there was one I filmed this summer and she's asking me when she can have hot dogs for lunch. You might

Katie Doughty:

love for that. Let me show you and it couldn't

Lindsay Brin:

be more loud, like hot dogs, my hot dogs

Katie Doughty:

and I love how you you turn back to the camera and you're like, yes, it's summer like this is just how life works. But that that validates me to to like let things go. Things are gonna happen. Include your kids. It doesn't matter. I remember being so impressed that you left that and you didn't stop. You didn't rerecord or whatever. There was another one too. I think someone wanted to play with a friend like a friend was there. Oh, yeah. And you're like, I literally have seven minutes I'll be up in seven minutes and then you can go play with your friend or whoever it was. She was

Lindsay Brin:

stood at the stairs that entire until the end.

Katie Doughty:

But I love it. It just makes me feel so seen because I always have eyes on me when I'm doing my workout too. And I'm trying to like know, okay, know your lunchboxes upstairs, know, your toys, or whatever it is, and trying to have those conversations. And so are you. And so that relatability is just what I absolutely love about you.

Lindsay Brin:

Yeah, I mean, we don't ever check out of being a mom, even for those 20 minutes. It's we're always on, which I think is also why it's important to exercise, especially as we get older, and we want to stay strong, because we're always mentally and physically on for our kids.

Katie Doughty:

Yeah, yeah. Linds. Did you have another question? That you wanted to ask?

Linds Asmus:

I don't actually remember you. Oh, that's okay. No, that's one thing about kids, but I can't remember what it was

Katie Doughty:

about kids. Yeah. Um, I think just fitting in the time was one of our biggest questions like, what's your biggest advice for mom, a busy mom? That's like, how do I get this done? How do I fit this in? And I think, yeah, go for it.

Lindsay Brin:

I think unfortunately, back in like infomercials. And now social media, everything in our face says you have to do this many times a week, to see results to feel good to A, B, and C. And I think we all need to go in the mentality with every week is going to be different. So maybe one week that means three, I'm going to work out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and maybe the next week, you've got a bigger time budget, and you can add some more. So I would say just set up a weekly goal or whatever that might be. And if you aren't feeling it, and you don't want to press play, and you don't want to pick up a weight or you don't want to do a crunch, go for a walk. I always say you know, walk 10 minutes from your house and then walked him and it's back. I mean, just that movement is so important for our bodies. I love that resembles and everything else.

Katie Doughty:

Yeah, which can you speak a little more to the science of exercise. And I've noticed too, lately, you've added a lot more like deep breathing and breath work into your kind of closing. And so can you speak to that of why that's important, why we should be focusing on that and why you decided to put it in.

Lindsay Brin:

So a lot of that is the nervous system, we have, you know, our fight or flight system. And what I really want the workouts to be is a place where you feel good, and you leave the workout feeling good, not showing up stressed, and then leaving the workout feeling stressed. So what research has shown is that high intensity or vigorous exercise should be done one to three times a week. And then on the other days, you should incorporate a lower intensity still challenging because you still want to challenge your muscles incorporate lower intensity to pair with those. So with that said within, so we balance that out. And then within each workout, we're really trying to settle the nervous system and get your body out of that state of stress. Because exercise is a stress a stressor. It's a good stressor. But you don't want to stay in that state of stress all day long. You know, we're I mean, we could feel it, I think our bodies can feel it when we're in that state of stress. So I really started incorporating big diaphragmatic breathing at the beginning and at the end of every workout just to help our bodies stay balanced.

Linds Asmus:

I think that I've been learning a lot just personally about the effect of like nervous system dysregulation and all kinds of symptoms that are correlating with that. And so adding that into them when I'm doing the workouts has just been so good. And a lot of times you'll say like, Okay, I'm done, but, you know, you can keep breathing. And so if nobody's interrupted me yet, like that's what I'll do, like you'll stop and I'll just keep doing my breathing.

Lindsay Brin:

I love that. I love that. Yeah, we actually we used to have in our app, it was an automatic autoplay to the next video, and we just programmed it or coded it or whatever it's called. So that doesn't happen anymore. So the app once the workout is finished, it'll be nice and quiet. So it'll stay quiet

Katie Doughty:

yet I actually noticed that because it would be this a little bit panic of like no not ready to see the next one and I'm done. I need to finish whatever this is or strip continue stretching like you always encourage more stretching. Um, okay, what was I gonna say? One thing I love about your workout. Oh, that Strike. I love two things. One, you're so encouraging. I feel like you're talking directly to me. And I'm talking to you just know that I'm talking back to you. Because there are times where I don't know how you do this, you'll have this magic ability to know what I need to hear at the moment that I need to hear it because I will be doing something. And I'll be like, Oh, my gosh, I can't do this. And you're like, yes, you can. Yes, you can. I was like, No. Like, yes, I can. Yes, they can. So you're super encouraging, which I absolutely love. And then I love how all inclusive it is, it is literally press play. And by the time it stops, I don't have to go do anything else. For the day, my day is done. I have joined and quit gyms several times. And I always come back to mom's into fitness, because I think I'm gonna get out of the house, and I'm going to run on the treadmill, and I'm gonna try all these weights. And then I get to the gym alone. What am I supposed to do here, it took me an hour to get here because I had to feed my kids change my kids, get them close, like get everybody in the car, then I get here and I don't know what to do. I don't fill my time, efficiently. But then with your workouts like 20 minutes, I'm good to go. It takes all of the stress work out of that. So thank you, I guess what I'm trying to say is, thank you for that, because it's the biggest gift I could ask for in my fitness journey.

Lindsay Brin:

Well, thank you for trusting me. And as we were talking like right when we got on got on the phone is that I take it so seriously that you're spending your workout time with me that you spent seven years with me. So when you show up, I want to make sure that those 2025 or 30 minutes that they are used absolutely efficiently and they will serve your body well.

Katie Doughty:

So thank you for saying that. Right? Yeah,

Linds Asmus:

I love it, too. I'm actually almost through your half marathon training plan. So I've got like two more weeks until my race and it has just been so perfect. The workout days where I'm working out at home are just like exactly what I need right then. And then you know, the runs and yeah, it's been it's been really good. I love that

Lindsay Brin:

you've got a couple of weeks to go. Good luck with your half marathon.

Linds Asmus:

Thank you. Quite a feat. Yeah. And that's a time sucker

Lindsay Brin:

that will suddenly you know, those longer runs that will?

Linds Asmus:

I know, I know. And I definitely, and probably a question too, I can tell a difference. So I did my first marathon like 15 years ago, before I had kids, my body was so different. And now I'm post 35. And I've had three kids, and wow, like, I can feel such a difference in my body. My recovery time is like two or three times what it used to be. Sometimes I don't get my sticker on my sticker chart, because I can just feel that I need more recovery time, then the workout says that I do you know, so I've been trying to listen to my body and give myself grace. But I hear you talk about that often in your workout like, Okay, ladies, you know, some of us are post 35. And like, how has that been for you like a learning curve in your own personal fitness journey and just as you've gotten older. So

Lindsay Brin:

sarcopenia is muscle loss after the age of 35. This is going to sound really harsh, but then we're going to follow it up with something really positive, we lose three to 8% of our muscle mass every decade. So after the age of 35, it is probably the most important time to incorporate strength training in your routine. And I think too, as we get older, you know, our hormones are changing our metabolism with that sarcopenia your metabolism also goes down because of the loss of muscle mass. So you offset that by strength training at least twice a week. So that is that is what the research shows.

Katie Doughty:

But I would say

Lindsay Brin:

for me, the journey, it's just always been a journey, you know, all always learning more and realizing just how important strength is because, you know, 10 years ago, it was all like, how long and how far can you run and kickbox and do the cardio and the research and then our bodies are just telling us that strength component is just so extremely important. And I I enjoy doing the strength training. Sometimes I love to run too, but I enjoy doing the strength training sometimes even more than the cardio element.

Linds Asmus:

Yeah, it's been a transition for me because I used to I also have a background in the fitness industry and cardio used to be my jam and I was like, bring it out. I don't need a strength train like whatever. And now I do I thoroughly enjoyed the strength training and I can tell the difference in my body and just how much stronger I mean strength training but stronger it makes me feel and I think it's good for those days to that I just don't feel like I can hit a hard workout and I need some recovery, where your strength training workouts, they're not leaving me like, oh my gosh, totally depleted, I feel like okay, I got some good strength in there, but I still feel rejuvenated to tackle the rest of the day. Even though I'm kind of walking like a draft, sometimes, you know,

Lindsay Brin:

that time you explained it best that is like the perfect spot to be you don't want to be depleted or drained or completely fatigued for the rest of it, because that means you pushed your limits a little too far. So that's exactly what the workout should do. And then, as you mentioned, recovery, recovery, so important too. So again, listening to your body. And sometimes they call it D loading or Recovery Week, where you you're not necessarily taking the week off, but you're just doing a little bit less. And that really helps your body and your mind reset itself. So that you show up a week later, ready to do more.

Linds Asmus:

Yeah, I noticed every time I'm stressing myself out, because I didn't get my sticker on all the days that I needed. I hit that long run, and I nail it. And I'm like, okay, really, it's okay, like I just training ourselves to be able to listen to our bodies and give ourselves grace is so hard.

Lindsay Brin:

Isn't it wild? And we'll tell our kids that all day long. Give yourself grace. And then here we are the hardest hardest on ourselves.

Katie Doughty:

Yeah, absolutely. I think too. I think exercise and fitness and kindness go hand in hand. Because I truly feel like a better mom when I get my workouts in. Because I won. It's kind of a competence boost of showing up for myself feeling better. And then to just modeling for my kids what it looks like. And now that I'm fueled up, I can help you. It's kind of like put your own mask on before you put on someone else's.

Lindsay Brin:

Well, your own cup, and then you got more to pour. Yeah,

Katie Doughty:

no, you said that perfectly. Yeah. So that yes, showing up for myself is actually a benefit. It's not selfish. It's not something that I need to be worried about putting that time in, because it's actually helping my kids in the long run. So do you have anything to add to that as far as how you can show up in this world differently, having taking care of your body?

Lindsay Brin:

I think you nailed it. I mean, it we are giving ourselves strength and confidence and calmness in Oregon or aid, you know, organized thoughts and less anxiety and less stress. Going back to the research, it was 75,000 individuals working out two times a week reduced depression, anxiety and stress by over 50%. And that was just to that was to 20 minute walks each week. That's all it was. I don't say all because you know, it's still workout two times a week, but just that movement can really, it can help you show up and serve your kids and your husband better it can help you just feel better. And I know it's contagious. You know, when we feel good. And we're smiling and we're kind it's contagious to everybody around us. So if we can do that with a simple workout. You know, I, I always say I always think it's something as simple as a workout can change the tune of your day. And I really think it can.

Linds Asmus:

Oh, true. Yeah. All right. There's one workout of yours that I like, and I don't remember which one it is, but I've done it tons of times. And in it. You're talking about how exercise is a mood booster for us and how sometimes your husband be like, Honey, I think maybe you should go for a run. Here's your shoes. Yeah. And it just cracks me up so much. Because like when he gets you he gets how good that is for you. But yeah, like, I can totally tell when I haven't had that workout. And how just much more grumpy I am.

Lindsay Brin:

Oh, my husband, he dangles my shoes a lot.

Katie Doughty:

Goodness, I am curious your thought to on? How do you approach the subject of fitness and exercise with children in helping them you know, appreciate their body but not be obsessed with how their body looks. That one's really tricky. And I know for me and Linds, we've talked about this before about how when I say I'm gonna go do a workout I usually try to add on I feel so much better after my workout. I feel like I can, you know, tackle the day or I think more clearly or I'm more energized instead of focusing on like, Oh, I'm trying to get my stomach back to normal or my arms are flabby or whatever that is. Do you have tips for moms in how they talk to their kids?

Lindsay Brin:

I wish I did. And I have to say it is like what you do where you're correlating it with how it makes you feel or what it does for you. I never ever and I as you guys know throughout the videos I never talked about esthetics, I might say, you know, this sculpture shoulders. But we're not talking about losing belly fat and weight loss. Because we don't want our little ears or little kids hearing things like that they don't. I mean, society is going to, unfortunately, say all those things on social media and everything. So we definitely want to stay in a place of positivity. I know with my own children, it's always just about good health and fitness habits. It's not about it's never about weight loss. It's never about aesthetically looking this way it is. For my kids. As I mentioned earlier, I always bring it back to like their sport. So I've got my youngest is a horseback rider. Just yesterday, my husband went and the day before he actually went and got them all ice cream at night, and she had some leftover. And they said, you're welcome to have ice cream before horseback riding. But you might want to make a better choice before you go do your sport. So just kind of coordinating. You know, you don't want to be on a sugar rush before your ride horse type thing. But I never I don't know, I'm not even sure if I'm giving good advice. But I never correlated with losing weight or not gaining weight or anything like that. It's more how's it going to make you feel when you go to your sport. This is how it makes me feel. Just really teaching good nutrition habits if we can, you know, really always trying to reach for fruit and fresh vegetables, which is my kid that loves hot dogs. She does not like vegetables. So we're you know, we all have we all have one or two in the house that they eat that way that where they just refuse all the fresh offerings that you have. But I yeah, I don't have a good answer. And I wish I did. But I think you said it best just correlating it with how it makes you feel and what it does for you and not.

Katie Doughty:

Yeah. And I think including them in the process, like you say about eating fresh fruits and vegetables, like including them in the process of preparing a meal, including them in the process of doing your workout, you know, just so that they know that they're along for the ride with you that you value. having them do things with you. Going back to the vegetables I had, my son was I think he was like five at the time, refused to eat the vegetable soup that we made like just didn't even want to talk about whole thing. The next time I had him make it with me, he was in charge of we have a chopper, and he loves to push it down. And so I had him helped me make the entire meal. And he was so excited to eat it. And I thought oh, what a simple shift in helping them realize, like being feeling like he's connected to the process, he had an important role to play. And now he wants to eat it because he made it. And so I think the same thing is true with exercise, you know, not saying okay, if you have to get a workout and you need to move your body, do it with them go for a walk, it's meaningful for them. And they they want to be doing what you're doing. So I think those two things go hand in hand.

Lindsay Brin:

They do and just like it like that one on one time that your children crave with you if you can do it, when you're cooking, or when you're doing it. what's already going to be part of your day. I think that's wonderful thing. Yeah. And I know our Registered Dietician has always said, Have your kids help you cook and they are more likely to try more things?

Linds Asmus:

Oh, true. Yeah, we both homeschool. And a lot of times in our morning, I we both have boys, but I have two little boys. And they have got to get that energy out first thing in the morning. And so like going for a walk and just helping them to connect like, Okay, we went for a walk Doesn't your brain like doesn't it feel like it turned on? And when we got that movement in like, I think like you said, helping to connect how they feel with the choices that they're making? And like same thing with soccer. Okay, well, how did that snack make you feel versus this one with protein in it? And my kids will now ask, Oh, Mom, is this good for me? Which I just appreciate that they're starting to be aware of what they're putting in their bodies? And is that a good choice or not? Do they make it all the time? No, but at least they're asking.

Katie Doughty:

I think so too. Alice does the same thing. She's just been granted privileges to ride her bike around the loop. So the first time she did it, she goes by herself and she comes back and she goes, Mom, I have got to do this every day. It's such a great way to clear your head. And I thought that's

Lindsay Brin:

smart cookie. Recognize that?

Katie Doughty:

Yes. And now she will ask can I go? Can I go for a loop? I'm gonna go for a loop. And she she's making the connections. And it's those moments where I'm like, oh, it's paying off like, I never know. Are you listening? Is it working? Is it going in your brain? Do you understand what I'm trying to help you with? And then those moments are the big payoffs that I think, Okay, this is working and I need to keep keep the course stay the course.

Lindsay Brin:

Absolutely. I'm noticing that with my oldest who's 15 And she has a friend that drives because they're at that age, which is a whole new season of life for me and I'm not I will never be ready for it. But they will go OUT out to eat and you know, go get things without me there. And I do. I'll just ask her that not out of curiosity, just making conversation. Oh, where'd you guys go? What do you eat? And she is making good sound? Not all the time. Good sound, you know, decisions? It who doesn't love Chick fil A? You know, but but I do. I do think that we eventually see. See it come full circle. Yeah. Yeah. And I hope it never comes in with my own children. I hope it never comes in a negative way. And I think with what I do, I've always I pray about that constantly, that it never comes back in a negative space or some sort of eating disorder or any, you know, things that can be so common among teens. Yeah, which is a whole nother category with social media and things like that. But yeah, it does just back to the eat healthy sort of your body? Well, I don't think we need to make it too complicated for the kids.

Katie Doughty:

Yes, an open conversation. Talk about what you're doing and why you're doing it. So that it makes more sense to them. And then I know to for Lindsay and I we've made the conscious decision, like we've talked about never to make comments about our own bodies in front of our children, because they're going to get that from the outside world. And so just making that conscious effort of, you know, Oh, I feel I feel really energized today. Like that's the way I'm going to compliment my body not like, Oh, I feel flabby today. You know, and so, I think it's a good reminder for families about just the way you speak to yourself carries over into the way your kids will speak to themselves and so something to can 100% Yeah. Any other questions? You have Linds before we kind of close out here.

Linds Asmus:

I think that was all the ones that I had. Yeah, we've

Katie Doughty:

hit we've hit our list. I'm gonna make sure. Oh, I have one more hashtag. Oh, no, I have a couple more things that you say. However gracefully you can get there. Literally. It's literally our life motto. Like however graceful you can get there in all aspects of my life.

Lindsay Brin:

Isn't that the truth? Yeah, as long as we get there, I'll ever

Linds Asmus:

said that. Do it. Right. She made me a mug. Oh, it says however gracefully you can get there on it. I should have brought it for our interview.


They so great.

Katie Doughty:

That's right. And then I also made her a t shirt. What did your T shirt say?

Linds Asmus:

Oh, I should grab it. It says fueled by coffee and hashtag and my F

Katie Doughty:

bombs. And that's how we survived. So honored. Oh, goodness. Okay.

Lindsay Brin:

I'm just talking because I'm you know, at that point in the workout also struggling like just how gracefully we get there. If you get a guy that works for

Katie Doughty:

you and guy that we feel seen, although I do have a hashtag that I will send sometimes and it's hashtag moms against burpees I do not love those.

Lindsay Brin:

I I am with you. i And sometimes they just get thrown in just to elevate the heart rate.

Katie Doughty:

Oh, they're affected over here. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I do them alongside you. But grumpily I do.

Lindsay Brin:

There will never be more than 10 or 12 of

Katie Doughty:

those. Okay, that's good to know. There's there's an end in sight. Perfect. Okay, I think those are all our sayings that we've done. If we think of any more, we'll be sure to let you know. Oh, lovely. But why don't you take a minute tell us and the audience? Where can we find all your things? If we want to? If someone wants to sign up for your programs? Where do they go?

Lindsay Brin:

Well, we have a website, mom's into fitness.com. And on there, you will find all sorts of different education pieces workouts, you'll also see a little button where you can start a seven day free trial. And what that seven day free trial is access to all of the workouts which I think there's like 750 At this point, all the programs, and then you can access that you'll use the same email or login to access either on a Roku or an iPhone or Android or fire TV or, you know, everywhere you get apps or on your computer. You get access to all that with one login. You can take brand wherever

Katie Doughty:

you go. You sure can. You're always there

Lindsay Brin:

and then you've got the community in there. As long as you're in one of the mobile apps, that's where you can find the community piece. Perfect.

Katie Doughty:

Well, this has been absolutely amazing and much anticipated. I love that we got to sit with you and actually have a response back because I talk to you all the time. So having you come back with actual answers to my question. This has been fantastic. So thank you for being here. I really appreciate it. Oh, this has been delightful. Thank you for having me.